Byron Bazaar 4th May 2017 issuu

Page 1


Issue 134 • Thursday 4th May • 2017


Photo by: Murray Johnston

Around 2

Feast On 17

2 Cents 3 20

Heavily 6

Q& 23

Celebrate a sustainable future at Renewfest.

Better medical attention required.

Get back on that horse!

Vegan ice cream for our sweet-toothed readers.

Lend a helping hand. Volunteer opportunities within.

Nitsua shows us the beautiful in the ordinary.



Around Town This Week

Photo by: Carly Brown

Byron's 'stoner rock' band The Badlands have been making quite a name for themselves on the Australian music scene lately. Find out what the hype is about on Friday night from 9pm at Woody's Surf Shack, where the four-piece will be playing a show to mark the launch of 'Superstitious Wishes', the debut single from their new EP, Superstitious. Friday is also the first day of the Harvest Food Festival ( The three-day celebration of Northern Rivers produce will unfold via a handful of culinary events being held around the region, from tastings of the new 'Brookies' gin at Cape Byron Distillery on Friday, to a foodie bus tour of scenic Burringbar's artisanal cheese scene and beyond on Saturday.

DOG WALKING WITH A DIFFERENCE For the month of May we are offering all new clients their first dog walk at half price! Call/ SMS: 0424 757 774 or email:

The headline act this weekend, however, is Renew Fest, which returns to Mullumbimby Showground on Saturday and Sunday. The pioneering celebration of collaboration action and sustainable change will include workshops, talks, panels, activities and more hosted by an inspiring lineup of passionate local and international presenters. There'll also be live entertainment and food stalls, with attendees advised to bring along their own cups, plates and cutlery to the zero-waste event. Head to for the full schedule. Words: Sarah Reid, @ecotravelist

surf forecast FRIDAY





17 SE



2-3+ft SSE

3-4ft SE

17 SSE

H 4:12PM

13 SE L



13 SE H 5:12PM

SUNDAY 2-3+ft SE

2-3+ft SE

9 SE L 11:35AM

2-3ft ESE

9 SE H


11 S L 12:14AM

2-3ft ESE

16 SSE H 6:43PM

REPORT BASED ON BYRON MAIN BEACH | For live surf cams log onto

PO BOX 880 · BYRON BAY · TEL: 02 6680 7158



2 Cents Worth Got Something To Say?


Despite all my best efforts, my first-born ended up being delivered in an emergency Caesarean. I am now pregnant with my second child and I'm feeling the absence of the excellent midwife continuous care I initially received from Mullumbimby Birth Center. It was only when I had some early scary cramping on a Sunday that I really started feeling abandoned by NSW health. Going through shared care means my GP wasn't available, the numbers I had been given to call rang out or told me to call back in work hours and I was faced with spending hours waiting at Byron hospital emergency for some simple advice.

THE BAY CLEANING CO For all your cleaning needs! Take 20% OFF your first booking! Visit us at our website or Call 0409 451 822


To celebrate Pandanus Massage's opening we are offering a special rate of $60/hr all MAY for our professional, amazing massage! Book now 0413 293 500

CONTEMPORARY BELLYDANCE CLASS BEG - Tuesdays 6-7pm $20. INT/ADV - Thursday 6-7:30pm. $25 'The Lounge' 1/55 Centennial Cct, Byron A&I.

Not your average TECH shop We are #Computers #Accessories not your average #Repairs #Support #Gadgets TECH store.

1/29 Brigantine # Computer Repairs St, Byron Bay A&I. Estate Sales 6680 Support 8324 & - 02 6680 TECH 1/29 Brigantine Street Byron Bay, Art & Ind. Estate

Why is is that with a shiny new hospital, the vulnerable 'high risk' pregnant women are the ones left in the lurch? I feel like I'm being punished for not being able to have a natural birth. Congrats Anonymous, your submission has won you and a friend coffee and a sweet treat! Email at to claim your prize.

What are your thoughts on “TOO HIGH RISK TO TOUCH”? Keep the convo going! Submit your 2 Cents Worth at



Dear Keenwa, I am madly in love with the most amazing dude. He's definitely my twin flame, but I'm a Byron gal through and through, and he drinks Coke for breakfast. Opposites attract or doomed to drop quicker than hypoglycaemia? - Suga Baby Dear Suga Baby, What we find attractive or funny at the beginning of a partnership is normally what kills us about them in the end, which is why I have dated (not married) a smoker, a farter and a vegan. But since us women are here to change as many men as possible, the chances of you getting him into the I Quit Sugar cult are pretty high, as is the likelihood of you living miserably ever after. Studies show that for any relationship to work, the interaction stats should be around 5:1, positive to negative. So, as long as when he wakes up from his daily sugar coma, he participates in five or so romantic activities, you guys should be sweet. Dear Keenwa, I recently went to Crystal Castle for the day for some much needed peace and spiritual enlightenment, and was disappointed to find loud children there. We asked their parents to make them keep it down, to no avail. When my guru and I requested a refund, we were refused. What's the go? - Hermitified Dear Hermitified, Gandhi and the Buddha both ditched their families for mountaintops on their quest for peace. Muhammad did stick with his fam bam, but only received visions on his alternate bachelor solo cave week. You may notice that these so called mystics are all fellas, as you most definitely sound, so I'll give you some spiritual advice for free. Women practice enlightenment on a daily, momentary basis. Perhaps there should be a theme park where mums are paid to do eight things at once whilst practicing patience, compassion, forgiveness and commitment whils tthe rest of you observe and learn true enlightenment. Have a question for KEENWA? Ask her anything...


Learn Reiki for Self Healing ! Relieve stress / tension, improve sleep, rejuvenate. Beginner course 20-21 May. $220 Brunswick Heads. Bookings 0420 398 590

Tricky TRIVIA May the 4th be with you. Answers on pg 21.

1. In how many languages is C-3P0 fluent? A. 600k B. 1.4 million C. 6 million

2. Which fellow director helped George Lucas edit the opening crawl of Star Wars? A. Steven Spielberg B. Martin Scorsese C. Brian De Palma 3. Who is the lead singer of Jabba the Hutt’s house band? A. Joh Wowza B. Sy Snootles C. Droopy McCool 4. Which US National Park played Endor in Return Of The Jedi? A. Sequoia B. Yosemite C. Redwood 5. Which Star Wars film does NOT feature anyone’s hands being cut off? A. Ep 1 - The Phantom Menace B. Ep 2 - Attack Of The Clones

C. Ep 5 - The Empire Strikes Back



Mind Body Soul


Toner, head massage, treatment mask, style cut, blow and iron finish - $155 Byron Bay cruelty free salon SMS-0406 610 148 @jarrah_hustler_hair

Yoga + Fitness Classes Suffolk Park Comm. Hall








5-6:30pm YOGA


10-12 YOGA



5-6:30 YOGA

Safe, authentic yoga

Byron Bay Hapkido Martial Arts

3:45-5pm Kids 6-8pm Adults/Teen

Kickboxing Fitness Class 6am

6 Lawson St

7:30am Beginners Hatha 6pm Vinyasa

9:30-11am Yogalates 5:30 - 6:30pm Core Yoga Flow Award Winning Fusion Both classes Bangalow Bangalow & Suffolk Park

108 Bangalow Road, BB

6:30am Ashtanga 9:30am Kund/Hatha 6-7pm Vinyasa Flow

Learn the Korean Martial Art in Byron Bay or Mullumbimby

Byron Bay 9:30-11:30am Adults/Teen

Personal & Group fitness training

6685 5993

All classes are 60 minutes

10-11:30am Yogalates Suffolk Park

8-9:30am Yogalates Suffolk & Bangalow 10-11am Pilates Mat Bangalow

9:30-10:30am Strength & Balance Yoga Sydoni

Akhanda Yoga Tony D


Byron Bay 0404 489 781 Mullumbimby 0422 274 646


Fitness | Self-Defence | Krav Maga School Programs Bulk Booking Discounts Book online at heartandsoulhealth 66865640

Byron Bay

5:30-6:30pm Jnr Kids 6:30-8:30pm Adults/Teen

3:45-5pm Kids 6-8pm Adults/Teen

Kickboxing Fitness Class 6am

7:30am Hatha 6pm Vinyasa

10am 4pm Bikram Yoga

6:30-7:30am Vinyasa Yoga Kate

6:30-7:30am Vinyasa Yoga Jess

8am 4pm Bikram Yoga

10am 4pm Bikram Yoga

For more info see all classes at Suffolk Community Hall

Call or SMS Heidi 0458 582 040 6:30pm Restorative

9:15-10:15am Pilates Mat 7:15-8:15am Core Yoga Flow 9:15-10:15am Barre Bangalow 9:30-11am Yogalates Yogalates Bangalow 10-11:30am Yogalates 6-7:30pm Yogalates 6-7:30pm Pilates Mat/Suff 6-7:30pm Yogalates all classes in Bangalow Suffolk Park

6:30-7:30am Hatha 9:30-11am 9:30-11am Hatha Yoga 9:30-10:30am Akhanda Vinyasa Prana 6-7pm Hatha Vinyasa 6-7pm Hatha Vinyasa 6-7pm Hatha Vinyasa

24/7 Gym & unlimited Yoga Classes from $21.95 per week

8am 4pm Bikram Yoga

Open 7 days 10am - 5pm

Mullumbimby 5:30-6:30pm Snr Kids 6:30-8:30pm Adults/Teen

10am 4pm 6pm Bikram Yoga

8am 4pm 6pm Bikram Yoga

10am 4pm 6pm Bikram Yoga

6:30-7:30pm Vinyasa Yoga Birri

6:30-7:30pm Vinyasa Yoga Kate

6:30-7:30pm Vinyasa Yoga Birri



H E A V I L Y M E D I TAT E D with

THIS WEEK’S MANTRA - DON’T SETTLE INTO THE SETBACK. I grew up riding horses on our family ranch and the thing I most remember my parents saying to me after I'd fallen or been bucked off is, "get back on the horse." Right then and there. And I always did. If you didn't get back in the saddle the price you'd pay was a persistent future fear that would settle into your bones (not to mention a horse who thought they could get away with it again.) So I'd dust myself off and climb back into the saddle. This was a training in the practice of resiliency - making a habit of rising up from the cloud of dust and going again. If you've been bucked by life lately, if you're feeling like you've failed, if you're feeling gun shy, if you are doing that diabolical dance of one-step-forward-two-steps-back, I FEEL YOU. Take a moment. Take a breath. Take it for what it is. Re-evaluate. Reset. Reboot. Change your tack. Ask for help. Think it through. And then, get back on your horse. I'm not saying keep going at all costs, or push yourself just to push yourself. I'm saying, don't settle into the setback. When the stakes are high. When it matters. When you know you can do better. Take a hot minute to gather your wits and then get back in the saddle. You got this. There's something wonderful coming, some breakthrough, some new vista, some fresh experience, so giddyup and RIDE ON. Show that horse (and yourself) who is boss.



5 Wild Ways TO SAVE THE PLANET with Wild Search Byron Bay







A celebration of sustainable change in action, held in Mullumbimby this weekend 6-7th May - this is a WASTE-FREE festival and not to be missed! Get your tickets at Echidnas are on the move as the weather cools down, so please watch out for these little guys on the roads! Call the Northern Rivers Wildlife Carers hotline for any injured wildlife. Ph: 6628 1866 @PositiveChangeforMarineLife are now holding WEEKLY beach cleanups every Saturday, alternating between Mean Beach and 7 Mile. Sat 6th May - 7 Mile Beach and Sat 13th May - Main Beach Byron Bay, both from 8:30am


@BoomerangBags as they sew reusable 4 Join bags for our community every fortnight – Next one is 14th May at the YAC, 2-5pm. Visit Boomerang Bags Byron Shire on FB for updates.


up to Plastic Free July, @plasticfreebyron 5 Inarethe lead working with Byron businesses to

#BanTheBag - so keep an eye out for the volunteer team hitting the streets in the coming weeks. Visit for more details and GET INVOLVED.






Local finds in and around town



1 Bangalow Rug Shop

6 Windhorse Gallery

11 Red Ginger Asian

2 Champagne Lane

7 Barebones Artspace

12 Choux Choux Patisserie

3 Queen Mab’s

8 Driftlab

13 Harvest Deli

A full service rug firm. Reliable global service. Four decades of experience. Local creative designs, clothing, lights furniture, gifts, candles, soaps, plants, throws, interior design and more. A curated collection of designers & bespoke garments utilising quality materials & timeless exquisite finishes.

This stunning gallery in the heart of Bangalow is a feast for the eyes.

Family owned gallery operating for 20 years. Representing an array of local artists Is an environment that supports creative endeavours from artisans near and far

Authentic asian food, homewares, asian groceries, gifts & exotic teas.

Airy, weatherboard cottage for brekkie and diverse dishes, sourced from local, organic produce.

9 Newrybar Merchants

14 Harvest Cafe

5 Deja Vu

11 Red Ginger Asian

15 Bangalow Farmers Market

Come and delight your senses at Deja Vu... affordable luxury in fashion, gifts and homewares.

A collective of creative local artisans and curators. Capturing the essence of the the Byron Bay hinterland. Authentic asian food, homewares, asian groceries, gifts & exotic teas.

16 Yogalates

Founder Louise Solomon fuses the practices of Yoga & Pilates in this healing hub.

Established French/Australian bakery/ cafe, excellent coffee, quality affordable fine food for the whole family.

4 The Finders Club

A carefully curated collection of Menswear, Footwear, Accessories, Vinyl & Books.


Showcasing the diversity of the wonderful local region Harvest creates fabulous fresh, local, organic food.

Get on the map! or ph: 6680 7158

Saturdays 8-11am. A great range of the freshest locally grown produce direct from our farmers to you.

TEA TREE MULCH FROM THE FARM Tea tree mulch straight from the farm to you. Rough and fine chop minimum 6 metre loads and up $38.50 per metre delivered. Conditions apply. 0424 163 784



Gig guide THURSDAY 4 Funked Up Trivia Mexican Night Beef or Veggie Nachos




$10 Chicken Schnitzel, 5:30pm until sold out


Pasta Night Meat or Vego

SATURDAY 6 Karaoke Tex Mex Night Chilli Con Carne Beef or Veg w/rice



TUESDAY 9 WEDNESDAY 10 Ping Pong Comp SUNDAY FUNDAY Scattergories Channel your inner Forrest Bingo / Bar Gump and come on down Games Happy hour Tonight: to ping your pong 9pm 7-9pm Spaghetti Bolognese & $5 Lunch 2:30pm Roasted Veggie Pasta Moroccan Chicken Get your curry on Drumsticks OR Pork or Veg to 3:30pm



TAB Super Saturday Punters Club

Jackpot increases $200 each week until claimed, currently at $2000 Dinner Specials

Live Music Organic 5-8pm Call for our courtesy bus

See back page for our bottle shop specials

PUBCARD DRAW Open each day Jackpot increases 7:30am-9:00pm for Breakfast, $100 each week until claimed, Lunch, Snacks & currently at $1000 Dinner



Make a purchase + go in the draw to WIN a locally made skatey! DJ Chef de Party + Friends

Beer and Burger Deal $20


$4 tap beer and

DJ Nery


Live Music COCKTAIL MENU Richie Williams Live Music Margarita, Bellinis, 5pm Steve Lovelight Bloody Mary, 5pm Espresso Martinis 5pm Local's Card Draw - $200 Kids Play Area & more

Beer and Burger Deal $20


Call the Kombi for a house wine, CLOSED ride to Woody’s! $5.50 house spirits 8-9pm every night GONE SURFING 0429 819 372


Make a purchase + go in the draw to WIN a Morning Of The Earth surfboard!

DJ J^mie L

Beer and Trivia w/ Stewy Burger Deal $20 6.30pm Show us how clever Surf ’n Turf (or not) you are. Just $15 Prizes to be won. Every Wednesday

SUN-THURS 10.30AM - 10PM / FRI-SAT 10:30 TILL LATE - HAPPY HOUR DAILY 4:30-6:30pm - 6685 6500 - SUNBISTRO.COM Comedy Night!! Live Music Live Music With MC Rudy the Mad Tom Bailey Sports Happy Hour James Scott Sports Lunch Special Russian followed by Upstairs Surfing Day 1 Brazil Everyday 5-7pm Main Event Canelo v Mon - Fri Upstairs Squeak Lemaire's last DJ Kyle Walker Chavez Jr 12-3pm Local DJs $5 beers $5 wines Sports Call 02 6685 8493 Sticky Wicket performance! A League Grant Final Sports Super Rugby / NRL for bookings or $5 cider $1 wings AFL Burger Beer Fries $20 NBA Playoffs/AFL/ Sports / Anzac Test / NBA reservations. Surfing / NFL Playoffs / AFL / Cricket Supercars/Super Rugby Premium Sports Bar, 32 Jonson Street | Happy Hour 5 to 6pm Everyday | $1 Wings | $10 Jam Jars Ben Walsh Jock Barnes Tom & Jarry DJs Sammy 2 Towels 420 Reggae Night Open Mic Night Dan Clarke Duo 8:30pm 8:30pm 8pm 9pm 8pm 8:30pm 5pm Beetle Juice Nicole Brophy Lyre Birdland _____ _____ _____ _____ 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm Cheynne Murphy Hayley Grace Nicole Brophy Frank Sultana Dan Hannaford The Ninth Chapter Jimmy Willing 7pm 7pm 7pm 7pm 7pm 7pm 7pm

_____ _____












LIVE MUSIC AND DJs The Badlands 9pm

DJ Busta 9pm

Chesta Hedron

Lyall Moloney





High Tide 10pm Ooz 7pm The Swinging Detectives Mark Heazlett 6:30pm






Supercesse duo 7pm

Kallidad 4pm




Greg Kew





Guy Dutton 6:30pm





Jason Delphin Trio 7pm

BBQ, Brews & Blues 2pm





DJ Busta 9pm

Trop House DJs 9pm

DJ Mitch 9pm

Comedy in the Garden

DJ Burga & Mitch DJ Burga & Busta 9pm 9pm






The Biz

Local Business Discovered

Byron Bay Tile Merchants It’s easy to see why Byron Bay Tile Merchants have a brilliant reputation amongst Byron locals as soon as you step foot inside their tile studio. Nestled amongst the Arts and Industrial Estate you’ll meet friendly faces such as Monique, owner of BBTM, as well as Jamie and Natalie. Byron Bay Tile Merchants is a treasure trove of beautiful tiles and brilliant advice. Within the tile studio you’ll find an extensive array of porcelain, ceramic and hand made tiles in a variety of designs. Managed by a team who truly know their craft, Jamie and Monique both have extensive experience in the field and are equipped with both design and practical building expertise. Bathroom Bliss Byron Bay Tile Merchants are now offering a complete bathroom design package which entails a personalized design service. With a completely tailored and individual experience from brief to concept. For $470 Byron Bay Tile Merchants will take the hassle out of planning and sourcing all the different components of designing a bathroom and help bring your vision to life. As a part of the consultation you will receive the following: - Initial planning and a design brief meeting - Floor plan - Tile selections - Vanity finishes - Paint scheme - Lighting - Accessories - Bathroom styling advice - Job specification document - Product / suppliers list - Interactive mood board to reflect choices What’s special about the ladies from Byron Bay Tile Merchants is that they know what they’re talking about. Monique says “It’s always about the client and meeting their brief. The most important part is listening to what they want”. If you’d like to contact the team at Byron Bay Tile Merchants call 02 6685 6823 or drop into their tile studio at 2/60 Centennial Circuit.





Tagged In Town


"@megz.noel capturing Byron Bay at its finest"

"Rise and shine little


suns by @caitlinca

"Feeling the festival vibes with @murrayjohnston_"

"@jaassmminee hanging

out with the locals"

WI NN IN G PH OT O Hashtag #byronbazaar to get in to win!

Congrats mate, you win a voucher for Slo-Mo Joes. Yewww!

"Bubbles on the beach with @fiercenigh


Tagged In Town brought to you by...

"Summer days in the bay by @oakrose_photography"





@zephyr_horses Job: Big Boss Fear: Naughty children Favourite drink: Molasses water cocktail Vice: Carrots Reading: Byron Bazaar Listening to: Wild Horses - Rolling Stones Watching: The Man from Snowy River Best out of town hot spot: The Zephyr ranch



The Guide

Mother's Day Gift Guide Photo by: Rich Bayley

Mark your calendar: Sunday, May 14th is Mother's Day! Yes, it's the thought that counts, but if you're a bit short on ideas, you've come to the right place. We've gathered up a motherload of gifts and experiences to make sure you stay in the good books with your mum (or your baby mama) this year. 1 A Mother's Day Facial

An hour of pure heaven for mum. This facial is a great pickme-up. A huge menu to choose from including waxing, eye care, massages, pedicures, body scrubs and skin rejuvenation. Specialising in skin care, Bodibeauticious will take care of your Mum's needs. Log onto and purchase a voucher or phone 02 6680 8838.

2 A Banquet fit for a Queen

The Beet are catering for you this year with their 'Mother's Day Banquet' for just $50 ! Take the hassle out of cooking lunch and spend some quality time catching up on gossip over a healthy and delicious meal. Enjoy shared entree platters, a main and a guilt free dessert that we guarantee your Mum won't stop raving about! Call The Beet to book a table on 6685 6520.

3 Bloomin' Beautiful

Need a beautiful bouquet for your Momma? Look no further than Flowers at The Farm, selling fresh cut flowers and fiddle leaf figs - perfect for the green thumb Mum ! Located at The Farm, 11 Ewingsdale Road Byron.

4 A New Do

Send Mum to Edwards & Co. for an expert cut and color or just the blow wave of her dreams. There's nothing like a new hairdo to give her an instant pick-me-up. Not to mention that the idea of an hour or more of magazines and tea sounds heavenly to a busy Mum. More info at

4 Dress up at Dreamers

Keep it local and dress up at Dreamers & Drifters with classic pieces designed by "Momma to be" Verity. Easy parking at this new lifestyle store, which offers a totally original experience, think Africa and Boho with a Byron edge. Save the date for their upcoming Mother's Day event on 13th May. Dreamers and Drifters, 120 Jonson St, Byron Bay.

5. A Bucket List Beach Ride

Help Mum tick off something that's sure to be on every woman's bucket list - a horseback ride on one of Byron's most beautiful beaches. Book in with Zephyr for one of their daily beach tours and ride into the sunset with your baby mama.



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Weekly Forecast Gisela W EEK LY Tarot TA ROT FO R ECAST G I STarot ELA consultations with Gisela AstrologyBYBy and Contact the Lakes Weekly Bulletin

mountains, $1

Astrology and Tarot Forecast consultations by Gisela. For an appointment - or text 0431894408

For an appointment - or texttext 0431894408 - or 0431894408 ASTROLOGY AND TAROT FORECAST CONSULTATIONS BY GISELA For an appointment

On Thursday Mercury turns direct but he is very slow and will be retracing his steps for the next twenty days. Nevertheless Thursday is a very inspiring day, due to a Sun/Neptune sextile; perfect to make your home more lush and beautiful or to showcase your art or music. During the next three months a magical and magnetic window of time opens, with tremendous potential to attract whatever you desire. This energy builds up in the form of a slow-moving fire trine involving Saturn, Uranus and the North Node. Believe in your calling and your destiny, and implement your genius ideas with dedication during this time! An air trine from Mars to Jupiter (retrograde) is also building and supports the grand fire trine beautifully. It might be interesting to revise ideas that were hatched in mid-November last year. For the bigger picture read your Sun, Moon and Rising signs. A Tarot card is drawn for each astrological sign.



Aries The 3 of Cups symbolises goodwill and mutual support within your family and your wider community. You may want to engage more, socialise more and network more. The team spirit is high and a lot can be achieved as people work together. Best of all it makes your heart rejoice...

Libra The 2 of Wands might bring upheaval into your carefully balanced world this week. Issues of empowerment and disempowerment may force you to stand up and be counted. When you assert yourself in the most balanced way possible, you enjoy the feeling of doing the best you can, while taking control of things.



Taurus The Hermit suggests you retreat from the busy world and focus inward this week. Maybe you have been quite distracted by other people’s wants and needs; now is the time to honour your need for space and time alone. You may incubate some great creative ideas which are not yet ready to be hatched. It won’t take long...


Gemini The World Tarot card represents a time when the


Cancer The 5 of Wands paints a picture of strife and

universe seems to line up situations, events and people to help you to achieve what your heart desires. As a natural visionary, truth and freedom seeker, you may want to explore new ways to build a better world.

frustration. Especially on a creative level it is time to move forward and explore new endeavours. Any negative mood or feeling of limitation can be overcome once you are conscious about what you are thinking, and by directing your thoughts towards more light-heartedness, a playful approach and inspiration.


Leo The 4 of Swords suggests you slow down this week and take time off from your preoccupations. As you step back a bit, you can see the bigger picture and you de-stress. This gives you the opportunity to find innovative solutions to the problems that have been overwhelming you.


Virgo The Fool represents the ecstatic adventure of

growing into who you truly are. The fire-trine mentioned above supports you with inspiration, and your new-found courage can take you way beyond any old limitations. A new phase of your life is beginning...

Scorpio The Chariot represents achievement of your goals and a clear victory. From this focused and empowered place you are on the outlook for new opportunities which may present themselves; any new beginnings will require much less effort now than during the last few weeks.


Sagittarius The 2 of Disks symbolises a time when you have to juggle many balls at the same time. This may be a fun or at least interesting week for you, since you are naturally flexible, and excited about change and unforeseen circumstances. You might see an opportunity to rebalance your life circumstances.


Capricorn The Princess of Disks represents the creative force of the Goddess in her gestation phase. This is the time to make big plans but they need to be grounded, practical and safe. You may feel inspired to birth a new lifestyle, a new creative project, a new identity or even a new human being...


Aquarius The Hierophant is the archetype for teaching, counselling or consulting. He nudges you towards the commitment to a humanitarian cause where you can offer your gifts freely and help stabilise other people’s lives. If you feel the urge to walk the mystical path with practical feel, go for it!


Pisces The 6 of Wands symbolises triumph and success, therefore whatever project or plan you are hatching at this time promises to work out well, not only for you but also for any other people who are involved. Naturally you are attuned to how your decisions affect other people and you are working on the bigger picture for the benefit of all.



D o wn w o h

C Restaurant Guide St. Elmo is plating up modern Spanish tapas dishes and share plates, inspired by fresh and flavoursome ingredients. Our innovative menu is designed to be shared with great company. You’ve found your kind of place. Ensalada De Higo $22.50 Black fig, goats curd, honey, hazelnuts, baby leaves. Choricito Con Panceta De Cerdo $22 Baby chorizo with slow cooked pork belly in sherry vinegar caramel with pickled watermelon and almonds. (4 pieces) $23.50 Vieira Seared scallop, watermelon rojo, almond puree, coriander.

Falda De Ternera $24 Slow cooked brisket in garlic sauce with peas, button mushroom, cauliflower purée and migas. Selección De Quesos $29 Selection of three spanish cheeses with fruit and nut bread, quince paste and grapes. Natillas De Coco $15 Coconut panna cotta with pineapple, mint and white rum granita and Italian meringue. Corner Fletcher St & Lawson Lane 02 6680 7426 Monday – Sunday: 5pm - late (10pm Sunday)

Metres back from legendary Main Beach, Balcony Bar sits perched high above the hustle and bustle of Byron Bay’s busy streets. Under the direction of Executive Chef, Sean Connolly, the food ethos here is all about simple, fresh and honest flavours. Monday Sean’s southern fried chicken. Tuesday Byron Bay’s only industry night with $5 selected drinks after 9pm. Wednesday $1 fresh shucked oysters.

6pm After 9pm


Thursday Live Lounge 6pm. Enjoy your dinner with some of Byron’s best musicians.


Saturday Seafood paella 2pm until sold out!


Sunday Food, Booze and No Shoes Seafood paella, live music & happy hour drinks.


Positioned directly opposite Main Beach, Byron Bay, Italian at the Pacific - A contemporary Italian Restaurant offers fresh, generous and distinctive meals in a warm, inviting setting. Intimate dinners, group function and weddings. Inside or courtyard. Costala Di Manzo $37 12 hour braised Cape Grim Tasmanian boneless beef rib, potato purée, caramelised onion, asparagus and veal jus. Filetto Di Lutianorosso Pan roast red snapper served with a cauliflower purée, broccolini, a dressing of fresh herbs, granny smith apples and roasted walnuts.


Spaghetti Bianco Spaghetti in a white wine and olive oil sauce, shredded pumpkin, peas, pistachio, spicy pumpkin seeds and parmesan.


Penne con Guancia di Bue $32 Penne in a porcini infused cream sauce with shredded braised Cape Grim Tasmanian beef cheek, mushroom, pea and parmesan.

Cnr of Lawson and Jonson Street 02 6680 9666 Monday – Friday: 11:30am - Midnight Saturday & Sunday: 9am - Midnight

Bay Street (next to Beach Hotel) 02 6680 7055 Dinner, 7 Days: 6pm - late

Feast on this...

Vegan maple and pecan ice cream

Feeling like satisfying your sweet tooth? We've got you covered with a recipe for a deceptively healthy maple and pecan ice cream. Perfect as an afternoon pick me up for the kids on a warm Autum arvo or an after dinner treat for the adults.



• 3 x large or 4 small ripe bananas • 1/2 cup almond butter • 1/4 - 1/2 cup all natural maple syrup, to taste • 1/4 cup tahini • 1 teaspoon cinammon, optional • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract • 1 cup pecans

1. Put all ingredients, except for the pecans, in a food processor on high until combined and creamy 2. Add more maple syrup to taste (if needed) 3. Stir in pecans with a spoon, rather than process 4. Place in airtight container and put in freezer for at least 6 hours 5. Bring out on a hot (or cold) day for a vegan friendly treat



D o wn w o h

C Restaurant Guide THE



Indulge in some delicious local cuisine at The Park Hotel. Our talented chefs serve up only the freshest ingredients and our prices will leave a great taste in your mouth. Indoor and outdoor dining facilities available, dine and enjoy lavish, tropical garden views. $30

EXCLUSIVE - Hot Rock Three Course Meal

Mix & match from a range of entrees, main & dessert.

250g Rump Steak

Cooked your way, served with chips, mixed leaf salad and your choice of sauce.


Served with pine nuts, goats feta, rocket, eggplant, lemon and olive oil.


Wagyu Beef Burger w Chips

Smokey bacon, cheese, caramelised onion, aoili, lettuce and tomato.

Roasted Walnut & Black Bean Burger w chips


Grilled haloumi, apricot chutney, lettuce and tomato.

Crumbed Chicken or Pork Schnitzel


Served with chips, mixed leaf salad and lemon

Lightly Beer Battered Whiting

Served with creamy mash.

Spicy Chicken Strips

Crumbed, served with chipotle aioli.

s $13 l $18

Served with garden salad and beer battered chips.

Sunday Roast Chef’s Curry

$18 $15 $15

61 Bayshore Drive 02 6685 6500 Open 11:30am - 10pm daily 11:30am - Midnight Friday & Saturday

Advertise here

MORNING SPECIAL $5 Bacon & Egg Roll $3 Coffee

LUNCH SPECIAL $10 Pizza B4 2pm


This Weeks Special the

Tickle their taste buds

One of Byron’s oldest pizza shops. After being Call for Delivery Deals around for 20 years Legend prides itself on using freshly chopped vegetables, meat from the local butcher and pizza dough made on the premises daily. Pizza Byron style.

Succulent Beef Burger


Loaded Hot Dog


Provolone cheese, salad, mustard, tomato sauce and fries.

Served with chips, housemade tartare, mixed leaf salad and lemon.

223 Broken Head Road 02 6685 3269 Open 7 Days from 7:30am


Crumbed chicken, haloumi, olives, onion, lettuce, fresh tomatoes, cucumber, basil and lime dressing.

Served with garden salad, beer battered chips and tartare sauce.



Ultimate Salad

Ale Battered Fish Fillets

Surf ‘n’ Turf

from $3.50

Choose from beef, chicken, fish or veg! Served with fresh salsa, slaw, charred corn and coriander guacamole.

Pork and Fennel Bangers


Why not relax by the pool, and dive into one of our delicious meals. Wash it down with an ice cold beer, glass of wine or an authentic Canadian Caesar!

Delicious Taco's from only (V option)


Aussie Favourite Chicken Schnitzel

s $17 l $22

Pumpkin & Spinach Ravioli

The Sun Bistro is a family-friendly bistro and bar, set among a natural bush setting. The atmosphere and staff are friendly, the food is fresh and creative. We have two kid play areas, TAB and sportsbar, a drivethru bottle shop and lots of car parking.



Pork dog, cheese, onions, bacon, sauerkraut, mustard, tomato salsa, salad and fries.

Served with basil, asparagus and parmesan cheese.

16 Lawson Street (next to Library) 02 6685 7663 Open 7 Days, 12 noon till late, Licensed

90 Jonson Street 8am - Late

Situated away from the busy street with a relaxing and breezy atmosphere. Check our new brekkie menu and an alternative Asian lunch. Child friendly, gluten free, vegan options. Group and functions bookings are welcomed. Fully licensed. Take away available. Green Benny (DF)


Poached eggs, broccolini, sautéed spinach, topped w/homemade basil zucchini sauce.

BBQ Chicken Legend Chicken, BBQ sauce, onion,

mushroom, pepperoni & garlic.


Roast Pumpkin Risotto (V)

The T.A.B.L.E

Tomato, avocado, bacon, lettuce, fried eggs and mayonnaise on grilled Turkish bread.


mushroom, bacon and garlic.

New York Legend Baby spinach, onion, chunky fetta

Vegan Pancake (VG, GF, DF)

Banana, oats, coconut served with fresh berries and coconut ice cream.


and garlic.

Boardrider Legend Baby spinach, chargrilled capsicum,

Sausage Board


Free range Teriyaki chicken/beef open s/w


Dumpling Salad (VG, DF)


Meaty Legend Ground beef, ham, onion, capsicum,

double prawns, pepporini and garlic.

Bangalow pork sausage, spicy chorizo, scrambled eggs, caramelised onion and grilled roma tomato.

Small $8 Medium $14 Large $22 Giant $25.50 Our pizzas are bigger and better than your average pizza joint! GF Bases available.

Homemade steamed vegetable dumplings, greens w/ special tahini soy dressing.

Morning Special Bacon and Egg Roll $5, Coffee $3 Lunch Special $10 Med. Pizza before 2pm. 90 Jonson Street 02 6685 5700 Delivery 7 nights, Takeaway & BYO Open 8am – late

One special dish every Monday to Thursday and early-bird regular coffee for $3 till 9.00 a.m. Conditions apply.

CALL 02 6680 7158

3/8 Byron Street, next to Centrelink 02 6685 5711 Open daily from 8am-3pm BYO wine only



Tickle their taste buds! Advertise with Byron Bazaar call 02 6680 7158

Our food and drinks are inspired by Egyptian recipes dated back 3 family generations and altered to give it a modern twist. Our food is free from preservatives, processed ingredients, locally sourced, seasonal and organic whereever possible.

The Beet Vegan Restaurant was created to inspire everyone to enjoy creative, delicious and healthy 100% plant based meals in a modern restaurant environment. Gluten free options and kids menu available. Alfresco & indoor dining.

Middle eastern cuisine and wood fired pizza. Drop in for a delicious breakfast, lunch or dinner. BYO. Harmony Breaky


Roz 'B' Laban

Beet's Big Bowl



Lebanese Lamb Kofta (kebabs) platter



Traditional Egyptian treat with a base of sweet brown rice cooked in almond milk and coconut cream, vanilla and cinnamon topped with toasted coconut, hazelnuts and fresh seasonal fruit.

Summer Granola


Dukka Dukka (V)


Maple toasted rolled oats with pepitas, seaseme seeds, slivered almonds, shredded coconut, dried mango and goji berries. Free range poached eggs on a bed of quinoa mixed with creamy feta, toasted pepitas, seasonal greens and coopers shoot tomatoes, cranberries and zaatar olive oil. Homemade falafels dolloped with creamy labne, paired with crunchy homemade dukkah and poached eggs on a bed of delicate green tahini, fresh tomato and toasted flatbread. Our signature flavor-filled crispy cheesy corn fritter with free range poached eggs, grilled bacon and finished with homemade hollandaise sauce and rocket.



Get slow in Byron and let the good times roll! Delicious slow cooked stews, curries, casseroles and soups to warm your heart and soul. $16.50

Shredded beef brisket and beans in a smokey, spicy sauce w/ secret blend of fresh herbs and spices on fluffy rice or corn chips w/creamy guacamole and sour cream. Add chilli or pickled jalapeños. HOT OR NOT?

Wam Bam Lamb


Fiji Funky Chicken


Cooked to perfection with veggies, red wine and fennel. Served up w/ minty mushy peas. OH PLEASE!

Tropical flavours, Pacific style w/ fresh tomato and ginger, served up w/ yoghurt and fresh coriander. BULA!

Snorky Porky


Glass House Zucchini Flowers


House Made Mushroom Tortellini


Tomato Bruschetta


The Beet Burger


Fettuccine Boscaiola


The famous American street food veganized!

Filled with vegan ricotta, baby spinach, pine nuts and truffle oil.

Grilled organic sourdough, tomato, vegan ricotta, pesto.

Eggplant parmigiana, tomato relish, vegan parmesan, avacado, sauerkraut with sweet potato chips and house made vegan aioli. Creamy cauliflower sauce, vegan 'bacon', roasted mushroom, parsley.

Corner of Fletcher St and Bay Lane 0410 119 061 Open Mon - Fri 6:30am - 4pm Sat- Sun 7:00am - 4pm

Con Canivale

Philly Cheese Sambo

Stewed tomato, artichoke and aubergine croutons.

Mama's Falafel Plate (V)

El Fritters


Fresh greens, organic turmeric quinoa salad, roasted sweet potato, chickpeas, house-made sauerkraut, organic local tempeh, coconut bacon, raw beetroot dip, guacamole.


Get Toasted is Byron Bay's original Toasted Sandwich/Panini cafe. We offer a great value menu for breakfast, lunch and late avo snacks with generous helpings.

Berlusconi (Meat Lovers)

M $20 / L $27

Pollo (Chicken)

M $19 / L $25

Middle Eastern Vegan

M $19 / L $25

Tomato base, mozzarella, salumi salami, shaved ham and oregano. Pesto base, mozzarella, free range chicken breast, semidried tomatoes, red onion and rocket.

Babaganosh base, mushroom, eggplant, pumpkin, pine nuts, tahini sauce and fresh GF tabouli.

Cheeky’s isn’t just famous for dancing on the tables – we serve up first class burgers, great steaks, salads, curry’s, share food and more.

Cheese Burger Deluxe


Veggie Lasagne


All toasties/panini come with a $3.50 meal deal upgrade (fries & soft drink or water)

300g Rump Steak


Also available - Acai bowls and Belgian waffles, fresh juices, smoothies and much much more!

Basket of wedges with sour cream and sweet chilli $8 Add bacon and melted cheese for $4

Homemade Beef Bolognese


Roasted pumpkin, mozzarella and mushrooms.

Chicken & Avo

Mozzarella and homemade aioli.


Ham & Swiss Cheese


Grilled Haloumi



Cnr Fletcher Street / Bay Lane 02 6685 7502 Open Mon - Sun 11am till late

M $18 / L $24

Pesto base, mozzarella, wilted spinach, broccolini, capers and feta.


Roasted pumpkin, sun dried tomatoes, red onion, spinach and pesto.


The Green Wonder

Grilled Chicken Burger


Smoked salmon, scrambled eggs, tomato, rocket and hollandaise sauce.

Mean Beans V / GF

Mental lentils, Rumpy Pumpy Cup $5, bowl and roll $10

Char grilled lamb and beef koftas with our homemade babaganoush, hummus, tahini, mix greens, GF tabouli, zatar coated cauliflower served with our wood-fired pita bread.

Some locals favourite toasted sandwiches. The Byron Benny

Pickles and coleslaw.


Filled with green falafel, tahini, GF tabouli and pickles in a wood-fired pita pocket.

1/6 Tasman Way, Art & Ind. Estate 02 6680 8228 Mon-Fri 7:30am-3pm / Fri 5:30-9:30pm Full menu at

6/90-96 Jonson St (in Woolworths Plaza) 02 6685 6520 Open 7 Days - Lunch 11am-2:30pm Dinner from 5:30pm

Texan style pulled pork in tangy sauce served w/ fresh h/made slaw on a torpedo roll. Added crackle for extra crunch. KILL ME! Fat red beans w/ capsicum, tomato and smokey paprika on fluffy rice or corn chips w/ creamy guacamole and sour cream. Add chilli or pickled jalapeños. SMOKIN!

2 poached eggs, thyme and lime mushrooms, avocado salsa verde, goat's cheese on organic sourdough.

2/73-75 Jonson Street 02 6685 5970 Mon-Sat from 5:30am, Sun from 8am

Char-grilled pesto chicken breast, bacon, tomato, beetroot relish, spanish onion and melting double brie drizzled with aioli on a lightly toasted brioche style bun served with fries. Char grilled beef patty topped with melting American cheddar cheese, cheeky burger sauce, bacon, lettuce, tomato, spanish onion, beetroot & blue cheese sauce on a lightly toasted brioche style bun, served with fries. Grilled eggplant, roasted pumpkin, seasonal vegetables, napoli sauce smothered with melted cheese served with creamy slaw and fries. 300g Rump served with beer battered onion rings, fries and creamy slaw – comes with choice of pepper, mushroom sauce or gravy.

115 Jonson Street 02 6685 5886 Mon-Sat 7pm-2am, Sun 6pm-12am



Classifieds Your Local Listings

MAGNETIC WOOL UNDERLAY King Size Magnetic Wool Underlay Mattress Protector. Great condition. No longer needed. $95. Call Marg 0427 857 711 MIELE FREESTANDING STEAM OVEN Small crack in water jug, door slightly damaged, neither affect operation of oven. Great for healthy eating - comes with cookbook. $200 Ph 0481 127 632 JS SURFBOARDS FOR SALE 6'0 Monsta, a 5'10 Monsta x, and a 5'2" Show Pony Fish. $300 ea for monsta's or $350 ea with fins. The fish is $280 or $330 with fins. No dings/depsn. 0413 627 422


FOR SALE Near new double bed ensemble and mattress 100 dollars. phone.text. 0402 682 717

2002 SUBARU FORRESTER Rego until Feb 2018 ! 4WD Automatic, spacious rear. Good condition, roadworthy done this week. Mileage 202500. Priced $4,500, call Shilly on 0412 764 675.

PUSH LAWN MOWER Flymo H40 from Mitre, 6mo old and hardly used. $50 SMS 0401 434 246.

1999 HYUNDAI WAGON FOR PARTS Hyundai Lantra Sport Wagon for parts. Lennox Head. The whole muffler system replaced a few months ago. Unregistered. Please call Suzie 0466 797 978. RETRO CARAVAN POP TOP, 1972 Regsd, new tyres, new porta potty, tent, full awning, lots of extras, ready to go. Urgent sale. $5,200. Call 0427 951 010. 2004 FALCON UTE 12 month rego, good condition. Mechanically very good. $5,500 ONO 0400 348 227 2006 HOLDEN VIVA WAGON Manual, 137,000 kms, excellent condition, glittering blue, 3 months NSW reg, $3,700 neg, 0420 432 855 2011 WHITE VESPA 125 LX IE White vespa with visor. Very good condition apart from a scrap on the foot panel. 9,364 KM, full service history. $4,000 Call Denise 0481 127 632 FOR SALE Ford Transit van 76 0448 447 499 unregistered 1998 MITSUBISHI MIRAGE FOR SALE Hatchback(price negotiable). Manual,great to drive.New tyres, stereo. Serviced in Jan and has no issues. Available 9 May. Priced $2300. Call 0435 009 823

FOR SALE Lrge Bird cage $65, Gas bottle, $60, AB Exercise Swing $220, Cane Book Shelf $55, Worm Farm all, inc. Day Lounge slats $50, Jasmine, Palm, Frangipanis, Text Parvani 0476 139 191 1920 CEDAR CUPBOARD 1920 western red cedar cupboard for sale. Great condition. Ornate carvings. Price $300. Call Marg 0427 857 711 LGE S E ASIAN PAINTING ON SILK Beautiful S E Asian painting on silk : birds & flowers, 6ft x 3ft (incl'g 2in frame). Possibly Balinese. Buyer needs to pick up. $175, ph. 6680 3073 VAN DOLLY WHEEL two caravan dolly wheels $20 for both 0408 658 255 GUITARS FOR SALE Martin d15 solid mahogoney body $2,200. Ovation baladeer with flight case $1,500. Spanish guitar $500. 0437 702 765 SOFA BED/ DIVAN Near new, one owner,new mattress , blue in colour. 1900x800x700. Ideal for Easter or extra guests .$200 Ono. 0411 030 075 RIDE ON MOWER Yard Pro (Husqvana) 18hp Kohler Engine, Hydro Transmission, 38" Deck with Mulching Kit, EC $1500. 0438 207 092 A 2ND DWELLING ON YOUR BLOCK CamperTrailer w Large Annexe. Perfect for extra accom. Was $8000 now $4500 Bargain Text to 0412 640 760

2006 SUZUKI GRAN VITARA 4 SALE Great condition, serviced regularly, just been detailed. Rego till Dec 17. Manual, good tyres $6500 ono. Ph/text 0411 504 739

HEXAGON 8 STAGE WATER FILTRATION UNIT Enhances detox and elimination of waste. Brand new, still in box! Was $250 now $150 phone Anna 0409 224 286

TOYOTA DYNA 300 dual cab tray back 1993 model with builders rack good condition mechanical a1 new clutch and radiator $6900 Jeff 0402 716 857

AQUARIUM (AS NEW!) 100L Blue Planet + stand + all extras: Built-in filter; heater; thermometer; ornaments; blue gravel; gravel vacuum; food; water treaters... $375 ONO. 0420 925 131

FOR SALE QUEEN MATTRESS FOR SALE 153x203cm. Clean condition. $35 PICKUP from Suffolk Park. 0432 966 061 SHOES SALAMON SPORTS RUNNING Size 10. As new. Bargain $60. Mobile 0416 059 856 SHOES NIKE SPORTS BASKETBALL Size 10. As new. Bargain $60. Mobile 0416 059 856 ANTIQUE HALL STAND WITH MIRROR Bargain $100. Mob 0416 059 856 ANTIQUE DESK 1200 wide, dovetailed drawers. Bargain $100. Mob 0416 059 856 COLD PRESS ELECTR JUICER As new. $80 - 0431 142 899 STAINED GLASS MIRROR Beautifully handcrafted lead light mirror with floral detail. Oval shape 720 by 450. Can send picture. $150. Call 0422 402 169

DRESSAGE RIDING BOOTS German custom made + USA Dehner custom made. Good condition. Black leather ladies size 7 Each $75 ono Carolyn 0401 452 762 100+ YEAR OLD OAK EXTENDABLE TABLE carved square legs. $575. 0427 377 450.

King Alfred style with

GENERAL SKATEBOARD FOUND@RIP CURL SHOP Have you lost a Skateboard in Wategos Beach on 19/4/17? A guy handed us a found skateboard, if its yours and you can describe it, come to Rip Curl. TO THE KIND MAN WHO GAVE ME A LIFT TO UNCLE TOM'S Last Saturday morning on his way to Gold Coast, did I drop the lid of my coffee cup in your car?? 0403 603 474. Thank you !!! PET/HOUSE/BABY-SITTING 24, experienced with Childcare, Pets, House-sitting. Available days, overnight + longer time periods. Can live in. Call Amélie 0431 048 029

PLACE A BYRON BAZAAR CLASSIFIED DEADLINE MIDNIGHT MONDAY Free Classifieds 160 characters for free (private

advertisers only, no businesses). Submit online at or text 0437 229 227

Business Classifieds 180 characters from less than

$14/week or add a logo or headshot for less than $20/week! Submit online at



GARAGE SALES HUGE GARAGE SALE 4 HOUSES COMBINED Quality kids clothes & toys; designer women's clothes; household stuff; furniture. 16 Teak Cct Suffolk Park Sat 6 May 8-11am. MOVING ABROAD GARAGE SALE Sat from 8am @23 Granuaille Street , Bangalow. Lovely household items, great books, cool clothes and more!

PROPERTY 2BR/ENSUITES BEAUTIFUL HOUSE with plenty of greenery and decks to rent in Suffolk 1/6 -20/7. 700pw all incl. SMS 0401 434 246 BYRON BAY ROOM TO RENT Suit working individual. Close to town. Share with one other person. $250 + bills. Call Brad 0404 469 324 ROOM TO RENT MULLUMBIMBY $200 pw includes bills. Working person preferred. Walking distance to town. Available now 0428 960 142. SUFFOLK PARK BEACHSIDE 1BD FLAT FF $350 includes electricity, internet until 16/7 own carport, courtyard suffolk park beachside. Ph 0435 300 743 downstairs. DUPLEX SUFFOLK PARK BEACHSIDE FF $450 includes electricity, internet 2/5 to 18/7 own carport, deck, suffolk park beachside. Ph 0435 300 743 ROOM IN BRUNSWICK HEADS $180 Beautiful room in relaxed, musical, drug-free, share household. Close to beach & shops. Avail now. $180 week including wifi and elec. Call 0420 398 590. LOOKING FOR A HOUSE I am a doctor looking for a place to call home. Ideally looking for a 1-2 bedroom contained seperate dwelling. Will look after your property for you. 0402 883 287. BRUNS HEADS - ROOM 4 RENT Epic modern house in the heart of town, massive FF room for rent 330/wk, share with 1 other, 39yr Female and an awesome pooch. Avail now 0448 091 570 4 BEDROOM HOUSE AVAILABLE 3/4BR/RM house renovated available available june 5th till october 1st suit older or professional couple , F/Furnished Skinners shoot 0419 809 809 TO LET IN BAYWOOD CHASE 1 bedr furn spacious apartment in Suffolk coming up 2nd May $350 plus bills. please call 0424 111 300 PEACE LOVING ,DOWN TO EARTH WOMAN looking for a affordable home. Between lennox and brunswick heads. Part time working non smoker. Thanks Amanda 0473 670 890 TOWNHOUSE FOR RENT 3 bedroom 1 bathroom 1 carport townhouse in north ocean shores, outside pets ok, bond 2 weeks rent $600 pw includes bills 0448 448 743

Community Notice Board

What’s Happening In Our Community BYRON VISITOR CENTRE WANTS YOU! If you would like to be a part of the team of volunteers at the Byron Visitor Centre - giving free trusted info & helping locals and visitors from all over the world - please drop in or call 6680 8558. SEEKING VOLUNTEER TEACHER Future Dreamers is seeking a highschool teacher (or one in training) to be able to provide support for students in Yr7-10, one afternoon per wk. Join our team! EOI to info@ THE FEDERAL EXCHANGE AUTUMN GATHERING Swap your excess garden veggies, herbs, seeds, cuttings etc with like-minded locals, Saturday 27th May, meet at 10 am exchanged 10:30, Federal Park opp. Doma Cafe. 6688 4619 FB 'The Federal Exchange'. FUTURE DREAMERS : SEEKING VOLUNTEERS Seeking a few wonderful women to help out on a weekly/ fortnightly basis @ the Clubhouse general cleaning, preparing snacks + errands. Is this you? Apply via OCEAN SHORES ART EXPO Entries for the 14th Art Expo are due by 24th July. The 2017 theme is "Spirit of the Land". Info at www.osart. or on Instagram: ocean_shores_art_expo. BYRON SPANISH ITALIAN CLUB Join our conversation club every Tuesday afternoon! Send a short introduction about yourself to Find us on Fb!

When a male penguin falls in love withDREAMERS a female he will FUTURE TERM 2penguin Hey girls! Jump on au + Insta @future_dreamers to find out what rad activities/courses we search entire beach to find the St have running +the book your spot ! All girls 12-25 welcome! 24 Marvell Byron Bay. perfect pebble to present to her. DO YOU WANT TO VOLUNTEER? Men, take note! The Northern Rivers Volunteering is here to help. To find a suitable position for you call: 66217397.

BYRON PUBLIC SCHOOL CELEBRATING 125 YEARS 15/16 September. The school community warmly welcomes attendance from all those with a connection to BBPS to the celebrations. More information or call Geoff 0417 274 476.

M a rke t s

GRANNY FLAT TO LET SUFFOLK ff $350 incl elec,internet 2/5 to 16/7 own carport, courtyard, suffolk park beachside, Ph 0435 300 743 BEDSITTER TO LET SUFFOLK ff $215 incl elec,internet 9/5 to 16/7 own carport, courtyard, suffolk park beachside, Ph 0435 300 743 ROOM SUFFOLK BEACHSIDE $210 Single, $270 Couple, + bills, in a complex, 2 blocks from beach, clean, non-smoker, clean, employed, rent 2wks advance, bond 4wks. Available now 0488 069 122 TOWNHOUSE FOR RENT 3 bedroom 1 bathroom 1 carport townhouse in north ocean shores, outside pets ok, bond 2 weeks rent $600 pw includes bills 0448 448 743 HOUSE FOR SALE In beautiful kyogle, great location, two bedroom, stainless bench tops in kitchen plus large gas cook top, oven in great condition. Reduced for quick sale, ONLY $130,000. A must see, please PH: 0418 634 821

WANTED DESPERATELY SEEKING BARRELS! Wanted 9' Mal for beginner surfer, or as close to it. 0418 268 575




Wednesdays Thursdays Fridays Saturdays Sundays

New Brighton Farmers 8-11am Organic Lismore Murwillumbah 7-11am Byron Bay Farmers 8-11am Mullumbimby Farmers 7-11am Bangalow Farmers 8-11am Lismore Farmers 8-11:30am Ballina Missingham Farmers 7-11am

T RI CKY T RI VI A ANSWER S 1. C, 6 million. 2. C, Brian De Palma. 3. B, Sy Snootles.

4. C, Redwood. 5. A, Ep 1 - The Phantom Menace




New Jobs Added Weekly DRIVERS WANTED

Better Pay. Your Car, Your Hours Be Your Own Boss. Drive when you want, best industry rates Recruiting now do not miss out. Email:

BARISTA REMEDIAL MASSAGE THERAPIST We want you. We need CENTRE you! Full BYRON time, 4 days ALCHEMY WELLNESS BAY aSeeking week. Footbridge, Brunswick Heads. therapist. reliable, friendly, experienced | 02 6685 1991 HICAPS, avail w/ends. Katrina 0413 666 682.


Byron Bazaar does the job. To book a job ad, email or call 02 6680 7158 or book online.

Sathve e e t a D


S U N D AY 2 8 th M AY M U L LU M B I M BY A N D B RU N SW I C K H EA DS Time to strengthen those arm muscles!! The annual Mullum2Bruns Paddle is happening again in just under a month on Sunday 28th May. The beloved event is a fun day full of some healthy competition and challenges for all ages and abilities. Starting at Heritage Park, Mullumbimby and ending at the Terrace Park in Brunswick Heads participants can register as an individual or group in a variety of categories. As if a beer at The Brunswick Hotel 'post paddle' isn’t enough of an incentive, there’ll be loads of prizes to win for those who sign up including Brookfarm hampers, GoSea Kayak vouchers a juicer and much, much more ! As a part of the event, Brunswick foreshore will be host to community food stalls, kids activities and a live music program for those who’d like to watch the race from the sidelines. Feeling up to the challenge? Sign up via the event website:




A Quick Chat With ...


Artist - @_n_i_t_s_u_a_

You’re from New Zealand but live in Byron, why do you love it here so much? It’s the weather, NZ is great but the weather is rude. Heaps rude, so much so it’s worth while giving up all the culture & beautiful landscape to be here where I can skate, surf, & paint a lot more than what I would in NZ. Do you find it difficult, given the negative perceptions of graffiti, educating people on the difference to street art? Yeah, you always get that. Younger people not so much, but quite often I'd need to explain that there is a difference between graffiti & street art. What’s your favourite piece of work you have done in town? That’s a ghost now, it was on the exterior of my old studio wall next to the bowls club. The old boys club decided to paint over the entire place in grey tones and completely stale fish it. If you're not in the gallery or studio, where can we find you? In the ocean, at the skate park, at a water fall… a few of my favourite things to do locally. Tell us, is Ken Done as colourful as his artwork? Ha, yeah for sure.. bit of legend, it’s funny how his work came into fashion because of its 80’s cheese nostalgia! How did working with him change your life? Yeah, at the time I was into fashion design & putting my art into it. Back then I was lucky enough to get noticed by Ken Done by the label I was doing, it did make me really focus on textile designing, learning about fabrics, printing methods, being involved with fashion shows, doing 3 collections per year out of a studio on Waiheke Island in NZ. I learnt a lot from the opportunity I had back then with KD. Do you aspire to do the same for up and coming local artists? Totally, as long as you love what you do go for it. It’s not easy trying to pull what I'm doing in this town full time, but its more than just painting. You've really got to put yourself out there on another level of “Hey here's what I do x 10” you have to offer more services than just one or you just won't land it. You can catch Nitsua’s new mural at the Byron Bay Brewery or be sure to check out his work as part of the 'Popped' activation 19th-20th May.

CLOTHING ALTERATIONS + REPAIRS Local seamstress friendly + quick service incl hemming, zip replacement, mending, tapering & patching. Can pick up & drop off. Contact Ruby 0450 496 334


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