2 minute read
S. IHl. lrwin JE[eated Pnesideuat of Central Cahf.ornia Lumhermen's C[ub
4tlhg. -regular_monthly luncheon and meeting of the Cen- tral California Lumbermen,s Club, held ai..Wilson,s,,, Stockton, on Saturday, December 8, the following officeis were elected to serve dufing 1924: President, S. FI. Irwin, Irwin Irumler C_o., E-scalon; Vice-President, Harry Fullerj Iuller l-umber Co., Lodi; Secretary and Treasurer, L. H. Elliott, Valley Lumber Co., Lodi.
The luncheon was presided over by R. F. Wells, who was president of the club during the pait year. This meeting being Ladies Day,, there weie a lirge number of the ladiei present. The luncheon was marked with considerable fun, which called for many of the mernbers present being fined. Thro-ugh the fines imposed, a sum of-$25.00 was"raised, which was donated to Children's Home of Stockton. to be used for bringing Christmas Cheer to the children.
After the luncheon, George Cornwall, editor of the Tim_ be-rman, gave -an interesting i-eview of the lumber market, a forecast of the Eastern and Railway market for 1924, and also gave_ an interesting discussion oi the Shingle question. C D. LeMaster, Snark of the lJniverse, spoke"of tire value of the Association and Hoo-Hoo Clubs. ^Chaplin Simokin gave an. interesting talk on present Hoo-Hoo conditions'and urged for a practical applicition of the ideals of the Order.
The session following rvas.given over to practical prob_ lems. An interesting dlscussion centered abbut a valuable exhibit of pictures from the Berkeley fire and an honest demonstration that the Shingle roof was not the factor of destruction. This valuable -exhibit was made hy Chas. Bird, of the Stockton Lumber Co. The whole diicussion ended in a demand for straight grain shingles of sufficient thickness not ruined by ovei kiln-drying ii the interest of lessened freight charges and also the itatement of some of the progressive dealers that they would not carry the cheaper grades of shingles.
The concat followed the dinner, which lvas also shared by the ladies, who left a-t- 8:00 p. m., as guests of the Club, to attend the theatre. {ft9r lhe dinner, J. R. Neylan, Mrs. C. D. IgMaster, Mrs. R. F. Wells and il4rs. L. i{. Eltioli, made brief and happy talks.
Vicegerent Williarnson and Junior Hoo-Hoo Walter P"\.T, aided by the Snark and other visitors staged a won_ d_erful Concat, that was highly enjoyed. The- following Kittens were initiated:
William A. Curtis-Union Planing Mill-Stockton.
Ernest R. Muzio-Stockton Lumbir Co.-Stockton. Thos. L. Gardners-Union Planing Mill-stockton.
Olin L. Russum-Charles R. McCormick & Co.-Stockton.
Herbert F. Silk-Enterprise Planing Mill Co.-Lodi.
Tracy H. McPherson-Escalon Lumber Co.-Escalon..
Henry F. Kalvelage-Trower Lumber Co.-San Francisco.
O. D. Ruse-surnmit Lumber Co.-stockton.
Ernest W. Doe, assistant-manager of the Stockton Lumber Co., was reinstated.
The nine who conducted the Kittens into the Order were: Snark, D. A. Williamson; Senior Hoo-Hoo, F. W. Trow'er; Junior Hoo-Hoo, Walter Baker; Bojum, George E. Ground; Scrivenoter, P. A. Simpkin i -Iabberwock, J. R. Neylan; Custocation, J. S. Hickok; Arcanoper, W. E. Seavy, and Gurdon, L. H. Elliott.
N. R. and L. J. Wentworth San Francisco Visitors
Na R. Wentworth, of Bay City, Michigan, president of the Santa Fe Lumber Co., and L. J. Wentworth, Vice-presi- dent and General Manager of the Dollar Portland Lumb.er Company,-of Portland, are spending a few days in San Francisco on business matters. Mr.-N. R. Wentworth came west by way of Portland, where he attended to some business affairs before proceeding to California. While in San Francisco, they witt tre the- guests of A. J. Russell, manager of the Santa Fe I-umber Co.
Mr. Forrest Wilso,n, energetic and well known sales rep- resentative for Fletcher & Frambes, Los Angeles wholesale.rs, is strutting. around considerable the list few days, telling the wid'e wide world that there never has been stich a fine boy as the one that arrived at his hou,se the other morrung.
_ The you-ngster weighs 8l pounds and accDrding to Forrest will be ready to sell iath and shingles .rrery sodn.