Quorum July 2020

Page 14


COVID-19 Stress Online Discussion Group By Jay Jarvis, CMCA, CCAM and Bruce Latta, CMCA


he Desert Cities HOA Council and CAI-CV’s Homeowners Leaders Committee online idea exchange for Coachella Valley Homeowner Association (HOA) Board members has gotten off to a successful start, although more participants are welcome. This is a valuable tool any time, but especially during challenging times such as these, when the COVID-19 virus makes it unsafe to meet face-to-face. A recent discussion involved how HOA communities are dealing with the stress brought on by the COVID-19 virus.

One Homeowners’ Association (HOA) Board member wrote: "The anxiety here has been with the pool closure/openings. Our pool areas have been open for weeks. We've used signage to place the responsibility for sanitation on those who enter the pool areas and locked up all the chairs and loungers. We didn't think people would heed the rules of social distancing and wiping down chairs." That HOA Board member noted that they had presented a draft set of emergency rules, but other board members did not believe they were necessary. The individual also noted that there was a complaint to the board because “a vendor came on the property with no face covering.”

The Treasurer of another community wrote: "We have not seen much anxiety among homeowners due to COVID-19. Nor are we having any video meetings other than board meetings and committee meetings. Other than regular issues it has been pretty quiet. Might be because so many people are gone for the season."

An HOA President wrote: "We … have two pool/spas areas, but we are also in a community of five HOA's. All five presidents talk, to avoid conflicts between HOA's/Homeowners, especially when it came to the pools."

That President added: "Our pool & spa areas have been open for a few weeks now, but with signage up to advise that all are to follow the County/City guidelines as to social distancing, masks, etc. and to take the responsibility for sanitation on themselves


Quorum July, 2020

when they enter the pool areas, as to the gates, railings, furniture. …Again, about half our homeowners are gone for the summer now, so not that many left here use the pools." The individual added that their association is using Freeconferencecall.com for meetings, because they don’t need video at this time.

A representative of a 55-and-over community noted that the homeowners have been “very good about staying at home.” However, the individual added: "We have a walking group of about 10 people that started out wearing masks but not the distancing and when Riverside County took the mask and distancing rules away so did they. A few still wear a mask every once in a while but never distancing."

To join the idea exchange, send an email to CAICV-HOALeadersForum+subscribe@groups.io. The subject line should state “Subscribe” (without the quotation marks). In the body of the email, include your name, the name of the HOA on whose board you serve, and your position on the board. Bruce Latta, CMCA, is the Chairman of CAICV's Homeowner Leader Committee and is President of the Parc La Quinta Homeowners Association. He is the Project Manager for Indio Properties Land. He previously served as the manager of Jackson Monroe Owners Association. He has served as a fair and festival manager and is a Certified Fair Executive (CFE). He is a graduate of California State University Los Angeles and holds a certificate in Meetings and Events Planning from San Diego State. Bruce can be reached at 760-285-5617 or by email to plqhoablatta@gmail.com E.J. (Jay) Jarvis II, CMCA, CCAM is community manager with HOA Office, Inc., Past President, Lafayette Village Homeowners Association, Past President and On-site manger of Portola Palms Homeowners Association. Jay can be reached at jay@HOAOffice.net.

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Quorum July 2020 by CAI-Coachella Valley Chapter - Issuu