Yizhencai 921679 DD

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M3 - Project Name The main entrance./ threshold

The entrances The Circulation.

Yizhen Cai - 921679 Glass surface allows people to experience the view on the top of the water

Water The step-down creates a seating space to allow for viewing of performances inside the pavilion.

The step down creates a threshold helping to differentiate the landscape from the pavilion itself.

Exploded Isometric 1:25 0


Vignette 01


Pavilion approach from walkway in daytime.

Vignette 02

View of the connection of landsape and the pavilion

Vignette 03

Night view of pavilion highlighting the change of translucency direction when internally lit.

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Phot osoft hePavi l i on T her ei sat hi ngIwoul dl i ket oment i onaf t erIt aket he phot os .Occas i onal l y,If oundt hatt het hr eecol umns i ns i dear enotonl ypl ayasans t ai r cas eoras uppot er s oft hepavi l i on,butal s ocanbeus edi ncont r ol l i ngt he s t r ongwi ndst ous edi nt hes i t e.Maybenex t t i meI coul ddomor ecar ef ul l ys t udyandanal ys eont he bui l di ngt hi ngst hatmi ghtaf f ectt hewi nds .Ibel i evei t i spos s i bl et ogi vecl eanai rwi t hi nbyi nvent eda s peci f i cmi cr ocl i mat e.

Idonet hewhol emodeli nGr asshopper ,t henonl yappl i edt r i angul arf acesi nRhi no.

Yi zhenCai 921679

Pl acesof f erf orr concer t

Yi zhenCai 921679

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