2 minute read
Benefrt to'I6ur Curtomers inWeyerhaeuserw
OLf are a practical man. Your customers are practical men. The 'Weyerhaeusers are practical, too. Everything they do is practical.
Practical lumber mahine. Practical lumber s,llingbecause it all points to practical help to the man who is going to buy the lumber lrom you.
You know your customers, their problems and needs. Look over this summary oI the Weyerhaeuser Plus. Is there any other lumber supply you know, that gives you such advantage in going after the customers best worth having?
You can travel all over the Uaited States aad aot ffad any0aer atan&ug timber thaa that on the W'eyerhaeueer properties. Filteen difrerent rlrcies-a variety sufficient to Eeet most of your requirements and the building aeedr ol your customers.
'Weyerhaeuser manufactures thir fiuc timber into high class specialtiee that sell last and bring you repeat busineaee dease Douglae Fir timbete lor the moetexacting useqPaciffc Coast Hemlock Flooring edge grain, eud matchedi Improved C,edar Siding that looks beaer and is beneq Pondoea Pine for general buildiag; Genuinc White Pine lor expooed uses and pattern*
Weyerhaeuser has plenty of timber lor today and lor many yean hence A buying connection with Weyerhaeuset is arr a8surance oI aa adequate sup ply ol aaleable lumber fq the Iuture ae well ae the prereaL
Call up the Weyerhaeuser Representative. Talk to him about a p er manent btq ing connection with Weyerhaeuser.
Here is utbat rffeyerbaeuser
girn tbe Lurnber Dealer to pass along to bis Custorners
Concentrated buying and concentrated selling. A call lrom a singleWeyerhaeuser Representative brings you all the difrerent kinds of lumber you need to supply a large part of your trade. Filteen difierent species oI lumber-including Douglas Fir, W'estern Red Cedar, Pacific Coast Ffemlock, Pondosa Pine, and Genuine White Pine.
The output oI 17 large mills-and three more buildin$ Shipping lrom 20 large stocks
Four huge Distributing Plants, with 10O,O0O,OOO feet oI lumber and 25,000,000 leet of timbers always on hand" Shipping in 24 hours iI necessary.
The finest stands oI timber in this counuy. Precise manufacturing Scientific seasoning,giving the user the nrarimum natural durability of the species.
Carelul handling and loading to insure delivery of tOOlo sdeable and usable stocks.
Sales-making specialties that attract trade and tepeat.
Quicker turnover on a smaller investmenLEasy buying. Regular supplies oI compact stocks. Fewer losses and less lumber thrown into the ttboneyard.t
The Weyerhaeuser Permanent Customer Plan, operated by W'eyerhaeuser Representativee who take care of their customers in seasolr and out oI season. A moet profftable arrangement lor the dealer who makes use oI it
\T we talk abour seasoning lumber v Y we do not mean simply drying it out Lumber seasoning at Weyerhaeuser mills is done by scientific processes to bring out the best qualities in the fects. Correcdy wood and to keep down deseasoned lumber looks better, gives more satislactory service, and lasts longer than lumber which is haphazardly ',dried."
... BonnersFerry,Idabo potlatchLu-berCo.. potlatcb,Idaho
" The Northern Lbr. Co. Cloquet,Minn. Snoqualmie Falls LmberCo.,Snoquelnie Fatk,vasb. Boise payette Lumber Co., Boise, rdaho llzood Conversioo Co. Cloquet,Mim. Bdward Rutledge Ticrber Co. Coeur d'ilenc, r,taho r/cyerhaeurerTnbr,Co.,Beltimore,Md. lveyerhreurer Timber Comprny, Minnesota Tnnsfcr, St. prul, Mitrn, VeyerhaeuserTimber Co., ponrnouth, R, I.

Johnson-lrentworth Co., Cloquet, Minn. Hubird Lumber Co. , Sendpoint, Idaho .V,eyerhaeuer Tmbr. Co., Everett,Vch.