6 minute read
Single Wall Type
Using stoc\sizes ond econamkat lmgths ond gradcs of Californio P.r,dwcnd Lumbct.
Detail Of Head Gate
Dtawrby Max E. Cn\, Falrmsu,al Enghuct, Agriatlanal Dcpa*mant, Colifcrrtl Rad.r,o,r{i Asrocicirm. Crlpyigltt $t1.
NOTE: Cover all cracks with )l'x3'or I'r 3' Redwood batterrs. Uee "all-heart" redwood throughout.
HE above illustration indicates a type of structure embodying the use of Redwood throughout, which has been adopted as standard for wood type at the University Farm, Davis, California.
This suggestion, as well as Double Wall Gate, illustrated in Bulletin No. 2-A, is made available through the courtesy of S. H. Beckett, Associate Professor of Irrigation Investigations and Practice, of the College of Agriculture, IJniversity of California.
Regarding these suggestions, Professor Beckett says:
"These structures are used in the delivery of water from field laterals to border or basin checks. We recommend the single wall headgate for the heavier soil types, thdt is the loams, clay loams, and clays. For the lighter soils such as sands, sandy loams, etc., we recommend the use of thc double gate. We have had both of these types of structures in use on the University Farm for a number.of years and it is our opinion that the designs and dimensions are approximately correct."
Oak is standard, being rated .\ffi%
Douglas Fir (Oregon Pine) 75 to l@%
Larch, western ..... 75 to 857o
Hemlock, Western 35 to 55%
Pine, California White .... 35 to 507o
Spruce, Sitka . ..... . 35 to 50%
Fir, White (Mountain Pine) ..... 25 to 35%
*Extracts from "Technical Note 173," by U. S. Forest Products Laboratory.
Presented bg
Dealers Name Here
Burdett on C
Selfishness speaks first: "I kept all my wealth and I For gold in a skeleton hand Love, friendship and grati But I kept all my wealth
Then Pleasure speaks: "I spent all my gold, The palace I built, r,y
Avarice s my loss, anced and f sang, hilatity rang; from even to dawn,
"f loaned mv ,od money, at grasping per cent; t all that you kept and you spent; 'Twas I t
While I my millions, death plundered me bare, sleep in belongs to my heir." And t
They' Sarity speaks:
"It/uyds little I had, but I gave all my store Tdrlose who had less or who needeil it more;
And it came with death laughing, for here at the grave In riches unmeasured, I found what I gave."
-By Robert J. Burdett.
Noend In Sight
Prisoner No. 1651 (iumpine up in prison movie show)- "Dammit, the first of Jserial,ind I'mio be hung Saturdiy."
No man can fully discharge his debt to society and to Providence, and the only real happiness we can get out of life comes through our efrorts to pay that debt. We ovre,, for the liberties we enjoy, for the plotection that s'urrounds us, for bodily comfort, for everything that is good in otlg daily lives. Countless thousands, unknown to us, ministtr to our needs, our comforts, and our joys. We must do our best to pay this great debt.
But the glory of trees is rn rt, t. an
Dbtributhg Agcotr for Cbrl-Niclcror Lunbcr Co., Evcrott, Wuh.
Obiective Point
pesfsl-"Jhis trainloeg*'6 Dallas and points east."
Old Lady-"f want 4 fri" that goes to Kansas City, and I don't care which *at@lrari
Consider The Golfer
Consider the Golfer, for he is the son of joy, and the heart of his wife rejoiceth in him.
He requireth not to be awakened, but ariseth at dawn and arouseth the whole house.
Mighty are his preparations, and there is much rushing about amongst the rvome,;fo find his THINGS.
He swallowet{ his lrfakfast rvithout complaint, and fortifieth himself ailthy'front with his locker.
Optimism is hllmiddle name; and in his bright lexicon' there is no such word as "Rain."
Let It Stick
Happiness is very sticky stuff; you can't spread even a little of it, without getting some on yourself. \ryHICH?
This one makes a net, This onq staq5fs and wishes, *fi111"il"$2T# ?fil 0,n".,
Tailor-"And how would you like the pockets, sir?"
Scotchman-"Just a wee bit hard to get at."
Weep to the tale ofWilliam T8
Who met a girl whose name was K8. He courted her at a fearful r8
And begged her soon to become his m8.
"I would if d couldriircaid lovely K8.
"I pity your \ongflunhappy st8,
"But, alas, allyf,you've come too 18t
"I'm married already, the mother of 8."
-Northwestern Life Lines.
PAGiE EARL CARROIJ ttYes, matam." a ,{
"Is this the weather bgrfau?"
"How about a ihol1ft tonight?"
"It's all right wit{he. If you need one, take it.
Operating Stcemcrr W. R.
Chanbcrlinn Jr. Brrberr C Phyllb Drn F. Hrnlon

JOrving to the success of the Redrvood Salesmen's Contest conducted by the California Redwood Association last year, the Association has initiated another contest for which prizes will be awarded for selling points worthy of publication. R. F. Hammatt, secretary-manager of the California Redwood Association has sent the follorving letter to the Redwood Salesmen which outlines the plan.of the contest.
Novenrbcr 23t''1926
Redwood Salesmen:
The value of the material which you turncd in for last ycar's Sales Contcst, most of wh,ich is inco'rporated in the "Redwood Sdes Manual," is best indicatcd pcrhapc bythe following quotations: '
-Frorn a Promincnt Retailer: 1Wc havc examincd it from covcr to cover, have placed it with every branch yard and salesman' and want copies (fo whidr we rill gladly pay) for our best contracto,rs. We arc convinccd it wilt hrlp us sell more Redwood."
-From a manufacturcr of Lunr,Scr Substitutes: "In the .p.a.st ten years I havc pcrsonaUy rcad upwards of 1(X) manuals and nonc 'of them are more completq or conciee than yours, which should prov€ inialuable to your dcalers."
-From a Lrunber Tradc Journal: "It is belicved that for the first tiure in history thc lumbei indtsry has gathcrcd togcther and oresented-impartid arid authentic information of direct and im,rnediate value to ietail yards bearing on theii owri sales problems."
Lct us rccognize, however, tbdt our !'Manual":is only thc start of somc migh$ efrcctive Co'rk still to be accornplishcd- It should be the c.learing house for the best selling ideas on Rcdwood that 'can be gotten tbgether. It should be kept up to date by adding these ideas to iL '
Every retailer tnows of customer8 who are enthusiastic boosters for Redniood: who know by long experience that Redsood gives them dependable scrvicc at less cost. There arc many retqil yards that have built good will and increased thcir busin€ss by featuring this dependable building material: othcrs who have developod special uscs for stock and speciral Rcdwood itcm6.
You, ai field men for the Redwood Industry, havc the besf charlcc to discover and ecnd to us thi,s wedth of good Redwood selling material that is all around us, waiting to bc uncarthed and used. Yoq as the personal representatives of your Company, are in posi; tion to get fiom thc retail trade that co-oltcration which raakea fc bettef Rcdwood mcrchandising.
Won't you, and your retail friends, cooperate with the.California Redwood Association so that tre can make the best of this material available to you and to them?
Sorne reiail yards may wish to initiate local competitions which will create intFrest in their own yard as well as in Rcdwood. To hclp cafty out tbi$',idea, we havc set asidc certain funds from which the cominittce will make awards. These awards, which the yards may, if they wiish, pa.ss on to their contractors or other customers, will range from $1.00 to $5.00 for cach and every "cxannple" or "sellin{ por+t" which, in the judgment of thc cohltiiftee, is worthy of pttblication in the "Manual."
Each f'example," or cntrl6 must be signed by the rctail yard an! by the Redwood Salesman who transmits it to us. Extra coXries of cntries which are ptrblished will be availablg in quantitics,,as {esirc{ fo,r distribution by-retail yards as well as by Salesmen,. Mcmber Com' panies, aDd our Association.
Summarizing: l. Morc new material is wanted-sclling ideas for Redwood.; with which to improvg our "Manual" so it will be of grealcr valuc to you and to your custonrcrs.
2. The ,retail dedcr has or can get a world of such rnatcrial i:
3. Yoq as field men for the Redwood Industry, havc'the bcst chance to gathcr and send in such 'niaterial.
4, Tiadd interest and make it possible for retailers to capitatize io their own advantage, yre have set aside funds frocrr which arc offered prizes for selling points worthy of publication. ,
5. Entries must bc signed by retail Srard and submitted by a Redwood, Sdesman who shall also sign thcm.
.6. Entries will be pasecd upon by the Redrrood Association until May l, imncdiately after which time awards till be made by thc committee.
7; Entries will be pa.ssed upon by thc Committee in chatge at as frcqumt intcrvals as volrrnc of entries.rsubmitt"9"ffi: wan?nt.
R. F. HAMMATT, RFH:A Sccretary-Managcr.