Canarian Weekly Issue 681

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T E N E R I F E ’ S O N LY Issue 681



03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010


It’s not coming home! Russians beat England and Spain to win 2018 World Cup finals ENGLAND’S all-out bid to stage the 2018 World Cup finals ended in abject failure yesterday, with Russia winning the vote. Despite a slick presentation in Zurich, with global icon David Beckham, Prime Minister David Cameron and Prince William leading the way, it simply wasn’t enough to convince FIFA’s executive committee. The afternoon also ended in heartache for Spain and Portugal, who had bid jointly for the honour, and the Holland-Belgium alliance was rejected as well. But Qatar won the right to stage the 2022 finals. Beckham, England’s 2018 bid Vice-President, had been adamant that England would be the perfect choice to host the World Cup, but he conceded defeat gracefully. “I think the bid team have done everything possible,” he said. “We couldn’t have got a better bid. We’re disappointed, but we wish Qatar and Russia the very best. They’re two great countries and I’m sure they’ll make FIFA very proud.” He added: “It’s obviously hard not to come away with the World Cup in 2018, but a lot of congratulations have to go to the team. A lot of hard work has been done.” England had gone into the vote on a high after lastminute lobbying by their highprofile delegation, though there had been fears that British media scrutiny into FIFA officials could damage their chances. The number of those voting had been shorn from 24 to 22 after a Sunday Times investigation accused two FIFA members of offering to sell their votes, while BBC TV’s

Panorama documentary on Monday was accused of further antagonising world football’s power-brokers. Russian Prime Minister stayed away from the vote after criticising Cameron’s lobbying and the media spotlight on FIFA, and his approach may have struck a chord with the voters. Lord Coe, the former Olympic golden boy Sebastian Coe, expressed his disappointment at this failure to win the bidding in Zurich. But the mastermind behind London’s successful bid to host the 2012 Olympics was not shocked by Russia’s triumph.

The home of good shopping Come & See our *NEW LOOK* Store, in Los Cristianos - now Bigger & better! Opp. Paloma Beach Apts, CC Costamar, Los Cristianos and Las Chafiras

The decision was announced by FIFA President Sepp Blatter, leaving Beckham and Co crestfallen. Lord Coe told BBC Five Live: “It was a very good shot and there were performances that were top draw. I guess, like everybody, I’m obviously very disappointed. “I am not so surprised by anything in sport, and until we get a little more understanding about where the votes fell, the plates can fall in odd ways. As a football fan, I was looking forward to taking my kids to the World Cup.” Lord Coe explained that the Russian bid may have suc-

ceeded because of geography - and proving to FIFA that the competition should be held in a new host country. “But we wanted to bring the greatest tournament to a country that could have delivered it so well,” he added. Beckham felt that the appearance of Britain’s Prime Minister, and its future king, would go in their favour and said beforehand: “Their atten-

dance adds a hell of a weight to our bid.” The former England captain, part of a 30-strong delegation who went to Zurich, heard Blatter describe England’s bid presentation as “excellent and remarkable”. But it simply wasn’t enough, and Beckham said: “It’s obviously disappointing coming away from Zurich without the 2018 World Cup, but every-

one we spoke to said it was one of the best, if not the best, presentation. But it wasn’t meant to be.” The bid loss will rebound on the country from a financial point of view. But it won’t affect the bars over here because England fans will turn out in their droves to watch any England match, as they proved during this summer’s disastrous efforts by the international team in South Africa. The Prime Minister flew home after making the final presentation to the 22 FIFA members, but said later at Downing Street: “It is desperately sad. There hasn't been a World Cup in England in my lifetime. I was hoping that we could change that, but not this time.”


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03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010


While Europe shivers… It’s sunshine all the way for Tenerife after dismal storms FORGET the ghastly, stormy weather we experienced over the weekend and Monday - the Canaries is still the warmest resort in Spain, where it has been freezing all week. That’s because, while holidaymakers in Tenerife were able to return to the beaches in warm sunshine on Tuesday, snowfalls blighted some areas of the mainland. As a result, more than 5,000 children were kept home from schools in Castilla y León, Galicia and Cataluña, in the northern half of the peninsula. And while the snow eased somewhat in Spain as the week progressed, Tenerife soon forgot Monday’s thunderstorm and enjoyed a dazzling, snowcovered view of Mount Teide, for the first time since February. There was further bad news for the Spanish yesterday when the weathermen predicted a rain-swept Bank Holiday weekend, as early public-holiday celebrations for Constitution Day (Monday) and the Feast of the Immaculate Conception (Wednesday) looked set to be disrupted. But if that sounds bad, spare a thought for the UK, which was virtually gridlocked amid fierce snowstorms all week. Gatwick, one of the world’s busiest airports, was even forced to close on Wednesday and Thursday, as was Edinburgh. Others, including Heathrow, had severe disruptions, and many train services were cancelled after being unable to cope with the freezing conditions. Many passengers were trapped in broken-down trains

Photo: Liam O´Reilly

all night on Wednesday. One disgruntled passenger told ITN News: “I worked for seven years in Russia and went to work by public transport every day. We never had problems in Moscow and I was never held up, so if they can do it there, why can’t we do it here?” As Britain’s big freeze tightened its grip, weathermen warned that it could be the coldest winter for 100 years. Temperatures plunged to -20C in some places - the lowest in 17 years - with fears of still worse to come. Bookmakers have already

Photo: Corbis Images

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010

slashed the odds on the possibility of a white Christmas in London. They will pay out 7/2 if a single snowflake lands on Big Ben on Christmas Day, and 4/1 if it snows at the site of the Olympic Stadium, in the east end. With rail, road and air travel all paralysed, around 57% of the nation’s workforce arrived late, or not at all, costing the economy more than £1billion a day. Drivers were also warned to stay off the roads in several counties as more snow fell, especially in the south, with up to 10 inches in places. Worryingly, British weather-

men warned there was plenty more to come, at least until the weekend, and possibly into next week, with the temperatures dropping in some places to -25C. Severe weather warnings are in place for the whole of Scotland, as well as warnings for northern England, the south coast and Wales. Meanwhile, the devastating UK weather led to a woman dying after falling into a freezing lake at Pontefract racecourse, West Yorks. Children enjoying a snowball fight alongside a stream in Ewell, Surrey, found the body of a middle-aged man. And a motorcyclist died in a crash involving a lorry in Crawley, West Sussex. In Lincolnshire, Europe’s largest Christmas Market was cancelled for the first time in its history after 10 inches of snow fell overnight. So, while the sun cream is being slapped on liberally over here and throughout the Canaries, the outlook appears decidedly chilly for Spain, the UK and most of Europe - apart from Athens. Surprisingly, the Greek capital enjoyed a temperature of 24C yesterday, with more warm weather promised, but it is hardly likely to rival the conditions over here!

Photo: Liam O´Reilly

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Zapatero has Pick up a Penguin? enterprising tax reduction


THIS TIME last year I was in London – Christmas shopping, with the current travel chaos it’s a good job I didn’t decide on a repeat visit. One store I visited was Hamleys who this year is causing outrage for its plans to bring real penguins and reindeer into the shop as part of a Christmas promotion. Outraged animal lovers have been bombarding the famous Regent Street store with complaints and a Facebook campaign page has been set up to encourage would-be customers to boycott the brand. The campaign started after Hamleys - one of the most famous toy shops in the world - promoted the event, scheduled for December 6th, on its website. The penguin advert said: “You will be able to see the penguins swim, interact with their friends and be fed at tea time!” The large toy store also promoted a reindeer show, with animals named Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner and Blitzen. According to the RSPCA, it is not against the law to have the arctic animals in a heated shop. “If the animals are cared for as they should be and their needs are met, it’s not illegal,” a spokeswoman for the RSPCA said. “But clearly extra care has to be taken in making sure animals are kept in a suitable environment and aren’t

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caused unnecessary stress.” But after an initial flurry of complaints, the adverts were withdrawn from the store’s website. One furious animal rights supporter described Hamleys as “the world’s most appalling toy store”. “You too can go to a central London store... and watch the spectacle of a few petrified penguins as they get stressed and made ill. Oh and there will be reindeer too. “There is nothing magical or Christmassy about putting any animal through this there is no amount of welfare or careful handling that will make this anything other than a terrible experience for the animals.” The Zoological Society of London tweeted that London Zoo was not providing the penguins. It added: “We don’t know where Hamleys will be getting penguins from. We hope they will not be allowed to get frightened or stressed.” A spokesman for Hamleys, which describes the firm as having “the finest toys in the world”, insisted the animal display would be managed responsibly. “Hamleys would like to make clear we always strive to conduct ourselves in a responsible manner and co-ordinate with relevant authorities,” the firm said in a statement. “To be clear, in store the penguins will be in a large, highly controlled, filtered pool environment, where noone is able to touch the animals and their expert handlers are present at all times. Their welfare is absolutely paramount.”

JOSÉ Luis Rodríguez Zapatero has handed a lifeline to 40,000 businesses, but he has also delivered a huge a setback to the unemployed. The Spanish Prime Minister announced tax cuts for SMEs (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises), on Wednesday, plus an end to the 426-euro benefit for the unemployed from February, and the pri-

vatisation of Barajas and El Prat airports. Zapatero said the new tax measures were brought in to promote investment and employment, especially for SMEs. He has reduced corporate income tax by extending the tax base from its current 120,000-euro mark to 300,000 euros. The PM also announced that the 426-euro benefit payments for unemployed people with no other cover will end in February..

He also gave the go-ahead for Spain’s two main airports, Barajas in Madrid and Barcelona’s El Prat, to be privatised. Concessions will be granted to carry out the management now under AENA’s control, to the tune of 49% and not the 30% announced originally. In another move to deregulate financially productive activities, Zapatero said that 30% of the state lottery and betting business would also be privatised, and asked the

leader of the opposition for his support in putting these new measures through. For his part, Mariano Rajoy, leader of the conservative People’s Party, continued to press for further incentives to be introduced to help SMEs. He wants to include the right for SMEs and selfemployed people not to pay VAT on unpaid invoices, and to be compensated, tax-wise for invoices they have outstanding with government offices.

Tenerife budget: More than 684 million euros LOWERING staff costs and current expenditure as a whole to raise funds for scholarships, promoting tourism and to support the primary sector: that’s the objective of the Tenerife Cabildo for 2011. The Cabildo budget has decreased by 8.8% compared to the current budget of 2010. For 2011 the budget will be 684.4 million euros. The budget has to cover the council, five autonomous agencies, along with 2 Corporate Public bodies, 4 foundations and 10 Public Companies in which the Corporation owns the entire share capital and among them include TITSA. During 2011 the fiscal adjustment that began in the 2009 accounts will continue. Although revenues will behave similar to 2010 for the effect of returns to the Autonomous Community, the council has decided to tighten up certain areas of expenditure. In relation to items of expenditure, the government group has decided to increase some social costs such as scholarships that are awarded each year to students from

Tenerife, which grew by 7%. Similarly, funds are increased significantly, by 20% for the funds allocated in 2011 to promote tourism in Tenerife, with the conviction that in the short term, the tourism sector alone is able to grow and create jobs significantly on the Island. The accounts for 2011 also reflect the implementation of the Public Enterprise for Agricultural Development, Livestock and Fisheries in Tenerife, with an initial budget in its first year of life of 6.4 million. According to Victor Perez,

vice president and director of finance, budgets is strongly conditioned by income and the difficult economic situation, but that guarantee, however, in 2011 the maintenance of all public services currently provided by the Town Council Tenerife to society and help them to get jobs. Personnel expenses in 2010 were down 5% fall in 2011 by 5.7%, within the framework of an agreement with trade unions (CCOO, SEPC, IC, UGT, CGT, CSIF and CT) represent all public employees (civil servants and labor) of the Corporation.

All of the funds provided in the budget of the Corporation shall be managed by the areas, autonomous bodies, corporations and foundations that have as a whole 6,071 employees. All this in an economic context that is marked by low levels of consumer and business, however it is expected a moderate recovery driven by more favorable figures of tourist arrivals. Despite the adverse circumstances that are anticipated in 2011, budgetary and financial policies of the Cabildo of Tenerife, embodied in the existing Finance Plan 20102013, will in 2011 be continued to maintain positive gross savings of 57.5 million, 25% over 2010. Circumstance that allows saving current expenditure allocated to finance productive investment. In 2011, the policies of social and community welfare services account for 6 of every 10 euros of the budget to assume 57.3% of all funds in a political analysis, growing 15% over fiscal 2010. Although the administrative process is being carried out in recent weeks, it will be in the first half of 2011 when implementing major investment in improving roads, 26.2 million and channeling of ravines and water infrastructure improvement, 10.4 million.

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010



Nativity Scene Santa Cruz The nativity scene in the Cabildo building in the island’s capital is open to members of the public from 9.00 – 15.00 then 16.00 – 21.30 except on the 24th December and 31st when it closes at 15.00 and 25th December, 1st and 6th December where it only opens in the afternoon. Chicago, the musical Auditorio de Tenerife (Santa Cruz) Prices: 30, 40 and 50 euros From 26/12/2010 to 2/1/2011 One of the most spectacular and successful shows visits Tenerife at the end of the year. Tickets for the nine performances at Auditorio are now on sale. The cast is headed by Carlos Lozano, Marta Ribera and María Blanco, and this great dance company will arrive here after a successful run, winning some Tony awards and a Grammy prize. Murders, fraud, avarice, adultery and betrayal are all portrayed as the rhythm of jazz is pounded out. More information: 29th November 2010 San Andrés, Icod During the day Icod wineries are open for the tasting of the new season´s wine. Keeping the tradition of San Andres, the young people from the town slide down at high speeds the steep streets on boards greased with tar. There are many visitors and locals who enjoy seeing this unique experience.

Spanish pilots in threat to stage a Christmas strike Spanish airline pilots have threatened to strike during the Christmas period if their demands are not met; a meeting has been arranged between the Ministry and the union for tomorrow, Friday. Spanish pilots’ union SEPLA has for the moment ‘parked’ their threat of taking strike action over Christmas, ahead

In the mainland a new local by-law introduced in Rincón de la Victoria, a Málaga province is cracking down on activities which are seen as affecting the town’s image, replacing regulations governing the public way which had been in place for the past decade.

of a meeting which has now been set up with the Ministry for Development. It’s understood that a call from the Director General of Civil Aviation, Manuel Ameijeiras, to the SEPLA President, Javier Martínez de Velasco, was enough to put the strike threat on hold. However the union has warned that if no agreement is reached tomorrow they will move ahead with strike action and demonstrations over the Christmas break. They are demanding the

Ministry for Development immediately publish an aeronautical circular which controls rest periods, after more than a year’s delay. SEPLA represents more than 6,000 pilots in Spain and, as Europa Press reports, puts the delay down to pressure put on Civil Aviation by the airlines. They are concerned that economic interests have been put before preventing pilot fatigue and say failure to put the regulations in place could affect aviation safety.

The union said in a press release on Wednesday that pilot fatigue can play a key factor in 20% of aviation accidents. Spain’s pilots are unhappy with the EU regulations, known as ‘Subpart Q’, on flight and duty time limitations and rest requirements. They were approved in 2008 and SEPLA believes their ‘to the letter’ application in Spain would be a ‘regression’ in terms of pilots’ working conditions and of air safety.

Malaga madness into force imposing fines for those who have sex on the public way less than 200 metres from residential or commercial areas, schools

and children’s parks. Those who solicit sex will also be fined. Europa Press notes however that, while the by-law itself has been

published in the Official Bulletin, the scale of fines has not. And, until that happens, no fines can legally be imposed.

Some of the measures reported by La Opinión de Málaga include regulating activities which could cause a nuisance to those in the street below. A strict timetable must now be observed for shaking rugs or clothes into the street, for washing down the balcony or for watering pot plants which could drip into the street below. That can now only be done between 1am and 7am in the spring and summer and, for the autumn and winter, between the hours of midnight and 8 in the morning. In Málaga meanwhile, a new City Hall by-law has come

Until December 31st Sala Juan Cas y Fundación Cristino de Vera (La Laguna) The magic of Miró - Drawings and engravings Two different places in La Laguna are hosting Joan Miró’s exhibition. Sala Juan Cas is hosting a compilation of engravings from different creative ages. This technique was very important for the artist. Drawings made with wax colors and crayons in several stands from the last five years of the life of the artist will be exhibited at Fundación Cristino de Vera. Prices: CajaCanarias’s clients: free. Not clients: 2 euros Non residents: 5 eruos Retired and students: free More information

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010

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El Gordo evens up all the odds IT’S odds-on women preferring even numbers for Spain’s famous Christmas Lottery, El Gordo, which is always drawn on 22nd December. The men will usually choose

odd numbers, and each Spaniard will spend an average of 68.68 euros on the lottery this year, which is ten euros more than in 2009. One series number, 11710, has already sold out - because that is the date when Spain’s footballers won the World Cup last summer.

Government chews over sticky pavement problem THE pavements of Spain should soon be a lot cleaner, thanks to a new rule forcing chewing-gum manufacturers to make their product less sticky. The Spanish Government says that chewing gum must now be made from a new synthetic polymer, copolymer of vinyl acetate and vinyl lau-

rate - terms which will certainly make sense to the producers, if not the chewing public. New technologies and ingredients mean that chewing gum made in Spain can now compete with European competitors. And if nothing else, pavements and the soles of shoes will certainly benefit most!

New-car sales dip in Spanish sector SPAIN experienced a drop in new car registrations to 64,515 units last month, against the 82,000 logged in November 2009. These latest figures, released on Wednesday by Spain’s Automobile Producer

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Association, ANFAC, showed a year-on-year decline of 25.5%. Yet, in the same 11 months in 2010, a total of 913,073 cars were registered, which was a 5.9% increase against the same period last year.

Trust MC Reform to put a real touch of luxury in your home DO you dream of having your kitchen or bathroom refurbished, or of turning your old Canarian house into a luxury home? Or do you just have smaller individual jobs that need to be done by a professional, but you don’t know who to trust? MC Reform, based in the south of Tenerife, have been offering building services for almost ten years with only one objective: total customer satisfaction. They offer a complete renovation service in homes or businesses, together with extremely high-quality work using top-class branded materials. Refurbishing your home needs an expert in each particular field. A full or partial refurbishment could involve the kitchen, bathroom, the

exterior of the building, roof, extensions, masonry, demolitions, tiling, flooring, plumbing, aluminium work, carpentry, renovation of the electrical system, plastering, painting … the list goes on. You may want a swimming pool constructed, the property insulated from heat and sound, or heating or air-conditioning installed. MC Reform can do all this for you, and much more. Martin, who speaks English, Spanish and German, came to Tenerife in 1999 and started working alone on small jobs. Gradually, more and more

work came in, the jobs became more complex and he began to build a team. Two years ago, he opened an office in Playa de Las Américas, and he also has a nearby 400sqm warehouse, in which he can store clients’ furniture or other goods for protection during complex, renovation work. Over the last ten years, he and his company have built up a solid reputation for trustworthiness among clients, some of whom leave their properties in his care while they are away from the Island. Martin and his team check

these properties regularly and carry out any maintenance or repairs needed. Each project is treated individually and estimates are free, so if you are dreaming of getting those smaller jobs done, or having a major refurbishment, contact Martin soon and turn those dreams into reality. Find MC Reform in Playa de las Américas at CC Americas Shopping Centre, locale 33 (better known as the Patch) at the seafront end. For more details, call 922 750 912, mobile 629 323 156, or visit

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010


Going electric GOVERNMENT allocate 255 million to support electric vehicles in 2011. 80 million euros will be allocated to encourage the purchase of electric vehicles. The subsidy amounts to 20% of the total cost of purchase, with a maximum of 6,000 euros per vehicle, as declared by Miguel Sebastián, Minister of Industry, Tourism and Trade, at the close of a conference on this issue. The Minister of Industry, Tourism and Trade Miguel Sebastian, the meeting closed today “The electric vehicle: a new model of energy efficiency,” in which manufacturers, regulators and energy companies have analyzed the opportunities and challenges of implementing the electric vehicles in urban environments. The Government has made a firm commitment to electric vehicles as one of the shafts to achieve an industry leading, further integration of renewable energy and reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. This commitment was reflected in the signing of a MOU with the leading companies involved in electric vehicle, which created a series of working groups that developed the Comprehensive Strategy for Electric Vehicle with the hori-

zon 2014, introduced last April and an Action Plan for 2010-2012. Within the action plan, and in a context of containment and budgetary austerity, the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade plans to spend 80 million euros to encourage the purchase of electric vehicles. The subsidy amounts to 20% of the total cost of purchase, with a maximum of 6,000 euros per vehicle, said the minister. In addition to stimulating demand, the comprehensive strategy includes plans to support the industrialization of electric vehicles, the development of communication technologies related to it and the priority of R + D + i in which components or infrastructure involving recharge. For all of these actions are planned for the next two years, some resources of 348 million euros, of which

175 correspond to the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade via Sector Strategic Plans and Reindustrialisation and resources Plan Avanza. Adding all these actions, the State Budget in 2011 made available to the electric vehicle 255 million euros. Sebastian also noted that the Action Plan will include actions to move forward in setting standards, rules and regulations to create an environment for electric vehicles in line with what is being done at European level. AENOR in Spain has formed working groups to create standardization and accreditation standards of the electric vehicle that is expected to finish their work in March 2011. On the other hand, the minister said legislation to fix the “access fee supervalle” and the regulation of the figure

of manager power load is already being examined by the State Council. The electric vehicle was one of the priorities of the Spanish EU presidency, which resulted in the signing last month of March, a statement of support for electric vehicles in France, Germany, Portugal and Spain which sought to close a European standard for charging mid2011 and other support measures by the EU executive. In the same vein, on 26 November, Belgium, Bulgaria, Ireland, Lithuania and Slovenia joined the statement congratulating Spain for its efforts to boost electric vehicle in Europe during the current presidency and the Commission European Communication on the European Strategy for clean and energy efficient vehicles for the month of May.

PIT 2010: Activities for kids EVERY YEAR over the Christmas holiday period, the Children's and Youth Park (PIT) invites young people to enjoy the wonderful range of leisure and learning activities it has to offer. This year doors open from the 23rd of December to the 9th of January. A whole host of fun and educational games

and activities have been organised with the island's young boys and girls in mind; activities which are not only for the young, but also fun for the whole family, and anyone who is young at heart. The aim of fair is to promote learning and enjoyment of leisure time and the same time serve as a meeting point

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010

for children and their families. It is a place where adults, teenagers and children can all enjoy activities together, where different generations can meet and be united by their common desire to have fun and learn. The PIT is getting bigger and better each year. The park now attracts 40,000 more visitors than it

did in its first year, which took place in the old fair ground in 1989, and over 59,180 people attended the event last year. From the 25th of December to the 1st of January the park is open from 15:00 to 20:00, whilst on the 24th and 31st of December and the 5th of January it is open from 10:00 to 15:00.

No pain, no gain is secret of cavitation

ULTRASONIC CAVITATION – it sounds like some kind of supersonic dental treatment, but it’s actually a genuine alternative to liposuction. Yes, getting rid of fat, to put it bluntly. It is a painless, non-surgical way to rid yourself of that unsightly flab that never seems to disappear, regardless of what diet fad you are trying, and no matter how many times you confine yourself to the odd lettuce leaf! Cavitation is body-sculpting with no scars, no anaesthesia and no discomfort, and it succeeds admirably in getting rid of fat cells in a flash. The low-frequency, ultrasound system is designed to “attack” cellulite and fat from all those problem areas that never seem to respond to diets and exercise. The treatment yields instant success and long-lasting results, with most clients experiencing a 2-10cm circumference reduction after a single session, with increasing results after each visit. Of course, these results may vary with different tis-

sue structure, treatment area, age, metabolism and changes in hormones. But proper diet and increased physical activity will undoubtedly improve and help to maintain the results. So if you want to shed a few pounds for Christmas and get into that special dress, call in to Jazzy Dry Spa, in Callao Salvaje and let Anne help you whittle away those unwanted inches! The ultrasonic cavitation machine converts fat into liquid, which is then passed naturally through the body. It is the latest addition to Jazzy Dry Spa’s health and beauty range. The company are based within the Pearly Grey complex, and the ultrasonic cavitation treatment is an absolute must if you have struggled for years to lose weight and want to achieve that healthy, glowing feeling. You are advised to drink lots of water, two litres either side of the treatment if possible, to help flush your system out. And you should also include lots of fruit and veg in a lowcalorie diet. For further details, call Jazzy on 922 743 900 (ex 3677) or contact

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News THE FIGHT from the Spanish Government to introduce tougher anti-smoking legislation for the New Year continues, with the Partido Popular attempting to block parts of the legislation in the Senate, with the help of the Catalan party CiU abstaining. The PP approved an amendment which would allow for the creation of smokers zones of up to 30% in bars, and want the

Anti-smoking amendments requirements for the establishing of a smokers club to be weakened. An amendment to delay the whole package until July next year was also approved. The PP has accepted the restriction that workers would not have to enter the smokers’ areas, meaning

that customers would have to serve themselves and then enter the ‘rooms or cubicles’ to smoke. The tougher legislation with a total ban of smoking in closed public spaces, including bars, has already been passed in Congress and will now return there given the amendments passed in the Senate.

It’s a blow to the Minister for Health, Leire Pajín, who went to the Senate on Wednesday to argue the Government’s case, using a letter from the World Health Organisation which has already congratulated the Spanish Government for the proposed tougher law. The letter says the arguments of the services sector, hotels,

restaurants and bars, about negative economic consequences are false. The hostelry workers in Spain have estimated a total ban on smoking will result in the loss of 150,000 jobs. The Minister is insisting however that the Government will not accept the amendments from the Senate and that the legisla-

tion will proceed as is, to bring in the new rules from January 2. She has described the idea of smoking cubicles as ‘an excuse not to comply with the law’ and argues that they would keep the ‘omnipresence’ of smoke. She said that health organisations have calculated that 56,000 die in Spain each year, 3,000 of them from passive smoking. Meanwhile a private club has opened in Paracuellas del Jarama in Madrid which allows the smoking of marihuana. Among its 80 members are the chronically ill, some with cancer, who can smoke to reduce their pain. The club is legal because it is a private association. Membership costs 130 euros.

Lorry haul by art gang includes Picasso works A 5m-EURO collection of art works, including some by Picasso, has been stolen from a lorry in a Madrid warehouse. The theft took place at an industrial estate in Getafe and, according to information released in El Mundo, the police have confirmed that the lorry was stolen by three hooded men.

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They were captured on the security cameras breaking down the door of the warehouse and then taking the vehicle, which had the keys in the ignition. A police spokesperson confirmed that the lorry, found empty on Tuesday, was analysed by forensic experts and that no arrests had yet been made. The only person to have made a police statement yet is the lorry driver, a Romanian

man, but no details have been released. Around 22 of the works of art were on their way back from the Stephan Ropkë gallery in the German city of Cologne to the various Spanish galleries which had loaned them out: Nieves Fernández, Fernando Pradilla, Juan Gris and Arnés & Ropkë in Madrid, and Barcelona’s Senda and Oriol. While these pieces were all insured, the lorry was also

carrying other works of art which were not covered by insurance Police believe the works were stolen to order, with the help of an insider, because the keys were left in the ignition and the thieves evidently knew it had just returned from Cologne with the art. The police also feel the raid was put together with the help of an insider at one of the companies arranging the transfer and delivery.

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010


Just lose those inches in time for Christmas THE FESTIVE period is literally just around the corner, and we all have promised our selves that we will loose a few pounds so we can fit comfortably into our party clothes – but realise that we’ve perhaps left it a little late. Well with three weeks to go you need to get yourselves to the Vibration Centre. The Vibration Centre originally opened in Adeje at the end of May 2010 it proved so popular that Vibration Centre number two has opened in Los Cristianos, at the end of July 2010, opposite Paradise Park Hotel and the Spar in the Los Seres complex. The two Vibration Centres in the south have proved so popular that people have been travelling from Santa Cruz to use them, so the next new opening of the Vibration Centre will be in the centre of Santa Cruz. It’s fast, fun and quick spending just ten minutes on the Vibro plate is the equivalent to one hour in the gym and it’s suggested that you do this consecutively for four

sessions each week to see rapid results. Vibration training has many benefits, the session means that you can burn fat, lose weight, build muscle tone and promotes circulation amongst a whole host of other benefits. The ethos behind the vibrating machine has been around since the 1970’s and was actually invented by a Russian Scientist. The machine works by sending out a fast sequence of vibrations which trigger and stimulate your muscle walls. The proprietors have thoroughly researched and tested their machines to ensure they are top quality. The way we exercise is now changing; using the Vibration Centre is the ultimate quick fix, it’s possible to loose a dress size in just 3 weeks – perfect timing! Then once you have lost those inches you can have different programmes to tone different areas of the body, in addition the Vibration Centre use the specialist services of personal trainer, Diego Intelisano, who works with CDT football team and he appears on El Dia TV. The personal training sessions are 25 euros for 30 minutes and include the use of the machine. One the ladies who visits the Adeje Vibration centre we’ll

refer to her as (SH) has in total lost 7.5% of fat overall and 9.5kgs in weight in two months. Another, (SG) since the 26th July has lost 10.4kg, visiting Los Cristianos four times a week and following a healthy diet. Each of them in a matter of weeks has lost over 40 cms from their body measurements. The proprietor of the Vibration Centre was keen to point out to the Canarian Weekly that, “You need to go very careful on the machines and be supervised; our staff are fully trained. The machines are not toys, it’s your health. The machines that the Vibration Centre use are scientifically proven, meaning that five doctors have seen what the machines do with a mix of 100 people during a 90 day period.” Well? What are you waiting for, one session is only 4 euros. Go and visit the Vibration Centre in Adeje or Los Cristianos you will visually see the difference and above all it will make you feel more confident to tackle the festive season. Throughout December Vibration Centre Express will be in Gran Sur Shopping Centre if you would like more information please call 629 197 942.

Christmas campaign THE CABILDO de Tenerife began on the 1st December, the advertising campaign designed to promote commercial activity in urban areas of the island during Christmas. The Island Councillor for Economic Development, Trade and Employment, Efraín Medina, recalled that “this year remains the same theme as last year: “…thanks for being there“ The promotional ad campaign will be disseminated in print, radio and television and outdoor billboards. There will be a total of 485 advertisements on three television networks at regional level and

668 local TV stations, plus 3,542 radio spots, advertisements in newspapers and digital media, billboards and bus shelters in different municipalities of the island, as well as labelling of the tram. The campaign is part of a set of actions of the Cabildo of Tenerife for the creation of open trade zones in many

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towns of the island as the pedestrian street or the implementation of revitalization activities. It aims to show the existence of a wide variety of establishments throughout the island, the extent and quality of products offered and contribute to maintaining employment in the sector.

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Ryanair all set to flood the Canaries with 4.4m tourists LEADING budget airline Ryanair is ploughing 400 million euros into a huge Canary Islands promotion for next summer and beyond. It includes three new bases, a target of 4.4m passengers annually and the prospect of sustaining over 4,500 local jobs, covering 350 pilots, cabin crew and engineers. The Irish company will base two aircraft each in Gran

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Canaria, Lanzarote and Tenerife from next February. It will also increase routes and frequencies to regular base Fuerteventura routes. In all, Ryanair will operate 112 routes to and from the Canary Islands, with 35 new routes. Ryanair carried just 300,000 passengers to the Canary Islands in 2009. However, the company has responded to incentives by the Islands’ Government and the Spanish Parliament. They have pushed for more

flights by reducing airport charges for 2010 and 2011, and recently announcing a 20132015 Regional Marketing Fund to support continued air traffic growth, The company will now expand its flights to and from the Islands to carry 4.5m passengers annually, which will restore all the traffic lost by the Canary Islands from 2007-2009. Ryanair’s Michael Cawley said: “Ryanair is pleased to deliver more low fares and high-spending visitors to Fuerteventura

and our new bases in Gran Canaria, Lanzarote and Tenerife. “Ryanair’s growth is directly attributable to the visionary initiatives of the Canary Islands Government who, in recent years, have identified low-fare access as being critical, and have worked with Ryanair to reduce airport costs in order to return tourism to its previous 2007 record levels. “The announcement of a 2013-2015 Regional Marketing Fund, in parallel with AENA’s 2011 cost incentives, has allowed the Canary Islands to deliver much lower airport costs and secure this largest-ever investment by Ryanair, Europe’s largest airline, in Spanish Tourism.” Canary Islands’ Prime Minister Paulino Rivero said: “In early 2010 we began to open agreements with airlines, leaning on the reduction of overhead rates that we achieved in Madrid for this year. Ryanair was one of the companies that stepped up and opted for the Canaries.” Rivero put the overall figures on the reduction of air fares and the introduction of an

incentive fund at 10 million euros between 2013-15, saying: “These measures will result in an investment of 1,500 million euros in the Canary Islands, a

47-million-euro fund via IGIC (Canary Islands General Indirect Tax) and the creation of between 25,000 and 30,000 jobs.”

Briton dies at sea WEBSITE Wanderlust reports that a British sailor has died after his yacht sank in severe storms off the Canary Islands. The 64-year-old man and a 43-year-old fellow traveller made a mayday call, but help arrived too late. Jonathan Farrar, 64, from Harleston in Norfolk, perished before rescuers could haul him aboard a Norwegian tanker after answering the mayday call of his stricken yacht, 75 nautical miles off the north African coast. His companion, Timothy Hall, 43, survived but was under medical supervision aboard the Tordis Knutsen and would be transferred to a hospital in

the Canary Islands when the ship docked on Tuesday evening. The pair had set sail from Lisbon bound for the island of Lanzarote last Thursday. It is understood they were to stop in the Canary Islands on route to the Caribbean. Tanker, the Tordis Knutsen, responded to the call and dragged the 43-year-old aboard, but the older man, who had reportedly been in the water for two hours, was not rescued in time. A spokesman said, “We tried to get him out on board but he was so weak he was not able to hold himself at the pilot ladder.” They also said that the weather was so bad the tanker could not deploy its life-boat to aid the two sailors.

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010

World News

Memorial for NZ miners killed in blast More than 10,000 mourners have gathered to celebrate the lives of 29 miners killed in an explosion in New Zealand. The open-air service took place at Greymouth’s Omoto Racecourse on South Island. The memorial commemorated the men who were killed in the blast at Pike River mine on November 19. A line of 29 tables, each bearing a coal miner’s helmet and lamp, were marked with the names of the victims. Their families placed photographs, tributes and personal items - including a rugby ball, surfboards, and a guitar - on the memorials. During the service, a twominute silence was held in honour of the men and flags flew at half-mast on government buildings nationwide. Some of the victims came from Australia, Britain and South Africa, and diplomats from those nations also attended the memorial. New Zealand prime minister John Key said: “Even if many of us know them only as

names, and faces and stories, their deaths touched our lives, and we will remember them. May they rest in peace.” The explosion in the Pike River mine blocked its exits and the men were imprisoned below ground. A second blast five days later dashed any hopes the workers had of survival, but emergency services have not yet been able to recover their bodies. Further blasts have shot flames high into the air which has led experts to believe a coal fire is still burning beneath the earth. Recovery teams have been trying to blow gases and water vapour into the burning mine to put out the blaze. Police Superintendent Gary Knowles told reporters that, once the gases had been removed, teams would be able to start looking for the miners’ bodies. But experts have pointed out that the recovery may take a very long time.

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Ex-PM claims £1 twice in expenses MPs claimed £3.1m in expenses between May and August, according to the latest details from the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority. The documents reveal 576 members of Parliament submitted 20,000 claims. Prime Minister David

Cameron received £2,408.75 and almost all of this was for an annual subscription to the Parliamentary Resources Unit, which mainly carries out research for Conservative MPs. He submitted six other claims, all for stationery. Chancellor George Osborne was paid £582.62 which included headed paper, train tickets and £25 on local newspapers. Ex Prime Minister Gordon

Brown claimed for travel to his Kirkaldy and Cowdenbeath constituency including two requests to be reimbursed for £1. Labour leader Ed Miliband claimed £2,066, comprised of three payouts of £550 for rent and several invoices for office maintenance and equipment. The database has been made available to the public on the parliamentary standards website.

However, some users took to Twitter to complain the site was not working properly. The claims are the first to be approved under the tigher rules brought in after last year’s expenses scandal. As the system is new, Ipsa has not published details of the claims it rejected. However, from February, MPs who submit expenses which are deemed to break the rules will be identified.

Lee Harvey Oswald’s coffin up for auction THE COFFIN of Lee Harvey Oswald - the man arrested over the killing of US president John F Kennedy in 1963 - is to be sold at auction. California-based auctioneer Nate D Sanders says bidding for the plain pine coffin will start at around £600 at the sale on December 16. The casket, in which the

suspected assassin was buried for almost 20 years, is expected to attract attention from museums and collectors of presidential memorabilia. “There’s just a lot of interest in Kennedy and anything to do with his assassination,” said auction manager Laura Yntema. The coffin was unearthed in October 1981 after a legal dispute between Oswald’s widow, Marina, and his brother, Robert. Marina successful-

ly sought an exhumation to test a conspiracy theory that a lookalike Russian agent had been buried in her husband’s place. A medical exam showed the badly decomposed body was indeed Oswald’s, and he was returned to Shannon Rose Hill Memorial Park in Fort Worth, Texas, in a new casket. The original coffin, which is in very bad condition, is being sold by the undertaker, which handled the re-internment.

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World News

Qantas launches a legal bid over engines by Rolls QANTAS has begun legal action against Rolls-Royce over loss of business due to problems with its A380 passenger jet engines. Australia’s air safety authority earlier said engines on some of the superjumbos have a potential manufacturing defect that could cause them to fail. Officials said there were “critical safety issues” with the Trent 900 and have ordered further checks be carried out. In November, an engine on a Qantas jet exploded as it flew out of Singapore, prompting the airline to ground all six of its A380s for more than three weeks. Investigators found an oil leak caused the fire and recommended, if the fault was found in other RollsRoyce engines, they should be removed from service. Qantas said it was con-

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ducting further inspections, but assured passengers there was no immediate risk to flight safety. The airline has also filed a statement of claim in an Australian court that would allow it to pursue legal action against Rolls-Royce, if it is not satisfied with a compensation offer. “(This) allows Qantas to keep all options available to the company to recover losses, as a result of the grounding of the A380 fleet and the operational constraints currently imposed on A380 services,” the airline’s CEO Alan Joyce said in a statement. Qantas did not detail how much it was seeking, while Rolls-Royce had no comment on the matter. Two other airlines that use the Trent 900 engines Singapore Airlines and Germany’s Lufthansa - have already modified some parts in compliance with a November 11 directive from the European aviation safety agency.

Russia accused of using Mafia for ‘dirty work’ Russia’s government has been accused of turning the country into a “mafia state” and using organised criminals to carry out its dirty work in cables written by US diplomats and published by WikiLeaks. The latest secret documents in a series of 250,000 being published by the whistleblowing website reveal top US officials have voiced deep disquiet about the attitude of Russian premier Vladimir Putin and his colleagues to the rule of law. A Spanish prosecutor who spent ten years examining corruption in Russia concluded: “The government of Russia’s strategy is to use organised crime groups to do whatever (it) cannot acceptably do as a government.” The comments, by senior prosecutor Jose Gonzalez, were deemed worth passing on to Washington by US diplomats. “(Mr Gonzalez) considers Belarus, Chechnya and Russia to be virtual ‘mafia states’ and said the Ukraine is going to be one,” their communique read. “For each of these countries, he alleged, one cannot differentiate between the activities of the government and organised crime groups.” Senior American officials also believed Mr Putin could

have known about the plan to murder dissident former spy Alexander Litvinenko in London. Washington’s senior diplomat in Europe, assistant secretary of state Daniel Fried, challenged suggestions that the killing was the work of “rogue elements” in the Russian security forces. He said it would have been difficult for the operation, which involved poisoning Mr Litvinenko with radioactive material, to go ahead without Mr Putin’s knowledge. It is known that organised criminals benefited from the vacuum left by the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1990 and that many who have tried to stand up to them have been ruthlessly and publicly eliminated. Journalist Anna

Politkovskaya, who repeatedly accused Mr Putin of collaborating with criminals to eliminate opponents of the Kremlin, was shot on his birthday in 2006. Two years beforehand another investigative journalist, Paul Klebnikov, the editor of Forbes Russia, an American of Russian descent, was shot dead outside his office. Their killers have never been caught. Meanwhile, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who has disappeared from public view since the publication of the documents, has been placed on Interpol’s wanted list over rape allegations made against him in Sweden. Mr Assange, who is said to be currently staying at an “undisclosed location” in the

UK, is wanted by Swedish prosecutors on suspicion of rape, sexual molestation and unlawful coercion, allegations which he denies. His London-based lawyer, Mark Stephens, alleged Swedish authorities were “persecuting” Mr Assange. “Scotland Yard and the Swedish prosecutor have known where he is and how to get hold of him since he got into the UK,” he said. It was announced last night that has stopped hosting the WikiLeaks website, which has moved back to a Swedish provider. The website had joined’s self-service web servers after internetbased attacks started on Sunday against Bahnhof, its usual Swedish host.

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010

World News

Snow chaos: Government blames abandoned cars THE GOVERNMENT says abandoned cars are partly to blame for the delay of gritters - as it insisted it is doing all it can to keep Britain moving. Freezing conditions in eastern and southern regions overnight have seen passengers stuck on trains, drivers stranded in their vehicles and kept air travellers on the ground. Severe weather warnings remain in place across most of England and Scotland, with the heaviest snow expected to fall in the South West, southeast England and along the east coast. Forecasters have said the cold snap will last at least until the weekend, with only a brief let-up from the snow on Thursday night. But the Transport Secretary has told the House of Commons the country is much better prepared for the current weather conditions,

compared to earlier this year. Philip Hammond said the recommendations of last winter’s resilience review have been implemented, including an increase in salt stocks. “A national strategic salt stock reserve exists for the first time to support local authorities who find their individual stocks have run out,” he said. “250,000 tonnes has been ordered for this reserve and will be managed by the Highways Agency. Over 100,000 tonnes is already in place. “The great majority of the

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strategic transport network has been kept open this week. “Highway authorities have been working to keep roads open but delays have been caused by broken-down vehicles and minor accidents. “Abandoned and brokendown vehicles preventing access for gritters and in some cases preventing access to highway depots is a major factor in the situation.” He added that so far, requests from local authorities for extra grit have not reached the Department for Transport. With trains and planes also

being badly hit by the snow, Mr Hammond called for an urgent audit of the measures put in place. But shadow transport secretary Maria Eagle said the snow crisis was costing the economy up to £1.2bn a day and suggested the minister was being “complacent”. He responded: “I recognise the absolute frustration and indeed anger of many people who’ve been stranded, had their journeys disrupted over the last 48 hours. “We’re doing everything we can to keep Britain moving. “But the questions is not

whether a foot of snow and double-digit negative temperatures create disruption they will. “The questions is whether we should and could have done anything differently. “That is what I’ve asked David Quarmby to look at [in his audit of the winter resilience review] and as soon as we have the answers, I will report back to the House.” But his request for an audit was cold comfort for some, with the AA calling for better infrastructure and improved information on transport routes. The association’s president Edmund King said: “Highway planners have concentrated on salt supplies for the winter but have not thought adequately about how to deal with the practical difficulties posed by blocked motorways and major roads.” He added it was unacceptable for people to be trapped on motorways and on trains in sub-zero temperatures for hours on end. “We need better plans to

prevent people continuing to join motorways once they are gridlocked. “We cannot afford to have vulnerable people stuck on a road to nowhere or waiting for ghost trains that never arrive.” The Rail Maritime and Transport union (RMT) said the planned hike in train fares should be suspended due to the failure of services during the snow. Many of those passengers facing the steepest increases are the same ones left stranded, RMT general secretary Bob Crow said. “In light of the horrific experiences of travellers on the railways during this cold snap, it would be nothing short of a scandal if the private train operators were allowed to jack up fares by up to 13% in a few weeks’ time. “These train companies still have the warm glow of hundreds of millions of pounds of profits and subsidies while their passengers have been left out in the cold.”

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Free drinks on offer for Christmas drivers MOTORISTS are being offered free soft drinks as part of this year’s Christmas anti drink-drive campaign.

Boyle battles it out with Gaga for a Grammy BRITAIN’S Got Talent runner-up Susan Boyle is competing alongside the likes of Lady Gaga and Katy Perry in the race to bag a Grammy. The Scottish singing sensation has been nominated for Best Pop Vocal Album for her debut I Dreamed A Dream. The album, which has sold more than 10 million copies, is up against Lady Gaga’s The Fame Monster and Katy Perry’s Teenage Dream. Justin Bieber and John Mayer are also nominated. The awards will be dished out at the 53rd annual Grammy Awards in Los

Angeles in February. There is more good news for Brits as folk-rockers Mumford & Sons and indie band Florence and the Machine are both nominated in the Best New Artist category. Electronic pop duo Goldfrapp has two nominations and actress Emma Thompson is nominated for the Best Spoken Word Album For Children with Nanny McPhee Returns, based on the film of the same name. The nominations were announced as part of an hour-long special in Los Angeles featuring performances by nominees including Mars, Katy Perry, Justin Bieber, Train and Miranda Lambert.

The Government’s push for road safety - a campaign called Think - has joined up with Coca-Cola to promote buy-one-get-one free deals at thousands of UK pubs. The campaign, which runs until January 1, concentrates more on the consequences of what could happen to motorists if they are caught, rather than the “car crash” message that has been prevalent in recent years. “We found that the drivers the ads are targeted at believe that a crash will never happen to them so they tend to switch off,” a Department of Transport spokeswoman said. “But what we did find is that if we explained the consequences of a drink-driving conviction - for instance, a ban from driving, possibly the loss of a job - then the driver was much more focused and less likely to think it worth the risk.” Drivers should be in no doubt that if they are found to be over the limit they will be brought before the courts. Launching the campaign, road safety minister Mike Penning said: “Drivers should be in no doubt that if they get behind the wheel after drinking this Christmas, they risk losing their licence as well as facing a fine and even a

prison sentence. “Last year 380 people were killed in accidents where the driver was over the limit. That is why our message is clear: don’t drink and drive.” Chief Constable Mick Giannasi, head of roads policing with the Association of Chief Police Officers, said: “This year we are using information from the public to target those areas where drinkdriving is a particular problem

and so the chances of getting caught are greater than ever. “If the police stop a driver, and there is any suspicion that they have been drinking, then they will be asked to provide a breath test and drivers should be in no doubt that if they are found to be over the limit they will be brought before the courts.” As the campaign was launched, the AA released

details of a poll of 18,251 of its members, showing the most popular excuse for drinking and driving is: “It’s only down the road.” The next most-heard excuse is: “I’ve had food so that will have soaked the alcohol up.” Other frequent excuses are: “It’s been a while since the last drink,” or “There won’t be any traffic around,” or “I won’t get caught.”

Ex-RBS boss Sir Fred Goodwin escapes sanctions THE FINANCIAL regulator has cleared Sir Fred Goodwin, the controversial former head of Royal Bank of Scotland, of any wrongdoing leading to the near collapse of the bank. After an 18-month long investigation into RBS, the Financial Services Authority (FSA) said they found no instances of fraud or dishonest activity by senior individuals at the bank, including its ex-boss. It concluded that the bailedout bank had made a series of bad decisions in the years immediately preceding the financial crisis, including the

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purchase of ABN AMRO and aggressive expansion in investment banking. The FSA added these decisions did not stem from a lack of integrity by any individual at the bank and or a failure of governance by the board. “The issues we investigated do not warrant us taking any enforcement action, either against the firm or against individuals,” it stated. However the ruling will affect future employment prospects of RBS staff, both former and current. “The competence of RBS individuals can, and will, be taken into account in any future applications made by them to work at FSA regulated firms,” the regulator said. In August, the FSA fined the

bank £5.6m for failing to have adequate systems and controls in place to prevent breaches of UK financial sanctions RBS was effectively nationalised in 2008 after it amassed losses totalling £24.1bn, the largest in UK history. Public criticism followed the revelation that Sir Fred Goodwin would be given a pension of £700,000 when he stepped down in January 2009. It was subsequently reduced to £342,500 a year after a renegotiation and internal inquiry at RBS. The former RBS boss currently acts as a senior advisor to the Edinburgh-based global architecture firm RMJM.

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World News

Now, Madonna muscles in on fitness industry

MADONNA is exercising her business prowess by launching a chain of gyms, with the first port of call being Mexico. The singer attended the opening of her Hard Candy Fitness Club in Mexico City to the delight of many screaming fans. She said she chose to unveil her first gym there because

she loves Mexico’s culture, food, art and architecture and wasn’t worried about its wave of drug-related violence. “A lot of places I go are dangerous, like Tel Aviv or Rio (de Janeiro), but that never stops me from going there and putting on a show. I have good security,” Madonna said surrounded by three burly bodyguards. “I don’t worry about that.” The fitness centre offers the latest equipment and

classes as well as a juice barcafe and luxury sauna and steam rooms. At 52, Madonna’s own fitness regime is legendary and her physique has been both admired and criticised as excessive. She taught a short dance lesson to a few Hard Candy members at the event. The name is taken from her 11th studio album, which topped the charts around the world in 2008.

UK manufactures are so quick to hit 16-year high BRITISH manufacturing has been boosted by new data showing it is growing at its fastest rate since 1994 - and creating a record number of jobs. The Chartered Institute for Purchasing and Supply (CIPS) has said its monthly index rose to 58.0 in November, well above the 55.6 level seen in October. The index has been above 50.0 - the level which marks the turn from contraction to

expansion - for 16 months in a row. The Markit/CIPS index also showed the fastest employment growth in the sector since the survey began in 1992. In contrast, the Government is expecting to cut around 330,000 public sector jobs. The robust upturn in the industrial sector surprised economists, who had forecast a drop last month, and will come as welcome news to the coalition. It is relying on growth in the private sector to add muchneeded support to the econ-

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omy as public spending cuts take hold. Higher domestic and overseas demand helped push orders to the highest rate in seven months. Chris Williamson, from Markit, said that the rebalancing of the economy away from consumption towards exports was “great news”. The survey’s researchers said stronger manufacturing expansion could be needed to offset a slowdown in consumer spending. The figures helped boost the pound after the recent eurozone debt worries sent tremors through the currency markets.

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World News

Egypt: The same shark attacks four swimmers FOUR RUSSIAN tourists have been attacked by a shark while swimming in the Red Sea close to their Egyptian beach hotels.

Giant Xmas tree: How would you eat yours? A FAMOUS French chocolatier is preparing a 10m-high chocolate Christmas tree for a charity event in Paris. Weighing in at a belt-busting four tons, the festive foliage has been designed by Patrick Roger. It is being constructed in his laboratory just outside Paris

and will be auctioned off to raise money for neuromuscular diseases. Participants will receive pieces of the tree in exchange for their donations. The tree, which has so far taken Roger's team one month to craft, will be a highlight at France's Telethon, a nationwide charity event. The auction will be broadcast on French television on December 3 and 4.

Penguins an internet hit A LIVE webcam of penguins at Edinburgh Zoo is proving a hit with Twitchers. The webcam topped Twitter trends on Monday and the zoo itself is not surprised. “Penguins are our most popular animals,” a spokeswoman said. “We have a penguin parade every day at 2.15pm where the public can see the penguins going for a stroll and we even have our own King Penguin with a knighthood. Sir Nils Olav was knighted in 2008 and is honorary colonelin-chief of the Kings Guard in the Norwegian Army.

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The zoo has a special link with Norway, having been given their first-ever king penguin in 1913 by the Christian Salvesen family from Norway. Present-day connections continue with the proud penguin being given the opportunity to inspect the Norwegian Guard on their occasional visits to Scotland. Edinburgh Zoo is quite clear why penguins are such a favourite. “They are adorable, charismatic creatures with such individuality. “They have great wee personalities,” the spokeswoman explained.

An oceanic whitetip attacked two of the tourists off the resort of Sharm el Sheikh on Tuesday, biting off their arms. And according to Mohammed Salem, director of Sinai Conservation, the same shark may have been responsible for a second, separate attack on a Russian couple who were swimming in the same area. The fish badly injured the woman’s legs and back, and she had to be resuscitated after her rescue; it also bit into the man’s legs. A diving instructor who works in the area, famous for its coral reefs and scuba experiences, said he was on a dive when the second attack happened. Hassan Salem said he was

circled by the shark before it went after the couple. I was able to scare the shark away by blowing bubbles in its face, but then saw it swim to a woman and bite her legs. The instructor said he watched the water turn red with blood and he rushed to take the diver he was training out of the water. All four victims have been

flown to Cairo for medical treatment and are in critical conditions. The coast guard is hunting for the shark and has warned swimmers to keep out of the water. In terms of recorded attacks on humans, most are carried out by the great white shark, the tiger shark and the bull shark.

But the oceanic whitetip is thought to be the biggest killer of them all when taking into account attacks that have not been formally recorded. The oceanic whitetip is a pelagic shark, which means it does not usually feed near the seabed or the shore, and is a particular threat to shipwreck and air crash survivors.

Snipes ordered to prison for tax evasion FILM STAR Wesley Snipes has been told to report to prison within the next week to begin a three-year sentence for tax evasion. The actor will have to report to Federal Correction Institution McKean in Lewis Run, Pennsylvania, by noon on December 9. The jail is a medium-security facility for men, next to a prison camp for minimum security inmates, according to the Federal Bureau of Prisons website. Snipes, who starred as a

half-human, half-vampire lead in Blade, had asked to remain free while he appeals to the US Supreme Court to overturn his conviction.

The 48-year-old has been found guilty of willful failure to file federal income tax returns. In 2006 he was charged

with trying to illegally collect a $7.3m (£4.7m) federal tax refund and failing to file tax returns from 2000 to 2005. He was convicted two years later of only three misdemeanor charges of willful failure to file three federal income tax returns. At his sentencing, prosecutors said Snipes had earned more than $38m (£24.3m) since 1999, but as of that date, had filed no tax returns and paid no taxes. On the day of his sentencing, his lawyers brought cheques totaling $5m (£3m) which they gave to IRS agents during a recess.

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Lions geared up for musical feast SAN MIGUEL Lions Club are holding their Charter Night and Christmas Dinner at Westhaven Bay, Costa del Silencio, next Saturday (11th Dec). It will also be the club’s 11th birthday party, so there will

be plenty to celebrate, over a full Christmas dinner with all the trimmings and, of course, wine. Live music will be provided throughout the evening (7pm for a 7.30pm start) and the cost per individual is 27 euros. Contact Social Secretary Ralph on 685 542 128 to reserve your tickets.

Happy Skooby homecoming

Saddling up for the dog show with a difference! AKTIONTIER, the Granadilla dog refuge, is staging a fund-raising Horse and Dog show at Hipico del Sur, in Buzanada, next Sunday (12th Dec) from 1pm. It starts with a competition to find “Mr and Mrs Dog 2011”, followed by a Horse and Dog team agility competition. There will also be a demonstration of showjumping by the horses, plus some fun dog racing. Father Christmas will be stopping by with lots of presents for the children, and there will be plenty of other activities, including pony rides, a barbecue, and lots more fun and games for all the family. Please contact Karen on 687 905 511 to enter, or for more information. All proceeds will go to the Aktiontier refuge at Accion del Sol.

Details on how to get to Hipico del Sur can be found at EGAR.htm On another happy note, poor little Charley (pictured), taken to the refuge in a bedraggled state recently, has a smile back

on his face after being rehomed in Germany along with a dozen other inmates. Marion, who runs the sanctuary there, is always happy to see visitors, and she welcomes those who would like to walk some of the many dogs there.

Aktiontier is based at the Accion del Sol dog refuge, Poligono Industrial Estate, Exit 51 TF1, directly under the windmills at ITER, Parque Eolica, Granadilla. The refuge is open Monday to Friday from 3-6pm, and Marion can be contacted on 922 778 630.

Update for Live Arico SKOOBYDOO, the little stray featured in last week’s Canarian Weekly after being found on a doorstep, has already been given a new home. A delighted Sue Dehmel, from Adeje, who complained that people were always dumping dogs on her, said:

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“Five people rang for Skooby, and she has found a good home with a very nice couple. “Even more interesting is the phone call I received on Tuesday night, when a lady told me she recognised the photo of Skooby because she had her brother. There were seven puppies, apparently, and the ones who didn’t find homes were distributed around.”

2011 CALENDARS Our new calendars are now on sale for just five euros. They make ideal Xmas gifts and remember, by buying a calendar you are feeding 13 dogs for one day. They can be bought at the following outlets: Live Arico Shops in Silencio, Los Cristianos and San Eugenio Iceland, Las Chafiras Tenerife Sunshine, Las Americas Island Pool Bar, Amarilla Golf Beauty Room, Golf del Sur Harbour Club, Los Gigantes Our tombola stall at the markets Red Arrow Excursion Shop, Compostela Beach

Tkt Tenerife, Fañabe Bar 39 Los Cristianos Jersey Cow, Las Americas Studio 5, Los Cristianos Gerrards Bar, Las Americas Friends of Live Arico Members Club (in association with DKV and Tenerife Insurance Services) We are proud to announce a membership scheme which will reap huge benefits for all concerned. For starters, in association with Tenerife Insurance Services and DKV, we can offer a discount of approximately 30 euros a month, compared with the standard DKV rates, on each Health Policy taken out. The annual payment to Live Arico is only 25 euros, so an instant saving is made. We are planning to involve other local businesses in the coming weeks, so watch this space. We need 20 people to join to get the ball rolling, so please call Sue or Debbie on the numbers below to organise your membership card. If you have an existing health care policy which needs two months cancellation notice, TIS can advise you on this. Refuge opening hours We are open Tuesday to Sunday, from 2-5pm. Outside of these times, you must make an appointment with Eugenio to facilitate smooth running of the refuge. We are situated in

Atogo, directly up from the airport, next door to the Ostrich Farm. It’s official - we are a chain! All three shops are now open for business, so come and bag a bargain from all the secondhand books, toys, clothes and bric-a-brac on sale. Also, pop in to leave donations of dog food, to ask for information about Live Arico, or just for a friendly chat. We need volunteers, so please call Trisha on 638 407 344, or Debbie on the number below, if you can spare a few hours a week. Xmas Gala Night This takes place in a fortnight, on Saturday, 18th December, at the VIVO club in Las Americas. Tickets are 25 euros each for a three-course meal and a halfbottle of wine. On stage, we will have Mark, from the Wild Boyz, plus guest artists and a disco from midnight. We invite companies and businesses who have not yet organised their Christmas Party to celebrate with us. Tickets are limited, so call Suzy Q to reserve yours as soon as possible. Revised adoption procedures A minimum 50-euro donation for an adopted male dog, and 75 euros for a female, is now required by Live Arico. This is paid direct to Hospivet Sur on collection of your new pet, which will be chipped, neutered, vaccinated and wormed.

South Tenerife Rescue Centre We have sold 522sqm of land at five euros a square metre, making a total of 2,610 euros. The plan to buy our own plot of land remains, possibly even where we are now renting, and the offer to contribute to the fund still stands. Could you buy a square metre of land for Live Arico? You will receive a certificate, and your name and number of square metres purchased will be on a Roll of Honour in the welcome centre at our new refuge. Live Arico Flight Line Anyone booking flights to and from the UK with the Live Arico Flight Line will get them at competitive prices, and will also help our dogs. Call 922 794 918 and please quote Live Arico Flightline. Important telephone numbers Eugenio: 649 001 907 (call if you find an animal abandoned or in distress) Suzy Q: 629 388 102 (fund-raising, press releases, prize donations, etc.) Pete Holland: 661 099 365 (Poochies Pet Hotel for boarding your dog) Rick: 639 207 064 (shop donations and collections) Debbie Gibson: 637 918 158 You can also read about us at or http://tenerifedogs.blogspot.c om

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010


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03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010

Television Guide

Merlin 7:40pm - 8:25pm, BBC1

This Is Michael Buble 10:25pm - 11:25pm, Saturday 04 December, ITV1 Cameras follow the Canadian singer as he embarks on a series of dates in Britain and Ireland, where he meets celebrity fans including Peter Kay and Holly Willoughby. The Grammy Award-winning star finds time between shows to indulge his passions for food and sport by visiting Birmingham’s Balti Triangle and joining ice-hockey team the Nottingham Panthers, and there is also behindthe-scenes footage of his performance on The X Factor in October.

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010








Television Guide

Wearing a shirt the colour of a popular indigestion remedy, the comic struts nonstop, like a camp, patrolling android. At the same time he delivers observations that can induce violent laughing. He may not take risks, swear much or go out of his way to offend folks, but that doesn’t mean he lacks originality or bite. McIntyre is everywhere at the moment and he does like to recycle material, so the fact that this show was recorded in 2009 means you may know the routines.


Michael McIntyre: Hello, 9:00pm - 10:00pm,BBC1

Part two of two. Newly crowned Queen Morgana begins her evil reign over the innocent citizens of Camelot while Uther can only stand by and watch as Morgause’s immortal army causes the kingdom to crumble. On the outskirts of the city, Arthur regains his strength and decides to mount a counter-attack, but Merlin fears he will not be able to stop the deathless troops and tries to reclaim the great sword Excalibur to stop the destruction of all he holds dear. Last in the series.

Jeremy Clarkson: Greatest Raid of All Time, 8:00pm - 9:00pm, BBC2 The Top Gear presenter explores the story of Operation Chariot, the Second World War commando raid on the French dry dock of St Nazaire in March 1942, which resulted in more than 80 medals being awarded for a seemingly impossible mission. The objective was to deny Germany the ability to deploy the fearsome battleship Tirpitz by destroying the dock gates.

I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here! Coming Out 9:00pm - 10:00pm, ITV1 Cameras capture the 2010 winner’s first moments outside the jungle, as they and the other contestants set foot back into normal life again after enduring the physical and mental challenges that the series has thrown at them. Ant and Dec are on hand to interview the celebrities after they are reunited with friends and family, and observe their reactions when they encounter their former camp-mates.

Coronation Street: 50 Years, 50 Moments 9:00pm - 10:00pm, ITV1 Victoria Wood narrates the first of a two-part documentary counting down the soap’s best storylines over the past half century, as voted for by fans. The show features interviews with cast members past and present, including William Roache (Ken Barlow), Julie Goodyear (Bet Lynch), Johnny Briggs (Mike Baldwin), Simon Gregson (Steve McDonald) and Wendi Peters (Cilla Battersby-Brown).

Live UEFA Champions League 7:30pm - 10:00pm, ITV1 Arsenal v Partizan Belgrade (Kick-off 7.45pm). Adrian Chiles presents coverage of tonight’s matchday six Group H encounter at the Emirates Stadium, as the Gunners face the Serbian outfit.

The Apprentice: The Final Five, 8:00pm - 9:00pm, BBC1 As this year’s series of the businessbased reality show nears its conclusion, parents, friends and former bosses, along with Alan Sugar’s trusted aides Nick Hewer and Karren Brady, discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the remaining contenders for this year’s title.

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Television Guide

Friday 03 December 6:00am Breakfast 9:15am Rip Off Britain 10:00am BBC News; Weather 10:00am Homes Under the Hammer 11:00am Real Rescues 11:45am BBC News; Weather 11:45am To Buy or Not to Buy 12:15pm Bargain Hunt 1:00pm BBC News; Weather 1:30pm Regional News and Weather 1:45pm Doctors 2:15pm Missing 3:00pm BBC News; Weather; Regional News 3:05pm Horrible Histories 3:30pm What’s New Scooby-Doo? 3:50pm Shaun the Sheep 4:00pm Fee Fi Fo Yum 4:30pm The Owl 4:30pm MI High 5:00pm Newsround 5:15pm Weakest Link 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:35pm 11:20pm 11:30pm 11:30pm

BBC News BBC London News BBC News: Regional News The One Show EastEnders QI Michael McIntyre: Hello Wembley! BBC News The Graham Norton Show The National Lottery Draws Weatherview Primeval

6:00am Children’s TV 7:00am The Jungle Book 7:10am Muddle Earth 7:25am Newsround 7:30am Dennis and Gnasher 7:40am Eliot Kid 7:55am Diddy Dick & Dom 8:00am My Life 8:30am LazyTown 8:55am Big Barn Farm 9:05am Buzz and Tell 9:10am Tinga Tinga Tales 9:25am The Large Family 9:40am Toddworld 9:50am Pingu 10:00am Waybuloo 10:20am Clifford’s Puppy Days 10:30am Pablo the Little Red Fox 10:40am 3rd & Bird 10:50am Wibbly Pig 11:00am In the Night Garden 11:30am Animal Park 12:00pm Daily Politics 12:30pm GMT with George Alagiah 1:00pm Due South 1:45pm Car Booty 2:15pm Ready Steady Cook 3:00pm Murder, She Wrote 3:45pm Flog It! Ten of the Best 4:30pm Pointless 5:15pm The Hairy Bikers’ Cook Off 6:00pm 6:30pm

7:00pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:30pm

6:00am Live Test Cricket 8:00am Carling Cup Special 9:00am Ringside 10:00am Test Cricket 11:00am Carling Cup Special 12:00pm Ringside 1:00pm Live Darts 5:00pm World Sport 5:30pm Premier League World 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 11:30pm

Football League Weekend Sky Sports News at Seven Premier League Preview Test Cricket Take It Like a Fan Football League Weekend Live Test Cricket

Eggheads Strictly Come Dancing - It Takes Two Edwardian Farm Mastermind Britain by Bike John Sergeant on Tracks of Empire The Stephen K Amos Show Newsnight

6:00am X-Weighted 7:00am Brainiac: Science Abuse 8:00am Oops TV 9:00am It’s Me or the Dog USA 10:00am Bones 11:00am The Filth Files 11:30am Adoption Diaries 12:00pm X-Weighted 1:00pm UK Border Force 2:00pm Stargate Atlantis 3:00pm Stargate Atlantis 4:00pm Bones 5:00pm WWE Superstars 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm

Oops TV The Simpsons The Simpsons Modern Family Best of Oops TV Ross Kemp on Gangs House Stargate Universe

12:00am Road Wars

Page 24

6:00am Daybreak 8:30am Lorraine 9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30am This Morning 12:30pm Loose Women 1:30pm ITV News and Weather 1:55pm London News and Weather 2:00pm House Gift 3:00pm Dickinson’s Real Deal 3:59pm London Weather 4:00pm Midsomer Murders 5:00pm The Alan Titchmarsh Show 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm

8:00pm 8:30pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 10:35pm

London Tonight ITV News and Weather Emmerdale Coronation Street

Countrywise Kitchen I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here! ITV News at Ten and Weather London News and Weather The Interpreter

7:00am Airport 7:30am Airport 8:00am Ray Mears’ Wild Food 9:00am Top Gear 10:00am Dragons’ Den 11:00am Dragons’ Den 12:00pm Top Gear 1:00pm Top Gear 2:00pm Seaside Rescue 2:40pm Have I Got News for You 3:20pm QI 4:00pm Top Gear 5:00pm Top Gear 6:00pm 6:40pm 7:20pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:40pm 11:20pm

Seaside Rescue Have I Got News for You QI Top Gear QI XL Mock the Week Have I Got News for You QI XL

12:20am Mock the Week

6:40am The Treacle People 6:50am Yo Gabba Gabba 7:15am Freshly Squeezed 7:45am Everybody Loves Raymond 8:10am Everybody Loves Raymond 8:40am Frasier 9:10am According to Jim 9:40am Friends 10:10am One Tree Hill 11:05am Smallville 12:00pm Channel 4 News Summary 12:05pm Supernanny USA 1:00pm Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines 3:25pm Countdown 4:10pm Deal or No Deal 5:00pm Come Dine with Me 5:30pm Four in a Bed 6:00pm 6:30pm

The Simpsons Hollyoaks

7:00pm 7:25pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 11:05pm

Channel 4 News Freaks of Nature Come Dine with Me The Event Peep Show Robert’s Web Frankie Boyle’s Tramadol Nights The Morgana Show


6:00am Home Shopping 6:30am Home Shopping 7:00am The Jerry Springer Show 7:25am The Jerry Springer Show 7:50am Celebs 24/7 8:00am Maury 8:55am Celebs 24/7 9:00am Maury 9:55am Celebs 24/7 10:00am CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 11:00am CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 12:00pm CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 1:00pm CSI: Miami 2:00pm Criminal Minds 3:00pm Criminal Minds 4:00pm Charmed 5:00pm Charmed 6:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm

Four Weddings US CSI: Miami Criminal Minds Medium CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 11:00pm Criminal Minds 12:00am Criminal Minds

6:00am Thomas & Friends 6:10am Roary the Racing Car 6:20am The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 6:35am Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 6:40am Rupert Bear 6:50am Peppa Pig 6:55am Mio Mao 7:00am Little Princess 7:15am The Mr Men Show 7:30am Roary the Racing Car 7:45am Noddy in Toyland 8:00am Fifi and the Flowertots 8:15am Peppa Pig 8:25am Peppa Pig 8:30am Thomas & Friends 8:40am Hana’s Helpline 8:50am Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 9:05am Milkshake! Music Box 9:15am The Wright Stuff 10:45am Trisha Goddard 11:45am House Doctor 12:15pm House Doctor 12:40pm Five News 12:50pm Emergency Bikers 1:45pm Neighbours 2:15pm Home and Away 2:50pm Meals in Moments 3:00pm It Had to Be You 5:00pm Weather 5:00pm Five News 5:30pm Neighbours 6:00pm 6:25pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:55pm

Home and Away Live from Studio Five Five News at 7 Fifth Gear White Van Man The Mentalist Law & Order: Special Victims Unit CSI: Miami

6:15am MasterChef Australia 7:00am Real Rescues 8:00am Casualty 9:00am The Bill 10:00am The Bill 11:00am Casualty 12:00pm Real Rescues 1:00pm MasterChef Australia 2:00pm My Family 2:40pm My Family 3:20pm Traffic Cops 4:00pm Traffic Cops 4:40pm Doctor Who 5:40pm My Family 6:20pm 7:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm


My Family MasterChef Australia Outtake TV Leona Lewis: Labyrinth Tour Live at the O2 Chicago

1:10am Doctor Who 2:15am Weakest Link 3:00am Close

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010

Television Guide

Saturday 04 December 6:00am Breakfast 10:00am Saturday Kitchen Live 11:30am Nigella Kitchen 12:00pm BBC News; Regional News and Weather 12:15pm Football Focus 1:00pm Freddie Flintoff: Ashes Warrior 1:40pm Live Snooker: UK Championship 4:30pm Final Score 5:20pm BBC News; Regional News and Weather 5:40pm Walk on the Wild Side 6:10pm

6:40pm 7:40pm 8:25pm

8:40pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 10:00pm 10:20pm 11:40pm

The Impressions Show with Culshaw and Stephenson Strictly Come Dancing Merlin The National Lottery Saturday Night Draws Casualty The Armstrong & Miller Show National Lottery Update BBC News; Weather Match of the Day The Football League Show

6:00am Children’s TV 7:25am OOglies 7:40am What’s New Scooby-Doo? 8:00am MI High 8:30am Mission: 2110 9:00am Live ‘n’ Deadly 10:00am Little Howard’s Big Question 10:20am Sam & Mark’s Guide to Dodging Disaster 10:50am Dennis and Gnasher 11:00am Roy 11:30am The Big Performance 12:00pm The Cut 12:25pm Teensville: Teenage Witches 12:50pm Popatron 1:20pm The 5:19 Show 1:35pm The Season 2:05pm Revealed 2:20pm Land of the Pharaohs 4:00pm Flog It! 4:30pm Live Snooker: UK Championship 5:55pm At Home with the Georgians

6:00am The Fluffy Club 7:25am Toonattik 9:25am The Cool Stuff Collective 9:50am Planet Sketch 10:00am The Planet’s Funniest Animals 10:25am The Crocodile Hunter Diaries 11:25am News and Weather 11:29am London Weather 11:30am This Morning: Saturday 12:25pm You’ve Been Framed! 12:55pm You’ve Been Framed! 1:25pm The Great Outdoors 3:05pm Mrs Doubtfire 5:20pm Weather 5:20pm London Tonight 5:30pm ITV News and Weather 5:45pm New Britain Does the Funniest Things 6:40pm 7:10pm

6:55pm 7:55pm 8:25pm 9:25pm 10:10pm 10:55pm 11:25pm

Making Scotland’s Landscape Dad’s Army American Dream Have I Got a Bit More News for You QI XL The Stephen K Amos Show Frozen River

1:05am BBC News 1:30am On the Road with 2:00am BBC News 2:30am The Bottom Line 3:00am BBC News 3:30am Our World 4:00am BBC News 4:30am Click

12:55am Snooker: UK Championship 1:45am Snooker: UK Championship Extra 3:45am Close

6:00am Live Test Cricket 8:00am Premier League Preview 8:30am Champions League Weekly 9:00am Live Golf 2:00pm Live International Rugby Union 4:30pm Champions League Weekly 5:00pm International Cricket 6:55pm Live Spanish Football 9:00pm Live Saturday Fight Night 11:00pm Champions League Weekly 11:30pm Live Test Cricket

6:00am Brainiac’s Test Tube Baby 7:00am The Zoo UK 7:30am The Zoo UK 8:00am Malcolm in the Middle 8:30am Malcolm in the Middle 9:00am Wayne Rooney’s Street Striker 10:00am Soccer AM 12:00pm Best of Oops TV 1:00pm Malcolm in the Middle 1:30pm Malcolm in the Middle 2:00pm Modern Family 2:30pm Modern Family 3:00pm Fat Families: Second Helpings 4:00pm The Real A&E 5:00pm Futurama 5:30pm Futurama 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010

The Middle The Simpsons The Simpsons The Simpsons Road Wars Terminator 2: Judgment Day

7:40pm 9:25pm 10:25pm 11:25pm 11:39pm 11:40pm

All New You’ve Been Framed! Harry Hill’s the Best of TV Burp The X Factor I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here! This Is Michael Buble ITV News and Weather London Weather Simply Red: For the Last Time

12:40am ITV News Headlines 12:40am The Zone 2:40am Surface 3:25am Sons and Daughters

7:00am Airport 7:30am Airport 8:00am Ray Mears’ Wild Food 9:00am Ray Mears’ Wild Food 10:00am Top Gear 11:00am Top Gear 12:00pm Crash 12:30pm Crash 1:00pm Robot Wars Extreme 2:00pm Top Gear 3:00pm Seaside Rescue 3:40pm Have I Got News for You 4:20pm QI 5:00pm Top Gear 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:40pm 8:20pm

Top Gear Trawlermen Genius Have I Got News for You 9:00pm Fawlty Towers - Reopened 11:00pm Fawlty Towers Favourite Moments 1:00am Fawlty Towers - Reopened

6:20am Sali Mali 6:25am The Treacle People 6:35am Yo Gabba Gabba 7:00am World Sport 7:25am Sailing 7:55am The Morning Line 8:50am One Tree Hill 9:50am Ugly Betty 10:50am Koko Pop 11:20am Friends 11:55am The 4Music Video Honours: Top 20 12:50pm Scrubs 1:25pm Scrubs 1:55pm Channel 4 Racing 3:50pm Jamie’s 30 Minute Meals 4:20pm Come Dine with Me 4:55pm Come Dine with Me 5:25pm Come Dine with Me 5:55pm Come Dine with Me 6:20pm

Come Dine with Me

6:50pm 6:55pm 7:20pm 7:25pm 8:25pm

The Political Slot Channel 4 News Grand Designs Apocalypse: The Second World War Slumdog Millionaire Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

9:25pm 11:45pm

6:00am Peppa Pig 6:05am Roary the Racing Car 6:15am Fifi and the Flowertots 6:25am Fireman Sam 6:35am Rupert Bear 6:50am Miss Spider’s Sunny Patch Friends 7:00am The WotWots 7:20am Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs 7:35am Make Way for Noddy 7:50am Mist: Sheepdog Tales 8:05am Little Princess 8:15am The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 8:35am Play! 8:45am Castle Farm 8:55am Olivia 9:10am The Mr Men Show 9:30am George Shrinks 10:00am The Great Ethiopian Run 2010 11:00am UEFA Europa League Highlights 12:05pm Your Sport 12:10pm The Gadget Show 1:10pm Cahill, United States Marshal 3:10pm The Shootist 5:10pm Five News 5:15pm Ice Age 6:55pm 7:40pm 8:30pm 9:30pm 10:30pm 11:30pm

The Mentalist NCIS CSI: Miami CSI: Crime Scene Investigation CSI: NY Forensic Files

1:55am Enemy at the Gates 4:05am The OC 4:50am The OC 5:35am Countdown

12:00am SuperCasino 4:00am Fifth Gear 4:25am HouseBusters 4:50am Your Sport 5:00am Hana’s Helpline 5:10am The Milkshake! Show

6:00am Home Shopping 6:30am Home Shopping 7:00am The Jerry Springer Show 7:25am The Jerry Springer Show 7:50am Celebs 24/7 8:00am Maury 8:55am Celebs 24/7 9:00am The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air 9:30am The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air 10:00am My Wife and Kids 10:30am My Wife and Kids 11:00am Will & Grace 11:30am Will & Grace 12:00pm The Curse of the Pink Panther 2:00pm Criminal Minds 3:00pm Criminal Minds 4:00pm An All Dogs Christmas Carol 5:35pm Nothing to Declare

6:15am MasterChef Australia 7:30am James May’s 20th Century 8:00am Animal Park 8:30am Animal Park 9:00am Animal Park 10:00am Cash in the Celebrity Attic 11:00am Total Wipeout USA 12:00pm MasterChef Australia 1:30pm The Hairy Bikers’ Cookbook 2:00pm The Hairy Bikers Ride Again 2:30pm The Hairy Bikers Ride Again 3:00pm The Hairy Bikers Ride Again 3:30pm The Hairy Bikers Ride Again 4:00pm The Hairy Bikers Ride Again 4:30pm The Hairy Bikers Ride Again 5:00pm Total Wipeout USA

6:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds

6:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm

Primeval Sanctuary Doctor Who Jonathan Creek The Longest Yard

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Television Guide

Sunday 05 December 6:00am Breakfast 7:35am Match of the Day 9:00am The Andrew Marr Show 10:00am Fern Britton Meets Clarissa Dickson Wright 11:00am Country Tracks 12:00pm The Politics Show 1:00pm Cash in the Celebrity Attic 1:45pm EastEnders 3:45pm Drop Zone 4:45pm Points of View 5:00pm Songs of Praise 5:35pm BBC News; Regional News and Weather 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:25pm

10:55pm 11:55pm 11:55pm

Jimmy’s Food Factory Countryfile Strictly Come Dancing Antiques Roadshow Garrow’s Law BBC News; Regional News and Weather The Impressions Show with Culshaw and Stephenson The Apprentice Weatherview The Sky at Night

12:20am Coast 1:20am Holby City 2:20am Who Do You Think You Are? 3:05am Secret Iraq 4:05am BBC News 4:30am HARDtalk 5:00am The World Today 5:30am World Business Report

6:00am Live Test Cricket 8:00am World Sport 8:30am Take It Like a Fan 9:00am Champions League Weekly 9:30am The Sunday Supplement 11:00am Goals on Sunday 1:00pm Live Super Sunday 3:30pm Live Super Sunday 6:30pm 8:00pm 10:00pm 11:30pm

Live Spanish Football Live Spanish Football Football Special Live Test Cricket

6:00am The Pingu Show 6:15am Bob the Builder: Project Build It 6:25am Penelope 6:30am Guess with Jess 6:40am Postman Pat 7:00am Arthur 7:15am Muddle Earth 7:25am Sportsround 7:40am Bear Behaving Badly 8:00am Scoop 8:25am Diddy Dick & Dom 8:25am Hotel Trubble 9:00am Deadly 60 9:30am Horrible Histories 10:00am Something for the Weekend 11:30am Flog It! 12:15pm Summer Magic 2:00pm Live Snooker: UK Championship 5:30pm Lambing Live - Kate’s Year with the Beavans

6:15pm 6:15pm 6:30pm 6:45pm 7:15pm

6:30pm 8:00pm

9:00pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 11:30pm

Dad’s Army Jeremy Clarkson: Greatest Raid of All Time Operation Mincemeat The Trip Match of the Day 2 Never Mind the Buzzcocks

12:00am Snooker: UK Championship 12:50am Snooker: UK Championship Extra 2:50am Dateline London 3:00am BBC News 3:30am The Record Europe 4:00am BBC News 4:05am Close

6:00am Hour of Power 7:00am It’s Me or the Dog USA 8:00am It’s Me or the Dog USA 9:00am Vet Adventures 10:00am WWE Superstars 11:00am WWE: Experience 12:00pm Real Filth Fighters 12:30pm Super Nurses 1:00pm Dog Squad 1:30pm Modern Family 2:00pm Modern Family 2:30pm Modern Family 3:00pm Fat Families: Second Helpings 4:00pm The Real A&E 5:00pm Futurama 5:30pm Futurama 6:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm

Page 26

6:00am The Fluffy Club 7:25am Toonattik 9:25am Finger Tips 9:45am The X Factor 11:30am This Morning: Sunday 12:35pm News and Weather 12:49pm London Weather 12:50pm Coronation Street 3:15pm Midsomer Murders 5:15pm Stars on the Street

The Simpsons Wayne Rooney’s Street Striker The Simpsons Modern Family Bones House

8:00pm 9:00pm 10:30pm 10:44pm 10:45pm

Weather London Tonight ITV News and Weather Harry Hill’s the Best of TV Burp All Star Family Fortunes The X Factor The Nation’s Favourite Abba Song ITV News and Weather London Weather Magicians

12:25am Premiership Rugby Union 1:10am ITV News Headlines 1:10am The Zone 2:00am Motorsport UK 2:55am ITV Nightscreen 5:30am ITV Morning News

7:00am Ray Mears’ Wild Food 8:00am Ray Mears’ Extreme Survival 9:00am Crash 9:30am Crash 10:00am Robot Wars Extreme 11:00am Top Gear 12:00pm Top Gear 1:00pm Speed 1:40pm Have I Got News for You 2:20pm QI 3:00pm Top Gear 4:00pm World Rally 5:00pm Top Gear 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:40pm 8:20pm 9:00pm 11:00pm

Top Gear Speed Have I Got News for You QI Blackadder: The Whole Rotten Saga Blackadder’s Most Cunning Moments

1:00am Blackadder: The Whole Rotten Saga

6:20am Sali Mali 6:25am The Treacle People 6:35am Yo Gabba Gabba 7:00am Freeze Festival 2010 7:50am Freesports on 4 8:20am World B-Boy Series 8:50am Hollyoaks 11:20am Live and Lost 11:35am Ugly Betty 12:35pm Cheryl Cole T4 Special 12:55pm The Album Chart Show: N-Dubz Special 1:30pm The Simpsons 2:05pm The Simpsons 2:35pm Nine Months 4:35pm Deal or No Deal 5:25pm Fred Claus 7:30pm 7:55pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:30pm 11:30pm

Channel 4 News Undercover Boss USA Any Human Heart Desperate Housewives 8 Out of 10 Cats

6:00am Peppa Pig 6:05am Roary the Racing Car 6:15am Fifi and the Flowertots 6:25am Fireman Sam 6:35am Rupert Bear 6:45am Miss Spider’s Sunny Patch Friends 7:00am Mio Mao 7:05am The WotWots 7:20am Roobarb and Custard Too 7:25am Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs 7:40am Make Way for Noddy 7:55am Mist: Sheepdog Tales 8:05am Little Princess 8:15am The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky 8:35am Family! 8:45am Castle Farm 9:00am Olivia 9:15am The Mr Men Show 9:30am George Shrinks 10:00am iCarly 10:35am True Jackson, VP 11:10am Your Sport 11:15am Street Market Chefs 11:45am Emergency Bikers 12:45pm Extreme Fishing with Robson Green 1:50pm Baby Geniuses 3:35pm Cats and Dogs 5:15pm Five News 5:25pm Firefox 8:00pm 8:00pm

12:20am The Real Housewives of New Jersey 1:15am American Football Live 4:45am Ironman Triathlon 5:15am Grudge Match 5:25am Countdown

6:00am Home Shopping 6:30am Home Shopping 7:00am The Jerry Springer Show 7:25am The Jerry Springer Show 7:50am Celebs 24/7 8:00am Maury 8:55am Celebs 24/7 9:00am The Curse of the Pink Panther 11:00am Changing Faces 12:00pm Cougar Town 12:30pm Cougar Town 1:00pm Nothing to Declare 1:30pm Nothing to Declare 2:00pm An All Dogs Christmas Carol 3:35pm Nothing to Declare 4:00pm RSPCA Animal Rescue 4:30pm RSPCA Animal Rescue 5:00pm Strictly Baby Ballroom 6:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm

The Beckhams’ Crazy 2010 Four Weddings Nikita Criminal Minds CSI: Miami

9:00pm 11:00pm

Five News at 9 Bermuda Triangle: The Mystery Revealed xXx: the Next Level The Art of War

1:15am SuperCasino 4:00am House Busters 4:25am House Busters

6:15am Robin Hood 7:00am The Hairy Bikers Ride Again 7:30am The Hairy Bikers Ride Again 8:00am The Hairy Bikers Ride Again 8:30am The Hairy Bikers Ride Again 9:00am Total Wipeout USA 10:00am MasterChef Australia 11:30am MasterChef Australia 12:30pm MasterChef Australia 1:30pm MasterChef Australia 2:00pm MasterChef Australia 3:00pm MasterChef Australia 4:00pm Sanctuary 5:00pm Primeval 6:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 11:10pm

Total Wipeout USA MasterChef Australia Who Do You Think You Are? The Longest Yard Dawn French’s Girls Who Do Comedy

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010

Television Guide

Monday 06 December 6:00am Breakfast 9:15am Rip Off Britain 10:00am BBC News; Weather 10:00am Homes Under the Hammer 11:00am Real Rescues 11:45am BBC News; Weather 11:45am To Buy or Not to Buy 12:15pm Bargain Hunt 1:00pm BBC News; Weather 1:30pm Regional News and Weather 1:45pm Doctors 2:15pm Missing 3:00pm BBC News; Weather; Regional News 3:05pm Horrible Histories 3:30pm What’s New Scooby-Doo? 3:50pm Shaun the Sheep 4:00pm Hotel Trubble 4:30pm Deadly 60 Bite Size 4:30pm Blue Peter 5:00pm Newsround 5:15pm Weakest Link 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:25pm 10:35pm 11:05pm 11:35pm

BBC News BBC London News The One Show BBC News; Regional News Inside Out EastEnders Addicted to Games?: Panorama Accused BBC News Regional News and Weather A Question of Sport Inside Sport: The Marion Jones Story Weatherview

6:00am Live Test Cricket 8:00am Football Special 9:30am Champions League Weekly 10:00am Test Cricket 11:00am Premiership Rugby Union 12:00pm Football Special 1:30pm Champions League Weekly 2:00pm Test Cricket 3:00pm Spanish Football 5:00pm Champions League Weekly 5:30pm Soccer AM: The Best Bits 6:30pm 7:00pm 10:30pm 11:00pm 11:30pm

Netbusters Live Monday Night Football Netbusters A League of Their Own Live Test Cricket

6:00am Children’s TV 7:00am The Jungle Book 7:15am Muddle Earth 7:25am Newsround 7:30am Dennis and Gnasher 7:40am Diddy Dick & Dom 7:40am Eliot Kid 8:00am Prank Patrol 8:30am LazyTown 8:55am Big Barn Farm 9:05am Buzz and Tell 9:10am Tinga Tinga Tales 9:25am The Large Family 9:40am Toddworld 9:50am Pingu 10:00am Waybuloo 10:20am Clifford’s Puppy Days 10:30am Pablo the Little Red Fox 10:35am 3rd & Bird 10:50am Wibbly Pig 11:00am In the Night Garden 11:30am Film 2010 with Claudia Winkleman 12:00pm Daily Politics 12:30pm Live Snooker: UK Championship 4:30pm Pointless 5:15pm The Hairy Bikers’ Cook Off 6:00pm 6:30pm

6:00am Daybreak 8:30am Lorraine 9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30am This Morning 12:30pm Loose Women 1:30pm ITV News and Weather 1:55pm London News and Weather 2:00pm House Gift 3:00pm Dickinson’s Real Deal 3:59pm London Weather 4:00pm Midsomer Murders 5:00pm The Alan Titchmarsh Show 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 8:00pm

8:30pm 9:00pm

Weather London Tonight ITV News and Weather Emmerdale Coronation Street: The Historic First Episode Coronation Street I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here! Coming Out ITV News at Ten and Weather London News and Weather The Day John Lennon Died Kings of Leon: Excess All Areas

Eggheads Strictly Come Dancing - It Takes Two Live Snooker: UK Championship University Challenge Miranda Ian Hislop’s Age of the Do-Gooders The Trip Weather Newsnight Snooker: UK Championship

12:30am ITV News Headlines 12:30am The Zone 2:30am UEFA Champions League Weekly 3:00am The Jeremy Kyle Show

6:00am X-Weighted 7:00am Brainiac: Science Abuse 8:00am Oops TV 9:00am It’s Me or the Dog USA 10:00am Bones 11:00am The Filth Files 11:30am The Real A&E 12:00pm X-Weighted 1:00pm Road Wars 2:00pm Stargate Atlantis 3:00pm Stargate Atlantis 4:00pm Bones 5:00pm Malcolm in the Middle 5:30pm Futurama

7:00am Airport 7:30am Airport 8:00am Dragons’ Den 9:00am Top Gear 10:00am Ray Mears’ Extreme Survival 10:30am Seaside Rescue 11:00am Full Circle with Michael Palin 12:00pm Top Gear 1:00pm Top Gear 2:00pm Seaside Rescue 2:40pm Have I Got News for You 3:20pm QI 4:00pm Top Gear 5:00pm Top Gear

7:00pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 10:30pm 11:20pm

6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm

Oops TV The Simpsons The Simpsons Modern Family Best of Oops TV UK Border Force NCIS: Los Angeles Cold Case

12:00am Road Wars 1:00am Road Wars 1:50am Dom Joly’s Happy Hour

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010

10:00pm 10:30pm 10:35pm 11:35pm

6:00pm 6:40pm 7:20pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:40pm 11:40pm

Seaside Rescue Have I Got News for You QI Top Gear QI XL Mock the Week Have I Got News for You QI XL

6:10am Sali Mali 6:15am The Treacle People 6:25am Planet Cook 6:45am Yo Gabba Gabba 7:10am Freshly Squeezed 7:40am Everybody Loves Raymond 8:05am Everybody Loves Raymond 8:35am Frasier 9:10am According to Jim 9:40am Friends 10:10am One Tree Hill 11:05am Smallville 12:00pm Channel 4 News Summary 12:05pm 3 Minute Wonder: The Turner Prize 2010 12:10pm Jamie at Home 12:40pm Iron Chef UK 1:40pm The Ghosts of Berkeley Square 3:25pm Countdown 4:15pm Deal or No Deal 5:00pm Come Dine with Me 5:30pm Four in a Bed 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:55pm 8:00pm 9:00pm

10:00pm 10:50pm 11:25pm

The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Kirstie and Phil’s Perfect Christmas Come Dine with Me: Coronation Street Special Chris Moyles’ Quiz Night Peep Show Being N-Dubz at Christmas

6:00am Children’s TV 6:35am Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 6:40am Rupert Bear 6:50am Peppa Pig 6:55am Mio Mao 7:00am Little Princess 7:15am The Mr Men Show 7:30am Thomas & Friends 7:45am Noddy in Toyland 8:00am Fifi and the Flowertots 8:15am Peppa Pig 8:25am Peppa Pig 8:30am Roary the Racing Car 8:40am Hana’s Helpline 8:50am Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 9:05am Milkshake! Music Box 9:15am The Wright Stuff 10:45am Trisha Goddard 11:45am House Doctor 12:10pm House Doctor 12:40pm Five News 12:45pm Killer Lion Stakeout: Austin Stevens’ Adventures 1:45pm Neighbours 2:15pm Home and Away 2:50pm Animal Rescue Squad 3:05pm The Family Recipe 3:15pm Avalanche Express 5:00pm Weather 5:00pm Five News 5:30pm Neighbours 6:00pm 6:25pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm

Home and Away Live from Studio Five Five News at 7 How Do They Do It? The Gadget Show Extreme Fishing with Robson Green Blade

12:30am 360 Sessions: Manic Street Preachers

12:25am UFC 123: Main Event 1:20am SuperCasino

6:00am Home Shopping 6:30am Home Shopping 7:00am The Jerry Springer Show 7:25am The Jerry Springer Show 7:50am Celebs 24/7 8:00am Maury 8:55am Celebs 24/7 9:00am Maury 9:55am Celebs 24/7 10:00am CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 11:00am CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 12:00pm CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 1:00pm CSI: Miami 2:00pm Criminal Minds 3:00pm Criminal Minds 4:00pm Charmed 5:00pm Charmed

6:00am Super Vets 6:25am MasterChef Australia 7:15am Real Rescues 8:00am Casualty 9:00am The Bill 10:00am The Bill 11:00am Casualty 12:00pm Real Rescues 1:00pm MasterChef Australia 2:00pm My Family 2:40pm My Family 3:20pm Traffic Cops 4:00pm Traffic Cops 4:40pm Doctor Who 5:40pm My Family

6:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm

Cougar Town CSI: Miami Three Fat Brides, One Thin Dress America’s Next Top Model Party Wars Criminal Minds

6:20pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm

My Family MasterChef Australia Traffic Cops Traffic Cops Traffic Cops Emergency Bikers Traffic Cops

12:00am Sanctuary 1:00am Spooks 2:00am Traffic Cops 3:00am Close

Page 27


Page 28

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010


Page 29

Television Guide

Tuesday 07 December 6:00am Breakfast 9:15am Rip Off Britain 10:00am BBC News; Weather 10:00am Homes Under the Hammer 11:00am Real Rescues 11:45am BBC News; Weather 11:45am To Buy or Not to Buy 12:15pm Bargain Hunt 1:00pm BBC News; Weather 1:30pm Regional News and Weather 1:45pm Doctors 2:15pm Missing 3:00pm BBC News; Weather; Regional News 3:05pm Horrible Histories 3:30pm What’s New Scooby-Doo? 3:50pm Shaun the Sheep 4:00pm My Genius Idea 4:30pm Deadly 60 Bite Size 4:30pm Blue Peter 5:00pm Newsround 5:15pm Weakest Link 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:25pm 10:35pm 11:40pm 11:40pm

BBC News BBC London News The One Show BBC News; Regional News EastEnders Holby City Turn Back Time The High Street BBC News Regional News and Weather Imagine Weatherview The Clandestine Marriage

6:00am Live Test Cricket 8:00am Monday Night Football 10:00am Test Cricket 11:00am SPL RoundUp 11:30am Netbusters 12:00pm Monday Night Football 2:00pm Test Cricket 3:00pm Netbusters 3:30pm Monday Night Football 5:30pm Football Asia 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 10:30pm 11:00pm

Revista De La Liga Sky Sports News at Seven Soccer Special Football Asia Revista De La Liga

12:00am A-League 12:30am UEFA Champions League Goals 1:30am Test Cricket 3:30am Revista De La Liga 4:30am UEFA Champions League Goals 5:30am Football Asia

Page 30

6:00am Children’s TV 7:00am The Jungle Book 7:15am Muddle Earth 7:25am Newsround 7:30am Dennis and Gnasher 7:40am Eliot Kid 7:55am Diddy Dick & Dom 8:00am Prank Patrol 8:30am LazyTown 8:55am Big Barn Farm 9:05am Buzz and Tell 9:10am Tinga Tinga Tales 9:25am The Large Family 9:40am Toddworld 9:50am Pingu 10:00am Waybuloo 10:20am Clifford’s Puppy Days 10:30am Pablo the Little Red Fox 10:35am 3rd & Bird 10:50am Wibbly Pig 11:00am In the Night Garden 11:30am Animal Park 12:00pm Daily Politics 12:30pm Live Snooker: UK Championship 4:30pm Pointless 5:15pm The Hairy Bikers’ Cook Off 6:00pm 6:30pm

7:00pm 8:00pm

9:00pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 11:20pm

Eggheads Strictly Come Dancing - It Takes Two Live Snooker: UK Championship Natural World Special: Panda Makers The Foods That Make Billions Miranda Newsnight Snooker: UK Championship

6:00am X-Weighted 7:00am Brainiac: Science Abuse 8:00am Oops TV 9:00am It’s Me or the Dog USA 10:00am Bones 11:00am The Filth Files 11:30am The Real A&E 12:00pm X-Weighted 1:00pm Road Wars 2:00pm Stargate Atlantis 3:00pm Stargate Atlantis 4:00pm Bones 5:00pm Malcolm in the Middle 5:30pm Futurama 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm

Oops TV The Simpsons The Simpsons Modern Family Futurama Futurama Stargate Universe Fringe In the Spider’s Web

6:00am Daybreak 8:30am Lorraine 9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30am This Morning 12:30pm Loose Women 1:30pm ITV News and Weather 1:55pm London News and Weather 2:00pm House Gift 3:00pm Dickinson’s Real Deal 3:59pm London Weather 4:00pm Midsomer Murders 5:00pm The Alan Titchmarsh Show 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm

10:00pm 10:30pm 10:35pm

12:30am ITV News Headlines 12:30am The Zone 2:30am The Rockford Files 3:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 4:20am ITV Nightscreen 5:30am ITV Morning News

7:00am Airport 7:30am Airport 8:00am Dragons’ Den 9:00am Top Gear 10:00am Ray Mears’ Extreme Survival 10:30am Seaside Rescue 11:00am Full Circle with Michael Palin 12:00pm Top Gear 1:00pm Top Gear 2:00pm Seaside Rescue 2:40pm Have I Got News for You 3:20pm QI 4:00pm Top Gear 5:00pm Top Gear 6:00pm 6:40pm 7:20pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:40pm 11:40pm

12:45am Road Wars

London Tonight ITV News and Weather Emmerdale Can You Keep a Secret?: Tonight Emmerdale Coronation Street Coronation Street: 50 Years, 50 Moments ITV News at Ten and Weather London News and Weather Analyze This

Seaside Rescue Have I Got News for You QI Top Gear QI XL Mock the Week Have I Got News for You QI XL

6:35am Planet Cook 6:55am Yo Gabba Gabba 7:20am Freshly Squeezed 7:45am Everybody Loves Raymond 8:10am Everybody Loves Raymond 8:40am Frasier 9:10am According to Jim 9:40am Friends 10:10am One Tree Hill 11:05am Smallville 12:00pm Channel 4 News Summary 12:05pm 3 Minute Wonder: The Turner Prize 2010 12:10pm River Cottage Bites 12:20pm Iron Chef UK 1:25pm An American Guerrilla in the Philippines 3:25pm Countdown 4:10pm Deal or No Deal 5:00pm Come Dine with Me 5:30pm Four in a Bed 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:55pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:35pm 11:10pm 11:35pm

The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Kirstie and Phil’s Perfect Christmas The Family Frankie Boyle’s Tramadol Nights The Morgana Show The Big Bang Theory Robert’s Web

12:10am Bull Run 12:40am World B-Boy Series 1:10am Freesports on 4 1:35am Beach Volleyball 2:30am KOTV Boxing Weekly

6:00am Home Shopping 6:30am Home Shopping 7:00am The Jerry Springer Show 7:25am The Jerry Springer Show 7:50am Celebs 24/7 8:00am Maury 8:55am Celebs 24/7 9:00am Maury 9:55am Celebs 24/7 10:00am CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 11:00am CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 12:00pm CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 1:00pm CSI: Miami 2:00pm Criminal Minds 3:00pm Criminal Minds 4:00pm Charmed 5:00pm Charmed 6:00pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm

Cougar Town CSI: Miami America’s Next Top Model Four Weddings Little Man: Looking for Love Criminal Minds

6:00am Children’s TV 6:55am Mio Mao 7:00am Little Princess 7:15am The Mr Men Show 7:30am Thomas & Friends 7:45am Noddy in Toyland 8:00am Fifi and the Flowertots 8:15am Peppa Pig 8:25am Peppa Pig 8:30am Roary the Racing Car 8:40am Hana’s Helpline 8:50am Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 9:05am Milkshake! Music Box 9:15am The Wright Stuff 10:45am Trisha Goddard 11:45am House Doctor 12:10pm House Doctor 12:40pm Five News 12:45pm Deadly Jungle Rattlesnake: Austin Stevens’ Adventures 1:45pm Neighbours 2:15pm Home and Away 2:50pm Horton Foote’s Alone 5:00pm Weather 5:00pm Five News 5:30pm Neighbours 6:00pm 6:25pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm

Home and Away Live from Studio Five Five News at 7 Five News Update Street Market Chefs Five News at 9 Sea Patrol UK CSI: Miami Five News Update CSI: NY CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

12:00am True CSI

6:00am Super Vets 6:25am MasterChef Australia 7:15am Real Rescues 8:00am Casualty 9:00am The Bill 10:00am The Bill 11:00am Casualty 12:00pm Real Rescues 1:00pm MasterChef Australia 2:00pm My Family 2:40pm My Family 3:20pm Traffic Cops 4:00pm Traffic Cops 4:40pm Doctor Who 5:40pm My Family 6:20pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm

My Family MasterChef Australia Traffic Cops Sanctuary Torchwood Torchwood

12:00am Spooks 1:00am Sanctuary 2:00am Doctor Who 3:00am Close

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010

Television Guide

Wednesday 08 December 6:00am Breakfast 9:15am Rip Off Britain 10:00am BBC News; Weather 10:00am Homes Under the Hammer 11:00am Real Rescues 11:45am BBC News; Weather 11:45am To Buy or Not to Buy 12:15pm Bargain Hunt 1:00pm BBC News; Weather 1:30pm Regional News and Weather 1:45pm Doctors 2:15pm Missing 3:00pm BBC News; Weather; Regional News 3:05pm Children’s TV 4:30pm Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab: The Experiments 4:30pm Dani’s House 5:00pm Newsround 5:15pm Weakest Link 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:35pm

10:45pm 10:45pm

BBC News BBC London News The One Show Wallace & Gromit’s World of Invention Jimmy’s Food Factory Nigel Slater’s Simple Suppers The Apprentice BBC News The National Lottery Wednesday Night Draws National Lottery Update Film 2010 with Claudia Winkleman

6:00am Good Morning Sports Fans 9:00am UEFA Champions League Goals 10:00am Football Asia 10:30am Revista De La Liga 11:30am Test Cricket 1:30pm UEFA Champions League Goals 2:30pm Revista De La Liga 3:30pm A-League 4:00pm UEFA Champions League Goals 5:00pm Revista De La Liga 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 10:00pm 11:30pm

European Tour Weekly FIFA Futbol Mundial Sky Sports News at Seven Soccer Special You’re on Sky Sports! FIFA Futbol Mundial

6:00am Children’s TV 6:40am Postman Pat 6:55am Pingu 7:00am The Jungle Book 7:15am Muddle Earth 7:25am Newsround 7:30am Dennis and Gnasher 7:40am Diddy Dick & Dom 7:40am Eliot Kid 8:00am Prank Patrol 8:30am LazyTown 8:55am Big Barn Farm 9:05am Buzz and Tell 9:10am Tinga Tinga Tales 9:25am The Large Family 9:40am Toddworld 9:50am Pingu 10:00am Waybuloo 10:20am Clifford’s Puppy Days 10:30am Pablo the Little Red Fox 10:35am 3rd & Bird 10:50am Wibbly Pig 11:00am In the Night Garden 11:30am Daily Politics 1:00pm See Hear 1:30pm Live Snooker: UK Championship 4:30pm Pointless 5:15pm The Hairy Bikers’ Cook Off 6:00pm 6:30pm

7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 10:30pm 11:20pm

Eggheads Strictly Come Dancing - It Takes Two Live Snooker: UK Championship Edwardian Farm Ancient Worlds The Apprentice: You’re Fired! Weather Newsnight Snooker: UK Championship

6:00am X-Weighted 7:00am Brainiac: Science Abuse 8:00am Oops TV 9:00am It’s Me or the Dog USA 10:00am Bones 11:00am The Filth Files 11:30am Medical Emergency 12:00pm X-Weighted 1:00pm Road Wars 2:00pm Stargate Atlantis 3:00pm Stargate Atlantis 4:00pm Bones 5:00pm Malcolm in the Middle 5:30pm Futurama 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm

12:00am Football Asia 12:30am UEFA Champions League Goals

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010

Oops TV The Simpsons The Simpsons Modern Family The Simpsons Raising Hope Bones Terminator 2: Judgment Day

6:00am Daybreak 8:30am Lorraine 9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30am This Morning 12:30pm Loose Women 1:30pm ITV News and Weather 1:55pm London News and Weather 2:00pm House Gift 3:00pm Dickinson’s Real Deal 3:59pm London Weather 4:00pm Midsomer Murders 5:00pm The Alan Titchmarsh Show 6:00pm Weather 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm

London Tonight ITV News and Weather Coronation Street Live UEFA Champions League

6:30am Planet Cook 6:50am Yo Gabba Gabba 7:15am Freshly Squeezed 7:40am Everybody Loves Raymond 8:05am Everybody Loves Raymond 8:35am Frasier 9:10am According to Jim 9:40am Friends 10:10am One Tree Hill 11:05am Smallville 12:00pm Channel 4 News Summary 12:05pm 3 Minute Wonder: The Turner Prize 2010 12:10pm River Cottage Bites 12:20pm Iron Chef UK 1:20pm Wake of the Red Witch 3:25pm Countdown 4:10pm Deal or No Deal 5:00pm Come Dine with Me 5:30pm Four in a Bed 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:55pm 8:00pm

10:00pm 10:30pm 10:35pm

ITV News at Ten and Weather London News and Weather UEFA Champions League: Extra Time

12:35am ITV News Headlines 12:35am The Zone 2:35am The Cowboy Way 4:20am The Jeremy Kyle Show 5:20am ITV Nightscreen 5:30am ITV Morning News

7:05am Airport 7:30am Airport 8:00am Dragons’ Den 9:00am Top Gear 10:00am Ray Mears’ Extreme Survival 10:30am Seaside Rescue 11:00am Full Circle with Michael Palin 12:00pm Top Gear 1:00pm Top Gear 2:00pm Seaside Rescue 2:40pm Have I Got News for You 3:20pm QI 4:00pm Top Gear 5:00pm Top Gear 6:00pm 6:40pm 7:20pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 9:40pm 10:20pm 11:20pm

Seaside Rescue Have I Got News for You QI Top Gear QI Mock the Week Have I Got News for You QI

9:00pm 10:00pm 11:05pm

The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Kirstie and Phil’s Perfect Christmas Grand Designs Rude Tube The Event

12:20am The Album Chart Show: N-Dubz Special 12:50am Mercury Prize Sessions 1:05am The Album Chart Show Spotlight 1:20am Oldboy 3:20am Brothers & Sisters 4:05am One Tree Hill 4:50am Hill Street Blues 5:40am Countdown

6:00am Home Shopping 6:30am Home Shopping 7:00am The Jerry Springer Show 7:25am The Jerry Springer Show 7:50am Celebs 24/7 8:00am Maury 8:55am Celebs 24/7 9:00am Maury 9:55am Celebs 24/7 10:00am CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 11:00am CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 12:00pm CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 1:00pm CSI: Miami 2:00pm Criminal Minds 3:00pm Criminal Minds 4:00pm Charmed 5:00pm Charmed 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm

Cougar Town Cougar Town CSI: Miami Four Weddings Robbie Williams’ Crazy 2010 Criminal Minds Criminal Minds

6:00am Children’s TV 7:15am The Mr Men Show 7:30am Thomas & Friends 7:45am Noddy in Toyland 8:00am Fifi and the Flowertots 8:15am Peppa Pig 8:25am Peppa Pig 8:30am Roary the Racing Car 8:40am Hana’s Helpline 8:50am Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 9:05am Milkshake! Music Box 9:15am The Wright Stuff 10:45am Trisha Goddard 11:45am House Doctor 12:10pm House Doctor 12:40pm Five News 12:45pm Jaws of the Hippo: Austin Stevens’ Adventures 1:45pm Neighbours 2:15pm Home and Away 2:50pm The Family Recipe 2:55pm Meals in Moments 3:05pm Two against Time 5:00pm Weather 5:00pm Five News 5:30pm Neighbours 6:00pm 6:25pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:55pm 11:55pm

Home and Away Live from Studio Five Five News at 7 Five News Update Highland Emergency Five News at 9 Emergency Bikers NCIS Law & Order: Criminal Intent Law & Order Poker

12:50am SuperCasino 4:00am The FBI Files

6:00am Super Vets 6:25am MasterChef Australia 7:10am Real Rescues 8:00am Casualty 9:00am The Bill 10:00am The Bill 11:00am Casualty 12:00pm Real Rescues 1:00pm MasterChef Australia 2:00pm My Family 2:40pm My Family 3:20pm Traffic Cops 4:00pm The Real Hustle 4:40pm Doctor Who 5:40pm My Family 6:20pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm

My Family MasterChef Australia MasterChef Australia Don’t Tell the Bride World’s Strictest Parents USA 11:00pm Diet or My Husband Dies

12:00am Spooks 1:00am Don’t Tell the Bride 2:00am The Bill

Page 31

Television Guide

Thursday 09 December 6:00am Breakfast 9:15am Rip Off Britain 10:00am BBC News; Weather 10:00am Homes Under the Hammer 11:00am Real Rescues 11:45am BBC News; Weather 11:45am To Buy or Not to Buy 12:15pm Bargain Hunt 1:00pm BBC News; Weather 1:30pm Regional News and Weather 1:45pm Doctors 2:15pm Missing 3:00pm BBC News; Weather; Regional News 3:05pm Horrible Histories 3:30pm What’s New Scooby-Doo? 3:50pm Shaun the Sheep 4:00pm Deadly 60 4:30pm Richard Hammond’s Blast Lab: The Experiments 4:30pm Combat Kids 5:00pm Newsround 5:15pm Weakest Link 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 10:35pm 11:35pm 11:35pm

BBC News BBC London News The One Show BBC News; Regional News EastEnders The Apprentice: The Final Five Have I Got News for You Live at the Apollo BBC News Question Time Skiing Weatherview This Week

6:00am Good Morning Sports Fans 9:00am UEFA Champions League Goals 10:00am FIFA Futbol Mundial 10:30am Football Asia 11:00am A-League 11:30am Transworld Sport 12:30pm UEFA Champions League Goals 1:30pm Live Rugby Union 4:00pm Football Asia 4:30pm FIFA Futbol Mundial 5:00pm UEFA Champions League Goals 6:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm

Page 32

Big Fight Countdown Sky Sports News at Seven Premier League World The Rugby Club Ringside Time of Our Lives The Rugby Club

6:00am Children’s TV 7:00am The Jungle Book 7:15am Muddle Earth 7:25am Newsround 7:30am Dennis and Gnasher 7:40am Diddy Dick & Dom 7:40am Eliot Kid 8:00am Prank Patrol 8:30am LazyTown 8:55am Big Barn Farm 9:05am Buzz and Tell 9:10am Tinga Tinga Tales 9:25am The Large Family 9:40am Toddworld 9:50am Pingu 10:00am Waybuloo 10:20am Clifford’s Puppy Days 10:30am Pablo the Little Red Fox 10:35am 3rd & Bird 10:50am Wibbly Pig 11:00am In the Night Garden 11:30am Animal Park 12:00pm Daily Politics 12:30pm Live Snooker: UK Championship 4:30pm Pointless 5:15pm The Hairy Bikers’ Cook Off 6:00pm 6:30pm

7:00pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 10:30pm

Eggheads Strictly Come Dancing - It Takes Two Live Snooker: UK Championship Nigella Kitchen Rick Stein’s Cornish Christmas At Home with the Georgians Never Mind the Buzzcocks Weather Newsnight

6:00am X-Weighted 7:00am Brainiac: Science Abuse 8:00am Oops TV 9:00am It’s Me or the Dog USA 10:00am Bones 11:00am The Filth Files 11:30am Medical Emergency 12:00pm X-Weighted 1:00pm Road Wars 2:00pm Stargate Atlantis 3:00pm Stargate Atlantis 4:00pm Bones 5:00pm Malcolm in the Middle 5:30pm Futurama 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 11:00pm

Oops TV The Simpsons Modern Family The Simpsons Modern Family The Simpsons An Idiot Abroad Raising Hope League of Their Own Wayne Rooney’s Street Striker

6:00am Daybreak 8:30am Lorraine 9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30am This Morning 12:30pm Loose Women 1:30pm ITV News and Weather 1:55pm London News and Weather 2:00pm House Gift 3:00pm Dickinson’s Real Deal 3:59pm London Weather 4:00pm Midsomer Murders 5:00pm The Alan Titchmarsh Show 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm

10:00pm 10:30pm 10:35pm 11:35pm

Weather London Tonight ITV News and Weather Emmerdale Coronation Street Live Coronation Street: 50 Years, 50 Moments ITV News at Ten and Weather London News and Weather Coronation Street Live The Late Debate

6:25am Sali Mali 6:30am Planet Cook 6:50am Yo Gabba Gabba 7:15am Freshly Squeezed 7:45am Everybody Loves Raymond 8:10am Everybody Loves Raymond 8:40am Frasier 9:10am According to Jim 9:40am Friends 10:10am One Tree Hill 11:05am Smallville 12:00pm Channel 4 News Summary 12:05pm 3 Minute Wonder: The Turner Prize 2010 12:10pm River Cottage Bites 12:20pm My Eden 12:30pm Iron Chef UK 1:30pm The Last Wagon 3:25pm Countdown 4:10pm Deal or No Deal 5:00pm Come Dine with Me 5:30pm Four in a Bed 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:55pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm

The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Kirstie and Phil’s Perfect Christmas The House That Made Me My Best Friend’s Wedding

12:05am Grimefighters 12:35am ITV News Headlines 12:35am The Zone 2:35am Surface 3:20am The Jeremy Kyle Show 4:15am ITV Nightscreen 5:30am ITV Morning News

12:00am Reaper 12:55am King of the Hill 1:20am King of the Hill 1:45am Our Drugs War 2:40am Dispatches: The Kids Britain Doesn’t Want 3:30am Brothers & Sisters 4:15am ER 5:00am One Tree Hill 5:45am Countdown

7:00am Airport 7:30am Airport 8:00am Dragons’ Den 9:00am Top Gear 10:00am Ray Mears’ Extreme Survival 10:30am Ray Mears’ Extreme Survival 11:00am Full Circle with Michael Palin 12:00pm Top Gear 1:00pm Top Gear 2:00pm Seaside Rescue 2:40pm Have I Got News for You 3:20pm QI 4:00pm Top Gear 5:00pm Top Gear

6:00am Home Shopping 6:30am Home Shopping 7:00am The Jerry Springer Show 7:25am The Jerry Springer Show 7:50am Celebs 24/7 8:00am Maury 8:55am Celebs 24/7 9:00am Maury 9:55am Celebs 24/7 10:00am CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 11:00am CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 12:00pm CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 1:00pm CSI: Miami 2:00pm Criminal Minds 3:00pm Criminal Minds 4:00pm Charmed 5:00pm Charmed

6:00pm 6:40pm 7:20pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:40pm 11:40pm

Seaside Rescue Have I Got News for You QI Top Gear QI XL Mock the Week Have I Got News for You QI XL

6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm

Cougar Town Cougar Town CSI: Miami Supersize Kids Nikita Chuck Criminal Minds

6:00am Children’s TV 6:35am Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 6:40am Rupert Bear 6:50am Peppa Pig 6:55am Mio Mao 7:00am Little Princess 7:15am The Mr Men Show 7:30am Thomas & Friends 7:45am Noddy in Toyland 8:00am Fifi and the Flowertots 8:15am Peppa Pig 8:25am Peppa Pig 8:30am Roary the Racing Car 8:40am Hana’s Helpline 8:50am Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 9:05am Milkshake! Music Box 9:15am The Wright Stuff 10:45am Trisha Goddard 11:45am House Doctor 12:10pm House Doctor 12:45pm Five News 12:50pm Elephant Charge: Austin Stevens’ Adventures 1:45pm Neighbours 2:15pm Home and Away 2:50pm Meals in Moments 3:00pm Meals in Moments 3:10pm The Wishing Well 5:00pm Weather 5:00pm Five News 5:30pm Neighbours 6:00pm 6:25pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 11:35pm

Home and Away Live from Studio Five Five News at 7 Five News Update Highland Emergency Five News at 9 Silver Pharaoh Mystery: Revealed Men of Honor The World of Stupid Criminals

6:00am Super Vets 6:25am MasterChef Australia 7:15am Real Rescues 8:00am Casualty 9:00am The Bill 10:00am The Bill 11:00am Casualty 12:00pm Real Rescues 1:00pm MasterChef Australia 2:00pm My Family 2:40pm My Family 3:20pm The Real Hustle 4:00pm The Real Hustle 4:40pm Doctor Who 5:40pm My Family 6:20pm 7:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:20pm 11:20pm 11:50pm

My Family MasterChef Australia Traffic Cops Jonathan Creek Diet or My Husband Dies Traffic Cops Spooks

12:55am Jonathan Creek 2:05am Traffic Cops

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010

Television Guide

Friday 10 December 6:00am Breakfast 9:15am Rip Off Britain 10:00am BBC News; Weather 10:00am Homes Under the Hammer 11:00am Real Rescues 11:45am BBC News; Weather 11:45am To Buy or Not to Buy 12:15pm Bargain Hunt 1:00pm BBC News; Weather 1:30pm Regional News and Weather 1:45pm Doctors 2:15pm Missing 3:00pm BBC News; Weather; Regional News 3:05pm Horrible Histories 3:35pm What’s New Scooby-Doo? 3:50pm Shaun the Sheep 4:00pm Sorry, I’ve Got No Head 4:30pm The Owl 4:30pm MI High 5:00pm Newsround 5:15pm Weakest Link 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:25pm 10:35pm 11:20pm


BBC News BBC London News The One Show A Question of Sport EastEnders QI Strictly Come Dancing BBC News Regional News and Weather The Graham Norton Show The National Lottery Friday Night Draws Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights

6:00am Good Morning Sports Fans 9:00am Ringside 10:00am The Rugby Club 11:00am Rugby Union 11:30am Premier League World 12:00pm NFL 1:30pm Premier League World 2:00pm Ringside 3:00pm Rugby Union 3:30pm The Rugby Club 4:30pm Ringside 5:30pm Football League Weekend 6:30pm Big Fight Countdown 7:00pm 7:30pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 11:00pm

Sky Sports News at Seven Live European Cup Rugby Union Big Fight Countdown Take It Like a Fan Football League Weekend

6:00am Children’s TV 7:00am The Jungle Book 7:15am Muddle Earth 7:25am Newsround 7:30am Dennis and Gnasher 7:40am Diddy Dick & Dom 7:40am Eliot Kid 8:00am Prank Patrol 8:30am LazyTown 8:55am Big Barn Farm 9:05am Buzz and Tell 9:10am Tinga Tinga Tales 9:25am The Large Family 9:40am Toddworld 9:50am Pingu 10:00am Waybuloo 10:20am Clifford’s Puppy Days 10:30am Pablo the Little Red Fox 10:35am 3rd & Bird 10:50am Wibbly Pig 11:00am In the Night Garden 11:30am Animal Park 12:00pm Daily Politics 12:30pm Live Snooker: UK Championship 4:30pm Pointless 5:15pm The Hairy Bikers’ Cook Off 6:00pm 6:30pm

7:00pm 7:30pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 11:00pm 11:00pm 11:50pm

Eggheads Strictly Come Dancing - It Takes Two Live Snooker: UK Championship Match of the Day Live The Stephen K Amos Show Newsnight Weather The Review Show Snooker: UK Championship

6:00am X-Weighted 7:00am Brainiac: Science Abuse 8:00am Oops TV 9:00am It’s Me or the Dog USA 10:00am Bones 11:00am The Filth Files 11:30am Adoption Diaries 12:00pm X-Weighted 1:00pm Road Wars 2:00pm Stargate Atlantis 3:00pm Stargate Atlantis 4:00pm Bones 5:00pm WWE Superstars 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm

Oops TV The Simpsons The Simpsons Modern Family Best of Oops TV Ross Kemp on Gangs House Stargate Universe

6:00am Daybreak 8:30am Lorraine 9:25am The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30am This Morning 12:30pm Loose Women 1:30pm ITV News and Weather 1:55pm London News and Weather 2:00pm House Gift 3:00pm Dickinson’s Real Deal 3:59pm London Weather 4:00pm Midsomer Murders 5:00pm The Alan Titchmarsh Show 6:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm

10:30pm 11:00pm 11:05pm

Weather London Tonight ITV News and Weather Emmerdale Coronation Street Countrywise Kitchen Coronation Street Coronation Street: The Big 50

ITV News and Weather London News and Weather Taking Lives

7:00am Ray Mears’ Extreme Survival 8:00am Dragons’ Den 9:00am Top Gear 10:00am Ray Mears’ Wild Food 11:00am Full Circle with Michael Palin 12:00pm Top Gear 1:00pm Top Gear 2:00pm Seaside Rescue 2:40pm Have I Got News for You 3:20pm QI 4:00pm Top Gear 5:00pm Top Gear 6:00pm 6:40pm 7:20pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:40pm 11:40pm

Seaside Rescue Have I Got News for You QI Top Gear QI XL Mock the Week Have I Got News for You QI XL

6:30am Planet Cook 6:50am Yo Gabba Gabba 7:15am Freshly Squeezed 7:40am Everybody Loves Raymond 8:05am Everybody Loves Raymond 8:35am Frasier 9:05am According to Jim 9:35am Friends 10:05am One Tree Hill 11:00am Smallville 12:00pm Channel 4 News Summary 12:05pm Iron Chef UK 1:05pm Channel 4 Racing 3:25pm Countdown 4:10pm Deal or No Deal 5:00pm Come Dine with Me 5:30pm Four in a Bed 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:25pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm

The Simpsons Hollyoaks Channel 4 News Unreported World Come Dine with Me The Event Peep Show

10:30pm 11:05pm

Robert’s Web Frankie Boyle’s Tramadol Nights The Morgana Show


6:00am Home Shopping 6:30am Home Shopping 7:00am The Jerry Springer Show 7:25am The Jerry Springer Show 7:50am Celebs 24/7 8:00am Maury 8:55am Celebs 24/7 9:00am Maury 9:55am Celebs 24/7 10:00am CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 11:00am CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 12:00pm CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 1:00pm CSI: Miami 2:00pm Criminal Minds 3:00pm Criminal Minds 4:00pm Charmed 5:00pm Charmed 6:00pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 11:00pm

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010

Cougar Town Cougar Town CSI: Miami Criminal Minds Medium CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Criminal Minds

6:00am Children’s TV 6:55am Mio Mao 7:00am Little Princess 7:15am The Mr Men Show 7:30am Thomas & Friends 7:45am Noddy in Toyland 8:00am Fifi and the Flowertots 8:15am Peppa Pig 8:25am Peppa Pig 8:30am Roary the Racing Car 8:40am Hana’s Helpline 8:50am Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 9:05am Milkshake! Music Box 9:15am The Wright Stuff 10:45am Trisha Goddard 11:45am House Doctor 12:10pm House Doctor 12:40pm Five News 12:45pm Man-Eating Leopards: Austin Stevens’ Adventures 1:45pm Neighbours 2:15pm Home and Away 2:50pm Animal Rescue Squad 3:05pm Angel in the Family 5:00pm Weather 5:00pm Five News 5:30pm Neighbours 6:00pm 6:25pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 8:00pm 8:00pm 9:00pm 10:00pm 10:55pm 11:55pm

Home and Away Live from Studio Five Five News at 7 Five News Update Fifth Gear Five News at 9 White Van Man The Mentalist Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Cops in Crisis

6:00am Super Vets 6:25am MasterChef Australia 7:10am Real Rescues 8:00am Casualty 9:00am The Bill 10:00am The Bill 11:00am Casualty 12:00pm Real Rescues 1:00pm MasterChef Australia 2:00pm My Family 2:40pm My Family 3:20pm The Real Hustle 4:00pm The Real Hustle 4:40pm Doctor Who 5:40pm My Family

6:20pm 7:00pm 9:00pm 10:40pm

My Family MasterChef Australia Comic Relief Does The Apprentice Sweet Home Alabama

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03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010


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Flying home for Christmas IT’S that time again when, for some reason, I will be letting a lot of people down by not visiting them for Christmas. Bear in mind that I have not had one family member or friend visit me in four years. But that’s beside the point, I will get the blame. A few weeks ago, I said in my column that I was thinking over whether I should fly to Belfast or not. I made up my mind last week. It’s NO! So next week, I am going for five days to Diana Dors’ birthplace of Swindon! It will not even be a week and, as I explained in that column, it’s my first time taking a baby on a flight. But it seems now that I will be taking an entourage along with me. I have never in my life seen

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so many clothes for an individual who does nothing but poo and puke. There is no way a kid needs so much. It has been all set up in the bedroom ready for packing and it will all stay there because I am not taking it all. Even Paris Hilton would have to think about taking so much luggage. I seriously don’t get it? When I used to fly home I took one shoulder bag with two changes of clothes, my boxers and a few pairs of socks. I hate waiting at baggage arrival as it’s always me waiting until the very end to see my suitcase. It’s as if the airline staff wait to see who looks like an idiot getting off the aircraft. Obviously, I do not have to try that hard as I am an idiot. It’s always my stuff that arrives in a taxi the next day. So why in the name of God

do we have to take so much with us for a child aged no more than four months? I won’t be taking him clubbing, so the fashionable shirts are staying out of the case. I appreciate the fact

that people have been so nice in giving us gifts for him, but he does not have to be seen wearing the complete Next collection. He gets up at 8.15am, eats, sleeps, poos, sleeps, eats,

poos and sleeps the rest of the night. So for five days, there should only be five baby-grows. His Grandmother will have a washing machine, so job done! Blazing fire in the

background, I can watch over him as sits all day in a nappy. What’s the big deal? I wish to venture out only once during the visit. And that is to watch a movie in 3D. Have you ever been in a cinema where someone decides to bring a kid? I have and I hated every minute of it! He is too young to understand what is going on with the big screen, and I’m sorry if this sounds selfish, but I want to enjoy the movie without him. That’s what grandparents are for. When Mum and Dad want a little time together, bung them in the grandparents and have a few hours on our own. I just know this will not happen as Mrs Ferguson always gets her way. And rightly so, but I really can’t wait to get back. Back in two weeks. Joe

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010


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Retailers warned against ‘tricking’ their customers

RETAILERS who trick shoppers into buying goods with misleading price offers may be breaking the law, the business regulator has warned. The Office of Fair Trading has identified a variety of dodgy sales strategies and warned that businesses who flout the law risk prosecution. “A lot of pricing advertising is very beneficial to consumers but when it misleads people it leads them to make decisions they wouldn’t otherwise make”, the OFT’s Chief Executive, John Fingleton said. “It causes them to buy things they wouldn’t otherwise buy”. According to an OFT survey of 3,000 consumers, the most common and frustrating strategy is “drip pricing” in which advertised prices do not include the cost of nonoptional extras such as airline handling fees or an accessory that is essential for the use of an electrical product. Other problem areas include “reference pricing” where a ‘sale’ price is listed in comparison to a fictional non-sale price that was not actually charged. “Bait pricing” uses a limited supply of discounted products to attract customers into a shop who are then tempted to buy a higher priced product once the sup-

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ply of sale goods runs out. Discounts and promotions are part of our highly competitive retail market and customers benefit from them. “There’s a limit to how much consumers can help themselves”, said the OFT’s John Fingleton. “Of course we want consumers to be active, engaged and confident but this is about business not engaging in things that making it difficult for their customers.” The British Retail Consortium has said that its members abide by advertising rules and retailers know that satisfied customers are good customers. Director of Regulation Tom Ironside said: “Customers aren’t stupid. They make sophisticated judgements about prices and value within stores, between stores and over time and have all the information they need to do that. “Discounts and promotions are part of our highly competitive retail market and customers benefit from them.” The OFT has urged businesses to discuss their sales strategies with the regulator and adapt their sales tactics if necessary. It will initiate legal proceedings against repeat offenders but the regulator believes most businesses would prefer to modify their behaviour rather than risk being named and shamed.

Buy now… and pay later for Christmas WITH only a short time until Christmas arrives, a new survey conducted for uk money saving site shows Brits are cutting back in order to afford Christmas. - 1 in 4 Brits are more likely to buy gifts that are pre-owned from charity shops or eBay to give away as presents - 83% are worried about covering the costs that come with Christmas - 84% say they are going to spend less this year - 42% are in debt due to paying for items associated with Christmas - 15% admitted they will sell their personal belongings such as gold or jewellery to raise extra money for Christmas Predicted to lack a cheery festive spirit a new survey has revealed that due to the approach of Christmas 2010 83% of UK consumers are concerned about being able to afford this years festivities and gifts; with 84% saying they will have to spend less this year; and 26% thinking they may not celebrate Christmas this year. Over 1,000 people from the UK completed a survey for, which is a money saving site and a third revealed the amount of money they would be spending this year for Christmas would be reduced by up to 25%, and 1 in 4 said it would be up to 50% less. It also showed that not buying a Christmas tree would be 12%; wearing old clothes rather than buying new for parties is 54%; reducing the number of parties they will attend would be 30%; not buying as much Christmas food as normal is 54%; not buying as many presents for their children would be 49%; and revealing their partner would either be getting less or cheaper gifts this year was 57%. Spokesperson of Simon Terry stated, Over the last few

years the amount of money Christmas is costing is going up. As many people worry about the safety of their jobs; cut backs; and the VAT increase in January many UK consumers are genuinely worried about the cost so activities and presents this festive season. With the cost of Christmas spiralling for most it means due to entertaining, gift and party costs 42% are getting into debt. Even with Christmas being time of good will, only 8.5% of respondents were helped with the cost of the season with a bonus from their job. Results showed that in a bid to finance the festive period 15% were going to put their jewellery or gold items up for sale; a third said credit cards would be used and short-term

loans by 3% - with 35% of those taking out credit saying that even though interest rates were of a concern this was one of the only ways in which Christmas could be financed. In a further attempt to make cash last longer, 1 in 4 respondents were going to visit charity shops or eBay to buy used gifts for Christmas. Simon also said, due to Christmas being a concern for many this year, the key is to be wise with your money so it can stretch as far as possible. You can save money on most brands and not settle for RRPs by using discount vouchers, taking the time to compare prices and shop around. Additionally, 39% of survey participants revealed that the amount of money they would spend at Christmas was between £500 - £1000; 32% £250 - £500; for 16% it was £1000 - £2,500; and over £2,500 for 2%. The following figures also emerged from the survey regards the amount consumers spend on each of their children’s Christmas presents: £50 to £150 (43%); £150 to £300 (22%); £300 to £500 (more than 1 in 10); and over £1000 (3%). For more information visit

Older people ‘far more likely’ to attempt DIY PEOPLE aged over 50 are far more likely tackle DIY maintenance projects than their younger counterparts, who would prefer to call in a professional. These are the findings of a

survey carried out by Saga, which revealed while over a quarter of over-50s will attempt to repair loose or missing roof tiles, just one per cent of individuals aged between 25 and 34 would consider doing it themselves. Younger householders were quick to turn to professional help for tasks such as leaking pipes, with 18 per

cent calling in a plumber compared to just five per cent who would try and fix it on their own. Ros Altlmann, director-general of the group, said: “The older generations are far more willing to get hands on when it comes to preparing their home for winter.” She added it was unclear whether it was time con-

straints or a lack of knowledge that prevented the under-50s from doing home improvement work themselves. Last month, editor of Build It magazine Anna-Marie DeSouza stated people should “get stuck in” to DIY projects and not be afraid of making minor errors that could easily be fixed.

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010


DAVID HUDGELL Getting to the root of your gardening problems! Email:

Christmas Trees Gifts for


Most years the Canarian Weekly puts together an article about Christmas Trees, each year we never fail to be amazed as we find something new – did you know that there is actually a Christmas Tree Association? How to select your tree If you’re opting for a real tree there are a few things that you should bear in mind. Be sure you know what size (height and width) you need before heading to the garden centre or market. There are different species of tree so it pays to shop around as trees differ in colour, fragrance etc. Find trees that have been stored in shaded areas not in direct sunlight. Consumers should ask the retailer when he/she gets the trees, obviously the more recent they’ve been delivered the fresher they are. Do a freshness test on the trees. Green needles on fresh trees break crisply when bent sharply with the fingers — much like a fresh carrot. Pines have different indicators because of the fibrous nature of their needles compared to firs. The needles on fresh pines do NOT break, unless they are very dry. Look for other indicators of dryness or deterioration: excessive needle loss, discolored foliage, musty odor, needle pliability, and wrinkled bark. A good rule-ofthumb is, when in doubt about the freshness of a tree, select another one. If none of the trees look fresh go somewhere else. Plan ahead what are you going to do with your tree after the festive season – plant it in a pot, or your garden or recycle it? Care tips When a Christmas tree is cut, over half of its weight is water. With proper care, you can maintain the quality of your displayed trees. Displaying trees in water in a traditional reservoir type

ONLINE, there are some gorgeous gifts for gardeners and many online retailers will deliver here to Tenerife. Lady Gardening Mug, Coaster & Tray Gift Set From Marks and Spencer, you need to order by 13th

endary William Morris firm in the 19th century and still look every bit as charming today. These tools are great for making your garden beautiful, and even better for making you a gardening style icon. Price £19.99 available from

December 2010 – 5pm for international orders to the EU. £7.50 Product Code: T341399 Edible Landscaping By Rosalind Creasy Price: $26.37 & this item ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping. If you live in Spain you need to use the site.

stand is the most effective way of maintaining their freshness and minimising needle loss problems. Make a fresh cut to remove about a 1/2-inch thick disk of wood from the base of the trunk before putting the tree in the stand. Make the cut perpendicular to the stem axis. Don’t cut the trunk at an angle, or into a v-shape, which makes it far more difficult to hold the tree in the stand and also reduces the amount of water available to the tree. Once home, place the tree in water as soon as possible. Most species can go 6 to 8 hours after cutting the trunk and still take up water. Don’t bruise the cut surface or get it dirty. If needed, trees can be temporarily stored for several days in a cool location. Place the freshly cut trunk in a bucket that is kept full of water.

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010

To display the trees indoors, use a stand with an adequate water holding capacity for the tree. As a general rule, stands should provide 1 quarter of pint of water per inch of stem diameter. Devices are available that help maintain a constant water level in the stand. Use a stand that fits your tree. Avoid whittling the sides of the trunk down to fit a stand. The outer layers of wood are the most efficient in taking up water and should not be removed. Keep displayed trees away from sources of heat (fireplaces, heaters, heat vents, direct sunlight). Lowering the room temperature will slow the drying process, resulting in less water consumption each day. The temperature of the water used to fill the stand is not important and does not affect water uptake. Check the stand daily to

make sure that the level of water does not go below the base of the tree. With many stands, there can still be water in the stand even though the base of the tree is no longer submerged in water. Drilling a hole in the base of the trunk does not improve water uptake. Use of lights that produce low heat, such as miniature lights, will reduce drying of the tree. Always inspect light sets prior to placing them on the tree. If worn, replace with a new set. Do not overload electrical circuits. Always turn off the tree lights when leaving the house or when going to bed. Monitor the tree for freshness. Never burn any part of a Christmas tree in a wood stove or fireplace. Source National Christmas Tree Association

V&A Garden Tools Garden tools aren’t exactly the height of fashion at the best of times, unless your favourite colours happen to be mud-brown and with hints of dark green. Ugh. Thank goodness for the super people at the V&A, then, who have come up with some beautiful solutions. These exquisitely decorated sets, each containing a hand trowel and a mini garden fork, are just delightful and will make light gardening a rather stylish enterprise. There are two different styles to choose from, the Anemone design is full of resplendent blues and greens in a fancy floral pattern, while the Daisy design is slightly lighter and more ornate. Both were popularised by the leg-

Christmas Cracker Hand-tied £29.99 Flora arrangement from This hand-tied bouquet was so popular last Christmas, they made sure it was included in this year’s Collection. Using a selection of favourite flowers, we’ve gone for a blend of fiery red and orange with hints of blue and silver, and festive foliage adding the finishing touch. Featuring a red Asiatic lily, red carnations, red spray chrysanthemums with eryngium and silver eucalyptus, spruce, salal and holly – all hand-tied and finished with red wrap and gold ribbon. Code: CH7605

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Health & Beauty

CARL PATTISON from Robot, answers your hair questions

DEAR CHRISTINE Your resident Agony Aunt Email:


It’s Red Alert week! AFTER seeing that a certain Miss Cheryl Cole has gone red recently, there’s been a definite interest in her new colour. I’m quite sure, though, that if she were to colour her hair green, a few would surely follow. But before any of you decide to take the plunge, there are a few things you must know about following her recent trend. Being red is the easiest colour for us to achieve even easier than blonde as a red doesn’t require lifting the natural colour out of the hair too much. But, and it’s a big but, it’s the most difficult to remove as the molecules that make up red are a lot larger and, thus, more stubborn to get rid of when you’ve had enough. Red works brilliantly on darker bases (from 1-5), which to you is natural black to light brown. But anything else, from dark blonde to light blonde (6-12), is a nono. Not only will it fade quickly, but the tone will clash with your lighter skin, eyebrows and make-up. Red saps colour from your skin, drains your regular make-up shades and can clash with your clothes. You’re not going to see Miss Cole in anything orange or green because these colours don’t work well with red hair. Reds range from cool violet reds through to mahoganies, then to coppery almost orange tones. Anyone want-

ing to go red should first consider all these options and not jump in feet-first. That’s because, when applied to your hair, these shades can take years to remove or grow out. If your wardrobe contains a lot of pinks, whites or acid colours (bright green, orange, yellows, etc) don’t even think about it. You don’t want to end up looking like Ronald McDonald, and your make-up will also need to be looked at. All reds require the addition of more make-up - not great if you’re a naturallooking girl and don’t want to pile on a few darker shades. Notice how Cheryl keeps her lips dark, with bold eyeshadows, but forget pastels or nudes as you’ll look

washed-out. So, after all this, if you’ve decided the look is for you, then what are you waiting for? Redheads get noticed; they stand out from the crowd and never shy away from attention. Choose a bold style that makes a statement. This colour won’t look good on a classic or convention look. Don’t forget, your new colour will require lots of care, with treatments and specialist, colour-care shampoos to fight the fade. Especially here in Tenerife with all the sun we have (though not this week), reds are extremely difficult to keep, but not impossible,. As the saying goes, men want a blonde as a mistress but marry a brunette. Play safe and go RED.

Dear Christine, I’m a 15-year-old boy and have always been sociable. At my current school I made myself part of a group whose interests are football, x-box and taking the mick out of each other - completely normal, teenage things. Recently, though, I’ve become very unsure of myself. I feel the odd one out in my group and get timid in social situations. I even cry, privately, at the slightest thing, sometimes resulting in long periods of moroseness in which I feel like a failure. When my friends take the mick out of me now, I feel as though they hate me. Could they mean what they say now, or is it just the same as the banter they share with each other? Thank you. ‘Luke’

Dear ‘Luke’, The teenage years are a time of transition from the dependency of childhood (where you’re at first defined mostly by your family) to adulthood (where you have to stand on your own two feet). In the process, you separate out from your family/parents and compete for your place in the pecking-order among your mates, which is where all those bantering put-downs come from. You’re not the only lad who cries about such remarks, but your mates wouldn’t hang around, believe me, if they didn’t like you. The trick is to hold on to your confidence during the teenage years. You can do this by recognising what is good about you, such as your skills, your interests, sociability, your intelligence and capabilities, and to continue to develop them. No one else

is perfect, so you don’t have to be, but you can learn if you choose to. Accepting that you’re allowed to be good at some things and not so good at others will help you repel those teasing remarks you have found so hurtful. Boasting (“I’m better than you at so and so”) is going to alienate others, but you are allowed to be quietly confident about your good points. Enjoy the good times with your friends and realise that the teasing is just that. It’s certainly not meant to really hurt you! Christine Dear Christine, I am a childless woman of 43 whose partner splits his time between numerous lovers, his exwife and me. I have been with him for 12 years, and he was previously married to his ex for nine years. She is the mother of his children and still lives in Tenerife. Most of the time, it’s obvious that he doesn’t love me, but after all this time I am finding it hard to break free. I badly want to move on, but I can’t seem to end it once and for all. Mandy

Dear Mandy, I’m so sorry you’ve been feeling stuck and unsupported by your partner. This man probably loves you to the best of his ability. The trouble is, he isn’t capable of giving good, stable love - not to you, his other bedmates or the mother of his children. He doesn’t believe in fidelity, full stop. You’re a loyal, caring woman who deserves better than this. You wouldn’t go to a shoe shop for a dozen eggs, would you? So why go to

a selfish, deceitful, twotiming manipulator for real, honest love? To build your selfesteem, I recommend you try counselling, such as with Andrea Greenhalgh, based in Las Americas (659 054 745), email Counselling can help you to break out of the isolated lifestyle you’ve been living and make more friends. As a result, you will feel more appreciated, which will help you to waste less time wishing your partner could be different. It will also free up your mind to acknowledge what being with him is really like: lonely, frustrating, unfulfilling, unsupportive and unhappy, I should think. Books like Women Who Love Too Much, by Robin Norwood, will help you develop self-esteem, select partners who are good for you and work out how to do “equal” relationships. The more you come to love and value yourself, the less you’ll put up with bad behaviour. And when you are free to find someone capable of giving you what you need, just weed out the ones who aren’t. Don’t look on a date as the answer to your prayers. It is just an hour or two in which you and the guy might enjoy yourselves and work out whether you want to see each other again. And, as you expand your friendships, your girlfriends will be there for you, even though men may come and go until you find the right one. You deserve to be happy, Mandy. Take care of yourself, because you matter. Christine

Christine Craggs-Hinton is the author of 18 self-help books, including ‘How to Lower your Blood Pressure’, ‘Living with Fibromyalgia’, and ‘Overcoming Anorexia’. Her books are available from all good UK bookshops as well as ‘The Paper Shop’, Apolo Centre and ‘Bookswop’, Edificio Cristianos 1, both of which are in Los Cristianos.

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03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010

Health & Beauty

VAL SAINSBURY Keeping her finger on the pulse Email:

PASSIVE smoking claims more than 600,000 lives each year around the world from lung cancer, heart disease, asthma or respiratory infections, and children are the main victims! More than 165,000 kids are exposed to “second-hand tobacco smoke”, which is the most populated group of all - and they all suffer the ultimate consequences. A new study of the killer disease by the World Health Organisation is the first to assess the global impact of people inhaling the smoke of others. Its figures show that in any one year, smoking kills almost six million people in all, either actively or passively. And second-hand smoke is

Second-hand smoke is a killer for youngsters believed to have caused 379,000 deaths from heart disease, 165,000 from respiratory infections, 36,900 from asthma, and 21,400 from lung cancer. The findings are published in an on-line edition of The Lancet medical journal, and Dr Annette Pruss-Ustun, from the WHO in Geneva, and her fellow authors, wrote: “Exposure to secondhand smoke is still one of the most common indoor pollutants worldwide. “On the basis of the proportions of second-hand smoke exposure, as many as 40% of children, 35% of

women and 33% of men are regularly exposed to secondhand smoke indoors. “These deaths should be added to the estimated 5.1 million deaths attributable to active smoking to obtain the full effect of both passive and active smoking.” Many of us will know of someone, either famous or, perhaps, a family friend, who has died of smoking or passive smoking, yet people continue to puff away with an “it couldn’t happen to us” attitude. Popular all-round entertainer and trumpeter Roy Castle, perhaps the best-

known British example of a passive-smoking victim, died of lung cancer at the age of 62 in 1994, without ever smoking. He put it down to “all the smoky jazz clubs I played in during my early days”, and spent the last few months of his life raising money for the Lung Cancer Foundation It has been brought home to me in the last fortnight just how deadly smoking is, passive or otherwise, when I learned that the sister of a dear friend of mine has recently been diagnosed with lung and brain cancer.

Just two months before she received this dreadful news, her dog had to be destroyed, because she, also, was suffering from lung cancer, as a result of the ever-present smoke in the house. This tragic lady will leave behind two devoted daughters, a sister and her 85year-old mother. One of the most famous smoker celebrities of all was Beatle George Harrison, who died at 58 with advanced throat cancer. American actor Steve McQueen was just 50 when he succumbed to lung cancer, as did The

Beach Boy’s Carl Wilson, just a year older. And Roy Orbison, one of the greatest pop singers of all, had a fatal, smoke-related heart attack at 52. So, wealthy or not, nothing seems to get through to some smokers, despite all the government health warnings. And that is why, purely for health reasons and in line with most other European countries,, the Spanish Government has imposed a smoking ban in public places - bars, restaurants, hotels, etc - from 2nd January next month.

Poor kids at more risk of being hurt STILL on the subject of children, it seems that those from poorer backgrounds are at greater risk of being knocked down on the roads, or injured at home. Findings in a new paper, issued by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE), are part of guidance on preventing injuries to under-15s. The organisation said three areas needed to be addressed to reduce the number of preventable injuries to children: better home-safety assess-

ments, road-safety work and better strategic working between the authorities. Last year saw 65 under-15s killed on Britain’s roads, and 2,267 were seriously injured. In 2008, 55 children died from “choking, suffocation or strangling”; 17 from drowning and 10 from “smoke, fire and flames”. Youngsters from disadvantaged backgrounds were more likely to be the victims. The report stated: “Children whose parents have never worked, or are long-term unemployed, are more likely to die from an unintentional injury than those whose parents are in higher managerial or professional occupations.”

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010

Professor Catherine Law, who chairs a NICE public health advisory committee, said: “There is a clear link between increasing speed and the risk of death in the event of a vehicle hitting a child. “We also know children from

poorer families are at high risk because they’re more likely to be exposed to danger for example, living in neighbourhoods with on-street parking, high-speed traffic and few or no off-street play areas.”

The NICE group wants safety valves on bath taps installed in homes to reduce the chances of children being scalded, and the window restrictors installed to prevent youngsters from falling out.

Professor Mike Kelly, NICE public health director, said: “Injuries in the home are the leading cause of unintentional injuries for under-fives, including falls, burns, scalds, drowning, suffocation and poisoning.”

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Food News

La Martina review I HAVE a friend who is a bit of a freak in my eyes. It’s not that he is a freaky guy but just that he has a habit of doing things that most sections of society would feel are, well, freaky. For example, he cannot go to sleep unless he is wearing socks, he is well known for drinking pints of milk in pubs and he always eats before he goes to a restaurant. I asked him about this once and his answer was, erm, freakishly sensible. “I never feel full if I eat in a nice restaurant.” I thought of that quote when I visited La Martina restaurant in Americas Plaza this week. Lots of “meat” restaurants have the same standard menu and it’s hard to go wrong in your selections. But La Martina is different in a number of ways. Firstly, all the meat is imported from Argentina. South American meat is of a very high standard, but the Argentine cattle are superior

stock. The flavour is always richer and the meat is more tender than Brazilian or Uruguayan offerings. La Martina has an amazing chilled display of the meat on the menu and one look sets the mind racing and the mouth watering. The only non-Argentine offerings in the chiller were the local black puddings and Chorizo sausages. The choice is fantastic. I had not seen a decent rib-eye steak in Tenerife, but that black mark was swiftly erased at La Martina. The fillets were massive, sirloins thick and the Chateaubriand looked a challenge even for two people. Veal chops, Angus beef steak on the bone, T-Bones, ribs and an often overlooked favourite - skirt steak. A crisp white wine - well chosen by the waiter - accompanied our starter, which is a real signature dish. Provoletta is a new one on me. It’s a tangy, mature, hard Italian cheese which is oven-baked and served with chorizo criollo and small slices of toasted bread. There are two ways to eat this. Either you can choose

the civilised option and spoon the melted cheese on to your plate, or you can have some fun! Dipping the bread and the sausage into the cheese brought back some lovely fondue dinner-party memories. Accompanied with the always-excellent padron peppers, it was a great way to prepare for the main course. The table next to us had a couple of very eccentric Belgians. I speak no Flemish, but they were heartily enjoying their scallops, which came in a tomato-based sauce with shallots, cream and pepper. One to try next time, I think. For the main course I was torn between the rib eye and the fillet. One of my guests was edging towards the ribs, and it seemed like we were never going to decide. Thankfully, we were encouraged to go for the mixed grill option. I know what you are thinking. Mixed grills always sound

good on paper and seem like a meal for a hearty eater. But they invariably are filled with off-cuts and sausages. Not here. This mixed grill would prove to be so good that they really need to find another name for it. We had beef ribs, ribeye, fillet, skirt and sweetbreads, with a selection of vegetables and baked baby potatoes. It was a feast. I felt like Henry the Eighth at some sort of celebratory banquet. My dining guests are the type who love to eat, but we all struggled to finish the delicious meat, which was ovencooked with that juicy taste you get only from slow cooking. The grill came with a bearnaise sauce and a chimichurri sauce, which is a very secret Argentine recipe. It was gorgeous, especially when the “beef salt” flaked on to the meat. A fine Ribera del Duero washed down an exceptional meal. A champagne-glass-size barraquito with a fresh fivefruit salad ended what was an outstanding meal by any standards. As you would expect from a Gastronomic Route restaurant, the service was firstclass, the washrooms clean and the welcome as warm as

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a summer’s day. La Martina is a restaurant that spikes the view that less is more: a firstclass menu, competitively priced and a very full table of diners. Make sure La Martina is on your visit list this Christmas. Just make sure you don’t eat beforehand!

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010


Sudoku - X

The rules of sudoku X are simple - just enter the numbers 1 - 9 once in each row, column and 3 x 3 square within the sudoku X puzzle grid. In addition to standard sudoku, the numbers must only occur once in each side of the 'X' that is marked on the grid. Use logic alone to deduce where each of these numbers must be placed in every cell of a puzzle. Don’t worry! We´ve kept in two original sudokus for you on the right.


3 8 7 1








8 4


7 Puzzle Rating: Quite Easy








5 1









8 2






1 9








Puzzle Rating: Difficult


Puzzle Rating: Moderate

Horoscopes of the week Sagittaruis (November 23rd-December 21st) Venus brings new offers in love from Tuesday. You may feel you have nothing to show for your efforts these past few weeks, but you would be so wrong. In fact, the planets are about to show you just what kind of rewards are awaiting you, and you are unlikely to be disappointed, especially where finances are concerned.

AQUARIUS (Jan 21st - Feb 19th) A new way to do your job is found and makes your life so much easier. But new flirtations come with a price. Check out what that price is before you go any further. You are likely to be feeling overtired and a little stressed from all the mental work you have been doing. Your mind is like your body, and it needs to rest from time to time. Try to chill out this week and relax. PISCES (Feb 20thMarch 20th) You feel you are getting nowhere but actually, the opposite is true. If you could just stop analysing everything that is happening around you, then you would see that your life is good, and that you have all the support you could possibly wish for. And someone out there is planning to spice up your week. ARIES (March 21stApril 20th) Trust everything you feel regarding new ideas to old problems

in the next few days. The stars will lead you well if you have faith in all that life has so far taught you. Geminis are a firm link to naughty offers, but ones which are sure to prove more than a little tempting. And travel brings luck your way. TAURUS (April 21stMay 21st) You have been through your fair share of problems recently, but you’re just about to turn an important corner. Stay focused and don’t let well-meaning but naïve friends sway you from the game plan you will have made by the time Sunday comes around. It’s the recipe for success, especially where romance is concerned, either with a regular partner or someone new. GEMINI (May 22ndJune 21st) New faces enter your life and some will be making it difficult for you to know whether you should or should not leave the old faces behind. Don’t make any decisions just yet, though, until you see what dramas Tuesday has in store. But it will be worth your while to re-read texts and e-mails you’ve been sent. CANCER (June 22ndJuly 23rd) You have been taking advantage of a situation in the workplace. To get the respect you crave, you need to make a promise to yourself, and to those around you, that you will play it straight from now on. Apologies offered this weekend are meant, so

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010

accept them and clear the way for what your future holds. LEO (July 24thAugust 23rd) The planets are going to be making you more irritable than usual, and you may even find yourself falling out with close ones you usually get along with famously. Phone calls need to be made and decisions reached, so you can go ahead and enjoy the week. Success is calling, but will you see the light in time to climb aboard? VIRGO (August 24thSept 23rd) Avoid making too many arrangements if you want the week ahead to go as expected. But do not be tempted to change preparations at the last minute because you are sure to create an avalanche of trouble. Fellow Virgos won’t tell tales on you if you share your secret with them as they are getting to be such a burden. Travel in the near future looks a good bet.

SCORPIO (Oct 24thNov 22nd) You are worrying far too much about what other people think of you. It’s time to set your own standards. After all, you’re the one who has to live with the consequences. Raising the stakes in love can see you getting a commitment you’d never have believed possible. Those answers to life and love which have been puzzling you may soon become clear.















































































Very hard



































































































































































Weekly Quiz 30-Second Brain Training BIRDS 1. Who wrote Gullivers Travels?

2. What species of bird is Hedwig in the Harry Potter novels?

3. Which company published its first book in London in 1935

What better way to train your brain. Starting at the left with the number provided, work across each of these lines applying the mathematical instructions to your running total. Don´t reach for the calculator - that´s cheating! Write your final answer in the last box of the line. Aim to complete each round in about 30 seconds. Good Luck! BEGINNER STARTER NUMBER

52 4

-19 8

4. Which couple sailed away in a beautiful pea green boat?



÷4 5




+47 5/12 of this 6








5. Which John Grisham novel was made into a film in 1993 starring Julia Roberts & Denzil Washington?


33 4

LIBRA (Sept 24thOct 23rd) You have had a lot to cope with recently, but that doesn’t mean you need to take it out on your close ones. Answers to any worries can be found only if you reach out for help, and that help really is out there if you want it. Phone calls promise romance on Sunday, but tread carefully and don’t rush into decisions about what and whom you need in life.










CAPRICORN (Dec 22nd-Jan 20th) Confrontations with an ex will at last give you the upper hand. However, you don’t seem to have the energy you need to do all that is on offer, and it might be best to let friends know sooner rather than later if you don’t feel like joining them. After all, you don’t have to say yes to everything, do you? And anyway, there is a really important week ahead for you.

Brain Training: Beginer: 7 Intermediate: 41 Advanced: 154


5 1









1. The Spruce Goose (Built by Howard Hughes) 2. Dennis Bergkamp, because of his aviophobia 3. Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers 4. In a gothic church or cathedral, to keep the walls upright 5. Westlife 6. Doncaster 7. Terry Gilliam 8. The Spirit of Ecstasy 9. Only You 10. Germany

Sudoku X:

6 6






Last Week’s Answers:






6. Who wrote Beau Geste?

7. What species of bird was killed by the ancient mariner?

8. Who killed Cock Robin?

9. Which best seller by Arthur Ransome was set in the Lake District?

10. Which Jack Higgings novel concerned the assassination of Winston Churchill?

-69 8






3/7 of this






2/3 of this






90 4



7/9 of this



+146 ÷6 8








+132 59% of this Page 43


Thomas Cook is cutting back, while TUI rides out the storm THE ash-cloud fiasco and poor summer trading delivered a poor year’s trading for Thomas Cook, which has just announced 500 job cuts in the UK. Early summer sunshine in Britain, which persuaded people to holiday at home, plus the weak pound, spelled even more gloom for the travel group, which flies regularly to Tenerife. These factors all contributed to a 34% fall in UKadjusted operating profits to £107.5 million in the year to September 30. Group revenues dropped 5% to £8.9 billion, while pre-tax profits fell 6% to £277 million. However, of the cuts to a British workforce totalling up to 15,000, nearly 200 relate to vacancies that would not be filled, with the remainder already implemented from managerial and support staff. While Thomas Cook actually registered a profit, rival travel

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operator, TUI, which owns the holiday brands Thomson and First Choice, reported a £36m pre-tax loss for the same period. Excluding one-off expenses, like the volcanic ash cloud which cost the firm £104m, TUI made a profit of £337m. The Crawley-based company said that although rev-

enues were down, it was able to improve on last year’s loss of £94m through increased profitability on its products. And despite the job cuts, Thomas Cook remains upbeat. Chief executive Manny Fontenla-Novoa said it would “simplify and streamline” the UK business, resulting in significant cost

savings annually. He added: “I am confident the actions we have now taken to reinforce the UK business, together with continued progress on our strategic initiatives, leave us well positioned to make progress in the current year.” The group has also entered into joint ventures at home

and abroad in a bid to broaden its customer base. They include a move into the Russian market through a partnership with VAO Intourist, and a merger of its high-street travel business with the Co-op. The Co-operative Travel and the Midlands Co-Operative deal will create around 1,300

shops, and the newly-formed company will be the UK’s largest travel agent and second biggest in foreign exchange. Meanwhile, Europe’s largest travel operator, TUI, also blamed the volcanic ash cloud, last year’s big freeze and the Government’s austerity measures, for not getting back into the black. Good weather, plus the England football team’s World Cup flop also contributed to quieter trading over the period, said the company. Despite the current freeze and the closure of Gatwick airport, however, TUI chief Peter Long told Sky News he was not worried. “We are very good in crises, and I think we proved that very demonstrably with the bad weather at the beginning of the year, and also when all the airspace was closed,” he said. “So we know how to deal with it and take a lot of customers on holiday. We’ve got a big infrastructure to do that, and we do it very well.”

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010


ON THE ROAD WITH JAV Behind the Wheel Email:

Fiat’s little diamond! AT first glance, the new Fiat 500C sends you straight back in time because it looks so much like the old model. That’s because the company’s recreation of their famous 1960s city car is so faithful that you really can park them side by side and compare like for like. Following on from the massive success of the 500 hatchback, Fiat wasted no time in removing the roof to create this diminutive cabriolet. Okay, it’s not a true convertible as only the centre section of the roof folds down, and the window frames on either side remain in place, but it’s a sexy, alluring little thing. It has the same cute, retro looks, which are a big part of the appeal, and will almost certainly prove to be a big selling point for the 500, at prices ranging from

£12,465-£17,265. The range of small and cheap-to-run petrol and diesel engines from the hatchback is carried over. And, unsurprisingly, the 500C drives similarly

to the hatchback, with light and easy controls, and the ride is firm, yet not uncomfortable. Its compact dimensions mean this tiddler is easy to

drive around town. Steering is accurate, and top-spec versions even have a button on the dash, which makes the steering even lighter to help with parking.

The 1.2 and 1.4-litre petrol engines deliver 69bhp and 100bhp respectively. The former is short on power, so it’s best to go for the 1.4 petrol, or the 1.3-litre MultiJet diesel version with 95bhp. In addition, the 500C’s cabin is surprisingly quiet and refined with the roof down. As with the hatchback, there’s plenty of room for front-seat passengers, but those in the rear will find it a little cramped. Overall, the cabin is of good quality, and it is noticeably better than that of the Panda, on which it is based. Fiat’s reliability has been less than perfect in the past. But the range of engines used in the 500 has proved extremely dependable, although the basic model misses out on electronic, stability control. The 500C’s fabric roof folds back electronically at the touch of a button and can be operated at speeds

of up to 37mph. Also, it can also be partially opened, like a sunroof. Convertible versions cost £3,000 more than an equivalent hard top, but they still look good value for money, and the new Fiat is much cheaper than its retro rival, the MINI Convertible. But don’t expect big discounts in the showroom because the 500 is a popular car in any guise, and Fiat dealers know it. As for economy, any 500 is cheap to run, with tiny engines merely sipping fuel. The 1.4 is the most expensive, with 48.7mpg and emissions of 135g/km. The 1.2litre engine musters 58.9mpg and emits 113g/km, while the diesel is by far the most affordable, returning a fantastic 72.4mpg and emitting 104g/km. All in all, it’s super little wagon, easy on the eye, great fun to zoom around in and so easy to park. Just like its predecessor, in fact!

Focus on a fabulous coupé FOR those of you who remember the legendary Ford Capri and probably owned one - welcome to company’s new sportscar, based on the Focus MkIII. So the Ford coupé is on its way back, and almost ready present a challenge to everpopular VW Scirocco with a modern interpretation of the Capri. Since the Cougar left the line-up in 2002, Ford have watched the sexy Scirocco

take the market by storm. The firm’s new model is based on the Focus MkIII, with the intention of replacing the outgoing three-door hatch and providing a thrilling flagship for the entire range. The Focus will make its debut at the Detroit Motor Show in January as a dramatic concept car and, as with the latest Focus and Fiesta, it’s a “world car”, on the lines of the One Ford global design strategy. Design boss Martin Smith said: “Our plan was always to get the basic Ford product line-up successful. Now we

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010

have done that, we can start to build more exciting products, and we’ll show how we’re going to do this at Detroit.” An industry insider added: “Designers have spent most of this year working on the coupé concept. As inspiration, they’ve had pictures of

Capris on their studio walls.” Yet the car takes inspiration from the Focus ST (Issue 1,132), although the shape is stretched and widened, to make it long, low and dramatic. At the front is a gaping grille, and there’s a steeplysloping screen at the rear.

One hint of the past is the distinctive Capri-style curving Cpillars, while details such as LED headlights, large alloys and a centre-exit exhaust complete the look. The new coupé sits on a development of the ST’s front-wheel-drive chassis. It will share the same traction-

enhancing, torque vectoring system, but with a wider track to aid stability. Performance comes from the same 247bhp 2.0-litre turbo-charged EcoBoost petrol engine, enabling it to record 0-60mph in around six seconds, and a top speed of 155mph.

Page 45



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Sport Talk Email:

See page 10 for information on the new CD Tenerife Fan Shop now open in Fanabe Plaza Commercial Centre

The tide is turning! Villarreal B O CD Tenerife 2 IT has taken four months, but there is a real feeling that Tenerife’s season is finally underway. Last Sunday’s victory over Villarreal B, coupled with the win against Alcorcon and the point at Huesca, has seen the confidence return to the club. There is a genuine light at the end of the tunnel. Nino’s second goal in as many matches, and a late Natalio strike, gave Tenerife three points they fully deserved. It was the sort of performance that seasons can be build on. Defensively, Tenerife look to have found their groove. Preito and Luna are working well as a centre-back pairing, and three straight cleansheets will only strengthen their understanding. Last weekend, Ricardo produced his best performance of the season, as did Juanlu. The team as a whole seems fitter and a yard quicker. But it’s not just that. The coach, Mandia, has found the special glue that binds this squad. An X-Factor, if you will. Against Villarreal, they looked like the Tenerife of old, and this Sunday they get the chance to move out of the relegation zone when they host Granada. The match kicks off at 5pm and Tenerife face a side who have quickly found their second-tier feet. Granada have a tidy side, and they have done well after an excellent promotion campaign. Unlike Alcorcon, who came up with them, Granada are a British-style side. Their success is built on workrate and power. They are a well-drilled unit and their talisman is an old Tenerife

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favourite. Oscar Perez had an eventful three seasons in Santa Cruz. After a sticky start, in which he was sent off three times in the first three months, he settled down and played his part in the promotion winning side two seasons back. He played 87 times for Tenerife and notched a useful seven goals. The ex-Bolton man is small for a central midfielder, but what he lacks in height he makes up for in aggression. Hence, the previously-mentioned red cards. But he has found a new calling at Granada. It's been the making of him in many ways, and he helps to guide the young pups. In a press conference this week, Perez spoke fondly of his time with CDT, and said he has been looking forward to this match since the summer: “I had a great time in Tenerife,” he said. “The fans were always good to me, and I have a lot of fond memories. My child was born here and I have stayed in touch with a lot of my former team-mates. “In fact, I know most of the

players I will be facing this weekend. I am excited about coming back and showing the fans that I am still the same player. Well, a little wiser maybe!” Make no mistake, this is no gimme for Tenerife. Granada have already spanked some of the bigger sides in this league. They beat Barcelona B 4-1 and thrashed Xerez 5-0 a few weeks back. But they have found it tougher away from the south of Spain. The danger man is Alex Geijo, who is the league’s second-top scorer. He has already had two hat-tricks, and he bagged all four against Barca. The 28year-old striker has been around the block a few times. He started at Malaga, before spells at Xerez, Levante, Racing, and he even had a stint at Udinese in Italy. But he seems to have finally found his home. Tenerife will have to be on their guard, and Mandia will have to make some changes. Ricardo and Natalio will have to sit this one out as they serve a one game suspension after

picking up their fifth yellow cards last Sunday. Antonio Hidalgo will come in for Ricardo, while Omar should get the nod to start wide left. Last week, Mandia gave wonderkid Josmar a match with the reserves, and he set up all the goals as the B team won 41 against Raqui San Isidro, with exciting young striker German bagging a hat trick. I wonder if Mandia will bring him back into the main fold this weekend? The second division is starting to tighten up, and Tenerife are now just eight points away from the play-off places. Real Betis look a different class and the league leaders should pull away over the next few weeks. But early pace-setters like Salamanca, Valladolid, Xerez and even Las Palmas have found it tougher recently as injuries and suspensions start to bite. The promoted sides are suffering similar setbacks and a few more wins for Tenerife, starting this Sunday, could shine a whole new light on the season.

Oscar Perez

Granada dangerman Geijo

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010


Going down a storm Division 1 Bar 180 A 2 - 8 Atlantis Sharks Bar La Cana 0 - 10 Summerlands Superstars Dreamers Bar 6 - 4 Nauta A Hoops Bar 3 - 7 Toscales Old Boys Men Of Atlantis 4 - 6 Bar 180 B Rat Pack 2 - 8 Palms Bar A Summerlands Allstars 5 - 5 Legends A Target Bar 8 - 2 Phoenix Knights Terrace Bar A 4 - 6 8 Ball Massive Division One

POS 1 Summerlands Superstars 2 Palms Bar A 3 Tenerife Hammers A 4 Target Bar 5 Bar 180 B 6 Phoenix Knights 7 Rat Pack 8 Trap Door 9 Bar 180 A 10 Hoops Bar 11 Atlantis Sharks 12 Nauta A 13 Summerlands Allstars 14 Dreamers Bar 15 Terrace Bar A 16 8 Ball Massive 17 Toscales Old Boys 18 Men Of Atlantis 19 Legends A 20 Bar La Cana

P 17 16 17 18 18 18 18 17 18 17 18 18 18 17 16 18 18 19 18 18

W 16 15 13 10 9 9 9 7 8 7 7 6 5 5 4 5 4 3 1 1

D 1 1 2 4 6 6 3 6 3 4 4 3 3 2 4 1 3 5 2 1

L 0 0 2 4 3 3 6 4 7 6 7 9 10 10 8 12 11 11 15 16

F 133 114 111 96 100 100 98 91 80 90 90 81 78 71 71 77 82 89 58 50

A +- PTS 37 96 49 46 68 46 59 52 41 84 12 34 80 20 33 80 20 33 82 16 30 79 12 27 100 -20 27 80 10 25 90 0 25 99 -18 21 102 -24 18 99 -28 17 89 -18 16 103 -26 16 98 -16 15 101 -12 14 122 -64 5 130 -80 4

Division 2 Barracuda Bandits 7 - 3 Woodys Connors 4 - 6 Barracuda Hunters Inn The Pink 6 - 4 Terrace Bar B Legends B 8 - 2 Lupain Palms Bar B 5 - 5 Tenerife Hammers B Phoenix Potters 6 - 4 Target Rangers Summerland Elite 4 - 6 Bar 180 C Toscales Tangos 2 - 8 Bar Tasca Division Two

POS 1 Legends B 2 Gaffers 3 Bar 180 C 4 Bar Tasca 5 Nauta B 6 Phoenix Potters 7 Lupain 8 Target Rangers 9 Tenerife Hammers C 10 Barracuda Bandits 11 Inn The Pink 12 Summerland Elite 13 Tenerife Hammers B 14 Barracuda Hunters 15 Toscales Tangos 16 Woodys 17 Terrace Bar B 18 Connors 19 Palms Bar B

P 17 16 17 17 16 17 17 16 16 17 17 16 16 17 17 16 16 17 14

THE top two sides in Division One of the Oasis Fm Pool league kept up their title charge this week, and the race for bronze is really hotting up. Superstars whitewashed La Cana, and Palms A were too strong for Rat Pack, who slumped to seventh after an 8-2 loss.

W 13 11 11 10 9 9 8 9 8 7 8 5 6 3 2 3 1 1 1

D 3 3 2 4 3 2 5 1 2 5 2 7 4 3 5 2 3 3 3

L 1 2 4 3 4 6 4 6 6 5 7 4 6 11 10 11 12 13 10

F A +- PTS 111 59 52 42 94 66 28 36 92 78 14 35 108 62 46 34 85 75 10 30 98 72 26 29 88 82 6 29 90 70 20 28 92 68 24 26 90 80 10 26 89 81 8 26 88 72 16 22 80 80 0 22 65 105 -4012 70 100 -30 11 65 95 -30 11 58 102 -44 6 56 114 -58 6 41 99 -58 6

With Hammers A not in action, Target Bar recorded the evening’s stand-out result as they moved up to fourth with an excellent 8-2 win over Phoenix Knights. Phoenix have been in good form recently, but they were no match for the Los Cristianos mob, who are now unbeaten in 11 matches. Bar 180 B are just behind them after edging past Men of Atlantis, who have now

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010

Division 1 Bar Nauta A 7-1 Bar 180 A Heroes Sports Bar 4-4 Woody´s A Strikers Bar 0-8 Phoenix Bar Sundowners 2-6 Exiles Target Bar A 3-5 Silver Surfers Tenerife Sons 8-0 Our Place Flukers Toscales Ensecan 1-7 Target Bar B X-Men 2-6 Toscales Allsorts

Division 2 Amigos Bad Girls 1-7 The Knights B Bar 180 B 7-1 Barracuda Hunters Barracudarts Boys P-P Marilyns Our Place Naturals 1-7 Nautas Nutters C Our Place Playgirls 2-6 Tenerife Sun Phoenix Flames 4-4 Yelas Bar Rood B 5-3 Naughty Nautas B The Tavern 1-7 Gaffers Woodys B 3-5 La Caña Lancers Division 2

Division 1 POS Pld 1 Bar Nauta A 168 2 Phoenix Bar 176 3 Bar 180 168 4 Exiles Bar 168 5 Tenerife Sons 176 6 Toscales Allsorts 176 7 Target Bar A 168 8 Silver Surfers 176 9 Rood A 168 10 Woody´s A 168 11 Target Bar B 176 12 X-Men 168 13 Heroes Sports Bar 176 14 Toscales Ensecan 176 15 Sundowners 168 16 Ourplace Flukers 176 17 Strikers Bar 168

Sing 88 79 75 73 73 71 61 47 45 50 41 47 36 33 36 30 29

THIS little rock that we live on took a real battering from the weather this weekend and, to be quite frank, so did the Bar 180 A darts team. They were struck by the lightning force of league leaders Nauta A, who had London in inspired form with a 14-darter, allied to some superb finishing from the rest of the team. Nauta A are now 10 points clear of Bar 180. Whipping up their own tempest and moving up to second spot, the Phoenix Bar whitewashed Strikers in a rather one-sided contest, but Strikers have to be congratulated for their fine hospital-

Dbles 30 33 35 29 27 25 27 27 25 16 16 13 16 15 14 11 6

Treb 18 17 16 17 14 10 14 12 11 10 8 4 7 10 6 4 5

180’s 9 10 9 7 7 3 0 2 8 2 4 2 3 1 0 0 0

PTS 136 129 126 119 114 106 102 86 81 76 65 64 59 58 56 45 40

ity and great food.(It was windy the next day, I can tell you!). Tenerife Sons rained on the Flukers’ parade with a 8-0 win, while Target B peered through the mist to record a 7-1 victory over Ensecan. But the prospects of Sundowners remained under a cloud after their 6-2 home defeat by Exiles, and things got fog-bound in a drawn match between Heroes and Woodys A. The humidity was high at Target A after the Surfers came away with a welldeserved and, maybe, surprising 5-3 success, and the X-men felt the icy chill of a 6-2 home loss against the Allsorts. In Division 2, Gaffers and Knights B enjoyed some win-

POS 1 Barracudarts Boys 2 Nautas Nutters C 3 Gaffers 4 Tenerife Sun 5 Yelas Bar 6 The Tavern 7 Bar 180 B 8 Naughty Nautas B 9 Rood B 10 The Knights B 11 Ourplace Naturals 12 La Caña Lancers 13 Woody´s B 14 Barracuda Hunters 15 Ourplace Playgirls 16 Phoenix Flames 17 Marilyns 18 Amigos Bad Girls

Pld 176 184 184 184 184 184 184 184 168 176 184 184 184 184 184 184 168 184

Sing 94 88 73 70 65 59 68 62 56 56 55 49 45 44 35 42 32 31

ter sunshine by recording 71 wins over The Tavern and the Bad Girls respectively. The Nutters also snow-ploughed their way to a 7-1 victory against the Naturals, with Karl hitting a 180. At the same venue, Tenerife Sun left the Playgirls rather windswept by beating them 6-2, while in Los Abrigos, a rainbow was seen over the Phoenix bar as the Flames earned a fine 4-4 draw with Yelas bar. The Hunters were left in a

Dbles 37 38 38 30 26 32 24 20 20 20 23 19 16 16 14 7 16 12

Treb 15 16 15 12 18 14 11 8 13 12 7 7 13 9 9 8 5 9

180’s 1 6 2 1 2 0 3 1 0 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

PTS 146 142 126 112 109 105 103 90 89 88 85 75 74 69 58 57 53 52

deep depression after being on the wrong end of a 7-1er at Bar 180 B, the home side losing only two legs. Conny and her team-mates said “all-hail” to visitors Naughty Nautas, but the nicities ended there as the Rood B outfit set the barometer at 5-3. Finally, La Cana Lancers had the wind firmly in their sails and put hosts Woodys B into an anti-cyclone with a sound 5-3 triumph. By Geoff Huxtable

Target slay the Knights

fallen into the drop zone after Toscales Old Boys’ fine win at Hoops Bar. Dreamers Bar are going in the right direction after sneaking past Nauta A, as

are Atlantis Sharks, whose 82 win at Bar 180 A follows on from last week’s 9-1 success. Legends A moved off the bottom after gaining a point

at Allstars, and 8 Ball Massive stayed ahead of the relegation places with a 6-4er at Terrace A. With Gaffers’ match postponed, Legends B moved six

points clear at the top of DivisionTwo following an 8-2 win over Lupain. Bar 180 C held on to beat Summerland Elite 6-4 to stay third, with Bar Tasca snapping at their heels in fourth following a 82 win at Baggie Bob’s Toscales Tangos. Phoenix Potters gained a crucial victory over fellow promotion rivals Target Rangers, while Inn The Pink and Barracuda Hunters also picked up all three points. At the bottom, Palms Bar B pulled alongside Connors and Terrace B after a draw at Hammers B.

Page 47


Page 48

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010

Free Ads



Tempered glass shower cubicle, size 70 X100 X 190cm, sliding corner entry with 2 doors. Approx 2 years old, 95 euros. Tel 646 812 968

Naked Chef, 10 euros each or eighteen euros for both. Golf Del Sur. Tel 609 476 551 or 922 738 859.

Sky digital box with remote control and mains lead, vgc, 50 euros. Tel 0044 7561 487016

Chicco Polly high chair, chair, double phase, suitable for baby girl 6 - 36 mnths. Excellent condition, 50 euros. Tel 679 456 456

Coffee table light wood with silver legs as new, 40 euros. Tel 646 128 727

Pine high chair with teddy bear cushion in blue and cream 15 euros ono. Baby yellow baby bath seat with shapes on, 5 euros. Purple musical baby walker with rattles, Toys R Us, 10 euros. Blue and white intercoms, hardly used. 10 euros. Huge bundle of girls clothes from age 1 to 3 more around 80 items of clothing from Matalan, Asda, Primark, also includes 8 pairs of shoes, Winter coat, dressing gown, trousers, tops, dresses, skirts, shorts, pyjamas, socks, tights and cardigans, 30 euros for the bundle or will sell separately for 0.50 cent an item. Tel 689 782 369

Sash clamps (steel) 1 1.50m, 20 euros. 2 1.10m, 20 euros, 2 0.75m, 20 euros. Tel 662 028 039 Children’s bedroom furniture with bed cot up to age 7 with mattress, baby changing unit, with deep drawers and cupboard, very good quality, leaf green and beige grained with curtains, bumper, fitted cover, leaf green and blue plus bedroom mat 80 X 110 green background, 120 euros Shower and hand spray for over bath, chrome, 45 euros. No offers! 32” Phillips TV, vgc, 75 euros. Tel 922 740 250

Canon Flatbed and photo Scanner suitable for XP, 20 euros. 2 hearing aids 35 euros. Halogen heater, 25 euros. Telefonica router, 10 euros. TV Table (slightly damaged), 10 euros. Tel 922 748 962

Little touch LeapPad, pink with 4 books and cartridges, VGC, age 6mths - 36mths 20 euros. Clowns musical cot mobile, red, suitable for girls and boys, 10 euros. Blue playmat, 7 euros. Childrens swim jacket, 11-18kgs, 5 euros. Babyliss short hair dryer/straightner, only used a few times, 15 euros. Tel: 637 206 026

Golf clubs: Eye-line putting aid alignment mirror 25 euros. Callaway x18 pro series Irons 3-pw stiff shafts 250 euros. PING tour-W Lob wedge 90 euros. Titleist 909D2 Driver 9.5 degree Aldila vs proto stiff shaft 180 euros. Ping Rapture V2 Driver 10.5 stiff ping shaft 180 euros. Sonartec SS01 3 wood 15 degree Aldila vs proto stiff shaft 75 euros. Sonartec NP99 3 wood 13 degree Aldila firm shaft 75 euros. RIFE Aruba anser style Putter New 100 euros. Tel 680 909 394

Pair of Technics 1210 MK 2 turntables excellent condition (hardly used) and includes Behringer 4 channel mixer, 400 euros. Ikea Lesvik baby cot with mattress includes Lollipop Lane Treacle and Bubble cot bumper and Vtech Mami Pata 4 in 1 mobile, projector, 100 euros ono. Next Duffle coat beige 3-6 months, 10 euros. Pablosky navy leather shoes size 22, 15 euros. Girls suede/faux fur reversible dusky pink gillet age 8yrs 10 euros. Redherring maternity dress size12, H&M Mama maternity dress size M, Redherring maternity skirt size12, H&M 2 Mama maternity tops size M (one brown and one pink). Mamalicious maternity top size M, all excellent condition for 20 euros. Tel 630 976 208 or 922 765 564. Ikea white cot bed with mattress, good condition 30 euros. 2 blue and white deck chairs, excellent condition, very small rustic cabinet 10 euros. Beautiful wooden sleigh cot bed, no mattress, excellent condition, must be seen 60 euros. Graco blue baby swing, very good condition 30 euros. Many DVD’s, biography’s from 1 euro. Tel 626 759 007. Acer Extensa Laptop Celeron CPU, 2 gig ram, 250 gig hard-drive, DVD writer wireless, web-cam, windows XP in English, 230 euros. Tel 922 748 947 or 696 656 053.

Gents Mountain Bike. Alloy Wheels, blue frame, 18 speed Shimano gears, good condition, 75 euros. Tel 600 700 521.


Glass Heated Display Unit for pies etc, 150 euros. Chest freezer with sliding glass top 150 euros. Tall upright bottle chill with glass door 150 euros. White fridge 50 euros. Stainless steel table with shelf 120 euros. Large BBQ with 4 burners, griddle, 2 side shelves with lid and on wheels 500 euros. Tel 620 469 102

Brand new mens Adidas winter jacket, XL, 20 euros. Tel: 637 206 026 Sunrise Fender Stratocaster guitar complete with medium-sized amp, all leads and plugs, vgc, 125 euros. Tel 629 904 259. 2 Ikea blue metal bunk beds with mattresses in very good condition, 100 euros each or 150 euros for both. Pine Waterbed (Large Double) with accessories. Excellent condition 500 euros. Tel 00 44 7513 914158

Patio table and 4 chairs 2 sets of cushions 40 euros. Tel 686 444 296

Chest freezer, 90 euros. Commercial heavy duty microwave 1100 w 250 euros. Kettle/parasol/patio chairs table 5 to 10 euros each. Playstation 2 60 euros. 14 computer monitor 10 euros. Mountain bike 70 euros. Video recorders 10 euros. Fax telephone machine 20 euros. Table fan 15 euros. Round pine dining table and 4 chairs 40 euros. Commercial heavy duty microwave 1100 w 250 euros. Tumble dryer, 95 euros. Dishwasher, 95 euros. 4 plastic tables and chairs, 25 euros. Hoover 25 euros. Bar stool 5 euros each. Digital satellite receiver 20 euros. Mini oven, DVD player remote 20 euros. Tel 679 788 586.

Regal Golf Clubs Bag & Trolley, 1-3-5 - Woods, 3-4-5-6-7-8-9 Irons, Sand Iron, Pitcher, putter, 80 euros, very good condition, Silencio area. Tel 618 625 704. Bosch compact dishwasher can be used above or under worktop perfect working order 70 euros. Tel 629 750 278 200L fish tank with filter, pump and heater, wooden stand, 300 euros ono. Tel 600 689 913 Washing Machine Ideal LA143 front loader, 80 euros. 15” slim line TV with remote, excellent working order, 50 euros. Electric hot water boiler, Geizer 100L gwo, 100 euros. Tel 922 748 493 Treadmill, 175 euros. Vegetable steamer, 15 euros. Garden plastic pots, assorted sizes, 35 euros. Log effect electric fire, 75 euros. Tel 660 758 138 Awning 6M/3.5M 3 folding arms for extra strength Dinastia Los Cristianos patterned material excellent condition, 475 euros. Tel 677 844 534 Medium sized dog travelling cage, 40 euros. IATA approved, suitable for Staffordshire sized dogs. 4 belt secure door locking grey, colour with stickers. Orange Alcatel OT-S319 British mobile phone, 10 euros. Tel 0044 75 125 773 28

Sky digi box with remote, vgc, 40 euros. 2 single solid wood headboards painted white, 20 euros. Tel 922 797 888 Car cover, fits Renault Megane, and many other, 30 euros. Tel 922 738 312 or 695 103 862

Commercial heavy duty citrus press 150 euros. Nintendogame cube, with all accessories &many games 100 euros. Exercise bike 50 euro. Almost 2000 DVD films 50 cents each. Bar stool 5 euros each. Tel 922 795 592 or 686 336 904.

Manual Wheelchair & Cushion - Model Sunrise Medical Breezy 100. Excellent Condition, 150 euros. Tel 628 430 734.

Mobility scooter, pavement or road model, lights, indicators, hazards & horn, Captains seat, front basket, 21 stone carrying capacity, 20 mile range, easily dismantles, to go in a Car boot, good condition, 500 euros. Tel 603 733 241

Mens cream linen suit, waist 34, 42 inch chest jacket, still has labels from Next 40 euros. Women’s grey suit from mango size 8, 40 euros. Ladies black linen look sleeveless dress size 8, pencil style. 15 euros. Tel 676 795 9194

Pizza oven in stainless steel 120 euros. Guitar 80 euros. Fax machine canon 20 euros. Table with 3 chairs 100 euros. Sofa bed 120 euros. 2 sun beds with two side tables in metal colour grey 120 euros. Tel 661 120 299 anytime or 662 954 400 after 2.30pm.

Stainless steel Microwave,30 euros. Carpet rug, Royal blue, 150cm x 180 cm approx, with small graphic design,15 euros. Stainless steel IKEA upright light, 3 lights, 10 euros. Tel 922 750 001 EXT 1226.

Car cover, shaped to fit cars under 4mts, 13ft. protects from sun, dust, rain & wind, elasticated hem to fit under bumpers, heavy duty grommets & tie-cord with a handy storage bag, 35 euros. Tel 600 647 072

Iron 10 euros. 14” TV, microwave, CD, stereo radio cassette recorder, 15 euros each. 29” TV, silver 60 euros. 21” TV 40 euros. Sandwich toaster, 10 euros. Built in oven, 60 euros. Fridge freezer 120 euros. Fridge 40 euros. Bird cage 10 euros. Tel 686 336 904. Ikea fabulous Gustav desk in birch vaneer with shelf and 2 drawers, complete with matching chair and free standing filing cabinet that sits neatly under desk, 100 euros. Ikea table and 4 chairs shaped to the corners of the table, to save space when the chairs are pushed up against the table. Brown/black vaneer with chrome legs. Table (length 84 cm, width 84 cm, height 75 cm). Chair (width 61 cm, depth 53 cm, height 76 cm, seat height 46 cm, seat width 55 cm, seat depth 39 cm), 170 euros. Tel 922 782 788 or 609 433 122 150 ltr water heater, 150 euros. 15ltr water heater 15 euros. Acer monitor 18.5 in 35 euros. Staff lockers block of 12 180 X 90 X45 with keys 80 euros. Glass shower door 195 X 60, 200 euros. 2 seater garden bench, 15 euros. Several small TVs 5 euros. Tel 922 713 526 San Eugenio Large chest freezer 120 euros. Playstation 2, 60 euros. Microwave white 25 euros. Hoover, 25 euros. Fridge 45 euros. Fridge freezer, 150 euros. 29 TV silver with remote 80 euros. DVD player + remote 25 euros. PC monitor & table 10 euros each. Tel 679 088 846 or 922 795 592 Jamie Oliver hardback recipe books, The Naked Chef and the Return of the

Single size beds & mattresses, wall unit (teak,105x35x40cm), PC, monitor, buggy, video recorder, large parasol, food blender, power steam iron, digital camera, microwave (white), 2 rings electric hob,14” TV, carpet Rug (120 x 180 cm, blue), from 8 to 15 euros each. Ironing board, patio table & chairs, sandwich toaster, suit case, kitchen chairs, parasols, fans, linen, basket, toaster, stool, lamps, iron, kettle, airer, headboards, chairs, from 3 to 7 euros each. 4 rings electric hob, solid pine table (70 x 120 cm), ceiling fan with lights, 20 euros each. Fridge (white), electric Mini cooker (with 2 rings hob), 4 rings electric hob, stainless steel microwave, 30 euros each. 25” TV (silver), digital camcorder (boxed), 50 euros. Tel 646 615 794. 2 single bed bases, metal frame with wooden slats both standard size 190cm x 90cm, good condition, 15 euros each. Tel 636 002 873 Furniture for sale solid wood, hotel quality all in good condition, sideboard, 155cmL 3 drawers, and 3 cupboards, 85 euros ono. Coffee table 110cm X 60cm 40 euros ono. Dressing table / desk with 2 drawers, 105cm X 42cm, 40 euros ono. Different style of wood TV unit, 130cm X 42cm with 2 glass doors plus VCR shelf, 25 euros ono. No sensible offers refused. Golf Del Sur Tel 699 125 111

Ideal CHRISTMAS presents Various boys toys, new condition kids snooker table with accessories 50 euros. Intersport football table 50 euros. Tel 606 500 432 or 922 748 835. 78 cm high teddy bear light brown, perfect for Christmas, 50 euros. Tel 699 186 103 Ladies mountain bike, immaculate condition, shimano gears, front suspension, will make excellent Xmas gift, 170 euros. Tel 697 746 885 Silencio Electronic keyboard and stand, as new, multi sound, 100 euros. Panasonic music centre, as new 40 euros. Tel 922 729 173 Solid silver rope chain, 40 euros. Real simulated pearls single string medium , 70 euros no offers. Tel 689 252 309

How to submit your free adverts: PHONE 902 232 102 FAX 902 232 102 Email: Just pop in the office in Las Chafiras (next to the Golf Shop). Deadline for Free ads has changed to Tuesdays at 5pm 03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010

Page 49


UK home prices drop again in November PROPERTY prices have fallen for the fourth time in five months to signal a downturn in the UK housing market, according to Nationwide. The mortgage lender said the average house price fell 0.3% in November, taking the annual rate of growth to its weakest level this quarter at 0.4%. Property prices saw their two-year peak in June this year but have declined steadily since then. The figures come just two days after the Office for Budget Responsibility said it expected lower property prices next year. Martin Gahbauer, Nationwide’s chief economist, said: “There are early signs that the flow of new property onto the market may be slowing down again as potential sellers observe the recent weakness in prices and decide against marketing their properties.” But he added that supply



pressures were starting to ease and there was little to suggest house price declines would accelerate in the months ahead. Property Price Changes In Figures - £163,398 - Average house price in November 2010 - £170,111 - Average house price in June 2010 - 0.3% - Monthly drop in price - 3.9% - Fall in price since June’s peak Howard Archer from IHS Global said: “The 0.3% drop in house prices in November reported by the Nationwide

Summerland. Los Cristianos. lovely Modern 3rd Floor apartment with Pool views on the convenient central complex close to Bus station. Full Kitchen inc washing Machine. Pool Bar. comm Pool. 500 Euros pm (inc bills to 50 Euros) Chipeque. Los Cristianos. Choice of two one bed apartments,on this small friendly complex (opp Paradise Park hotel) Washing Machines, UK TV various views. One is 425 Euros pm and the other (fully modernised) is 500 Euros pm (inc all bills) Dinastia. Los Cristianos. Quality one bed apartment on this modern complex overlooking the Comm Pool. Full kitchen inc oven, hob and Washing machine. Lovely shower room. UK TV. 550 pm (inc bills to 50 Euros) Chayofa Country Club. Chayofa. A rare 3 x bed one bath 1st Flor apartment on this prestigious complex a short distance from Los Cristianos. Pool Views. Pool Bar Lots of sports Facilities. Regular Bus Service just outside. Only 700 Euros pm (inc all bills) Cabo Blanco. Great 2 x bed modern apartment in Cabo Blanco. Parking Space, Lift. Close to bus route and shops. Only 450 pm (inc bills to 50 Euros) San Miguel Village. Beautiful brand new fully furnished 3 x bed 2 x bath end town house. Garage, Comm Pool, Breathtaking Views. 750 Euros pm (plus bills)

is fully consistent with our view that house prices will trend down gradually to lose around 10% of their value from their peak 2010 levels by the end of 2011. “On the Nationwide measure, this would see average house prices fall to £153,100 in 2011. “If our forecast of a 10% correction proves to be right, this implies that house prices have another 6% to fall.” With fewer properties for sale - and high mortgage rates pricing out many firsttime buyers - the rental mar-

ket has grown. Reasearch from the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors has revealed that a continued increase in demand pushed the pace of rent rises to a three-year high. Estate agent Nik Madan, from John D Wood & Co, said: “According to our statistics, rents since January have risen by some 9%. “We anticipate this rise continuing throughout 2011 as a result of the difficulty in securing lending to buy and the general lack of saleable stock on the sales market.”

First-time buyers lose despite more mortgage loans A DOUBLING of the number of mortgage deals for home buyers with small deposits, has failed to provoke competition in the marketplace A trip to the estate agents remains out of reach for many first-time house buyers A report by says that while those with lower deposits have greater choice, average interest rates for purchasers with 10% deposits remain above 6%. It acknowledges a slight rate fall but says it is still significantly higher than the average interest charged on a two-year tracker for all loan to value ratios, of 3.48%. There are now just over 1,000 different mortgages on the market for people with 20% or less to put down, up from only 523 in December last year after

page 49

PHONE 902 232 102 FAX 902 232 102 Email: Just pop in the office in Las Chafiras (next to the Golf Shop).



page 50



page 50



Castle Harbour. Los Cristianos. Nice 9th floor one bed duplex on this popular Aparthotel complex with 2 x bathrooms and Fab sea views. Full Kitchen with oven, hob & washing machine. Heated pool. 24 Hour reception. 500 Euros pm (inc bills to 50 Euros)

Page 50


0.50c per word FREE: 1 telephone number


Advertise your property or classified advert here. 20 euros per week (30 words maximum) CLASSIC BOX ADVERT

Advertise your property or classified advert here. 25 euros per week (30 words maximum)


Advertise your property or classified advert here. 35 euros per week (60 words maximum) N.B. There is a 50% Premium for a Property/Business for sale classified adverts. Discounts available for more than one edition.


page 51

LINEAGE - 35 euros for 4 weeks 1 MODULE BOX ADVERT the worst of the credit crunch. The biggest jump has been in deals with a 20% deposit, with these soaring by 151% to 384 during the past 12 months. Moneyfacts believes 90% mortgages remain a “step too far” for some groups, and the lack of competition in this area has kept rates high. The report suggests that as a result, there has not been an increase in the number of people buying their first home. Michelle Slade from Moneyfacts, added: “House prices continue to fall in many areas and worries over borrowers getting into negative equity may mean that rates for those with a small deposit remain high for some time to come.”

Advertise your service advert here. 80 euros for 4 weeks* advertising (20 euros per week) 2 MODULE BOX ADVERT

Advertise your service advert here. 100 euros for 4 weeks* advertising (25 euros per week) Please ask us for prices for larger size adverts and colour. All property, classfied and service point have to be paid for in cash at our offices in Las Chafiras. *Service point adverts have to be in for a minimum of 4 weeks.

CHANGE OF DEADLINE: Tuesdays 5pm 03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010

Classified CARS/BIKES (CONT.)



PROPERTY FOR SALE Detached Villa, 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, sea views, quiet residential complex, swimming pool. Divorce forces sale. Genuine bargain, 250,000 euros. Tel 617 658 900

PROPERTY FOR RENT Underground garage parking spaces and storage locker rooms at Winter Gardens, Golf Del Sur. Tel 637 819 680.

Yamaha R1 2003, 30,000kms, Fantastic condition, loads of extras, very fast bike. 3,995 euros. Tel 610 285 953. Hyundai Accent 1.5, 2000, reconditioned Auto box guaranteed. ITV 12 months, 70,000 miles, air con, excellent condition, 3,995 euros. Tel 645 082 307 To advertise here please call 902 232 102 or email us at

MG ZR 1.8 ITV until April 2012, 16 valve twin cam, 160 bhp, 2004, 86,000km, 17” alloys, all extras, air con, elec sun roof, etc. Full service history. 1 owner from new, 5,500 euros.




Tel 669 626 840

CARS WANTED CARS BOUGHT FOR CASH – Anything considered. Offer made once seen. WANTED small cars to medium cars, 4 x 4´s, small vans, people carriers, e.t.c. Call us now on 629 128 667.

WANTED Large double/triple garage wanted for rent in the Las Americas/San Eugenio area on a monthly basis. Tel Mark 659 202 826

JOBS Long term rents, Studios, 1 & 2 beds. Tel 616 251 271 PROPERTY WANTED Wheelchair compatible one bedroom apartment needed in Los Cristianos/Americas area on long let.

Call 922 797 834 (mornings)




An evening venue in San Eugenio is looking for an experienced manager used to working with DJs and live bands. Applicants must have managed bars in Tenerife before, have NIE number and references. There’s a good pay structure with performance bonuses for the right person. Please call 669 673 131 for an interview. A great opportunity to be your own boss in an established Hair and Beauty Salon in Los Cristianos. No large capital outlay. Rent a chair, masseur beds, aesthetic beds for 12 euros a day plus 2½ % . Minimal rental period 1 month. Spanish or English. For more details call 697 230 095 Viva Sol Resorts require 3 experienced Telemarketers or sales people. Fresh daily leads, high commissions and a weekly basic wage. Fantastic opportunity to earn great money for successful candidates. For a confidential interview please call Lee on 608 698 719. An established cleaning company are looking for a part time person to work approximately 10 hours. Applicants must be flexible, over 30 and have an NIE number and a full driving license. Heavy lifting involved. Contract given to the right person. Call 609 066 973 A young dynamic company require a Sales & Marketing professional who is computer literate and has previous sales experience. Applicants must speak English and Spanish with other languages an advantage and be capable of assessing and forming marketing strategies. Basic salary plus uncapped commission structure and the possibility of a directorship after a trial period. Send your CV to A great opportunity to be your A busy salon require a fully qualified hair stylist for an immediate start, either on an employed basis or to rent a chair. For further information call 922 737 569

own boss in an established Hair and Beauty Salon in Los Cristianos. No large capital outlay. Rent a chair, masseur beds, aesthetic beds for 12 euros a day plus 2½% . Minimal rental period 1 month. Spanish or English.

For more details call 697 230 095


GUITAR – VOCALIST Good voice, nice personality Not in your face One to seven nights Pop – Ballads – Rock ‘n’ roll 50s, 60s 70s Stand in for holidays – illness NO KARAOKE

Phone: 665 568 208 Americas – Cristianos – Adeje - Silencio

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010

Page 51




Ann Malpass M.A.F.H.P. M.C.F.H.P. Qualified Chiropodist. All your foot care needs solved in the comfort of your own home/hotel. Tel 625 799 570 Elaine Watson Jones MSSCh MBCHA, serving the community from El Medano to Los Gigantes for 13 years. Telephone 608 029 790



SAFECLEAN For all professional cleaning of carpets & upholstery

Tel: 609 066 973




Colin Taylor – Renovations & Maintenance, Bathrooms, Kitchens, Tiling, Plumbing etc. (e.g. complete bathroom & kitchen refurbishments, including all materials & labour from under €2000) Tel 661 081 843 for quotation.




CARS TO RENT Long Term Rental

From 250€ per month, incl. Insurance.

Phone Terry on 661 264 080 Email: Page 52

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010

Service Point




the English Upholsterer Sofas, bar seating dining chairs Free quotations & home visits Call Mike at ReStyle


677 806 800

REMOVALS UNIVERSAL EXPORTS. Let us take the hassle out of moving. Door to door removals to & from UK. 922 720 711.




9am - 2pm - Fancy a stall? Special new secondhand furniture section. Have you got any furniture for sale?

Tel: 922 796 414 or mob 610 464 841


VISIT OUR SHOWROOM in Granadilla! Call for directions

Tel: 922 778 050 Fax 922 778 051 Mobile 696 889 048



Specialists in security shutters and blinds, locks security glass and grills.

QUALIFIED FITTERS AND FULL GUARANTEES Free no obligation survey & quotation. We speak English & German!

PERSONAL SERVICES Polish very beautiful blonde girl, slim Barbie body, blue eyes, all services, lesbian too. Private apartment, hotel visits, 24hrs, good English spoken. Tel: 672 845 107



PETSWORLD D O G H O T E L Short or long holidays - Spacious kennels - Enclosed play area - 3 walks a day

No car, no problem we can pick them up.

TEL: 679 16 16 82

OPEN 9am - 6pm Mon - Fri, Sat 10am - 5pm SECONDHAND CENTRE Vina del Mar Hotel Playa de las Américas

Other times by arrangement

Ring Ray or Gary on: 922 790 822 or 675 569 804

PLUMBING All plumbing works undertaken including boiler replacements, drain clearance, swimming pool pump repair & maintenance. Tel: 680 278 579 T & D Services – All aspects of plumbing, kitchen and bathroom refurbishments, water heaters fitted or replaced, Tiling. All quotes no obligation. 30 years experience. Tel 639 979 369 or 646 812 968


03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010



SOFA SALE, SUPER SALE Open Mon-Thurs. Los Cristianos, Edf.Rosy, Calle Valle Mendez, opp Police Station near Pet Shop

Tel: 618 381 488

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TV & SATELLITE Menny Fix, Satellite TV Tel 922 792 116 Avnd; Antonio Dominguez 18, Edif: MarOLa Local 2, Los Cristianos. EST 1994, Repairs, Maintenance & Sales.

ALADDINS CAVE. House clearance & removals. Call us on Tel: 922 720 493



The Travel Shop



T-SHIRT PRINTING & EMBROIDERY SEWING SEW & SEW’S - For Clothing Alteration’s. Also stocking good quality used baby/children’s clothes, maternity wear, nursery items, toys, books, curtains etc. I also buy the above. Tel 671 784 608. Email:

SPANISH LESSONS Conversational basic Spanish, “one to one” or small groups, home or workplace visits. Experienced language teacher at all levels. Excellent rates. Why not give it a try! Call 649 227 833 or 922 163 270


TAROT READING / ASTROLOGY Professional Psychic, Tarot and Rune reader. Advice about past, present and future financial and personal guidance.. Tel Amy on 666 083 494. International Psychic Tarot Card Reader. Confidential, reliable, caring readings in the privacy of your own home/hotel. Tel : Anna 678 236 803 Mark the Island Astrologer. Financial / business, relationship, health. One hour reading. Specific, accurate, guaranteed. Tel 922 772 422 / 610 089 157.


Colin Peel Tiling Specialist For All Your Tiling Needs: Bathrooms, Kitchens & Floors Most Aspects of Building Work Undertaken

Tel: 679 736 409



TRANSLATION TENERIFE TRANSLATION SERVICES Over 20 years experience. Official Translations, Medical, Conveyancing, Notary, Wills, Utilities, Insurances, Building licences Etc.. Transport available if required. Professionalism & Confidentiality guaranteed.

For these and many more call Tracey on 666 857 991

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03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010

Information Page British Consulate Address: Plaza Weyler, 8, 1º, 38003 Santa Cruz de Tenerife Tel: 922 28 68 63 Opening Hours: Mon - Fri, 8.30am 1.30pm British Consul: Matthew Vickers British Vice-Consul: Helen Keating Cosumer Office Tel: 922 76 16 00 Town Hall Tel: 922 76 16 00 Emergencies Emergency Services (All) Tel: 112 National Police Tel: 091 Local Police Tel: 092 Ambulance Tel: 061 Fire Brigade Tel: 080 Guardia Civil Tel: 062 Multi-lingual police central office Tel: 902 102 112 Call this number and ask to speak to an English operator to make a report or official complaint. Local Police Tel: 922 75 70 06 Red Cross Emergencies and Ambulances Tel: 922 28 18 00 Information and Blood Bank Tel: 922 28 29 24 International MEDSERVICE Tel: 922 79 05 63 Medical Benefits Agency

Tel: (00 44) 191 218 7547 For if you find yourself in medical difficulties whilst on holiday and without the proper holiday insurance. Pharmacy Information and Locator (24 hours) Tel: 922 28 24 24 Citizen Information Tel: 010 Lost Property Tel: 092 Postal Services Tel: 902 19 71 97 International Operator Tel: 11825 Local Operator Tel: 11818 Tourist Information Tel: 922 60 55 90 Hospitals & Medical Centres (Answering Machine) Tel: 094 Hospital Las Americas, Playa de las Americas Tel: 922 75 00 22 Playa de Las Americas Centro Medicos Del Sur Tel: 922 79 10 00 Candelaria Hospital Tel: 922 60 20 00 Beach Safety Obey the beach warning flags and always supervise children when near water. Red - Strong currents do not swim Yellow - Strong winds and turbulent sea conditions. Take care. Green - Safe to swim Shopping Most shops open from Mon - Sat 09:00 13:00 then 16:00 20:00 Some shops may open for just Saturday


Morning, and many shops are closed on Sundays and Tourist Offices Bank Holidays, with the exception of souvenir shops which tend to open 7 days a week. Tourist Offices Tenerife Sur Tourist Office (Main Tourist Office) Tel: 902 00 31 21 Santa Cruz de Tenerife Tel: 922 28 93 94 Santiago de Teide Tel: 922 86 03 48 Costa Adeje Tel: 922 75 06 33 Puerto de la Cruz Tel: 922 38 60 00 El Medano Tel: 922 17 60 02 La Laguna Tel: 922 63 11 94 La Orotava Tel: 922 32 30 41 Las Galletas Tel: 922 73 01 33 Los Cristianos Tel: 922 75 71 37 Los Llanos de Aridane Tel: 922 40 18 99 Playa de las Américas Tel: 922 79 76 68 Playa de las Vistas Tel: 922 78 70 11

Tel: 902 232 102 Fax: 902 232 102 UK Tel No: 0844 734 5104 Delivered in Tenerife to 1000’s of residents & tourists every week

Deputy Editor: Ruth Summers

Carl Pattison Christine Craggs-Hinton Danni Byrne David Hudgell Joe Ferguson John Hennessey Liam O’Reilly Roscoe Sue McDonald Val Sainsbury

03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010

Office Opening Hours: Monday - Friday 10am - 6pm DESIGN DEPARTMENT Joe Price

CLASSIFIED Alison Nicholls

SALES DEPARTMENT Sales Manager: John Zammit


Telephone numbers: Flight Information Tel: 902 404 704 (lines open 24 hours) General Information Tel: 922 635 800 Buses TITSA is Tenerife´s public bus company. Tel: 922 53 13 00 The ´Bono-Bus´ discount card can be purchased from all TITSA stations and terminals of TITSA and reduces

the cost of transport by up to 30%. Radio Taxis Tel: 922 64 11 12 N.B. Taxi cabs display a special SP (Servico Público) licence plate. Arona Taxis Tel: 922 74 75 11 National Ferry Services Fred Olsen Tel: 922 62 82 52

Weather Outlook Friday Overcast. High: 21 °C . Wind NNE 28 km/h . Friday Night Overcast. Low: 17 °C . Wind North 21 km/h . Saturday Chance of Rain. Scattered Clouds. High: 23 °C . Wind SW 28 km/h . 20% chance of precipitation (trace amounts). Saturday Night Chance of a Thunderstorm. Scattered Clouds. Low: 20 °C . Wind West 21 km/h . 30% chance of precipitation (water equivalent of 1.21 mm). Sunday Chance of a Thunderstorm. Scattered Clouds. High: 24 °C . Wind SSW 46 km/h . 40% chance of precipitation (water equivalent of 11.00 mm). Sunday Night Chance of a Thunderstorm. Scattered Clouds. Low: 19 °C . Wind WSW 43 km/h . 30% chance of precipitation (water equivalent of 3.01 mm). Monday Chance of a Thunderstorm. Scattered Clouds. High: 23 °C . Wind SW 36 km/h . 30% chance of precipitation (water equivalent of 1.00 mm). Monday Night Chance of a Thunderstorm. Scattered Clouds. Low: 20 °C . Wind WSW 39 km/h . 30% chance of precipitation (water equivalent of 1.49 mm). Tuesday Chance of Rain. Scattered Clouds. High: 24 °C . Wind SW 43 km/h . 30% chance of precipitation (water equivalent of 0.50 mm). Tuesday Night Chance of Rain. Scattered Clouds. Low: 18 °C . Wind West 50 km/h . 20% chance of precipitation (trace amounts).

Transport TFS - Tenerife Sur Airport (Reina Sofia) For flights from the Spanish mainland and nearly all scheduled international

Managing Editor & Director: Chris Elkington


TFN - Tenerife Norte airport (Los Rodeos) For all domestic flights and some scheduled international and mainland services.

Tour Operators Thomson Tel: 922 79 86 07 TUI Tel: 922 77 77 20 Thomas Cook Tel: 922 757 409 Cosmos Tel: 922 793 802


flights. Telephone numbers: Flight Information 902 404 704 (lines open 24 hours) Airport Information Tel: 922 75 90 00 Tourist Information Tel: 922 392 037

Wednesday Chance of Rain. Scattered Clouds. High: 22 °C . Wind West 28 km/h . 30% chance of precipitation (water equivalent of 0.90 mm). Wednesday Night Chance of Rain. Scattered Clouds. Low: 17 °C . Wind WSW 28 km/h . 30% chance of precipitation (water equivalent of 0.31 mm).

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Canarian Weekly takes all reasonable care to check the contents of every advertisement, but cannot accept responsibility for the claims or statements made in them. Also, statements or opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor or Publishers. Material featured in Canarian Weekly may not be reproduced without the explicit written permission of the Editor. Copyright c 2010 Canarian Weekly PUBLISHER, PROPRIETOR AND EDITOR: MES ONCE SL Depósito Legal TF 1209/97 CIF: B- 38753802

Poligono Industrial Las Chafiras, No 65, Bloque 2-A, Urb Las Chafiras, 38620, San Miguel de Abona, Tenerife

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03 December 2010 - 09 December 2010

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