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As branch yard manager or assistant manager, by married man 39 years of age, 3 years as bookkeeper in bank,9 years branch yard manager in middlewest, 6 years local experience, familiar with all office details. Can take material lists from blue 'prints; good at selling and collecting; always able to get a profit. Local references given. Want to connect with progressive concern. Write Box C-261, California Lumber Mer,chant.
Expert stenographer of office work. Can Address Box C-463,
Young man with several years' Los Angeles office wants position. lumber experience in and typist and familiar with all kinds furnish references. 26 years of age. care California Lumber Merchant.
Wants Position With Sawmill
'All round lumberman with sawmill experience wants position as yard foreman, shipping clerk, etc. Thoroughly familiar with all kinds of work around a mill. Can furnish references. Married. Will go any place. Address Box C-464, care California Lumber Merchant.
Horncr Makes Recommendations for New Denver Building Code Farewell Luncheon lor Tom Dant
A. C. Horner, manager of the Western office of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, San Francisco, arrived home December 10 from a 1S-day trip to Denier, where he went at the request of the Denver Retail Lumbermen's Association to make a study of existing conditions with a view to obtaining relief from the severe restrictions on the use of lumber in the present Denver building code, and to make recommendations as to ways and means of obtaining such relief.
Several meetings were held, one of which was attended by retailers, wholesalers and manufacturers, and after a solid week of investigation a program was drawn up and the newly appointed city building code committee was asked to give consideration to two major and several minor points, Mr. Horner said.
The major points were a very considerable reduction in the area of the fire limits of the city, and an increase in the allowable height of certain classes of building construction, chiefly the wood-joisted masonry wall building which is now practically limited to two stories.
Some time ago at the request of the Denver retail' lumbermen the city council appointed a committee to draft a new building code, and it is this committee with which the lumbermen are now working. .The committee has adoptecl the Pacific Coast Uniform Code as the basis for the proposed new building code, and the manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers e;<pect to combine in asking for fair treatment at the hands of the Denver City Council.
Mr. Horner flew to Denver from San Francisco, leaving at midnight November 24 anrl arriving in Denver at noon the next day ready for business, with the loss of only half a business day. He was scheduled to return by air but was prevented from doing so when all planes were grounded owing to the stormY weather.
Tom Dant was given a farewell luncheon by his wholesale lumbermen friends at the Jonathan Club, Los Angeles, on December 5.' He left for Portland, Oregon, the first of the month and plans to leave for the Orient the latter part of December on an extended trip in the interests of Dant & Russell, Inc. Mr. Dant has made his headquarters in Los Angeles for the past several years as California and Arizona manager of Fir-Tex of Southern California.
Represents Four Pine Millg
C. C. Stibich is now San Francisco Bay district rcpresentative of Madera Sugar Pine Lumber Co. This concern is also sales agent for the Sugar Pine Lrimber Co. and Yosemite Lumber Co. Mr. Stibich also represents the Pelican Bay Lumber Co., of Klamath Falls, Ore.
Recovers From Flu
Jas. E. "Jimmy" Atkinson, assistant district sales manager, Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., San Francisco, returned to his desk November 29 after a week's absence due to an attack of flu.. Jimmy's convalescence gave him a chance to get acquainted with the new baby boy, James Bruce. who arrived October 15.
Will Close Branch Yard
Announcement was made recently by Friend & Terry Lumber Co., of Sacramento, that they will shut down their planing mill for an -indefinite period, December 31. They will also close and dismantle their branch yard at 30th and Stockton (formerly Cutter Mill & Lumber Conrpauy'r yard).