Research and Concept Development for Druzymag.

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DESIGN 1 This is the first logo that I created for Druzymag in 2020 using InDesign. As the name Druzy originates from a rare crystal, I decided to add crystal/ diamond-like graphics to the logo. After consideration of exactly who my target consumer is and how I wanted my publication to be visually presented, I decided this logo might cater towards a younger demographic.


These two logos represent the first stage in my design process of simplifying my logo design. My aim was to create a design that is timeless in design and easy on the eye. After designing both of these logo’s, I found I was drawn more to the deeper neutral tones in the logo on the left however, after consideration I decided that the fonts used did not suit the tone and aesthetic of Druzymag and decided to simplify even further.

DESIGN 4 The final logo and the logo that will be used for Druzymag was created on InDesign. I decided to simply the logo much further and used two fonts (Aviner Next Bold and La Bohemienne), both of which are carried out through the magazine as the heading fonts Aviner Next Bold) and body text font (La Bohemienne) to keep the continuity throughout. I think that the tangerine and medium-toned brown work well together as they are complimentary colours, and this is a combination trend that we are expected to see a lot more of throughout the rest of 2021 according to Fashion Rules. 16

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