Jerseys are making their move in Western Canada It has been a challenging time everywhere and Western Canada is no exception, as we head towards another really tough year. This year’s drought has affected the Prairie provinces’ crops and will have an impact on feed prices this year throughout the entire industry. The lack of rain has not helped in B.C. with the wildfire situation or crops out that way either. However, in the face of these adversities this may be the year for Jerseys to really show what they are made of! It is hard to deny the advantages of these little brown beauties when it comes to feed efficiency, health traits, manure output and the ability to handle the heat like no other. This year has tested farmers and to some, Jerseys are the answer. As I travel, I see more and more Jersey herds popping up, and it wouldn’t surprise me if this trend continues. I also meet quite a few Holstein breeders that have at least one Jersey in their herd … and we all know what that means … there are soon to be more! In-person events are starting to happen again, with the Alberta Dairy Congress, held August 9-13, as this year’s main summer show. We were pleased to have Jersey Canada General Manager Krista Cressman come out and support our Jersey breeders at the show. There were a few key players missing, so the show was smaller than it would have been normally … something about a wedding? However, the show still had a great turn-out and Krista was pleased to see at least one brown cow in many of the exhibitors’ stalls. It was a great event, ending with the Grand Champion going to Lone Pine Joel Despacito, so well deserved! The next big show will be the Westerner Dairy Showcase held in Red Deer, Alberta, October 14-16, where there is always a Jersey show Friday evening.
It was great to have Krista come out West, meet and interact with the breeders at the show and be there to show Jersey Canada’s support. A little goes a long way and it was very appreciated by Western breeders! We were lucky enough to tour a couple of farms as well – Huntcliffe Dairy and Hilliard Dairy in Central Alberta – so a big thank you to those herds for allowing us to visit their facilities and hear their stories. Here’s looking to a bright future for the Jersey breed in western Canada. The challenges this year will bring will only highlight the advantages of the Jersey cow in all her glory. We will continue to work with new breeders in helping them better understand the breed, why Jersey Canada memberships and services
40 SEPTEMBER / SEPTEMBRE 2021 Canadian Jersey Breeder / Eleveur de Jersey Canadien
By / par : Morgan Sangster, Western Extension / extension ouest
are important, and how it all helps them move forward. I am excited to watch the numbers continue to grow in the West! Morgan Sangster, Western Extension Morgan was contracted in a Field Service Role through Holstein Canada in 2017, while continuing her role with Holstein Canada as the Field Service Business Partner for Western Canada. Morgan grew up on a small hobby farm in southwestern Manitoba, but has always been passionate about dairy. She has been in the dairy industry for close to 15 years, started being a milker, then onto herdsperson, to most recently before this position being the Dairy Unit Coordinator at Lakeland College.