2 minute read
---Yfi/s Find You Prospecfs
---\fi/s Refer Them'7 o You
---l[s';Tell YouWho They Are
Our advertising campaign runs in national con. sumer magazines, farm papers, architectural prrblications. 2083 persons wrote us during the first month. That number is increasing, monthly. We refer them to you-as Redwood, Retailers. We tell you who they are.
And we help yoa sell them with home, cottagl pnd cabin plans, a practical series of farm construction sheets, silent salesmen, window displays, yard, job and contractor's signs. :
Get in touch with the
Hoo Hoo Activities In The Sierras
Westwood Hoo Hoo No. 38 has entered into the winter's work with comprehensive plans for a broad participation in community afiairs. The ranchers and townspeople of the valley portions of the county are still inclined to look upon the lumbermen as newcomers, forming a seParate communitv with interests in conflict with their own. As the first step toward mutual understanding, Westwood Hoo Hoo is iending a large representation to the monthly-dinner--of the Lassen County Chamber of Commerce in Susanville and will provide one of the speakers of the evening. S_usanville's speaker will represent the merchants and the Chamber of eommerce of Reno, Nev., is also sending a speaker.
Situated some 400 miles northeast oI San Francisco in the snowy Sierras, Westwood has many obstacles to overcome in -maintaining intimate contacq with thd outside world. By cooperating with the State'Boaril of Education and theUniveisity oT California extension, through the local school authoiities Westwood Hoo Hoo brought Prof' C. S. May of the Department of Political Science, University of Cilifornia, to speak at their first banquet, attended by'ninety-six guests. ?rof. May gave an illuminating talk on "The Relations of Government to Business" with'some specific local applications. ville had their eyes opened, and 150 places were filled at the banquet which followed. Susanville and Westwood are worfiing hand in hand in making Hoo Hoo a vital force in this corner of the woo,ils.
Oregon Lumber Data Cited
Lumber shipments from Oregon mills to Jap3rn during the first nine rhonths of. 1926 totaled 142,051,197 feet, according to figures compiled by the Pacific Lumler lnqpec- tion Bureau.- The tottl of stripments from British Columbid, Washington and Oregon mills to JaP.q 4-"tttg the first nine monthJ of this year amounted to 716,288,037 feet, as compared with 391,485,178 feet for the corresponding period of 1925.
The figure will be close to 1,000,000,000 feet before the end of th1 year. The abnormally heavy shipments during the early part of the year accounts f9r the light b-uyingrnar: ket in Jipan at the p-resent time. Yards are stocked. ,Ship- menis-of uncut logs and bolts to Japan from Northwest pofts during the first nine months of.1926, totaled 288,014028 feet.
An open meeting will be given at the American. Legion / --': ,
F^., ^ -r-.-
Ganahl Manager Changes
club in December, ;e;;;;.:d ly Ftor- rt" g. crorr, Fro- / w. L, puc-!s91, formerlv of the I os^Anqeles office' .ha.sr .fessor of Economi", Jtii. tri.;;it otldif";;il;"0 it y't"pt-ace-d ro. Gohlke as m_anager of the san Fernando Blvd'i is planned to have .;;ie; .p."r..*lfi ttittr .t""aini ana ' yard of the Ganahl Lumber company, Los Angeles' abiiityforsimilarmeetingsaileastonceamonth._
Wistwood joined with Susanville at an impromptu con- H. B.
Gammerston Inthe Northwest
catenation November 8th at The Story Club of the Fruit H. B. Gamt terston, Reynier Lumber Co., San Francisc-o; Growers' Supply Co. State Counsell6r. F. W. Roth and is in the Northwest wheri he is visiting the mills and look' Parson Simp-kirarrived in Westwobd oir a motor tour, un- ing over lumber rnarket conditions. The Reynie: L^upler announced ind the concat was hetrd:on.less'than 48 hours' Co-. maintain an office at Portland, Oregon, with C. C. Harnotice. Six kittens from Westwood and ten from Susan- grove as manager of their Northwest operations.