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Lawrence-Philips Add New Accounts
The Lawrence-Philips Lumber Company have taken over part of the accounts handled by Thomas W. Dant r"'ho left recently for China.
They rvill be agents in Southern California for Dant & Russell, Inc., and Port Orford Cedar Products Company, the lattel company being the largest manufacturer of Port Orford Cedar in the world and one of the few mills operating on this spccies at present. This company is pompletely equipped rvith a re-manufacturing plant so they are able to put out Cedar in most any form from rough dock plank to venetian blind slats and cut furniture stock. This company is also a large manufacturer of Spruce.
Alfred W. Hart, who rvas formerly manager of Lawrence-Philips' Tacoma office, rvill be located in Los Angeles and will handle the Cedar and Spruce sales.
Stanley C. Moore who was formerly with Tom Dant in the Fir-Tex Department will continue to handle Fir-Tex and rvill make his office with Lawrence-Philips Lumber Company and rvill also handle Fir Plyu'ood, Panels and Wallboard.
Dant & Russell, Inc., are exclusive U. S. agents for the Atlantic Gulf Pacific Company who are large manufacturers of Philippine hardwoods and it is expected that they rvill distribute some of this wood through Los Angeles Harbor.
Dant & Russell, Inc., Portland, are the northern representatives for both the Lawrence-Philips Lumber Company and Steamship Company.
Lawrence-Philips Lumber Company have a subsidiary known as the Lawrence-Philips Steamship Company which at present is operating the steamers "Point Loma" and "Claremont" between Puget Sound, Columbia River and Coos Bay and the California ports.
About a year ago the company became agents for Timber Preservers, Ltd., which company has a new and well equipped plant for the creosote treatment of lumber and piling. Lawrence-Philips report that they have had a good volume of business in treated material this year and state that this business appears to be on the increase at the present time due to so much public work which requires treated material.
C. H. Grifren, Ir.