1 minute read
Direet aecess ,- to ftnest ttmber through lleGorrntck!
WHEN youdealthrough the McCon mick otganization you get all the advantages of a complete unit in the lumber industry of tlre Vest Coast.
You are using a close-knit service that embraces vast timber sands in Americats finest virgin forest afea, our own logging c.rmps, mills, treating plant, docks, wharvesr our own flent of vessels.
Our nearest reresentatbe m sales ofue will gladly Wte you on straight or mhed carc atd on special ordets.
Every phase contributing to the r,r..orful operation of the hinber ind*try has been carefully built into the McCotrnick organization, Our q,rstomers benefit ttrrough faster service, more uniforrn grades. Ve have, in shortrbuilt up. a reputation to maintain.
You will find it worrh while to avail younself of the advanages of McCormick facilities.