1 minute read
It Puys to Preaent Such Fires!
The first mission of Lumber Mutual Insurance is to pro. tect the property and interests of the policy-holder. The moet perfect protection is logically the prevention of loss. Vithout 6re interruptiofl; ]our businegc goes on, your men ate steadily employed and your trade is aaticfactorily served. By a careful study of fire causes and expert counsel as to the elimination of fire hazardc, we strive to prevent such fires as these.
Vhen fires do occur, our cpecialized policiec provide maxi. mum protection againrt loss. Claims are fairly adjusted and promptly paid. Subctantial dividends, made possible by reduction of losseg and economical management, provide thir protection at minimum cost to the lumber industry.
If gou are interested in safety with sazting, write aqt of our companies for lull information about our policies, our fire preztention seraice, and, our c o st-reducing dividenils.