Water Cube - National Swimming Center Design Poster

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Compact building space and double-layer ETFE cushion envelope structure, supported by variable shading system to realize natural lighting.

N a t i o n a lS w i m m i n gC e n t e r

B e i j i n g ,P e o p l e ’ sR e p u b l i co fC h i n a

C h r i sB O S S E E f e k a nÇ A K I R

Adoption of solar radiation and thermal storage in the winter to reduce energy consumption by heating, and adoption of inter-cushion cavity heat rejection in the summer to reduce energy consumption by air conditioners.

TheBeijingNationalAquaticsCenter is based on a solution to a problem posed more than a century ago by the physicist Lord Kelvin: how to make the most efficient foam, that is. partition space into cells of equal volume with the least surIn July 2003, Australian-based arAdoption of solar photovoltaic face area. chitects PTW and engineering firm system and power-saving lighting Ove Arup won the contract to design Kelvin conjectured that his solu- system to further reduce the emisand build the 2008 Olympic National tion, which used 14-sided polyhe- sion of greenhouse gases. Swimming Centre in Beijing. drons, was the best possible. Lightweight membrane structure, Construction of the $140m landmark But in 1993, two physicists found a characterized by long service life, project,nicknamedthe“WaterCube”, more efficient solution using 12- high self-cleaning performance and began in December 2003, and was com- and 14-sided polyhedrons. recovery convenience, exerting only pleted in January 2008. The 80,000m² an insignificant impact on the envisite is situated opposite the main ronment in its full life circle. stadium in the Olympic Green Precinct, which lies at the northern Use of recycled water for toimost end of Beijing’s north-south let-flushing, greening and road axis. sprinkling, and adoption of waThe design of the project associates water, as a structural and thematic leitmotiv, with the square, important in Chinese tradition and mythology. In daytime, the Water Cube shines as a blue transparent spectacle,whileaftersunsetitisacrys tal piece of architecture with LED-lit bubbles. Conceptually the square box and the interior spaces are carved out of an undefined cluster of foam bubbles, symbolising a condition of nature that is transformed into a condition of culture. The overall appearance of the aquatic centre is a cube of water molecules.

Integration of the gentle beauty of “water” in Chinese traditional culture into the modern innovations of architectural forms, materials and technology, following the saying “'Water benefits everything without evoking conflicts or resistance.” Mutual coordination between the tranquility, harmony and grace of poems and the excitement, force, masculinity and passion of “Bird's Nest” Precisesatisfactionoftherigorous functional requirements of the Organizing Committee of Olympic Games (OCOG), providing the “fastest” swimming pools in the history.

Kelvin Solution

Weaire-Phalen Solution

To design the building, a computer modeloftheWeaire-Phelanstructure was sliced at an angle to give the exterior a mare random appearancei thenslicedagaintocreateexterior walls.

ter-saving sanitary and bathroom equipment to increase the utilization efficiency of water resource.

Embodimentofprofoundculturalconnotationsandhighlightingofmodern look at the core of the capital’s northern central axis. Manifestation of the intention of “round heaven and square earth”, and interpretationoftraditionalspirit with innovative technology. Acubeconstitutedbythepatternsof blue bubbles, being restrained and modest and merging with the National Stadium “Bird's Nest”. Creating an open and pleasant public space, and displaying the open and inclusive mentality of a new economic power to the Chinese people and peoples all over the world.

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