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Flooring Go.
In "Robbine" Flooring you are agrured of thc very 6nest that has cver been, or ever will be produced. Our geogtaphical location, the modern machincry in our mill, and the type of men who mahe our flooring, all go to make thie gtatement possible. "Robbins" Maple and Birch Flooring is the best.
Southera Californla:
C. J. LAUGHLIN, atil PslrolGtE Scurtttc Bld3., Lor Algela
Northm Califomta:
GEORGE C. CORNTTIUS, American Buk Bldg., Sqr Frarclrco charts and graphs telling of the progress of other industries which had adopted national advertising campaigns.
Delegates attended a Hoo Hoo luncheon Thursday noon and a stag dinner in the evening at which Jim Brown of Spokane, Senior Hoo Hoo of the Supreme Nine was the principal speaker. His message to the shingle manufacturers was that Hoo Hoo was behind them l6/a in their fight against substitutes. He predicted that shingles would come into their own again within five years.
Clarence E. Hill, Bucoda Shingle Co., was chairman of Friday morning's session, at which Wm. McNeill, of Vancouver, B. C., was the principal speaker. Mr. McNeill pleaded for cooperation among all branches of the industry.
Discussion on "fnspection" was led by P. R. Smith, M. R. Smith Lumber & Shingle Co.; on "Re-roofing" by P. H. Olwell, Jamison Lumber & Shingle Co.; and on "Grades" by S. P. Johns, Snoqualmie Lumber & Shingle Co. R. S. Whiting spoke on "Staining" in the afternoon, and was followed byArthur Bevan, Treasurer of the Bureau, on the subject of breakage.
The following were elected on the Board of Trustees of the Bureau: Lou Fluhrer, Fluhrer Bros., Mayger, Ore.; J. L. Daugherty, Irving-Daugherty Shingle Co., Everett, Wash.; R. F. Morse, Long-Bell Lumber Co.; Gus Evenson, Quality Shingle Co., Edmonds, Wash.; George Bergstrom, C. B. Shingle Co., Everett, Wash.; George Black, Seattle Cedar Lumber Co., Seattle; H. P. Olwell, Jamison Lumber & Shingle Co., Everett, Wash.; Hubert Schafer, Schafe,r Bros. Lumber Co., Montesano, Wash.; S. G. Smith, Bloedel, Stewart & Welch, Vancouver, B.C.; Robert McNair, Robt. McNair Shingle Co.. Vancouver, B. C.; C. J. Culter, H?*mond Cedar Co., New Westminster, B. C.; and C. E. Merritt, Huntting-Merritt Lumber Co., Vancouver, B. C.
The annual dinner-dance Friday evening brought the congress to a close.
Fruit Growers Supply Company
Manufacturen of
C,alifornia White and Suglr Ptne Lumber Millr at Surenvillc end Hilt' CaI
150,0(X),O00 Feet Annul Crpecity
B. W. ADAMS, Mgr. Salo Dcpt. Firet National Bank Bldg. - Sau Francico