1 minute read
He Got His Early
The good old darkey story that has been told in this qolumn, about lhe col,ored wornan who dropped into the northern whiti chrffch and began answering the preacher like they do,dopn,'So11ttU and who,,when she protested to the Deacon whorwquld have quieted her that shb was,"Getting religion," was told lo'.ilGo, outside, this is no place to get religion," haq,e gogd contrast in the left-over war story o.f two darkies who were"in the front line trenches for the first time.
When the first enemy shells burst near them, they got all the sbnsation''that tomes to those under fire foi lhe first time. Then in rapid'succession half a dpzen 'more shells fell in their neighborhood. t
Sam, of the shaking liiiees, was plumb white undbr his dusky skin, and shivering at this sudden,and unimaginable terror that had come upon them.
."Mose," he said quiveriirgly to his partner in many past escapades, "don'you think it's 'bout time we'all was gettin' religion?"
. "Nigguh," replied Mose, scornfully, "Yo' shot is a slow thinkin' boy. Ah got religion jes th' minute 'at fust shell busted."
Sands Eas;er-
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