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'w,:p says
Sralw may bc callcd a ddcct, and it is, so far as appearance of the unpainted board is conccrned. Californii Pines, which arc naturally light in- color, sometimes take on a blue or brown tint, in patchcs, which arc simply discolorations that unavoidably occur during thc seasoning proces$es.
Whcn this assumes proportions grcater than are permitted in the regular grades it is sold as staincd lumbcr.
Numerous tests havc proved that stained grades nay bc used without lowering the qualiiy ofpaintcd woodwork, becausc the stain is caused by a mold, and is not an indication of dccay. Many of the largest makers of painted doors. furniture and othcrwood oroducts havefounf,to their advaatagi that stained grades are iust as good material as the unstained, and they save a great deal of moncy by their use, without impairing the value of their products.
Because of the clean, light color of California Pines, a charactcristic which makcs these woods worldfamed, natutally the small amount of
Gradca ,Utea stock which becomes staincd through scasoning is considcred by some to lowcr the valuc ofsuch grades, and thc mills thercforc offcr the stained stock at a considerable reduction in pricc below that of the rcgular stock.
The grades gencrrilly shippcd as stained grades are:
Nos. land2Clear "C" Selcct and in the factory gradcs,
No. 3 Clcar
No. l Shop No.2Shop
To the dealcr who has call for wood for painting purposes, staincd gradcs offcran opportunitytosupplythcuadc with excellent stock thatwill be scrviceable, atlowcrprices than otherwise. Youwill do well to consider this, whcn making sales for such purposcs as intcrior finish, cabinetwork, doors, cup boards, all kinds,pf built-in convcnicnces, tables, and other cheap furniturc which is to be paintcd.