2 minute read


By Jack Dionne

She Was "On The Spot"

(Here's the smartest story of the season.)

It wad the first day of the new school term, and teacher in the third grade called her class to order, discovered four youngsters, three boys and a girl, in first row. So she said to the first boy: the and the

"What is your name?"

"Paul," said the little boy; "but I'm NOT the Apostle."

"What is your name?"

"Peter," he said; "but I'm NOT the Saint."

To the third little boy:

'And what is your name?"

"John," said he; "but I'm NOT the Baptist."

Then to the little girl:

"And what is YOUR name?"

"Mary," said she; "AND IS MY FACE RED?"

Coast Counties CIub Meets Revised Sash and Door Schedule in Watsonville Adopted All Over State

President George Ley presided at the general meeting of the Coast Counties Lumbermen's Club held at the Resetar Hotel, Watsonville, Friday evening, December 2.

Among the guests were Fred Holmes and C. H. Griffen, Jr., representing the California Redwood Association; H. W. Cole and George Gorman, of the Hammond Lumber Co., San Francisco, and Ed. Larson, secretary of the San Jose Lumbermen's Club.

W. E. Enlow, Hammond Lumber Co., Watsonville, in a brief talk welcomed the members and guests.

H. W. Cole addressed the meeting and in the course of his talk stated that on a recent tour of the Eastern states twelve or f ifteen lumber dealers mentioned the Coast Counties Lumbermen's Club, and several of them declared to him that they believed it to be one of the most outstanding lumbermen's organizations in the country. A beautiful sandblasted Redwood plaque and a box of Watsonville's choicest apples were given away as door prizes.


Jim Farley, assistant Western sal,es manager of The Pacific Lumber Co., San Francisco, returned December 5 from a week's visit to the company's plant at Scotia.

Sash and Door Schedule No. 132, which is a revision of Schedule 129 of the Millwork Institute of California, has been adopted by the various sectional associations and groups all over the State, according to an announcement by Lester G. Sterett, secretary of the Institute, to a representative of this paper.

Mr. Sterett reports that 2000 copies have been distributed, and that the new Schedule has been in use since June in Southern California, coming into use later in the San Joaquin Valley and the San Francisco Bay district. Change sheets which revise and improve the various sections of the book, which is in loose leaf form, are being compiled from time to time by the Schedule committee and distributed to all users of the book.


L. L. Lewis, sales manager of the Booth-Kelly Lumber Co., Eugene, Ore., with mills at Wendling and Springfield, Ore., left for his home December 5 after a 10-day trip in which he called on the retail trade throughout Northern California. Mr. Lewis covered the territory by automobile in company with EI. Sewall Morton, of Hill & Morton, Inc., Oakland, Northern California representatives of his company.


At the close of another year, Pioneer wishes to extend Christmas greetings to its dealers throughout the West.

For 1933, every indication on the business horizon points to improved conditions in the roofing industry-a greater volume of sales for you!

At this time Pioneer pledges itself to maintain t'h" same policies that have built its business from a small beginning 44 years ago to its position of leadership among roofing manufacturers in the Vest.

Exclusive products with a fair margin of profit for its dealers have been, and will continue to be, the cornerstone of its success. Asphalt Emulsion, Forestry Blend Colors, Copperclad Valley, Setabs and Tripletabs are a few of these products. (Jse them to keep your business free from competition . . . concentrate your selling efforts on them throughout 19331

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