1 minute read
ECUPSE lrlllt G0.
One of the long alleYs.
dent; W. Larson. Eureka, in charge of planer; Geo. Malloy, dent; W. Larson, Eureka, in charge of Planing Mill Department; Geo. Malloy, Logging Superintendent; .fohn .[Iedlund, Eureka, Yard Foreman; Colin McKennon, Eureka, in charge of orders; Clift Malcom, Eureka, looks -after rail shipments; A.'Johnson, Eureka, in charge of -dry kilns and Earl Arcklett,-Eureka, in charge of local sales.
In San Francisco, the general offices are in the Monadnock Building, and here may be found J. H. Holmes, Fred Holmes. and-Robert R. Plane, the latter being office manager. And here Fred Holmes meets with and directs his tfrree able salesmen who travel out of that office, Lloyd at IIoImes Eureha docbs. She has carried ozter thirty million feet for this company. Harris, who travels the Coast territory, Harvey Isenhower, who calls on the central valley trade, and W. G. Hamilton, who represents the company -in Southern California' This is as fine a group of hustling and up-standing young men as ever sold i product, and the firm swe,ars !l them.-.
This then, is a terse history and description of The Holmes-Eureka Lumber Company' a concern that makes quality and service its life aim.
Teacher: "Johnny, what are the various theories con: cerning the shape of the earth ?"
Johiny: "Beiore Columbus set out they.all.thougtrt it wis flat.'Then he proved it was round. Lately the evidence has shown it to be crooked."