1 minute read
The concept behind this prototype was to use the centre-located wood bending pattern as a spring, allowing wood to bend when pulled backward on both sides from behind using string. When the string is released, the wood will then return to its initial position. When bent, the area between the centre cuts will widen, allowing light to stream through.
This prototype was designed with the idea of cutting the shape into two parts.This, when the shape is opened up, will increase the amount of light that may travel through.
Leaf Pattern used here is different than the other Type -01 although mechanism is quite similar to Type_01. In this, the movement of the shape is controlled by a solid arm rather than a string. The gears are threaded, and the arm is attached to them. When the gears rotate in opposite directions, the arm is pulled back and the shape can open and close like a door.
This prototype’s leaf pattern and mechanism are different from those of types 01 and 02. Although the basic idea is the same as Type-02, this prototype has different gear design.
The centre, which is connected to a straight threaded bar in a horizontal position inside a cavity, is where both arms will be joined together. Its horizontal movement is controlled by this cavity. The threaded side of this bar will be attached to a gear, and when the gear rotates, the bar will travel forward and backward, rotating the form in the open and closed positions.