Cairo East Feb 2015

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Dear Reader, February is the month where love is all around us, right? It is nice to have a whole day such as Valentine’s Day to remind us to tell those we love how much they mean to us. For most people Valentine's Day is a day of affections and confections, a day of kisses, chocolate, and flowers. But just as Christmas is more than just gifts, so too does Valentine's Day have a deeper meaning. I’ve always been a firm believer that love is a choice. A challenge to fall into something bigger and deeper in an environment that beckons you to become your most vulnerable self. Love is a quick stop to the grocery store for delectable goodies before celebrating your best friend’s new job. Love is a postcard sent to your old English teacher, thanking her for the gift of education. Love is helping your elderly neighbor up the stairs, cutting your children’s vegetables, and holding your sister’s hand. This month, we’re celebrating love in all of its forms: we’ll share how to create a loving bedroom and we've compiled a guide to getting your loved ones the perfect Valentine’s gifts. We also look at astrology compatibility, and who exactly would be your best match. On a more serious note, we look at marriage counselling and what all married couples need to know to maintain a healthy, happy relationship. We got a chance to meet with the legend Mahmoud Hemeida, and talk with him about his movie Ott we Far and Regatta. Hana Shiha sits down with us over a coffee to discuss her latest project Asrar El Beyout on page 12. We’ll chat about this winter’s make-up color palette, how to make chocolate fondant, guidance on love games and a lot more. In this issue we have an extensive article on all the schools in Cairo, to help you make right choice for your child on page 28. So, as we go through February, let's realize that the love is out there. In fact, it's upon us. And it's the little daily decisions today that will determine the polish or tarnish on our relationships when we get there.


Our Team 8 Contents Interview 8

Mahmoud Hemeida


Asrar El Beyout & more with Hana Shiha



50 55

Sun Sign Compatibility


On-Line Make-up Tutorials

Make-up Color Palette for Winter


Valentine’s Gifts


Dans tout ses Etats


Schools Guide


Crave – Romantic Recipe


Downtown Cairo Streets


Egyptian Hydrofarms


Marriage Counselling




Best & Worst Matches

Chairman Shorouk Abbas Editor-in-Chief Atef Abdelfattah Managing Editor Lydia Schoonderbeek Asst. Managing Editor Hilary Diack Contributing Editor Nahla Samaha Marketing Manager Nehad Ezz El Din Amer Sales & Adv. Manager Mourad Fayez Asst. Marketing Manager Marwa Magdi Imam Social Media Nada Hisham Contributors Noha Abu Sitta, Tati Hafez, Mahmoud Rashad, Francesca Sullivan Graphic Designers Ahmed Salah & Manal Abdel Rehim Production Manager M. Shosha Accountant Mohamed Ragab Distribution Hamed Hussein & Mohamed Shaker Mekkawy Printing IPH (International Printing House) Produced by Cairo West Advertising This magazine is created and owned by Cairo West Advertising. Managing Director: Shorouk Abbas Email:

For advertising contact: Tel: +2 0122 4300 200 +2 0128 7466 662 +2 02 337 76137 - 337 76780


Email: This magazine is not for sale. Cairo East, a subsidiary magazinefor Katameya & New Cairo Cairo Central, a subsidiary magazine for Zamalek, Mohandessin, Giza, Garden City & Downtown All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form is strictly prohibited without prior consent from the publisher.


Bedroom Ideas

22 Home & Garden 22

Bedroom Ideas

Wellbeing 52

Nutrition for Kids




Wellbeing links


What Workouts will You be Doing in 2015?



Art Review Art Scene



Book Review Diwan selection

Movie Review Best Romantic Movies

Restaurant Review


Most Romantic Dining Venues

76 80 81

Community News What’s New East Side



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Mahmoud Hemeida

The Penguin of Many Forms By Shorouk Abbas & Francesca Sullivan

Behind a formidable desk in the office of his production company in Heliopolis, Mahmoud Hemeida sits reading a book of poetry while listening to Tchaikovsky. Charisma radiates from him like a heat-seeking missile, yet he appears calm and poised with an eyebrow that lifts sardonically at the slightest provocation. Above the desk a large plaque declares the name of his company to be ‘The Penguin’. Can he explain? He waves a graceful hand towards it and obliges, “There is a line of poetry by Fouad Haddad that I have always loved. It says we are birds with wings and sandals; we should be free like birds, but still grounded. The penguin is the king of birds, yet doesn’t fly.”



a troupe. He eventually graduated as an accountant, worked as a salesman for a soft drinks company, got married, and seemed set for a conventional life, with part-time acting on the side. But in 1990 – a time when ironically the local movie industry was struggling – he finally gave himself up to a full time acting career. “I’d done quite a lot of stage work, but I only truly entered the film world in the 1990’s. I found I preferred film to theatre. I really enjoy the process of building a character slowly, brick by brick.”

Poetry is a big part of his life and he reads it daily. Like the penguin on his wall, Hemeida is nothing if not grounded, and with his own singular way of approaching life. “I live for the moment, I enjoy myself, but I question everything,” he declares with pride. “When I was a baby I walked and talked early; I didn’t like it when adults talked down to me.”

Such a varied life has given Hemeida a decidedly worldly aura. In a crowded room he stands out, not only because he is tall, but because of his extraordinary presence, and a dazzling charm that he can switch on and off at will. He has the assured, twinkling air of a gentleman who might also be a rogue – and lately he has played not just one but two undoubted rogues in two separate movies, each on opposite sides of the law: Minister of the Interior in Ott we Far, and an underworld career criminal in Regatta.

A precocious child then? “Yes,” he smiles, “I like that word. When as a kid I discovered that it’s normal to sleep eight hours an night I was appalled – I didn’t want to spend one third of my life sleeping! I trained myself to have two hours only, and get up at dawn.” Born in 1953, Hemeida has been acting on and off since the age of five (he took lead roles in school productions), but by his own admission has also done every job under the sun in between. Brought up between the urban family of his mother and the rural roots of his father, he learned to be equally at home in both environments. Then, when he got to university, he became something of a rebel, and ended up working as a labourer on a building construction site and as a dancer, taking classes in ballet, swing, rock and roll and folklore styles, performing gigs as part of

The latter hit controversy before its release by falling foul of the censors for bad language, though Hemeida brushes this aside. “There was a sentence or two in the trailer that some people found obscene. It was not obscene; it was street language commonly in use. I believe they removed one word.”

More importantly, the role of Rageb in Regatta was one he obviously relished, “The challenge for me was to make Rageb unique, and appealing. When I am playing an evil character I look inside myself to bring that evil out and enable the audience to identify with it, because we all have it in there somewhere. The process is actually a cleansing one; by acting it out I can then release it.” In the past, identification with the character has been a hazard of the job though. “I’ve enjoyed every role I’ve played, but some have been very heavy. In 2004, after playing a severely crushed personality in Beheb el Cinema I ended up in hospital for six weeks. I felt literally weighed down by mountains of worries.” This kind of experience prompted Hemeida to analyse and develop his own acting method, which he describes as, “a mixture of techniques that I arrived at by accident. When I first took acting lessons I was seventeen. It was by the book – except that there is no such thing as the book. That’s for the teacher, not the student. Supposedly the teacher is a mirror for the student – only in acting there are no mirrors. In dancing yes, but not acting! So I arrived at my own method by which I became both student and teacher, learning how to be both in the character and outside simultaneously - almost like playing with a marionette.” Part of this process came through studying bodywork in Alexander and Feldenkrais techniques. “The body is the instrument the actor uses, and we must know our instrument. Everything from blood pressure to nerves to muscles are affected while you are acting, and to this end I studied anatomy to understand and learn to control these things better – and not to end up in the hospital with high blood pressure!” Poetry and meditation also play a daily role in Hemeida’s life, probably helping to keep that high blood pressure at bay.



I live for the moment, I enjoy myself, but I question everything. “I do half an hour’s meditation daily. When I first began to meditate I didn’t even know that was what I was doing. I would find myself concentrating on something, like a tiny leaf, or I’d lie on the floor and close my eyes.” Does he write any poetry himself? “No, only what I make up to read to my grand-daughters – nothing serious,” he says. But he is, and has always been, an avid bookworm. “There is no-one in the world that I’d like to meet that I haven’t already met through books. I remember once I was playing snooker with a friend and I was reading a book about Taha Hussein between shots. When he asked me why, I explained



that later that evening I was due to sit with Taha Hussein – meaning in a book - so I was trying to familiarize myself with him. My friend thought I was crazy.” Yet when it comes to researching a role, Hemeida puts books away. “I always use the script as my reference, nothing else. My aim is to catch the spirit of what the scriptwriter has created. Even when playing a historical character I refer only to the scenario in front of me.” Ott we Far allows Hemeida to explore more of a comedy role, something he says he hasn’t had that many chances to do. But he has no preference between comedy and drama. “I like both, and in both

I apply myself to the job and get on with it. First and foremost I have to enjoy myself – otherwise the audience won’t be entertained.” The eyebrow lifts again, and with such a heavy dose of charm emanating from behind the desk it seems appropriate to ask, what does he find most attractive in a woman? “Her soul,” is his instant reply. “I see it and I feel it. But sometimes it might be something other people don’t see at all.” Villain, lover or both, it seems Mahmoud Hemeida has it all under control. In whatever movie you catch him this year, be prepared to be entertained!




Discover Italian-style romance at Ristorante Tuscany, while an intimate atmosphere awaits lovers at JW’s Steakhouse and the alluring Saraya Gallery. Roses for the ladies, candlelit tables, heart-shaped cakes from The Bakery and romantic melodies create the perfect atmosphere, an evening of ‘amore’. All you need is love ...


Asrar El Beyout and More A Chat with

Hana Shiha By Francesca Sullivan

Hana Shiha sits in Paul cafÊ in Mall of Arabia emanating an air of calm confidence. The unassuming sweetness relayed clearly in the interview is a far cry from the character she played in last Ramadan’s El Sabaa Wasaya (The Seven Commandments) a sobering tale of seven siblings who conspire to kill their own father. She will star in two new major series this year, one in Ramadan: El Atd (The Vow), a fantasy historical drama dealing with the struggles between a family dynasty (an Egyptian Game of Thrones perhaps?) and the other, a whopping sixty episode mystery drama called Asrar el Beyout (The Secrets of Houses). Not only this, she also stars in the new Mohamed Khan movie due out soon.



Shiha has been turning out consistently well-received performances since she first appeared on the big screen in Khaled el Hagar’s Hob el Benet in 2004. From a well-known artistic family (her father is a painter, and two of her sisters, Hala and Maya, are also actresses), she has turned her talents to TV sitcoms, drama and movies, even hosting her own comedy show in 2009. Cairo East Magazine caught up with her to find out about her latest projects, and take a glimpse into her busy life. How different is your coming Ramadan series, The Pledge (Al Aahd), from last year’s series El Sabaa Wasaya?

the bottom of her, a person whose method of operating was to lay blame to others, who hypocritically went to pray even after committing sins. But she did intrigue me, and once I’d taken the first steps to understand her, I began to know how she could carry on the way she did. The relationship between EmEm and her husband Arnous really seemed to capture the public’s imagination; they believed in it totally. The thing with creating art is that even when you put your heart and soul into creating characters you can never predict the audiences’ reaction.

I co-star with more than ten other actors including Arwa Gouda, Ghada Adel and Aser Yassin, and the script writer Mohamed Amin Razi (he also did Niraan Sadiqa or ‘Friendly Fire’) is actually the same as for El Sabaa Wasaya. He has a slightly controversial way of working with actors, using complex story-lines with multiple characters. What moments stand out in your memory from of El Sabaa Wasaya? First of all the series was a smash hit, which was quite overwhelming. It was a far stretch for me to play the character of EmEm, a girl living below the poverty line whose descent into evil was hard to imagine. I worked with the director to try to get to

You have just finished filming Asrar El Beyout (The Secrets of Houses) what message do you think it delivers to the audience? The script for this series is interesting as it’s been created by the Clockwork Temptation workshop of writers under the direction of Dr. Karim el Adl, with supervision again by Mohamed Amin Razi. It’s a sixty episode series with so many lines that each writer gets to work on different parts of the script. My character Walaa seems on the surface an angel of mercy, working as a carer for an old lady – but then we discover she’s using her job as a front for another business. I like the layers in her. She is one of four girls working in a large residential compound, all related to the same man who has either been killed or has committed suicide. That’s the mystery.

In many ways it’s completely different. To begin with, whereas El Sabaa Wasaya was a contemporary story set in a very real place – the lower class areas of Cairo – Al Ahad takes place in a parallel world of un-named location, and at an indeterminate time. The costuming though is kind of ethnic 19th century. In the story, I play one of several main characters, part of a family dynasty, fighting for supremacy over three lands. The series is produced by TVision, and heralds a major development in Egyptian TV drama as it will contain a lot of graphics to create the fantasy world, sort of along the lines of Lord of the Rings. We’ve filmed in lots of different locations, including Siwa, Wahat, Fayoum, and they have even created an entire village set from scratch in Mansouria.

all the range of emotions, and if my character has a less moderate way of expressing her emotion I simply amplify my own – that’s the method. In time I will become her – and then the challenge is to get rid of her afterwards; to reverse the process by which I was sucked into her – especially a character like EmEm! This sometimes needs work: meditation, healing.

We did have some really funny moments during filming, and sometimes at the most dramatic times in the story. I remember the scene where the brothers are all there plotting the murder of our Dad and how it was going to be done. We kept descending into giggles every time Mohamed Shaheen said a particular line – and it was supposed to be a dark moment. How do you prepare for a role? To research a character I go to the street and observe real people, not only how they speak or move, but their attitudes. I never take references from other actors or performances. As actors we have all the tools that we need inside us. Every human has a heart diagram with ups and downs,

What is its message? I can’t elaborate too much, but suffice to say that stories cannot always have a happy ending, and sometimes the bad guy just has to win! In Egypt we have always liked realism, and perhaps that is why there has never been much of a tradition of, say, political conspiracy movies until now. It wasn’t possible for us to get inside that world, but perhaps now, post the 2011 revolution, we can show more of what goes on behind the scenes and make it believable. Asrar el Beyout will be aired in May, as the producers want to get away from only showing series during Ramadan, and it will have two seasons. In season one the characters will get themselves into a certain situation, then in series two they will have to resolve it.



What can you tell us about your new movie with director Mohamed Khan? It’s called Abl Zahmat el Seyf (Before the Summer Crowds), and we finished shooting it in November. It had been a long time since I’d shot a cinema movie after working so much in TV series, and I was so happy to be back – especially in a film by Mohamed Khan, whose work I respect very much. It was an honour to be chosen as one of his leading ladies. I especially loved the shooting because it had a really different, nostalgic feeling, like one of those movies from the 1960’s I used to watch when I was a little girl. Perhaps that was because we shot it far away from everything on the North Coast, and it was quite different from a typical set. I play one of five characters, along with Ahmed Dawood, Magid el Halawani, Lana Mushtak and Hany el Mitawani, and the story is basically about two couples and an observer. The script, by first timer Rhada Shahbandar, feels very authentic, and my character is one I found easy to get close to. What advice would you offer women who are juggling work and domestic responsibilities, and how do you personally cope with such a busy schedule and family life? First of all I believe women should work, and set an example for their children. I have two boys aged twelve and eight, and I’ve made sure they understood from an early age what my work involves. They’ve often been on the set when I’m shooting so I can show them why it is so time consuming. They are very supportive and love what I do; I’ll often come home late and find notes from them: we made you a cup of coffee for when you come home (it will be cold!) So when I’m shooting I vanish, but then when I’m there I’m really there, giving them quality time. You should never take anger or work frustration out on your children. Be their role model and show them the meaning of responsibility.



Late night or early riser?

Favourite book?

Both! I’m naturally an early riser and like to get up at 6am, but when I work I become a night person.

Veronica Decides to Die by Paulo Coelho.

Tea or coffee? Coffee. Sand or snow? Sand. Favourite store/restaurant in Cairo? I’m not into brands, I’ll shop wherever I find something I like. I love Starbucks in Dandy Mall and Paul in Mall of Arabia. 5 essential items you can’t travel without? Day and night cream, my phone and charger, a book, lots of cash, and lots of pairs of shoes!

Any current song on repeat? ‘Counting Stars’ by One Republic – and anything by Sade. Last place you went on holiday to? London Who’s the last person you dialled on your phone? My Mum What’s the best piece of relationship advice you’ve ever heard/had? Here’s a piece of relationship advice I’d give others: Don’t change anything in yourself to accommodate another person. If it’s not really you, sooner or later the real you will come out!




For Her

By Lydia Schoonderbeek

Parrot Zik Headphones Virgin Mega Store Iphone6 - Tradeline Stores

GILET - Ghazl Banat

Baume et Mercier, Hampton - Time Trade CHANEL No 5 - Debenhams Okhtein Bag -

Love Locket Ring with a hidden message - Azza Fahmy

Dolce & Gabbana Boots - Beymen



Three Tier Serving Dish Zara Home

Italia Independend Velvet Sunglasses - Beymen

For Him

Ipad Air - Tradeline Stores

AirWheel -

Fujifilm Instant Color Camera "instax mini" - Jumia Victorinox Summit XLT Chronograph - Time Trade

Print Boxers - Zara Classic Ray Ban - Sunglass Hut

Blue Bluchers - Massimo Dutti

Blue Planet Documentary - Virgin Mega Stores



By Nadine Chamaa

Photography by Danielle Rizkallah

The Inspiration This collection was inspired by my own desire to get closer to nature , therefore showing the tribal feel, closer to earth, closer to animal, closer to our own instincts being more in touch with what’s real…it’s a mixture between being a cat and a woman…it’s feminine, and feline like a catwoman!

The Photographer Danielle is a freelance director/photographer and ex-Executive Creative Director of Leo Burnett’s Beirut office, her work has always inspired me.

The Model




Jill is a friend of mine. She was also a top model for Issey Miyake and many other top designers in the past.

The Photo-shoot We were all in El Gouna over the festive season. We were sitting around enjoying the atmosphere and just put it all together. It took two hours, on the 31st at sunset. No make-up, no hairstylist, no shoes, no lights, no studio. It was made just as this collection was created, the best work happens using nature and real people...set in beautiful scenery with perfect sunlight and inspiring women.





Bedroom Ideas

Missoni - Art of Form




Style Design

The 10 things every bedroom needs:

1. A comfortable rug. 2. A theme. 3. The right amount of throws & pillows. 4. A place to sit (that's not the bed). 5. No Tech in sight.

Missoni - Art of Form CAIROEASTMAG.COM


6. A collection of things you love. 7. Well-stocked night stands. 8. A great mattress. 9. Photographs - but not of family. 10. Dramatic wall paint or an overly large headboard. Bluebellgray Somerset linens

Ikea Zara Home

Zara Home



Frette Linens - Beymen

Malaika Linens

Headboard ideas

Headboard ideas



Bedroom - Inside Out

Spectrum bedroom - Art of Form

Al Haramlek Linens



Pillows - Ikea

Call us 02 2768 9725 Visit us

Hudora Egypt


Schools Guide 2015

In recent years, school options and curriculums available to parents in Cairo have increased considerably. Panic strikes at the thought of taking a wrong decision that can impact your child for the rest of their lives. We've done some of the legwork for you to help you to make well-informed decisions. 28


el Alsson school Dates for Open Days and submitting applications:

• Interacts sociably with other children and adults.

Upcoming Open Days to take a tour of the school and apply for academic year 2015-2016 are:

• Can manage his/her behaviour independently.

Monday, February 9th Tuesday, March 3rd Monday, March 16th Monday, March 30th What an assessment test includes: Children applying for FS1 and/or FS2 will undergo a developmental assessment, which measures their developmental age against their chronological age. Tasks involve a series of familiar activities through which trained staff are able to assess the child’s physical, cognitive, verbal and social skills. Some of the things will include: • Can understand and respond to instructions in English.

For older students they have an assessment in English and maths. Facilities and staff trained for dealing with special-needs children: We have Learning Support Departments in both schools, which cater to children who need general academic support.

classes to cooking classes and more. On top of that, throughout the year, we have peripatetic music classes to teach students how to play certain musical instruments. Another afterschool ongoing activity for the senior students is the ‘teaching English to local children’ where El Alsson has broken new ground by setting up free English lessons for the children and community surrounding the school.

Extracurricular activities: We have Monday Fun Club for lower Primary school students, Tuesday after school activities for Upper Primary School students, sports practices throughout the year as well as Senior School extracurricular activities after school. We offer a wide range of after school extracurricular activities from dance classes, sports

British International School - Cairo (BISC) Dates for Open Days and submitting applications:

no admission acceptance in years 11 and 13.

Open Days are every first Sunday in October and February. The, next Open Day is on the 8th of February 2015, from 9 am. Applications for FS1 are submitted- a year in advance, while all other year groups can apply- all year round depending on availability (recommended by mid-May). There is

What an assessment test includes: FS1 and FS2: Observation of behaviour and motor skills. Years 1 and 2:- Small Cognitive Ability Test. Years 3 – 6: Full Cognitive Ability Test.

Years 7+ - Cognitive Ability Test and written maths and English test, and interview. All parents will be interviewed by the Head of School with the child present. Facilities and staff trained for dealing with special-needs children: There are trained staff in the curriculum support department to assist academically and the school has trained staff to support students with defined special needs such as dyslexia and dyspraxia. Extracurricular activities: We have a wide range of extracurricular activites, from sports to debate to charity (a full list of activities can be found on www.bisc. Summer camps: The school has plans to introduce summer camps. CAIROEASTMAG.COM


Canadian INTERNATIONAL School in Egypt (CISE) Dates for Open Days and submitting applications: Our Open house days are held on Saturday, February 7 and Wednesday, March 25. It is an opportunity for parents of potential students to see for themselves what our students have been learning. Teachers and administrators present our school programs, then parents receive the tour of our school buildings and visit classrooms, followed by a question/ answer session. Interested parents may fill out application forms and start the admission process, to ensure there is space for their children. We send application forms anytime throughout the year to those who show their interest by either visiting our school or contacting us. Once we receive completed applications, we schedule assessments and collect all required documentation to start the admission process. What an assessment test includes: Our assessment tests are designed to identify the student candidate’s

skills and abilities in language and math mainly. There is an oral interview to check the student’s oral communication skills, followed by a reading test for comprehension, and a math test. For our Kindergarten candidates, we test their basic and fine motor skills by checking how they hold a pen/ pencil, their knowledge of phonics, letter and word recognition, knowing and saying names and numbers. The assessment teacher uses different techniques to allow each student to demonstrate knowledge in their own way, using their own learning style.

school day trips to various places in Cairo, including the science center, Sitara, the Pyramids, the Citadel, the Cairo Museum. We also have an international trip every year for students from grade 5 to grade 8, and 2 trips per year for secondary students. Each year, our grade 7-8 students go to a 3 day camp at Well Springs. Our after-school activities include sports and artistic activities. Summer camps: Every year we run summer camps with a variety of fun and learning activities for interested students.

Facilities and staff trained for dealing with special-needs children: We have learning support teachers that work with students who require extra assistance with their academics or behavioral needs Extracurricular activities: We organize many extra-curricular activities. Each class goes out on

Ethos International School Dates for Open Days and submitting applications: We hold two-hour orientations in our Head Office for interested parents to come and get to know more about our vision, program of study and campus. Our upcoming orientations are on Wednesday February 18th, 2015 and Saturday February 21st, 2015.

Interested parents are requested to contact our Head Office on 01028966660/1/2 to book a place for the orientation that best suits them. Applications are now available in our Head Office at 59 Diplomats area, Sheikh Zayed. Our working hours are 9 am to 2 pm Sunday-Thursday. What an assessment test includes: Students applying sit for an Entrance Assessment; the level of which is based on both the student’s age and their current academic year. We assess students in the Foundation Stage for their school readiness; Cognitive, Language and Social Skills. As for the students in older stages we assess their English language, mathematical, and Arabic language skills. Facilities and staff trained for dealing with special-needs children: We have designed the campus to accommodate and serve physically disabled children, as well as having Learning Support rooms for students



with learning difficulties and /or special needs. The Learning Support department will have highly trained and competent staff. However we will not be opening this department yet for the coming Academic year 2015-2016. Extracurricular activities: Our Campus is designed with an area that will be operating all days of the week as an afterhours activity area, including sports academies, arts workshops, and different clubs. We view extracurricular activities as a very important part of our school life, an addition to our character education program, and an important element in exposing our students to a variety of experiences. Summer camps: We believe children learn year round and that they do so from real life experiences as much as from the classroom. We look forward to offering Summer Camps and Programs for our students as soon as possible.

GPIS School Dates for Open Days and submitting applications: PYP Orientations are from Sunday to Wednesday from 9 am to 12 pm in the nurseries and school campuses. MYP open days: Monday 2nd of March 2015- Monday 6th of April 2015 You can fill in an online application on our website:

What an assessment test includes: An assessment admission test includes: An interview with the student; written and oral language assessment (English language for the English section & French language for the French section); math assessment; Arabic language assessment (not required for foreigners). For the early years, it is not content based, it is more about the personality and the general attitude of the student. Facilities and staff trained for dealing with special-needs children: The school has a school counsellor who is responsible for the monitoring of special needs students and guiding teachers regarding how to deal with each case. Extracurricular activities: The school has a rich program of after school activities including basketball, football, Zumba, karate,

music, fitness, tennis, Try-engineering, marine engineering and Robotics (with ideas gym) and different arts, craft and paintings, besides GPIS swimming academy. We also offer Model United Nations. The IB program includes art, drama, music and physical education as essential subjects. We also have different community and service activities, where the students learn to care and help the less fortunate communities. Summer camps: Each year the school organizes International summer camps (in Switzerland, United Kingdom, France, etc...) where the students have the opportunity to expand their intercultural awareness and communicate with students from different cultures and communities.

Heritage School Dates for Open Days and submitting applications: Heritage welcomes parents and visitors anytime during the day from 9 am to 2 pm. However, an Open Day session will be held on the 20th of January for new parents who would like to know about the Canadian Education System. Applications are accepted starting December.

Facilities and staff trained for dealing with special-needs children: Unfortunately, Heritage International School does not provide services for special needs children. Extracurricular activities: Heritage International School has various types of extracurricular

activities such as field trips (internal and external), after-school activities, which include many options starting at Grade 1. House matches (intra-mural activities) on a weekly basis, Heritage Soccer team, Heritage Band, academic competitions (Spelling Bee, Public Speaking, Pense Au Sense‌etc.)

What an assessment test includes: Heritage has a different assessment strategy for each grade level. As an example, Kindergarten assessment is done in a group setup where the teacher can assess the child based on his behaviour and work methodology. For higher grade levels, the assessment is done in written and spoken English and mathematics format where the child can show his/ her capabilities.



Knowledge Valley School Dates for Open Days and submitting applications: 1st Open Day 15/01/2015 2nd Open Day 16/02/2015

camps, trips inside and outside of Egypt, charity work, hobbies classes, KVS Festival, Egg Hunt, Healthy Food Day, Flea Market.

3rd Open Day 13/03/2015 Applications: start from 1st of January Facilities and staff trained for dealing with special-needs children: Remedial classes to support lower abilities. Psychological support and understanding learners’ needs by professional staff. Extracurricular activities: Science Fair, Spelling Bee, International Day, drama performances, Quran Competition, General Knowledge Competition, art exhibition, football and basketball tournaments, in-school

Maadi British International School Dates for Open Days and submitting applications: We accept applications at any time of year, as families often re-locate to Egypt at times other than the start of the school year. What an assessment test includes: The initial assessment test lasts about half an hour per child and is a basic assessment of your child’s spoken and written English. We also assess their spelling skills and basic maths. Facilities and staff trained for dealing with special-needs children: We have a special needs department, which helps children with Special Educational Needs or those who are learning English. The department has one qualified English teacher and a number of highly experienced assistants who work with the children



across the school depending on the need of the children. Extracurricular activities: All children (from Year 1 upwards) are given the opportunity to

participate in after school activities. These vary each term but include activities such as Brownies, football, Glee club and photography.


New Vision International School Dates for Open Days and submitting applications: New Vision is open for applications from January, and our Open Day is on the 12th of February.

What an assessment test includes: Our admission assessment is based on our grade level expectations. Each student’s assessment is based on grade level international bench-marks in English, math and Arabic.

SKILLS School Dates for Open Days and submitting applications: SKILLS Open days are on: Wednesday 11th of February 2015 Wednesday 25th of February 2015 Wednesday 3rd of March 2015 Wednesday 25th of March 2015 From 10 am till 12 pm What an assessment test includes: Assessments are according to age and grade. KG: Motor Skills assessments, crafts, colouring, tracing...etc. Transfer Students: sit for maths and English exams. Meeting with parents. Extracurricular activities: Ballet, Football Academy, Re-cycling and cooking. Summer School: Summer school available.



Facilities and staff trained for dealing with special-needs children: NVIS is characterized by a strong learning support centre to support inclusion of students with learning difficulties and ESL needs. Staff are trained to deal with special need students with regular workshops and staff professional development to keep LSC staff members involved and ensure effective implementation. Moreover we open a channel of communication with specialized centres to support the school in training LSC staff and dealing with students and educating their parents as well. LSC accepts students based on clear criteria mentioned in our LSC inclusion policy. Extracurricular activities: We offer arts, sports and support classes.

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Downtown CAIRO DAY OUT Photography by Ahmed Salah & Manal Abdel Rehim

Talaat Harb Square

Our tour of central Cairo began at the Cairo Tower in the heart of Zamalek. Standing at 187 meters high, the Tower is flanked by the Cairo Opera House, the Egyptian Museum, Tahrir Square, as well as several small gardens. A short pedestrian excursion over Qasr El Nil Bridge, while enjoying more Nile views, led us to Tahrir Square. Originally designed to mimic the streets of Paris, Downtown has a unique architecture unlike anywhere else in Egypt. We took a walk through the historically rich area, taking in the sights of the buildings, the shop windows, and the traditional cafés. Also worth taking pause at Downtown is the revolution graffiti that bred a new art movement in the area.



While on your Downtown tour, why not take in a play at the famous Miami Theatre, followed by a tea at Café Riche, a historical landmark tied to the 1919 Revolution and the 1952 Revolution. There you will find posters of Um Kulthoum’s first vocal performances as a teenage girl, as well as many antiques and artifacts in the museum-like basement bar. You just have to ask for permission to descend. Other historical landmarks include ice-cream parlor and café Groppi in Talaat Harb Square, as well as Al Amrecan café on Talaat Harb Street. Other activities you can enjoy are a carriage ride around the island of Zamalek, or have a lunch-with-a-view on one of the many Nile boats as well.


Cairo Tower

Kasr El Nil

Iconic Downtown Spots 1. Estoril Restaurant 12 Talaat Harb St., Downtown. ( Located in an alleyway between Talaat Harb Street and Kasr El Nil) The Nile

2. CafĂŠ Riche This narrow restaurant, allegedly the oldest in Cairo, was the favoured drinking spot of the intelligentsia. A certain old guard still sits under the ceiling fans, along with tourists who like the historic ambience. 17 Talaat Harb St., Downtown.





Groppi - Talaat Harb Square

Inside Cafe Riche

Café Riche

3. Simonds 29 Sherif St. Downtown Steeped in tradition, Simonds Bakery & Cafe has been serving the Cairene community with the highest-quality baked goods, French and Oriental pastries and coffee since 1898.

4. Windsor Hotel 19 Alfi Bey Street, Downtown. Located in the heart of Cairo’s shopping, business and theater districts, the hotel is within walking distance of some of the city’s most celebrated attractions. The Windsor is also a venerable Cairo institution and boasts a rich history and warm hospitality.

El Shorouk Library

Windsor Hotel



In a culture where couples are not encouraged to take problems in their relationship to an ‘outsider’, marriage guidance has struggled to find a foothold in Egypt. Relationship and marriage counselling is a relatively recent form of therapy, and it’s not always easy to find a professional in this field. One such person is Maryam Maafa, an AUC graduate with a Master’s degree in counselling psychology, who works with individuals but has increasingly found herself in the sphere of marriage guidance, and has a lot to say on what helps couples stay together – and what to do when things start to fall apart. Cairo East Magazine went to meet her.

Marriage Counselling with Maryam Maafa By Francesca Sullivan


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What are warning signs that a couple might need to reinvigorate their relationship? Disconnected: When you realize you are spending less and less quality time together. Even though you may be together physically, you are not together on an emotional level. Forgetting the ‘why’: You are losing the vision in the relationship; forgetting what made you choose each other in the first place, and this could be as a result of power struggles, communication problems, poor problem solving and conflicting values.

if certain answers are not enough and not clear, request elaboration. You must both reach an agreement together. Make sure to follow up on the agreement and agree together when is the appropriate time to follow up. I see over and over that when people are really at each other’s necks, it’s important to remind them that they really do care about each other and this is simply done by asking them what attracted them to each other to begin with.

Famous psychologist John Gottman named the four most important precursors to divorce: criticism, defensiveness, contempt and stonewalling. These types of behaviours are more difficult to handle even than issues such as infidelity. The pointing of fingers and blaming that goes on in a marriage can be similar to that of sibling rivalry. Instead of trying to resolve problems, both parties deteriorate to fingerpointing and blaming one another.

What are the best ways of opening up channels of communication, especially on touchy subjects? First of all, before beginning a discussion on any touchy subject, decide what your expectation is, and also your motivation for wanting to open the subject. Is it to understand your partner’s point of view? Are you really ready to hear it? Set the stage for the discussion in an appropriate way. Choose the right time and place carefully so you are not interrupted, and make sure that both of you are calm. Show love and respect to your partner no matter what the outcome. This could be done through listening without interrupting and being clear. Women and men tend to communicate differently; remember your partner cannot read your mind

When you have managed to calm down, think about what you want. Do you want to confront? If yes, then why do you want to confront? Is to know the truth or to work things out, or to get a divorce? You need to weigh things out on all the perspectives. Can you handle a separation? If you confront the other person, are you prepared for the possibility they may leave or stay? Have you considered that they may become violent when accused? You have to take all these things into consideration, and be prepared. You also need to provide proof of the infidelity (because they will usually deny it), and a plan of what to do next. Again, plan the right time and place to have the confrontation. Make sure you are clear and maintain a focus on what you want out of it.

Loss of hope: When one partner withdraws and no longer invests in the relationship, it’s a defence mechanism that should be taken seriously. And not to forget the obvious warning signs that include violence, abuse, sexual dissatisfaction and infidelity.

confronting in a manner that is neither constructive nor manageable. It is crucial not to tell friends and family about the infidelity, as later, if you decide to stay together, things can become awkward. Also you should not waste your energy on focusing on the third party involved, since the problem lies with your partner.

It takes a great deal of trust in the counsellor for couples to come out in the open and discuss personal subjects, but I often get a gut feeling from the first session as to what the underlying issue might be. Often the supposed issue is actually covering up something deeper, which I try to bring out. What should you do if you find out your spouse is cheating (for example, should you confront them?) It depends. Cheating has many variables and dimensions and there are different ways to handle such issues. It is important not to take it personally. If you are driven by your emotions it is more likely things will blow out of proportion. When someone finds out that their spouse is cheating they usually react impulsively and that may include wanting to seek revenge, or

Even if you choose not to confront your spouse for whatever reason, I recommend individual counselling work on developing yourself to becoming stronger or learning to cope, and as you change perhaps your partner will too. Is it healthy for couples to revisit past issues? I feel that this is something that completely depends on the individual couple. Whether or not you open up past subjects depends on how resilient you both are; how strong your relationship is. I cannot generalize. How do children factor into marital problems? A lot of parents forget that their children are a reflection of themselves. Conflict between parents can cause stress and behavioural problems in their children. After you’ve had an argument that they’ve been exposed to, communicate with them; check in to find out how they are feeling. If it comes to divorce, then you really must discuss and communicate. One of the biggest challenges and CAIROEASTMAG.COM


‘Communication. To recognize that a marriage is not a flat line, it’s a constant work in progress, with highs and lows.’ problems I see here in Egypt is how children are prepared and informed during a divorce. Parents should always talk about each other with respect in front of their children, even during times of conflict. It is paramount to the way the children feel about themselves, and to their own emotional development. What are the key ways to maintain a good marriage? Effective communication. To recognize that a marriage is not a flat line, it’s a constant work in progress, with highs and lows. Life transitions, ageing, changing career paths, death in the family, all these things need to be gone through over time. Be kind to one another, compliment each other, accept each other’s weaknesses. Maintain intimacy and passion, but accept that this goes through ebbs and flows also. Set boundaries and family values together, give each other time and space on your own. Go on regular date nights when you make a point of not talking about family issues, but just have fun and share intimacy. To sum up, it’s an on-going connection that you never stop working on.



How prevalent are sexual problems in Egypt, what are the typical ones, and to what can they be attributed? Sexual problems are quite prevalent due to different causes, and in marriage counselling couples come for specific problems that often include sexual issues. Usually the sexual issues have an underlying psychological factor. When this is the case I explore and help the couples and sometimes I may need to refer to a sexologist. How well prepared are young people about the realities and responsibilities of marriage? Before marriage a couple should make sure to discuss their values, goals and priorities in life. Questions such as their religion, where they want to live, whether they want children and how many, their parenting styles, and finances, these are all important issues to talk about before you commit to each other. It’s interesting how unaware people can be of their own or their partner’s spending habits, and money issues are often a major cause of marriage problems. They should also discuss family boundaries and obligations,

questions such as when and how often family and friends can come over. Even superficial things are important to talk about, whether it’s where you plan to go on vacation, or whether or not you like TV in the bedroom. If you have exhausted all avenues, how many chances should you give your marriage? At least try counselling! It can really help to have an independent mediator who is impartial and here to help, with methods you may not have been aware of. Even if your spouse refuses to go for counselling, working on your own with a counsellor can help you find new ways of dealing with situations, and learn more about your own behaviours. If you really think you have exhausted all avenues, what have you got to lose?

Maryam Maafa Refer to Addressbook



By Hilary Diack

How can you begin to define the diverse, complex, contradictory, confusing, charismatic, and sometimes infuriating mĂŠlange of characteristics that make up the human personality? And more intriguing, how do we all manage to get along, and even fall in love? A recent meeting with Dr. Abdel Nasser Omar, leading psychiatrist and CEO of Al Mashfa Hospital proved to be informative and revealing. Cairo East Magazine shares it with you.



CEM: How do you classify the main personality types?

enhance physical attributes and be admired by the opposite sex.

AO: From a psychiatrist’s point of view the personality is a cluster of different traits, combined in a group. We could say that there are around 13 to 14 main types of personality. Many personality types fall into ‘normal’ range, but can become exaggerated when interacting with other certain personality types.


Looking at the first main cluster, which we loosely define as ‘odd’ or ‘eccentric’ we have several sub-types: paranoid, schizoid and schizotypal.

Here we find a personality that is more common with the guys. They tend to be very self-centred, with a need for adulation. They expect to be given priority in any situation, as they feel they warrant it. They can never be wrong or imperfect, in their own eyes at least, so their selflove is actually genuine.

In this case there is a social phobia. Although they enjoy company, their sense of shyness and fear of receiving a negative reaction or being humiliated can mean they avoid a lot of gatherings. They can feel comfortable in smaller groups and interact quite well. Totally driven, this type can be obsessed with details, analytical, and ritualistic. Insisting on always being right, they tend to see things as black or white. With an exaggerated preoccupation with rules and regulations, they need to clearly delineate what is right and what is wrong.

Schizoid: This person doesn’t relate, is reluctant to express emotion, has few close friends, and tends to avoid social activities and interaction. They are typically ‘cold fish’, even with people they often have in their immediate environment.

Another type of personality that occurs frequently can be categorized as depressive. The predominant mood is pessimistic, gloomy, negative and lacking in humour. The person tends to look on the bleak side and expect the worst outcome in any situation. Their self-concept centres on feelings of inadequacy, worthlessness and they may exhibit low self-esteem.

Schizotypal: Generally a combination of the two preceding types, this person is a loner by nature, suspicious, avoids social interaction, and holds eccentric, pseudo-scientific and pseudophilosophical views. They have the potential to become schizophrenic.

Borderline personality disorder: Many people have traits in this category, but manage to avoid having it develop into a fullblown disorder. They tend to be unstable and very impulsive, with no concrete life strategy. Their personality can be reactive and easily influenced. They are thrill seekers, always looking for instant gratification .


Obsessive Compulsive

Paranoid: Constantly suspicious, they find it difficult to trust anyone, will question the fidelity of his or her spouse, loyalty of friends. This type is also likely to bear grudges.

Looking at the second group, we can class them as impulsive and emotionally unstable.

attention, it may not immediately be apparent that they need caring for.

Anti-social Appearances can be deceptive. To the casual observer, and even those who think they know him or her quite well they are charming, attentive, a good spouse and parent, and agreeable friend. They are often intelligent and can excel in business and politics, which they regularly do. So, where’s the catch? At heart, or lack thereof, they are cold, manipulative and callous. The third cluster of personality types is described as anxious and fearful.



Usually the female of the species. This type wants to be the center of attention and can be a ‘drama queen’ with exaggerated displays of temperament. There is an ongoing obsession with being sexually seductive, with a strong need to

This type is totally dependent on others in their life, constantly seeking reassurance and emotional support. Lacking self-confidence, they find it difficult to take decisions by themselves. Not being willing to push forward and demand

So, how do they get along with other types, or even their own? Paranoid / Paranoid: Perfect material for a budding scriptwriter, this combination is a private detective’s dream. Suspicion overload! Paranoid / Schizoid or Schizotypal: The Paranoid would be constantly starved of any warmth or affection to allay fears of betrayal, the Schizoid couldn’t care less. Paranoid /Borderline Personality Disorder: Maybe the Paranoid has every reason to worry, who knows what the BPD will do next? No comfort zone here. The BPD would just laugh off the Paranoid’s concerns. Paranoid / Histrionic: If the Paranoid is male and the Histrionic female it could be a relationship from hell. Her attention-grabbing CAIROEASTMAG.COM


behaviour would be seen as ongoing signs of betrayal and infidelity, justified or not. The Histrionic would need to constantly reassure the Paranoid. Paranoid / Narcissist: If the Paranoid can accept the Narcissist’s self-obsession they may be able to cope, for a while. The feeling of being manipulated would probably wear them down in the long run. The Narcissist would only stick around so long as the Paranoid served their purpose. Paranoid / Anti-social: The AntiSocial can be quite a go-getter in life, so maybe the Paranoid is able to accept the down-side in order to reap some benefits? Paranoid / Dependent, Avoidant, Obsessive Compulsive or Depressive: Now, this is more manageable. There will be less scope for Paranoid’s suspicion and doubts. While maybe not the most cheerful of combinations, they should be able to form reasonably stable relationships. Schizoid or Schizotypal/ Schizoid or Schizotypal: Strangely, these loners could find common ground, a sort of instinctive understanding of each other’s need for space. Not impossible. Schizoid or Schizotypal/ Borderline personality disorder: There could be an initial attraction, particularly between the Schizotypal and BPD. The key would be the eccentric views of the first, which may influence and excite the BPD. A potential recipe for trouble, this one! Schizoid or Schizotypal/ Histrionic: It is unlikely the Histrionic would receive the response they seek from either of these types, there is very little common ground. Not a likely combination. Schizoid or Schizotypal/ Narcissistic: The Narcissist’s charm may fall on stony ground with these types. In an arranged marriage they could cope by role-playing when needed, but what a strain!



Schizoid or Schizotypal/ Antisocial: Again, there would be little to attract these two types. Maybe shared goals, if they could be pragmatic enough. The Antisocial could be irritated by the Schizotypal’s eccentricity. Schizoid or Schizotypal/ Dependent: The Schizoid or Schizotypal are not really cut out for taking care of anyone, let alone themselves, so the Dependent would really have a struggle getting support of any type in this relationship. Schizoid or Schizotypal/ Avoidant: A shared aversion to crowds and an active social life could suit these two. They could make it work. Schizoid or Schizotypal/ Obsessive Compulsive: So long as they could live and let live they might adjust to each other’s quirks. Schizoid or Schizotypal/ Depressive: The risk here is that they could send each other into a real state of doom and gloom. Not much light at the end of the tunnel in this match. Histrionic / Histrionic: Scary to consider, there would be a lot of competitiveness here, but a certain amount of camaraderie could surface. Never a dull moment! Histrionic / Narcissist: Maybe neither of them could stand the competition for attention in this one?

Narcissistic/ Anti-social: The Anti-Social can read the Narcissist rather easily, and manipulate them. It depends what they can both get out of the relationship, there needs to be a common benefit. Narcissistic/ Dependent, Avoidant, Obsessive Compulsive or Depressive: The key to these combinations lies in the Narcissist getting the attention required to maintain co-existence. There is not likely to be much resistance, so it could work, on an unequal level. Anti-social/ Dependent, Avoidant, Obsessive Compulsive or Depressive: The Anti-Social would be in control in these relationships, but could choose them for that reason. There would be limited challenge to their decisions, they would be in the driver’s seat in most cases. Anti-social/ Anti-social: Let the games begin. Two master players would battle to the end. If they had common interests at heart they could be a force to be reckoned with. Dangerous! Dependent, Avoidant, Obsessive Compulsive or Depressive/ Dependent, Avoidant, Obsessive Compulsive or Depressive: Not combinations to take the world by storm, nonetheless they have the ability to understand their weaknesses and not feel threatened too much by each other. Supportive relationships could grow.

Histrionic / Anti-Social: If the Anti-Social type sees the Histrionic as useful, they could manage them to serve their ends. Not a relaxed situation, but not uncommon either. Histrionic / Dependent, Avoidant, Obsessive Compulsive, Depressive: The main issue here would be the ability each type might offer in terms of accepting the Histrionic’s craving for attention. If they can deliver, it could work. The Dependent may find it a battle to have their needs recognized. Narcissistic/ Narcissistic: Ouch. How long would it take for the ice to set in? There is no room here for both of them.

Dr. Abdel Nasser Omar

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Astro-Compatibility All in your Stars? We have heard about star-crossed lovers, and being starry-eyed with happiness, but what can the stars really tell us about our love lives and finding the right match? As most people don’t get past comparing their Sun signs; that’s as good a starting point as any. For anyone wanting to delve a bit deeper go to our online version.


(21 March-20 April) You have a warm and ardent nature, true to your ‘fire’ sign element. Your keywords are adventurous, reckless, impatient, enthusiastic and affectionate. A born pioneer, you should team up with someone who can stand the pace, and enjoy the ride. Best matches: Gemini – Your daredevil moods and spur-of-the-moment plans will appeal to variety-loving Gemini, and their ability to change like a chameleon will intrigue you. Leo: A fellow fire sign, you will be able fuel each other’s joie de vivre, but your slightly rough-and-ready approach may offend Leo’s need for respect (or adulation). Sagittarius: You could conquer the world together, you share an adventurous streak and resilience that would help you stand up to of a lot of challenges together.



Wild card: Aquarius: Aries can be a tad selfish, so may not understand the Aquarian’s humanistic and ‘do-gooder’ tendencies. But Aries is not clingy by nature, and that suits Aquarius just fine. Best to avoid: Cancer: Just too touchy and sensitive to cope with your average Aries. Aries’ quick temper may have Cancer in tears a bit too often. Libra: They say that opposites attract, but Libra’s need for a structured social life and elegant lifestyle may clash with Aries unwillingness to be tied down to protocol too much.


(21 April-21 May) Practical, down to earth, sensual, stubborn, comfort-loving, gourmand, and often musical, Taurus really can be called the ‘salt of the earth’. You appreciate stability, and can be good providers, as the material things in life count with you. Best matches: Cancer: Cancer is a great homemaker, and is comfortable taking care of anyone they love. As they are often good cooks it can be a match made in heaven. Virgo: Both earth signs, you appreciate each other’s common-sense. If Taurus

By Hilary Diack

can be patient with Virgo’s tendency to nit-pick and nag it can be a longlasting union. Capricorn: Nothing would suit Taurus better than ambitious hard-working Capricorn. The mortgage will get paid on time! Not many surprises here, but Capricorn may find that Taurus can bring out the best in them. Pisces: Sweet natured Pisces can get along just fine with Taurus, and will usually be happy to go with the flow. Taurus may need to handle the day to day business side of life, but Pisces’ unpredictability can inject a bit of excitement into the mix. Wild card: Leo: You both love the finer things in life, and Leo is generous by nature. So long as the money keeps rolling in it could work, but when the funds run out things could fall apart. Best to avoid: Aquarius: The rebel of the galaxy and conservative Taurus may have trouble finding common ground. Unless of course, they can combine the Taurean affinity for the soil and gardens with Aquarius’s vision and entrepreneurial spirit in an eco-farming venture. Just a thought!


qualities. Usually good in the kitchen and keen home-makers.

a sense of drama that suits Leo’s flamboyant side.

One of the dual signs, Gemini often marries more than once. You can get bored rather easily, and need a mate who can keep up with your craving for variety and stimulation. On the upside, you are a great mate for anyone who enjoys being kept guessing, another Gemini maybe?

Best matches:

Libra: Elegant, tactful and charming, and usually good-looking, Libra is a great mate for any Leo who wants a mate who can keep up to his or her standards. Cultured as well!

(22 May-21 June)

Best matches: Leo: So long as Gemini pays proud Leo the right amount of attention and avoids flirting with anyone else it could be a great relationship. You could keep each other endlessly entertained, and play on each other’s sense of drama. Libra: Two air signs together run the risk of getting lost in the world of ideas, and wonderful conversations about the social scene, the latest scandals and a spot of culture. All very well, but who would be willing to buckle down and take care of the daily chores? Aquarius: Gemini would be a willing partner in many of Aquarius’s escapades. You both enjoy thinking outside of the box, and are up for anything new and different. You bring out each other’s quirky creativity. Wild card: Aries: You both thrive on busy lifestyles, and that means you probably wouldn’t have time for ennui to set in. Gemini can burn out with too much nervous energy, so Aries should know when to slow the pace for a while. Best to avoid: Virgo: Although you are both ruled by the planet Mercury it may be too much of a good thing. Both signs enjoy communication and mental challenges, but equally share an ability to ‘burn out’ by overdoing things. Sagittarius: Initially it may seem like a load of fun, especially as travel-loving Sagittarius can come up with more than enough ideas to keep Gemini enthralled. But deep down Gemini needs to have someone to ground them a little, and Sagittarius may not be able to fit the bill.


(22 June-22 July) Sensitive, intuitive, caring, protective, but also moody and easily hurt or offended, Cancer needs someone who can appreciate their wonderful

Taurus: This is a combination that could work long-term. You both appreciate stability, and family life. Financially you understand how to build up a tidy nest egg, real estate investments could work out well. Virgo: There is enough common ground to let this combination work, although Virgo may have to hold back on the urge to dish out well-meaning criticism. Cancer may respond by withdrawing into his or her shell, making for long cold periods of silence while poor Virgo tries to work out what went wrong. Scorpio: Ah, here is someone that can understand what it is like to be ruled by emotions. You may not even have to use words to communicate, empathy should be strong. Pisces: This could end up being a tearfest, especially when it comes to soppy movies. Keep a good stock of Kleenex on hand. Wild card: Aquarius. Over the years there have been a lot of strong marriages between Cancerian women and Aquarian men, although it is hard to see what makes them work! Best to avoid: Aries: You are a bit like chalk and cheese, it is unlikely you will be attracted to each other unless you have a dynamic in your personal birth charts.


(23 July-22 August) Proud, dignified, generous and creative, you can be the best of friends and a loyal and protective mate for whoever is lucky enough to win your heart. You do respond well to flattery and cannot stand to be ignored, but that rarely happens as you stand out in any crowd. Best matches: Aries: Just as courageous as its fellow fire sign, Aries can also provide the warmth and affection that will keep a relationship humming along. Never a dull moment here! Gemini: Silver-tongued Gemini can fascinate and intrigue Leo, and has

Wild card: Sagittarius: Yes, you share the fire element, but Sagittarius can be a little too blunt at times for your comfort. However, so long as you find enjoyable activities to share it can work. Best to avoid: Scorpio: Scorpio's particular brand of sarcasm will go down like a lead balloon with proud Leo. Leo has a warm heart, but likes to be king or queen of the castle. Scorpio isn't impressed!


(23 August-21 September) So often maligned due to your critical nature and seeming cool demeanour, you actually do have a softer side. Maybe it is your rather shy nature that stops people getting too close to you, although when you choose to open up it can be hard to stop you! It’s true, you can be a neat-freak, fussy about food, and nit-picky about details, but those can be strengths as well. Best matches: Taurus: This can work, you are both well-grounded and practical by nature. Taurus will help Virgo relax and learn to take time to smell the flowers. Taurus enjoys eating well, and Virgo will be making sure it is organic, hydroponic, gluten-free etc., so that is a good start. Scorpio: If anyone can uncap the hidden depths within Virgo, it is likely to be a Scorpio. They can see beyond that Virgo veneer of prudishness and encourage them to live life a little more to the full. Scorpio appreciates Virgo’s keen analytical ability. Potentially a powerful combo. Capricorn: Again, both being earth signs the focus is on practicality. A shared respect for responsibilities and routine may see a household running like clockwork, the only catch being that spontaneity and fun may be stifled unless you write it into your calendar. Wild card: Aquarius: Virgo likes a bit of space to CAIROEASTMAG.COM


recoup energy and relax, and Aquarius is good at allowing that. You can be mentally stimulating for each other. Best to avoid: Sagittarius: If Virgo gets too critical of Sagittarius’s slap-happy ways they may get it back in spades. There is not a lot of common ground here, so hurt feelings would probably be the result.


(22 September-22 October) Born diplomats, lovers of culture, fine art and refinement, and love, of course. Libra is rarely without a significant other for long as partnerships are important to you. But, you tend to be indecisive, something that can keep relationships and other life issues a bit on edge.


a fellow traveler, someone who will enjoy sharing your wanderlust.

Magnetic, inscrutable, secretive and often suspicious, you can keep most people guessing. You have a talent for keeping the object of your affections under a spell, your ability to manipulate is second to none. A deep thinker, you have little interest in the banal or trivial.

Best Matches:

(23 October-21 November)

Best matches: Cancer: Male Scorpio will enjoy the femininity that lady Cancer has by the bucket load. Both are highly intuitive, so it can be an emotionally harmonious pairing.

Best Matches:

Virgo: Virgo will have a healthy respect for your strong personality, and is usually attracted to your simmering sex-appeal. You can recognize and benefit from each other’s strengths.

Gemini: Libra adores good company, and who better than a Gemini to keep them endlessly entertained. This combination could throw great parties together.

Pisces: Again, a combination of two water signs can be a marriage made in heaven, or just too soppy and dramatic for words. Think Liz Taylor and Richard Burton for example.

Leo: Big-spending Leo likes to invest in making a good impression, and Libra has the taste to do it well. You couldn’t beat this pair-up for climbing the social ladder.

Wild card:

Capricorn: It may seem strange that airy Libra could work with stolid Capricorn, but Capricorn’s ambition and drive will ensure Libra the security and social position it craves. Wild card: Pisces: Pisces can be a good foil for Libra’s vacillations. They are empathetic, cuddly and generally happy to go with the flow.

Taurus: Polar opposites, but there is a strong sensuality factor at play here. Both of you enjoy hedonistic pleasures, maybe a little too much when you are there to spur each other on! Best to avoid: Aquarius: Aquarius may set themselves up for ridicule by Scorpio if they keep insisting on trying to save the world. Scorpio has a ruthlessly pragmatic streak after all.


Best to avoid:

(22 November-21 December)

Aries: Although Libra could be swept away by Aries full-on charm, all of that energy and being constantly on the go would wear Libra out. That Libra lazy streak, you see.

Great friend, intrepid adventurer, philosopher, sporty. And to top it off your probably have a zany sense of humor, practical jokes included. You are not the easiest person to domesticate, so try teaming up with



Aries: You are well suited, and may be great buddies as well as romantic partners. Actually romance may take a second seat to just having fun. Leo: You share a big-hearted approach to life, so anything you do together would have to be on a grand scale. We are talking “wedding-of-the-year” stuff here. Aquarius: OK, so you may scoff at some of Aquarius’ more eccentric habits, but you will appreciate the freedom this partnership allows. Nothing worse than trying to tie either of you down! Wild Card: Fellow Sagittarius: It could be a bit much with two daredevil risk-takers together, willing to take a gamble on anything. But hey, if it works it could be amazing! Best to avoid: Cancer: It would take Cancer too much effort to keep track of Sagittarius, and equally Sagittarius would never understand Cancer’s moody silences.


(22 December-20 January) Ambitious and far-sighted, you are not daunted by looking at things in the long term. Actually, that is where one of your greatest strengths lies; you can plan ahead and work steadily towards your goal. And heaven help anyone who tries to stand in your way. Best matches: Taurus: You can both be quite frugal, so sit back together and watch the bank accounts grow. Real estate investments together should work, and any home you might create together will simply ooze timeless quality.

Virgo: Luckily Capricorn can happily exist without overt displays of affection, so life with steady Virgo can work in the long run. It’s not that Virgo isn’t crazy about Capricorn; it’s just that shyness about expressing it! Pisces: This pair-up can have a little magic. Pisces has the ability to sprinkle a bit of other-worldly stardust along the way, something that might nudge Capricorn away from any obsession with routine. Wild card: Aries: Aries is a great one for initiating something, and Capricorn certainly has staying power. This has potential to be a powerhouse combination, especially if you plan to make waves in the social sphere. Best to avoid: Gemini: Capricorn has limited patience with frivolity, and although you might enjoy Gemini’s gift of the gab, the personality changes may eventually tire you.


(21 January-19 February) Sometimes eccentric, always fascinating, and definitely quirky, you may confuse most of the people who try to keep up with your own brand of logic. You are probably just a bit ahead of your time. Anyone who lets you steal their heart will never be bored, that’s for sure! Best matches: Gemini: Gemini has the ability to adapt to the company it keeps, so you could spend happy hours chatting about the strangest things. However, can Aquarius’s need for personal space and Gemini’s occasional fickle nature create enough glue to hold it together? Libra: Libra will warm to Aquarius’s cerebral character, and like your unique approach to art and literature. It could be a fine marriage of minds, if

a little lacking in other departments.

Wild card:

Sagittarius: As mentioned before, there will be a live-and-let-live element to this partnership. Plenty of breathing space, but Sagittarius needs to respect Aquarius’s somewhat radical ideas on certain topics.

Capricorn: There should be a natural rapport, and Capricorn will keep Pisces working to some sort of a schedule in life. Well, almost.

Wild card: Aries: You have an inventive streak, and Aries loves kick-starting new projects. And Aries has a warm, affectionate nature that may just remind the ‘tin man’ that he does have a heart after all. Best to avoid: Leo: Leo’s love of ostentation could have the hackles rising on proletarian Aquarius’s neck. All that largesse when there are under-privileged people in need? It would be a challenge to make it work.


(20 February-20 March) Soulful, sensitive, dreamer, and a wonderful shoulder to cry on. If you are not busy rescuing people from themselves you are probably collecting strays for adoption. Not always on track yourself when it comes to practical issues, you have your own special brand of creative genius. Best matches: Taurus: Taurus has the practical streak to balance Pisces dream-like approach to daily realities. There is a lot of love here though, both have a warm nature. Cancer: You are both very sensitive, and so intuitive at times you don’t need to have things explained. If you can be strong enough together to keep the hard, cruel world at bay it would be wonderful. Scorpio: This is someone Pisces can relate to, even when things get stormy. It just makes it more fun to patch it up, again and again.

Best to avoid: Anyone of any sign who doesn’t adore you for simply being you!

Online addition to article: Anyone who knows their time of birth can learn what their Ascendant is, and that can play an important role in the getting-along-together stakes. You can find a lot of good websites online that can help you find the planetary positions for your time and date of birth, and then it is just a matter of doing a little simple math and crosschecking. A good aspect (relationship by number of degrees based on a circular chart of 360 degrees), between one person’s Ascendant and another’s Sun position can create a natural bond, as can the position of the Sun in a woman’s chart in relation to the Moon’s positions in a man’s chart. For that instant chemistry look for a strong Venus/ Mars connection, especially the position of Venus in a man’s chart as it relates to Mars in a woman’s chart. Good Mercury aspects count when it comes to communication as well. As the larger outside planets like Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are slower moving they do not have such a strong influence, unless they connect strongly with a ‘personal’ planet in the other person’s chart. You can find the planetary positions for your date of birth below. ephemeris/ephemeris.html



How to Boost your Child’s Immune System Naturally! By Noha Abu Sitta sweet pepper, peaches, mangoes, sweet potatoes, cantaloupe.

Whether it is the beginning of the school year, the winter season or spring-time, children are frequently getting sick. Have our children’s immune systems become weaker throughout the years? Is there a natural way we can improve their immunity? As your child grows, the immune system will come to maturity. Nevertheless, too many visits to the doctor are a sign of a weak immune system that needs to be boosted. There are a few factors that affect your child’s immune system in either a positive or negative way!

• Red: tomatoes, chili, sweet pepper, apples, beetroot, watermelon, pink grapefruit, strawberries, pomegranate, red onions, radish. • Green: apples, grapes, all herbs (such as rosemary, dill, basil, parsley, etc),spinach, molokhya, kale, green tea, cabbage, broccoli, okra, green beans, Swiss chard, avocadoes, cucumber, marrows. • White: radish, turnips, garlic, cauliflower, white onions, white beans, yoghurt.

Let’s explore the immunity boosting factors first:

• Blue/Purple: blueberries, prunes, plums, grapes, cabbage, eggplant.


Foods rich in omega3 are natural anti-oxidants, which also boost the body’s immunity as well. Examples of food rich in omega3 are:

We all know that vitamin C is good for your child’s health. Vitamin C exists in all citrus fruit, guava, sweet pepper, chili pepper, broccoli, pumpkin, strawberry, kiwi, cauliflower, pineapple, and mango. But there’s more, you can actually plant a doctor inside your child’s body through certain kinds of food! These fall under two categories: foods rich in Phytonutrients and omega-3.Phytonutrients, (also known as phytochemicals), are natural chemicals that exist in various fruits and vegetables. “Phyto” refers to the Greek word for plant, so the word literally means “plant nutrient”. When you serve your child food or drinks rich in phytonutrients, you are helping his/her body fight disease and build its’ immune system properly. Since phytonutrients are responsible for the vibrant colors in fruits and vegetables, offer your kids a different color range of vegetables, fruits and whole grains. Serving your child a variety of colors in his food and drink is a good way of ensuring that you are serving a variety of phytonutrients the body needs to fight various kinds of diseases starting from a common cold all the way up to cancer! Try to



• Fish (especially wild salmon and sardines). • Flaxseeds, also known as Linseeds. These must be consumed after grinding into a powder, otherwise our stomachs can’t digest the husk, and will thus not reap any benefits. • Walnuts.

What about foods that decrease the efficiency of your child’s immune system?

serve your child 5 colors per day! If your child is a picky eater a few of these could easily be hidden in a salad bowl if he doesn’t mind salad, soup, or juice! Examples of foods rich in phytonutrients are: • Yellow: sweet pepper, apples, lemons, bananas, corn, pineapple. • Orange: pumpkin, oranges, carrots,

Food high in sugar and artificial sweeteners and unhealthy fats (junk food) decreases the efficiency of children’s immune system. Other factors that do so are: • Excessive use of antibiotics • Not getting enough sleep • Exposing your child to smoke and too much dust • Not getting enough exercise About the author: Noha Abu Sitta is a certified Health Coach for children up to 12 years old, by the Dr. William Sears Wellness Center. She is also a certified Positive Discipline Parent Educator by Dr. Jane Nelson and Dr. Lynn Lott.


The Newborn Guide Episode 2 Being a new mom can be overwhelming, trying to adjust to a new schedule, new demands and a new little being. Here are a few tips to help you make the transition to motherhood less stressful, Following up on last month’s article on caring for your newborn, Tabibi 24/7 brings you more essential advice on feeding your little one. Choosing whether to breastfeed or formula feed your baby is one of the first decisions parents make. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) joins other organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) in recommending breastfeeding as the best option for babies. Breastfeeding helps defend the baby against infections, allergies and protects it against a number of chronic conditions. The AAP says babies should be breastfed exclusively for the first 6 months. Beyond that, the AAP encourages breastfeeding until at least 12 months, and longer if both the mother and baby are willing. For mothers who can’t breastfeed, commercially prepared infant formulas are a nutritious alternative to breast milk. Breastfeeding can be challenging, you can consider these tips

Ask for help right away The first time you breast-feed your baby — preferably within the first hour after delivery — ask for help. The maternity nurses usually offer breast-feeding tips, starting with how to position the baby and ensuring correct latching. Support yourself with pillows if needed. Then cradle your baby close to your breast rather than bending over to bring your breast to your



baby. Support the baby’s head with one hand and support your breast with the other hand. Tickle your baby’s lower lip with your nipple.Your nipple will be far back in the baby’s mouth, and the baby’s tongue will be cupped under your breast. Look and listen for a rhythmic sucking and swallowing pattern.

Take Care of your nipples

Let your baby set the pace

Make healthy lifestyle choices

For the first few weeks, most newborns breast-feed every 2 to 3 hours roundthe-clock. Watch for hunger signs but avoid overfeeding! If your baby is gaining much weight and experiences tummy pains, excessive gas, greenish watery bowel movements or spitting up large amounts, he may be feeding too frequently.

• Eat a healthy diet. Choose plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

Let your baby nurse from the first breast thoroughly, until your breast feels soft — typically about 20 minutes. Burp him then offer the second breast. If your baby’s still hungry, he will latch on. If not, start the next breast-feeding session with the second breast. If your baby consistently nurses on only one breast at a feeding during the first few weeks, pump the other breast to relieve pressure and protect your milk supply.

If your nipples are dry or cracked, use an emollient nipple care cream after each feeding. When you bathe, minimize the amount of soap, shampoo and other cleansers that might contact your nipples.

• Drink plenty of fluids. Water, juice and milk can help you stay hydrated and boost your milk supply. • Don’t smoke. Smoking can reduce your milk supply, as well as change the taste of your milk and interfere with your baby’s sleep. Second-hand smoke is also a concern. • Be cautious with medication. Although many medications are safe during nursing, always consult your doctor before taking any.

Give it Time If breast-feeding is tougher than you expected, try not to get discouraged. Just remember that the more often you breast-feed your baby, the more milk your breasts will produce — and the more natural breast-feeding is likely to feel.

2015 Make-up Palette


By Make-up Artist Mahmoud Rashad

With Cairo’s now infamous cold winters, and its ever buzzing social scene, you do not want to be spotted out and about wearing your finest winter coats and a face that does not match it. While different couture houses took different approaches to this season’s make up looks, we have picked for you the two finest looks with colors that will surely complement your winter wardrobe. But before we talk colors, always make sure your face is well moisturized and nourished before applying any make-up to your face during winter to prevent your face from looking dull, or even worse flakey. Dior opted for an olive green, navy blue and soft highlights to

complement the shades in one palette. Start off by prepping your eye lids with an eye primer, and apply the navy blue or the olive green on the outer corner of your eyes and smudge softly. Using another eye shadow brush apply the gold highlight in the inner corner of your eyes and blend the two colors together. Pair this look with a nude lip to keep it soft and elegant. For a bolder winter look; YSL opted for a metallic brown smoky eye, highlighted with a copper cold tone in the center of the eye

to make your eye pop out. Start off by dusting the metallic brown on your eye lid using a flat eye shadow brush and then dot a golden tone in the center of your eye using a sponge applicator and blend the two colors together to soften the effect. To give this look the winter twist, dare to wear a dark red lip color to add flair to the mystery of the look. Rashad recommends: Primer: Make-up Forever HD Elixir & HD Primer Eyeshadows: Dior in Garden no. 434 Blue no. 386 Mordore no. 438 Ribon no. 628 Lipstick: Chanel Rouge Coco no. 31

Appointments with Rashad are available through Pace Luce CAIROEASTMAG.COM


Blair Fowler Beauty Broadcast Lisa Eldridge

Michelle Phan



Make-up TUTORIALS - Vloggers You now have a professional in your own home, whether you’re a make-up expert or a beginner, these beauty experts will make your life much easier.

Fleur De Force Luxy Hair Sarah Victor

Make-up By Leina Allie Evans



Wellbeing Links for February By Hilary Diack

It’s all in the Mind

Be Prepared

Here’s the perfect solution for anyone averse to the idea of making too much physical effort to stay in shape. The brain power workout!

It never hurts to have a well-stocked first aid kit at home, especially when you have a growing family. Read this article to pick up handy tips on how to cope when emergencies arise. brain_power

Do Opposites Really Attract? This enjoyable article looks at the way we consciously and subconsciously choose our relationships.

Be True to Yourself Sometimes stress and the demands of daily life can lead us into negative behaviour patterns. Why not think about these simple guidelines for staying on track? preppers_natural_medicine

Spot On Learn more about acne, and what its location indicates. Not just a skin-deep problem, you can benefit by learning what your body is trying to tell you.

Puppy Love Yes, we know all the excuses for not having a puppy or kitten at home. The hair, the work, the responsibility! But there are valuable life lessons for children in learning to take care of a pet, something that will serve them well as they grow up. Read on.



How you’re going to be working out in 2015

This year, your workout is about to get even easier. A survey by the American College of Sports Medicine predicts that bodyweight training will be 2015's hottest workout. Why not put away your Zumba shoes, hang up your boxing gloves, and get ahead of the trend by incorporating bodyweight exercises into your routine. And, not only are these workouts simple to do, but they're also superefficient. The combination of strength and cardio means you'll be blasting fat in no time. Plus, they're so varied, there's no chance you'll get bored. So get a leg up on the new year by trying out a bodyweight workout.

"Why not put away your Zumba shoes, hang up your boxing gloves."

Top 20 worldwide fitness trends for 2015 1. Body weight training 2. High-intensity interval training 3. Educated, certified, and experienced fitness professionals 4. Strength training 5. Personal training 6. Exercise and weight loss 7. Yoga 8. Fitness programs for older adults 9. Functional fitness

10. Group personal training 11. Worksite health promotion 12. Outdoor activities 13. Wellness coaching 14. Circuit training 15. Core training 16. Sport-specific training 17. Children and exercise for the treatment/prevention of obesity 18. Outcome measurements 19. Worker incentive programs 20. Boot camp




Zy Zaman A Step Back in Time Nostalgia is big these days. What is it about faded memories from the past that resonates so strongly with us? Beautiful images, photographic vignettes of how Egypt used to be, old newspaper clippings, posters of movies with iconic actors that captured the hearts of several generations. To find these, and much more, a visit to Zy Zaman in Zamalek is a ‘must do’. The best part is that you can re-create the magic of Egypt’s cultural heritage on

a large range of materials. Style your own coasters, trays, cushions, headrests, framed pictures and even t-shirts and play your role in keeping the glorious past alive. They can print on virtually anything, and are happy to reproduce your own images as well, just pop them onto a flash memory or CD. And to top it off, if you have always had a hankering to have your portrait done in charcoal, pastels or oil, this is your place. Refer to our address book CAIROEASTMAG.COM


for February 2015

Al Kahila Art Gallery Al Kahila Art Gallery is the latest showroom in town that brings together the true definition of taste and value combined. Contact Details: 15 El Batal Ahmed Abdel Aziz St., Mohandessin Tel: 0122 864 7511 Open Daily, 11 AM - 9 PM

Al Masar Gallery Al Masar Gallery is proud to present the first exhibition of the year 2015, which is a relevant retrospective exhibition by renowned Artist George Bahgory titled "Fifty Nine Years of Art”. Contact Details: Baehler's Mansions, 157b, 26 July St., Ground floor, Zamalek Tel: 0100 0670 705 Open Daily, 11 AM to 9 PM

ArtTalks Gallery “It is impossible,” muttered Alice. “Only if you believe it is” replied the Mad Hatter. A dialogue between Alice, the seven-year old key protagonist and one of the fantasy characters in Alice in Wonderland, the nineteenth century fairy tale by British author Lewis Caroll. The Mad Hatter could be multi-media Egyptian artist Riham ElSadany who has faith that nothing is impossible for women, even in rigid patriarchal societies. In her upcoming solo exhibition ‘Lust in Wonderland’ at ArtTalks Gallery in Cairo. Contact Details: 8 El Kamel Mohamed St., Zamalek Tel: 0100 555 05 85 Open Daily,11am to 8 pm. Fridays, 3 pm to 8 pm.

Arts-Mart Gallery Arts-Mart The Gallery, the pioneers of new-wave art, showcases Egypt’s most promising artists at its first exhibition of the year. Contact Details: Cairo-Alex Desert Road, 2km from 26 July Mehwar exit, right from Total Gas Station Tel: 02 3749 6162. Open Daily, 11 AM to 9 PM



Kim Ficaro, Interiors Stylist

Sean McCabe, helping you make a living with your passion with her twice-aweek podcast.



Samantha Lee, food artist. She makes food that tell a story.

Be a greatist. Because being healthy doesn't have to suck.



8 Inspiring

Instagram Accounts

to Follow Right Now

Art design and inspiration. @designcrush

Junanto Herdiawan, Flying Traveler. @junantoherdiawan

Anna Bond, Founder & Creative Director at Rifle Paper Co. Design that resonates.





Valentine’s Bestsellers By

Fifty Shades of Grey

Crossfire 1 Bared to You

E. L. James

Sylvia Day

How to Fall in Love Cecelia Ahern

Beautiful Disaster

The Devil Returns Lauren Weisberger

Jamie McGuire



The Longest Ride

Safe Haven

Nicholas Sparks

Nicholas Sparks

The Best of Me

Redeeming Love

The Notebook

Nicholas Sparks

Francine Rivers

Nicholas Sparks



Chocolate Fondant

The Classic, Timeless, velvety Queen of the Dessert world By Crave

Increasing innovation in the culinary world has caused dessert sections on menus to evolve and progress to include varieties that range from classics to new and intriguing. Whatever the ingredients are or combo of flavors is, chocolate continues reign as a classic, timeless, velvety ingredient. With February being the month of love, hearts and all things sweet, chocolate fits perfectly here as our topic of the month.

7 Chocolate Fun Facts & Cooking Tips 1- Chocolate comes from the cocoa

tree, where cocoa beans are extracted from pods before they’re transformed into smooth velvety chocolate; 70 % of Cocoa hails from West Africa.

2- Dark chocolate has more cacao and less sugar than other chocolates, so it is considered healthier than milk chocolate and white chocolate. 3- The smell of chocolate

stimulates the brain waves that trigger relaxation.

4- In Dubai, “Al Nassma” founded

chocolate derived from camel milk. It’s considered ‘liquid gold’ in the Middle East and is full of Vitamin C.

5- Breaking up chocolate into pieces or using chocolate chips in baking/ cooking is best because it helps the chocolate melt faster. 6- Adding a teaspoon of coffee in cake-baking brings out the intensity of the chocolate flavor. 7- “Ganache” is a culinary term for creamy chocolate icing/frosting consisting of melted chocolate, cooking cream, butter and vanilla essence. Perfect Chocolate Fondant (Makes 2) Ingredients • 60g unsalted butter, cut into cubes, plus extra to grease ramekins • 1 tbsp cocoa powder • 60g dark chocolate, broken into pieces • 1 egg and 1 egg yolk • 60g sugar • 1 tbsp plain flour

Directions • Pre-heat the oven to 200C and place a baking tray on the middle shelf. Butter the inside of 2 small ramekins or moulds, and then put the cocoa in one and turn it to coat the inside, dusting off any excess. • Put the butter and chocolate into a heatproof bowl over, but not touching, a pan of simmering water and stir occasionally until melted. Allow to cool slightly. • Vigorously whisk together the egg, yolk, sugar and a pinch of salt until pale and fluffy. Gently fold in the melted chocolate and butter, and then the flour. Spoon into the prepared moulds, till right before it reaches the top. • Put on to a hot baking tray and cook for 12 minutes (14 if from cold, 16 if frozen) until the tops are set and coming away from the sides of the moulds. • Turn off oven and leave to rest for 30 seconds- 1 minute and then serve in the ramekins or turn out on to plates– they’re great with vanilla ice cream or caramel sauce.

by Sheikh Al- Maktoum, is the first company to manufacture camel-milk



FB : Instagram : @craveegypt Twitter : @CraveEgypt

Dining Out

Cairo East’s

Valentine’s Day guide February is marked by one of the most anticipated dates for couples, Valentine’s Day. Romance is in the air, put in a little extra effort and set your plans to make it a day to remember. Wondering about where to dine out for Valentine’s? Look no further, Cairo East Magazine has picked out a selection of romantic dining spots to guarantee a memorable evening.

Chez Jean Claude Chez Jean Claude is one of New Cairo’s latest fine dining spots, offering classic continental cuisine with a strong French and Italian influence. Recently opened inside Stella Compound, the restaurant overlooks a prime area, surrounded by a beautiful garden. For Valentine’s Day the restaurant is preparing a very special evening, with live entertainment music, seafoodbased menu, and a complimentary treat from the house to its’ clients. Chez Jean Claude 9 Mehwar Mahmoud Naguib, Stella Compound First Settlement, New Cairo Tel: 010 0191 1116

Little Swiss Serving authentic fondue and raclette, Little Swiss has long been the right spot for a romantic evening. This Valentine’s Day, contrary to previous years’ set menus, they are maintaining their regular menu in order to guarantee a wider selection of dishes. There will be special preparations made to ensure a romantic atmosphere. Little Swiss Restaurant Villa 17, Road 18 (Corner Street 84), Maadi Sarayat Tel: 010 9639 6556

Ruen Thai One of the best Thai restaurants in town, Ruen Thai combines excellent food, service and atmosphere. For Valentine’s Day they will be offering an innovative dining experience where waiters will be serving clients a variety of the finest Asian dishes. Ruen Thai Dusit Thani Hotel The Lake View – Road 90 Fifth Settlement, New Cairo Tel: 2614 0000

The Smokery With an exceptional view of the golf course at Katameya Heights, The Smokery specialises in the quality of its’ salmon but you can also have a very nice Café de Paris steak if you are in the mood. The Smokery offers a special Valentine’s Day menu and clients will be treated to a complimentary glass of wine during the evening. The Smokery – Seafood Bar New 9 Club House Kattameya Heights Fifth Settlement, New Cairo Tel: 275 64591 or 010 2601 9175

The Steakhouse Meat-lovers’ haven, the restaurant serves excellent Australian beef and other succulent meat from around the world. Besides its exquisite food, The Steakhouse offers a warm and welcoming setting for a special occasion with its classy robust interior with dark wood furniture and larger leather seats. The Steakhouse JW Marriott Hotel MirageCity - Ring Road Phone: 24115588

Villa Belle Epoque A hidden gem inside Maadi’s first and only boutique hotel, the restaurant has a colonial style that matches the hotel’s architecture. Along with the furniture and decoration the whole experience transports you back in time, setting the right atmosphere for an intimate and elegant international dining experience. Villa Belle Epoque Hotel Villa 63, Road 13, Maadi Tel: 2358 0265 As Valentine’s Day is probably one of the busiest days for restaurants all over the city, we highly recommend booking in advance to assure availability and avoid long waiting lists.



A Day at Egyptian Hydrofarms Picking your Own Greens By Shorouk Abbas

Salad lovers rejoice! With a wide variety of fresh green hydroponically-grown produce being distributed in the market by Egyptian Hydrofarms, we can now enjoy an unprecedented selection of vegetables and herbs. Cairo East Magazine paid a visit and met with co-founders Amr Bassiouny and Adel Shentenawy.

‘For anyone wanting to really enjoy the experience of picking their own vegetables in an environment close to nature, they can come and do just that.’ 66


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Amr Bassiouny & Adel Shentenawy CEM: Amr, how did the idea for Egyptian Hydrofarms come about? AB: We came up with it in 2011, when the economy was not great. I started doing research and development and experimenting on my own balcony. My partner Adel joined me later in November 2012. How does hydroponic agriculture differ from other growing methods? AB: We don’t use any insecticides, and our method of growing saves 90% of the water normally used in traditional agriculture. What types of vegetables and herbs can we find? AB: We have several types of lettuce, including Romaine, Butterhead, Batavia and Oakleaf, in addition to the well-known Iceberg variety. You can also find endive, chard, kale and lovely fresh herbs. How can people buy your products? AB: We distribute through two high-quality food retail chains, which is a convenient option for many people. But, for anyone wanting to really enjoy the experience of picking their own vegetables in an environment close to nature, they can come and do just that. Call us a day in advance, we are open daily from 9 am to 5 pm. School trips are also welcome, we think it is a great way for children to learn more about environmentally-friendly food production. What message do you want to send the community? AS: I want to encourage others to change the culture of farming and agriculture in Egypt. You do not have to use pesticides. Local markets are healthy and you can survive by dealing with the local market. A misconception in the agriculture business is you only make money when you export. I am introducing new, healthy crops in the market and I encourage others to do the same. I am changing the supply chain. It’s now farm to fork. My crops go directly from my farm to your table.



AB: It is important for everyone to know that they can start their own business whenever they want to. If they have an idea, all they need is a mixture of common sense, some business skills and a lot of hard work. When I started thinking of this project everybody told me that agriculture does not make money. I was also told that you need to do this on a big scale, otherwise it would not be profitable. I proved them wrong.



Your February

Stars By Maeri Frances

It’s Valentine’s month! Like it or not, the focus for many is on significant relationships. Are you in one? Do you want one? Or like many of us, are you just plain confused about the whole business… Let’s see how the month lines up for us romantically, and otherwise. It may be worth bearing in mind that Mercury is in retrograde until the 11th of February, creating his own brand of havoc. Watch out for misunderstandings, equipment malfunction and the occasional brain-freeze.

Aries 21 March –20 April Something’s coming, something good… But Aries is not the most patient of zodiac signs, so how are you going to manage to battle through the first three weeks until both Venus and Mars cosy up in your sign? Special days are the 20th to 22nd, especially if your birthday falls around the 23rd of March. Romance is full on!

Taurus 21 April –21 May For singles a friendship may



have been slowly blossoming into something more, behind the scenes. You may not be ready to let people know until you feel sure about things yourself. Slow and steady suits Taurus just fine, so don’t feel that you have to rush things. Again, the period from the 20th to 22nd is great for romance.

Gemini 22 May –21 June Love pops up when and where you least expect it. So, make sure you give it a chance by being in the right place at the right time. Sports clubs are great venues for singles, or any other place where like-minded souls gather. The last week of the month sees the Moon putting you in the spotlight for a few days, look your best! Married Gemini’s could revive romance with a trip out of town.

Cancer 22 June –22 July This may not be a month when you feel that Cupid has you in his sights. Maybe you are in the mood for a little soul-searching and clarity regarding a key relationship. There may be an important event coming up later in the month, if you attend

with your significant other the excitement should give your love life the boost it needs.

Leo 23 July –22 August Unattached Leos have every chance of meeting someone special this month. There is a definite exotic flavour around, it could be someone from a distant location or culture. Places of education seem to figure in the picture somehow. Make the most of the days around the 4th February, your mood should be upbeat.

Virgo 23 August –23 September Venus, the planet of love, cruises through your solar 7th house of partnerships for the first three weeks of February, so you should be making the most of it. Just take care on the 1st that your judgment isn’t clouded by wishful thinking. People will generally be open and receptive to you, so get out and interact. If you are already married or committed it is perfect opportunity to spend quality time together.


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24 September - 23 October

23 November –21 December

21 January –19 February

Feeling battered and bruised from the ups and downs you have faced recently? Take heart, Mars and your ruling planet Venus are teaming up as the month winds down, bringing you a bonus in the form of a massive boost to your love life. Yes, someone cares about you very much! Married Libras will appreciate the warmth of family time, it is a good excuse to make a purchase you can all enjoy together at home.

Are you feeling it yet? That’s right, that taskmaster Saturn has started his journey through your birth-sign, meaning that the coming couple of years with be an important period for you. There may be added responsibilities, and a maturing process, but hey, February has good news as well. The final week of February sees Mars and Venus teaming up to bring some pizzazz to your love life! A new romance for some?

With Jupiter still nicely placed in your 7th house of key relationships you can hardly complain about lack of opportunities. It’s not just about romance, it is really about people valuing you and giving you positive feedback as well. It’s your birth month too, and the 1st and 2nd of February could hold some nice surprises for you. Finances could gradually improve, meaning you can spend a little more freely.

Scorpio 24 October –22 November Lucky you! This is a month when Scorpio can really feel the love. The first three weeks are super for enjoying the company of someone you care about, and for singles there are ample opportunities to meet Mr. or Ms. Right. Neptune and Venus intertwine to create an air of intrigue and illusion, romantic yes, but also deceptive. Proceed with caution!



Capricorn 22 December –20 January Family matters may be consuming a lot of your time, but you are good at putting on a brave face and getting on with things. So, while you may be finding it hard to find time for flitting around with social activities, married Capricorns can make home a haven and true love nest. The 26th is a day for both constructive action and relaxation, maybe wind up the evening with a good movie?

Pisces 20 February –20 March Oh, the vagaries of love. Emotionally sensitive Pisces is dealing with the transit of planetary ruler, nebulous Neptune. This means that you can be victim of illusion and delusion, wishful-thinking and self-deception. Or, on the up-side, ecstatic bliss. Venus will be playing around in the mix, so unattached Pisceans could be swept off their feet at any moment. Just don’t forget that all important background check.

Events in February 2015 at Zamalek Art Gallery Tuesday, February 3 9.00am-2.00pm Cost: $30

For those who enjoy art from all genres, tour Zamalek and visit some of its well-known and hidden treasures followed by an authentic Egyptian lunch at Zooba. Trip cost only covers transportation and tour guiding service.

Wissa Wasef Tuesday, February 17 9.00am–2.00pm Cost: $35

In 1951, Wissa Wassef founded the Ramses Wissa Wassef Art Centre to teach young Egyptian villagers how to create art and tapestries. Wissa Wassef attempted to prove that art is innate in everyone and can flourish in spite of the deadening influence of mass production. The Ramses Wissa Wassef Art Centre has operated continuously for more than 60 years. No patterns are utilized as the artists create the tapestries directly from their imaginations onto the looms. The Art Centre has a museum of early works and a store.

Parenting Workshop

Crystal Workshops

historical issues that develop your understanding of one of the world’s most magnificent civilizations.

Henna Tattoos Tuesdays 11.00am-2.00pm

Tuesday, February 17 & Wednesday, February 18

Cost: varies depending on size and design


Henna designs, also referred to as Mehndi, are a natural, fun way to try out a tattoo that is not permanent. Bring a design of your own or choose some options from traditional shapes and symbols.

Cost: $50

In these workshops you will be introduced to the types and properties of crystals, learn how to differentiate between original and fake crystals and be shown how crystals work as healing tools by connecting with our chakras.

Landscape Photography Workshop Monday, February 16 11.00am1.00pm Wednesday, February 18 11.00am-2.00pm Cost: $40

Join Bahaa in this 2 session workshop focusing on landscape photography. Learn the basics as well as some tips and tricks to taking better photos. This class also includes a field trip for hands on experience.

The History of Ancient Egypt

Sunday, February 8

Electric Guitar Lessons Saturdays 11.00am-2.30pm Cost: $100

From RNB to Metal we will rock the place! Bring your electric guitar and learn how to play the most famous rock music songs. Over 8 sessions you will learn the basics of the electric guitar, how to read notes, rhythm and timing. No matter the music style, Mena will have all basic information ready for you to start rocking.

Vegan Cooking Class Tuesday, February 3 10.00am-1.00pm

Tuesday, February 17th

Cost: $30

Cost: $25


Join Instructor Carey Harris, MA ED, Certified Positive Discipline Trainer, Educator and School Counselor for this 3 hour workshop focusing on a wide range of parenting topics including, parenting styles, child development and temperament (personality styles), how to handle misbehaviors, kind and firm

Thousands of years ago, the word "Egypt" referred to the dawn of civilization. Join Hisham El Meniawy, a professional and certified lecturer of Egyptology, to learn more about the history of ancient Egypt. You will gain explanations to complex

Join Cynthia Huijgens in creating delicious recipes that won't freak out your friends. Learn how to make sour cream from cashews, meatless loaf from lentils and walnuts, and sauces and dressings from common ingredients. This class will also explore how to stock a vegan pantry and where to find ingredients locally.



parenting strategies and creative, fun ways that foster cooperation in the home. Suitable for all caregivers of children in the primary years (ages 5-12).


Cost: $5

Community Services Association (CSA) 4 Road 21,Maadi ,Cairo Tel: 235 85284 / 235 80754 Mobile No: 0106 882 8540 Facebook: csa.egypt Twitter: @csamaadi

Solar led L i g h t

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By Tati Hafez

Les Elites – Exclusive Men’s Grooming Salon in Maadi

Mommies to be – All you need to know about birth and beyond at Flow

The latest addition to the growing trend of men’s grooming is Les Elites, with four branches in town – Mohandessin, Maadi, Sheikh Zayed and soon Heliopolis; it has now opened its first ‘men only’ branch in Maadi.

Flow Wellness Center in Heliopolis is offering a pre-natal course designed for moms-to-be with all the information they need to enjoy pregnancy and to prepare for birth and beyond. Given by Jo Aubrey, a certified UK nurse and practicing doula in Cairo, the course will consist of three weekly sessions, covering topics such as: labor process, effective positions and breathing techniques, pain management options, as well as breastfeeding, and newborn and postnatal care.

Lebanese hair dresser, Nassim, takes over male hairstyling while the salon also offers a variety of treatments catering for the male audience, colouring, waxing, massages, facials, manicures and pedicures. Les Elites 31, Road 250 – Maadi Open 7 days a week from 10am to 8pm

Teatro ElMaadi – Art’s Platform Venue in Maadi Teatro ElMaadi is a cultural venue - based on the wellestablished Teatro Eskendria - that holds performances, monthly art workshops for children and adults and international festival movie screenings. Teatro ElMaadi also houses a beautiful garden, a café and a gifts shop. Check out their website or Facebook page for the latest update on the up-coming events. Teatro ElMaadi 10, Road 200, Degla, Maadi



Flow Wellness Center 13 Dr. Naguib Hashad Street, Garden Entrance, Heliopolis Phone: 0122 771 9608

Zooba now at The Square – Rehab latest food frenzy Zooba has opened its first New Cairo branch and Rehab latest food court – The Square. Located at Rehab’s City prime Gate 6, The Square offers a wide range of wellknown restaurants and cafés to suit all gastronomic tastes. Zooba Phone: 16082


The Candy Bar by Manna Yum

The Candy Bar offers you a special corner in every event from a grand wedding to a cute tea party. Our range of events covered in all Egypt are as follows: 1-Grand weddings 2-Elegant engagements 3-Mind blowing Bachelorette parties 4-Whimsical birthdays 5-Pretty Baby showers 6-Stylish high tea 7-Corporate receptions 8-Embassies national events For orders call: 012 0494555 or hotline:16255

Delicious food that makes you happy Pie lovers alert! This is the place for mouth-watering sweet or savory pies, in both meal-size and mini portions. Beef, chicken and vegetarian, with loads of tempting flavor combinations. Have a sweet tooth? Try the apple pie, chocolate caramel brownie or zesty lemon crumble! For orders: Road 9, Maadi (behind Nola), 0102 0155 599 Smart Village, 6th October & Alex Road, 010 20155 588 (Delivery only, Sat-Thurs 10am to 4.00pm)


Now open in Citystars

dstore is a multi-brand concept consisting of high end, luxurious brands. With brands such as Burberry, Salvatore Ferragamo, Just Cavalli, Calvin Klein, True Religon, Tods, Bobbies , Phillip Plein and Hackett, dstore offers superior shopping experience like no other. dstore accommodates a wide range of different brands, each producing its own unique styles and designs which caters to different tastes/customers.

Now open in the district

Now open in Cairo Festival City

Now open in Cairo Festival City & City Stars

Now open in maadi

231 Degla Maadi next to Cairo American College (CAC) Tel: 02 2516 0603



Get Romantic this Valentine’s with Four Seasons Cairo at the First Residence

Four Seasons Hotel Cairo at The First Residence marks this year’s Valentine’s in Cairo with a promise to deliver a memorable experience. Starting with a fantastic package on Valentine’s Day including a memorable stay in a superior room, a romantic dinner by the Nile and a intimate in-room breakfast the following day. Italian Chef Riccardo Parisse has prepared an Italian inspired four-course menu starting with a Tuna Tonnato, followed by Risotto with Lobster. Opt between a choice of either Lamb medallion with purple potato foam, or Salmon with mix cherry tomato sauce, and aromatic lemon thyme. Dessert does not disappoint, offering a Lychee spaghetti, raspberry rose sherbet and amoretti. The dinner is available at STRADA restaurant for EGP650 per person, inclusive of all applicable taxes. Spa-tastic Valentines Treatment For an intimate Valentine’s pampering session in the most luxurious Spa & Wellness Center in Cairo, couples can also book the ‘So Romantic’ package. This special two hour experience in a private Spa Suite overlooking the Nile includes a chocolate body scrub – a natural aphrodisiac designed to leave skin soft and smooth, followed by a one-hour Swedish couples massage. The two-hour pampering concludes with a chocolate facial treatment. Alternatively, the ‘Be My Valentine’ treatment features a body scrub comprised of 100% Argan oil, salt and lavender to imbue skin with moisture and restorative vitamin E. The treatment continues to a thorough body massage, designed to effectively ease away stress, instill calm, pampered and relaxed ready to celebrate Valentine’s Day. So Romantic (Couples) 120 minutes in the Private Spa Suite: EGP 2900 per couple Be My Valentine’s 115 minutes: EGP1350 per person For reservations please call the Spa directly at: 02-3567 1600

Make Your Beloved Feel like A Princess at Cairo Marriott Valentine’s Day … candlelit dinners … wine and roses … romantic melodies floating through our restaurants…the chance to gaze into your loved one’s eyes and dance in each other’s arms. And where better to feel like a prince and princess in love than at the Cairo Marriott, surrounded by the grounds and the majesty of the Gezira Palace? At Ristorante Tuscany, from the first moment our lady guests are warmly greeted with beautiful roses they will enjoy the unique feel of Italianstyle romance and the lively guitar tunes. Candlelit tables set for two add to the intimate atmosphere for your exclusive a la carte dinner. At JW’s Steakhouse, our hostess presents the ladies with a red rose and leads diners to the softly-lit table for the special set menu. Treat your love to a heart-shaped cake from the Bakery Shop…and if thoughts of love just make you want to get up and dance head for Harry’s Pub where the Dessert Flower Band provide the live music. But the ultimate venue for a romantic tête a tête is surely the Saraya Gallery in the Palace, where the exclusive menu is complemented by candles, flowers and accompanied by piano melodies. ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE …



The package is available for EGP 2300 per couple, inclusive of all applicable taxes.

Sizzler Steak House in Maadi

Sizzler Steak House celebrated their opening in Egypt last January 2015 – From U.S.A., steaks cut fresh in-house every day, to fresh salads, soups and baked goods – all created from scratch in real kitchens – Sizzler is where you will find great food and value, is now available in Maadi.

Barclays Premier League Trophy at Dusit Thani Supporters are getting up close and personal with the Premier League trophy each year and as part of Barclays Premier League Tour, Dusit Thani LakeView Cairo was selected to host this remarkable event at the hotel premises. Ahmed El Hady, Hotel’s General Manager and Ahmed Sharaf El Din Sales Manager were there to welcome former Arsenal player Robert Pires along with Barclays Premier League Trophy marking an exceptional event in Cairo. Dusit Thani Lakeview Cairo has become the hub for worldwide sportsmen and the venue for international events. In the picture: Ahmed El Hady, General Manager of Dusit Thani LakeView Cairo with the Trophy, and Ahmed Sharaf El Din Sales Manager with Robert Pires Former Arsenal Player.



Samih Sawiris The Sawiris Foundation for social development celebrated the ten-year anniversary of the Sawiris Cultural prize, which is considered a key player in supporting the foundation’s cultural movement in Egypt. The prize is aimed at supporting talented youth literally and financially in the writing and literary fields. The foundation honored the winners of the four branches of the award at a ceremony held at the small hall of the Cairo Opera House attended by a large selection of literature, film, culture and media icons in Egypt. Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Sawiris Cultural Award, Mohamed Ibrahim Shaker and member of the

Board of Trustees Mr. Mohamed Abu El Ghar both spoke at the event. Novelist Mona El Shimi won the Sawiris Novelist prize for her novel Behagm Habet El Enab, along with fellow novelist Yasser Abdel Hafez for his novel El Aman. While others won in the short stories category, and the young writers category. Prizes also went out in the theatrical script category, literary criticism category, and the scenario/ script writing category. All of the above work and the winners were assessed by a committee consisting of the best senior writers, film makers, critics and drama professors in Egypt.



Winners of the Sawiris Cultural Competition 10th Session

Starwood Hotels & Resorts Introduces Westin Soma Bay

Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. today announced it will expand its portfolio in Egypt with the new Westin Soma Bay Golf Resort & Spa, marking the entry of the Westin brand to the Soma Bay peninsula, Red Sea and the first operating Westin Hotel in Egypt. The agreement with Cascades Hotel Company Soma Bay, marks the conversion of the existing La Residence Des Cascade to a Westin, anticipated to take place by July 2015. Positioned on the highest point of the Soma Bay peninsula, the year-round resort destination in Egypt’s Red Sea Riviera, the hotel sits at the center of the 18-hole championship golf course designed by Gary Player, combining the best of links and desert courses. The Westin Soma Bay will offer 210 beautifully-appointed guest rooms and 39 suites, all featuring the latest in-room technology as well as the renowned Westin Heavenly® Bed, Heavenly® Shower and exclusive White Tea Aloe bath amenities. The hotel will also offer seven restaurant venues, including an all-day dining restaurant, a café, a bar and a lounge. Adjacent to the resort is one of the largest and best equipped Spa and Thalasso centres in the world - The Cascades Spa & Thalasso Soma Bay. Starwood’s portfolio in Egypt includes 11 hotels under its Sheraton and Le Méridien brands, including Sheraton Soma Bay Resort at the Red Sea. In the capital city, Starwood operates Le Méridien Heliopolis, Le Méridien Pyramids, and Le Méridien Cairo Airport. The company also manages Le Méridien Dahab in South Sinai, Sheraton Sharm El Sheikh, Sheraton Miramar Resort El Gouna and Sheraton Dreamland. The company will re-open Sheraton Cairo Hotel & Casino in 2015 following an extensive and complete renovation. Starwood will also introduce a new luxury brand into the capital with The St. Regis Cairo in 2016.

Valentine’s Charm at

Dusit Thani Lakeview Cairo

Have you planned your Valentine’s weekend yet? Don’t miss an exclusive romantic getaway by booking Dusit’s tempting overnight packages with late check out – as late as 6pm on February 15th. Or pamper yourselves with lavish massage packages with a special romantic twist. For an enchanting romantic dinner, choose from Ruen Thai, Branzino, and Izumi. If you are looking for a fun night out with your loved one stop by Blue Rose, an elegant and cozy lounge bar where our bartenders will offer special Valentine’s cocktails and mocktails. For one-ofa-kind dining experience, try an alfresco dinner by the poolside or in the terrace of your suite overlooking the beautiful scenery.



Bustling eatery Akala rang in the New Year with a festive celebration unlike any around town. The jazz-themed night brought guests to their feet with some amazing live performances. The food was the star of the evening as usual, and made New Year’s Eve all the more special.

Home Centre to Mark 2015 with Flagship Store Opening in Egypt at Cairo Festival City Home Centre, the region’s leading home retailer for furniture and furnishings, today launched its third store in Egypt at Cairo’s bustling shopping arcade Cairo Festival City. Spanning 62,400 square feet over two floors, the new store reiterates Home Centre’s commitment to the country and affirms its leading status as the preferred home shopping destination in the region. The new flagship store was inaugurated with a ceremonial ribbon-cutting by top officials of Orient International Trading Ltd, a division of Landmark Group, Egypt and Home Centre headquarters;. An entertaining saxophonist and violinist kept visitors engaged through the opening day’s festivities. The strategic opening of Home Centre in Cairo’s iconic shopping destination, Cairo Festival City, is a prominent sign of the brand’s commitment to the country. This further ensures Home Centre’s continued and long-term success here. The new store displays an expansive range of classic, contemporary and modern furniture along with an extensive choice of home accessories including gifts, kitchen and serve-ware, bathroom accessories and more. The entire range is offered keeping in mind the brand’s innate principle of offering quality products and numerous designs to suit various style preferences Home Centre takes great pride in their extensive and impressive product offering which also forms the basis of the brand’s campaign – No Two Homes Will be the Same. Home Centre was launched in Egypt more than 5 years ago, as part of the Orient International Trading Company (OITC), Egypt, a division of Landmark Group. The Group is well-known as one of the region’s largest and most successful retail and hospitality conglomerates. Home Centre has emerged as the flagship retail furniture concept for the group with three large format stores nationwide. CAIROEASTMAG.COM


New Years Eve at Akala

Egypt’s Biggest Food Festival at The Family Park New Cairo

What’s On this Month? Back to Basics Yoga Workshop An Introduction to Yoga & Vinyasa flow for beginners.

Vitality Program This intensive yet simple 3-week program aims to give you not only the first push to reach your health goals, but the skills Cairo Bites (April 17-18, 2015 at Family Park) is an event of diversified festivities. It is Egypt’s #1 food festival thatalso challenges and tools to change your lifestyle visitors taste buds through endless amount of food sampling & catering in a festive ambiance. The warmth of the spring with long-lasting results.. weather, coupled with the overwhelming aura of the nature will ensure a unique and dynamic experience to all attendees. - Colloquial Egyptian We know how Egyptians love food! They never run out of curiosity for new cuisines orBil-Masri food concepts. An Egyptian Arabic Course neighborhood can never have enough restaurants, cafes or bakeries. Cairo Bites will help you explore endless options Learn to speak Arabic and of dining in an environment of fantastic culinary delights from around the world; a brilliant diversity of world music, experience Cairo on a different featuring a stunning range of colourful costumes; and a global showcase of arts and culture. level with this 15-hour course.

Cairo Bites, originally established in 2014, has been a groundbreaking event gathering Cooking more than 100 participating Demos at the Farmers restaurants and eateries and enjoying over 15,000 visitors of foodies over two days. Alongside the food indulgence, an Market unconventional program has been set to complete the recipe! Cairo Bites is keeping everyone on the edge of their seats We will be hosting several healthwith on-going cooking shows and amazing entertainment and musical performances. The unprecedented the eventand aware chefs tobuzz demonstrate creating is catching everybody’s attention defining Cairo Bites as the one-stop destination for all cravings. teach our community how to

February Sunday

Monday 1

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)




Tuesday 2



Wednesday 3





Transcendental Meditation 16 Naturopathy



Vitality Program

Naturopathy Reflexology Bil-Masri




Saturday 6



Transcendental Meditation 12 TCM

Transcendental Meditation 13



Bil-Masri 22



Farmers Market (FM)


Back to Basics Yoga Workshop

Vitality Program






Transcendental Meditation 15 TCM


CPR & First Aid for Adults Participants learn how to respond to life-threatening emergencies. CALENDAR

Vitality Program




cook healthy, mostly using local products found at the market and in our retail store.








Transcendental Meditation

14 Vegan Kitchen Cooking Demo at the FM Healthy Cooking Workshop for Kids

Makar Cooking Demo at the FM


Bil-Masri 23




Vitality Program


TCM Reflexology


28 Cooking Demo at the FM CPR & First Aid For Adults


For a detailed schedule go to:

i 18


Valentine's Gifts


Canadian International School of Egypt (CISE) El Tagamoa El Khames, Behind New Cairo City Council 4th District- Zone # 6, Katameya, New Cairo, Egypt Tel-Fax: +202 2541 8299 E-mail: Website: Ethos International School 59 Diplomats area, Sheikh Zayed. Tel: 01028966660/1/2 GPIS Heritage International School Al-Yasmine Greenland Second Touristic Village 6th of October City, Giza, Egypt Tel : (202) 38253688/9 - (202) 38253692/3/6/7 Mobile: (201) 220800365/6/7 Fax : (202) 38253698 E-mail : Knowledge Valley School

Bedroom Ideas

Ring Road, Kerdassa Exit, Giza Land lines / Fax : (+202) 37 22 120 6 - 37 22 14 13 Mobile: +2 011 4100 4006 Email:


Schools Guide 2015

El Alsson School Malak Fateen Business Development and Marketing Manager El Alsson School Tel: 37700014\16\18 ext 151 British International School - Cairo (BISC) Physical Address: Km 38, Cairo-Alexandria Desert Road, Beverly Hills, 6th of October City, Egypt, 12451 Postal Address: The British International School, Cairo, P.O. Box 137, Gezira, Cairo, Egypt Tel: +202 38270444 – Fax: +202 38571720 Admissions: Enquiries: Website:

Maadi British International School Tel: +20 2 27058671/2/3/4 Fax: +20 2 27058679 Website: 4th District Zahraa El Maadi, Cairo, Egypt New Vision School SKILLS School Manasourriah - 2 km from Ring Road by Saqqara Pyramid - Giza Mob : 01026644419 / 01117933030 / 01117931010 Tel : 0233812766/77 Fax : 0233812788 E-mail :

40 59 66

Marriage Counselling

Maryam Maafa practices in Maadi, Tel: 01207504914

Zy Zaman

Address: 6 El Mansour Mohamed St. Zamalek (right next to Hardees) Contact person: Mr. Hisham El Shimi Tel: 011 1525 2845 or 010 14099677

Egyptian Hydrofarms

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