Digital Design - Module 02 Semester 1, 2018 Yizhen Cai
921679 Junhan Foong + Studio 14
Week Three
Reading: Kolerevic B. 2003. Architecture in the Digital Age
Kolerevic described three fundamental type of fabrication techniques in the reading. Outline the three techniques and discuss the potential of Computer Numeric Controlled fabrication with parametric modelling. (150 words max)
The three fundamental type of fabrication techniques that Kolerevic described are additive fabrication, substractive fabrication and formative fabrication. Additive fabrication it involves incremental forming by adding material in a layer-by-layer fashion, in a process which is the converse of milling. Subtractive fabrication is the removal of a specific volume of material from solids using electro-. chemically-, or mechanicallyreductive (multi-axis milling)processess that can be axially, surface or volume constrained. Formative fabrication utilises external forces as mechanical forces, restricting forms, heat and steam to reshape or deform materials into design. Computer Numeric Controlled fabrication has the potential for the development of parametric modelling such that data are able to directly tranferred and computerised from computer to machine’s computer in order to generate the final model. That can be reducing the need for technical drawings and also manufacturing drawings.
Week Three
Surface Creation
The left image is my image for surface script in grasshopper, while in the right was the four surface iterations. I have experienced with numerical types of waffles, some of surfaces are so curved that would be difficult to mould out the waffles structure. Moreover, the intersects surfaces it formed a weird waffle.
Week Four Panels & Waffle
My two panelled surfaces are made up with 2D and 3D respectively. The height for 3D panel gradually increased from the top of the righthand side to the bottom of the left and the volume through the openning panel become larger in correspondingly. While, the 2D panel surface have the same height to emphasize the visual effects of the patterns. However, the 2D panelled surface were start from the righthand side too, then miniaturizes the volume that the light can penetrates into it. In short, the 2D panelled surface allows directional lights to pass through, while the 3D panelled surface form diffuse light.
The waffkle structure was formed from the two surfaces, which could also called skin, to support its panelled surfaces as well. Through digital fabrication, it allows me to go through with the stability of the waffle. That means I could add more vertical upholder to support my waffle structure. Moreover, I effectively avoid the intersecting and floating surfaces that I had tried that may have difficulties with it.
Week Four
Laser Cutting
After finish the final design, I has unrolled the 3D and 2D panels. The 2D unrolled surfaces with tabs are shown beside. For both my 2Dand 3D skin laser cut, I add tabs for connect the panels from each another. In addition, I create etchings that helps me to fold it easily, which is in color red. In addition, I use black color lines to shows that the lines will be laser cutted.
2D unrolled surfaces
Week Four Laser Cutting
3D unrolled surfaces
Week Four
Laser Cutting
The unrolled waffle structure surfaces are bake out from grasshopper. I move them to connect with each another to reduce the time on lasercut. Since we used the mount board 1mm as the material for printing, it must to also have an 1mm hole open for the horizontal and vertical to intersect.
waffle structure unrolled surfaces
1.2 Week Five
{Curve Attractor}
{Point Attractor}
{Point Attractor}
{Point Attractor}
Surface Boolean
{Cylinder Transformation}
{Multiple Points Attractors}
{Multiple Points Attractors}
{Sphere Transformation}
{Platonic Polygon Transformation}
{Platonic Polygon Transformation}
{Cylinder Transformation}
{Torus Transformation}
{Torus Transformation}
Firstly, subdividing a 150x150x150 mm bounding box into 9 cubes. Follow by using types of attractors, such like point attrators, curve attractor and random attractors, to manipulate the grids of the box. That could be transform the shape you choose to different size and different location within the box.
{Sphere Transformation}
{Random Attractors}
{Random Attractors}
Surface Boolean
{Platonic Polygon Transformation}
Surface Transformation
{Point Attractor}
Surface Transformation
{Platonic Polygon Transformation}
{Curve Attractor}
Week Five
The reason I choose these torus to develop and 3D Print is because I want to design a place that people could enjoy the various kinds of lights and shading. Furthermore, in order to make a contrast between the specific spaces which created from two or more torus with the torus that totally no intersect with other , I intended to make some torus to intersect, in order to shows much more smooth and rounded in my matrix. I used a consistent of 30 degrees of rectangle box to cut it, in order to create some semi-permiable area for lights to penetrate , at the same time sheltered area it presents. Furthermore, intersections that do not interact with the surface envelope create heavier darker spaces. Moreover, I use a box to cut through the model is to create a concave, which can also be interpreted as an outer-space.
Week Six Task 01 Lofts
Attractor / Control Curves {0,30,150}
Attractor / Control Points (X,Y,Z)
Grid Points
{120,150,0} {150,120,0}
{0,60,0} {150,0,21}
Paneling Grid & Attractor Point
{Index Selection}
{Index Selection}
{Index Selection}
{Index Selection}
2.4 {-21,247,26}
{Attractor Point Location}
{Attractor Point Location}
{Attractor Point Location}
{Attraction point location}
Task 01 Matrix While itereting the task 1 matrix, I tried to do some surface that looks great, such like floating sufaces that not attach on the ground, and also some intersecting surfaces. After that, I realized that it will meet some difficulties, such like the stabilities of the waffle structure will be in disadvantage, and the intersecting surface will meet the dificulties on making panels. Therefore, I choose to develop the seems more simple curve surfaces .
Week Six Task 01
Week Six Task 01
Week Six Task 01
Week Six Task 02 Grid Manipulation
Attractor / Control Points (X,Y,Z) Attractor / Control Curves Grid Points
{36,55,28} {230,222,11}
Surface Transformation Surface Boolean
{Curve Attractor}
{Point Attractor}
{Random Attractors}
{Multiple Points Attractors}
{Sphere Transformation}
{Platonic Polygon Transformation}
{Cylinder Transformation}
{Torus Transformation}
Task 02 Matrix While itereting on task, I tried of the types of attractors that may manipulate the grid directly. In doing point attractor and curve attractor, I found that it not much of change of the grid and the surface distribution is going in just one specific way. In random attrators , it seems meet what I want, yet I does not like the surface boolean that form with a corner . Therefore, I chose multiple of point attractors at last, and deal with torus to finish the final task 2.
Week Six Task 02
Week Six
Lights & shadows in contrast
Task 01
Diffuse light formed when the light permited to the hole
Week Six
Final Isometric Views
Process on Task 1 1.Using grasshopper to create 2 surfaces in rhino, at the same time different iteration are made.
2.bake out the surfaces from grasshopper to rhino, and set a attraction point ,then, manipulate the attraction point in grasshopper.
3.I bake out each time
4.I created first the 2d
with different panels with different size too. After that I deleted the panels that I do not want it
panel that i expected to see from my task1 matrix. That is because I intended to utilise the perforation to allow variations in the amount of lights entering the space.
Appendix Process
5.Following, I bake out the waffles that I inputed on the grasshopper
6. I unrolled all the surfaces.
7. And placing tab on it
8. Then I put the surfaces on the template, ad go laser cut for it.
9. The waffles structure unnrolled and laser cut repectively as the panels.
10. Folded carefully.
11. Glue and clips were used.
12. i take photos and try to show when the lights on what happening with my matrix.
Process on Task2 1.Task 2 it begins with create a 150x150x150mm box, I chose point attractors and set to mjulitiple point. By draging the points , the grid inside of the box will become different.
2. While figure out the shape that I want to boolean. First of all, I would need to make sure that some of the torus is intersect but not overlay. Besides it must to ensure there are also some torus alone.
3.After that, it is the time to bake out the box and the torus from grasshopper to rhino, and ready for boolean
4. These was the codes in grasshopper to manipulate the grid and the shape of torus in consistent to the rhino.
5.these is the place to bake out the shapes of torus.
7. I found that the top layer and the mid layer is alike, Therefore I cut the top layer of the matrix .
6. do boolean split and observes the part to 3d print.
8. Using toplayer to view , I found that almost half of the matrix is is empty. Hence, I cut it.
Process on Task2 9. The rest of the cut, I you the box with consistenly 30 degrees to cut the matrix
10. The isometric of task 2 is done after extractisocurve. However, we will need to export to makerbot and sent to 3D print .
11. place in makerbot and arrange into the the way to develop in least time
12. Get the 3D print and remove the material on it. Finally, take a photo