Burleson High School Character Building Leadership Caring Inclusiveness March 2015
Texas-Oklahoma District Division 1S
Volume 2 Issue 10
In this issue Letters from the officerspage 2 Key Notespage 3 K-family SocialPage 4
Letter from the Editor Hey Key Clubbers, This year has been a spectacular year for Key Club, and I hope that the year to come will be just a good. The year is almost over, but do not worry! Your Key Club officers still have a lot planned for the spring semester. As you are aware, DCON is coming up soon. For those who do not know what DCON is, or have never experienced the convention, then this is a great opportunity for you to venture out and partake in this fun filled convention. Speaking of leadership training, the candidates who are running for an officer position the 2015-2016 school year should highly consider going to DCON this year to be equipped for their adventures as officers. I highly recommend any member to look into the leadership convention, not only because it will further aid you in your time in Key Club, but it will establish a basis for you as an individual leader. Keep up the fantastic work, Key Clubbers!
DEC/ Mid-winter conferencePage 5 Valentines CardsPage 6 DCON/ Notes of Appreciation Page 7
Letter from the Secretary Calling all Key Clubbers! Officer elections are happening right around the-right now. They’re taking place right now and as members of Burleson Key Club, it is your responsibility to partake in voting. As nagging as the task sounds, submitting your vote for next year’s board of officers directly benefits you! Voting allows for you, as members, to improve Key Club as a whole. Remember that it’s absolutely necessary while voting to take into consideration each candidates’ future plans for Key Club. Although it may sound like a lame and overused question, it’s questions of that nature that give us insight on what each potential officer has in mind for the club next year. Do you have something that you didn’t particularly enjoy about being in Key Club this 2014-15 school year?- Feel free to ask your candidates about how they plan to work on dissolving those issues. -Skyelar
Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thur. Fri.
Board Meeting 4:20 Rm. 237
DCON Parent Meeting Lecture Hall 5:00 p.m.
Weekly Meeting 8:10 a.m. Lecture Hall
Plarn party Rm. 247 4:15 23
Board Meeting 4:20 Rm. 237
St. Patrick’s Day Party R.m. 237 4:15
DCM at West End Grill 7: 00 p.m. 19 20
Board/ Weekly Meeting 4:20 Rm. 237 DCON Money Due
Weekly Meeting
8:10 a.m. Lecture Hall
Tarrant County Food Bank
Key Clubbers and Cards The Burleson High School Key Club host a game night with the Burleson Kiwanis and Everman Key Club The Burleson High School Key Club hosted a social on January 30 at Historian Vanessa Castaneda’s house. This was a potluck style social as well as a game night. Members from the Kiwanis were able to attend, as well as some of the officers from the Everman High School Key Club. The night started off with everyone eating and mingling with each other. The games that were brought were Disneys’ Seen It, High School Musical Seen It, and Catch Phrase. The Key Clubbers gathered on the couch to play a friendly competition of all three games. While turns were being played and teams were being made, members went back to the kitchen to grab some more snacks before turning their attention back to the current game. The social continued in this manner for most of the evening, and at around 9 p.m. everyone started to head home. This social was a great way for not only the Burleson Key Clubbers to spend time with the Kiwanis, but also a chance to meet the officers of the Everman club and share ideas to better their clubs.
After filling their plates, Kiwanis members Dr. Wayne English, Mrs. English, and Donna Newsham sit down at the kitchen table to socialize. The Burleson and Everman Key Clubs pose for a group picture with Region 7 Kiwanis Advisor, Ms. Newsham
Key Club and Kiwanis members fill their plates with the food that was brought for this potluck style game night.
Key Cub members Skyelar Armstrong, Nita Korphanichkul Nithure Rema and Alie Shiman eat and talk with Everman officer Juan Saavedra.
The Burleson Key Club and the Everman Key Club share the couch for a K-Family Picture.
Kiwanians and Key Clubbers
All of the divisions from Region 7 meet at Martin High School for their Mid-Winter Conference Early Saturday morning key clubbers and kiwanians alike made their six am trek to Martin High School in Arlington, Texas for an extraordinary day. The activities began with set-up by the key clubbers preparing for the Kiwanis opening ceremony. Tri-folds were placed while thanks and love were written on paper hearts for the Kiwanians later to be made into a large heart display. Donuts, coffee, and fruit were provided for the workers to snack on before serving the guests. Division 1S, which includes the Burleson club, attended their PCM, or Presidential Council Meeting at 9 am. There clubbers discussed DCON (District Convention) as well as voted on a future date for the STC (Spring Training Conference) which is to be held on May 16th. Not to be forgotten, Burleson dominated the provided game the division’s leaders presented. Where one Burleson member did not know a fact, another was quick with the answer. Then, the opening ceremony was underway. Clubbers were privileged to be included in the prayer and to witness a beautiful Kiwanian rendition of God Bless America. At 10:15, some clubbers attended their division’s PCM while others including Burleson prepared for Kiwanis’ lunch. Surprisingly the club encountered an issue in the high school cafeteria when the school’s choir began stealing clubber stuff assuming it was theirs. Turned out that the choir had booked the cafeteria as well as key club. A quick conversation between the head persons changed this. The clubbers won the cafeteria where they created a wonderful atmosphere for the Kiwanians who enjoyed their lunch soon after. During lunch, Division 1 - north and south - elected their new LtG (Lieutenant Governor) for the 2015 - 2016 year. With great happiness, Burleson’s own Vanessa Castañeda won and will be the new Division 1S LtG. Around 1:30 in the afternoon, the clubbers enjoyed some rest as the Kiwanians attended forums. The key clubbers were invited to attend as well, but most chose to stay in the cafeteria to relax. Burleson was one of those that stayed to bask in their historian’s victory. The day ended with a simple closing ceremony at 2. The short meeting began with a video made by local Kiwanis members that inspired change, hope, and generosity while ending with a celebration of Kiwanis’ 100 year birthday. Though it was busy, crowded, and at some points boring, this year’s Divisional Election Conference (DEC) was a blast. Not only were the clubs creating connections, but ideas were expanding. Key clubbers got the opportunity to witness how other clubs operate; how other clubs respond when presented with the same problem. In addition to all of this, everyone was able to celebrate one of the best events ever: Happy 100th birthday, Kiwanis!
The large heart that the Key Lieutenant governors and some of the Key Clubbers made for the Kiwanis.
The Key Club members sit in on the Kiwanis Opening Ceremony.
The sign above the breakfast station that welcomes the Kiwanis to the Mid-Winter conference.
The Burleson Key Club Historian Vanessa Castañeda is giving her speech for the Lieutenant Governor Position.
Love for the Lovely
The Burleson Key Club writes and delivers Valentines Day Cards to the residents at Trinity Mission Nursing Home
During the week of February 9 through the 13 the Burleson Key Club provided their school the opportunity to make cards for the elderly. The students at Burleson High School stopped a table outside of their cafeteria to find construction paper of all colors, markers and crayon, along with other art supplies. The students made cards that said “ be my Valentine” and “ have a great Valentines day.” On that Friday, the Key Clubbers personally delivered each Card to the residents at Trinity Mission Nursing Home in Burleson. The Key Club members went into the dining rooms first to deliver cards to those who were eating dinner. Cards were passed out one by one with a smile on the Key Clubbers faces as they wished the residents a happy Valentines Day. Once both of the dining rooms had already been wished a happy Valentines they Key Clubbers started to knock on doors of each room in the nursing home until there were not any more cards to be handed out. Some of the residence were not able to hold their cards, or they were asleep. When this happened the Key Clubbers left the cards on the bed side table.
A humorous Valentine that one of the BHS students made in hopes to make an elderly laugh. 6
DCON is Coming Soon Who-Any Key Club member can attend District Convention.
What- District Convention is a weekend filled with leadership forums, contests, and service opportunities.
When- DCON will be a four day event
starting on April 9 and lasting through the 12. The convention will be held at the Sheraton Hotel in Dallas Texas.
Why- DCON is an opportunity to learn more about what goes into Key Club and how to better serve their community, while socializing in a fun environment.
To the BHS Students-Thank
you to the BHS Students who participated in the Valentines Day Cards.
To Trinity Mission Nursing HomeThank you for
letting the Key Clubbers deliver cards inside the rooms and the Dinning rooms.
Club, Divisional, and District Contact Information Taylor Jeffery President bhskeypresident@gmail.com
Nithure Rema Treasurer bhskeytreasurer@gmail.com
An Bui Division 1S Lieutenant Governor ltg1south@gmail.com
Anisa Vidic Vice President bhskeyvicepresident@gmail.com
Alie Shipman Editor bhskeyeditor@gmail.com
Kaitlyn Wilson District Governor governor@tokeyclub.com
Skyelar Armstrong Secretary bhskeysecretary@gmail.com
Vanessa CastaĂąeda Historian bhskeyhistorian@gmail.com
Samuel Kinnin District Secretary secretary@tokeyclub.com
Would you like to have an article or picture of yours featured in next month’s newsletter? Email your ideas to Alie, Nithure, or Vanessa.
Colin Gonzalez District Treasurer treasurer@tokeyclub.com Emily Zhao District Editor editor@tokeyclub.com Bobby T hakkar Tech Producer
For more information and to register for upcoming events check out our website: www.groupspaces.com/BHSKeyClub