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Foundations of Design : REPRESENTATION, SEM1, 2017 M4 JOURNAL - FRAME vs FIELD wenyi(vivi) CHEN

(940484) Studio Tutor Name + Studio Number



Question 1: What are Durer’s rules for perspectival projection? (Maximum 100 words) Perspectiva is a Latin word which means’seeing through. Durer has 3 rules for perspectival projection. Firstly, all perpendicular or “orthogonal” lines must meet at a vanishing point which is revolves around a perpendicular line drawn from the eye to the picture plane. Second, all parallel lines need to have a common vanishing point. Finally, equal dimensions need to disappear as they move further in space so that any portion of the picture is measurable.

Question 2: Describe homogenous space? (Maximum 100 words)

A homogeneous space is a mathematical space. The ulti­mate basis of the homogeneity of geometric space is that the ‘points’ which are joined in it, are mere determi­nations of position, possessing no independent content of their own outside of this relation, this position which they occupy in relation to each other.









there are two levels here, transparency was changed to see the ground floor



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QUAD PERSPECTIVE 1 + 2 There is a description in the piece:” streets wond about themselves as a skein.” and “ as them twisted and turned, each of them lost her.” While I was reading the artical the thurduering weather and a helicform shape building just came to mind. The building is very tall and the stairs seem endless. The feeling of dedesperation is also what I want to convery. Therefore I picked this angle, which can see the turns. It can be hehelpful to present the weather sitituation and contrivute to the representation of the depth.

The artical ends with a sentence-” zobeie, this ugly city, this trap.”Therefore, quite straight forward, it just reminds me the scene from movie- a girl was sexaully assaulted by a group of man. In order to show a stronger feeling, I took this perspective which was the perspective of the girl.



This scene is about the men chasing the naked woman.This is the scen taken from Marco Polo’s imagination. He was told that Zobeide was built because a naked woman, every man are chasing her but all lost.In the dream, there is no restrination. Therefore, aiming to the same target, violence is the fastest way, that is why there is someone killing others on the right. And because it is dream, thus it is reasonable for everything in this pic like the horse. Furthermore, in order to creat a sense of dream, I used the fog.And in order to indicate the denstiny of the woman, I put an unconspicuous image of skull in the sky.

In the beginning, I want to use a group of man to attack the woman, but I think it is better to hint rather than show it directly. Therefore, I picked a wired man slowly working toward the woman to create a bit scary emotiom. Furthermore, the whole story for me it is more like to be exposed to the moon and moon gives a kind of cool feeling which I think fit here well.


WEEK 10 READING: MAPPING THE UNMAPPABLE Complete your reading before attempting these questions:

Question 1: IWhat is the difference between autographic and allographic practice? (Maximum 100 words) Autographic is to be in done by one’s own hands, one to be the author . However, allographic arts operate through interpretation and on the basis of con­vention. allographic arts do not imitate or reproduce something already existing, they produce new realities, imagined by means of notation.

Question 2: Why do architects need new representational techniques? (Maximum 100 words) Architects need new representational techniques to elaborate the consequences of architecture’s mixed status. Architectural drawings are neither an end in themselves (artifacts, like paintings), nor are they simply transparent technical instruments. The architectural drawing is transitive in nature, uniquely capable of producing something new from some­thing else. Far from being ideal constructions, architectural drawings are marked by their contact with a messy and inconsistent reality. Representation is not something added onto building, but that which makes it possible in the first place.. Drawings and plans are meant to be instructive and to aid others in their understanding of the structure. It is unlike music or artwork as the structure has yet to exist in reality.


FINAL DRAWINGS Cities & Desire 5: ZobeiDe

Hint: How Detailed does the drawing need to be? Consider the ‘readability’ of the notations within the isometric projection and how the notations tell the same story as the scenes graphically illustrated in your perspectives.

Key chase glace heavy mood Marco polo’s movement people perspective 1 0


Perspective 1



perspective 2

Perspective 2

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