Sanayi St. - Sultan Selim St. - Büyükdere St. Analyse Report

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19/06/2020 Republic of Turkey Istanbul Okan University

Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture ARCD 302 Architectural Design-IV

Analyse Report prepared for Istanbul Okan University (Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture)

in order to obtain the Architectural Design - IV in Architecture


Efekan Çakır Erhan Yüce

Kot Artı/Eksi Group Report Erkan AKAN






List of Figures













National Context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Political Context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Technical Context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Work Area Context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


2.2 3

Main Principles



Eco-City-Suitability for Climate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Accessibility and Public Transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Flexibility and Mobility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10


Environmental Compatibility, Recyclability


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 11

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List of Figures


Study area illustration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Chart of GDP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Chart of Area Neighborhood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


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BS Büyükdere Street CBD Central Business District FSMB Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge GDP Gross domestic product IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development IMF International Monetary Fund ISE Istanbul Stock Exchange SM Sanayi District TEM Trans-European Motorways

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Project area, (SM)



Sanayi District area


Kağıthane in between Büyükdere Street (BS) and Trans-European Motorways (TEM). Although it’s current official name is known as Sultan Selim District, people still call it Sanayi District.


19th century in Istanbul starting Figure 1. Municipal context

from Galata Bridge expanding towards Pera-Suriçi, in 50’s while

Industrialization expended to Maslak-Ayazağa, in 60’s Central Business District (CBD) expended towards Şişli and Beşiktaş. With Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge (FSMB) in 1988 CBD located in Mecidiyeköy moved to Levent-Maslak axis. As seen within time area hosted for both industrialization and CBD. When we consider that Istanbul is a city that carries the whole country, such economic developments affecting the area shows that the area is closely connected with the national developments. That is the reason why to understand the area one needs to understand the developments of the nation and Istanbul.

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2.1 National Context 2.1.1

Political Context

On it’s first years Turkish Republic had been ruled with a domestic trade understanding. Having been done apart from the outer world, this development phase oppose to first industrial revolution and second industrial revolution and the preparations of the third industrial revolution, in 40’s more than half of the nation’s Gross domestic product (GDP)’s was made out of agriculture sector.

In this situation things

could not be continued anymore and by accepting the Bretton-Woods agreement that International Monetary Fund (IMF) and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) suggested Bretton-Woods’s transfer to the West block had started.

In this period of time while competitive nations in the transferred

block had already finished their industrial and started to give importance to finance sector, Turkey had to give importance to finance sector to compete even though it’s industrial society was not even formed. This instance requires making the industrial movements that other nations made in many years, in a short period of time and in a way more efficient way.

But unfortunately, in Turkey, which was battered

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CHAPTER 2. CONTEXT from the competition with the classification it was not included, immigration from village to cities begun and nation’s substructure could not handle this new situation.

In 70’s with the connecting with








technologies Atatürk Airport’s international opened.



In 1974 by putting

Boğaziçi Bridge and ring roads in use historical peninsula’s density

Figure 2. Chart of Gross Domestic Product of Turkey

has been moved to North sides. But with the unexpected and

unstoppable increase in the population caused by immigration these roads could not handle the density so in 1977 TEM connection road has been made. As it can be understood by it’s name TEM is an important road, not only within the country, that connects Europe and Asia. In 1972 it comes out that Turkey slipped into service sector without industrialization, in that date more than half of the GDP started to consist of service sector. In 80’s with globalization making Middle East and Europe international trade, culture and finance center was aimed.

With the finance sector international

banks, commercial companies and five-star hotels invested in the city. Suburbanization seen on world after the Second World Wars is seen in Istanbul in this period. In 1995 Zincirlikuyu-Maslak axis has been filled with finance sector structures as a result of moving Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE) to İstinye.


Technical Context

In 1930 with the General Public Health Law the verdict of moving the industrial facilities outside the city had been made and officially the period of pushing industrial areas towards

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CHAPTER 2. CONTEXT the city borders has started. In 50’s industrial facilities and CBD’s were located in Galata-Pera and Suriçi. With various plans new areas around the city has been identified as industrial areas. Resignation of Prost, who was responsible of Istanbul’s planning, carries a big role for the city. Building regulation by including an article about “in case less than 25% of land usage the length given to the building will be increased” building skyscrapers had been encouraged. In 60’s and 70’s industrial facilities jumped to Maslak Ayazağa. CBD slipped towards Şişli and Beşiktaş. Despite Essen plan as a result of the pressure from big capital owners it slided to Büyükdere-Maslak. In the period of 90’s and after even though SHP, Refah Party and Fazilet Party disagreed in their time by showing the protection of multi-cultural structure and the requirement to keep CBD’s outside the city as cause, Zincirlikuyu-Maslak axis continued to develop according to 80’s plans and lost it’s industrial element and turned into a work center area.

2.2 Work Area Context In 1950’s Büyükdere axis saves it’s rural view. After Prost planning committee made 2 big decisions. Firstly, making luxury residential sites to Levent, secondly organizing the unplanned industry in Büyükdere Axis. The district that formed with the first planning was Levent. Because these sites had high demand right after them big villa’s with large gardens has been planned in second and third Levent. This area which was intended for household with medium income in the beginning turned into a social structure with high income. Büyükdere Street separates the area to two as the structures that has skewed urbanization example and the corporate housings that are suitable to urbanism principles. Thus, base of the settlement with piecewise integrity has been made. In 1978 with master zoning plan revision this part of the city identified as work area. To these areas genera administrative structures belonging to public-private sector had been planned, singular zoning blocks that has high-rise buildings picked up the pace. By the end of the 80’s with the Tourism Planning parcel-based progress planning decision has been made. In 90 and later on large services

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CHAPTER 2. CONTEXT such as offices, housings, malls replaced factories. When historical texture is analyzed in the area’s borders alienation and dwindling can be seen. Kağıthane and its neighborhoods, one of the last settlements of İstanbul, were neighborhoods of Şişli District until 1987.The district was built by separating the Kağıthane from Şişli in 1987.In terms of administration Kağıthane district is surrounded by Ayazaga which is connected to Şişli from the North,and Şişli district from the South and South east.The district is neighbor to Beşiktaş in the North east,Beyoğlu in the South west,and Eyüp in the West and North west.While E5 highway that across the Bosphorus with the 15 Temmuz Şehitler Bridge and Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge, pass through the south of the district, TEM highway passes from the North of the district. Although it is one of the new district of İstanbul as a name, it has an ancient history as it can be understood from the works it has in its geography. Sultan

TEM Highway





Büyükdere Street neighborhood has Yeşilce and Seyrantepe in the North, Çeliktepe and Emniyet Evleri in the South, Şirintepe in the West and Harmantepe in the South

Porject Area Figure 3. Chart of Area Neighborhood

West. The most important features of the neighborhoods are that they are located on two intensive axes, one of them is

Büyükdere Street which can be called as MIA area, and the other is the big TEM highway that connecting Asia and Europe. Kağıthane district, has comprised all the stages that create the concept of industrial cities in Turkey and the world. As a result of the rapid growth of İstanbul in economic and socio-cultural scales, the removal of industrial areas from the city center was among the planning studies. Apart from maintaining its existence as a historical city, İstanbul has become a rapidly growing financial city. Therefore, global economic movements’ presence is felt in İstanbul. Maslak, known as the financial center of İstanbul, is similar to the examples in the world

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CHAPTER 2. CONTEXT in terms of B端y端kdere commercial axis, housing type and function. Sanayi neighborhood has greatly affected by the B端y端kdere axis, which includes all the transitions in the world.

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Main Principles

In the project approach, the neighborhood is considered as a basic element that takes into account the local needs and conditions and provides a relationship with the larger urban scale, rather than being a physical phenomenon.In these relation layers, ecological, social, economic and relational levels have been defined. Ecologically, in neighborhood having a compact and climate-friendly urban texture, being suitable for social life and integrated with city while containing basic requirements, accessibility and public transport relations and local forms of economis power are taken into consideration. The local economic power of the neighborhood, which currently has a very dense structure, is undoubtedly the auto industry. While auto Äąndustry is an economic power factor in the neighborhood,which undergoes serious changes with the effects of both axles,it also creates a disadvantage for the living conditions of the neighborhood individuals. Due to its dense structure, It creates an unfavorable environment for living conditions.In this unfavorable environment,while the compact structure of the society deteriorates,also with the change of the Äąndusty which is an economic power,it is inevitable to realize a big change in the neighborhood scale. The industrial areas are not adapted to the changing environment and moved outside reduces the popularity of the remaining industrial areas and leads to an imbalance between field-economic power.While this imbalance creates a low density in that region,interaction with high density areas in other parts of the neighborhood is also decreasing. Page 7

CHAPTER 3. MAIN PRINCIPLES In the current situation, a transportation access network that cannot respond to the density of vehicles and people, causes problems at the point where the neighborhood connects to the city.It has been understood that there should be a change in this respect depending on the density and the unqualification of the transportation networks. In spite of developing and growing technology, using primitive methods in an urban transformation has tired the cities and most of the transformations have been serious. By combining its potential with this change, Sanayi neighborhood actually looking for the answer of ‘What kind of city will I be in the future?’ question.

3.1 Eco-City-Suitability for Climate The concept of eco-city is a city design and application approach where the city and the environment will interact.What targeted with this approach is to provide a healthy people settlement, self-sustaining,where living organisms and natural ecosystems can maintain their functions.This approach was applied to neighborhood design by interpreting according to the city conditions, instead of creating a widespread urban texture with a diverse structuring, buildings of different heights are arranged with different sized housing. Thus, it is aimed to meet the needs arising from various housing sizes and living habits. As of compact structure, the open spaces designed within the housing have been handled both in accordance with the climate and to provide privacy conditions to benefit from wind and shading possibilities. Commercial units and social reinforcement areas are planned to meet the first level requirements for daily needs in the mass housing areas. In addition, closed and open multi-functional spaces are planned both for the development of social relations, cultural and educational functions. According to this planning,the aim is to maximize the green area ratio and also to benefit from the social power of the society.The concept of privacy is considerable at this point, in order to emphasize that open semi-open spaces that

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CHAPTER 3. MAIN PRINCIPLES support the social area have been created in the residences. By considering this idea for the people of the building islands, building islands with courtyards have been created. Besides, open spaces larger than these are designed to meet the public space needs of the city. One of the biggest advantages of this planning which can provide the necessary answer in terms of the need for open public space,is that it also places culture, education, art and sports at an important point as closed public space.In addition to all these, in parallel with the neighborhood phenomenon mentioned,it also offered alternatives for market areas, which are reflection of the economic power.

3.2 Accessibility and Public Transport Since the area is very hilly and inclined in terms of geographical shape, the most important point in design has been the principle of walkability.The main purpose of this principle,which also support the concept of eco-city,is to slow down car traffic, finish at some points and increase the green area ratio. The design which supports the ring systems in public transport, proposes rail systems in the future, by predicting that cities will be more mobile. In this regard, instead of being closed inside, the area designed to be accessible to the main streets, a public walkway combined with slowed traffic is designed with a recreative character. Besides, internal arrangements to encourage bicycle use have been made but bicycle transport needs to be organized throughout the city. For this, the city scale has been checked and it has been discussed that there may be a bicycle line that will include the Bosphorus bridges in the future.The morphological and topographic character of the neighborhood and its inadequacy to support the transportation by bicycle have required the cable car design at some points.

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3.3 Flexibility and Mobility Each day,migration from rural to urban is increasing worlwide.

According to the

estimates, the proportion of the people living in cities will exceed %75 in 2050.The increasing population in the cities affects almost every area of life, especially the cultural, social and economic areas. In partÄącular, it causes changes in the structure of the cities and causes acceleration of urban transformations.The exposure of cities that change in such a short time to permanent and heavy structures makes things difficult in this area, it causes economic losses and damages to social life.At this point,the project by predicting a future level of technology,also envisages a fully movable,temporary and changeable city structure.The most important point for the project that envisages a city consisting of modules is to produce zero energy structures.

3.4 Environmental Compatibility, Recyclability Whether most structures we designed are compatible with their surroundings or not is always a question mark for us.Unfortunately, transforming an environmentally incompatible structure or design takes a lot of time and causes economic losses. Therefore, a transformable design is inevitable for us.This is the main potential of the project. The project, which produces changeable modules, if necessary, can move residental commerce or public spaces to a completely different point and this increases environmental compatibility.

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