1 minute read
Kindliness Is Godliness
"Cleanliness is next to Godliness" aayr the old proverb.
Kindliners IS Godiness, is a newer a,nd better one.
There is no plan of livinS, no theory of acting, no philosophy of doing, and no campaign of preparation for the futrrre, that is not basd on kindlinegs.
There is no singleingredient in tlre sovereign preacription for human auscers t{rat is one-half so idrportant as kindlinesr-with one single exception-honesty.
With every day that irssses, with every evolution of human thought and action, there somer more prominently in the foreground the appreciation of tlris great characteristic-kindlinesg.
Put the yardstick of kindlinesr upon the world and youfindthat the world ir better todayttran it everwasbefore because there ie more kindliness, mone friendlinessl note gG[tleness, more interest in and sympathy for the other fellowin the world today, tihan there ever was since the dawn of history.
There is more kindline$ in religion, mone kindliness in govemment, more kindlinecs in business, more humaninterest between man and man today tlran there eyer war before.
And for that great neasrn the world is better today than it ever was before.
Stern Gods, stern rulers, stern governments, stern relrtionship between menin fact, se. vereand austere thinge have been the lot of man from the begiildng. The truIy epiritual things are just coming redly into vogue. And the best of them is kindlinese.
Every decent and worth-while man and wotnan loves and appreciates kindlineas. We spend our lives searching for it in everyone with whom we come in contact. When we meet a fellow being with whom we have a Gontact, irutinctively we looh into his face seeking what it may display, and the most reassuring thittg tfiat can greet our vision and our iudgment is outward manifestations of kindlinecs. Finding that, the barriers quickly drop.
We havefriendly men for points of contact in eyery line of business. Every wise busi' nesE man seeks to place in his organization people who givethe friendly reaction at once to ttose whom they meet in a business way. It is an immediate invitation to better businesE relations.
The glance of the eye, the smile, the manner, the hand grirall teII their story.
Be kindly in atl your acto and your efforts.
See that your orgarrization knows that spirit and practices it.
Youdon't have to be "hard-boiled"to be a leader. Real leadership is of the kindier sorL Mooes was tfie greatest leader of ancient d"ys, yet the Scripture tellsus he was the meekeat and mildest of all living men.
One magrificent method of improving conditions in the lumber industry today, would be simplytoinject more kindliness and friendliness into every 6rm, and into every individual
It is the greatest and most productive fotm of advertising.