2 minute read
Redwood Ass'n Will Continue Trade Promotion
Announcement is made by the California Redwood Association that at a recent meeting of the directors it was definitely decided to continue their trade promotion activities in 1933 along the same lines as they have been conducted this year, and under the same management.
The promotional activities of the Association have aroused much favorable comment and interest in other
Millwork Institute lVlll Hold Annual Meeting Dec. 17
The annual meeting of the Millwork Institute of California will be held at the Hotel Californian, Fresno, Calif., on Saturday, December 17.
The directors will have luncheon at 12:30 p.m. and the general meeting will start at 2 p.m. Directors and officers are to be elected and vital matters pertaining to the industry will'be discussed. President A. W. Bernhauer urges all members of the Institute to attend this important meeting.
Wood Is Strong
Afte years of intengive experiment on Redwood the U. S. Department of Agri- dlture hil ist isued Bulletin No. 3{05. Page l,t show: the following cmparircn fc drcngth in bending:
Redwood ......|*qo
Doglar Fir (Cort type) ..,.lWo
Duglac Fir (Rcky Mt. ryp)...Wo
Cyproc 95Vo
Port (Hord Cedar ....,.,...... t07o
Sitka Spruce ......,...,,..,,.... tTlo
Southen Pinc (Log I'at, ....nzno lumber manufacturing circles throughout the country, and much praise has been heard in the past year from manufacturers of other woods of the constructive work that is being done by the Redwood manufacturers. Work of this kind, they say, cannot fail to bring benefits to the lumber industry as a whole, and the Redwood producers are to be congratulated for their courage and vision in carryirig out such a program at this time.
The Structurd Grades of Redwood conltitute a Emuent rtructural matrial, adrptablc ti uy engirering prcject where strcngth, durability, long life' fire retardance ud frcdm fm mrping' twistirg and cheching are requlred.
Jack Rea, manager of Chamberlin & Co., was San Francisco office.
Home Office
the Los Angeles offrce of W. R. a recent visitor to the comPanY's
I hope that every lumberman What e'er his name may be, Will find the things for which he longs Upon his Redwood tree; I hope he'Il have no need to Pine Through all the year to come, Or mutter with a ruffled brow Expletives like "By Gum !"
I hope his cedar chest will be Filled full, unto the top; And that his lumber will not warP Or suffer from dry rot; I hope that customers will beat A pathway to his door, And that the sun of joy will shine Right through his oaken door.
I hope his faithful trucks will run lJpon a wide, smooth track, And when they take a big load out They'll bring Good Will right back; I hope that every day will be A banner day for him, And kindly deeds and kindly thoughts Will fill his heart with vim.
Croc&cr Bldg.
Phonc SUttcc 617O
LOS ANGELES Lane Motgage Bldg. Phone TRinity 2282
M cmbcr C alifonia Reilanood Asso cbtion GlHF0RlllA REllW0(lD
I hope that ev,ery lumberman Where ever he may be, Will see the golden star of hope Above his Christmas tree ; I hope the coming year will bring The things for which he prays, And Peace, Good Will and HaPPiness Make radiant all his davs.
Adeline M. Conner.