Quorum July 2020

Page 39

FEATURE 8. Help others – Please notice this comes after asking others for help. Nothing draws us out of our selfpity (yes, that happens to all of us) than to offer to help someone else. Many times, we can be most helpful by doing something very simple just listen. Many problems can be resolved by allowing someone to talk about their situation. Follow-up a few days later and listen again.

9. Be kind – In a world where smiles are masked and where those we encounter may be infected – we need a little help to remember to be kind and respectful. Remember the golden rule, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Don’t forget to say please, thank you, excuse me and I’m sorry.

10. Set Boundaries – Don’t let people

HELP CAN BE A CLICK OR PHONE CALL AWAY. CARES Line, (800) 706-7500: The Community Access, Referral, Evaluation and Support line is available 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday, with resources in English and Spanish. The phones are answered by Riverside County licensed clinicians who provide support, crisis intervention and connections to outpatient, inpatient and community resources. Peer Navigation Line, (888) 768-4968: The peer navigation line connects you to someone who is currently recovering from their own mental health issues in Riverside County. They will talk to you about how you’re feeling and direct you to resources that could help. 2-1-1 Community Connect: By dialing 2-1-1, Riverside County residents are connected to a local information hotline for individuals in crisis. Many people are familiar with this resource as a place to be connected with housing, food and income help. Resources advocates are also able to address mental health needs.

bully you and scream and carry on. The best thing to do when confronted with an angry emotional person is to understand they are fearful. To get them out of their emotional state, explain that you hear their distress, you want to help them, and that you need them to submit their complaint in an email so you can inform those in authority. Don’t get caught up in their anger. It’s not personal.

National Alliance and Mental Illness, Coachella Valley, (888) 881-6264: Provides immediate support and behavioral health resource referrals to residents from Palm Springs to the Salton Sea.

As managers, we know we can always count on change. COVID-19 is change on steroids. Create a habit of taking care of your mental health throughout every day. Whatever it takes, do it! You are that important!

Crisis Stabilization Unit in Indio, (760) 863-8600: For individuals experiencing troubling thoughts and need immediate help, they can go to the clinic at 47-915 Oasis St., Indio.

Holly Smith, CMCA, AMS, has over 20 years of property management experience within Southern California and has been in HOA management the last 4 years. Holly works for Associa Desert Resort Management. She serves as co-chair of CAI-CV's Legislative Support Committee and serves on the Quorum Committee. She can be reached at (760) 797-7797 or hsmith@powerstonepm.com.

Riverside County 24/7 mental health urgent care, Palm Springs, (442) 268-7000: If you are experiencing troubling thoughts and need immediate help, the clinic is able to instantly connect you to counseling, nursing and provide psychiatric medication, if needed. Everyone is welcome regardless of insurance or ability to pay for services. The clinic is open 24/7 and no appointment is needed, just walk in. 2500 N. Palm Canyon Dr., Ste. A4, Palm Springs.

National Suicide Prevention Hotline, (800) 273-TALK: The hotline is available 24/7. Online resources: Go to 7cups.com for a free, online chat for emotional support and counseling in English or Spanish, or fee-for-service online therapy with a licensed mental health professional. Go to 18percent. org for a free, peer-to-peer online support community for people experiencing a range of mental health issues., Go to virusanxiety.com for pandemic-specific mental health support. More resources: To search for more behavioral health providers and resources in Riverside County go to the county’s resource website at riverside.networkofcare.org/mh/ or to the CARES line website at up2riverside.org/ or the national clinic search at FindTreatment.gov. Provided by The Desert Sun, June 22, 2020. CAI-CV.org




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Quorum July 2020 by CAI-Coachella Valley Chapter - Issuu