ISSN 2406-2057
Edition Q 3
Nยบ 03
Uvodna reč
VLADIMIR BANOVIĆ urednik / editor
Dragi čitaoci,
Dear Readers,
Dobrodošli u treće izdanje magazina Business & Luxury.
Welcome to the third edition of Business & Luxury magazine.
Mi smo spremni smo da se prepustimo svežim idejama i promenimo stare rutine. Ako ste i vi pročitajte ono što niste do sada znali i probajte što niste probali. U stilu posebnih i jedinstvenih primeraka, izabrali smo priču o limitiranoj seriji Bentlijevog CONTINENTAL GT SPEED i sa njim se provozali do čuvenog poseda Goodwood da osetimo stari duh automobilskih trka. Nakon brze vožnje kroz istoriju, potrebno je napraviti pauzu i prepustiti se čarima tajlandskog luksuza ili možda oaze u wellness centru Saruna. Vreme je da sa unutrašnjeg zadovoljstva pređemo na lepotu koju nosimo. Raskošan svet nakita i satova graniči se sa umetnošću. Zanosna priča o delikatnom ručnom satu koji peva ili neponovljivi primerak sa cvetom koji zatvara i otvara svoje lotosove latice, navodi na razmišljanje o umešnosti majstora čije ruke znaju da stvore takvo delo. Sada, kada ste ponovo spremni za akciju, red je da pronađete sebi svojstven stil, recimo, dame da odaberu cipele koje nose njihovo ime ili sliku, ili gospoda da odabere nešto od modnih dodataka. I posle svega, dolazi dom, kao mesto predaha. Topla svetla neverovatne Delightfull rasvete ili zelena oaza na krovu vaše kuće, učiniće da se konačno izbacite iz brzine, odmorite i spremite za novi početak.
We are ready to consider fresh ideas and change old routines. If you are too, read about the things you knew nothing about until now and try the things you have not tried before. Pursuing the topic of special and unique things, we picked a story about a limited edition Bentley CONTINENTAL GT SPEED and took it for a ride to the famous Goodwood Estate to experience the feeling of old car racing. After speeding through history, you may take a break and indulge in the charms of Thai luxury or perhaps oasis offered by the Saruna wellness centre. After our inner satisfaction it is time to move on to the things that make us beautiful on the outside. A lavish world of jewellery and watches borders on art. A stunning story about a delicate, musical wristwatch or a unique piece with a lotus flower that closes and opens its petals, makes us think about the craftsmanship of a master whose hands are creating such pieces of art. Now, when you’re ready for action once again, you should search for your own fashion style, and ladies could find shoes for themselves that bear their name or image, and gentlemen could choose some fashion accessories. And finally, we come to the topic of home as our haven. Warm lights of the incredible DelightFULL lighting or green oasis on the roof of your house, will make you unwind, rest and get ready for a new beginning.
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ansiranjem serije Continental GT Speed Breitling Jet Team, Bentley dovodi svoj karakterističan spoj luksuza i performansi do krajnjih granica. Ovu ekskluzivnu seriju čini samo sedam automobila od kojih je svaki inspirisan jednim od sedam Breitlingovih mlaznih aviona.
Čuvena po svojoj preciznosti, brzini i neustrašivosti, akrobatska letačka ekipa Breitling Jet Team je ovog leta nastupila širom Sjedinjenih Država i Kanade u okviru velike turneje epskih razmera. U čast ovog spektakla, Bentleyev sektor Mulliner preradio je model
Renowned for their precision, speed and daring, this summer the Breitling Jet Team will be performing across the United States and Canada in a grand tour of epic proportions. To commemorate this spectacle, Bentley’s Mulliner division has
entley is taking its fusion of luxury and performance to new extremes with the launch of the Continental GT Speed Breitling Jet Team Series. This exclusive series is limited to just seven cars, each inspired by one of the seven Breitling Jets.
Continental GT Speed tako da oslikava karakterističan izgled Breitlingovih mlaznjaka, spajajući ekstremnu personalizaciju sa ogromnom brzinom.
re-imagined the Continental GT Speed to mirror the distinctive look of the Breitling Jets, fusing extreme customisation with immense speed.
Karoserija je ofarbana u dve upečatljive boje, sivoj (Hallmark) i crnoj (Onyx), sa detaljima urađenim u jedinstvenoj Breitlingovoj žutoj nijansi prema Pantone skali boja, kako bi bila što sličnija prepoznatljivom izgledu aviona L-39 Albatros.
The exterior is painted in a striking duo-tone split of Hallmark and Onyx with highlights colour matched to the exact Pantone of Breitling’s unique Yellow, reflecting the trademark look of the L-39 Albatros Jets.
Ova kombinacija boja je zastupljena i u kabini vozila, sa finim, elegantnim sedištima na kojima su takođe izvedeni detalji u Breitlingovoj žutoj boji.
This bespoke colour theme is continued on the interior, with unique sculpted seats featuring accents in Breitling Yellow.
Sa personalizacijom se otišlo i korak dalje, pa tako svaki automobil ima svoj broj kao pandan jednom od sedam Breitlingovih mlaznih aviona. Na panelu od ugljeničnih vlakana u okviru komandne table prikazana je slika sedam aviona u njihovoj karakerističnoj formaciji Avenger, sa odgovarajućim avionom istaknutim u istoj toj boji.
Taking customisation to new heights, each car is individually numbered and corresponds to one of the seven Breitling Jets. The dashboard’s carbon fibre fascia panel displays an image of the seven planes in their signature Avenger flight formation, with the corresponding jet highlighted in Breitling Yellow.
Isto tako, Mulliner je uklopio kožu i konac tako da se slažu sa žutom bojom koja je Breitlingov zaštitni znak i dizajnirao je niz logotipova i grafika za naslone za glavu koji ističu broj svakog automobila kao i mlaznjak koji je poslužio kao njegova inspiracija. Pločice na pragu automobila su takođe posebno numerisane.
Similarly, Mulliner has matched the hide and thread to Breitling’s signature yellow and designed a series of logos and graphics for the headrests that highlight the number of each car and the jet that inspired it. The tread plate plaques are also individually numbered.
Moving forward
The series debuted at the Boeing Seafair Airshow on 31st July in Seattle, where the Breitling Jet Team has performed. The key for each car were handed over to its owner by the corresponding plane’s pilot, but after they have experienced a flight in the jet that inspired their car. Geoff Dowding, Director of Mulliner, said: “The Continental GT Speed Breitling Jet Team Series demonstrates the level of customisation Mulliner can achieve for customers. Creating this very special edition has been an exciting experience for the entire team, taking inspiration from the Breitling Jet Team’s grand tour.”
Moving forward
Ova serija je prvi put predstavljena na aeromitingu Boeing Seafair koji je održan 31. jula u Sijetlu, na kojem je učestvovala akrobatska ekipa Breitling Jet Team-a. Vlasnicima automobila ključeve su uručili odgovarajući piloti, ali tek nakon što su se sa njima provozali u avionu koji je inspirisao izradu njihovog automobila.
Po rečima Džefa Daudinga, direktora sektora Mulliner: ”Serija Continental GT Speed Breitling Jet Team pokazuje nivo modifikacija koju Mulliner može da uradi za svoje kupce. Kreiranje ove zaista posebne serije je bilo jedno vrlo uzbudljivo iskustvo za ceo tim kojeg je inspirisala velika turneja ekipe Breitling Jet Team.“
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Mulliner – namerno poseban
Mulliner – Rare by Design
Mulliner postoji kako bi odgovorio na zahteve najizbirljivijih kupaca Bentleya. Ograničena serija ovog specijalnog sektora odražava pažljivo izabrane i inspirativne teme. Gledajući ih svaku za sebe, one mogu imati specijalno značenje za kupce na određenim tražištima, ali ono šta je svima zajedničko jesu najviši standardi Mullinerove izrade – polazeći od osnovne ideje Bentleyovog luksuza i praveći od njega nešto mnogo više. Mullinerove ograničene serije izdvajaju se po svom dizajnu i, stoga imaju potencijal da odmah postanu klasici koje će mnogi želeti da imaju, ali koje će voziti samo malobrojni srećnici. Više informacija o sektoru Mulliner možete naći na internet adresi
Mulliner exists to respond to the requirements of Bentley’s most discerning customers. The specialist division’s Limited Editions reflect carefully chosen and inspirational themes. Individually these might have special significance for customers in specific markets, but what they all share is the highest standards of Mulliner craftsmanship – taking the concept of Bentley luxury and pushing it even further. Mulliner Limited Editions are rare by design and, as a result, they all have the potential to become instant classics, desired by many but driven only by a fortunate few. More information about Mulliner can be found at www.
Akrobatska letačka ekipa Breitling Jet Team
Breitling Jet Team
Ekipa Breitling Jet Team, podržana od strane nezavisne švajcarske kompanije Breitling koja proizvodi satove, jeste najveći, profesionalni, civlini letački tim na svetu koji nastupa u mlaznim avionima. Tim se sastoji od sedam aviona tipa L-39 C Albatros koji mogu da dostignu brzinu od 565 milja na čas i da lete u razmaku od samo nekoliko metara jedan od drugog. Nadaleko poznati po svojoj preciznosti i besprekornoj koordinaciji prikazanoj kroz akrobacije pri velikim brzinama, tim iz Francuske po prvi put dolazi u Severnu Ameriku kako bi prikazao svoje nenadmašno letačko umeće, čime asociraju na kvalitet i preciznost satova kompanije Breitling.
The Breitling Jet Team, supported by the independent Swiss watch company Breitling, is the world’s largest professional civilian flight team performing in jets. The team is comprised of seven L-39 C Albatros jets that can reach speeds of up to 565 mph and fly within just a few feet of each other. Widely recognized for their precision and seamless coordination displayed throughout high-speed aerobatic performances, the Francebased team brings their unmatched flying to North America for the first time, mirroring the quality and precision of a Breitling timepiece.
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Goodwood Revival
Na ovogodišnjoj manifestaciji Goodwood Revival obeležiće se 50. godišnjica jednog od najlegendarnijih trkačkih automobila GT klase iz 1960-ih - Shelby Daytona kupea - okupljanjem V8 trkačkih automobila koji nikada pre nisu viđeni na ovom događaju koji se održava od 11. do 13. septembra.
This year’s Goodwood Revival will mark the 50th anniversary of one of the most iconic GT racing cars of the 1960s – the Shelby Daytona Coupe – with a never-before-seen collection of the V8 racers at the 11-13 September event.
Samo šest primeraka ovog kupea je ikad napravljeno, a ime je stekao po svom debitantskom pojavljivanju na trkama Daytona Continental 1964. godine, na kojima su vozači Dejv Mekdonald i Bob Holbert napravili pravu senzaciju kada su obezbedili pol poziciju i vodili prvu trećinu trke.
Only six examples of the Daytona Coupe were ever produced; its acquired name a reference to the car’s debut at the Daytona Continental in 1964, at which its drivers Dave MacDonald and Bob Holbert caused a sensation by securing pole position and leading the first third of the race.
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Moving forward
Po prvi put u istoriji automobili će se okupiti na stazi Goodwood kako bi svakog dana tokom Revival manifestacije učestvovali na specijalnoj demonstracionoj trci, zajedno sa drugim važnijim originalnim primercima Shelby Cobra kupea. Barem dva će učestvovati na paradnoj trci ove manifestacije - RAC Tourist Trophy Celebration - koja se održava u nedelju.
For the first time in history the cars will come together at Goodwood to take part in a special demonstration run on each day of the Revival, along with a selection of other significant original Shelby Cobras. At least two of the Daytona machines will race in the Revival’s showpiece race – the RAC Tourist Trophy Celebration – on the Sunday of the event.
Cobra koja je prvobitno koncipirana po ugledu na britanski AC-Bristol, nastala je nakon što je amerikanac Kerol Šelbi - pobednik trke 24 sata Le Mana 1959. godine - ugradio fordove V8 motore i jače menjače u mašine sa prerađenom karoserijom konstruktora iz Ditona na Temzi.
Based originally on the British AC-Bristol, the Cobra came into being after American Carroll Shelby – winner of the 1959 Le Mans 24 Hours – began fitting Ford V8 engines and strengthened gearboxes to re-bodied machines from the Thames Ditton-based constructor.
Poznati dizajner Piter Brok osmislio je vrhunsku aerodinamičnu karoseriju idealnu za izuzetno velike brzine i rođen je Daytona kup na kome će se takmičiti trkačke superzvezde tog vremena poput Dena Gernija, Fila Hila i Krisa Amona u okviru svetskog šampionata koji se u tom periodu održavao za GT automobile sa zatvorenim kokpitom. Nakon osvojene pobede u svojoj klasi u Le Manu 1964. godine, Shelby-jeva dominacija na šampionatu World Sportcars 1965. godine obezbedila mu je da postane prva američka marka automobila koja je osvojila titulu zahvaljujći brojnim pobedama, uključujući trke u Dejtoni, Sebringu, Le Manu i Nirburgringu, sa programom koji su vodili sam Shelby International, Alen Mann Racing i - povremeno - Scuderia Filipinetti.
Renowned designer Peter Brock came up with an ultra-aerodynamic body ideal for high top speeds and the Daytona Coupe was born, to be raced by superstar drivers of the era like Dan Gurney, Phil Hill and Chris Amon in the World Championship, which was held for closed-top GT cars during the period. After a Le Mans class win in 1964, a dominant campaign in World Sportscars in ’65 ensured that Shelby became the first American marque to take the title with numerous class wins from the car, including at Daytona, Sebring, Le Mans and the Nurburgring, with programmes run by Shelby International itself, Alan Mann Racing and – on one occasion – Scuderia Filipinetti.
luxury Svi Cobra kupei će biti smešteni u posebnom prostoru u okviru glavnog padoka koji će biti opremljen tako da liči na pitlejn 12-časovne trke u Sebringu iz 1965. godine u čast ove veoma posebne proslave u septembru. To će zasigurno biti najveća poslastica za 150.000 posetilaca ovog Revival događaja.
All the Cobras will be housed in a special area within the main paddock, which will be dressed to resemble the pitlane of the 1965 Sebring 12 Hours for this very special celebration in September. It is sure to be a highlight for the event’s 150,000 visitors to the Revival.
Manifestacija Goodwood Revival je jedini događaj na svetu koji u potpunosti ima istorijsku tematiku, gde svaki detalj verno oslikava ono zlatno doba stila, elegancije i glamura: 1948. - 1966. Nijedan drugi modni događaj u “retro” stilu bilo gde drugde nema ovako velike razmere: većina posetilaca nosi odgovarajuću odeću i obuću i dolazi kompletno doterana i to od noktiju nalakiranih u zavodnički crvenu boju pa sve do šimi-cipela.
The Goodwood Revival is the only event in the world set entirely to a period theme, with every detail faithful to that golden age of style, grace and glamour: 1948-1966. No other vintage fashion event anywhere takes place on such a vast scale: the majority of the public attended are suited, booted and groomed from the tips of their ‘femme fatale’ red fingernails to their winklepicker toes.
Tokom zimskih meseci, dobrotvorne radnje polovne robe, dućani starinske odeće i prodavnice koje iznajmljuju kostime širom zemlje beleže konstantno veliku posećenost muškaraca, žena i dece koji dolaze da pronađu savršenu odeću kako bi bili dostojni svog scenskog okruženja. Mnogi od vodećih prodavaca odeće u “retro” stilu širom Velike Britanije donose svoju robu na Goodwood Revival Market
Over the winter months, charity shops, vintage clothing emporia and costume hire stores all over the country have reported a steady stream of men, women and children looking to find the perfect outfit to do justice to the theatre of their surroundings. Many of the leading vintage clothes suppliers across the UK bring their wares to the Goodwood Revival
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Moving forward
- jedinstveno mesto za šoping koje je posvećeno isključivo i jedino modnom senzibilitetu perioda koji je prethodio 1966. godini. Ova pijaca je postala modna mreža velikih mogućnosti i mesto gde se modni zaluđenici i poklonici “retro” stila okupljaju da razmene savete, dorade svoje kostime od prethodne godine, ali i da kupe bolje šešire ili atraktivnije krznene ogrtače a sve radi događaja koji se održava narednog dana.
Market – a unique shopping village dedicated solely and strictly to the design sensibilities of the pre-1966 period. The market has become a great fashion network opportunity with fashionistas and serious vintage devotees meeting up to exchange tips, upgrade costumes from last year and even buy a better hat or foxier fur wrap for the event the next day.
Period između 1948. i 1966. godine nudi ogroman prostor za odabir “izgleda” za taj događaj. Gospoda mogu oboriti dame sa nogu u vojnim uniformama uskog kroja; ili se mogu odlučiti za urbanu uglađenost Kerija Granta; seoski opušteni izgled Džejmsa Heriota je uvek popularan, kao i krajnje zločasta i temperamentna kombinacija kože i džinsa Marlona Branda ili Elvisa iz perioda pre vojske. Isto tako i žene imaju izvanredne ikone stila na koje mogu da se ugledaju: senuzalan, vatreni glamur filmskih zavodnica četrdesetih Rite Hejvort ili Ave Gardner; zamamne, božanske haljine Merlin Monro; bezvremeni klasičan stil, gracioznost i lepotu Odri Hepbern; savršene kompletiće i modne detalje Džeki Kenedi i Grejs Keli; ili neobuzdane i vesle miniće Tvigi. Toliko modnih stilova, a samo tri dana tokom kojih se oni mogu nositi!
The period of 1948 to 1966 offers tremendous scope for choosing a ‘look’ to adopt for the event. Gentlemen can make women swoon in a tightly tailored Forces uniform; or adopt the debonair urbanity of Cary Grant; the country casual look of a James Herriot is always popular, as is the unashamedly mean and moody leather and denim of a Marlon Brando or a pre-army Elvis. Women, too, have remarkable style icons to emulate: the sultry, smouldering glamour of Forties silver screen sirens Rita Hayworth or Ava Gardner; the voluptuous goddess dresses of Marilyn Monroe; the timeless classicism, grace and beauty of Audrey Hepburn; the perfect little suits and accessories of Jackie Kennedy and Grace Kelly; or the sheer mini-skirted, swinging joie de vivre of Twiggy. So much fashion, and only three days to dress up for!
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Pleasure & Leisure
Tajna tajlandskog luksuza The secret of Thai luxury
he treasures of the mysterious continent of Asia have not yet been fully brought to light, and so with every discovery of a small piece of paradise on earth, we jump at the opportunity to be enchanted by it and can hardly wait to explore it, touch it and carry with use valuable memory. When you imagine yourself in the surreal and somewhat dreamlike, natural environment, complemented with sheer luxury, you never fully visualize the whole picture, as you wish to stay surprised by what you would encounter when you arrive at its centre. It is precisely this kind of surprise and abundance that is offered by a special part of Thai territory at the edge of Koh Samui, where long, vast, sandy beaches, coral reefs and coconut trees hide the key to the gates of paradise. We present to you Samujana.
Pleasure & Leisure
ogatstva kojima raspolaže misteriozni azijski kontinent još uvek nam nisu u potpunosti otkrivena, zato svakim otkrićem jednog malog rajskog parčeta zemlje, žurimo da budemo omađijani njime i da ga što pre istražimo, dodirnemo i ponesemo kao vrednu uspomenu. Kada zamišljate sebe u okvirima nestvarnog i pomalo sanjivog prirodnog okruženja, dopunjenog čistim luksuzom, nikad do kraja neodmaštate celu sliku, jer želite da ostanete iznenađeni onim što ćete zateći kada stignete u njegov centar. Upravo takva iznenađenja i izobilje nudi poseban deo tajlandske teritorije na obodu Koh Samuje, gde duge prostrane peskovite plaže, koralni grebeni i kokosova drveća kriju ključ od rajskih vrata. Predstavljamo vam Samujanu.
Pleasure & Leisure
Samujana je odmaralište koje obuhvata dvadeset sedam, ali do sada završenih osamnaest vila, izgrađenih tako da prate i poštuju linije prirodnog okruženja na kom se nalaze. Projektanska kuća Gfab je zahvljujući ovom projektu osvojila brojne nagrade za rešenja dizajna koji predstavlja mešavinu zapadne i istočne kulture, pomalo savremenog stila ujedinjenog sa klasikom tajlandske tradicije. Prostranstvo svih prostora od dnevnih soba sa pogledom na nenastenjeni Koh Matlang, do bazena na čijim ivicama možete da odmarate i izgubite se u pogledu na jedan od najlepših zalazaka sunca koji ćete iskusiti na Tajlandu.
Samujana is a resort consisting of twenty seven villas, eighteen of which are completed so far, which are designed to follow and observe the lines of natural habitat where they are located. The design solutions have won numerous awards for Gfab, the creator of this project, with their mixture of Western and Eastern culture, blending a slightly contemporary style with the classical Thai tradition. The spaciousness of all areas, from the living rooms overlooking the uninhabited island of Koh Matlang, to the pool son the edges of which you may relax and lose yourself in the view of one of the most beautiful sunsets that you will experience in Thailand.
Samujana pruža svojim gostima da otkrivaju nove stvari, da se pokrenu, kao i da u potpunosti uživaju u tome da ne rade ništa. Prebogat sadržaj aktivnosti vaš dan može ispuniti najrazličitijim putevima u zavisnosti koja to interesovanja preovlađuju. Od igranja tenisa i golfa na jednim od najboljih terena u regionu, preko skijanja na vodi, ronjenja, istraživanja podvodnog sveta jedne od omiljenih tačka za ronilačke sportove, Koh Taoa, pa sve do bandži džampinga, ATV safarija, šetnji do vodopada, jahanja slonova.
Samujana offers its guests new things to discover, to be active, as well as to truly enjoy their leisure time. A wide range of activities may fill your day in most diverse ways depending on your prevailing interest. From playing tennis and golf at one of the best courses in the region, to water skiing, diving, exploring the underwater world at the popular diving site of Koh Tao, up to the bungee jumping, AT V safaris, waterfall hikes, and elephant rides.
A možda će vas pre i zanimati da otkrijete kulturu jedne civilizacije, posetite hramove, poznatu destileriju ruma, bučne pijace vedrih i nasmejanih lokalaca i popnete se do poznatog velikog Bude na kom ćete moći da se oglasite kroz melodična zvona. Za one koji traže povratak u sebe i pronalaženje unutrašnjeg mira, sve vile imaju profesionalne instruktore Muaji Thaja, joge, masažere, trenere za regularnu teretanu, koji će vam pomoći da povratite balans između fizičke snage i mentalnog mira. Neće vas zaobići ni susreti sa novim ukusima Taji kuhinje. Kako se ove vile mogu iznajmljivati, sve su opremljene vrhunskim kuhinjama u kojima možete postati svoj majstor uz kratku obuku ili naručiti sveže namirnice da vam se donesu iz lokalnih bakalnica, ali naravno, za one koji su ipak došli na čisto prepuštanje i smiraj, naručivanje sa dugog menija postaje sport za sebe. Vodeći projekat Samujane, njen menadžment vodi veliku brigu o eko sistemu koji pokušava da sačuva,
If you are more interested in discovering the culture of this civilization, you may do so by visiting temples, the famous rum distillery, lively marketplaces with cheerful and smiling locals and climb up to the famous Big Buddha to ring the melodious bells.
You will inevitably experience new tastes of Thai cuisine. Since these villas can be rented, they are all furnished with state-of-the-art kitchens where you may become your own master with a little training or have the fresh food be brought to you from the local grocery stores. But naturally, for those who came just to unwind and relax, ordering from extensive menus becomes a sport in its own right. The management of Samujana in charge of this project takes great care of the ecosystem and tries to preserve
Pleasure & Leisure
For those seeking to rediscover themselves and find their inner peace, all the villas have professional instructors of Muay Thai, yoga, as well as masseuses and regular gym trainers, that will help you restore the balance between your physical strength and mental peace.
Pleasure & Leisure
kao i da se što veći deo energije obnavlja i reciklira. Tako na pirmer, sva potrošena voda se ponovo vraća u sistem za korišćenje prirodnim rešenjima, a čak su pronađeni i zabavni načini za otklon od najezde neprijatnih glodara, u vidu straže mačaka.
it by renewing and recycling as much energy as possible. And so, for instance, all water waste gets returned to the system using natural methods, and even a fun way was found to deal with the rodent infestation in the form of cat guards.
Tajland je takođe poznat kao Zemlja osmeha, stoga je to još jedan od razloga zašto bi trebalo da se uputite upravo u ovaj skoro pa nestvarni svet odlikovan čistim blaženstvom. Razmazite svoja čula, udahinte nešto drugačije, vratite se oporavljeni snagom prirode u kombinaciji sa luksuznim čarolijama.
Thailand is also known as the Land of Smiles, so this is another reason why you should head to this almost surreal world of pure bliss. Pamper your senses, inhale something different, return refreshed with the power of nature combined with the fabulous luxury.
Kada poželite celi svet u vašim bojama, vreme je da ostvarite i najmanje želje vašeg srca i prepustite se uživanju po vašoj meri. Mi kreiramo jedinstvene doživljaje isključivo za vas.
Pleasure & Leisure
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Vip Treatment
Brend SarunaWellness & Fitness nastao je pre 13 godina kao jednistven spoj Spa centara i vrhunskih fitnes programa. Osnivači Sarune, profesori sporta, Ivana i Dejan Maričić kreiraju specijalne Saruna programe, koji uklopljeni sa Spa sadržajima omogućavaju članovima postizanje sklada uma i tela. Ekspanzija njihovih centara u proteklih nekoliko godina omogućila je da Saruna može odgovoriti na potrebe različitih tipova klijenata na više lokacija u Beogradu. Pojedinačna i korporativna članstva dostupna su u klubovima Premium, Comfort i Standard kategorije.
The Saruna Wellness & Fitness brand was created 13 years ago as a unique blend of spa centres and top fitness programmes. The founders of Saruna, professors in sports, Ivana and Dejan Maričić have created special Saruna programmes that, combined with spa contents, offer its members a harmony of mind and body. The expansion of its centres in the past several years enabled Saruna to respond to the needs of various types of clients at several locations in Belgrade. Individual and corporate memberships are available in the Premium, Comfort and Standard category clubs.
Pleasure & Leisure
Revitalizacija – Revitalisation LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE
Pleasure & Leisure
Premium linija Saruna klubova članovima omogućava korišćenje širokog spektra Spa sadržaja, poput bazena sa slanom vodom, hidromasaže, turskog kupatila, različitih sauna, medicinski sertifikovane slane pećine sa pet tona soli iz Mrtvog mora, usluge vrhunskih fizioterapeuta, ličnih trenera, zdravih obroka i koktela iz svog Vitamin bara.
The Premium Line of Saruna clubs offers its members a wide variety of spa content, such as a salt water pool, hydromassage, Turkish bath, various saunas, medically certified salt cave with five tons of salt from the Dead Sea, expert physiotherapist and personal coach services, healthy meals and cocktails from the Vitamin Bar.
Čovekovo telo i organizam je, zbog načina života i sindroma 21. veka, u disbalansu sa prirodom i stanjem harmonije. SarunaWellness klub se vodi idejom postizanja prirodne ravnoteže duha i tela. Terapija vodom je jedna od najprirodnijih metoda oslobađanja od stresa, plivanje i hidromasaža daju efekat višednevnog odmora. Parna kupatila i saune su od srednjeg veka služile ljudima za oslobađanje od toksina i podmlađivanje kože, kao i terapija za mnoge rasprostranjene bolesti. Tretman u slanoj pećini zamenjuje četiri dana boravka na moru,
Owing to the 21st century stress syndrome and way of life, the human body is at constant imbalance with nature and harmony. The Saruna Wellness club strives to achieve the natural balance of the body and spirit. Water therapy is one of the most natural methods for stress relief. Swimming and hydromassages make us feel truly rested. Since the Middle Ages, steam baths and saunas have helped people detoxify and rejuvenate the skin, and have served as therapy for many diseases. A treatment in a salt cave substitutes for four days at the seaside. It recovers and heals the
Revitalizacija LIFESTYLE – Revitalisation MAGAZINE
oporavlja i leči respiratorne puteve, hrani telo jodom i omogućava bolji rad mozga. Fizioterapija i masaža oslobađaju napetosti nakupljene u telu i mišićima, ali takođe poboljšavaju lučenje oksitocina – „hormona sreće“, čime se umiruje celokupan nervni sistem. SarunaSpa tretmani pružaju telu sve ono što današnji način života crpi ili uskraćuje, čime se postiže osećaj relaksiranosti i blagostanja celog organizma i vraća snaga i energija.
respiratory tract, nourishes the body with iodine and allows better brain function. Physiotherapy and massage release tension accumulated in the body and muscles, and also enhance the release of oxytocin – the “happiness hormone” – which calms the entire nervous system. Saruna Spa treatments provide the body with everything that the modern way of life deprives us of or takes away. This results in a feeling of relaxation and well-being of the whole body, and restores strength and energy.
Među specijalizovanim Saruna Fitnes & Lifestyle programima, izdvaja se Wellness karantin – jedinstven Lifestyle koncept na srpskom tržištu. Ovaj koncept podrazumeva potpunu izolaciju klijenta od nezdravog života i stresne svakodnevnice. On provodi izvesno vreme u Wellness karantinu, sa čitavim timom stručnjaka koji menjaju njegov način života – nutricionista, lekar, trener, psihoterapeut, fizioterapeut. Ovakav pristup omogućava, osim preoblikovanja tela, pravu izmenu življenja, postavljanjem temelja zdravih navika. Menja se uzrok, ne ispravlja posledica.
Among the specialised Saruna Fitness & Lifestyle programmes, we particularly recommend Wellness Quarantine – a lifestyle concept unique in the Serbian market. This concept involves complete isolation of the client from the unhealthy lifestyle and stressful everyday life. The client spends time in the wellness quarantine with an entire team of experts whose aim is to change the client’s way of living: a nutritionist, doctor, trainer, psychotherapist and physiotherapist. In addition to reshaping the body, this approach offers a real change of lifestyle, laying the foundation of healthy habits. The cause is changed, instead of consequence corrected.
Pleasure & Leisure
Dizajnerski kolektiv
Pleasure &&Leisure Plesasure Leisure
designer collective
Pleasure & Leisure
Pleasure & Leisure
Van Perckens® je dizajnerski kolektiv koji dizajnira i izrađuje ekskluzivne, prepoznatljive proizvode u ograničenim serijama. Takođe, imaju u ponudi i unikatne dizajnerske proizvode koji se prave samo u jednom primerku. Nastali direktno na osnovu crteža i idejnog rešenja dizajnera, svi predmeti su izrađeni majstorskom veštinom. Ove izuzetne metode izrade zahtevaju naporan rad i garantuju unikatnost svakog pojedinačnog predmeta iz dizajnerske serije označene brojem. Svaki predmet dizajniran od strane Van Perckens-a odiše vlastitom autentičnošću i originalnošću.
Van Perckens® is a designer collective that designs and produces exclusive, distinctive, limited edition items. Unique, single copy designs are also available. Originating directly from the designer’s drawings and concept, all items are expertly crafted. These remarkable and labor-intensive production methods ensure that each individual item from the numbered design series is unique. Each Van Perckens® design object exudes its own authenticity and originality.
Van Perckens® oličava ideju čistog luksuza i prepoznatljiv je po svom neponovljivom, svežem dizajnu. Ograničenja u smislu dizajna i izrade nestaju; ono što je važno je da dizajneri biraju samo najneobičnije materijale i da majstori sprovode njihove ideje u delo do poslednjeg detalja. Svaki predmet zrači strašću kojom je kreiran i izrađen. Ovo, zajedno sa originalnošću samog dizajna, pruža uverenje da je svaki predmet koji nosi potpis Van Perckens® pravi kolekcionarski primerak.
Van Perckens® embodies the concept of pure luxury, and is recognized by its inimitable, fresh design. Boundaries in terms of design and production fade away; what counts is that the designers select only the most unusual materials, and that craftsmen execute the designs to the very last detail. Each item radiates the passion with which it was created and crafted. This, combined with the design’s originality, ensures you that each item bearing the Van Perckens® signature is truly a collectors item.
Iskusite novi osećaj ekskluzivnosti: vaš izvanredan ukus kombinovan sa vizijom koju nudi Van Perckens®.
Experience a new sensation of exclusivity: your extraordinary taste combined with the vision of Van Perckens®
Dizajnerski kolektiv Van Perckens®, ne samo da se izdvaja po svom jedinstvenom dizajnu, već i po izuzetnom izboru materijala koji uključuje čiste plemenite metale, paletu retkog i egzotičnog drveta, kristal i niz drugih, vrlo skupocenih materijala. Na lični zahtev moguće je ugraditi i drago kamenje u njihov dizajn.
The Van Perckens® designer collective not only distinguishes itself with its singular design, but also with its exclusive choice of materials. Our selection of materials includes precious solid metals, either solid, a choice of rare and exotic wood, crystal, and a collection of other, highly valuable resources. Precious stones can be integrated into our designs upon your personal request.
Van Perckens® pruža svoje usluge i fizičkim licima i na poslovnom tržištu. Postojeća kreacija može biti potpuno prilagođena ličnim zahtevima bez narušavanja jedinstvenosti njenog dizajna. Na taj način Van Perckens®-ovi personalizovani projekti ostvaruju dragocen i dugotrajan efekat zahvaljujući kupčevom ličnom pečatu pri čemu je moguće obezbediti savršeno uklapanje, na primer, sa korporativnim identitetom kupca. Naravno, pri svakom koraku se nastoji osigurati da kvalitet ima najveći prioritet.
Van Perckens® offers its services to both private individuals and the business-to-business market. Existing designs can be exclusively tailored to individual requests without compromising the design’s uniqueness. In this way the customer’s personal signature can add a valuable, long-lasting impression to the Van Perckens® Personalized Projects, and we can ensure a seamless fit with, for example, your corporate identity. At each step we of course ensure that quality has the utmost priority.
Prestižna kolekcija Van Perckens® obuhvata raznoliki asortiman proizvoda koji daju naročitu
The prestigious Van Perckens® collection comprises a diverse range of products that add a distinct highlight to
Van Perckens® No.8 Posuda za hlađenje šampanjca za 6 osoba
Van Perckens® Nr. 8 | Champagne Cooler | 6 persons
Simbioza skupocenih metala, kristala, strasti i tradicionalnog holandskog umeća... ... koja ispunjava svaku vašu želju.
A symbiosis of precious metals, crystal, passion and traditional Dutch craftsmanship… … to meet your every wish.
Završna obrada: čisto 20 karatno zlato, čisto 20 karatno zlato u kombinaciji sa dragim kamenjem
Finishing: solid 20 ct. gold | solid 20 ct. gold in combination with precious stones
Svaki unikatni predmet Van Perckens© ima sopstveni sveobuhvatan sertifikat.
Each unique Van Perckens© object carries its own comprehensive certification.
Pleasure & Leisure
čar životu. Posebno stvorena za one koji uživaju u najfinijim detaljima i znaju da prepoznaju najbolji kvalitet, kao i za one koji biraju da upotpune svoje poslovne odnose i projekte izuzetnim osećajem za stil. Van Perckens® nudi mogućnost da ostvarite svoju viziju.
life. Specially created for those who enjoy the finesse and distinction of the highest available quality, and for those who choose to substantiate their business relationships or contracts with an extraordinary sense of style. Van Perckens® offers you the opportunities to realize your vision.
Uživajte u svom dragocenom životu najviše što možete...
Enjoy your precious life as intensively as possible...
Pleasure &&Leisure Plesasure Leisure
Vaša jedinstvena Van Perckens-ova posuda za hlađenje br. 8 lično se dostavlja u kutiji od ružinog drveta koja je ukrašena pozlaćenim detaljima. Unutrašnjost kutije je postavljena sa ukusom. U kliznoj fioci se nalaze šampanjske čaše Van Perckens kao i par karakterističnih crnih rukavica. Svi materijali su ručno izrađeni i detaljima je posvećena najveća pažnja - pravi dragulj enterijera.
Your unique Van Perckens© Nr. 8 cooler is personally delivered in a Rosewood case enhanced with gilded details. The case’s interior is tastefully lined. The sliding drawer holds the Van Perckens© champagne goblets and a pair of tailored, signature black gloves. All materials are hand crafted with the greatest attention to detail - a true jewel for your interior.
We are celebrating 90 years of excellence with this exclusive collection containing six of our most current and iconic designs. The 90-year special editions come with a Rose golden aluminium and walnut wood. The majestic 85� version of BeoVision Avant delivers exquisite imagery and sound with flexibility and freedom of movement.
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BANG & OLU F S E N S E RB I A Sve tozara Mar kovic a 8 , B el g rad e + 38 1 1 1 3036 4 24 ss. b el g rad e@ b eo sto m
Hilari Roda
kao oliÄ?enje kolekcije Imperiale
Hilary Rhoda
Pleasure & Leisure
personifies the Imperiale woman Chopard
luxury Tokom 2015. godine kompanija Maison Chopard je lansirala nove reklamne kampanje posvećene njenim četirima glavnim kolekcijama. Chopard je odabrao harizmatičnu i očaravajuću manekenku Hilari Rodu kao otelotvorenje carske žene.
Throughout 2015, the Maison Chopard is launching new advertising campaigns dedicated to the Maison’s four flagship collections. To embody the Imperiale woman, Chopard has chosen the charismatic and alluring fashion model Hilary Rhoda.
Chopardov jedinstveni duh je, iznad svega, veran vrednostima na kojima se temelji Maison: duhu nezavisnosti, slobode, izvanredne kreativne snage i zaraznog životnog žara. Strastvenoj težnji ka savršenstvu. Poštovanju tradicije i spremnosti da se prkosi konvencijama. Znanju i odvažnosti.
Chopard is above all a unique spirit true to the Maison’s founding values: a spirit of independence, freedom, exceptional creative vitality and an infectious zest for life. Passion for excellence. Respect for traditions and a willingness to challenge conventions. Know-how and daring.
Danas je Chopardov duh izražen kroz brojne nove reklamne vizuale koji otkrivaju specifičan identitet svake od ukupno četiri vodeće Maisonove kolekcije: Happy Diamonds, Haute Joaillerie, Classic Racing i Imperiale.
Today, the Chopard spirit is expressed through a number of new advertising visuals that reveal the specific identity of each of the Maison’s four flagship collections: Happy Diamonds, Haute Joaillerie, Classic Racing and Imperiale.
Hilari Roda je zaštitno lice nove kampanje za kolekciju Imperiale
The new Imperiale campaign features Hilary Rhoda
Watches & Jewellery
Pleasure & Jewellery Watches Leisure
Veličanstvena. Izvajana. Čulna. Prefinjena. Imperiale je vodeća kolekcija koju je Chopard pokrenuo 90-ih godina, a njen sat je potpuno redizajniran 2010. godine i bio je povod za nastanak istoimene kolekcije nakita. Da bi dočarao kolekciju Imperiale, Chopard je pozvao fotografski duo, Luiđija i Janga. Tvorci slika savremene privlačnosti. Oni stalno redefinišu postulate modernog i ovde odaju počast blistavoj prirodi kolekcije Imperiale. Prikazujući ravnotežu, sklad, snagu karaktera i kraljevsko držanje, ove slike savršeno odražavaju identitet linije Imperiale.
Majestic. Sculptural. Sensual. Sophisticated. A flagship collection launched by Chopard in the 90’s, the Imperiale watch was entirely redesigned in 2010 and gave rise to a jewellery collection by the same name. To per sonify the Imperiale woman, Chopard has called upon photographer duo, Luigi & Iango. Creators of images with a contemporary appeal, they perpetually redefine the codes of modernity and here, pay tribute to the flamboyant nature of the Imperiale collection. Projecting balance, proportion, strength of character and a regal presence, these images perfectly reflect the identity of the Imperiale line.
Da bi materijalizovao ženu ovakve smele, afirmisane ličnosti, Chopard je odabrao novu muzu obdarenu harizmatičnom lepotom. Snimci su napravljeni u zamku pokraj Pariza. Čistota bele boje i jako osvetljenje doprinose lepoti, eleganciji i afirmisanoj ličnosti Hilari Rode u reklamama čija atmosfera i kompozicija odgovaraju kolekciji Imperiale.
To embody this woman with her bold, well-affirmed personality, Chopard has chosen a new muse endowed with charismatic beauty. The shots were taken in a country castle near Paris. The purity of white and stark light enhance the beauty, elegance and well-affirmed personality of Hilary Rhoda in the visuals whose atmosphere and composition echo the Imperiale woman.
Pleasure & Leisure
Watches & Jewellery
srcu legende koju je stvorio Pjer Žake Droz u svojoj fabrici u gradu Šo de Fon u Švajcarskoj, ptice imaju magičnu ulogu u ovim legendarnim satovima. Bilo da služe samo u dekorativne svrhe ili su zamišljene kao pravi pevajući automati, one su deo kreativne avanture ovog brenda gotovo tri veka i danas još uvek oduševljavaju svoje obožavaoce. Sa Čarobnom pticom, Žake Droz vas poziva da zakoračite u jedan svet prožet istorijom, lepotom i tehnologijom.
t the heart of the legend created by Pierre JaquetDroz in his manufactory in La Chaux-de-Fonds, birds play an enchanting role in these legendary timepieces. Whether purely decorative or conceived as genuine singing automata, they have been part of the brand’s creative adventure for nearly three centuries and now continue to delight of each of their admirers. With the Charming Bird, Jaquet Droz invites you to enter a universe steeped in history, beauty and technology.
Watches & Jewellery
Watches & Jewellery
Povezujući prošlost i sadašnjost, Čarobna ptica predstavlja vrhunac stvaralaštva velikog tvorca satova i dugogodišnju vernost vrhunskih majstora koji su nastavili da idu njegovim stopama.
A bridge between past and present, The Charming Bird represents the apotheosis of the great watchmaker’s creativity and the longstanding fidelity of the master craftsmen who have followed in his footsteps.
Ovaj sat koji se izrađuje i od belog i od crvenog zlata, u ograničenoj seriji od po 28 komada, predstavlja odu u čast raskošne kreativnosti prošlih vremena i obećanja sadašnjeg doba i oličenje je fantastične istorije kuće Žake Droz. Ptica pevačica veliča karakterističan identitet ovog brenda time što ponovo oživljava tehniku automata i minijature.
This timepiece, produced in white gold and red gold, in a limited edition of 28 pieces each, is an ode to the rich creativity of the past and the promises of today that encapsulates the fabulous history of Jaquet Droz. The songbird celebrates the brand’s DNA by reviving the techniques of the automaton and the miniature.
Kombinujući ih sa umećem Umetničkih ateljea odaje se počast trajanju izuzetne veštine koju je održala kuća Žake Droz.
By combining them with the artistic skills of the Ateliers d’Art, it pays tribute to the continuity of the exceptional expertise perpetuated by Jaquet Droz.
Ovaj revolucionarni sat donosi jednu modernu, svedenu estetiku, u kojoj je minijaturna ptica pevačica smeštena unutar kućišta prečnika 47mm sa izrazito savremenim izgledom kojeg karakterišu komponente koje su providne ali i crne i antracit boje.
This ground-breaking timepiece reveals a modern, pareddown aesthetic, in which we find a miniature singing bird ensconced in a 47 mm-diameter case with a determinedly contemporary look featuring black, anthracite and transparent elements.
Kućište kombinuje jednostavan dizajn sa polusfernim safirnim kristalom koji je specijalno osmišljen kako bi poboljšao efekat koji se stvara kada zrak svetlosti prođe kroz njega. Majstorima Umetničkih ateljea Žakea Droza potrebno je više od dvadeset sati da oblikuju svaku pticu pevačicu posebno. Prvo se kod ptice gravira perje, glava i izuzetno delikatan rep u vrlo zahtevnoj fazi rada koja od majstora iziskuje savršenu preciznost i koncentraciju.
The case combines a sober design with a dome-shaped sapphire crystal specially conceived to enhance the effect of each ray of light that passes through it. The artisans of the Jaquet Droz Ateliers d’Art spend over twenty hours fashioning each songbird. First the bird’s feathers, head and exquisitely delicate tail are engraved in an exacting stage that demands total accuracy and concentration from the artisan.
Zatim slikar dodaje završne detalje i finese, stvarajući kontrast između sitnih poteza boje i crnih i antracit sivih linija brojčanika.
Then the painter adds a final touch of finesse, contrasting tiny strokes of color with the black and anthracite lines of the dial.
Ptice pevačice Žakea Droza se tradicionalno prave sa sistemom mehova i bilo je potrebno da se svedu na minijaturne dimenzije i prilagode tako da stanu u ručni sat. Specijalno u tu svrhu su razvijene nove tehnologije: safir je upotrebljen za cilindar, a ugljenik za klip. Safir je mineral velike otpornosti na habanje, dok se ugljenik koristi da bi se smanjilo trenje i povećala vodootpornost.
Ovim postupkom minijaturizacije (za koji je podnet patentni zahtev) stvaraju se sićušni klipovi koji pumpaju vazduh, čuvaju ga i proizvode zvuk. Od brzine klipa i oblika otvora meha zavisi kakav će se zvuk dobiti.
This miniaturization process (for which a patent has been filed) creates tiny pistons that pump the air, store it and produce the sound. The exact sound it makes is dependent on the speed of the piston and the shape of the bellows opening.
Watches & Jewellery
Traditionally made with a bellows system, Jaquet Droz songbirds needed to be miniaturized and adapted to fit into a wristwatch. New technologies were specially developed to achieve this: sapphire for the tube and carbon for the piston. Sapphire is a mineral with strong resistance to wear and tear. Carbon is used to limit friction and increase water resistance.
Mehanizam za automatski rad zasniva se na sistemu koji koristi tri zupca; jedan upravlja okretanjem ptice, drugi kontroliše otvaranje i zatvaranje kljuna, mahanje krila i kretanje repa; a treći reguliše ton pištaljke.
The automaton’s mechanism is based on a system requiring three cams; one to direct the bird’s rotation, a second to control the opening and closing of the beak, the flapping of the wings, and the movement of the tail; and a third that adjusts the note of the whistle.
Dok je većina satova sa zvučnim mehanizmima inspirisana žičanim instrumentima (muzičke kutije) ili udaraljkama (minutni ponavljači), Čarobna ptica je napravljena po principu duvačkog instrumenta.
While most watches with striking mechanisms draw inspiration from stringed instruments (music boxes) or percussion instruments (minute repeaters), the Charming Bird is designed on the principle of a wind instrument.
Ovaj mehanizam ne koristi vibracije, već vazduh da proizvede zvuk - u ovom slučaju, cvrkut ptice. Pištaljka je mukotrpno usavršavana da bi se obezbedila besprekorna reprodukcija 3 različita tona melodije i dobila potrebna visina zvuka.
The mechanism harnesses not vibrations, but air to produce its sound – in this instance, the chirping of a bird. The whistle has been painstakingly perfected to ensure it reproduces the 3 different notes of the melody flawlessly and amplified to the required volume.
Tehničari su takođe sproveli opsežno istraživanje vezano za komponente satnih mehanizama kako bi se pobrinuli da njihove vibracije ne stvaraju neželjeni zvuk prilikom rada.
Technicians also carried out in-depth research on the movement components to ensure their vibrations do not create unwanted sound when it is in operation.
Watches & Jewellery
Watches & Jewellery
The Lady
8 Flower
Izraz prefinjene ženstvenosti istaknut je zapanjujućim automatom i virtuoznom veštinom Umetničkog ateljea Žakea Droza. An expression of refined femininity enhanced by the astounding automaton and the virtuosity of the Jaquet Droz Ateliers d’Art.
Watches & Jewellery
ady 8 je sat koji odiše duhom juvelirskog umeća kod koga se smenju minimalistički i bogato ukrašeni delovi i čija je karakteristična talasasta silueta postavila standarde ženstvenosti, elegancije i prefinjenosti u izradi satova. U istoj radionici u kojoj je napravljen sat Čarobna ptica visoko je postavljena lestvica sa željom da se kreiraju najneverovatniji satovi, ali ove godine, ovaj brend, poznat po svojim dvostrukim zvezdama, dostigao je vrhunac svog stvaralaštva: svom satu Lady 8 podario je prekrasni mehanički pokret u vidu otvaranja lotosovog cveta.
timepiece imbued with the spirit of the jeweler’s craft, minimalist and richly ornate by turns, the Lady 8 and its distinctive undulating silhouette have made their mark as touchstones of femininity, elegance and watchmaking refinement. In the same workshop where the Charming Bird was created, the desire to create the most extraordinary timepieces sets the bar high, but this year the brand known by its twin stars has reached a pinnacle of achievement: it has bestowed the Lady 8 with a breathtaking mechanical animation in the form of a blossoming lotus flower.
Watches & Jewellery
Watches & Jewellery
Lady 8 Flower je spoj svih veština i zanata koji se praktikuju u ateljeu Žake Droz i sastoji se od dva kruga koja se preklapaju formirajući osmicu koja je karakteristična za ovaj brend i simbolizuje harmoniju, savršenstvo i beskonačnost.
wThe Lady 8 Flower, a fusion of all the arts and crafts practiced by Jaquet Droz, is made up of two superimposed circles creating a figure of eight, an emblematic number for the brand and a symbol of harmony, perfection and infinity.
Donji krug ističe u prvi plan delikatni motiv leptira raširenih krila koji je dostupan u dve varijante: jedna, gde su krila leptira oslikana i ugravirana u prozirni crveni emajl na pozadini urađenoj gijoš tehnikom ukrasne gravure; i druga varijanta sa dragim kamenjem, gde je leptir ukrašen plavim safirima prikazan naspram pozadine optočene dijamantima.
The lower circle features a delicate butterfly, its wings outspread. Two versions are available: one with the butterfly’s wings painted and engraved in translucent red enamel on a guilloché background; the other, incorporating jewels, features a butterfly set with blue sapphires and portrayed against snowset diamonds.
U gornjem krugu, natkriven safirnim kristalom, nalazi se lotosov cvet koji označava mir i poeziju i u mnogim azijskim kulturama se smatra svetim cvetom. Izrađen je sa najvećom pažnjom gde je svaka latica posebno emajlirana ili gravirana kako bi pozadi bila glatka i sjajna poput satena.
The upper circle reveals a lotus flower under a sapphire crystal dome. Representing serenity and poetry, and sacred to many Asian cultures, the flower has been crafted with the utmost care. Each petal is individually enameled or engraved to give its back a perfect satin finish.
Bilo kao tajanstveni pupoljak ili potpuno otvoreni cvet nalik dragulju, ovaj automatski pokret nije samo jednostavna vizija naturalističke i poetske lepote. Pritiskom na dugme cvet se otvara otkrivajući svoje dijamantsko srce.
As a mysterious bud or fully opened jewel-like bloom, this animation is not simply a pure vision of naturalistic and poetic beauty. By pressing a pushbutton the lotus flower opens, revealing its diamond heart.
LIFESTYLE Cvet MAGAZINE Stil - Flower - Style
Za kuću Žake Droz, ovaj sat je predstavljao i novi tehnički izazov: trebalo je smestiti dva mehanizma, jedan od sata i jedan od automata – u okviru kućišta prečnika 35 mm, a da se pri tome obezbedi da jedan ne utiče na rad drugog. Njegovo kućište je brižljivo izrađeno, naročito pri postavljanju brilijanata ili dijamanata sa tzv. “baguette” oblikom kojima je dekorisan svaki komad. Sat Lady 8 Flower dostupan je u dve verzije u ograničenim serijama, od kojih se svaka sastoji od samo 8 komada. U oba slučaja, Žake Droz pokazuje svojim klijentima da voli tajne – tajnu svoje nenadmašne veštine koju uspeva da očuva i prilagodi vremenima i tajnu nežnog cveta koji se svakog trenutka može otvoriti u punom cvatu.
For Jaquet Droz, the timepiece also presented a new technical challenge: accommodating the two mechanisms, the watch’s and the automaton’s within a 35 mm diameter case, while ensuring one never interferes with the other.
The Lady 8 Flower comes in two limited edition versions, each comprising just 8 pieces. In both, Jaquet Droz shares a taste for secrets with its clients - the secret of its peerless expertise ever preserved and adapted to the times, and that of a delicate flower that will burst into bloom at any moment.
Watches & Jewellery
The case was fashioned with particularly meticulous workmanship, especially when setting the brilliant or baguette-cut diamonds adorning each piece.
Ne menjati,
već osvežiti
To refresh, not to change
Lepota je imperativ. Skloni smo da joj se priklonimo i vrlo olako odlučimo da je bezuslovno zadržimo. Ali, da li smo zaista spremni da razumemo šta to podrazumeva? Suština je u tome da izvor lepote pronađemo u sebi i da mu pristupamo s uvažavanjem, noseći je graciozno s godinama. Lepota duha svakog od nas daje odraz i na našem telu. Zato tu prirodnu vezu ne želimo da narušimo radikalnom promenom ličnog opisa u potrazi za sjajem i veštačkim blještavilom, već postojeću draž ističemo, osvežavamo ili podmlađujemo.
Beauty is an imperative. We tend to yield to it and readily decide to preserve it unconditionally. But are we really ready to understand what it implies? The point of the matter is that we should find a source of beauty within ourselves and to treat it with respect, wearing it gracefully with age. The beauty of our spirit will reflect on our physical appearance as well. Therefore we should not disturb this natural connection by doing a radical change of our appearance in search of glamour and artificial brilliance, but rather emphasize, refresh or rejuvenate our existing appeal.
LIFESTYLE Poliklinika MAGAZINE - Polyclinic
Upravo je ova ideja “to refresh, not to change” dovela polikliniku Novaković na zavidno mesto među ustanovama koje nude operacije iz domena moderne hirurgije – plastične, rekonstruktivne, estetske. Pod vođstvom doktora Marijana Novakovića, predsednika Udruženja hirurga plastičara Srbije, redovnog profesora plastične hirurgije na VMA i profesora estetske hirurgije na Visokoj školi kozmetologije u Zemunu, poliklinika Novaković osvojila je poverenje tri generacije pacijenata.
Od izuzetne važnosti je da krhkost spoljnog izgleda prepustimo rukama koje će našim telom rukovati kao sa najfinijim porcelanom. Čvrst i prijatan odnos koji izgradite sa svojim doktorom bazira se na zajedničkoj potrazi, gde su vaša želja i znanje i iskrenost doktora idealan par u otkrivanju dekora vaše spoljašnosti.
Prof dr Marijan Novaković
It is precisely the idea “to refresh, not to change” that enabled the polyclinic “Novakovic” to establish itself in an enviable position among medical institutions that offer a range of interventions from the domain of modern plastic, reconstructive, cosmetic surgery. Headed by Dr. Marijan Novakovic, the president of the Serbian Association of Plastic Surgeons and the professor of plastic surgery at the Military Medical Academy and of aesthetic surgery at the College of Cosmetology in Zemun, the polyclinic “Novakovic” has managed to win the trust of three generations of patients. Dr. Novakovic bases his work on non-aggressive methods and the use of natural products that do not cause secondary deformities. Most importantly, the patients are gradually made to have a more natural look with the surgical procedure coming only at the end. To postpone this moment of surgery as much as possible, it is necessary to begin with the gradual, natural methods on time. In his work Dr. Novakovic keeps up with the latest trends of modern cosmetic surgery, while on the other hand, he views certain procedures, such as liposuction, with some disapproval, suggesting that the results are often not as effective and that the body eventually returns to its original state. It is of the utmost importance to place our delicate physical appearance in the hands that will treat our body as though it were the finest china. A firm and friendly relationship built with a doctor is based on a common quest, where your wishes and the doctor’s knowledge and honesty make an ideal pair in discovering the beauty of your external appearance.
Sistem rada doktora Novakovića podrazumeva neagresivne metode i korišćenje prirodnih preparata koji ne izazivaju sekundarne deformitete. Važno je istaći da se kod pacijenta postepeno gradi put ka što prirodnijem izgledu, a operativni zahvati dolaze tek na kraju. Da bi se trenutak operativnog zahvata odložio što više, potrebno je na vreme početi sa postepenim, prirodnim metodama. Rad doktora Novakovića ide u korak sa poslednjim trendovima savremene estetske hirurgije, ali isto tako, određenim zahvatima, poput liposukcije, pristupa sa izvesnim neodobravanjem, sugerišući da često rezultat nije efikasan i dolazi do povratka na prvobitno stanje.
Profesor doktor Novaković sa bogatim iskustvom u plastičnoj hirurgiji još od 1984. godine, osim svojom bogatom radnom biografijom, ističe se i blagonaklonim pristupom prema pacijentu, kao prema svetilištu, svakom drugačije i ponaosob, na kom dočarava i ističe ono najlepše.
Apart from his extensive experience in plastic surgery gained since 1984 and his rich professional resume, Professor Dr. Novakovic is also known for the caring manner he shows to his patients, as though they are something sacred, approaching each individual differently, and picturing and bringing out what is most beautiful in them.
Zatezanje kapaka, korekcija nosa i dojki najčešći su zahvati koje poliklinika obavlja u estetskom domenu, uvek s pažnjom da se prirodan izgled poštuje i proporcionalno uskladi. Otklanjanje opekotina, tumora i urođenih anomalija je tek deo opsega plastične hirurgije koju poliklinika nudi. Rekonstrukcija dojki je takođe, sve češći vid operacije, što leži u činjenici da je sve manje stidljivih pacijentkinja koje su odlučne da nadoknade svoj gubitak hrabro, a opet, uz što prirodniji i skladniji izgled.
The most common procedures which are performed in the polyclinic from the aesthetic domain include eye lifts, nose and breast surgeries, always with the utmost care and respect for the natural appearance and proportions. Removal of burns, tumors and congenital anomalies is only a part of the plastic surgeries offered by this polyclinic. Breast reconstruction has also become an increasingly common type of surgery which lies in the fact that there are more female patients overcoming their embarrassment and mastering their courage and determination to compensate for their loss, while again, trying to achieve the most natural and proportional look.
Evidentan je i porast broja muškaraca koji se odlučuju da naglase svoje karakteristike ili uklone fizičke smetnje, a poliklinika može da se pohvali zavidnim brojem uvaženih i poznatih ličnosti koje svoje poverenje predaju umeću doktora Novakovića, stručnog dirigenta koji će vas navesti na najbolji put da vam se izuzetno svidi osoba koju posmatrate u ogledalu.
Also, there has been an evident increase in the number of men looking to accentuate some of their features or to remove physical flaws, and the polyclinic can boast of an enviable number of prominent and famous people who have entrusted themselves to the skills of Dr. Novakovic, who, like a professional conductor, will direct you to the best path towards becoming extremely satisfied with your image in the mirror.
Poznati muški modni brend Gagliardi, je prepoznatljiv po vrhunskom krojačkom umeću izrade svoje odeće i po jedinstvenom modnom stilu koji vešto spaja šarm Mediterana sa elegancijom i vrhunskim kvalitetom karakterističnim za britansku modu. Filozofija ovog brenda jeste da urbani muškarac zaslužuje da se oseća i izgleda kao pravi džentlmen a da pritom ne mora da pravi kompromise kada je u pitanju kupovina kvalitetne odeće. Gagliardi modeli su pažljivo krojeni, poseduju mnoštvo vešto izvedenih detalja i od visokokvalitetnih materijala (Barberis, Ceruti, Zegna, Reda, Larusmiani, Alfred Brown...).
The famous menswear brand Gagliardi is known for its fine tailored clothing and for its unique fashion style skillfully combining the Mediterranean charm with elegance and top quality which are a hallmark of British fashion. The brand’s philosophy is that urban man deserves to feel and look like a real gentleman without having to compromise when it comes to buying quality clothes. Gagliardi models are carefully tailored and made with many skillfully executed details and high quality materials (Barberis, Ceruti, Zegna, Reda, Larusmiani, Alfred Brown...).
Dopuna LIFESTYLE - Knick MAGAZINE knacks
Leptir mašna Svilena leptir mašna je detalj koji otkriva muškarca sa stilom. Ona mora da izgleda kao da je nonšalantno vezana (one savršeno simetrične su obično lošijeg kvaliteta, sa lastišom i kopčom) i da se svojim dizajnom uklopi u boju sakoa ili pantalona. Plava leptir mašna sa dijamantskim uzorkom je veoma praktična jer se može lepo kombinovati sa različitim tipovima odela ili sakoa.
Bow tie Silk bow tie is a detail that is a telltale sign of a stylish man. It has to look like it was casually tied (those perfectly symmetrical ones are usually of lower quality, with an elastic band and buckle) and its design should match the color of the blazer or pants. Blue bow tie with diamond pattern is very practical because it can be beautifully combined with various types of suits or blazers.
Svilena džepna maramica Svilena maramica polako postaje omiljeni aksesoar domaćeg muškarca. Iako vam crvena džepna maramica može izgledati u prvom trenutku veoma agresivno, ona predstavlja dobitnu kombinaciju ako se nosi u kombinaciji sa crnim, sivim ili plavim odelima.
Silk pocket square Silk square is slowly becoming a favorite accessory of native men. Although a red pocket square may seem to you very aggressive at first, it is a winning combination if worn together with black, gray or blue suits.
Dugmići za manžetne Dugmići od rodijuma nisu samo lep dekorativni detalj, oni pravim poznavaocima mode daju znak da ste veoma posebna osoba. Rodijum je jedan od najređih elemenata u Zemljinoj kori i u vremenima kada su iz raznih razloga zlato, srebro i platina bili manje dostupni, rodium je korišćen za izradu odličja ili kao obeležje višeg statusa.
Rhodium cufflinks are not just a nice decorative detail, to the true connoisseurs of fashion they are a sign that you are a very special person. Rhodium is one of the rarest elements in the Earth’s crust and at times when for various reasons, gold, silver and platinum were scarce, rhodium has been used for honours or to signify elite status.
Svilena kravata Formalna poslovna odevna kombinacija se ne može zamisliti bez dobre kravate. Pozivamo vas da budete kreativni u izboru kravate jer ona može udahnuti svežinu u vaš poslovni izgled i čak postati vaš lični izraz u zavisnosti od toga za koliko se ekscentrični dizajn opredelite.
Silk tie It’s not possible to imagine a formal business attire without a good tie. We invite you to be creative when choosing your tie because it can breathe fresh life into your business look and even become your personal statement, depending on the eccentricity of the design you opt for.
Kožni kaiš Kvalitetan kožni kaiš je lep ukras a ne samo praktični dodatak vašoj odeći. Gagliardi kaiš je diskretno dekorisan rubom u braon boji i veoma je koristan jer se može nositi svakodnevno ili u malo formalnijim prilikama.
Leather belt Quality leather belt is a nice ornament and not just a practical addition to your clothing. Gagliardi belt is discreetly decorated with brown coloured edge and it is very convenient because it can be worn both everyday and in more formal occasions.
Bishop cipele Brogue cipele su prvobitno nosili radnici u Škotskoj i Irskoj koji su obavljali poslove na otvorenom. Vremenom ih je prihvatila i gospoda i koristila za šetnje na otvorenom. Dvadesetih godina prošlog veka brogue cipele postaju popularni deo muške mode prvo u SAD a kasnije u Britaniji i Evropi. Što manje rupica imaju na sebi, brogue cipele su formalnije. Ove brogue Bishop cipele iz Gagliardi jesenje kolekcije su dizajnirane sa pravom merom tako da ih možete nositi u različitim prilikama - u svakodnevnim i onim svečanim.
Brogue shoes were originally worn by workers in Scotland and Ireland who were doing their work outdoors. Eventually they were also accepted by the gentlemen and used for their outdoor walks. In 1920s brogue shoes become popular part of men’s fashion first in the United States and later in Britain and Europe. Generally, the less perforations the brogue shoes have, the more formal they are. These brogue Bishop shoes from Gagliardi autumn collection are designed with the right measure so you can wear them in different occasions - as an every day option or for special events.
Photos by Boris Pilipenko
Bishop shoes
EGO Ego or Alter ego Lifestyle
ili Alter ego
Ego Ballerina je konceptualna kolekcija unikatno printanih baletanki Ane Cvejić.
Ego Ballerina is a conceptual collection of unique printed ballerina shoes by Ana Cvejic.
Jedinstveni grafički kolaž autora odštampan na koži, sačinjen je od uspomena, omiljenih boja i simbola. Zajedno sa uramljenim portretom vlasnika čini ekscentričnu sliku, poput ličnog plakata prenesenog direktno na cipelu. Tako je na jednom modelu prisutna ilustracija slike hibiskusa sa Simija i mozaik sa Rodosa, a na drugom pak preovladava efektna žuto-crna kombinacija omiljenog animal printa koji se sukobljava sa baroknim šarama...
The designer’s unique graphic collage printed on leather is composed of memories, favourite colours and symbols. Together with a framed portrait of their owner they make an eccentric picture, like a personal poster transmitted directly to the footwear. Thus one model bears an illustration of hibiscus from Symi island and mosaic from Rhodos, while an effective yellow and black combination prevails on another model in the popular animal print that clashes with baroque patterns...
Cipele su izrađene od italijanskih materijala. Lice, postava, đon i peta su kožni, a ispod tabanice nalazi se trapunto jastuče koje čini da se osećate kao da šetate po oblacima. Gornji delovi cipele su ručno rađeni, a štampa i tehnološka izrada donjeg dela obuće čine savršen balans starih zanata i mogućnosti novih tehnologija.
The shoes are made from Italian materials. Their face, lining, sole and heel are made of leather, and underneath the insole there is trapunto padding, which makes you feel like you are walking on clouds. The upper parts of shoes are handmade and the printing and technological production of the lower part of the footwear make a perfect balance between old crafts and possibilities of new technologies.
Ako se osvrnemo na socijalni fenomen zvani “selfi”, Ego Ballerina predstavlja nov medij za vašu sliku, a koja cipela je Ego odnosno Alter ego zavisi od toga koja strana vam je dominantnija.
If we consider the social phenomenon known as selfie, Ego Ballerina represents a new medium for your portrait and which shoe is Ego or Alter ego depends on what is your dominant side.
Jedinstvenost kolekcije podrazumeva kreiranje neobičnog pakovanja. Rezultat je luksuzna i u isto vreme vrlo upotrebljiva torba – kutija. Kutija je presvučena plišom sa logom štampanim u zlatotisku na vrhu i sa zlatnim lancem. Osnovni crni model odgovara dizajnu cipela i može biti proizveden u raznim bojama. Dizajn pravljen po meri uklopljen je sa imenom brenda - Ego Ballerina - odštampanim na unutrašnjoj strani poklopca i imenom vlasnika cipela. Osim estetske i umetničke vrednosti, i pakovanje i cipele su maksimalno upotrebljivi - njihovo mesto nije na polici sa drugim kutijama, a nakon što obujete cipele, kutija se može nositi kao torba i tako produžiti svoju upotrebnu i estetsku vrednost.
The uniqueness of the collection implies the creation of an unusual packaging. The result is a luxurious and at the same time very useful Bag - Box. The box is covered in velvet with gold printed logo on top and fitted with gold chain. Black Basic model matches the shoe design, and is available in different colors. Custom made design is integrated with the brand name - Ego Ballerina - printed on the inside cover of the box, with the name of the owner of the shoes model. Aside from their esthetic and artistic value, both the packaging and the shoes are maximally useable - their place is not on the shelf with the other boxes, and after putting on the shoes, the box can be used as a bag and thus continue its usefulness and aesthetic value.
Ego balerina LIFESTYLE - Ego MAGAZINE ballerina
Art & Living
Pokrenuta krajem 2007. godine, kompanija DelightFULL odražava potrebu za nečim različitim, za tradicionalnim dizajnom ali izvedenim na neočekivani način. Vodeći se u radu sopstvenim dizajnerskm rešenjima preneli su svoju strast i posvećenost na sve što rade. Tako se stvaraju remek-dela za sva vremena. Novi klasici odražavaju karakter, raspoloženje i snažne emocije koji su prisutne u svakom detalju. Uživanje u svetu koji nudi Delightfull podrazumeva uživanje u jedinstvenom vintidž nasleđu. Taj svet je ambijent, istorija, trenutak koje je sačuvan zauvek kroz nove klasike izrađene sa murdošću i strašću, nastali zahvaljujući kreativnosti njihovih dizajnera. To je kultura koja se bazira na stručnom znanju i koja kombinuje nasleđe davnih 40-ih, 50-ih, 60-ih godina sa primesama savremenog dizajna.
L aunched by the end of 2007, DelightFULL ref lects the need for something different, traditional design with a new twist. Working with our own designs we transfer our passion and devotion to ever ything we do. T hat’s how timeless master pieces are born. Fresh classics that ref lect a personality, a state of mind and strong emotions present in each detail. To share DelightFULL’s world is to share a unique vintage heritage. DelightFULL’s world is ambiance, histor y, a moment that stays forever through fresh classics created with wisdom and passion, derived by our designers’ creativity process. It’s a know-how culture combining a past Heritage of 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and a contemporar y design touch.
Art & Living
LIFESTYLE OsvetljenjeMAGAZINE - Lighting
KOLEKCIJA HERITAGE Čvrsto izvajane forme, smanjeni oblici, jasne linije i dosta boje - to je ono što karakteriše našu kolekciju. Stil je luksuzan, ali uvek jednostavan. Dekorativni elementi su izraz nove nekonvencijalne interpretacije. Harizmatični oblici i superiorni materijali stvaraju elegantan izgled pun prefinjenosti i modernosti. Jedinstvena kolekcija kompanije Delightfull pod nazivom Heritage (baština) spojila je nasleđe soula i džeza iz 40-ih, 50-ih i 60-ih sa velikom vrednošću koju čovek može imati – mudrošću - da radi svojim rukama. Iz tog razloga svaki komad je urađen sa strašću i oslikava delić istorije, trenutak, dušu ... Višenamenska kolekcija sa komadima visoke estetike koji su grupisani u 4 vrste; stoni, podni, zidni, viseći komadi. Svaki od njih ima svoju priču, svaka od njih ima dušu ispunjenu džezom. H E R I TA G E C O L L E C T I O N
Art & Living
S trongly sculptured for ms, reduced shapes, clear lines and plenty of color – t h e s e a r e c h a ra c t e r i s t i c fe a t u r e s o f o u r collection. The styling is luxurious but a l w a y s e f f o r t l e s s . D e c o ra t i v e e l e m e n t s are unconventionally reinter preted. Charismatic shapes and superior mater ials create an elegant look full of r e f i n e m e n t a n d m o d e r n i t y.
Delightfull’s unique collection, Heritage assorted , 40’s, 50’s and 60’s Soul and Ja z z l e g a c y w i t h t h e m a j o r v a l u e a m a n can have – wisdom- to do with his own h a n d s . Fo r t h a t r e a s o n e a c h p i e c e i s d o n e w i t h p a s s i o n a n d h o l d a h i s t o r y, a moment a soul… A multipurpose collection with high aesthetic pieces c o m b i n e d i n 4 t y p o l o g i e s ; Ta b l e , F l o o r, Wa l l , S u s p e n s i o n . E a c h o n e h a s a s t o r y to tell, each one has a soul of jazz impreg nated.
Visilice imaju moć da obogate i najsiromašniji prostor, pretvarajući ga u najsvetliji: usudite se da osetite prefinjenost kolekcije visećih lampi.
Pendant lamps hold the power to enrich the poorest space, turning it in the brightest one: dare yourself to feel the refinement of the suspension collection.
Neka vas ponese zvuk džeza koji odzvanja u vašoj glavi, dok čitate knjigu u dnevnoj sobi, u blizini vaše sjajne nove podne lampe za čitanje.
Feel grooved by the sound of jazz echoing in your head, as you read a book in your living room, near your bright new floor reading lamp.
Neosporno je da se naše jedinstvene stone lampe mogu uklopiti na mnoštvo mesta. Možete ih postaviti na stolove u kancelariji, hotelu ili pored kreveta: izbor je vaš.
The multiplicity of places where you can adapt our unique table lamps is undeniable. To use at the office, hotel desks or bedside: it’s your choice.
Funkcionalnost ovih prilagodljivih zidnih lampi će vas iznenaditi: prevashodno zastupljene u dnevnoj sobi ili u trpezariji, one će pružiti jedinstveni pečat željenoj podeli vašeg doma.
The functionality of these malleable wall lamps will astonish you: rather in the living room or in the dining room, they will provide a singular touch to your home’s preferred division.
Art & Living
LIFESTYLE OsvetljenjeMAGAZINE - Lighting
KOLEKCIJA ESSENTIALS Kompanija DelightFULL je poznata po davanju modernog pečata klasičnim komadima rasvete, ali sa novim članom porodice, ne samo da se razgranava, već i svoju sferu poslovanja proširuje još više. DL dizajnere su ponovo inspirisale 60-te i 70-te i to „kul“ doba, ali su otišli jedan korak dalje u svet dvostrukih agenata i jednog i jedinstvenog agenta 007 Ijana Fleminga kako bi stvorili jedan veoma poseban komad koji objedinjuje čitav taj retro stil. Komad „Monocles“ je prvi deo kolekcije Essentials. Vintidž bife je ručno rađen što mu daje jedinstvenost koja se ne može kopirati. Napravljen je od punog orahovog drveta i mesinga sa ispupčenim detaljima - koji su u velikoj meri inspirisani našim svetiljkama. Još komada će biti predstavljeno, uvek zadržavajući to vintidž raspoloženje.
Art & Living
D e l i g h t F U L L i s k n o w n fo r adding a modern twist to vintage pieces of lightning but w i th th e i r n e w fa m i l y m e m b e r th e y a re n o t o n l y b ra n c h i n g o u t b u t th e y h a ve p u s h e d th e e n ve l o p e a l i t t l e fo r wa rd . DL d e s i g n e r s we re i n s p i re d o n c e a g a i n b y th e 6 0 a n d 7 0 ’s a n d b y th e c o o l e ra b u t th e y t o o k i t o n e s te p f u r th e r i n t o th e I a n F l e m i n g ’s d o u b l e a g e n t s wo r l d a n d th e o n e a n d o n l y 0 0 7 t o c re a te a ve r y s p e c i a l p i e c e th a t e m b o d i e s th e w h o l e re t ro s t y l e . M o n o c l e s i s th e f i r s t p i e c e o f E s s e n t i a l s collection. T he vintage s i d e b o a rd i s h a n d m a d e g i v i n g i t a u n i q u e n e s s th a t c a n n o t b e d u p l i c a te . I t s b o d y i s m a d e i n s o l i d wa l n u t wo o d a n d b ra s s w i th k n u r l e d d e t a i l s - h e a v i l y i n s p i re d i n o u r f i x t u re s . M o re p i e c e s w i l l b e re ve l e d , a l wa y s k e e p i n g th e v i n t a g e m o o d o n .
Art & Living
Art & Living
DELIGHTFULL PROJEKTI: POČEV OD NJUJORKA PA ŠIROM SVETA DelightFULL je brend koji uspeva da najneverovatnijim projektima uhvati moderni i savremeni duh. Paramount hotel u Njujorku, prodavnica Massimo Dutti u Njujorku, prodavnica Alberto Guardia u Italiji, restoran Jerome and Patrice u Moskvi i, posednji u nizu, Sofitel u Berlinu samo su neki od projekata kojima komadi kuće DelightFULL daju svoj poseban pečat.
Art & Living
DelightFULL is a brand that captures the modern and contemporary spirit of the most amazing projects. The Paramount Hotel in New York, the Massimo Dutti Store in New York, the Alberto Guardia Store in Italy, the Jerome and Patrice restaurant in Moscow, Russia and most recently, The Sofitel, in Berlin, Germany, are some of the projects where DelightFULL pieces make the difference.
Art & Living
azvojem tehnologije i arhitekture razvijaju se i novi oblici uređenja enterijera i eksterijera. Zelenih prostora je sve manje, izgrađenih sve više. Danas zelene površine predstavljaju pravi luksuz. Iz takvih uslova proizašli su savremeni oblici ozelenjavanja. Zelena infrastruktura dobija svoje nove oblike i iz horizontalnog prelazi u vertikalno zelenilo, i u spoljnoj i u unutrašnjoj arhitekturi. Osim forme i estetske dimenzije koje imaju u ulepšavanju i oplemenjivanju prostora, funkcionalnost im je takođe opravdana kroz očuvanje čovekovog neopsrednog okruženja.
ith the development of technology and architecture, new forms of interior and exterior design have been developed as well. There are less and less of green spaces, while developed areas are increasing. As a result, green areas have now become a real luxury. Such conditions have brought about modern forms of landscaping. Green infrastructure took on a new shape by turning from horizontal to vertical greenery, both in exterior and interior architecture. It not only beautifies and improves the space with its form and aesthetic aspect, but it is also functional as it serves to preserve peoples’ immediate environment.
GREEN ROOFS AS NEW URBAN SPACES Green roofs are not entirely a new technological solution. They have been around for centuries, only in a different form than today. Green roofs are roof structures covered with a layer of vegetation. They have a positive impact on improving urban microclimate, reducing noise levels, managing atmospheric water, and purifying rainwater and air inside buildings. They have an excellent thermal insulation properties as well. Green roofs provide an extra space for retreating into nature and can be used as gardens for growing culinary herbs and spices. They should not be a privilege of cities in wealthy countries, but they are definitely a privilege of countries with a developed ecological consciousness. Main types of green roofs include: extensive, semi-intensive and intensive. They are primarily distinguished by the thickness of the nutritious substrate, plant species in the final layer, and the purpose for which they are used.
Zeleni krovovi nisu potpuno savremena tehnološka ideja. Postojali su vekovima unazad, samo u drugačijem obliku nego danas. Zeleni krovovi predstavljaju krovne konstrukcije koje su prekrivene biljnim slojem (vegetacijom). Oni pozitivno utiču na poboljšanje gradske mikroklime, smanjenje nivoa buke, mehanizam su za upravljanje atmosferskim vodama, prečišćavaju kišnicu i vazduh unutar objekta. Odlična su termička izolacija. Zeleni krov pruža i dodatni prostor za boravak u prirodi, a mogu biti i bašta za uzgajanje začinskog bilja. Oni ne treba da predstavljaju privilegiju gradova bogatih zemalja, ali svakako su privilegija zemalja sa razvijenom ekološkom svešću. Osnovni tipovi zelenih krovova su ekstenzivni, poluintezivni i intezivni. Oni se, pre svega, razlikuju po debljini hranljivog supstrata, biljih vrsta koje se koriste za zavšni sloj, ali i po načinu korišćenja.
Art & Living
Art & Living
Zelenim zidovima se nazivaju sve vrste zidova u enterijerima i eksterijerima koji su prekriveni biljnim materijalom. Njihova estetska dimezija je pravi dokaz nove urbane umetnosti. Osim što oplemenjuju prostor i čine ambijent prijatnijim, zeleni zidovi se koriste i za akcentovanje poteza u prostoru ili da zaklone neke ne tako lepe vizure. Osim u eksterijerima, široku primenu su pronašli i u različitim tipovima enterijera poput wellness i spa centara, restorana, keafea, bazena, hotela, aerodromskih prostora, poslovnih objekata, ali, sve više i privatnih stambenih objekata. Zeleni zidovi mogu biti u formi kasetnih zidova - živi zidovi izrađeni od specijalnih kaseta koje služe kao podloga za rast i razvoj. Primenjuju se i u enterijerima i u eksterijerima, a izbor biljnih vrsta zavisi od uslova sedine. Zeleni zidovi od mahovine se primenjuju isključivo u enterijerima. Izrađuju se od prirodnog stabilizovanog Moschito lišaja. Ovaj lišaj nije zahtevan za održavanje, pruža prirodan izled, a zadržava svoju elstičnost i mekoću. Mahovina može biti postavljena i u ukrasne ramove, opremljena različitim osvetljenjem, kombinovana sa fototapetama. Pruža odlične mogućnosti za manipulaciju oblicima. Brednovi izrađuju logotipe od mahovine, a jedan od primera koje je izveo ‘’Green Decor’’ je i zeleni zid firme ‘’Microsoft’’ u Beogradu, gde se njihov dizajn rasterskog tipa preneo na zid u vidu kvadrata raličitih nijasni zelene boje.
The term green wall is used to denote all kinds of interior and exterior walls which are covered with plant material. Their aesthetic value is a real testimony of a new urban art. In addition to improving the space and making the ambient more pleasant, green walls are also used to accentuate certain portions of space or to conceal some unpleasant vistas. Beside the exterior, they found wide application in various types of interior spaces, such as wellness and spa centers, restaurants, cafes, swimming pools, hotels, airports, office buildings, and more and more in residential buildings as well. Green walls can be in the form of cassette walls - living walls made of special cassettes that serve as a foundation for growth and development of plants. They are used in interiors and exteriors, and the choice of plant species depends on the environmental conditions. Green walls made of moss are used exclusively in interior spaces. They are made of natural stabilized Moschito lichen. It is easy to maintain, look naturally and retains its elasticity and softness. The moss can also be placed in decorative frames, equipped with different lighting, and combined with photo wallpaper. It provides excellent opportunities to manipulate shape. Brands make their company’s logos out of moss, and one of the examples created by Green Decor is the green wall made for Microsoft in Belgrade, where their raster design was is transferred to the wall in the form of squares of different shades of green.
Art & Living
Real estate
Coreside is an associate office of Savills Plc., one of the leading global real estate service provider established in 1855 and listed on the London Stock Exchange. With an international network of more than 600 offices and associates throughout the Americas, Europe, Asia Pacific, Africa and the Middle East, Savills offers a broad range of specialist advisory, management and transactional services to clients all over the world.
Real estate
Coreside je članica Savills plc. grupacije, vodeće globalne konsultantske kompanije za nekretnine koja je osnovana 1855. godine i listirana je na Londonskoj berzi. Savills ima međunarodnu globalnu mrežu od preko 600 kancelarija širom Amerike, Evrope, Azije-Pacifika, Afrike i Bliskog Istoka, koja pruža konsultantske usluge klijentima širom sveta u vezi sa upravljanjem i prometom nekretnina.
Real estate
Stan od 271 m2 se nalazi na vrhu male četvorospratne zgrade na Vračaru, locirane na uglu Hadži-Melentijeve i ulice Janka Veselinovića. Izuzetan Penthouse koji spaja modernu arhitekturu i utisak LOFT-a na povučenoj etaži. Stan poseduje direktan ulaz iz lifta koji vas vodi u dnevni boravak sa masivnim drvenim i mermernim podovima. Stan čine tri prostrane spavaće sobe, tri kupatila i jedinstven prostor od 70 m2 koji čine dnevni boravak i kuhinja. Prelep panoramski pogled na grad i Hram Sv.Save koji poseduje ovaj penthouse se ogleda i u produženom dnevnom boravku, detaljima i tri terase koje okružuju ovaj penthouse.
The 271 m2 property sit atop the 4-level boutique development in Vračar, situated on the corner of Hadži-Melentijava and Janka Veselinvića street. An Amazing Penthouse that incorporate modern architecture and design includes more loft-like and setback structure. The penthouse has a direct-access elevator that will open into an interior living space. Decked with hardwood and natural stone flooring, the unit comprises three generously sized bedrooms; three bathrooms and 70 m2 living room with open kitchen. Having sweeping panoramic views of the city and St.Sava temple, this luxurious penthouse boasts an extended living room, sleek and exquisite finishing touches and three terraces. Mob: +381 63 231 246 Tel: +381 11 301 0000 Email:
This exceptional building is completed in october 2014. It is small 6 unit residential building with undergroung parking. One of a kind pool apartment is situated on ground floor with separate side entrance and entrance from the building. Due to a possition and entrance it is has „House like“ feature that provides both privacy of a house and urban downtown apartment living. It has large open kitchen with dining an living area, guest toilet, two large bedrooms with ensuite bathrooms. Apartment is fully air-conditioned with floor and ceiling heathing/cooling. Large backyard with swimming pool is accessible both from bedroom and living room. Solar power heated outdoor swimming pool is equipted with whirlpool area and swim jets. An attractive home enhances quality of life and wellbeing. Mob: +381 63 231 246 Tel: +381 11 301 0000 Email:
Real estate
Ova izuzetna zgrada je završena i useljena u oktobru 2014. godine. Čini je 6 stanova i podzemna garaža. Stan sa bazenom se nalazi u prizemlju zgrade i ima izdvojen ulaz pored zgrade kao i ulaz iz same stambene zgrade. Zahvaljujući poziciji i „utisku kuće“ ovaj stan poseduje privanost privatne kuće ali i sve prednosti života u stambenoj zgradi u centru grada. Stan ima veliki dnevni boravak sa kuhinjom i trpezarijom, gostinski wc i dve spavaće sobe sa kupatilima. Stan ima nezavisan sistem podnog grejanja i fan-coil hlađenja. Pristup velikom dvorištu sa bazenom je moguć iz dnevnog boravka kao i iz spavaće sobe. Bazen poseduje solarno grejanje, hidromasažni deo i Jet za plivanje. Ovaj stan poseduje sve što je neophodno sa visok kvalitet života i uživanja.
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DINAMIKA IZLAŽENJA / FREQUENCY OF PUBLICATION 4 puta godišnje (krajem februara, maja, avgusta, novembra) 4 times a year (End of February, May, August, November) Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasništvo su izdavača i ne mogu se reprudukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača. Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi u vezu sa izdavačem. Izdavač se odriče odgovornosti za sadržaj teksta. All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission of thePublisher. Opinions expressed are of the authors and can not be related publisher. Publisher does not accept responsibility for advertising content. CIP – Katalogizacija u publikaciji Narodna biblioteka Srbije, Beograd 747 BUSINESS & Luxury / glavni i odgovorni urednik Vladimir Banović. - 2015, no. 1- . - Beograd : Victoria & Wolf, 2015- (Subotica : Rotografika). - 30 cm Tromesečno. - Tekst na srp. i engl. jeziku ISSN 2406-2057 = Business & Luxury COBISS.SR-ID 213138956 naslovna / cover page Copyright© Evian Resort
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