3 minute read
A. L. Hubbard
Lumberman and County Leader Passes
A. L. Hubbard
Albert Lester "Al" Hubbard, 60, president and manager of Hubbard & Carmichael Bros., retail lumber dealers, San Jose, passed awav suddenly from a heart attack at his home in San Jose December 5.
Mr. Hubbard was an outstanding San Jose business man and civic leader, having been a member of the County Board of Supervisors for the last twenty-eight years. lle was born in Woodland, Calif., May 2O, 1872, and came to San Jose in 1884, when his father opened a lumber yard there. His father organized the firm of Hubbard & Carmichael Bros. in 1887, and Mr. Hubbard entered , the business in 1892, becoming president and manager on tlre death of his father in 7917.
lle was a member of the Chamber of Commerce, and of the Kiwanis and Lions Clubs; a Knight's Templar Mason, a Shriner, and a member of the Modern Woodmen and Odd Fellows. He took an active part in lumber association affairs and was a director of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association.
He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Johanna Hubbard, three sons, Thomas L., Wilbur V. and Wesley L., and two daughters, Mrs. Allen Boomer and Miss Grace C. Hubbard.
So. California Flr Plywood Jobbers Organize
The Southern California Fir Plywood Jobbers' Association was organized on November 28. The following officers were elected: President, Harry V. Hanson, California Panel & Veneer Co., Los Angeles; Vice-President, Hollis Nunneley, E. K. Wood Lumber Co., Los Angeles; Treasurer, J. A. McCann, Kerckhoff-Cuzner Mill & Lumber Co., Los Angeles; Secretary-Manager, Kenneth Smith, Los Angeles. The Association will have headquarters in the Fay Building, Los Angeles.
Weyerhaeuser Executive Visits San Francisco
Don Lawrence, assistant general manager, Weyerhaeuser Sales Co., Spokane, spent three days in San Francisco at the end of November, and while there conferred with R. W. Ilunt, district manager for California. Mr. Lawrence was accompanied by Arlie Decker, of the pole departrnent of the Weyerhaeuser Sales Co., Spokane.
Slneere Good Wishes for tlre Holtdays
No More
I shall not care again, my dear, Nor weep if you depart, And should you love another lass, It would not break my heart.

I shall not care again, my dear, Nor mourn a broken vowMy heart's been smashed so manjt times It's just scar tissue now.
-Alice Lenz.
His Architecture
Caller: Let me see. I know most of your .folks, George, but I've never met your brother Bill. Which side of the house does he look like?
George: The side with the bay window.
If you can't get enthusiastic about your work, it's time to get alarmed. Something is wrong.
Compete with yourself, set your teeth, and dive into the job of breaking your own record.
No man keeps up enthusiasm automatically. Enthusiasm must be nourished with new actions, new aspirations, new efiorts, new vision.
It is a man's own fault if his enthusiasm is gone. He has failed to feed it.
And right here is the reason why thousands of men hit high water marks at thirty-five and then recede. They can "do their work with their eyes shut", and that is the way they do it.
They have lost the driving power of enthusiasm. They sleep at the switch. All they see in life is'the face of the time elock. All they hear is the quitting whistle.
If you want to turn hours into minutes, renew your enthusiasm.
Too Far Back
Driver: "Judge, it isn't true ! I wasn't going forty miles an hour ! I wasn't going thi:rty ! I wasn't even going twentY-"
Judge: "Easy, Mister! You're liable to back into someone.tt
Conceit is God's gift to littlg men.-Bruce Barton
Do you lack a sense of zest
Though you aim to do your best?
Does there seem to be a mountain in your way? Look around and see the care That your neighbors have to bear And you'll BE THANKFUL.
If your horizon seems grey
As you plod from day to day, Just to glean a mean existence in the ranks; Watch another bear his crossEstimate his grief and lossAnd thenBE THANKFUL.
Do you feel that you have done All you could and still not wonThat success.has failed to lighten up the gloom?
Don't give up, a silver glow
Lies behind those clouds, you know, And soBE THANKFUL.
You have had SOME love and gainTo us all come sun and rainLife's dependent mainly on the point of view. True, you may have missed a lot But remember what you've got And justBE THANKFUL.
Keep It Up
"Let me kiss those tears away, sweetheart," he begged. She fell into his arms and he was very busy for a few minutes. But the tears flowed on.
"Can nothing stop them?" he asked, breathlessly. "No," she murmured; "It's hay fever; but keep up the treatment."
Right Back At Him
"Hello, is this Mr. Brown speaking? Good morning, Mr. Brown. This is Banning, Banning, Banning & Banning."
"Oh, yes. Good morning, good morning, good morning, good morning."