Burleson High School Character Building Leadership Caring Inclusiveness January 2014
Texas-Oklahoma District Division 1S
Volume 2 Issue 8
Merry Christmas
In this issue Letters to the Club Page 2 Key Notes Page 3 August & September Recap Pages 4-5 October Recap Pages 6-7 November Recap Pages 8-9 Build-a-Bear Page 10 Operation Christmas Child Page 11 Breakfast with Santa Page 12 Beautiful Feet & Toy Drive Page 13
A Letter from the Secretary To the BHS Key Club,
As secretary, it is my job to honor quite the long list of obligations. From taking meeting minutes, documenting all club activity, and sending in monthly reports, the secretary is often referred to as the “backbone of the club.” As fulfilling as it is to be called such, I see it that I’m no where near the greatest support for our Key Club. This year was our first time ever being in the top 25 of the clubs and upon hearing the news, fellow officers of mine began thanking me for our great success. Being my first year as secretary I, of course, felt accomplished and proud of myself for staying fairly on top all our monthly reports. However, it soon came to my attention that none of my efforts would have been significant if it hadn’t been for all of the hard work that most every member and officer of the club has put in this year. The overall participation has been outstanding, the ideas are constantly flowing, and more and more we are stepping up as a club to be better than ever before. Outside of service, the officers have jumped through hoops in order to better the club’s performance. Sitting down at officer meetings and discussing with one another how to get things done is no easy task. We all have different visions for the club in mind and there have been many low moments in our officership where our ability to communicate properly to one another has flown completely out of the window. But because every single member of the board has such an overwhelming love for Key Club, we’ve learned how to work together in unison. From doing something as small as figuring out how to shift muffin duties for club meetings, we have developed an unstoppable machine of a club that continuously shows visible improvement in our club website, newsletters, meetings, and enthusiasm. As for the members, it is all of you, who show up to the weekly meetings with smiles on your faces and to events with eager helping hands that encourage and complete the club. You all remind everyone apart of it that service and fun can go hand in hand. With all that being said, I cannot take personal credit for such a tremendous amount of club improvement this year. The secretary may be the backbone of the club, but its hard-working members and other amazing officers that are its heart and soul. ~Skyelar Armstrong~
Haley’s Closet Page 14 Family Game Night Page 15 What is Key Club? Page 16 March of Dimes Page 17 DCON Page 18 Adopt A Grandparent Page 19 Special Announcements Page 20
A Letter from the Treasurer Hey Key Clubbers,
This year has been a wonderful year for our club. It’s our 10th anniversary as a chartered club and it’s the first time we’ve ever made it into the Top 25. With this exciting news I am very thankful to our advisors and our officers who dedicate so much time & effort into this great organization. Most importantly I’d like to thank our members- old & new, who’ve stuck around and have improved not only our club, but the community we live in as well. I’m thankful for each and every one of you. This club means so much to me. Although I may stress out from it a lot most of the time, I really enjoy it. It’s made me love giving back to the community and has made me very passionate about the world we live in. I’ve met some very inspiring people through this organization; people who may not have much, but have so much wisdom & love in their lives. This holiday season I hope that you get to feel the passion I have for this club through service and understand the joy of giving back to the community we live in. Happy holidays, Nithure Rema
Key Notes Happy Holidays Club Meeting 8:10 a.m. Lecture Hall
Board Meeting 4:20 p.m. Rm. 237
Club Meeting 8:10 a.m. Lecture Hall
Beautiful Feet Homeless Outreach
Joint Club/ Board Meeting 8:10 a.m. Lecture Hall
Board Meeting 4:20 p.m. Rm. 237
Club Meeting 8:10 a.m. Lecture Hall
Tarrant County Food Bank
K-Family Social Game Night 6p.m.-9p.m.
Burleson’s Bears Key Club members make stuffed bears for children
On December 24 the Burleson Key Club teamed up with other clubs from Division 1 to tackle the Build-a-Bear social. The Key clubbers met at Ridgmar Mall in Fort Worth, central to the Key Clubs in the division. Making a stuffed animal at Build-a-Bear is incredibly special. First, you pick which bear or stuffed animal you would like. They have everything from bears to bunnies to My Little Pony ® unicorns. Next, you stuff your bear. The special thing about this is that stuffing your bear includes making a wish before you stick the heart into the bear. After this your bear is ready. The opyional next step is picking out the perfect outfit for your fluffy friend. They have everything from sports team outfits, to dresses, to pajamas, and even bear underwear. Every member made their bear unique. No bear was exactly alike and that’s what makes them special. Members were later allowed to give away their bear personally on the Beautiful Feet Hay Ride.
After digging around the many types of bear clothes, Sophomore Skyelar Armstrong is happy to find the right pajamas for her bear.
Junior Alie Shipman gives the heart to her bear a wish before placing it into her bear.
The Burleson High School Key Club
With hopeful hearts, Freshman Naomi Mitchell and Senior Taylor Jeffery give the heart a kiss before placing them in their bears.
Division 1 Key Clubbers
Shoe Boxes for Christmas Key Club members create Christmas shoe boxes for children The Burleson High School Key Club participated in the Semeritains Oporation Christmas Child. During the week of November 17 through November 21 the Key Clubbers collected children’s toys as well as toiletries to make shoe boxes. Operation Christmas Child is a program through Samaritan’s Purse that provides Christmas presents to children in developing countries that would not otherwise receive a present. On That Friday members gathered at the local Dollar Tree to buy more items to
fill the boxes as well as to make some boxes. Once everyone arrived at Dollar Tree, members drifted off in search of the perfect toys to put in their shoe boxes they were going to send. Members were able to choose whether they wanted to make a box for a boy or a girl and what the age. “We built a box for a fivenine year old boy. It was fun to get things that others needed.” Member Tyra Marks said. The Key Clubbers made about 10 boxes total; what a great surprise these children will have when they open their boxes! With the aid of a fellow Key Clubber, junior Shivani Dalal looks for the right gift to give to a child in need. “I loved building the boxes,” Dalal said. “My favorite part was going through and getting the necessities that we would take for granted but other kids don’t have.”
Sorting through all of the supplies she had bought, Senior Taylor Jeffery prepares her boxes.
Determined to get the perfect gift for a child in a developing country, Secretary Skyelar Armstrong hunts for school suplies and fun toys. “I had so much fun making my box,” Armstrong says. “I felt wonderful knowing that I was going to make a child’s holiday.”
Sophomore Nithure Rema and Skyelar Armstrong sit down at Dollar Tree to put the gifts they bought into boxes.
Smile with Santa Key Clubbers help with the local Breakfast with Santa ‘Twas a few weeks before Christmas, and all through the town. Lots of Key Clubbers were stirring and rising for service. They each got up and went to the BRiCk to prepare for Breakfast with Old Saint Nick. Key Clubbers got into the spirit of the holidays at the Breakfast with Santa held at the BRiCk. Members got to help serve food, assist with the kids crafts, and paint faces for of the children and their families. “I love seeing cute kids dressed up all Christmassy! I feel like Santa’s little helper.” Secretary Skyelar Armstrong said. Breakfast with Santa brought the spirit of the holidays and the spirit of service together for a great Saturday morning in Burleson.
Santa Clause was able to be at the BRiCk so that kids could tell him what they wanted for Christmas.
Eager to serve their community, The Burleson Highs Shool Key Club line up at the serving table.
Junior Emily Balliviero prepares the breakfast foods.
Freshman Naomi Mitchell helps with the face painting station.
Senior Taylor Jeffery paints a girls face for the holidays.
Sophomore Skyelar Armstrong pours syrup into a picture for Emily Balliviero to serve it to those at Breakfast for Santa.
Hopeful Hayride Key Club members deliver toys to children in need
Bears, card games, bikes and Bibles filled trailers of Ft. Worth on the night of December 12. The Burleson High School Key Club went out to Beautiful Feet Ministries that night to spread Christmas cheer to the families of inner-city Ft. Worth. The Key Club collected toys for two weeks at Burleson High School to be able to have donations for this night. In all they collected about 6 garbage bags full of stuffed animals as well as a few boxes full of toys. When the Key Clubbers arrived at Beautiful Feet Ministries they gathered in the sanctuary with all of the volunteers and sang songs before they went out to the neighborhoods to share the spirit of Christmas. The church sanctuary was packed full with people willing to help their community. Once everyone was lifted up by the joys of the season they headed out to the trailers that had been awaiting them. The Burleson Key Club quickly found an empty trailer and climbed aboard. They piled toys onto this trailer and hopped on the hay bails. Each group had a specific route to follow so that many neighborhoods could be reached. As soon as the Key Clubbers arrived at their assigned they split into four groups of about four to five people to go to different houses. They knocked on doors, gave families a Bible, gave the children Christmas presents, and prayed with the family. The residents of each house had not expected a knock on their door, nor did they expect the Key Clubbers to give them presents and hope for a happy holiday season.
The Burleson Key Club smile while they ride to an intercity neighborhood.
Determined to remember the ages of a residents children Juniors Emily Ballivero and Grace Ruby walked back to the trailer full of toys chanting “ 15, 14, 11, 1.�
A group of children that the Key Club gave gifts to.
Sophomore Nithure Rema passes the time with some dance moves.
The Burleson Key Club take a selfie before continuing to hand out Christmas Gifts.
Sorting for those in Shortage Key Club members sort clothing for needy families On December 4 and 8, the Burleson Key Club helped out at Joshua Baptist church with their new ministry calledHaley’s closet. Joshua Baptist Church has collected clothing donations whatever the case might be, this is a place for those in need. Key Clubbers walked into a huge mess. There were boxes and boxes of clothes, boxes of hangers, as well as shelves needing to be mounted on the wall to provide an area for hanging the clothes. A few Key Clubbers began helping set up the shelves while others began tackling the boxes of clothes. Some clothes were hung up, other clothes were unanimously deemed too outdated for anyone to possibly consider wearing - these clothing items are being donated to Goodwill-, and there was yet another pile of clothes that was either too stained or torn to be worn and would be thrown away. At one point or another each of the girls would “ooo and ahh” over beautiful clothing items that had been donated, and then there were also times when they all said “eww, who would wear that”- those were the items that got thrown into the Goodwill pile. In the end, the Key Clubbers had a great time of fun, fellowship, laughter, and service. Junior Paulina Borowski said “Key Club is cool because it’s almost like a family; when we do service projects together we have hours to talk to each other and hang out and really get to know people you wouldn’t have gotten to know otherwise.” Spending time at Haley’s closet was most certainly a great time of bonding for the few that went.
Sophomore Nithure Rema is hanging up a piece of clothing.
Sophomore Skyelar Armstrong plays around with the dresses from Haley’s Closet.
Junior Paulina Borowski picks up already hung up clothes to be added to the pile.
The pile of clothes that the Key Club members sorted.
Family Game Night
What? Come out and have fun playing
games with fellow members of the K-Family!
When? Friday January 30th, 2015 From 6p.m. - 9p.m.
Where? At Historian Vanessa Castañeda’s House
What to bring? Bring your favorite board games and a smile
Why? This is a great opportunity to get to know your sponsoring Kiwanis club and fellow Key Club members! There will also be lots of yummy food! It’s an event you don’t want to miss out on!
What does Key Club mean to you? “ Key Club means a lot to me! I’m so glad that this organization helped bring students together in order to further the community. Without Key Club, I would not have the friends I have today. This club has helped me learn to give to others before myself and know that I will have forever lasting friendship with my club members. Key Club makes me feel like a better person inside and out. Feeling good means the most to me and that is why I am glad Key Club is apart of my life.” -Emily Ballivero
“ Key Club is a way for me to give back to the community and due to that reason I really appreciate the fact I have had the ability to participate in such a great club that helps spread the joy of helping and in just making the world a better place to live in.” -Shivani Dahl
“Key Club means an opportunity to be a part of something bigger than yourself, to grow as a person by doing service for others, to sacrifice your time for the good of those in need. And it’s an amazing opportunity. Not only does it just feel good to be a part of something so amazing, but it’s a place to develop great relationships with those who are so different from you, but also share your love for service.” - Paulina Borowski
“Key Club to me is an opportunity to make a true difference within the world and myself. Key Club brings new knowledge, experience friends, and life style.”- Skyelar Armstrong
March of Dimes Facts
March of Dimes is part of Key Club International’s Major Emphasis Program. Please be thinking of ways to fundraise for this charitable cause!
Get Excited! DCON 2015 is almost here! Mark your calendars for April 9-12, 2015
What is DCON? DCON is short for District Convention. District Convention is an annual Key Club convention where the district- Texas and Oklahoma- gathers for a weekend of fun, fellowship, and learning. For this conference, Key Clubbers from all over Texas and Oklahoma gather in Dallas, Texas and stay in the Sheraton Hotel for the weekend. In addition to getting to stay in this gorgeous hotel, the Key Clubbers come together for forums where they share different ideas on how to improve their clubs as well as themselves as people or as Key Club officers. Last year a few forums included Stress Management, Being a Servant Leader, and Key Club 101 just to name a few. These forums give the Key Clubbers a chance to share what they did well with in their own clubs as well as improvements they plan on making. Key Clubbers attending DCON also have the privilege of hearing an amazing motivational speaker to excite them about the new Key Club year. Furthermore, DCON is the place where the district board for the 2015-2016 school year will be elected. DCON is especially great for upcoming officers, but it can be beneficial for any member who aspires to one day become an officer or just wanting to become a better leader in their home, school, and community.
Adopt a Grandparent Project This Christmas season the Burleson High School Key Club partnered up with a local Mary Kay unit to “Adopt a Nursing Home” for Christmas. The idea was that both the Key Clubbers and Mary Kay consultants would approach businesses around the community and ask if they would like to “Adopt a grandparent” for Christmas. Adopting a grandparent meant that they would be providing a gift for one of the residents of the nursing home. The Burleson High School Key Club was able to get 39 grandparents adopted and the Mary Kay unit was able to get the rest of the 50 or so residents adopted so that every resident would for sure receive a gift for Christmas. The Burleson High School Key Club would like to thank the local Mary Kay unit for helping them tackle this project and they would also like to thank all of the businesses who helped make this all possible.
The BHS Key Club with some of the presents
Thank you to all of our sponsors! GoldBon air service company Burleson Kiwanis Club SilverThe Porch Kwik Kar Lube Tune Fast Five Fitness and Sports Training Sharklee products Morrison Supply 1st Travel of Burleson Sonic Jeffery Raceway Grand Salon IHOP KXAN Amos Painting Sliver Sponsors- 1-9 grandparents Gold Sponsors 10 or more grandparents
The BHS Key Club officers with some of the presents
Merry Christmas To Paulina Borowski
Thank you for driving all of the members to Haley’s closet.
To Mrs. Hughes
Thank you for letting us use your room for the Christmas party.
To Dr. English
Thank you for providing rides for the Beautiful Feet Ministries Hay Ride.
To those who brought food to the Christmas party
From the Burleson High School Key Club
Thank you to everyone who brought food to our annual Christmas party.
To Mary Kay
Thank you Mary Kay for partnering with the Burleson Key Club to provided a gift for the grandparents at the local nursing home.
Club, Divisional, and District Contact Information Taylor Jeffery President bhskeypresident@gmail.com
Nithure Rema Treasurer bhskeytreasurer@gmail.com
Payton Kinsey Webmaster bhskeywebmaster@gmail.com
Samuel Kinnin District Secretary secretary@tokeyclub.com
Anisa Vidic Vice President bhskeyvicepresident@gmail.com
Alie Shipman Editor bhskeyeditor@gmail.com
An Bui Division 1S Lieutenant Governor ltg1south@gmail.com
Colin Gonzalez District Treasurer treasurer@tokeyclub.com
Skyelar Armstrong Secretary bhskeysecretary@gmail.com
Vanessa Castañeda Historian bhskeyhistorian@gmail.com
Kaitlyn Wilson District Governor governor@tokeyclub.com
Emily Zhao District Editor editor@tokeyclub.com
Would you like to have an article or picture of yours featured in next month’s newsletter? Email your ideas to Alie, Nithure, or Vanessa by January 12th.
For more information and to register for upcoming events check out our website: www.groupspaces.com/BHSKeyClub