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The past eleven months has witnessed the fourth high HOO TAKE NOTICE peak inihe building record of San Francisco.
Harry-!. {snso1, r,",.J *oling.Secretary orthe Los
$3S.1._. Hoo Hoo Club, -recently _sent out a notice to every Francisco for the eldven months of. 1926 to and including floo Hoo member listed in the Los Angeles District, ex- November 30. This is the fourth time in the history of thi plaining.the new financing scheme that had been adopted citythat such a total was reached and should December Uyjle C_lub, and enclosing a questionnaire card. - add to its average quota consisting of $5,000,000 then a new
The Club decided at a reCent meeting to adopt a new building record-of all time will haie been recorded. policy of financ.ing their_affairs, by having a definite mem- A suivey just completed among the builders and conLership' with dues at $5.00 per year, payable in advance. tractors indiiates thaf a building frogram of even greater Formerly the funds were raised by voluntary contribution, magnitude is scheduled for ihi nixt twelve rionths. the amount being left to the members, and this plan has Homes continue to bethe predominating factor in the never been satisfactory. present high figures.
Harry has received a large number of returns from the five huirdred notices sent oit, but he stated last week that
J. CARROLL too large a percentage of the members have failed to make After twenty years of faithful service as n-ig!r! wa_tchman a return. at the same lumber plant-Hogan Lumber & Mill Co., and
He wishes to notify these men that the return of the card later the Tilden Lunlber & Mill Co., Oakland-J. Carroll is essential, whether it contains an application for member- drop-p^ed -dead_while on his way hom_e_from work on Novemship in the Club, or not. On this questionnaire card there ber 30. Mr. Carroll had a remarkable record for continued are spaces for addresses, telephoni numbers, etc., and servic-e, having had just one night off from his duties durHarry is in hopes of getting i tnfu return of the cards, ing thetwenty years that he served these two lumber properly filled out, so that he can make an up to date rostet concerns. or_tne Los Angeles rjstnct members.
I Bentley Sells Eagle Rock Yard
In case you did not return your card-_,11^d_j,t T:: {"X y' rt"it-ci.t "rr-nir bought the Eagle iock yard of the destroyed it, please write Harry, care California Panel & ve-lreer company, 955 s. Alameia si.,-ro. Angeles, and he ""rfti:tr:H,?#?T"t""H;naser of this plant, since it was wlrl senq you anotner' bought by the Bentley Lum6'er Compaiy, from the Bet- w. D. DuNNTNG RETURNs FRoM Los ANGELEs
The yard will be known as the Crowell Lumber Co.
W. D. Dunning, manager of the Little River Redwood rlap,rt "r^^^"- y9., pal rranc,sco g.T..,. nas. rerurneo from.aten d"y"; / BART "At"il5PB3ffii1?tTgoAKLAND trip. in southern california where he was. ca]Jins. on the y' ga,.- Ivlacorniei--the we11 known San Francisqo wholelT::;X1-:1'5it-;|ifi.tff|"]',,.."',11tt'f,f;,,T,l,nin.tt',*il: '.are, ":ra.r-'rr* 'en America'l rootbau oiqrnJfue iir'; :::^T:*l*:l,l::t:t::,"::r",::l_..d spectator 4 il,. L'nTig"?: tiruX,m,'T#lf,"ll'r?;I1::t;?.111""loli: Fll"lrt^t.lii,t-t*lj."lrt:t^:P:tl-gX:,,*:yeen Notre Dame teams in San Francisco, Los Angeler, troiiy*ood-;Jo;k: ano tne unlverslty or Joutnern ualllornla' land. "Baft" has a fine collqctio"n of star ei-cohegian play-
HARoLD,KNApp A s.A,N FRANcrsco vrsrroR :l',9:.t'ii*6f"rd,n'J;lg:"H;.1'i:ttfl";oo1r|}:.1'tf,! +r' ,,5:i"td..5f3p;^*ii1f"I -",l,ll: :hl:aco office of the San Franci..o tig.r.""at oakrand.
IJnion Lumber Co., was avisitor at the company's San Francisco o'ffice around the first of the month wirere he UaX COOK ON SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TRIP' spent several days conferring with officials of the company. Max Cook, Farm Fngineer in charge. gf the Agricultural He also visited the Union Lumber Co. mill operations at Department of the California Redwbod 'Association, San Fort Bragg.'. He returned to Chicago by the southern Francisco, is in Southern California conferring with the route where he planned to look over market conditions in lumber trade on Assoqiation matters.He will return to the Southwest'territory. San Francisco about th'e middle of the month.

lG.o.rel OSF. , 2501 Sosth Alrncdr St. Lor An3clcr
Luubcr Mill WorL Srlb & Doorr Nrib
Roofing Ccuont Plrrt r \lfell Borrd
Evcrgthia3 ir thr Boildia3 Lhr
: By Jach Dionne