Konyaaltı Coast Urban Design Report

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Running head: The Urban Design of Konyaaltı Coast

Research: The Urban Design of Konyaaltı Coast and Design Phases Efekan ÇAKIR 160209005 Istanbul Okan University

Urban Environment and Design 4 Midterm Submission 2020-2021 FALL TERM


Abstract .............................................................................................................................. 4


Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 4 2.1.



Konyaaltı .................................................................................................................... 4

The Applied Project .......................................................................................................... 6 3.1.

First Look ................................................................................................................... 6


Parts of the Project .................................................................................................... 7


Seaport Square ................................................................................................... 7


Konyaaltı Coast .................................................................................................. 7


Olbia Cultural Square ..................................................................................... 12


Beach Park ........................................................................................................ 15


Museum Square ................................................................................................ 17


Participants of the Project ...................................................................................... 18


Urban Furnitures ..................................................................................................... 21

Result ................................................................................................................................ 23

References ............................................................................................................................... 24

THE URBAN DESIGN OF KONYAALTI COAST Table of Figures Figure 2-1 Konyaaltı District in Antalya City , .......................................................................... 4 Figure 2-2 Konyaaltı Coast and around .................................................................................... 5 Figure 2-3 Hurma Street in Konyaaltı ....................................................................................... 5 Figure 3-1 The built new transportation road ............................................................................ 6 Figure 3-2 The Project Area (Ozer\Urger Architects, ?) ............................................................ 6 Figure 3-3 Public Squares in the Konyaaltı Coast ..................................................................... 7 Figure 3-4 Transformation of Konyaaltı Coast (Arkiv, ?) ......................................................... 8 Figure 3-5 Transformation of a part of coast (Arkiv, ?)6 ........................................................... 9 Figure 3-6 After project application in 2020’s photo of a part of coast (Google Earth, 2020) .. 9 Figure 3-7 Konyaaltı Coast's Plan and section Drawings without correct scale (Arkiv, ?) ..... 10 Figure 3-8 Akdeniz Square's Plan Drawing Drawings without correct scale (Arkiv, ?) ......... 10 Figure 3-9 Akdeniz Square's Section Drawing Drawings without correct scale (Arkiv, ?)..... 10 Figure 3-10 Konyaaltı City Square's Plan Drawing without correct scale (Arkiv, ?) .............. 11 Figure 3-11 Konyaaltı City Square's Section Drawings without correct scale (Arkiv, ?) ....... 11 Figure 3-12 Olbia Square's Plan and Section Drawings without correct scale (Arkiv, ?) ....... 12 Figure 3-13 The Amphitheater in Olbia Square (Kanıpak) ...................................................... 13 Figure 3-14 The Amphitheater in Olbia Square (Kanıpak) ...................................................... 13 Figure 3-15 Before project application in 2015’s photo of Olbia Square (Google Earth, 2015) .................................................................................................................................................. 14 Figure 3-16 After project application in 2020’s photo of Olbia Square (Google Earth, 2020) 14 Figure 3-17 Olbia Square Project Drawing (Ozer\Urger Architects, ?) ................................... 14 Figure 3-18 Beach Park Project Drawing (Ozer\Urger Architects, ?) ..................................... 15 Figure 3-19 Transformation of Beach Park (Arkiv, ?) ............................................................. 16 Figure 3-20 Transformation of Museum Square (Arkiv, ?) ..................................................... 17 Figure 3-21 Musem Square Poject Drawing (Ozer\Urger Architects, ?) ................................. 18 Figure 3-22 A photo of Museum Square (Kanıpak) ................................................................ 18 Figure 3-23 The poster that shows mixing the participants through project parts (Arkiv, ?) .. 20 Figure 3-24 Urban Furniture Models before the application (Arkiv, ?)................................... 21 Figure 3-25 Pavilion (Kanıpak)................................................................................................ 22 Figure 3-26 Top Cover (Kanıpak) ............................................................................................ 22 Figure 3-27 Sun Terrace (Kanıpak).......................................................................................... 22 Figure 3-28 Bicycle Parkour (Kanıpak) ................................................................................... 23 Figure 4-1The searching trends graphic in Turkey specified by "Konyaaltı Sahili" (Google Trends, 2020) ........................................................................................................................... 23

THE URBAN DESIGN OF KONYAALTI COAST 1. Abstract This paper aims to indicate the urban design project applied in Konyaaltı, Antalya with regarding the working principle between "material, construction and infrastructure" concepts in urban area design from the perspective of landscape design. Keywords: landscape design, urban design, coast, Konyaaltı

2. Introduction This research started with the first phase as deciding an applied urban design project. Deciding a project in a research is a part of most important phases cause of the aim. The project determines the way to access the aim. Konyaaltı Coast Project earned an international award as International Ideal City Awards 2018 (İhlas Haber Ajansı, 2018). Cause of the situation, Konyaaltı Coast decided on the research cause of being successful project, easy to access, easy to experience, old situation is known by researcher. So, let the learn Konyaaltı Coast. 2.1. Konyaaltı Konyaaltı is a part of Antalya center as a 3rd highly populated district (T.C. Antalya Valiliği, ?). Konyaaltı is known with international and domestic tourism, coast. Konyaaltı conjuncts the Kemer District with Antalya Center. The famous Konyaaltı Coast is in there. Many visitors from abroad and around city, visit and use this coast. You can see the placement of Konyaaltı in Figure 2-1.

Figure 2-1 Konyaaltı District in Antalya City 1,2 Blue boundary area represents Antalya City, red boundary area represents Konyaaltı District. 2 The figures from Figure 2-1 to 3-1 generated with Efekan ÇAKIR’s Urban Design Tool that based on Open Street Maps and Leaflet.JS . Accessible on this link: https://cakirefekan.github.io/urbanDrawingSystem/ 1

THE URBAN DESIGN OF KONYAALTI COAST Also, there is a seaport that is the node of logistics in the seaway. Before the project, the roadway, which is near of coast, is used by heavy vehicle for material transportation that comes from seaport. As shown in Figure 2-2, this transportation road used to make an edge between Konyaaltı Coast and the city. It used to make harder to access without individual cars, so this situation prevents to find available car parking area easily.

Figure 2-2 Konyaaltı Coast and around 3 Also, Hurma Street is known as Russian Area by native people, cause of high Russian population. Hurma St. is not an old settlement in Antalya History, for this reason, the lowbudget residence and to close the coast provide to settlement there Russian people. Hurma St. can be seen in Figure 2-3.

Figure 2-3 Hurma Street in Konyaaltı 4 Yellow boundary area represents a part of Konyaaltı District, green boundary area represents Konyaaltı Coast, blue circle represents the seaport, pink line represents the old transportation road for heavy vehicle. 3


Red boundary area represents Hurma Street known as Russian Area.

THE URBAN DESIGN OF KONYAALTI COAST 3. The Applied Project 3.1. First Look In 2014, architectural project competition was made about on Konyaaltı Coast (Gürsel, 2014). The winner of the competition was be Özer \Ürger Architects. Their project was started to apply in 2017. (Arkiv, ?). The project area is 1,000,000 m2. Architects of project explain main drive of their project as: “The main drive of the project was to reduce the domination of the highway dividing the coast and settlement behind it. For this purpose, a series of thematic focal zones were created between the port and the museum to diversify the city’s existing hub system on the western coast.” (Ozer\Urger Architects, ?). Also as shown in Figure 3-1, after application of the winner project, a new transportation road was built into the seaport transportation.

Figure 3-1 The built new transportation road 5

Figure 3-2 The Project Area (Ozer\Urger Architects, ?) Yellow boundary area represents a part of Konyaaltı District, green boundary area represents Konyaaltı Coast, blue circle represents the seaport, pink line represents the old transportation road for heavy vehicle and red line represents the new transportation road for heavy vehicle. 5

THE URBAN DESIGN OF KONYAALTI COAST 3.2. Parts of the Project The winner project comes up with 5 parts: Seaport Square, Konyaaltı Coast, Olbia Cultural Square, Beach Park, Museum Square. 3.2.1. Seaport Square This part presents fish restaurants, primary health care center and police office for emergency, aquatic sports and sailing club to city participants. This area does not for common usage because this part of the project near of the seaport. Through to prevent any accident, in this part of project contains emergency units and semi-public places. 3.2.2. Konyaaltı Coast This part of the project is parallel Akdeniz Bulvarı to as known as old transportation road. Also, this part is the first phase of the main project area, the part is important recreation area for city despite the heavy traffic it has. With the project, the road which is laying from Olbia Square to Boğa Stream, is reduced to 2 lane and redrawn car parking areas. The geometry of the designed road and its surface material provide to make slower traffic cause of making focused on the pedestrian accessibility. The green corridor between the settlements which are at the North, is extended to coast that is provided to the green corridor ends with the green area. As shown in Figure 3-3, in Konyaaltı Coast has many square for people.

Figure 3-3 Public Squares in the Konyaaltı Coast Throughout the whole coast planned a program chain and a function menu that contain different scaled nodes in project to provide alive, accessible, and well-of urban life. The functions in this menu, placed on available points at a wide lane that is parallel to Akdeniz Bulvarı. Also, this design idea provided flexibility to insert and extract the parts of the menu on the necessary places according requirements and demands that may change. Accessing the coast is provided as the citizens which are handicapped, elderly, and with baby carriage through designed wheelchair ramps throughout the boulevard. You can see the transformation of the coast in Figure 3-4, and transformation of part of coast in Figure 3-5. After project application in 2020’s photo of a part of coast in Figure 3-6.


Figure 3-4 Transformation of KonyaaltÄą Coast (Arkiv, ?) 6


This figure was regenerated from the animated image that was gotten from Arkiv page of the project that can be found in references.


Figure 3-5 Transformation of a part of coast (Arkiv, ?)6


Figure 3-6 After project application in 2020’s photo of a part of coast (Google Earth, 2020)


This figure was regenerated from the animated image that was gotten from Arkiv page of the project that can be found in references.

THE URBAN DESIGN OF KONYAALTI COAST Example technical drawing without correct scale of the project from at the below Figure 3-7. And the squares’ drawings in from Figure 3-8 to Figure 3-11.

Figure 3-7 Konyaaltı Coast's Plan and section Drawings without correct scale (Arkiv, ?)

Figure 3-8 Akdeniz Square's Plan Drawing Drawings without correct scale (Arkiv, ?)

Figure 3-9 Akdeniz Square's Section Drawing Drawings without correct scale (Arkiv, ?)


Figure 3-10 Konyaaltı City Square's Plan Drawing without correct scale (Arkiv, ?)

Figure 3-11 Konyaaltı City Square's Section Drawings without correct scale (Arkiv, ?)

THE URBAN DESIGN OF KONYAALTI COAST 3.2.3. Olbia Cultural Square Olbia Square which is in the joint of the Mediterranean Coast and DumlupĹnar Boulevard, was planned as urban square that is as opened door through area that has sport, entertainment, cultural facility. Interactive water shows which are in the square, present a cooler sunbathe facility beside the entertainment. Additionally, multipurpose sport halls provide infrastructure of entertainment and sport to user of all ages. As shown in Figure 3-13 and Figure 3-14, the amphitheater which is bearing the city’s well-off cultural life to coast acts as a sculpture when it looked from the sea. The meadow area which is in front of the commercial and executive buildings, provide to alternative recreation variation with skate park, kite hill, and entertainment areas. You can see the transformation of the Olbia Square between Figure 315 and Figure 3-16.

Figure 3-12 Olbia Square's Plan and Section Drawings without correct scale (Arkiv, ?)


Figure 3-13 The Amphitheater in Olbia Square (Kanıpak)

Figure 3-14 The Amphitheater in Olbia Square (Kanıpak)


Figure 3-15 Before project application in 2015’s photo of Olbia Square (Google Earth, 2015)

Figure 3-16 After project application in 2020’s photo of Olbia Square (Google Earth, 2020)

Figure 3-17 Olbia Square Project Drawing (Ozer\Urger Architects, ?)

THE URBAN DESIGN OF KONYAALTI COAST 3.2.4. Beach Park Beach Park, as one of the important areas of the project, contains shopping, food & beverage and, entertainment units as being in old. Coast road that turned into to car parking area removed and the ratio of the green area was increased. In this area, the new buffets planned instead of the old buffets that expanded to out of their functions. The units that make stronger relationship between bosket area and coast, was added instead of the old commercial units. For the vertical connection 2 elevators has been added to “Kültür Park” and park has been connected with the public space. With wooden portable roads transportation to the beach has been made easier for disabled people and parents with strollers. By adding a fringe in front of the commercial units in the Beach Park area a more comfortable transition from Falez Square to Olbia Square has been created. Thanks to the pedestrian and bicycle road designed in the light of the old, lifted vehicle road, the meadow field has been transformed into a meeting, sport, and entertainment space. Green land rate in the area has been increased by 30% with the new planted trees and soft landscape surface. You can see transformation of Beach Park in Figure 3-19.

Figure 3-18 Beach Park Project Drawing (Ozer\Urger Architects, ?)


Figure 3-19 Transformation of Beach Park (Arkiv, ?) 8 8

This figure was regenerated from the animated image that was gotten from Arkiv page of the project that can be found in references.


3.2.5. Museum Square Museum Square is the entrance door to people from Antalya. On the other hand, although Antalya Museum is all tourist’s popular destination it suggests an introverted life. With the urban renewal project connecting the museum garden and the square is aimed. In addition, observation terrace which is above 40m of the sea level has been redesigned while making it stronger and connected with Museum Square. At this point of the project term “shared space” comes up. Wide crossroad that includes the tram’s last stop has been made more square-like by rearranging thus opposed to conventional urban square, wide crossroad has been turned into a shared space that pedestrian’s and car’s, as in two different movement pattern, can exist in the same place without blocking each other. You can see transformation of Museum Square in Figure 3-20.

Figure 3-20 Transformation of Museum Square (Arkiv, ?) 9


This figure was regenerated from the animated image that was gotten from Arkiv page of the project that can be found in references.


Figure 3-21 Musem Square Poject Drawing (Ozer\Urger Architects, ?)

Figure 3-22 A photo of Museum Square (Kanıpak) 3.3. Participants of the Project As we know, the main objective of the project was making accessible coast. As shown in Figure 3-11, the architects defined participants which will be access to coast after project application. The participants are: Inhabitants of the district (mahalleli), Citizen (kentli), Domestic tourist (yerli turist), Foreign tourist (yabancı turist). We can say “Blending was provided among the participants in the project. Project area facilities’ target shows that easily in the Figure 3-23.

THE URBAN DESIGN OF KONYAALTI COAST The usage purpose list of area which is in the center of Figure 3-23 translation from Turkish is in the below ordered by top to bottom:

City museum tour

Urban memory library tour

Open air museum tour

Bookstore shopping

Observation on the view terrace

Open air exhibition tour

Access from the sea via boat/boat mooring

Getting information from the tourist adviser

Water sports training center


Diving tours and training

Dumlupınar pedestrian axis tour

Swimming training

Playing sand games

Cliff tour

Cim hill tour

Renting bicycle

Amateur sports watch/play

Flying model plane, kite, balloon in Sky Eating Meadow

Resting in the shadow

Playing beach volleyball

Watching in the sea amphitheater

Observation in the cliff amphitheater

Sunbathing/swimming at the beach

Antalya’s Plant’s Exhibition tour

Pitching a tent on the beach

Floor Exhibition (Konyaaltı nomad tents) tour Bicycle tour Listening to open air performances in the Renting bicycle concert space

Shopping on the commercial axis

Shopping and eating

Shopping from the street bazaar

Playing in the playground

Walking from the park to the urban

Showcase shopping

View observation in the facade on the shores

Shadow Meadow tour

Playing beach volleyball

Sport in the open-air basketball field

Resting in the Kent Park

Renting bicycle

Fisher boat tour fishing/using net

Sunbathing on the beach

In the water sports and sail club

Grove tour

Sail mooring

Using model car

Taking sail training

Skateboarding in the skateboard platform

Joining sail making

Joining sand games

Eating at fish restaurants

Playing in the sport space

Health clinic, police, and constabulary point

Watching movie in the open-air cinema

for emergencies

Running head: The Urban Design of KonyaaltÄą Coast

Figure 3-23 The poster that shows mixing the participants through project parts (Arkiv, ?)

THE URBAN DESIGN OF KONYAALTI COAST 3.4. Urban Furnitures Recreation, while shore is functionalized again with multiple and mixed usages including sports and cultural activities, architectural suggestions that will make it accessible and perceptible for every user have been developed. And urban landscape elements have been designed as modules for different functions. Urban furnitures that give the chance to sit and relax, canopies, activity points, water and plant-based landscape elements have been connected to hard, semi hard, and soft landscape surfaces. Urban furniture models that produced before the application are shown in Figure 3-24.

Figure 3-24 Urban Furniture Models before the application (Arkiv, ?)

THE URBAN DESIGN OF KONYAALTI COAST Here is the applied urban furnitures from Figure 3-25 to Figure 3-28 at below.

Figure 3-25 Pavilion (Kanıpak)

Figure 3-26 Top Cover (Kanıpak)

Figure 3-27 Sun Terrace (Kanıpak)


Figure 3-28 Bicycle Parkour (Kanıpak) In the applied project topic, mainly Arkiv (Arkiv, ?) used directly as a resource.

4. Result This project could be successful according to aims and occurs. From the first day, people prefer to use regularly the Konyaaltı Coast that means the edge could be removed successfully, also traffic density reduced and the area opened to access for pedestrians, bicycles and disabled. As a native person, I can say, Konyaaltı Coast reborn cause of the successful urban design and landscape design project. Each linker way works successfully. As shown in Figure 4-11, Konyaaltı Coast was starting to be more poplar after the application of project.

Figure 4-1The searching trends graphic in Turkey specified by "Konyaaltı Sahili" (Google Trends, 2020)


References Arkiv. (?, ? ?). Antalya Konyaaltı Sahili Kentsel Tasarım Projesi. Retrieved November 21, 2020, from Architectural Archive of Turkey: http://www.arkiv.com.tr/proje/antalyakonyaalti-sahili-kentsel-tasarim-projesi/9469 Google Earth. (2015, Augustos 3). The Photo of Olbia Square. Antalya, Konyaaltı, Turkey. Google Earth. (2020, January 23). The photo of a part of Konyaaltı Coast. Antalya, Konyaaltı, Turkey. Google Earth. (2020, January 23). The Photo of Olbia Square. Antalya, Konyaaltı, Turkey. Google Trends. (2020, November 22). konyaaltı sahili - keşfedin. Retrieved from Google Trends: https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today%205y&geo=TR&q=konyaalt%C4%B1%20sahili Gürsel, D. (2014, September 8). Konyaaltı Sahili Mimari ve Kıyı Düzenlemesi Fikir Projesi Yarışması - Arkitera. Retrieved from Arkitera: https://www.arkitera.com/yarisma/konyaalti-sahili-mimari-ve-kiyi-duzenlemesi-fikirprojesi-yarismasi/ İhlas Haber Ajansı. (2018, November 15). Konyaaltı Sahil Antalya Yaşam Parkı'na Avrupa'dan Uluslararası Ödül - Antalya. Retrieved November 20, 2020, from İhlas Haber Ajansı: https://www.iha.com.tr/antalya-haberleri/konyaalti-sahil-yasamparkina-avrupadan-uluslararasi-odul-2147820/ Kanıpak, Ö. (n.d.). Yercekim Mimari Fotoğraf, Antalya. Ozer\Urger Architects. (?, ? ?). Konyaalti Urban Design and Coastal Regeneration. Retrieved 2020 2020, 2020, from Ozer Urger Architects: http://ozerurger.com/portfolioitem/konyaalti-urban-design-and-coastal-regeneration/ T.C. Antalya Valiliği. (?, ? ?). İlçelerimiz. Retrieved October 21, 2020, from T.C. Antalya Valiliği: http://www.antalya.gov.tr/ilcelerimiz

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