1 minute read
Rornance andlndustry -, Gold andTimber
joined in the uniqtre appropriateness oI our symbol-linked in fact as well as fiction.
For here in the heart oI this,our Western Iorest, the picksol Will Banion and his companions oI the'Correred Wagon' first struck gold.
And here todan in the heart of this same loresg vast in extent, mighty in the majesty oI its trees, the axes oI our woodsmen are biting. ln'49, a lorest shelter lor the miner bent on gold and adventure-iu'23 a Iorest zupply to house and shelterman kind and lurnish the lumberneedsof industry.
growing through the centuriee to matrred perfection,are ae fine in finished qualityae they are romantic in origin" In texture they have no erperior -in usefulness they afrcd the widestrange Exacting crrstomers partic. ularlylike our Bungalow andlap Siding,Fin ish Moulding and [at]u Ask for our semi-montlly price list
?rompt Shipment -v{Ivay s !
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