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California Redwood
Lumber Plays Important Part in Lake Pleasant
Dam, Arizona
Althougb the fnirhcd darn will bc mrlonry, arrd will not thow thc in0u' ence of lunbcr, nevertheles wood il playing an important part b thc con' rtruction, :ayr Cad Pleerantr the 'cn' gineer of Marinctte, Ariz. All lumbcr where necerrary in the [.ake Plearant Dam and buildinsr L SOMOZIDED or Fire Rerirtivc.
SOMOZIDED lumber, rhinglec and painb are fart receiving rccognition"
1470 Santa Fc Ave.
Iax rcgulationr about smoling, natches, cigarcttes, rubbish, wastc, defectivc f,ucc, bsd wiring, and all other kinds of carclegencss rith 6re hezardr, are jurt likc rc nuch bait for 6re. Why play witt a fsh you doa't want to etcb?
Asrocieicd Lurrbcr Mutual Policics provlde araplc protcction against fire lot , bttt bctter ltill, they hclpyou to get rid of all this troubleluring bait rOd nrtc your plant as safc agairt firc as you can nake it.
Wite aay of our companies fq sldckt foltlzr "Lihe Fishias lor Fire!" and tt inlomlion concening Lsmber M*tual Policier.

t,L. ,..$,trm'fihuRF BUr{rDrNcb
The following article has been prepared in answer to many inquiries concerning the best way to make :, ' I miniature buildings.
(Reprinted from the November lg26 "Weyerhauser Log.")
There is no question about the popularity of miniature buildings. Dealirs are using them successfully to advertise their bisiness. 'Probably no other method can be devised to stimulate more interest on the part of the prospectivq customer.
It has always been a difficult matter for the lumber dealer to efiectively-display building material. The raw material itself holds .""nt inierest foithe prospective cusfomer. I! it too much of a stretch for the- imagination to think of raw material in terms of a completed building.
Gonsequently, the miniature building has -increased i{ popularity undit it is now used in show windows, county iaiis, builaing shows and display rooms as a means of at= tragfing the a-ttention of the children, young folks, mothegs, fathers, and grand parents. ::..
Any lumber dealer can make them.
Contrary to the usual belief, there is nothing difficult or expensive in the process. The secret is in getting,.eS:F, paitto scale up with the completed structure. The "Siding," for instaice, must be in -proportion to the heighl of thil house, otherwise the proper efiect is completely lost: There ttturt b" just as many "1ding "Boards" on the model as there are on the actual house.
This can readilv be accomplished by using a scale of I inch to the foot, 6rt-l2th the actual size of the completed building. The model is then of the most convenient size for haridling. It is neither too large nor too small. -By adirpting thTs scale, regulation blue-prints can be used iq
ftn" Qutry
4 cars l3h6x2% inch Clear Maple Flobring'
3 carcl3/16x2% inch Cleat Birch Flooring.
2 cats l7/16t2%'in.cb No. I Birch Flooring.
I cat l7/l6xl% ir.ch Clear Maple Flooring' tOo,0OO ft. 1x6 oc Wdr. Sel. oc Btr. Kiln
Dried Birch.
5,000 ft.t/4fi E!fdr. Sel & Btr. Kiln
Dried Birch.
!,o00 ft. 6/4x6 E ICdr. Sel. 6c Btr. Kiln t,000 ft. 8/4x6 a !rdr. Se[. & ptr. Kiln
Dried Birch.
Dried Birch.
Wcstern RePresmtativc constructing the miniature building. All dimensions are read 1 inch instead of 1 foot.
In making miniature buildings the general effect is sought rather than detail in construction. Instead of siding up the house with siding cut to the l'12th scale, something which is impossible, a far more accurate effect is secured by taking a lx4 and making grooves in it to represent siding. In this way it is possible to get a perfect scale. All it ls then necessary to do is to nail these strips on to the frame, cut the door and window openings, slip in the door and window "frames," and the house begins to take on a finished appearance.
The roof is completed in the same way by using the same "Siding"material. Notches or slight indentations are made with a chisel or screw driver to represgnt shingles. This, however, is not entirely necessary as the cross lines (which represent siding boards on the walls) produce the desired effect and scale up with the balance of the house.
The door and window "frames" are made from one piece of moulding. The corners are mitered and the frame is held in place bybrads. Celluloid is tacked on to the back to represent glass and paper is pasted on the "glass" to represent curtains.
Do&s are easily made by cutding a piece of thin material to fit t\re door ofiening and then pasting the picture of a door over the face of the material. Illustrations in most sash and. door,catalogs scale up with the material. If not, the panels can easilyae'^rep;esented in various ways.
The finishing touthes,rsuc[ as, porches and dormers, can readily be made by using material which has been run l-lzth its aotual size. In some cases it may be necessary to make the thickness somewhat out of scale.This can readily be done when it is the width that gives the effect. Very often the thickness does not matter.
Wagon To A Star
A S lonc as you are selling stain' N. Y. fn Southern California: A' fI "a sf,incles, why not sell the G. Bartlett Blds.' 7th and Spring senuine Creo-Dipta that your cus- St., Los Angeles, Cd.; J. C. Skel. tomers know and want? You'll
.MiJh at, ,Jales Officc #iii':;'Nl ?hillips,Ms'