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2022 Royal Results
Jersey Canada would like to sincerely thank the individuals who helped make the 2022 National Jersey Show a great success.
Jersey Canada tient à remercier sincèrement les personnes qui ont contribué au grand succès de l’exposition nationale Jersey 2022.
Judge / juge : Stephen Borland
Associate Judge / Juge associé : Cory Dickson
Translation / Traduction: Guillaume Dumais Ringman / Maître de piste : Doug Green
Announcer / Annonceur : Norman Carson Marshalling / Vérificateur : Larry Sheardown, Toby Kleinsasser Ring Crew / L’équipe de l’arène : Alex Swackhammer, Keegan Hill, Matt Hall, Reagan Willett, Michelle Grubb
Awards / Prix : Rachel Quesnel, Robin Crossley, Donna Lange, Diane Armstrong
Clerking / Vérifications : Natasha McKillop, Phyllis Harrington, Amanda Comfort
Showmanship Judge / Juge du concours de présentation : Richard Osborne
Showmanship Ringperson / Le maître de piste du concours de présentation : Brianne Brown
Winners Circle Photography / photographie : Ella Wright
Livestream / diffusion en direct : Farm Boy Productions, Tim Henshaw
Jersey Youth Showmanship Competition
Judge/juge: Richard Osborne | 38 Participants
Champion Class Sponsor / Commanditaire de la classe championne: Farm Boy Productions Showmanship Sponsor / Commanditaire Compétition de présentation
Peewee - Age 6-8 (3) Sponsored by Maker Farms Inc.
1. Jaxan Blanchard, Durham ON
2. Lainie Fraser, Rockwood ON
2. Brynlee Burgess, Mildmay ON
Novice - Age 9-12 (7) Sponsored by Enniskillin Jerseys
1. Mackensie Abrams, Gananoque ON
2. Emily Smygwaty, Russell ON
3. Keegan Hill, Ayton ON
4. Mckenzie Howard, Burgessville ON
5. Charlotte Jarrell, Corbyville ON
6. Keenan LaMorre, Belleville ON
7. Grace Beckett, Keswick ONNovice
Junior - Age 13-15 (11) Sponsored by Jersey Canada
1. Morgan Howard, Burgessville ON
2 . Rachel Tamlin, Woodville ON
3. Jackson Kaufman, Brodhagen ON
4. Addison Dwyre, Elgin ON
5. Carly Brooks, Hillsburge ON
6. Cailyn Charlton, Brantford ON
7. Katelyn Evans, Port Perry ON
8. Rachael Lange, Egbert ON
9. Felicity Porteous
10. Jackson Reyner, Rockwood ON
Senior - Age 16-21 (17) Sponsored by Lookout Jerseys
1. Marijke Boerefyn, Rockwood ON
2. Micaela Hill, Ayton ON
3. Denise Sayles, Paris ON
4. Mackenzie Goetz, Mildmay ON
5. Emma Finch
6. Emily Deklein, Mossley ON
7. Cassandra Knouse, Nokomis SK
8. Meagan Boerefyn, Rockwood ON
9. Janine Spichtig, Avonmore ON
10. Hailey Smygwaty, Russell ON
Showmanship Sponsor: Select Sires
National Jersey Show/L'exposition nationale jersey
November 12th, 2022/12 novembre 2022
Junior Calf / Génisse junior (23)
1. Milksource Metalica Adorable-ET (BBO) - John Vosters & James J Ostrom
2. Leachland Mini Egg K - Colin & Karen Leach
3. Milksource Anna's Angel ET - Velthuis Farms Ltd & Dan Hovden
4. Verona Malic Princess Sofia ET - Peter Leach, Clark Valley & Heavenly Genetics
5. Jelau Honeydew Canellonie - Ferme Jelau Inc & Ferme Cerpolait
6. Maker Chocochip Plum - Maker Farms Inc
7. Beslea Strathburn Gunman Envy ET - Beslea Farms/Select Farms & Export Services/Petdale
8. Bridon Colton Dance - Bridon Farms Inc
9. Lothmann Video Kira ET* - Markus & Brenda Lothmann
10. Charlyn Joel Earmuffs* - Charlyn Jerseys
Intermediate Calf / Génisse intermédiaire (27) - Sponsored by Ayr Farmers Mutual
1. Bridon Fizz Noelle* (BBO) - Bridon Farms Inc
2. Leomi Frank Sinatra* - Ferme Mibelson Inc et Leonie Michon
3. Elegance Webcam Panama - D. Fossaert/Marie-Claire Girod/Ferme Elegance
4. Willow Creek Gentry Yeezy* - Willow Creek Jerseys
5. Beslea Kingsdale Scout Tip Toe - Matt Lange & Quality Holsteins
6. Bobmur Venus Christmas - Bobmur Farms & Jordan Hawthorne
7. Paullor VIP Annabel - Paul & Lorraine Franken
8. Ho-Crawf Engineer Im Toasted - Lookout/F&D Borba/S Crawford/Bruce R Rendon
9. GMBV Nuance Dulce ET - Juniper Farms Inc
10. Drentex Blackapple Gloria - Drentex & Winright Holsteins
Senior Calf / Génisse senior (26) – Sponsored by Maker Farms Inc.
1. Glenholme J Ginrickey (BBO) - Glenholme Jerseys Inc
2. Cerpolait Video I'm So Famous - Velthuis Farms Ltd & Dan Hovden
3. Morastar Bontino Flora - Mauranne Hebert & Nadia Uhr
4. Roggua Andreas Jayna - Heavenly Genetics/John Weaver/Laurent Lambert
5. Beslea Kingsdale Venus Dauphine* - Rachel Tamlin
6. Mixin Moos Getaway Emmie - Jenna Elliott
7 . Leachland Gentry Sky - Justine Kelsey
8. Charlyn Certified VIP Velvet - Clark Valley Holsteins
9. GL&SP VIP Lexi - Camryn Cacaruso & Juniper Farms Inc
10. Glenholme VIP Trendsetter - Glenholme Jerseys Inc
Summer Yearling / Un an d’été (31) – Sponsored by Therihof Jerseys
1. Verona Chateau De Chambord ET (BBO) - Maryse, Marie-Eve & Martin Veronneau
2. Rapid Bay Tequila In The Dark* - Velthuis Farms Ltd & Dan Hovden
3. Maker Metallica Grits* - Maker Jerseys Inc & Lorne Ella
4. Gen-Ag Revire Aruba - Mason Rowe
5. Paullor Premier Mocha* - Paul & Lorraine Franken
6. Frankstyle Karobert Webacm Esmeralda ET - Ferme Frankstyle & Ferme Karobert
7. Edgelea Quality Joel Shannon - Quality Holstein & Joel Bagg
8. Glenholme Gentry Audacious - Glenholme Jerseys Inc
9. Ayrvale Joyride Frisky* - Greg & Heather Mount & Philip Sullivan
10. Howard-Haven Colton Squeaky Curds* - Madison Dyment
Junior Yearling / Un an junior (20)- Sponsored by Beslea Farms Ltd.
1. Glenholme River Ecstasy* (BBO) - Glenholme Jerseys Inc
2. Riview VIP Style - Riview Jerseys
3. Maker Nuance Peach* - Maple Ain Farms Ltd
4. Roggua Andreas Embrace - Heavenly Genetics/John Weaver & Laurent Lambert
5. Robella Zimmer Victorious Nevada ET - Sheila Sundborg & Parallel Genetics
6. Sheratons Andreas Shampagne ET - Joel Bagg
7. Pleasant Nook Cardi B* - Pleasant Nook Jerseys
8. Payneside Rufus Goldwyn - Caliber Jerseys & London Dairy
9. Spring View Jordan Gadget - Jeff Stephens/Chesley & Mckenna Stephens
10. Charlyn VIP Status - Charlyn Jerseys
Uncalved/Dry Intermediate Yearling / Un An Intermédiaire Non-Vêlée ou Tarie (10)
1. Scottiere Vanessa Jordan - Evan Stanley & White Oaks Cattle Co
2. Riview Gentry Savior (BBO) - Riview Jerseys
3. Galaxy Tequila Exuberance - Velthuis Farms Ltd & Dan Hovden
4. Franlea Jordan Violet - Ed And Bonnie Franken
5. Charlyn Riding Shotgun - Charlyn Jerseys
6. Verona Video Santana - Maryse, Marie-Eve & Martin Veronneau
7. Verona Chateau De Versailles ET - Maryse, Marie-Eve & Martin Veronneau
8. Payneside DBR Pettie - Walkerbrae Farms
9. Maker Smokeshow Georgie - Maker Farms Inc
10. Verona J Gloss - Maryse, Marie-Eve & Martin Veronneau
Junior Breeders Herd / Troupeau d’éleveur junior (11) - Sponsored by Rapid Bay International Sires
1. Glenholme Jerseys Inc. Caledon, ON
2. Maker Farms Inc Rockwood, ON
3. Roggua Stanstead, QC
4. Riview Jerseys Carp, ON
5. Paul-Lor Jerseys Clinton, ON
6. Edgelea Little Britain, ON
7. Ferme DayBreak St Felix de Kingsey, QC
8. Vérona St Apolinnaire, QC
9. Golden Jerseys Mildmay, ON
10. Beslea Farms Ltd Yarker, ON
4-H Grand Champion / Championne 4-H - Sponsored by Avonlea Genetics
Glenholme River Ecstasy - 4-H Project of Emma Finch, Bred & Owned by Glenholme Jerseys Inc
Reserve 4-H Champion / Championne 4-H de réserve - Sponsored by Avonlea Genetics
Bridon Fizz Noelle - 4-H Project of Denise Sayles, Bred & Owned by Bridon Farms Inc
4-H Honourable Mention / Mention honorable 4-H
Leomi Frank Sinatra - 4-H project of Léonie Michon, Owned by Ferme Mibelson Inc. & Léonie Michon
Junior Champion /Championne junior - Sponsored by Upper Grand Veterianary Services
Glenholme River Ecstasy, Glenholme Jerseys Inc
Reserve Junior Champion / Championne junior de réserve - Sponsored by Jersey Canada
Bridon Fizz Noelle Bridon Farms Inc
Honourable Mention / Mention honorable
Milksource Metalica Adorable-ET John Vosters & James J Ostrom
Milking Senior Yearling / Un an senior en lactation (17) - Sponsored by Hodglynn Holsteins
1. Edgelea Gentry Postal Express (BU) - Ferme Elegance/Du Verger, Gestion Andre Dion
2. Roggua Victorious Dollmia - Lookout/Trailblazer/Frank & Diane Borba
3. Earls' Girls Gangster Crayon - Rackholm & Pat Conroy
4. Borderview Andreas Connie ET - Milk Source Genetics
5. Rivendale Colton Vivie ET - Hollylane/Bloomsday & Azza Berry Jerseys
6. Homeridge G Annete - Ferme Pierre Boulet Inc
7. Glenholme Gunman Alexa TW (BBO) - Glenholme Jerseys Inc
8. Drentex Valentino Lucille - Ferme Oakriver Inc.
9. Avonlea CF Sublime - Avonlea Genetics & Cybil Fisher
10. Perennial Victorious Karisma - Walkerbrae Farms
Summer Junior 2 year old / Junior 2 ans de l’été (14) - Sponsored by St. Lawrence Valley Jersey Club
1. Lookout She's Got It (BBO) (BU) - Lookout Jerseys/F&D Borba/Aleksa Govedarica
2. Charlyn Perennial Notty Natzke - Charlyn Jerseys & Bryan Weldrick
3. Top Gene Dubelmont Kandju - S. Marceau, M. St-Cyr & Marie Claire Girod
4. Edgelea Viral Petite - Val-O-Skene & Joel Bagg
5. Kaymanor Video Bacardi - Blucrik Jerseys
6. Charlyn Joel Siri - Charlyn Jerseys
7. Lorivale Jordan Chicaletta - Lorivale Farms
8. Edgelea Viral Poster Girl - Joel Bagg
9. Morningmist Joel Marlanda - James & Cathy Mason
10. Glenholme Casino Cash - Quality Farms Ltd
Junior 2 year old / Junior 2 ans (7) - Sponsored by Weavercroft International
1. Glenholme Joel Amanda (BBO) (BU) - Ferme Day Break Senc
2. Avonlea Ajack Curly Fry - Avonlea Genetics & Patty Jones
3. Avonlea Chip's Chiquita ET - Avonlea Genetics Inc
4. Rjf Gamechanger Magical - Maker Farms Inc
5. Tanbark Video Epidemic - Jenny Butcher
6. Golden Victorious Silk - Golden Jerseys
7. Top Gene Video Nutella - Stephane Marceau & Marie St-Cyr
Senior 2 year old / Senior 2 ans (11) - Sponsored by Chimewood Jerseys
1. Intense Joel Ome ET (BBO) (BU) - C Desrosiers, J & C Sicard, P Boulet
2. Charlyn Perennial Sangria ET - Charlyn Jerseys & Bryan Weldrick
3. Alexvale Andreas Gogoluv - Pleasant Nook Jerseys And James Alexander
4. Charlyn Joel Slushie - Charlyn Jerseys
5. Enniskillen Tequila Sue 590 ET - Enniskillen Jerseys
6. Drentex Gentry Sammie ET - Michael & Monique Bols & Ferme Oakriver Inc
7. Homeridge Reviresco Buttons - Ferme Day Break Senc
8. Roggua Gentry Loumy - Ferme Roggua Enr
9. Enniskillen AJ Suzy 576 - Enniskillen Jerseys
10. Golden Andreas Forget Me Not - Golden Jerseys
Junior 3 year old / Junior 3 ans (12) - Sponsored by Steve Christman & Kim Myers
1. Charlyn Joel Exact (BBO) (BU) - Charlyn Jerseys
2. Glenholme Andreas Velour - Glenholme Jerseys Inc
3. Lookout I've Got Ya - Beslea, F & D Borba, Kingsdale
4. Clanman Joyride Switchback Ferme Pierre Boulet Inc
5. Charlyn Getaway Vacay - Charlyn Jerseys & Lee Simanton
6. Musqie Joel Grace - Cybil Fisher, Patty Jones & Avonlea Genetics
7. Avonlea Vitality Special K - Avonlea Genetics Inc
8. Edgelea H Shania - Quality Holstein & Joel Bagg
9. Frankstyle Casino Lucie Rose - Frankstyle Holstein Inc
10. Edgelea Reviresco Lollipop - Beslea Farms Ltd & Kingsdale Jersey Farm
Intermediate Champion / Champion intermédiaire - Sponsored by Bridon Farms
Intense Joel Ome ET C Desrosiers, J & C Sicard, P Boulet
Reserve Intermediate Champion / Championne intermédiaire de réserve - Sponsored by Lone Pine Jerseys
Charlyn Joel Exact Charlyn Jerseys
Honourable Mention / Mention honorable
Lookout She’s Got It - Lookout Jerseys/F&D Borba/Aleksa Govedarica
Senior 3 year old / Senior 3 ans (9) - Sponsored by Select Sires
1. Morningmist Joel Gracie (BBO) (BU) - James & Cathy Mason
2. Bridon Pnv Emma ET - Bridon Farms Inc
3. Maker Vivitar Oh My! - Maker Farms Inc
4. L'ormiere Tequila Hanny ET - C Desrosiers, J & C Sicard, P Boulet
5. RJF Victorious Shakira - Robert Jarrell
6. Whiskey Hollow Joyride Cosmo - Whiskey Hollow Syndicate And Heritage Grd
7. Golden Tequila Dancer - Golden Jerseys
8. Pleasant Nook Daiquiri Daze ET - Hollylane/Bloomsday/Vasconcellos/Lima/Junqueira
9. Roggua VIP Anaelle - Ferme Roggua Enr
4 year old / 4 ans (17) - Echobrook Farm Trophy, in memory of Jim Mortson
1. SSF Andreas Camilla (BU) - Ernest Kueffner & Terri Packard
2. Dulet Victorious Bagel ET - Glamourview-Iager & Walton & Avonlea Genetics
3. Riview Joel Sinatra (BBO) - Riview Jerseys
4. Goff Andreas Mae ET - Buster Goff & Milksource Genetics
5 . Maplebrough Joel Sue - Clarkvalley, Barclay Phonenix & Maplebrough
6. Avonlea A Chocolate Chipit - Kerry Alexander & Avonlea Genetics Inc
7. Top Gene Joel Choco - Stephane Marceau & Marie St-Cyr
8. Forever Hopeful Spunky Micah ET - Ferme Pierre Boulet Inc
9. Bridon Colton Achieve ET - Bridon Farms Inc
10. Avonlea Fizz's Krackle ET - Avonlea Genetics Inc
5 year old / 5 ans (10) - Sponsored by Musqie Valley Farms
1. Avonlea Silver Cf Vixen ET (BBO) (BU) - Cybil Fisher, Patty Jones & Avonlea Genetics
2. Lookout Joel Brooksey - Lookout/B Mckinven/Ferme Pierre Boulet
3. Lookout Premier Betsy - Campbell Jersey Et Trail Blazer Jerseys
4. Charlyn Velocity Nexus - Charlyn Jerseys
5. Top Gene Flocon Baby - Stephane Marceau & Marie St-Cyr
6. Ratliff Premier Angela ET - Frankstyle Holstein & Pierre Boulet
7. Tanbark Victorious Oatmeal - Jenny Butcher
8. Musqie Joel Vienna ET - James & Cathy Mason
9. Brenbe Verbatim Glossy - Beslea Farms Ltd & Kingsdale Jersey Farm
10. RJF Rockstar's Precious ET - Robert Jarrell
Mature Cow / Vache mature (9) - Sponsored by Jersey Ontario
1. Bridon Att Goldie (BBO) (BU) - Bridon Farms Inc
2. Marbro Premier Ezra - Ferme Frankstyle Et Ferme Karobert
3. Golden Getaway Exotica - G&S Burgess/Lookout/F&D Borba/L& B Davis
4. Avonlea Colton Keep Quiet ET - Avonlea Genetics Inc
5. Enniskillen Vincent Suzy II ET - Enniskillen Jerseys
6. Homeridge P Jasmine - Ferme Day Break Senc
7. Townside Tequila Response - R Junper Farm Inc
8. Lorivale Tequila Chicnlittle - Lorivale Farms
9. Top Gene Premier Corine - Stephane Marceau & Marie St-Cyr
Lifetime Component Class / Composantes à vie (7)
1. Bridon Val Silk (BBO) - Bridon Farms Inc
2. Golden Irwin Dazzle - Golden Jerseys
3. Golden Fakir Dynamic - Golden Jerseys
4. Enniskillen Tequila R Daisy - Enniskillen Jerseys
5. RJF Premier Champagne - Robert Jarrell
6. Top Gene Lc Barbie - Stephane Marceau & Marie St-Cyr
Breeders Herd / Troupeau d’éleveur (11) - George Raithby Memorial Trophy - Raithby Family
1. Charlyn Farms, Warwick Twp, ON
2. Bridon Farms Inc, Paris, ON
3. Avonlea Genetics Inc., Brighton, ON
4. Glenholme Jerseys Inc., Caledon, ON
5. Lookout Farm, Canton de Hatley, QC
6. EDGELEA, Little Britain, ON
7. Enniskillen Jerseys, Enniskillen, ON
8. Golden Jerseys, Mildmay, ON
9. Ferme DayBreak, St Felix de Kingsey, QC
10. Top Gene Jerseys, Roxton Pond, QC
Senior Champion / Championne senior - Elmer Buchanan Memorial – presented by RJ Dillman
SSF Andreas Camilla Ernest Kueffner & Terri Packard
Reserve Senior Champion / Championne senior de réserve - Sponsored by Unique Stock Farm
Dulet Victorious Bagel ET Glamourview-Iager/Walton & Avonlea Genetics
Honourable Mention / Mention honorable
Avonlea Silver CF Vixen ET Cybil Fisher/Patty Jones & Avonlea Genetics
GRAND CHAMPION / GRANDE CHAMPIONNE Sponsored by Semex, receives the Don Head Challenge Trophy, Redelmeier family
SSF Andreas Camilla Ernest Kueffner & Terri Packard
RESERVE CHAMPION / CHAMPIONNE DE RÉSERVE Sponsored by Upper Grand Veterinary Services, received the Australian Trophy
Dulet Victorious Bagel ET Glamourview-Iager/Walton & Avonlea Genetics
Intense Joel Ome ET - C Desrosiers, J & C Sicard, P Boulet
Junior Exhibitor Banner / Prix exposant junior
Velthuis Farms Ltd & Dan Hovden, Chrysler, ON
Junior Breeder Banner / Prix éleveur junior
Maryse, Marie-Eve & Martin Veronneau (Verona), Sainte Apollinaire , QC
Premiere Exhibitor Banner / Bannière de premiere exposant Sponsored by Jersey Canada, recieved the Robison Memorial Trophy
Bridon Farms Inc., Paris, ON
Premiere Breeder / Bannière de premiere éleveur Sponsored by RJ Farms
Charlyn Jerseys, Warwick Twp, ON
Production Award/ Prix de production Sponsored by Lactanet
Top Gene - Stephane Marceau
Superior Showmanship Award/ Présentation supérieure Sponsored by Granclare Farm Ltd.
Emma Finch
Premier Sire Banner/ Bannière de premier taureau - Sponsored by Shamrock Genetics
Charlyn Jerseys