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Simpson Screen Company Branches Out
Mr. W. C. Simpson, founder of the Simpson Screen Company, Oakland, left for the East recently, where he intends establishing a branch factory.
The Simpson Screen Company is well known in California, and is bwned by the two active partners, Mr. Simpson and Mr. L. B. Rainforth.
California representatives for the Hipolito Compaly, I-os Angeles, for the Hipolito Screen Doorsand Window Screens.
The Simpson Screen Company was started in 1918' by Mr. Simpson, and in l92I M;. Riinforth became associated with the company, buying a half interest a year later.
At present they are operating two factories in Oakland, their Roller Screen Plint, and the other factory where special wooden screens are made.
The Simpson Roller Screen is an all-metal screen, used largely for-office buildings, apartment building-s and similar-laige structures. The market for this California pr-oduct hai been enlarged until there are but few states that have not been introduced to them.
This line is handled, in Southern California, by the Hipolito Company.
Acting on a decision made a year ago, to place their company in-a position to supply the eastern tt-"-d" in -greater quairtities, Mr. Simpson made a trip east, in-November.
^ The site of the new plant has not been definitely selected. Mr. Rainforth has stated that it will be at Springfield, Mass., or at Detroit.
They rhanufacture the Simpson Roller Screen, known in practically every state in the lJnion, and act as Northern
Mr. Simpson intends moving his family east-, to-take complete charie of the factory, and he will remain th-ere,- with Mr. Rainiorthtaking entire charge of their California operations.