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Winter Style Suggestion for the Well Dressed Lo$$er
The gent in upper left, labeled A, is wearing one of the latest type Harrow collars; it is known as "The Chokerman." B, is a chic snus compact displayed at Swanson's Store for Men. It is leather lined, handpainted and comes in several stvles. The one sb.rwn is the "Queen Marie." The nobby suit, C, from }Iort Schafer & Mork' is being worn among the younger set, chiefly whistle. pulks.D. Monsieur's underweai for fall and winter will follow closely along the lines here shown; this display is known as "The Van Dyke" a-nd comes in vermillion, red, crimson and blood orange. The malleable trousers, E, have edges of sheer torchon lace, and were designed for spotts wear and yarding over rough ground.-(4l Lumber News.)