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How Lumber Looks
Gcneral rnarket conditionr in the rtate, and particulady in Southern California' are ratiefactoty, ar far ar they go.
The middlc of llecembcn n€rver 6ndr any rtartling activ' ity in the burincr, either in rvholerale or retail. The wholerale and mill rnen have reported in the lart few deyr that there ie vety little buyi.g, that the retailerr are sticking to-tte ertabliched-custom of obeerviag the Holiday tcason with a buying lay-off starting about the firrt of December.
Thereirn't any quertion but that 1927 i, going -to-be a good year for lumbermen. Trainr are l,oaded and allthing! point to a good year.
- Cirgo r&eiptr, at San Pedro, are going to nn heavy, for December. To the nisht of th; 13th a little over 61 million feet had been reported and the total:for the month of No' vember war 141 million.
Building permitr, at Los Angelec, will ehow a 6ne total for tte monrtl, to tte night of the llth they were a little over forr million dollan The total for November was eight and a hdf million.
-The dockr at San Pedro are not crowded with lumber' however there ir mne rtock down there than there har been for a few monttr. Thic will dart moving right after the frrst.
Telegraphic reportr from San Francirco ray:
Bay Disitrict
DOUGLAS FIR-The Douglas Fir market, both cergo and rail, has rhorvn ver5r little change during the past two weekr, and as ir expected at thir time of tte year due to inventory, tte rnarket har shown rome decline when compared to early part of November.
California Redwood Association Holds Annual Meeting
At the annual meeting of the California Redwood Association r held at the Palace Hotel,-San Francisco, on Novernber 16, J. M. / Hotchkiss, Hobbs-Wall & Co., was re-elected Prcsident for the 9nI "uitrs yeai. H. P. Plummer, Uirion Lumber Co., was re-elected Vice J Prcsidint and R. F. Hamrnatt was rc-elected Secretary-Manager. U f.. C. Hanmond, Hammond Lumber Co., P. C. Nevin, The Pacif,c Lumber Co., and Fred Holmes, Holmes Eureka Lumber Co, w_ere re-elected Dircctors. C. E. DeCamp, Redwood Manufacturers Co., and Henry Hink, Dolbeer-Carson Lurober Co., were also elected to the Board of Directors.
Therc L a fair volurne of cergo buainer moving. At compared to October, the November cargo arrivalr rhowed a decided drop. During the month of Novenrber the cargp arrivalc were 5lr0ll M feet as compared to 711492 M feet in October.
Stockr at the 5rardr are reported low.
The mille se€ln to be well fixed on cutting orderr, and with the regular Chrbtmar shut-down, they are hedtating about taking on any new cutting btuiner. The mills are cur' tailing production, some have taken ofi their night shiftr while others have gone on a four and five day baeir.
Althowh there are enough logr on hand for present wantr, trhere ig no rurphu and rome of the loggiog camp! have already shut down.
Building operationr in San Francirco ret a record for tLe finrt eleven monthr of the year, over $s0'UrcrfiX) having been invested in building conrtruction, with the building of homes being the predominating factor.
REDWOOD.-The market ir fairly active with a good demand for tie and timber cutting burinecs. Redwood cargo arrivalr chowed a decline during the month of Ne vember as com,pared to the previour montt; 16'818 M feet arrived in San Francisco during November, while the Octe ber shipmentr were 181548 M feet.
CA,LIFORNTA WHITE & SUGAR PINL-Since tAe firrt of the month the denand has rhown come increas€. Some of tihe mills have shut down for the winter montfir and about 10 milb are reported down. The prerent rtockr on hand at the rnillr are slightty above what they were at thir time last year.
/ Fred Roth, State Hoo-Hoo Counsellor for California, was host tfto a luncheon in honor of N. A. Gladding, Hoo-Hoo No. 99 and I Seer of the Housc of Anciente, at the Ellls Club, San Francisco, on ' Friday, December 10. Mr. Gladding is vice pnesident of thc E. C. Atkins & Co. of Indianapolis. Among those who attended thc luncheon were N. D. Gladding Fred Roth, J. Walter Kelly' Bob Neighbor of Portland, Frank Trower, R. A, Hisco:r, Bob Grant and J. E. Martin.
Additional lqte news ffems on page 50.
Portlrnd, Orcgon
Fir Laminated Finishing Lumber
Avoid loss on account of warping, checking, and aplitting of your Fir finish lumber by placing your order with us for
Either in attaight carloads or in mircd cars with Doors and Panels
Hoquirrn, Warh.
Maaufrcturcrr of Vcrticrl Grain Fir Doorr
Hoquian, l\ferh.
Manufacturcrr of tGreyr
Harbo/' Ycllow Fir
Laminatcd Penclr