Building Programming for Data Centers

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2020-2021 Fall Term Building Programming Final Submission

Efekan ÇAKIR - 160209005

Submission Requirements -Building type should be chosen. (except house or housing) -Research that is contains space types or space standarts or requirements, should be done . -Generic bubble diagram should be created. -Value matrix for the building type should be created. -Net and Gross Ares Calcula�ons for the proposed building type study, should be conducted.

Building Type: Data Center (Automated Data Processing)

Data Center Classifica�on Tier 4 data center cer�fica�on typically serve enterprise corpora�ons and provide the following: 99.995% up�me per year, 2N+1 fully redundant infrastructure (the main difference between �er 3 and �er 4 data centers), 96-hour power outage protec�on, 26.3 minutes of annual down�me. Tier 3 data center specifica�ons are u�lized by larger businesses and feature: 99.982% up�me , No more than 1.6 hours of down�me per year, N+1 fault tolerant providing at least 72-hour power outage protec�on The benefits of a Tier 2 facility include: 99.749% Up�me, Par�al redundancy in power and cooling, Experience 22 hours of down�me per year Tier 1 data center requirements are generally u�lized by small businesses and feature: 99.671%, Up�me no redundancy, 28.8 Hours of down�me per year.

For more detail, see the source web page*.

* h�ps://www.coloca��er-standards-overview

Classifica�on Standards

Site Selec�on Criteria

For more criteria, see the source web page*.

* h�ps://�ng/data_center/TRC-021_Kriterienkatalog_RechenZ_en.pdf

Building Construc�on Criteria Space A�ributes Func�onal / Opera�onal Occupancy: ADP Mainframe spaces fall under Business Occupancy B2, with Sprinkler protected construc�on. The GSA Acous�cal Class B2 for spaces with concentra�ons of noisy equipment. Raised floors: Raised floor is the preferred system for distribu�on of cri�cal services (power, voice, data, and HVAC) in ADP Mainframe space types. Raised floors for ADP Mainframe may have low-pressure, high induc�on diffusers and should be constructed of concrete filled metal pans at 24" modules with pedestal and stringer support, with intermediate support. Technological connec�vity: Conduit and outlet boxes are installed for fiber-op�c main horizontal and ver�cal backbone system and high speed communica�on lines for servers. Dual path service lines for power: Dual path service lines ensure a constant power supply, which is cri�cal to the opera�ons of ADP Mainframe. HVAC with redundant components: Computer equipment operates within specific ranges of air quality, temperature, and rela�ve humidity levels. Significant varia�ons of these levels in the ADP Mainframe environment could cause disrup�ons in equipment opera�on and decrease the life of the equipment. To ensure proper opera�on of the ADP Mainframe spaces, redundant mechanical systems with service provided 24 hours per day and humidity control are typically installed. Separate thermostat controls should be provided in each room, even in areas of 24-hour opera�on, which can be overridden by the building automa�on system. Also, copier rooms, printer rooms, and service units should have 100% direct exhaust to maintain good indoor air quality.

Space A�ributes Produc�ve Func�onal / Opera�onal Occupancy: ADP Mainframe spaces fall under Business Occupancy B2, with Acous�c control: Sound baffles are provided at all acous�cally rated par��ons Sprinkler protected construc�on. The GSA Acous�cal Class B2 for spaces with for the air supply system to control noise. concentra�ons of noisy equipment. Uninterrup�ble Power Supply (UPS): Typically, emergency power and uninRaised floors: Raised floor is the preferred system for distribu�on of cri�cal terrup�ble power are provided to meet all electrical requirements of the services (power, voice, data, and HVAC) in ADP Mainframe space types. Raised en�re ADP Mainframe facility for at least 30 minutes. floors for ADP Mainframe may have low-pressure, high induc�on diffusers and should be constructed of concrete filled metal pans at 24" modules with Secure / Safe Security protec�on: All exterior windows to computer spaces, including pedestal and stringer support, with intermediate support. teleprocessor room, mainframe room, server farms, and test rooms to be Technological connec�vity: Conduit and outlet boxes are installed for glass block or energy efficient glazing. fiber-op�c main horizontal and ver�cal backbone system and high speed comSustainable munica�on lines for servers. IT systems, including PCs, data storage, and data processing are energy intenDual path service lines for power: Dual path service lines ensure a constant sive ac�vi�es. However, many op�ons can be considered to reduce energy use while also increasing efficiencies and reducing overall costs. Many organipower supply, which is cri�cal to the opera�ons of ADP Mainframe. za�ons are developing plans to modernize data centers to realize their full HVAC with redundant components: Computer equipment operates within poten�al while also reducing their impact on the environment. Best prac�ces specific ranges of air quality, temperature, and rela�ve humidity levels. Signif- include u�lizing the latest technologies such as virtualiza�on technology and icant varia�ons of these levels in the ADP Mainframe environment could cloud compu�ng. Addi�onally, data center design footprint can be reduced by cause disrup�ons in equipment opera�on and decrease the life of the equip- using high-density cooling and power equipment. For areas of a data center ment. To ensure proper opera�on of the ADP Mainframe spaces, redundant that create a lot of heat, zone cooling devices can be deployed. mechanical systems with service provided 24 hours per day and humidity control are typically installed. Separate thermostat controls should be provid- Source: h�ps:// ed in each room, even in areas of 24-hour opera�on, which can be overridden by the building automa�on system. Also, copier rooms, printer rooms, and service units should have 100% direct exhaust to maintain good indoor air quality.

Generic Bubble Diagram

Example Plan





Command Tape room

Processor Controler


Administra�on Room Hallway

Printer Room

DASD Farm Mainframe

Server Farm


DASD Farm Servers

Placement of Spaces Area A has some ini�al appeal for placing the Data Center—it is rectangular and in close proximity to the building's loading dock. Unfortunately, there is an irregular space in the southwest corner, including a curved wall. Area A has no desirable growth path, either. The building's main lobby and a stairwell limit expansion to the south, while the walls to the north and west are at the end of the building. It is possible to grow eastward into Area B, but only by blocking the main corridor that runs north-south through the building and narrowing into the space between the stairwell to the north and the loading dock to the south. Place a server environment in Area A only if a more suitable space isn't available. Area B is the worst loca�on of the three for a Data Center. Although the shape of Area B is good and it, too, is near the loading dock, the space is smaller than areas A or C and has an external door. More troubling, Area B lacks a good growth path. The space can't expand past the building's exterior walls to the north or east, and is blocked to the south because of the loading dock. Area B can conceivably expand westward, but that has the same drawbacks as trying to expand Area A—blocking the building corridor and having to wrap around the north stairwell. Locate a server environment in Area B only if no future growth is expected and no be�er space is available. Area C is the most desirable loca�on for a Data Center. Area C is a large rectangle with no irregular shapes, and is close to the loading dock. Area C also has no external doors or windows, and there is a workable growth path to the south through exis�ng office cubicles.

For more detail, see the source book*. * Alger, Douglas, Build the Best Data Center Facility for Your Business, 2005, Cisco Press

Value Based Matrix






Make It Robust & Modular

Economy is not real limita�on

Well-planned organiza�on

Well-planned project will decrease your longterm expanse


Make It Standard

Aesthe�c may affect people nature

Aesthe�c differences should be minimized

Check it design standards of ins�tutes


Physically Quality Table

Net & Gross Area

Natural Disasters Door Seismic Ac�vity Ice Storms Hurricanes Tornadoes Flooding Landslides Fire Air Pollu�on Electromagne�c Interference Vibra�on Poli�cal Climates Flight Paths



Make It Flexible & Safety is real Simple & Accessible limita�on to build





Consider Human Poli�cal climate may Nature and check affect to your phsically quality organiza�on table

HVAC Systems



Tenant Factor


Control Room




Mainframe Room




Server Room DASD Room Tape Room

524 3280 1300

1,22 1,22 1,22

639,28 4001,6 1586

Printer Room








Administra�ve and Support




Total Total NOSF Total GSF Total GSF (meter unit)



11016,6 14321,58 18646,69716 1732m²

Space Organiza�on

Height of Building Founda�on

Comments Control Consoles, Supervisor Console, Reference Manuals Mainframe Towers, System Administrator Console, HVAC Units Unix Boxes, Control Terminals, Racks DASD Units, HVAC Units Tape Drive, Tape Storage, HVAC Units Laser, Laser Cut Sheet, Impact Printer, Burster, Work Table, Paper Storage, Control Consoles, HVAC Units Controller, Telephone Consoles, Switches System Administrator Office, Data Administrator Office, Shi� Supervisor, Test Rooms, Electrical Room, UPS Ba�ery Room, Fire Suppression, Housekeeping Circula�on 30% Efficiency %85


Energy Supply Planning

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