CW Issue 1144

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21st February - 27th February 2020

Sara is crowned Carnival Queen after three tries 1 CW

Issue 1144

21st February - 27th February 2020

SARA Cruz Teja was elected 2020’s Santa Cruz Carnival Queen on Wednesday night at the Fairground, after beating 15 other candidates during the colourful, three-hour gala night. Continued on Page 4

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Mental health unit installed for Adeje

21st February - 27th February 2020

By Cliodna O’Flynn

LUCKILY, these days, most people feel comfortable, or certainly more comfortable than previously, when talking about mental health… their mental health. To admit a need to visit a mental health professional in the past was seen as admitting to failure, to a problem that wasn’t

acceptable in public. Today, though, we recognise that mental health issues are as much in need of acknowledgment as they are in need of expert attention, without judgement. If you are feeling physically unwell you see your GP, and if you are feeling unable to cope, you see a mental health professional.

It is good news, then, that the regional government visited Adeje this week to open a new Mental Health Unit, which for now is located in the Adeje School for Security, and will cater for health card holders from Adeje, Guía de Isora and Santiago del Teide: 57,650 in total. According to regional Health Minister Teresa Cruz Oval, who was in the centre earlier this week, the unit has been opened “to improve the wellbeing of the whole of the region”. She added that the unit would guarantee patients’ privacy and the attention they require, with, according to the Canarian Health Services Mental Health Director Natalia Brito: “Individual consultations, group therapy, relaxation classes and all that is needed to attend to the mental health needs of the area.” The Minister, who accompanied Adeje Mayor José Miguel Rodriguez Fraga and the borough’s Health Councillor Amada Trujillo Bencomo, said this was only a part of the government’s plans for borough, with the opening of a new health centre in the Costa Adeje zone very soon. Given the size of the population of Adeje, as well as the annual influx of visitors, it is sorely needed.

Mini-tremors are flooding the south THE National Geographic institute registered around 82 mini-tremors, in and around Teide’s National Park, last month.

In all, 175 tremors to date have been recorded across the archipelago since the start of 2020. Half of the tremors happened in January, specifically around Villa Flor, Teides-Pico Viejo, Guia de Isora and Los Realejos. Already this month, 20 mini-tremors have been recorded by the National Geographic institute, and on 17th February, a tremor was recorded in La Guancha, registering 0.1, at a depth of

three metres, on the Richter scale. Experts have ruled out these mini-tremors having anything to do with volcanic activity. They say there is no significant deformation of

the terrain, and no significant changes of the terrain in any of the geomagnetic network system. The highest magnitude registered on the Richter from these mini-tremors was

3.3, at a depth of 30km, and recorded 2km off the southeast coast of El Hierro, at 5.13am on 26th January. In February alone, 16 tremors have been registered in El Hierro, specifically around

the south coast, with magnitudes between 1.4 and 3.3 registering on the Richter scale. There has been constant seismic activity between Gran Canaria and Tenerife, recorded at two particular points, mainly in the Enmedio Volcano area, situated between both islands, as well as off the Guimar coast. The National Geographic institute has already recorded 68 tremors this year in these areas, with magnitudes registered between 2.7 and 0.6 on the Richter Scale. As well as these areas, five tremors were registered in south Tenerife, the highest magnitude registering at 1.6, along with three in La Palma, with magnitudes of between 1.12 and 1.4.

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Carnival 2020 News

21st February - 27th February 2020

T h e young beauty, crowned Queen at last after missing out on three previous occasions, held up the sceptre, while being admired by nearly 6,000 spectators, as she showed off her sensational, silver-andblue “Sentir” design. It was created by Sedomir Rodríguez de la Sierra, and she was representing La Laguna’s Al Campo shopping centre. Sara embraced the audience and judges with her grace and elegance, as her design came alive on stage, and later said that she was dedicating her victory to her grandmother, who suffers from Alzheimer’s. This year’s Court of Honour-winning candidates were: First Lady, Maria José Chinea, who wore a Jorge González Santana design, and represented Fuentealta; Second Lady, Laura García Repo, clothed in a Borja Abreu design, representing Ron La Indiana; Third Lady, Judith Miguélez, with a design by Dani Pages, represented McDonald’s and El Dia newspaper. And, finally, Fourth Lady Elizabeth Ledesma was dressed in a Santi Castro design, and represented Carrefour.

Continued from Front

A BABY, born on a rickety boat bound for the Canary Islands, was one of 87 sub-Saharan Africa migrants rescued overnight by caring Spanish people last Friday. The migrants were travelling in three boats, which were picked up just south of Gran Canaria, said a spokeswoman for the Salvamento Maritimo rescue service. “A new-born baby was rescued, and it seems that the mother gave birth in the boat just beforehand,” she added, without specifying the infant’s sex. But she said that both mother and

Migrant born aboard boat to the Canaries baby were “doing well”. There were 54 people, spread across the first two boats, which were picked up last Thursday evening, about 60 nautical miles south of Gran Canaria, and rescuers came across another vessel carrying 33 people, as the boat was just off the island. Among those rescued were 30 women, six babies and four other children, while the rest were men, and they were all taken to the southern port of Arguinerin. In early January, another baby was born aboard a

makeshift boat carrying 43 migrants. But, sadly, it

did not survive the journey, and was declared dead

on arrival in Lanzarote. In January, the number of migrants reaching the Canaries soared to 708, which was 18 times the volume of a year ago, when it stood at 40, raising fears of a resurgence of migrant traffic to the Atlantic islands, a route taken by tens of thousands of people a decade ago. Since Morocco began a crackdown on illegal immigration, there has been an increasing number of people trying to reach the Spanish islands by boat, from Mauritania, whose coastline lies 1,000 kilometres (600 miles) to the south. As well as the Canaries route, other migrants have sought to sail to mainland Spain from Algeria’s northern coast. 21st February - 27th February 2020

ADEJE Council hosted a major environmental conference in 2019, and pledged that in the coming months and years, it would act upon promises made to combat climate change. It is good, then, to see that those promises are beginning to bear fruit, with the substitution throughout the


Thinking globally, and acting locally borough of the bulbs in the public-lighting system. Village by village, LED bulbs are being installed in lampposts throughout Adeje, as part of the “Plan Estratégico Ante el Cambio Climático”,

the strategic plan to combat climate change. The bulbs are 35w, 68w and 56w, with an overall energy saving of 40%. The Municipal Services Councillor Esther Rivero

Brits in Spain warned to carry ID with them

BRITS travelling to Spain have been warned to keep their passports on them at all times… or risk being detained! The warning comes from the UK’s Foreign Office, which reiterates that police in Spain have the right to demand to see IDs. If you fail to provide a valid document, they can detain you, and, despite popular belief, a driving licence is not sufficient. Only a passport, or a highquality photocopy, is acceptable.

The fresh warning comes ahead of a Manchester City away clash with Real Madrid on Wednesday (26th Feb). Police can even escort foreign visitors back to their hotels or accommodation, and request to see their ID, or original document. “The police have the right to hold you at a police station until your identity is confirmed,” the Foreign Office warns on its website. “Always take care of your passport, as obtaining a replacement is costly and timeconsuming. “Remember to keep a photocopy or scanned copy of your passport somewhere safe.”

Vargas said the work would see all public lighting changed, with a short and long-term benefit, financially and environmentally. “We have mapped out energy consumption in the

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borough, and we know that public lighting is where consumption is highest,” she said. “The new system will see us using energy, but only where it is needed. “This is a project to see more efficient and effective public services, and soon we hope to add a smart system, which will also help towards efficient use of lighting.” The €125,000 change-over cost is one of more than 50 actions the Council has included in its strategic plan to combat climate change.

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21st February - 27th February 2020

Cave-man caught by an inside blaze A 69-YEAR-OLD man suffered multiple serious injuries last Saturday night after being caught in a fire inside an Adeje cave, which is his home. The emergency services were alerted at around 9.30pm, with fire-fighters and an ambulance dis-

patched to the scene. Upon arrival, the fire-fighters began to extinguish the flames, while the medical team tended to the burns the man had suffered. Because of their severity, he was taken to Hospiten Sur for treatment, and, once stabilised, he was then transferred to Candelaria Hospital for further emergency treatment, along with close observation.

Woman, 50, is critical after nearly drowning

A WOMAN aged 50 was in a critical condition after being saved from drowning at Playa de Garachico last Sunday afternoon. A call was made to the emergency services, requesting medical assistance, just moments after the woman was pulled from the water,

An ambulance was dispatched after the caller told the operator the swimmer was struggling for breath. When the medical team arrived, they stabilised the woman, who was in a serious condition. Once she was made more comfortable, she was taken to Candelaria Hospital for further treatment. The Guardia Civil attended the scene to verify the events that had occurred.

Not quite Aintree, but it’s okay for this horse

14 migrants perish as sea, including two youngsters

LOCAL Police from Granadilla were asked to help rescue a horse, which had escaped from its stable last Sunday morning and finished up on the busy TF-1.

AT least 14 people died on Monday, including two small children, after their small patera was spotted floating while on route to the Canary Islands.

Several emergency calls were made, reporting sightings on a lane heading north, inside the Abona municipality. When officers found the bold animal, it was trotting along the motorway, and Guardia Civil officers attended the scene to help retrieve it. Traffic had to be controlled by officers, naturally, while

The tragedy happened close to Western Sahara, and the Info migrants website posted some information, giving details about the incident. Sadly, the post said that among the 14 who perished were the two children. The post also stated that a crew member from a fishing boat, who spotted the small vessel afloat in the waters, said the

the lanes were closed, provisionally, so the horse could be rescued from the busy road. The horse was duly rescued and returned to its owner, and there were no complications reported from the unusual incident.

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patera had already been at sea for three days, on route to the Canaries. Unfortunately, because of the strong currents, the boat was set adrift which, along with the lack of food and water, led to several people dying. The fishing boat alerted the Moroccan Navy, which, in turn, assisted in the emergency rescue. But there were few survivors. The migrants were mainly from Guinea and Cote d’Ivoire, but this was not the first humanitarian tragedy to have happened in waters close to the archipelago. Since last August, the route used by sub-Saharans has again become popular,

although, last December, 63 people lost their lives there. On Tuesday, a Canarian search-and-rescue team attended to 30 people in trouble. And, on this occasion, they rescued just about everyone, including a baby. The team had spotted the vessel some 55km off the coast of Gran Canaria. All 30 were taken ashore, where the Red Cross were waiting to attend to them. Since last Monday, the Spanish emergency services have been searching for five patera, which, they were told, had left the Saharan coast last weekend, heading towards the archipelago and carrying around 143 individuals.

Avda Claudio Delgado Diaz 73, Las Chaf iras, 38639 San Miguel de Abona, Tenerife PRINTED BY: TF Print S.A. Managing Editor & Director: Chris Elkington

News Editor: John Hennessey

Design: Joe Price

Sales Manager: John Zammit

Classified Angela Jefferies

Contributors: Emma Swain, Carol Schleisman, Ken Little, Mike Broeckaert, Mariano Zunino Siri, Paul Montague, Peter Quilty, Sir Old Golfer. Canarian Weekly takes all reasonable care to check the contents of every advertisement, but cannot accept responsibility for the claims or statements made in them. Also, statements or opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor or Publishers. Material featured in Canarian Weekly may not be reproduced without the explicit written permission of the Editor. Copyright © 2020 Canarian Weekly


21st February - 27th February 2020

Building features structural cracks

A BUILDING at Cabo Blanco, which is occupied by around 40 homes, is being examined by municipal technicians. It follows complaints to the Local Police by several residents, about the appearance of cracks in the structure. The residents associate them with work being carried out by a bank on the property’s ground floor. The block, which stands in calle San Martín de Porres, has not been sealed off, and those who live there are awaiting the results from municipal technicians, before any action is taken.

OFER Deshe, 50-yearold Head of Experience Design and Research at supermarket giants Tesco, died last Thursday after getting into difficulties while paddle-boarding near Lanzarote’s Famara Beach pier. He was rescued from the water by surfers, but went into cardiac arrest and was pronounced dead at the scene. Israeli-born Mr Deshe, from Bath, had lived in the UK for around 30 years. Design boss Jason Mesut wrote in a social media tribute: “RIP Ofer Deshe. A long-time peer and competitor, and more recently a colleague and a friend. Was looking forward to meeting him next week to discuss working together again.” A Tesco statement said: “We’re extremely sad to hear about this tragic news and our thoughts are with Ofer’s family and friends. He was a much-loved and valued part of the Tesco family, who will be greatly missed.” Emergency responders were alerted just after 3.30pm, and a Guardia Civil spokesman said: “There is nothing to indicate the death is in any way suspicious. But the

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Tesco boss dies off island coast

autopsy will determine the cause of death.” One source said he was aided by surfers after getting into difficulties near rocks. He was seen collapsing onto his stand-up paddle board, before falling into the sea. The source added: “He had no ID on him, just a Go-Pro

camera, but police were able to discover who he was after spotting him leaving a nearby apartment on CCTV to head to the water.” It is not known whether he was on holiday in Lanzarote alone, or with family or friends. Mr Deshe described himself as a keen sportsman, whose main passions were swim-

ming, surfing and paddleboarding. Famara Beach, regarded as the most spectacular beach in the Teguise municipality, is popular with water-sports enthusiasts, including body-boarders, kite-surfers and windsurfers, as well as paragliders, who launch themselves off the top of the Famara massif.

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21st February - 27th February 2020

Canaries now 100% clear of deadly virus THE Canary Islands’ Ministry of Health has confirmed that a German tourist, the first patient in the Canary Islands diagnosed with coronavirus (renamed COVID 19), has been discharged from La Gomera’s General Hospital.

He had produced a negative result in a test sent to Madrid’s National Centre for Microbiology in the Carlos III Health Institute in Madrid. As well as being the first patient, his four travel companions, regarded as suspects, have also been given a clean bill of health. They are all now free to do what they like, since no restrictions have been put in place by specialised medical personnel. Teresa Cruz Oval, the Canaries’ Minister of Health, thanked all those who treated the infected patient, and showed “exemplary and collaborative” behaviour at all times during his care. She also praised the “excellent co-ordination of all professionals involved in the situation, from the General Directorate of Public Health of the SCS to the General Directorate of Security and Emergencies, whose intervention has been decisive in identifying those in close contact with the infected patient.” In addition, Ms Oval highlighted the work of the management teams at La Gomera’s General Hospital, the University Hospital Nuestra Señora de La Candelaria and La Gomera’s Directorate of the Health Area, giving special thanks to “doctors and nurses who have been in close contact with the German tourists”. She reassured the population that, in recent weeks, specific training had been given to hospital and out-ofhospital managers throughout the Canary Islands’ health system. It is understood that a Canary Islands Scientific Committee has been created for the preparation and response to emergency health situations.

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Spanish Government to tighten tobacco law

SALVADOR Illa, Spain’s Health Minister, has revealed that a law on tobacco will be more restrictive, and that his ministry is already reviewing tax on tobacco products. “We will not be relaxing our fight against smoking,” said Illa, whose ministers are

contemplating a ban on people smoking in vehicles carrying children. The Ministry will be considering “new forms of smoking”, such as vaping, which demand regulation. Scientific evidence, he noted, had shown that vaping was not “innocuous”. But, switching his attention to the coronavirus, Illa said there had been “no publichealth reason” for Barcelona’s Mobile World Congress to have been cancelled.

He would not speculate why it had been called off, but stressed that the Ministry’s consideration was the health of all those who attend such events, as well as the health of Spanish citizens in general. Illa added: “The system of early detection in Spain is functioning perfectly.” There have been just two positive Spanish cases, in La Gomera and Majorca, out of 38 suspects.

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Granadilla to collect abandoned vehicles

GRANADILLA de Abona Council’s Department of Security has launched a campaign to collect abandoned vehicles, in both public and private spaces. The initiative, which began last Monday, aims at the best quality and safety for the environment, in different population centres. The campaign, which ends on 19th June, is responding to a “clear need” for reality. The Security Department will declare abandoned cars as solid waste, and, where necessary, have them scrapped. The Council also offers the possibility of citizens delivering their cars, voluntarily, if they believe they should be scrapped.

Government’s electric shock

SANTA Cruz Government has approved payment of nearly €1m euros, owed to Endesa by the previous legislation for electricity bills. The arrears, dating back to 2017, have continued to accumulate, and the total sum owed since the previous legislature is now €774,219.37. 21st February - 27th February 2020

Missing pop cassette found 27 years later after a lengthy swim A CASSETTE tape, lost in Spain by a young girl on the Costa Brava or Mallorca, 27 years ago, has been reunited with its owner.

Stella Wedell, then aged 12, lost her home-made tape of pop songs when on a Spanish holiday. Miraculously, her lost 1990s music mixtape, featuring her favourite pop songs, turned up in a Swedish art gallery, after washing up on a Fuerteventura beach. Artist Mandy Barker, who specialises in photographing marine plastic pollution, found it on a Fuerteventura beach, and the Leeds woman sent the tape to a professional audio restorer. It still played and she was able to list the tracks, which feature on the CD Best Of 93, including hits by Pet Shop Boys, Shaggy, UB40 and Bob Marley. Mandy decided to include it in her Sea Of Artefacts touring exhibition. And last summer Stella, from Berlin, went on holiday to Scandinavia and happened

to visit the exhibition while she was in Stockholm. She was astonished to see the rusty cassette on display, alongside a list of tracks to show its age. Mandy was equally amazed to receive an email from Stella to say it was her tape. Stella said: “When I was reading the track list, it seemed very familiar to me. So I took a picture of it and compared it with the original CD from 1993, which I still have. And it was exactly the same track-list, but starting with track three. “I remember that I didn’t like the first two songs. I always made tapes from my CDs at this time, to listen to them with my Walkman.”

Robber helped himself to contents of vehicles

Mandy said: “It was an astounding chance for Stella to walk into my exhibition and recognise her tape.” She then told Professor Richard Thompson, head of the international marine litter research unit at the University of Plymouth, who said: “It is very difficult to say exactly how long the tape had been in the sea. But the fact that it has survived intact shows the durability of plastic, and the threat it can pose to the marine environment.’ The tape will continue touring as part of the exhibition, before being returned to Stela, and here’s what she’s missed: 1. Somebody Dance With Me

– DJ BoBo 2. Would I Lie To You? – Charles & Eddie 3. The Jungle Book Groove – Disney Cast 4. Rock With You – Inner Circle 5. Do You See The Light – Snap! 6. One Love – Dr Alban 7. More and More – Captain Hollywood Project 8. Oh Carolina – Shaggy 9. The Key, The Secret – Urban Cookie Collective 10. It Keeps Rainin’ (Bitty McLean) 11. Summer Summer – Loft 12. Never Let Her Slip Away – Undercover 13. Power Of American Natives – Dance 2 Trance 14. Iron Lion Zion – Bob Marley & The Wailers

Tenerife filming boosts local economy by €20m

A MAN aged 52 has been charged with burglary, after National Police officers caught him breaking into several vehicles, which were parked-up in Las Americas.

The police confirmed in a statement that a total of 25 robberies had been committed since the start of the year, and all in the same manner, the thief smashing a window to enable him to steal whatever was inside. Following his arrest, officers were able to retrieve several stolen goods, hidden in the thief’s home. They were

then returned to their rightful owners. Among the stolen items recovered were several designer sunglasses and other goods, including

speakers and a surfboard. The man, along with the police report, has been presented to the judicial authorities.

THE appearance of the Canary Islands on the silver screen has received a boost, thanks to Tenerife, which hosted over 150 film and TV shoots last year.

In total, there were 750 days of filming, carried out by various film crews during 2019, generating €20 million for the local economy. Most of the productions came from Spain, Germany and the UK, with studios, including Netflix, basing their productions on the island.


21st February - 27th February 2020

Deadly virus doctor is also caught by disease DOCTOR Liu Zhiming (pictured), director of Wuhan Wuchang Hospital in China’s coronavirus epicentre, died from the disease last Monday.

The virus death toll, officially named COVID 19, reached 1,770 in mainland China last Sunday, up by 105 from the previous day, said the country’s National Health Commission. The number of new deaths in China’s central Hubei province from the outbreak rose by 100 in the same period. Across mainland China, there were 2,048 new confirmed infections last Sunday, and the total, accumulated number had reached 70,548. The latest increase in the number of reported new coronavirus cases in Hubei arrived as authorities imposed new, tough restrictions on movement, to prevent the disease spreading. The tighter lockdown on the central province, where the flulike virus originated in December, came as American passengers were taken off a cruise liner on Sunday to be flown home, after being quarantined

for two weeks off Japan. Seventy new coronavirus cases were confirmed on board the Diamond Princess where 3,700 passengers and crew have been held since 3rd February. Some 355 people on board have tested positive for the disease, which is easily the largest cluster of cases outside China. Passengers from Canada, Italy, South Korea and Hong Kong were expected to follow soon, after their governments also announced plans to repatriate them. Chinese health officials have said that two days of falling numbers in new, confirmed cases, shows that their efforts to halt the spread of the virus is bearing fruit.

“The effect of the coronavirus controls is appearing,” said Health Commission spokesman Mi Feng. The tighter lockdown on the central province, where the flu-like virus originated in December, came as American passengers were taken off a cruise liner on Sunday to be flown home, after being quarantined for two weeks off Japan. Seventy new coronavirus cases were confirmed on board the Diamond Princess, where 3,700 passengers and crew have been held since 3rd February. Some 355 people on board have tested positive for the disease, which is by far the largest cluster of cases outside China.

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Arona is now targeting commercial cardboard

Arona has become the first Tenerife municipality to install cages for the collection of top-quality, commercial cardboard. The pilot test is being carried out in Los Cristianos and Las Galletas as the first stage, but the project will spread throughout the municipality during the year. Both Arona Mayor José Julián Mena and Environment Councillor José Luis Gómez, have stressed: “The objective of Arona Council, in a first phase, is to install about 20 cages in different nuclei of the municipality, in areas where there is a greater business fabric, facilitating the storage and selective collection of cardboard and its subsequent recycling, in the line of commitment to the sustainability of the municipal government.” A campaign is being carried out to promote the correct separation of commercial cardboard, since large quantities of this are currently generated, which, in severe

times, saturate the container points. At present, much of the cardboard is not separated properly at source, either through ignorance, or saturation of the containers, and deposited in the mixed garbage container. This hinders, greatly, its revaluation and subsequent recycling. This strategy aims to increase selective collection in Arona, to meet the objectives of European regulations, and achieve 50% preparation for the reuse and recycling of municipal waste by 2020. It is a pioneering initiative, which has been developed in other municipalities of the archipelago, such as those of Lanzarote’s San Bartolomé and Arrecife, as well as on El Hierro, having a great acceptance by the commercial fabric and the general population. Two cages have, initially, been installed in Valle Menéndez Street and Fernando Salazar González Avenue, in Los Cristianos and Las Galletas, respectively.

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FIVE starving dogs, their ears filled with ticks, were rescued after being found abandoned in a Tenerife cave. Police and Guardia Civil officers, in the San Cristobel de La Laguna area of the island, found the dogs in a ravine cave near the town of Tabaida, in the Santa Cruz municipality. Their rescuers took them to the Albergue Comarcal Valle Colino animal shelter, a spokesman saying the dogs had been “living in hell”. Three of the five dogs, who ALBERTO Garzón, Spain’s Consumer Affairs Minister, plans to restrict advertising by betting companies to an early-hours slot throughout the country, as well as banning it from social media between 8pm and midnight. The United Left leader met industry representatives last week to outline the restrictions. Radio and TV broadcasters, especially those showing sporting events, will be directly affected by the reduced hours. They will be allowed to advertising betting companies between 1-5am only. True, this will not stop 21st February - 27th February 2020

Starving dogs had been ‘living in hell’

had been microchipped, were left in the hot sun without food or water. Local media said the dogs were owned by a hunter, and a shelter spokesperson added that a complaint has been filed with the local authorities. Horrific pictures show one of

the dogs staring at its rescuers through a metal fence, its ears weighed down by ticks. Another image shows the inside of another dog’s ear, filled with the blood-sucking creatures. And all the images showed the dogs with their ribs and leg bones clearly visible.

Gambling may leave the punters yawning many gambling addicts from seeing or hearing the publicity, but the aim is that the reduced broadcasting hours will prevent children, teenagers, younger adults, and those with standard working hours, from being exposed to them. Other measures are yet to be announced, although some towns in Spain have banned betting shops and amusement arcades from opening anywhere near schools, or from trading before 10pm.

It is likely that high-end professional sports will not be able to get sponsorship from betting firms in the future, particularly football and basketball. And even though the gambling industry invested over €168m last year alone in advertising, Garzón does not intend to “negotiate” with them. He will simply inform them of his decision, and will also plan campaigns to raise awareness, as well as take preventive action.

The poor animals will continue to be treated at the shelter, and vets expect them to be back to full health in around three months, before being put up for adoption.

It is unclear whether the hunter has been arrested for animal abuse, but people on social media were horrified by the images. One said: “Oh my God. At least there was a happy ending. I don’t know how people can sleep when they keep animals in such conditions. Whoever they are deserve to go to prison.” Another added: “Thanks to the kind and compassionate people, who helped to rescue these five innocent animals from their living hell.” 21st February - 27th February 2020


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21st February - 27th February 2020

What UK expatriates in Spain need to know about the Withdrawal Agreement By Paul Montague Partner, blevins Franks

NOW that the UK has officially left the EU, the transition period is underway and set to run until 31 December 2020. During this time, very little changes for UK nationals living in Spain, who retain freedom of movement, the right to remain, and access to, broadly, the same benefits as EU citizens. The good news is that anyone lawfully settled in Spain before the transition deadline can lock in today’s citizens’ rights, under the UK/EU Withdrawal Agreement. These benefits are protected for as long you are resident here, but there are currently no protections for UK nationals

LAST year’s cruise traffic at Spanish ports reflected the continuation of two underlying trends within overall growth: ongoing concentration toward the larger ports and passenger growth aboard larger vessels. Cruise passenger numbers grew by 4.8%, to 10.66 million, while vessel calls dipped 2.6% to 4,250.

arriving after 2020. Residence under the Withdrawal Agreement Proof of residence: To be covered by the Agreement, you must be settled in Spain before 31 December 2020, and apply for updated residence documents, before 30 June 2021. Expiry of residency rights: You will lose residence (and associated EU rights) if you are absent from Spain for five, consecutive years. Onward freedom of movement: Protections only apply to the country you are resident in, before the transition period ends. Healthcare under the Withdrawal Agreement Existing entitlements to healthcare will continue for settled residents. The S1 Form system will carry on providing free cover in Spain for British retirees. While the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) will provide free emergency care while travelling in other EU states, UK-issued EHICs may

only remain valid during the transition period. To qualify for permanent residency in Spain, you may be asked for evidence of comprehensive health cover. If you don’t hold form S1, you may need to join the local healthcare system, or have private health insurance. Once you become a permanent resident (available after five years), you qualify for Spanish state healthcare. Pensions under the Withdrawal Agreement UK retirees settled in Spain will continue to receive yearly cost-of-living increases to their State Pension payments. As things stand, Brexit should not affect how you can withdraw or transfer other UK pensions. However, the UK currently applies a 25% “overseas transfer charge” (effectively an exit tax) on pension transfers outside the EU/ EEA. This could be easily extended once the UK is no longer bound by EU freedom of movement of capital, so

there may be limited time to transfer without penalties. Acquiring residence after the transition period When the transition period expires on 31 December 2020, automatic freedom of movement will end for UK nationals, and a new residence application process will apply to live within the EU. We can expect these processes to be much less straightforward than today, particularly if the UK fails to secure new agreements in time. Under current rules for non-EU/ EEA nationals, each individual must be able to demonstrate a minimum income to qualify for residence in Spain, equivalent to the national minimum wage. In any event, it will be easier to secure Spanish residence in 2020, under current rules. Brexit beyond 2020 Currently, 2021 offers three possible scenarios: 1) the UK has a new deal with the EU and the new relationship begins; 2) the transition period

is extended as negotiations continue; or 3) the UK cuts trade ties with the EU (nodeal). The transition period offers a window of certainty if you act this year. By taking steps now to come under the protection of the Withdrawal Agreement, you can lock in a lifetime of rights in Spain, whatever the Brexit outcome. To ensure you are making the most of opportunities within this closing window, and that your financial arrangements are optimised for a post-Brexit world, take specialist, crossborder advice. Blevins Franks accepts no liability for any loss resulting from any action or inaction or omission as a result of reading this information, which is general in nature and not specific to your circumstances. Keep up to date on the financial issues that may affect you on the Blevins Franks news page at www.

A 4.8% growth in cruise passengers during 2019 Over half visited two destinations, and the two largest ports, Barcelona and the Balearic Islands, accounted for 5.8m passengers, more than half the Spanish total. The Canary Islands, including Las Palmas and Tenerife capital Santa Cruz,

added another 2.6m, taking the “Big Four” to a total of 8.4m. The top six cruise ports all recorded fewer port calls than the previous year, notably at Santa Cruz, down by 6.9% to 511 calls, and Barcelona, which slipped by 4.9% to 800 visits.

Barcelona, topping the list of passenger numbers as usual, recorded a modest increase of 3.3% to 3.14m. The Balearic Islands came second, with a robust 9.3% gain, to 2.66m visitors on 818 port calls, taking the lead in the latter category. Third ranking went to Gran

Canaria capital Las Palmas, with 1.49m passengers, which pushed its figures up by a strong 11.5%, aboard 560 calls, down by 4.4%. In fourth position, Santa Cruz de Tenerife handled 1.07m cruise customers, for a 4.6% gain. The No.5 spot was held by Bahia de Cadiz, moving 477,387 passengers, up by a comfortable 12.3%, aboard 333 calls, a minuscule 0.3% slip. Malaga, standing sixth, dropped by 6% to 477,000 passengers, on a 3.7% decline to 288 port calls. In seventh position, Valencia served 435,000 voyagers, up 3.3% on 203 port calls, and an increase of 4.6%. In eighth spot was Cartagena, with a 9% increase to 250,000 passengers aboard 167 calls, up by 10.6%. Standing ninth, A Coruña slipped 10.4% to 160,000 passengers, despite a 14.9% gain in port calls, implying smaller vessels or lower occupancy. Tenth position was divided. Vigo held this slot by passenger count, down 10.6% to 141,00, while Seville took 10th place in vessel calls with a resounding 26.7% increase to 95 visits. 21st February - 27th February 2020

TV Choice

15 CW

Ant & Dec’s Saturday Night Takeaway

Monday 24th February, BBC2, 21.00

Murder 24/7

Filmed with Essex Police, this brand new series follows murder investigations in real time, following every decision and every lead, minute by minute, from the critical first few days right through to arrest and conviction. Across three murder cases, spanning five episodes and stripped across two weeks, Murder 24/7 will take viewers behind the blue line to the heart of the police investigation in an unprecedented level of detail. Detectives, senior investigating officers, manhunt specialists, blood spatter analysts, dog handlers, interviewing officers, crime scene managers, phone analysts, and lawyers are just some of the specialists from the vast team of experts who must work together to solve the crime. Gripping and dramatic, Murder 24/7 will follow the twists and turns, dead ends and breakthroughs of complex murder investigations in real time. Forensic work at the crime scene, interviews with witnesses, trawling CCTV, analysing mobile phones, executing search warrants, and hunting down suspects, no stone is left unturned in the race to catch the killer. Episode one follows the investigation into the murder of 36 year-old Courtney ValentineBrown, who was found stabbed in a flat in in Southend-on-Sea. The episode spans the critical first two days of the investigation, as the senior investigating officer and his team of detectives and specialists work around the clock to catch the killers.

Saturday 22nd February, ITV1, 19.00 The multi award-winning Ant & Dec’s Saturday Night Takeaway returns live to ITV on Saturday 22nd February for the happiest ninety minutes of the week. TV’s most popular duo are back with a whole host of new and exclusive features, guests, live surprises and outrageous stunts along with all of the Saturday Night Takeaway favourites that viewers know and love. Undercover and I’m A Celebrity…Get Out Of Me Ear will both return for the new series with some of the biggest celebrities taking part. The Place on the Plane giveaway, where viewers are given the chance to see the Saturday Night Takeaway finale abroad, will become the biggest ever giveaway on British TV. Ant and Dec will be seeing out the new series in style, live from an undisclosed location which will be revealed in the first show of the new series. In addition, one lucky viewer in the first live show will receive a truly life changing surprise - the biggest Saturday Night Takeaway has ever given. Ant and Dec are back on the case as super sleuths in a brand new mini-series. The duo are still members of ‘The Honoured’ charged with looking after Britain’s security and this time round they’ve been called in not just because Earth needs saving. There’s an intergalactic security issue! Ant and Dec will battle aliens and a secret race called The Squittarianuvians. Guest stars in the new series include Hugh Bonneville, Emily Atack, Amanda Holden, Richard Ayoade, Amber Gill, Paddy McGuinness, Simon Cowell with lots more celebrity surprises. Stephen Mulhern will return, putting the boys through brand new high-octane Ant vs Dec challenges. The boys will become two Pandas called Howai and Wayai at London Zoo in a new feature called Don’t Feed The Pandas. A realistic Panda enclosure was created at the Zoo as children along with their teachers visited the animals. Once the adults weren’t looking the Panda’s Howai and Wayai (Ant and Dec in realistic prosthetic costumes) started trying to persuade the kids to give them the Zoo keepers lunch – will the children believe that Pandas can actually talk?! Episode 1: The Pussycat Dolls will join Ant and Dec in the first show of the new series performing some of their biggest hits in the legendary End of the Show Show with multi-award winning, international singing sensation Camila Cabello as the first Guest Announcer. Expect high energy live entertainment from start to finish as Saturday night’s most feel good series returns to kick start the weekend with a bang.

CW 16

TV Guide

21st February - 27th February 2020

CW watch


Saturday 22nd February, ITV1, 20.30

The Voice UK

It’s the start of the Battle rounds on The Voice UK, with coaches, Sir Tom Jones, Olly Murs and Meghan Trainor returning to their infamous red chairs as their acts go head to head and fight for their place on their coach’s team. The singers that impress their coach the most remain in the competition with a chance of winning a recording contract. Will those that aren’t so lucky be stolen by another coach or will they be going home?

Sunday 23rd February, BBC2, 21.00

Win the Wilderness: Alaska

In the penultimate episode the four couples who have made it onto Duane and Rena’s shortlist wake up to a shock visit from the Oses. In a series of tense faceto-face meetings, Duane and Rena interrogate each couple’s plans for their home, trying to establish if any of them harbour doubts. After mulling over their answers, Duane and Rena make one of their hardest decisions yet, and decide to let one couple return home. After saying their tearful goodbyes, the unsuccessful couple leaves camp for the last time. There is no respite for the remaining three couples as Duane and Rena’s next test raises the stakes further than ever before. To test how they cope with separation, a common part of life in the Alaskan bush, each couple has to decide which one of them will spend two nights alone in a remote wilderness cabin. Leaving their partners behind, they are taken down river to a cluster of three remote properties deep in the Alaskan wilderness. After two nights alone the couples enjoy emotional reunions, while Duane and Rena decide who should be the fourth couple they send back to the UK. While one couple’s Alaskan dream is over, the other two couples are now just one step away from becoming the new owners of Ose Mountain.

TV Guide

21st February - 27th February 2020

17 CW

his week’s BEST Monday 24th February, ITV1, 21.00

Flesh and Blood In the aftermath of a family celebration, a body lies on the beach, terribly injured – perhaps dead. But who is it? Just a few weeks earlier, a family of adult siblings is shaken when their recentlywidowed mother, Vivien, announces her love for a new man, retired surgeon Mark. Tensions rise as the siblings’ question why Vivien hasn’t mentioned Mark before and are forced to reassess her entire marriage to their father. Mark seems devoted to her, but isn’t it all a bit sudden? Even Vivien’s neighbour, Mary, is surprised by this turn of events and closely scrutinises the new arrival. She feels protective of Vivien and this family she has known so well and for so long. At the same time, events in the siblings’ own love-lives start to spiral out of control. Vivien’s eldest daughter Helen is overloaded at work, unaware that her family is fracturing as husband George and daughter Lily feel ignored. Middle son Jake is a personal fitness instructor. His marriage with Leila hit the rocks months ago thanks to Jake’s gambling. In order to regain Leila’s trust and put his family back together, he’ll need to pay back his debts. With this in mind, a wealthy client offers him a highly unorthodox solution. Vivien’s youngest daughter, Natalie, has been involved with Tony for nearly five years now. However, she expertly conceals this as Tony happens to be her boss – and also married. Natalie’s growing worry that, despite his promises, Tony will never leave his wife, leads her down a dangerous path. When Vivien suffers a health scare and Mark moves in to look after her, the siblings become alarmed about their mother’s growing dependence on him and suspect that he’s only after her money. But can they overcome years of sibling rivalry to truly put their mother’s health and happiness first?

Weds 26th February, BBC4, 21.00

A Very British History

Episode three: British Bangladeshis. Aminul Hoque, pictured, came to Britain in 1980 as a three year-old, from the young nation of Bangladesh. He explores why thousands of families settled here in the 1970s and 80s, and how they faced hardships and racism while building a new life in Britain. Drawing on rich film archive from the period, meeting those who settled in London and Luton, and through his own experiences growing up in East London, Aminul tells the stories of Bengalis who worked hard, fought racism and made their homes here over the course of two key decades. As his children grow up in the UK, Aminul wants them to know about their own Bangladeshi roots. He takes the family back to where he and his dad came from, his home village in Sylhet province. Now it’s up to his kids to decide if they want to keep the links with their homeland - but as British Bangladeshis.

Tuesday 25th February, BBC2, 20.00

Back In Time For The Corner Shop The Ardern family is embarking on an extraordinary timetravelling adventure, going back in time to run that great British institution, the corner shop. Fast forwarding through 100 years of shop-keeping they’ll discover how what they sell, how they sell it and who they sell it to reflects the changing world around them. The family, whose great grandparents were shopkeepers, has taken over a former corner shop in Meersbrook, Sheffield. Guided by presenter Sara Cox and social historian Polly Russell, the family of five will spend their summer working in the shop and living upstairs. Starting in the Victorian era they’ll need to bake their own counter goods for the shop, weigh and measure loose goods like tea, flour and sugar by hand, and make deliveries with a horse and cart. In the years to come they’ll discover the huge impact Sheffield’s steel industry would have had on their local customers, face the challenge of administering wartime rations, and experience dizzy excitement at the arrival of innovations like the phone card, Smash Hits and the National Lottery. Originally built to serve around 40 houses for all their daily needs, the Ardens will discover how corner shops had to adapt to meet the changing needs of their customers, from stocking new items to attract the city’s increasingly diverse population, to having plentiful supplies of the must-have make-up and magazines that kept people coming through the door. Through economic ups and downs, two World Wars and the changing face of the city, Back In Time For The Corner Shop reflects the total transformation of British life over the last 100 years. In the first episode of the series the Arderns time-travelling adventure starts in 1897 when the shop - and the suburb around it - was built. With few pre-packaged goods and no self-service, the men of the family must get to grips with a hands-on approach - measuring and weighing out items for customers, who have to sit and wait quite a while to be served. Old fashioned gender roles mean Jo and Olivia are busy in the basic kitchen, providing shop goods from jam to hair-raising health tonics. They also have to cook for the family, preparing a challenging meal of Shredded Wheat doused in Marmite broth. Life in the shop reflects the changing world outside, from exotic new imports from the Empire to an increase in now familiar brands. It’s hard work but there’s still time for fun, as Dame Kelly Holmes puts the family through an Edwardian style work out. The arrival of WW1 sees severe food shortages and Britain is at risk of being starved into surrender. As the decade draws to close, the Great War finally comes to an end. The shelves are full again and the Arderns throw a peace party to celebrate and say thanks to the community.

Thursday 27th February, BBC2, 20.00

Secrets Of The Museum

This week, we meet curators and conservators trying to preserve some of the finest examples of craftsmanship in the world. Deep in the museum stores, curator Keith is trying to breathe life into an object of extraordinary craftmanship - an original Stormtrooper costume from the Star Wars sequel The Empire Strikes Back from 1980. He’s hoping to exhibit the costume in a refresh of the V&A’s Theatre and Performance Display. But when he and conservator Susana unpack the moulded-plastic body parts, a key piece is missing: the Stormtrooper’s helmet. Meanwhile, two of the largest galleries in the museum, the Cast Courts, are undergoing a renovation. These galleries are home to one of the world’s largest collections of 19th century handmade casts, replicas of some of Europe’s finest sculptures. As few people then could afford the luxury of travel, art works could be brought to them with these painstaking replicas. Now it’s the job of senior sculpture conservator Victor to give these precious casts a facelift.

CW 18

TV Guide

Fri 21 feb 2020 21st February - 27th February 2020

07:00............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show

06:00....................... Breakfast 09:15...................Animal Park Summer Special 10:00....... Homes Under the Hammer 11:00..............Wanted Down Under Revisited 11:45.............. Defenders UK 12:15............... Bargain Hunt 13:00....... BBC News at One 13:45..........................Doctors 14:15........ Shakespeare and Hathaway Private Investigators 15:00....................... Escape to the Country 15:45..................The Farmers’ Country Showdown 16:30....Antiques Road Trip 17:15........................Pointless 18:00..... BBC News at Six 19:00........The One Show 19:30.......Garden Rescue 20:00..............A Question of Sport 20:30............. EastEnders 21:00.. Would I Lie to You? 21:30................Bumps watch 22:00.... BBC News at Ten 22:35............ The Graham Norton Show 23:25......... RuPaul’s Drag Race UK 00:30............... BBC News

06:30..............Wanted Down Under Revisited 07:15............................Flog It! 08:00.....Winterwatch 2019 09:00............. BBC News at 9 10:00... Victoria Derbyshire 11:00..BBC Newsroom Live 13:00.................Walks of Life 14:00........World’s Sneakiest Animals 15:00....................... Red Rock 15:45.......Full Steam Ahead 16:45............ Blue Planet UK 17:15............................Flog It! 18:00.....Richard Osman’s House of Games 18:30............. Great Asian Railway Journeys 19:00............Saving Lives at Sea 19:30................. Celebrity Antiques Road Trip 20:30............... Our Coast 21:30............................ QI 22:00....... Frankie Boyle’s Tour of Scotland 22:30..............Newsnight 23:00..................Weather 23:05...... Front Row Late 23:45.............. In the Heat of the Night 01:30...............Panorama

06:00............. Good Morning Britain

06:30.................................. Cheers

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV

07:20................. King of Queens

09:15 .......................Jeremy Vine

09:00......................... Lorraine

08:10............... Everybody Loves Raymond

11:15 .........................Paddington Station 24/7


12:10 ..................................5 News Lunchtime

09:20.......................... Superstore

12:15 .........................GPs: Behind Closed Doors

11:15............... Dress to Impress

13:10 ..................................Access

13:15...... You’ve Been Framed!

13:15 .............. Home and Away 13:45 ....................... Neighbours

13:50............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show

14:15 .....................Maniac Mom

14:45........................Dinner Date

16:00 ................................ Friends

15:50............... Dress to Impress

17:00........................ 5 News at 5

16:50....................... Take Me Out

17:30 ....................... Neighbours

18:00................. You’ve Been Framed!

08:55........... Kirstie’s Handmade Treasures

06:00 .......................Monkey Life 07:00 ... RSPCA Animal Rescue

07:10............Cops UK: Bodycam Squad

09:20...................... A Place in the Sun: Home or Away

08:00 ................. Dog Whisperer

08:00..............American Pickers 09:00.........Storage Hunters UK

10:15...................... A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun

09:00...........Stop, Search, Seize 10:00 ............................. Brit Cops: Frontline Crime

09:30.........Storage Hunters UK

11:00.............NCIS: Los Angeles

11:00..............American Pickers

13:00..................... Hawaii Five-0

12:00...........Cop Car Workshop


11:15...........................Emergency Helicopter Medics 12:15......999: On the Frontline 13:15...................... Escape to the Chateau: DIY 14:15......................Four in a Bed 15:20......................Four in a Bed 16:25 .....................Four in a Bed 16:55.................... The Secret Life of the Zoo 17:55..................... The Supervet 18:55......................Car S.O.S 19:55............... Escape to the Chateau: DIY

15:00 ...........................MacGyver 16:00.................. Modern Family

10:00............... This Morning 12:30............. Loose Women 13:30..............ITV Lunchtime News 13:55........................ ITV News London 15:00..........................Tenable

13:05.......................... Posh Pawn

15:59...................ITV London 16:00...............Tipping Point 17:00.....................The Chase 18:00................. ITV News London

15:00............ A Place in the Sun 16:00..... A New Life in the Sun 17:00.................... Couples Come Dine with Me 18:00..............The Simpsons 18:30.................... Hollyoaks

19:00............ Emmerdale

20:00...... Jamie and Jimmy’s Friday Night Feast

19:30..............Coronation Street

19:00.......... Channel 4 News

21:00.................. Gogglebox

20:30........................ Vera

22:00................ The Last Leg

22:20...... ITV News at Ten and Weather

00:10............... Let’s be Cops

23:05.The Big Narstie Show

22:50.. ITV News London

18:00 .........Home and Away 18:30 .......... 5 News Tonight 19:00 ...........Tony Robinson: Coast to Coast 20:00............... The Yorkshire Steam Railway: All Aboard

08:50...... You’ve Been Framed! 10:15........................Dinner Date 12:15......................... Emmerdale

20:00........................Two and a Half Men 21:00..................Love Island 22:05.................. Family Guy 23:35............ American Dad! 00:05............ American Dad!

21:00..........Britain by Barge

00:30...The Cleveland Show

22:20 ............ The Comeback of Ant McPartlin

00:55...The Cleveland Show

23:20...............Basic Instinct

01:55....Two and a Half Men

01:30....Two and a Half Men

23:05......England Rugby: Rising Sons 00:15....... Wilder V Fury I: Full Fight Replay 01:10.............Ideal World

10:00..............American Pickers

13:00.............................. Top Gear

15:00..................Sin City Motors


16:00.............................. Top Gear

18:30..............The Simpsons

17:00.............................. Top Gear 18:00................................. QI 19:00.......... Richard Osman’s House of Games 19:40...... Would I Lie to You? 20:20..... Would I Lie to You?

21:00............. Just One Look

23:00................... The Russell Howard Hour

22:05..........24 Hours in A&E

00:00..................... Avenue 5

00:10........... Mock the Week

23:15..........24 Hours in A&E

00:35......................Brit Cops: Frontline Crime

00:45......................... Would I Lie to You?

01:35................... Road Wars

01:25.............Not Going Out

00:20.........Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

14:10........................ Countdown

18:30............ ITV Evening News


22:00..... The Late Late Show with James Corden: Best of the Week

12:00................Channel 4 News 12:05..........Find it, Fix it, Flog it

14:00............................... Cops UK: Bodycam Squad

21:00................. Intelligence

11:05...............Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

14:00............... Judge Rinder

17:00.................... The Simpsons

20:30............Modern Family

10:10................Undercover Boss Canada

07:50......................... Emmerdale

21:00................. Man on Fire


BBC1, 21.30

Bumps is a new Comedy Playhouse for BBC One written by Lucy Montgomery and Rhys Thomas, made by Kudos (part of Endemol Shine UK). Sixty two year-old Anita (Amanda Redman) is divorced with two grown up kids, and no stork on the horizon threatening to bring grandchildren. Her daughter Joanne (Lisa McGrillis) can’t have children and her son Aiden (Seb Cardinal) has zero interest. After hearing about an Indian woman in her 70s who gave birth to a healthy baby Anita starts thinking: what if she were to do the same thing? 21st February - 27th February 2020

Sat 22 feb 2020

TV Guide

19 CW

06:00....................... Breakfast

06:45................ Wild & Weird

06:00................Childrens’ TV

06:00...................... Mike & Molly

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV

10:00.........................Saturday Kitchen Live

07:00.......... The Dog Ate My Homework

07:30 ..................Scrambled!

06:25...................... Mike & Molly

09:35....................Digby Dragon 09:50.........Shimmer and Shine

11:30......... Lose Weight and Get Fit with Tom Kerridge

07:30..........The Dengineers

07:35 ............... Mighty Mike

06:45.................................. Cheers

07:50 ....................... Mr. Bean

07:15.................................. Cheers

09:55..........................SpongeBob Squarepants

12:00.............Football Focus 13:00......................BBC News 13:10.........................Weather 13:15............... Bargain Hunt

08:00..................... Blue Peter 08:30......................Deadly 60 09:00.......Tomorrow’s Food 10:00.......Full Steam Ahead 11:00......................Our Coast

13:55............Garden Rescue

12:00.......... The Hairy Bikers’ Comfort Food

14:40..................Britain’s Best Home Cook

12:45...........Best Bakes Ever

15:40......................BBC News 15:50..................BBC London News 16:00........... Live Six Nations Rugby Union 19:05........... The Greatest Dancer 20:25................. Pointless Celebrities 21:10................. Casualty 22:00............... BBC News 22:15..................Weather 22:20... Match of the Day 23:40........... At Any Price 01:20...... Weather for the Week Ahead 01:25............... BBC News

CW watch

13:30.....................Wild Brazil 14:30..........Flatpack Empire 15:30....................The World’s Most Extraordinary Homes 16:30....................Final Score 17:30.....10 Puppies and Us

08:10 ...........................Ben 10 08:30................Thunderbirds are Go 09:05........................... Craig of the Creek 09:25....................... ITV News 09:30.........................Saturday Morning with James Martin 11:40.......Living on the Veg 12:40................. Save Money: Lose Weight 13:10....................... ITV News 13:25.....Six Nations Live


17:00....................... ITV News

19:30.............Dad’s Army

17:20.........Despicable Me 3

20:00...... Great American Railroad Journeys 21:00....................... QI XL

19:00..........Ant and Dec’s Saturday Night Take Away

21:45......................Live at the Apollo

21:55................ ITV News

22:30................. Snowfall 01:20...... This is BBC Two

17:10...... ITV News London

08:30.......The Big Bang Theory 09:00.......The Big Bang Theory 09:25.................... The Simpsons 11:55...................... Kubo and the Two Strings 13:55......................Four in a Bed

10:10................The Loud House 10:20...................................Access 10:25............ WWE SmackDown Highlights 11:25................................. Friends 13:50............ Murder, with Love: Hailey Dean Mysteries

16:35............ A Place in the Sun

15:35........Deadly Estate: Hailey Dean Mysteries

17:35............Location, Location, Location

17:25..................5 News Update

18:30.......... Channel 4 News 19:00...... A Royal Tour of the 20th Century

21:00.......... American Made 23:15............. A Million Ways to Die in the West

17:30........... Ant & Dec: Kings of Saturday Night 19:00........ Drain the Oceans 20:00....... In Pursuit: Cops vs Criminals 22:00........................Bellator 00:00............Fights, Camera, Action!

07:50............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show 08:40............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show 09:30............... Dress to Impress 10:30............... Dress to Impress 11:35.......................Catchphrase 12:35....................... Take Me Out 13:35......................... You’ve Been Framed! 14:40......................... You’ve Been Framed! 15:10............ A Cinderella Story 17:15................................ Liar Liar 18:55....................... Yes Man 21:00..................Love Island 22:05............. Joel Dommett: Finding Emo 23:05.................. Family Guy 23:35.................. Family Guy 00:05............ American Dad! 00:30............ American Dad!

01:25................ The Last Leg

01:00........The 21.Co.UK Live Casino Show

22:15............ Live Boxing

08:55............. Food Unwrapped

06:00........................Monkey Life

07:10.................. Hurricane Man

00:00.................. Tenable

09:30............ A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun

06:30........................Monkey Life

08:00.............................. Top Gear

10:25............ A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun

07:00........................Monkey Life

09:00.........Storage Hunters UK

07:30........................Monkey Life

09:30.........Storage Hunters UK

08:00........................Monkey Life

10:00.................... Aussie Pickers

08:30.................. Modern Family

11:00..............American Pickers

12:30............Location, Location, Location

09:30.................. Modern Family

12:00............Cops UK: Bodycam Squad

13:35......................Phil Spencer’s Stately Homes

10:30.........................Soccer A.M.

01:00.........Ibiza Weekender

20:30.......... The Voice UK

01:00.............Ideal World

Six Nations Live ITV1, 13.25

The 2020 Guinness Six Nations: Italy v Scotland (KO 3pm) Jill Douglas presents Guinness Six Nations action from Rome’s Stadio Olimpico as Italy host Scotland. Both sides have lost their opening two matches, Scotland suffering narrow defeats in Ireland and at home to England, whist Italy showed improvement in week two against France after a heavy loss to Wales on the opening weekend. Sir Ian McGeechan, Maggie Alphonsi, Gareth Thomas and Marco Bortolami provide match analysis, with commentary from Miles Harrison, Scott Hastings and Ben Kay.


20:00........... Princess Diana’s watch `Wicked” Stepmother 16:35...............Tipping Point

18:30........Cities: Nature’s New Wild

00:00..... In the Dark Half


07:00............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show

11:25............ A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun

10:00......................What’s Up TV 12:00..................... Hawaii Five-0

13:00............Cops UK: Bodycam Squad

14:00..................... Hawaii Five-0

14:00............Cops UK: Bodycam Squad

15:00.................... Gillette Soccer Saturday

15:00.......................Border Force: America’s Gatekeepers

17:00.................... The Simpsons

16:00.............................. Top Gear

18:00..............The Simpsons

17:00......... Scrapyard Supercar

19:00..............The Simpsons

18:00.................... Room 101

19:30............Modern Family

19:20.................... Room 101

20:00....999: On the Frontline

20:00.................. A League of Their Own

20:00.............Not Going Out

21:00..........24 Hours in A&E

21:00.... The Matrix Reloaded

22:05..........24 Hours in A&E 23:10................... Father Ted

23:30................... The Russell Howard Hour

23:45................... Father Ted

00:30.............. Hawaii Five-0

00:15.......... It Was Alright In

01:30..................... The Heist

14:40........ Come Dine with Me 15:40........ Come Dine with Me 16:50........ Come Dine with Me 17:20......................Four in a Bed 17:55......................Four in a Bed 18:25............... Four in a Bed 18:55............... Four in a Bed 19:25............... Four in a Bed

21:20.............Not Going Out 22:00............... Hypothetical 23:00............ Have I Got a Bit More News for You 00:00..............Dave Gorman: Modern Life is Goodish

CW 20

Sun 23 feb 2020

TV Guide

CW watch 06:00....................... Breakfast 07:40....... Match of the Day 09:00.................. The Andrew Marr Show 10:00..... The Big Questions 11:00....... Homes Under the Hammer 12:00............... Bargain Hunt 13:00......................BBC News 13:15........... Songs of Praise 13:50........................... Lifeline 14:00............................Flog It! 14:25....................... Escape to the Country 15:10............Garden Rescue 15:55.........The Repair Shop 16:40............Spy in the Wild 17:40......................BBC News 18:10.............Countryfile 19:10............Doctor Who 20:00.... Call the Midwife 21:00..........Last Tango in Halifax watch 22:00............... BBC News 22:30..................Match of the Day 2 23:30...........The Women’s Football Show 00:00............Women’s Six Nations Highlights 00:30............... BBC News


CW watch

06:45.................... The Instant Gardener 07:30..... Celebrity Antiques Road Trip 08:30................... Countryfile 09:30...................Beechgrove Repotted 10:00.........Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 11:30............Rick Stein From Venice to Istanbul 12:30.......... Best Bakes Ever 13:15................. Trust Me, I’m a Doctor 13:45.................. Painting the Holy Land 14:45..........................Dunkirk 17:00...............Undiscovered Worlds with Steve Backshal 18:00............. Six Nations Highlights 19:00............. Russia with Simon Reeve 20:00.............Top Gear watch 21:00....................Win the Wilderness: Alaska 22:00...The Ranganation 22:45....... Frankie Boyle’s Tour of Scotland 23:15.......................Noah 01:25....... Question Time


07:35................ Mighty Mike 07:50........................ Mr. Bean 08:10............................Ben 10 08:30... Kung Fu Panda: The Paws of Destiny 09:05......Craig of the Creek 09:25....................... ITV News

06:00................. King of Queens

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV

06:25................. King of Queens

10:00 ...............The Loud House

10:30.......Living on the Veg

06:50............... Everybody Loves Raymond

10:25 ...............Britain’s Greatest Bridges

11:00................The Voice UK

07:40.......The Big Bang Theory

10:30 ..... WWE Raw Highlights

12:25....................... ITV News

08:25..................... Beat the Chef

11:30 ................................ Friends

12:40............... Ant and Dec’s Saturday Night Take Away

09:00..................... Beat the Chef

13:55 ............... The Love Punch

09:30..................Sunday Brunch

15:50 ..................... The Proposal

12:30.................... The Simpsons

16:50 .................5 News Update

09:30......................... Ainsley’s Caribbean Kitchen

14:10.....Six Nations Live

................... The Simpsons CW 13:25. 14:20.................... The Secret Life

16:55 ..................... The Proposal

07:00.................................... You’ve Been Framed! 07:30 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 08:15............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show 09:00............... Dress to Impress 12:05.......................Catchphrase 13:05...... You’ve Been Framed! 14:10...... You’ve Been Framed!

18:00.........5 News Weekend

14:40...........................Space Jam

18:05..........The Hairy Bikers’ Chocolate Challenge

16:25....................................... Sing

15:25..................... The Supervet

18:35.............Jurassic World

20:00............. Endeavour

16:30.......Night at the Museum 2: Battle of the Smithsonian

19:00.....Secrets of the Great Royal Traditions

21:00..................Love Island

22:00................ ITV News

18:30.......... Channel 4 News

22:15................. Cilla: The Lost Tapes

19:00........ The Great Pottery Throw Down

20:00..........Walking Britain’s Lost Railways


17:35....................... ITV News 17:55...... ITV News London 18:00.......Dancing on Ice

23:10...Harry Redknapp’s Sandbanks Summer 23:40..................The BRIT Awards 2020 01:30.............Ideal World

The 2020 Guinness Six Nations: England v Ireland (KO 3pm) After a painful defeat to France, England got their Six Nations campaign back on track with a hard-fought victory over Scotland at Murrayfield in atrocious conditions. Ellis Genge scored the only try of the game as Eddie Jones’s side ground out a 13-6 win. Ireland have made a strong start - a nervy opening day win against Scotland was followed up by an impressive 24-14 defeat of the defending champions, Wales - who suffered their first loss in the competition in nearly two years. It promises to be quite a day for the Farrell family, a win for Ireland at Twickenham would secure the Triple Crown in Andy’s debut season as Head Coach but England captain Owen will be doing his utmost to prevent that from happening.

08:55...................................Car S.O.S

06:00...........The Hour of Power

07:10 ................. Hurricane Man

09:55...................................Car S.O.S

07:00........................Monkey Life

08:00............................. Top Gear

10:55...................................Car S.O.S

07:30........................Monkey Life

09:00.. Red Bull Soapbox Race

11:5..............Come Dine with Me

08:00.................. Modern Family

12:30...........Come Dine with Me

09:00.................. Modern Family

10:00 ......Steve Austin’s Broken Skull Challenge

13:05...........Come Dine with Me

10:00.................... The Simpsons

13:35...........Come Dine with Me

11:00.................... The Simpsons

14:05...........Come Dine with Me

12:00........................Magnum P.I.

14:40..........................Four in a Bed

13:00.............NCIS: Los Angeles

15:40..........................Four in a Bed

14:00.............NCIS: Los Angeles

16:50..........................Four in a Bed

15:00.............NCIS: Los Angeles

17:20...........Come Dine with Me

16:00 ................... The Simpsons

17:50...........Come Dine with Me

17:00................... The Simpsons

18:25.......Come Dine with Me

18:00 .............The Simpsons

18:55.......Come Dine with Me

18:30 .............The Simpsons

19:25.......Come Dine with Me

19:00 .............The Simpsons

20:00......................Emergency Helicopter Medics

19:30 .............The Simpsons

21:00....999: On the Frontline

21:00............. Hawaii Five-0

22:00.............24 Hours in A&E

22:00...... NCIS: Los Angeles

23:05............. 999: What’s Your Emergency?

23:00...................SEAL Team

00:15......................Emergency Helicopter Medics

01:05 .....................Brit Cops: Frontline Crime

00:00 .......................S.W.A.T.

Top Gear BBC2, 20.00 Paddy, Freddie and Chris take the latest sports cars from Ferrari, Aston and Porsche on a Yorkshire road trip. On track, Chris tests out Volkswagen’s fearsome ID-R electric racer. YouTube sensation KSI is the studio guest.

06:00................Childrens’ TV

Siz Nations Live ITV1, 14.10

20:00................ Magnum P.I. 21st February - 27th February 2020

11:00............Cops UK: Bodycam Squad 13:00........................... Drug Wars 14:00.................... Aussie Pickers 15:00..............American Pickers 16:00............................Room 101 18:00........................ Red Bull Soapbox Race 19:00............... Border Force: America’s Gatekeepers 20:00............... Border Force: America’s Gatekeepers 21:00............ Have I Got a Bit More News for You 22:00................................. QI 23:00......The Misadventures of Romesh Ranganathan 00:00........... Mock the Week 00:40............ Have I Got a Bit More News for You

of the Zoo

20:00....... My Family and the Galapagos

21:00................Rich Holiday, Poor Holiday 22:00... Husbands from Hell

22:35.................. Family Guy 23:05.................. Family Guy 23:35............ American Dad! 00:05............ American Dad! 00:30................................The Cleveland Show

21:00................... Homeland

22:55..................... Hoarders

22:00.................. Gogglebox

23:55..........The Woman with 106 Dogs

00:55................................The Cleveland Show

01:00........The 21.Co.UK Live Casino Show

01:25....................Don’t Hate the Playaz

23:00........................... Allied 01:15.........Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

Last Tango In Halifax

BBC1, 21.00

Sally Wainwright’s Bafta Award-winning drama returns for a much-anticipated fifth series. Alan (Derek Jacobi) and Celia (Anne Reid) are seven years into their marriage and, having moved into a desirable bungalow with stunning views across the Calder Valley, they aren’t seeing eye to eye. Celia is baffled when Alan applies for a job in a local supermarket and Alan can’t understand why they need an expensive new kitchen. At Far Slack Farm, Gillian (Nicola Walker) - already stretched with bank repayments - discovers a costly problem with her roof. And Caroline (Sarah Lancashire) faces a fresh challenge in her new headship and recruits the help of colleague, Ruth (Lu Corfield). A phone call from New Zealand gives Alan and Celia pause for thought, and tempers get frayed at Caroline and Gillian’s joint birthday celebration when money becomes the topic of conversation. Meanwhile, Judith (Ronni Ancona) presents John (Tony Gardner) with an awkward proposition… Last Tango In Halifax is written by Sally Wainwright, directed by Gareth Bryn, and produced by Ken Horn. The four-part series also features Timothy West, Josh Bolt, Dean Smith, Louis Greatorex, Paul Copley, Katherine Rose Morley, Felix Johnson, Rachel Leskovac and Liam McCheyne. 21st February - 27th February 2020

Mon 24 feb 2020

TV Guide

21 CW

06:00....................... Breakfast 09:15......... Britain’s Housing Scandal 10:00....... Homes Under the Hammer 11:00..............Wanted Down Under Revisited 11:45.............. Defenders UK 12:15............... Bargain Hunt 13:00....... BBC News at One 13:45..........................Doctors 14:15........ Shakespeare and Hathaway Private Investigators 15:00....................... Escape to the Country 15:45..................The Farmers’ Country Showdown 16:30....Antiques Road Trip 17:15........................Pointless 18:00..... BBC News at Six 19:00........The One Show 19:30............... Inside Out London 20:00............. EastEnders 20:30...............Panorama 21:00............ MasterChef 22:00.... BBC News at Ten 22:35.......... This Country 23:10...Young, Welsh and Pretty Minted 23:40............ The Graham Norton Show

06:30..............Wanted Down Under Revisited 07:15............... Bargain Hunt 08:00..................Britain’s Best Home Cook 09:00............. BBC News at 9 10:00... Victoria Derbyshire 11:00..BBC Newsroom Live 12:15.................. Politics Live 13:00..................Women’s Six Nations Highlights 13:30........... Chase the Case 14:15...Best House in Town 15:00....................... Red Rock 15:45....................... The Great British Winter 16:45...................Big Blue UK 17:15............................Flog It! 18:00.....Richard Osman’s House of Games 18:30........... Great British Railway Journeys 19:00...........Coastal Path 19:30........... Mastermind 20:00 ........ Only Connect 20:30............... University Challenge 21:00...........Murder 24/7 22:00............. Inside No 9 22:30..............Newsnight 23:15..................Hospital 00:15........... The Farmers’ Country Showdown

CW watch

06:00............. Good Morning Britain 09:00......................... Lorraine 10:00............... This Morning 12:30............. Loose Women 13:30..............ITV Lunchtime News 13:55...... ITV News London 14:00............... Judge Rinder 15:00..........................Tenable 15:59...................ITV London 16:00...............Tipping Point 17:00.....................The Chase 18:00................. ITV News London 18:30..ITV Evening News 19:00............ Emmerdale 19:30..............Coronation Street 20:00....The Martin Lewis Money Show 20:30..............Coronation Street

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV

08:55............. Food Unwrapped

06:00........................Monkey Life

09:15............ A Place in the Sun: Summer Sun

06:30........................Monkey Life

07:10............Cops UK: Bodycam Squad

07:00.... RSPCA Animal Rescue

08:00..............American Pickers

10:05............ A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun

08:00.................. Dog Whisperer

09:00.........Storage Hunters UK

09:00...........Stop, Search, Seize

10:00..............American Pickers

10:00.............................. Brit Cops: Frontline Crime

12:00...........Cop Car Workshop

11:00.............NCIS: Los Angeles 13:00..................... Hawaii Five-0

14:00.......................Border Force: America’s Gatekeepers

14:00..................... Hawaii Five-0

15:00..................Sin City Motors


16:00.............................. Top Gear

16:20......................Four in a Bed

16:00.................. Modern Family

17:00.............................. Top Gear

16:55.................... The Secret Life of the Zoo

17:00.................... The Simpsons

18:00................................. QI


17:55..................... The Supervet


19:00.......... Richard Osman’s House of Games

18:55......................Car S.O.S

18:30..............The Simpsons

19:40..... Would I Lie to You?

19:55............... Escape to the Chateau: DIY

19:30..............The Simpsons

21:00................................. QI

21:00......................Car S.O.S

20:00................ Flintoff: Lord of the Fries

22:00......The Misadventures of Romesh Ranganathan

22:00...... Inside Rolls-Royce

21:00................Men in Black

23:00..... Would I Lie to You?

23:05..........24 Hours in A&E

23:00..................... Avenue 5

23:40........... Mock the Week

00:10........... 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown

23:35.................. A League of Their Own

00:20..... Would I Lie to You?

01:15......................Car S.O.S


09:15 .......................Jeremy Vine 11:15 .........................Paddington Station 24/7 12:10 ..........5 News Lunchtime 12:15 .........................GPs: Behind Closed Doors 13:10 ..................................Access 13:15 .............. Home and Away 13:45 ....................... Neighbours 14:20 ................Killer Nightshift 16:00 ................................ Friends 17:00 ........................ 5 News at 5 17:30 ....................... Neighbours 18:00..........Home and Away 18:30........... 5 News Tonight 19:00......Gallagher Premiership Rugby Highlights 20:00................. Traffic Cops 21:00....Warship: Life at Sea 22:00..... Greatest War Ships 23:00...... Jupiter Ascending 00:00.......................... Access 00:05...... Jupiter Ascending


21:00.....Flesh and Blood 22:00..... ITV News at Ten 22:30.. ITV News London 22:45............... Caught on Camera 23:45.....Flesh and Blood 00:35.............Ideal World

The Stand Up Sketch Show The Stand Up Sketch Show combines both stand-up and ITV2, 22.00 sketch; from established stand-up routines by some of the nation’s best loved comedians, to brand new material from Britain’s most exciting up-and-coming talent. Each sketch begins with a comedian telling their story on stage in front of a live audience, before shifting into a surreal reconstruction of their material. Using some of the circuit’s funniest material, the reconstructions features visual jokes, amazing supporting performances, ridiculous props and absolute laugh out loud comedy. Episode 1: Episode one features Judi Love, Seann Walsh, Russell Kane, Emmanuel Sonubi and many more.

07:00........The Ellen DeGeneres Show 07:50......................... Emmerdale 08:20.............Coronation Street 09:20.......................... Superstore 10:15........................Dinner Date 11:15............... Dress to Impress 12:15......................... Emmerdale 12:45.............Coronation Street 13:50............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:45........................Dinner Date 15:50............... Dress to Impress 16:50....................... Take Me Out 18:00............Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 18:15.... You’ve Been Framed! 19:20....... Rogue One: A Star Wars Story 22:00............The Stand Up Sketch Show watch 22:30.................. Family Guy 23:30............ American Dad! 00:30...The Cleveland Show 00:55.................Celebability 01:40..................Hey Tracey!

06:30.................................. Cheers 07:20................. King of Queens 08:10............... Everybody Loves Raymond 09:10...................................Frasier 10:10................Undercover Boss Canada 11:05...............Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:00................Channel 4 News 12:05..........Find it, Fix it, Flog it 13:05.......................... Posh Pawn 14:10........................ Countdown 15:00............ A Place in the Sun 16:00......A New Life in the Sun: Where Are They Now? 17:00.................... Couples Come Dine with Me 18:00..............The Simpsons 18:30.................... Hollyoaks 19:00.......... Channel 4 News 20:00.................. Dispatches 20:30........Food Unwrapped 21:00.......................... Prison 22:00.........Baghdad Central 23:00................... Emergency Helicopter Medics 00:00.........Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

11:05...........................Emergency Helicopter Medics 12:05......999: On the Frontline 13:10...................... Escape to the Chateau: DIY 14:15......................Four in a Bed 15:20......................Four in a Bed

13:00.............................. Top Gear

01:00......The Misadventures of Romesh Ranganathan

CW 22

Tues 25 feb 2020

TV Guide 21st February - 27th February 2020

06:00....................... Breakfast 09:15......... Britain’s Housing Scandal 10:00....... Homes Under the Hammer 11:00..............Wanted Down Under Revisited 11:45.............. Defenders UK 12:15............... Bargain Hunt 13:00....... BBC News at One 13:45..........................Doctors 14:15........ Shakespeare and Hathaway Private Investigators 15:00....................... Escape to the Country 15:45..................The Farmers’ Country Showdown 16:30....Antiques Road Trip 17:15........................Pointless 18:00..... BBC News at Six 19:00........The One Show 19:30............. EastEnders 20:00.............. Holby City 21:00................. The Split 22:00.... BBC News at Ten 22:35...Plastic Surgery Undressed watch 23:30..............A Question of Sport 00:00............... BBC News


CW watch

06:30..............Wanted Down Under Revisited 07:15 ...........................Flog It! 08:00 ...........Spy in the Wild 09:00 ............ BBC News at 9 10:00... Victoria Derbyshire 11:00 ...BBC Newsroom Live 12:15.................. Politics Live 13:00........................... Lifeline 13:10...................... The Super League Show 14:00...Best House in Town 14:45...................Beechgrove Repotted 15:00....................... Red Rock 15:45..........The Great British Winter 16:45...................Big Blue UK 17:15............................Flog It! 18:00.....Richard Osman’s House of Games 18:30........... Great British Railway Journeys 19:00.................Top Gear 20:00.. Back in Time for... 21:00...........Murder 24/7 22:00......... Better Things 22:30..............Newsnight 23:15................Forensics: The Real CSI 00:15....................Win the Wilderness: Alaska

07:00 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show

06:00............. Good Morning Britain

06:30.................................. Cheers

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV

07:20................. King of Queens

09:15....................... Jeremy Vine

09:00......................... Lorraine

08:10............... Everybody Loves Raymond

11:15 .........................Paddington Station 24/7


12:10 ..........5 News Lunchtime

08:50 ............Coronation Street

10:10..........................Undercover Boss Canada

12:15 .........................GPs: Behind Closed Doors

09:20 ......................... Superstore

11:05...............Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

13:10.................................. Access

10:15....................... Dinner Date

13:15 .............. Home and Away

11:15 .............. Dress to Impress

13:45 ....................... Neighbours

12:15 ........................ Emmerdale

14:15 ....................Lethal Beauty

12:45 ............Coronation Street

16:00 ................................ Friends

13:15 ............Coronation Street

17:00 ........................ 5 News at 5 17:30 ....................... Neighbours

13:50 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show

18:00 .........Home and Away

14:45 .......................Dinner Date

18:30 .......... 5 News Tonight

15:50............... Dress to Impress

19:00 ...........Tony Robinson: Coast to Coast

16:55 ...................... Take Me Out

20:00............ Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly

20:00....Two and a Half Men

21:00..................Starting Up, Starting Over

21:00 ............. Hell’s Kitchen

10:00............... This Morning 12:30............. Loose Women 13:30..............ITV Lunchtime News 13:55...... ITV News London 14:00............... Judge Rinder 15:00..........................Tenable 15:59....................ITV London Weather 16:00...............Tipping Point 17:00.....................The Chase 18:00.... ITV News London 18:30....ITV Evening News 19:00............ Emmerdale 20:00............Love Your Garden

CW watch

21:00.....Flesh and Blood

12:00................Channel 4 News 12:05..........Find it, Fix it, Flog it 13:05.......................... Posh Pawn 14:10........................ Countdown 15:00............ A Place in the Sun 16:00......A New Life in the Sun: Where Are They Now? 17:00.................... Couples Come Dine with Me 18:00..............The Simpsons 18:30.................... Hollyoaks 19:00.......... Channel 4 News 20:00........... Crazy Delicious 21:00..........24 Hours in A&E

22:00...... ITV News at Ten and Weather

22:00.............. The Windsors

22:30.... ITV News London

23:30.......................... Prison

22:45...... Tyson Fury: The Gypsy King

00:30..................The Iceman

23:40....................All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite

22:30........ The Crystal Maze

22:00..... My New Greek Life 23:05............. How the Other Half Lives 00:05............. How the Other Half Lives

Plastic Surgery Undressed

07:50 ........................ Emmerdale 08:20 ............Coronation Street

09:45 ......................... Superstore

18:30.... You’ve Been Framed! 20:30....Two and a Half Men 22:00.................. Family Guy 23:30............ American Dad! 23:55............ American Dad! 00:25...The Cleveland Show 00:55....Two and a Half Men

BBC1, 22.35

00:35.....Flesh and Blood 01:25.............Ideal World

Love Your Garden ITV1, 20.00 Alan and the team turn a suburban plot in Hull into an exciting wildlife retreat for an inspiring, natureloving teenager and his family. With top tips on how to create a beautiful but childsafe wildlife pond, the best small trees for screening an overlooked garden, and the garden must-have of the moment, and Love Your Garden first – an outdoor cinema.

08:55........... Kirstie’s Handmade Treasures

06:00........................Monkey Life 06:30........................Monkey Life

07:10............................... Cops UK: Bodycam Squad

09:15............ A Place in the Sun: Summer Sun

07:00....................................RSPCA Animal Rescue

08:00..............American Pickers 09:00.........Storage Hunters UK

10:05............ A Place in the Sun: Summer Sun

08:00.................. Dog Whisperer

09:30.........Storage Hunters UK

09:00...........Stop, Search, Seize

10:00..............American Pickers

10:00.............................. Brit Cops: Frontline Crime

11:00..............American Pickers

11:00.............NCIS: Los Angeles

13:00.............................. Top Gear

11:05...........................Emergency Helicopter Medics 12:05......999: On the Frontline 13:10...................... Escape to the Chateau: DIY 14:15......................Four in a Bed 15:20......................Four in a Bed 16:20......................Four in a Bed 16:55.................... The Secret Life of the Zoo 17:55..................... The Supervet 18:55......................Car S.O.S 19:55............... Escape to the Chateau: DIY 21:00............ Grand Designs 22:00.999: On the Frontline 23:05..........24 Hours in A&E 00:10........... 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown

13:00..................... Hawaii Five-0

12:00...........Cop Car Workshop

14:00..................... Hawaii Five-0

14:00............Cops UK: Bodycam Squad


15:00..................Sin City Motors

16:00.................. Modern Family

16:00.............................. Top Gear

17:00.................... The Simpsons

17:00.............................. Top Gear


18:00................................. QI

18:00.....................Futurama 18:30..............The Simpsons

19:00.......... Richard Osman’s House of Games

20:00........ Cricket’s Funniest Moments

19:40..... Would I Lie to You? 20:20..... Would I Lie to You?

21:00.................. Strike Back

21:00................................. QI

22:00....................... The Trip



23:00............... Hypothetical

01:05..................... Avenue 5

00:00........... Mock the Week

01:40..................... The Heist

00:40..... Would I Lie to You?

Breast reduction surgery is the second most popular surgery for women in the UK, and many argue there is nothing cosmetic about it. Bad backs and unwanted attention are just two of the problems faced by those with big boobs. In an exclusive poll of 18-30 year-olds for the BBC, 65 percent of respondents said a desire to look ‘normal’ led them to consider a cosmetic procedure. It’s something Eden can relate to, as the size of her boobs made her feel out of place at school. Lauren’s breasts not only give her physical pain, but they affect what she is able to do with her children. From men fixating on her bust to the women who think it’s okay to grab her breasts in public, Michaela is also ready to pay for her surgery. Carla thinks women with large breasts are perceived differently, and with a big birthday coming up she’s hoping family and friends will help her raise the cash to change hers. All the seekers are accompanied by family and friends who have their own opinion on the surgery, but ultimately the only view that matters is that of the seekers. Downsizing breasts while maintaining function and the shape women want is a complex surgery, as top surgeon Amir Nakhdjevani reveals live when he takes his patient Rosie from a HH cup size down to a DD. With the breast deconstructed first, the women start to question their surgery choices - but it’s the experiences of former patients that have the biggest impact. 21st February - 27th February 2020

wed 26 feb 2020

TV Guide

23 CW

06:30.................................. Cheers 07:25................. King of Queens 08:10............... Everybody Loves Raymond 09:10...................................Frasier 10:10................Undercover Boss Canada 11:05...............Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:00................Channel 4 News 12:05..........Find it, Fix it, Flog it 13:05.......................... Posh Pawn 14:10........................ Countdown 15:00............ A Place in the Sun 16:00......A New Life in the Sun: Where Are They Now? 17:00.................... Couples Come Dine with Me 18:00..............The Simpsons 18:30.................... Hollyoaks 19:00.......... Channel 4 News 20:00.......... Kirstie and Phil’s Love it or List it 21:00....Kevin McCloud’s Big Tech Adventure 22:00........................... Home 22:35.................. Gogglebox 23:30................... First Dates 00:30.............. The Windsors

06:00.......................... Childrens’ TV 09:15............................Jeremy Vine 11:15..............................Paddington Station 24/7 12:10 .............5 News Lunchtime 12:15............................. GPs: Behind Closed Doors 13:10.......................................Access 13:15..................Home and Away 13:45............................Neighbours 14:15..................Wedding Planner Mystery 16:00......................................Friends 17:00.............................5 News at 5 17:30............................Neighbours 18:00............ Home and Away 18:30.............. 5 News Tonight 19:00...............Tony Robinson: Coast to Coast 20:00......Winter Road Rescue 21:00...............At War with the Noise Next Door 22:00.............The Hairy Bikers’ Chocolate Challenge 23:05..........70 Stone: The Man Who Couldn’t Be Saved 01:00.......... The 21.Co.UK Live Casino Show

07:00............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show

08:55.... Kirstie’s Vintage Gems

06:00........................Monkey Life

09:15............ A Place in the Sun: Summer Sun

06:30........................Monkey Life

07:10............Cops UK: Bodycam Squad

07:00.... RSPCA Animal Rescue

08:00..............American Pickers

10:05............ A Place in the Sun: Summer Sun

08:00.................. Dog Whisperer

09:00.........Storage Hunters UK

Sam & Billie: The Mummy Diaries ITVbe, 21.00 CW watch

09:00...........Stop, Search, Seize

09:30.........Storage Hunters UK

11:05...........................Emergency Helicopter Medics

10:00.............................. Brit Cops: Frontline Crime

10:00.............. American Pickers: Best Of

11:00.............NCIS: Los Angeles

12:00...........Cop Car Workshop

12:00.............NCIS: Los Angeles

13:00............................. Top Gear

It’s Christmas time! As Sam and Billie plan for their favourite time of the year the sisters make some big decisions. In Essex, the Christmas madness begins as the Shepherds get their decorations up and Mum Sue arrives with a new set of teeth. Nelly shocks with her letter to Santa and the Shepherds finally put an offer in on a new house. Over in Hertfordshire, there’s Christmas magic in the air as Sam introduces some Faiers family traditions but Rosie and Paul go head to head with each other as Sam and Paul go head to head over the Xmas tree. The Faiers-Knightley’s finally decide to move house. The two families pull out all the stops for their first ever Christmas photo shoot but things don’t go to plan as the kids fight over a £40K toy car. Billie and Greg come up with a plan to auction off a date with Mum Sue and an idea from Greg backfires leaving him bald. There’s a surprise visitor when Sam hosts Christmas lunch for the family.

14:15......................Four in a Bed

13:00..................... Hawaii Five-0

14:00............Cops UK: Bodycam Squad

06:00....................... Breakfast 09:15......... Britain’s Housing Scandal 10:00....... Homes Under the Hammer 11:00..............Wanted Down Under Revisited 11:45.............. Defenders UK 12:15 .............. Bargain Hunt 13:00....... BBC News at One 13:30.....BBC London News 13:45..........................Doctors 14:15........ Shakespeare and Hathaway Private Investigators 15:00....................... Escape to the Country 15:45..................The Farmers’ Country Showdown 16:30....Antiques Road Trip 17:15........................Pointless 18:00..... BBC News at Six 18:30... BBC London News 18:55......... Party Political Broadcast 19:00........The One Show 20:00.............. Holby City 21:00............ MasterChef 22:00.... BBC News at Ten 22:35..Eating with My Ex 23:05 ............. Killing Eve 00:35............... BBC News

06:30..............Wanted Down Under Revisited 07:15............... Bargain Hunt 08:00..................Great British Railway Journeys 08:30...........Yorkshire Walks 09:00............. BBC News at 9 10:00... Victoria Derbyshire 11:00....BBC Newsroom Live 11:15.................. Politics Live 13:00.........................Hardball 13:45...Best House in Town 14:30..............Lorraine’s Fast, Fresh and Easy Food 15:00....................... Red Rock 15:45..........The Great British Winter 16:45...................Big Blue UK 17:15............................Flog It! 18:00.....Richard Osman’s House of Games 18:30........... Great British Railway Journeys 19:00............ The Andrew Neil Show 19:30........Grand Tours of Scotland’s Lochs 20:00.. Saving Lives at Sea 21:00...........Murder 24/7 22:00.. Live at the Apollo 22:30..............Newsnight 23:15.........Forensics: The Real CSI 00:15.... Universal Credit: Inside the Welfare State

06:00................Good Morning Britain 09:00.............................Lorraine 10:00..................This Morning 12:30................Loose Women 13:30.................ITV Lunchtime News 13:55.........ITV News London 14:00..................Judge Rinder 15:00............................. Tenable 15:59......................ITV London 16:00..................Tipping Point 17:00........................ The Chase 18:00.... ITV News London 18:25............Party Political Broadcast 18:30....ITV Evening News 19:00...............Emmerdale 19:30....Coronation Street 20:00.....Harry Redknapp’s Sandbanks Summer 20:30....Coronation Street

07:50......................... Emmerdale 08:50...... You’ve Been Framed! 09:20.......................... Superstore 10:15........................Dinner Date 11:15............... Dress to Impress 12:15......................... Emmerdale 13:15...... You’ve Been Framed! 13:50............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:45........................Dinner Date 15:50............... Dress to Impress 16:55....................... Take Me Out 18:00..You’ve Been Framed! 20:00....Two and a Half Men 20:30....Two and a Half Men 21:00.............. Hell’s Kitchen 22:00.................. Family Guy 23:30............ American Dad! 23:55............ American Dad! 00:25.................Celebability 01:10...The Cleveland Show 01:40....Two and a Half Men

21:00....... Flesh and Blood 22:00........ITV News at Ten 22:30.... ITV News London 22:45....................... Peston 23:45..................... Tenable 00:35....... Flesh and Blood 01:25............... Ideal World

12:05......999: On the Frontline 13:10...................... Escape to the Chateau: DIY 16:55.................... The Secret Life of the Zoo 17:55..................... The Supervet 18:55............... Escape to the Chateau: DIY 20:00........... Jon Snow’s Very Hard Questions

15:00............................MacGyver 16:00.................. Modern Family 17:00.................... The Simpsons 17:30.............................Futurama 18:00.....................Futurama 18:30..............The Simpsons 21:00...................SEAL Team

21:00........ The Great Pottery Throw Down

22:00..................... Avenue 5

22:00...............Phil Spencer’s Stately Homes

23:05................. Intelligence

23:05..........24 Hours in A&E 00:10........... 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown

22:35................. Intelligence 23:35................... The Russell Howard Hour

15:00..................Sin City Motors 16:00.............................. Top Gear 17:00............................. Top Gear 18:00................................. QI 19:00.......... Richard Osman’s House of Games 19:40..... Would I Lie to You? 21:00................................. QI 22:00............... Hypothetical 23:00..... Would I Lie to You? 23:40........... Mock the Week

00:35..................... The Heist

00:20..... Would I Lie to You?

01:30................... Road Wars

01:00................................. QI

CW 24

TV Guide

Thurs 27 feb 2020 21st February - 27th February 2020

CW watch 06:00....................... Breakfast 09:15......... Britain’s Housing Scandal 10:00....... Homes Under the Hammer 11:00..............Wanted Down Under Revisited 11:45.............. Defenders UK 12:15............... Bargain Hunt 13:00....... BBC News at One 13:30.....BBC London News 13:45..........................Doctors 14:15........ Shakespeare and Hathaway Private Investigators 15:00....................... Escape to the Country 15:45 .................The Farmers’ Country Showdown 16:30....Antiques Road Trip 17:15........................Pointless 18:00..... BBC News at Six 19:00........The One Show 19:30............. EastEnders 20:00.............The Truth About...

CW watch

21:00.... Death in Paradise 22:00.... BBC News at Ten 22:35....... Question Time 23:35................ Newscast

06:30............................Flog It! 07:15................Escape to the Country 08:00..................Great British Railway Journeys 08:30......... Lose Weight and Get Fit with Tom Kerridge 09:00............. BBC News at 9 10:00... Victoria Derbyshire 11:00..BBC Newsroom Live 12:15.................. Politics Live 13:00.........................Hardball 13:45...Best House in Town 14:30..............Lorraine’s Fast, Fresh and Easy Food 15:00....................... Red Rock 15:45..........The Great British Winter 16:45...................Big Blue UK 17:15............................Flog It! 18:00.....Richard Osman’s House of Games 18:30........... Great British Railway Journeys 19:00................. Celebrity Antiques Road Trip 20:00................ Secrets of the Museum 21:00..................Hospital 22:00........ Vic & Bob’s Big Night Out 22:30..............Newsnight 23:15....................Win the Wilderness: Alaska

06:00............. Good Morning Britain 09:00......................... Lorraine 10:00............... This Morning 13:30..............ITV Lunchtime News 13:55........................ ITV News London

06:30.................................. Cheers 07:20................. King of Queens 14:00............... Judge Rinder 08:10............... Everybody Loves 15:00..........................Tenable Raymond 15:59...................ITV London 09:10...................................Frasier 10:10................Undercover Boss 16:00...............Tipping Point Canada 17:00.....................The Chase 11:05...............Ramsay’s Kitchen 18:00................. ITV News Nightmares USA London 12:00................Channel 4 News 18:30............ ITV Evening 12:05..........Find it, Fix it, Flog it News 13:05.......................... Posh Pawn 14:10........................ Countdown 19:00............ Emmerdale 15:00............ A Place in the Sun 19:30...................Tonight 16:00......A New Life in the Sun: 20:00............ Emmerdale Where Are They Now? 20:30.......Save Money: 17:00.................... Couples Come Lose Weight watch Dine with Me 18:00..............The Simpsons 21:00.....Flesh and Blood 18:30.................... Hollyoaks 22:00..... ITV News at Ten 19:00.......... Channel 4 News 22:30................. ITV News 20:00............. The Secret Life London of the Zoo 22:45........ Piers Morgan’s 21:00........................ Hunted Life Stories 22:00................... First Dates 23:45.....Flesh and Blood 23:05..........24 Hours in A&E


Save Money Lose Weight In the series finale, the winning lb for £ diet is revealed on the ITV1, 20.30 2020 leaderboard. Which diet will take the Save Money crown? The final two diets to be put through their paces are the TwoChubbyCubs Diet in which ‘fakeaways’ are on the menu, and the trendy Collagen Diet in which a plan involving drinking a bone broth claims to keep you fuller for longer. Plus, the programme reveals how people can still treat themselves to a Friday night takeaway while keeping an eye on the calories.

06:00........................Monkey Life

09:15............ A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun

08:00.................. Dog Whisperer

10:05............ A Place in the Sun: Summer Sun

10:0................................ Brit Cops: Frontline Crime

11:05...........................Emergency Helicopter Medics 12:05......999: On the Frontline 13:10...................... Escape to the Chateau: DIY 14:15......................Four in a Bed 15:20......................Four in a Bed 16:20......................Four in a Bed 16:55.................... The Secret Life of the Zoo 17:55..................... The Supervet 18:55......................Car S.O.S 19:55............... Escape to the Chateau: DIY 21:00...............Phil Spencer’s Stately Homes 22:00.........New Amsterdam 23:00.......... 999: What’s Your Emergency?

07:00.... RSPCA Animal Rescue 09:00...........Stop, Search, Seize

11:00.............NCIS: Los Angeles 12:00.............NCIS: Los Angeles 13:00..................... Hawaii Five-0 14:00..................... Hawaii Five-0 15:00............................MacGyver

07:10 .............................. Cops UK: Bodycam Squad 08:00.............. American Pickers: Best Of 09:00.........Storage Hunters UK 10:00.............. American Pickers: Best Of 11:00.............. American Pickers: Best Of 12:00...........Cop Car Workshop 13:00.............................. Top Gear

16:00.................. Modern Family

14:00............................... Cops UK: Bodycam Squad

17:00.................... The Simpsons

15:00..................Sin City Motors


16:00.............................. Top Gear


17:00.............................. Top Gear

18:30..............The Simpsons 19:30..............The Simpsons 20:00...................... A League of Their Own 21:00..................... The Heist 22:00................... The Russell Howard Hour 23:00..... The Late Late Show with James Corden: Best of the Week

what’s really in them and how people can kick the habit. In a unique experiment, 15 volunteers eat nothing but takeaways for two weeks and undergo a barrage of tests, from blood sugar and body fat to gut bacteria and mental sharpness. The results reveal the shocking truth about how takeaways affect our bodies and brains.

12:30............. Loose Women

CW watch

08:55........... Kirstie’s Handmade Treasures

The Truth About... Journalist Nikki Fox teams up with scientists at Liverpool John Moores University to discover what takeaways do to our health, BBC1, 20.00

18:00................................. QI 19:00.......... Richard Osman’s House of Games 19:40..... Would I Lie to You? 21:00................................. QI 22:00....................... Meet the Richardsons 22:40................................. QI 23:40..... Would I Lie to You?

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV 09:15........................Jeremy Vine 11:15..........................Paddington Station 24/7

07:00............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show 07:50......................... Emmerdale 08:20.............Coronation Street

12:10...........5 News Lunchtime

08:50.............Coronation Street

12:15..........................GPs: Behind Closed Doors

09:20.......................... Superstore


10:15........................Dinner Date

13:15............... Home and Away

11:15............... Dress to Impress

13:45........................ Neighbours

12:15......................... Emmerdale

14:15.....Stalked By My Patient

12:45.............Coronation Street

16:00................................. Friends

13:15.............Coronation Street

17:00......................... 5 News at 5 17:30........................ Neighbours

13:50............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show

18:00..........Home and Away

14:45........................Dinner Date

18:30........... 5 News Tonight

15:50............... Dress to Impress

19:00......... Britain’s Greatest Bridges

16:50....................... Take Me Out

20:00............ Bargain Loving Brits in the Sun

19:00.... You’ve Been Framed!

21:00......... 10 Years Younger in 10 Days

09:45.......................... Superstore

18:00... You’ve Been Framed! 20:00....Two and a Half Men


20:30....Two and a Half Men


22:00.................How to Have a Better Orgasm

21:00.................Knocked Up

23:05........ The Sex Business

23:40.................. Family Guy

22:10.................Knocked Up 21st February - 27th February 2020


25 CW

CW 26

What’s On


Activate talent show

Does your little one have a talent worth sharing with the world? Bring them to Activate Sports Club on the 29th of February and enjoy a memorable free event! Playing an instrument, singing or even telling jokes... If they love being on stage, you can’t miss our Activate Talent Show! There’ll be amazing prizes for the winners! Fancy coming? Then sign up by phoning 822 070 037 or send us an email to info@ 29th february Activate sports club

21st February - 27th February 2020


Santa Cruz de Tenerife Carnival 2020

Carnival is Tenerife’s most popular festival, especially in the capital, Santa Cruz de Tenerife. This year, the Carnival theme will be American lifestyles in the 1950s. For about two weeks, starting on 19 February, the streets get filled with joyous bunches of people in colourful fancy dresses. Carnival activities include the Carnival Queen Gala (19 February), the Opening Parade (21 February), the Rhythm and Harmony Krewes Contest (22 February), the Day Celebrations (23 and 29 February), the Big Carnival Parade, or Coso Apoteosis del Carnaval (25 February), the Burial of the Sardine (26 February) and the Afilarmónica NiFú-NiFá Concert and Big Fireworks Show (1 March).


5th The Run Colors 2020

Los Realejos is playing host to a new The Run Colors, a colourful, fun sporting event coinciding with Carnival. Beginning at 5pm, the race covers 2.5 kilometres around Plaza Santa Agustín. Last year, it drew over 500 racers, and it is expected to be equally popular this year. The Run Colors offers runners the chance of having fun while working out, and this is why it is so popular.


Tony Vega & Luisito Carrion

This concert brings together Luisito Carrion, one of today’s finest Caribbean musicians, and salsa singer Tony Vega, also from Puerto Rico. While the former was a member of La Sonora Ponceña salsa band, the latter was part of the Willie Rosario Orchestra. Carrion and Vega will revisit some of Vega’s hits, including ‘Dile’, ‘Esa mujer’, ‘Ella es’ and ‘Lo mío es amor’, as well as Carrion’s most popular songs, such as ‘Por alguien que se fue’, ‘Renta de amor’, ‘La fuga’, ‘Yaré’ and ‘Me diste de tu agua’.

23rd february, 5pm los realejos

march until 1st march


Paint workshop 23rd February, 5pm

Betty Arten Gallery brings Pouring techniques to learn, in the Arona Farmer Market. Open to everyone.

15th march

San Miguel Castle, San Miguel

golden mile, las Americas



23rd february, 10am Arona market FB: Taller Pouring Tríptico


Carnaval de Día El Médano 2020

From 11:00 hours with the parade to the rhythm of batucada. Children’s Costume Contest. Adult Costume Contest. Comparsas, Batucadas, M u r g a s , Artists, DJs

7th march

7th march

gran sur

el medano 21st February - 27th February 2020

SPAIN is officially a world leader in the switch from electricity from fossil-fuel sources to “clean energy”, and experts are working on the country being 100% renewable before 2025. During the recent Climate Change Summit in Madrid, Israel announced that, along with the UK, it would be the first industrialised country to shut down all its fossil-fuel power stations and move over to renewable sources, such as wind, hydraulic and solar energy. And has it set a five-year deadline. But although Spain did not announce similar plans, it appears that the country had probably taken this step before Israel and the UK. “It could be that, in the end, we’re not able to be the first to close down fossilfuel plants because, in other European countries such as Italy and Portugal, the market is also leading companies to consider moving plans for the switch forward,” said a Spanish Government spokesperson. “But we can give an assurance that nobody else will have done it as quickly as us.” The six-year delay, during the reign of the right-wing PP government under

Spain leads the race to provide its clean energy

Mariano Rajoy, which brought renewable energy production to a halt and manoeuvred to postpone shutting down coal plants, is part of the reason for Spain not being as far forward with these intentions as the UK and Italy, the two countries which have taken major steps in the last five years. Unlike other countries, Spain does not have fixed deadlines for coalplant shutdowns, despite environmental campaign

groups calling for authorities to set out a timetable. In fact, Spain has even left the door open for one or two fossil-fuel stations to remain open beyond the year 2030, although the draft text of the country’s Climate Change Law states that all electricity production will be from renewable sources by the year 2050. But it has mainly been utility boards themselves which have started to lead the change, thanks to EU

Crash leaves toddler dead, and woman fights for life

A 21-MONTH-OLD toddler died last Sunday afternoon, in a crash between a car and a lorry in North Wales, and a woman was left fighting for her life.

The collision occurred on the A55 in Anglesey, near Gwalchmai, and a spokesman for North Wales Police said the crash involved a Ford Mondeo and an HGV. The youngster died shortly after the emergency services arrived, and the spokesman added: “Sadly, we can confirm that a baby has died, and a woman has sustained serious, lifethreatening injuries, following a road-traffic collision on

the A55, near Gwalchmai. “North Wales Police were called at 2.06pm to report a collision, which involved a Ford Mondeo and an HGV.” Inspector Gareth Jones, of the Roads’ Policing Unit, said: “Sadly, this is being investigated as a fatal road-traffic collision, and our heartfelt sympathies remain with the baby boy’s family at this incredibly difficult time.

“The investigation is underway, and we are appealing to anybody to contact us who might have witnessed the collision, or who might have seen either vehicle, shortly before 2pm.” Police, firefighters and paramedics were called to the scene, and North Wales Police later appealed for any witnesses, who saw a “slowmoving” HGV at the time, to contact the force.

regulations and an indirect tax on CO2 emissions that electricity companies now have to pay. By 30th June this year, nine of the 15 coal plants, still in operation in 2019, will be shut down, because they have failed to comply with EU environmental rules. Their owners consider they are no longer profitable, since, in order to meet with regulations, they would have to invest more than they would gain by continuing to run. Meanwhile, gas plants have been thriving, since their emissions are much lower, and they are not having to pay so much in taxes: up to €25 per tonne of CO2 emissions. Fossil-fuel electricity production has plummeted twothirds since 2018, and now represents just 5% of the total, with an unprecedented low. That’s because the country’s largest coal plant, at As Pontes, A Coruña province in Galicia, has been inactive since April 2019. Until then, it used to give off as much CO2 per year as two million cars! And during the month of December, electricity generated did not include the input from a single fossil-fuel plant. The result was that CO2 emissions in Spain dropped by 21%, year on year, and by 33%, based upon figures from the end of 2017. The


27 CW

decrease will at least make it relatively painless for Spain to meet its self-imposed “clean energy” targets. At the current rate, Spain’s Government predicts that by the year 2023 or 2024, no coal plant in Spain will remain in operation. Yet it is still possible that a total of three, in Asturias, Mallorca and in Los Barrios (Cádiz province) will remain open. The other 12 are expected to have shut down. Despite the heavy investments many plants made in attempting to comply with environmental laws, which were then radically changed in 2019, Spain is not required to compensate the companies, since the electricity boards themselves are promoting the changes and shutdowns. With those in Spain not setting deadlines, electricity firms do not have a timetable to comply with, and are doing so voluntarily, unlike in Germany, which has set the closure of all fossil-fuel plants by the year 2038 in legislation. Officials there have left the door open to moving this forward to 2035, which means affected utility boards will have to be compensated with a total of €5.3bn. In Germany, though, the situation is different. Following the Fukushima disaster, its government opted to shut down all nuclear power stations by the year 2022. As a result, the decision heightened its dependence on coal, automatically, because about 40% of German electricity comes from fossil-fuel sources. Also, Germany’s coal is cheap and of good quality, while their gas comes from Russia and has not dropped in price as drastically as in Spain. For these reasons, Germany will find it more difficult to comply with EU energy rules. It is also the member State which most opposes the regulations requiring the 27 to cut their emissions by 50%. But Spain, with sun in abundance and plenty of wind, as the second-most mountainous country in continental Europe after Switzerland, it has all the tools needed to make the switch. And it could be the first EU country to drop all of its non-renewable energy production.

CW 28


21st February - 27th February 2020

- Storm DENnis sweeps through the UK -

How the world’s biggest jet defied menace of Dennis

THE world’s largest passenger jet, an Etihad Airways A380, struggled to land at London’s Heathrow Airport on Saturday as it was hammered by strong winds at the height of Storm Dennis, which forced hundreds of flight cancellations But although its pilot had to battle Storm Dennis’ devastating crosswinds while landing the jet safely last Saturday, his extraordinary touchdown was captured in dramatic footage, showing the Airbus A380 superjumbo being rocked by severe gales. In a video, the hulking Etihad Airways plane, weighing almost 574,000kg, comes in at a sharp angle on its approach to the runway, and then hovers just feet above the tarmac for several seconds. The £340m double-decker jet, known for its exclusive first-class “apartment in the sky”, then touches down and rights itself, before taxiing to a terminal, while all around, west London was being battered by wind gusts of up to 50mph. The crew’s skills were on full display as the mammoth, four-engine plane landed safely, following its long-haul flight from Abu Dhab. For the second time in week, the UK and Ireland had been battered by a storm. Hundreds of flights were cancelled because of the high winds, while train services were disrupted repeatedly by flooding from Storm Dennis. It even caused one waterfall to flow backwards in Ireland. But for some flights, the show must go on, causing some hairy, nerve-jangling landings; no more so than this one captured on video at Heathrow. SpeedbirdTV posted the video on YouTube, where viewers hailed the pilots, one writing: “This pilot is just a great champion, and the passengers owe him a huge thank you. Bravo Monsieur.”

Another added: “Wow, that landing probably made braving the elements worth it. Great capture and an awesome job by the pilot.” And a third wrote: “Wooow, that is insane, incredible” With a wingspan of 262ft and length of 238ft, the A380 is the largest commercial passenger plane in the world. It is also one of the most expensive, with a brand-new aircraft costing £340million. It has a typical seating capacity of 525, although it is certified to carry as many as 853. Etihad’s version has almost 500 seats for passengers. Etihad’s A380 fleet is known for The Residence, a oneof-a-kind, private suite with a bedroom, ensuite shower room and living room for two passengers. Oh, and a one-way ticket costs almost £20,000 for two. Elsewhere, at Birmingham Airport, planes were also shown struggling to deal with the weather there. Dennis has been so intense that England posted a record number of flood warnings and alerts, along with a rare “red warning”, because extreme, life-threatening flooding was announced for South Wales. Though the warning lasted only a few hours, South Wales Police declared a major incident, as firefighters and rescue crews continued to help communities following multiple floods, landslides and evacuations. The Met Office said the highest wind gust recorded was 146kmh at Aberdaron in North Wales on Saturday. It also said that 157mm of rain fell at Crai Reservoir in the Welsh county of Powys, over 48 hours to Sunday morning. One of the worst-hit areas in South Wales was the village of Nantgarw, Rhondda Cynon Taff, near Cardiff, which saw entire streets left underwater since the early hours of Sunday morning.

Woman dies after being swept away by fierce flooding A WOMAN aged 55, swept away by floodwater near Tenbury in Worcestershire last Sunday, was found dead the following day.

A statement by the family of Yvonne Booth, from the Great Barr area of Birmingham, said: “Yvonne is a very much-loved member of our family, and we are all devastated by this news.” The Environment Agency (EA) warned that torrential rain from Storm Dennis had swelled rivers to “exceptional” levels in parts of Britain, with more forecast to fall. The death toll has now risen to five, as Storm Dennis wreaked havoc and brought tragedy across the country. On Sunday, tragically, a 42-year-old man fell nearly 100ft from the path of 3,278ft-high Stob Ban, on the south side of Glen Nevis in Lochaber, the Scottish Highlands. Meanwhile, police have been searching for a missing jogger, Lisa Hale, 40, who vanished in Farnborough, Hants, last Friday night, but her disappearance has not been linked with the storm.

Thousands of people have been evacuated from their homes as the number of flood warnings hits an alltime record. Among the worst-affected areas were South Wales, Herefordshire, Worcestershire and Shropshire, where major incidents were declared. Around 1,000 staff were on duty, with 5km of flood barriers deployed and 90 pumps in action, said the Environment Agency. Emergency evacuations were carried out in Hereford, where the River Wye reached

its highest level on record. And homes in Monmouth were evacuated after Natural Resources Wales issued two severe “danger to life” flood warnings for the River Wye in the town. Prime Minister Boris Johnson resisted calls to chair a meeting of the Government’s emergency committee, Cobra, to tackle the flooding crisis, despite criticism from the Labour Party. Luke Pollard, shadow environment secretary, said it was a “disgrace” that the PM had “refused” to visit affected communities.

Runaway Irish paedophile nabbed after three months AN Irishman, understood to be a paedophile, has been arrested by National Police officers after being on the run for three months.

The 54-year-old man was traced to Spain by British authorities, because of his suspected involvement in the exploitation and pornography of children. The officers, who had been tipped off, found the fugitive in a Malaga urbanisation, after a European Arrest and Surrender warrant had been issued by UK authorities.

The Dubliner, known as M.M., escaped to Spain in a bid for anonymity. But a joint operation by UK and Spanish police tracked him down to a secluded housing development, in Axarquia’s La Viñuela. His arrest warrant had been in place since last October, for crimes committed against minors, exploitation and child pornography. The runaway, now in custody, faces up to 14 years in prison, and this latest arrest follows that of a 77-year-old British man in nearby Velez Malaga, for uploading child-porn images to several fake Facebook profiles. The UK’s treatment of convicted paedophiles has

recently been under scrutiny, after an inquiry released shocking figures of the number of predatory expats, able to flee to Spain and continue to abuse children, away from the UK legal system. In 2018, five British expats were convicted of sex crimes against minors in Spain, with five more found guilty of holding indecent images of children. Now, though, the inquiry has scrutinised the procedures of travel restrictions for convicted paedophiles in the UK. Currently, just 0.2% of the 58,637 convicted there have received international travel bans.

News / Community News

21st February - 27th February 2020

ARCHEOLOGISTS, using diggers, have uncovered the gruesome sight of a 7,300-year-old massacre in the Spanish Pyrenees. They have excavated the ancient remains of five adults and four children, aged between three and seven, who all appear to have been brutally murdered. The painstaking find was made in the El Trocs cave, in the midst of the serene beauty of the mountain landscape in the region of Huesca, sitting above a plateau, which would have been perfect hunting and farming land. The skeletal remains were analysed by an international team of researchers, who have dated them to 5,300 BC, when hunter-gatherers were being supplanted by farmers. This could be a clue to the cause of the brutal killings, although no one will ever know for sure. The team told Nature’s Scientific Reports: “The violent events in Els Trocs are without parallel, either in Spain or in the rest of Europe, at that time. “The adults display consistent, arrow-shot injuries to the skull, but not to the perpendicular

Horrific massacre from 7,300 years ago is uncovered

skeleton. The children and adults, furthermore, show traces of similar blunt violence to the skull and entire skeleton.” In other words, the broken and shattered bones reveal that the victims were shot, and then bludgeoned

to death. A study of the massacred victims’ genome (DNA) indicates that two of them, a man of around 30 and a boy of about six, are father and son. The other three children have different mothers, whose

Cubs hit the jackpot with highest honour

genomes have not been detected in the rest of the bones. For Jose Ignacio Royo, along with Hector Arcusa, the Aragonese specialists participating in the research, the reconstruction of the

29 CW

facts allows for several hypotheses. “We don’t dare say that it was a ritual killing,” said Royo. “It seems that they were wounded with arrows in the vicinity of the cave, and that they were later taken into it, and subjected to vicious beatings, even after death.” The violence of these attacks led Manuel Rojo to call them a “second execution… a murderous frenzy.” He added: “It is as if, in addition to taking their lives, they wanted to eliminate even their memory.” The report speculates that the massacre could have been caused by territorial disputes, or the theft of cattle or women… disputes that escalated until they led to the victims’ slaughter. According to genetic data obtained, the victims are part of the first wave of Neolithic immigrants from the Middle East, who spread throughout Europe 10,000 years ago. The report said: “Els Trocs probably documents an early escalation of inter-group violence, between people of conceivably different origins and world views, between natives and migrants, or between economic or social rivals. “The conflict conveys the impression of a xenophobic action; the type of aggression suggests a clash between enemy groups.”

THE 1st Tenerife Scout Group are extremely proud of two of their youngsters, who have achieved the highest award they can earn in the Cub section.

Alfie Bee and Luis Coshell have been presented with their Chief Scout’s Silver Award, for which they had to complete at least six Activity Badges. These included learning about different cultures; cooking on an open fire; disability awareness; craft-making; athletics; emergency aid and gardening, as well as acting in a play, plus lots more. They also had to complete seven Challenges, which included Our Outdoor Challenge. That meant they had to camp out for at least three nights, putting up and down their tent; how to be safe on camp; keep everything neat and tidy; cook a meal, and make a towel-drier with canes and string. In addition, they had to build a shelter from fallen branches, palm leaves etc. Other

Our World Day of Prayer Challenge Awards were Teamwork; Personal; Our Adventure; Our Skills; Our World and Team Leader. Akela Leisel Hardy said: “I am really proud of Alfie and Luis, who have worked so hard to achieve this award, which was signed by Bear Grylls, who is our Chief Scout. “Plus, they are the first two children to achieve them in our group, here in Tenerife, so there’s a place in our history book for them. I also thank the parents for their support. “The next step for them is to complete their Gold Award. And once they are in the Scout section, I hope this will encourage the other Cubs to follow in their footsteps, and

realise they can all achieve this award. But they have to put the work into it.” She added: “If any girl or boy is interested in joining our Scout Group, and is aged between 6-14, we meet on a Tuesday, from 6-7.30pm, in the Coral Mar Square church in Silencio, or message us on email: Alternatively, contact our Group Scout Leader Steve on 664 555 785. “A huge thank-you to everyone who has, and still is, supporting us since we started the group. If you need any more info just message Leisel on

WOMEN, men and children of all ages are invited to attend this year’s World Day of Prayer (WDP), at St Blas Roman Catholic Church next Friday (6th March), at 3pm.

A WDP spokesperson said: “The women of Zimbabwe have prepared this year’s service, named ‘Rise! Take your mat and walk’, and we are encouraged to reflect on the difficulties and unrest, which have plagued their country over the years. “They share with us the challenges they have faced, along with their hopes for the future.

“They encourage us all, wherever we are, to ‘Rise, take up your mat and walk’ with them as they continue their often-turbulent journey to full reconciliation.” The Day of Prayer is celebrated, annually, in more than 170 countries. It begins in Samoa, and prayers, in native languages, travel all over the world, through Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Europe and the Americas, before finishing in American Samoa, some 38 hours later. The spokesperson added: “Last year’s service was a colourful affair, so do join us for another joyful, yet poignant, service, with traditional and African hymns.” There will be refreshments afterwards, to which everyone is cordially invited.

CW 30

Community News

Accion del Sol News

Thanks for your help!

IT’S great to see our younger generation helping the dogs at the refuge. Greta, Roxy and Sara are regular volunteers, who, after their previous educational visit to the refuge, love to help out. The dogs get so much pleasure from their walks, and love all that our volunteers give them. A lot of the dogs, especially the older and larger ones, have spent many years in the refuge, so it definitely brightens up their day. If you have any spare time, please do come and walk the dogs, or even just give them a brush and a cuddle. As you walk around the refuge, it is so sad to see them. They are well looked after and fed, but desperate for a little bit of

affection. Assistance required We are always looking for people to walk the dogs in the refuge during opening hours. Please do call the refuge on 6643 21219, between 8am-5pm, if you can help in any way. We always need tinned dog-food for our older animals, plus blankets, towels, sheets, dog toys, collars and leads. You can call into the Accion refuge on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons, from 2-5pm, and Saturdays between 1-4pm. Find us here Accion del Sol is situated directly under the Ecological Park (exit 52) on the northbound TF-1, which is just after the El Medano junction. Head for the giant windmills, and you’ll find us in the buildings on the right-hand side. E-mail the refuge at teneriffa@aktiontier. org or, for further details, visit our Facebook page: action tier Accion del Sol.

21st February - 27th February 2020

K9 Animal News

Terk needs a home! ABOUT six months ago, this beautiful young girl was brought to us at K9. We gave her the name Terk. When she arrived, she was about seven months old, which was still very young. Terk didn’t have a great start in her short life, and was left at the police station in Granadilla. A gentleman named David saw her and brought her to K9. We did learn that she had been abused, so we knew that she would need a lot of love and attention. We didn’t know a huge amount of what exactly happened, just that some damage had already been done to her. Terk is a very energetic, playful dog, and sometimes this can be a bit much for other dogs and people. It isn’t her fault that she can be a bit overwhelming, so we are looking for a calm and patient new owner, for her to show her love, train with her on a oneto-one basis, and help her to learn and focus on you. She does enjoy playing with other dogs, who also want to play, but, sometimes, she can be a little rough for them. One of our volunteers likes to take her to the local dog park, where she can run around and play with other dogs. She is currently sharing with two, large, male dogs, and we have noticed that she can be territorial over her food, something she may have developed as a really-young puppy, and was never trained not to be. Her new owner must be willing

Live Paws News

Meet Molly and Misty MOLLY is the one with dark brown ears, and both girls are about seven weeks old. They were found abandoned in a barranco in Cabo Blanco.

They are sweet little things who love to play, and are starting to overcome their shyness. Would you like to meet them for a play-date, and get to know them? Please contact Marc on the number below. Dog-walking club Join our dog-walking club on Saturday mornings from 9am1pm. Our dogs absolutely love it, and you can keep fit and find a furry friend at the same time. Please come and meet the dogs. They have a fabulous time with the walkers, and look forward to going out for a wander. Please feel free

to pop along, even for a chat. If you have any questions, send a WhatsApp to Mark on 652 297 853, for further details. Live Paws shops Come and bag a bargain at our shops. Donations are always very much appreciated. San Eugenio - opposite Hotel La Nina, at Las Carabelas, near Amanda’s Bar. Open weekdays 10am-4pm,

Saturday 10am-2pm and now Sundays 11am-3pm. Los Cristianos - Calle Revron, near Thistle and Dragon Bar and play-park. Open Monday-Friday (10am-4pm), Saturday 10am-2pm. The shop is now open on Sundays from 11am-3pm. Join us on Facebook - Live Arico P.A.W.S Tenerife

to train her and spend time with her. If you enjoy long walks, or even running, she would love to tag along with you, and it would also help her burn up some of the energy she has. She is still very young, so does need to be shown things, step by step. Being in the kennels is a very stressful place for Terk, and she can get easily frustrated, which can lead to unwanted behaviour. We put her in the large kennel across the road from the main kennels, to give her space to run. This does help, so, ideally,

someone who has the space for her to be able to run a lot, would be perfect. As we said, she likes to play with other dogs, so another dog in the house could work, and they could become the best of friends, thus helping Terk to learn more and more about dog behaviour. She really does need a second chance because she was neglected and abandoned, through no fault of her own, and has missed out of the important first few months of positive socialisation, as a puppy. It will take some time and training, but she is a very sweet girl, who is really misunderstood. Can you help her? Can you show this beautiful girl that she can be loved? Please come and meet her at K9, any day, between 9.30am-1.30pm, on Calle Chimbesque between Las Chafiras and Las Zocas. Call us on 667 638 468, or email

KittyCatz News

Love bite? EVEN kittens have bad hair days! KittyCatz are preparing for kitten season, and new kitten babies who need immediate relief from the creepies constantly biting, hiding in ears and crawling all over their delicate skin. Flea spray is our first weapon against these parasites, and it kills mites upon application. It can be sprayed on and massaged into the fur, without damage to our own skin, but it’s strong enough to soothe our already-anxious furbabies. Fleas do more than just bite your pet; they can transmit diseases. Even if he spends most of his time indoors, fleas and eggs can still be in his bedding. Fleas can pass a bacterial infection called Bartonella, commonly contracted through skin contact with infected flea faeces. Infections, including mouth and gum disease, eye inflammation and heart disease, have all been linked with Bartonella. Cats can be hypersensitive to flea saliva, causing a condition called flea allergy dermatitis, one of the most common causes of itchiness in cats. When fleas bite, substances in their saliva can enter your cat’s skin and trigger an immune response. This can cause intense skin irritation that extends well beyond the bite locations, resulting in hair loss around the tail, belly and inner thighs, as well as skin infections. If a large number of fleas bite

your cat and feed, your cat can develop anaemia. This is a serious medical condition in kittens. Symptoms of anaemia in cats include weakness, lethargy, rapid breathing and, potentially, death, if the fleas are not killed. Tapeworms are parasitic worms, passed to cats from fleas, often during grooming sessions. Your cat may swallow these fleas while grooming themselves. Tapeworms attach to your cat’s intestines with their sucker-like mouth parts, where they then grow and steal nutrients from your cat. Tapeworms can sometimes lead to abdominal pain and diarrhoea, as well as itchiness around the anus. Rest assured, any kitten adopted from KittyCatz has a completely clean bill of health, and has been regularly deflead and wormed. This year, to help us purchase our supply of flea spray, several hair salons have agreed to host a game of Name the Hairdo, and have donated a prize voucher for their salon. By participating, we will be able to supply each of our volunteers with a bottle of treatment. Participating salons are: Creative Duo in Los Cristianos, New Generation in Las Americas, and The Parlour Hair and Beauty Salon in Amarilla Golf. Please pop into these salons and support us. You can follow our work on Facebook or website

Wine and Dine

21st February - 27th February 2020

31 CW

When it comes to the crunch... CELERY has become one of the favourite vegetables when preparing foods such as soup, because of its flavour, but not everyone knows about its benefits.

Part of the Apiaceae family, celery can be found throughout the world as an integral part of certain cuisines. Its origins can be traced back to the Mediterranean and North Africa, but it is now cultivated globally. It is marketed and consumed in practically every cuisine, from American and Japanese, to Australian to Indian - and more. The vegetable has made many historical appearances, as well. It is referenced many times in ancient Mediterranean documents, including King Tut’s tomb. Celery has aphrodisiac properties. Among its contributions to human health is that it is a diuretic, an anti-inflammatory, and rich in fibre. In addition, this vegetable comprises 95% water, making it one of the lightest and most consumed vegetables in weight-loss diets. It is a very versatile vegetable. Not only can its leaves be used, but also its stem. It is packed full of vitamins your body needs (A, B, C and K), as well as calcium, magnesium and potassium. Its most magnificent attribute, however, is its phytonutrients. These are plant chemicals that are used to ward off insects and damaging sun rays, but their influence on people after consumption is dramatically more impressive. Phytonutrients have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits. Even though it can initially be hard to get used to the texture of celery, it enhances the immune system and intracellular communication. Phytonutrients have also been known to repair toxic damage to DNA, and to have had measurable results in combating cancer and heart disease. *Weight loss: Celery is low in calories and high in fibre, which means it curbs hunger without having to eat much *Better hydration: Celery is 95% water, so eating more of it will understandably prevent dehydration *Reduces inflammation: If you are at any risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, or other means of chronic inflammation, celery can help reduce your likelihood of developing these illnesses *Prevents/stops heartburn and acid reflux: Celery is low in acidity, so it is often recommended for these issues. While its exact results on these problems haven’t yet been confirmed, many people have reported improved results after eating celery *Improves cholesterol: Studies show celery reduces cholesterol by 7% *Lowers blood pressure: Studies show celery reduces blood pressure by 18% *Improves digestion: Thanks to celery’s fibre content, it can help keep your bowel movements regular and intestines healthy *Helps maintain healthy eyes: Thanks to celery’s Vitamin A content, it helps protect your cornea and helps treat dry eyes *Mosquito repellent: Studies have shown that celery-

oil extract is a mosquito repellent, so rub some on your skin to be itch-free. Celery juice Celery juice is everywhere for a reason. It saves lives because it restores people’s health, one symptom at a time. We see celebrities posting about their daily, celery-juice routines, and people from all walks of life sharing pictures and testimonials of their dramatic recovery stories. What began decades ago as a quiet movement, has become a global,

healing revolution. Celery leaves Celery leaves are frequently used in cooking to add a mild spicy flavour to foods, similar to, but milder than, black pepper. Celery leaves are dried as a sprinkled-on seasoning for use with baked, fried or roasted fish and meats, and as part of a blend of fresh seasonings, suitable for use in soups and stews. They may also be eaten raw, mixed into a salad or as a garnish.

CW 32


21st February - 27th February 2020

The risk of older vehicles

By Emma

from Motorworld

AS we enter a more technical and computerised world, which is advancing very rapidly, the risks of older cars and their safety becomes more apparent. There have been recent comparisons made, showing that accidents and incidents, occurring with vehicles 15 years or older, are increased twofold, compared with cars of between 5-7 years. With enhanced safety features and technology, our personal safety in an accident is improved in newer vehicles. This is of some concern to the DGT, so they have

been running a campaign to target, exclusively, the safety and maintenance of vehicles. In some cases, this campaign has been carried out in conjunction with local police, targeting safety features such as tyres, brakes, lights and glass, ie windscreens etc. For the time being, this

campaign has finished, but it’s highly probable that the Guardia Civil will continue checking these items in the future, rather than during a specific campaign. As well as the abovementioned visible safety checks, they often look at all documentation for the

car and its driver. They will check the validity of the ITV, and ensure that insurance is current, and, in some cases, ask for proof of payment. Checks will be made to ensure that the driver is holding a legal driving licence for driving in Spain, with the appropriate categories for

the vehicle they are driving at that time. The correct maintenance of a vehicle contributes to the safety aspect, which is checked at the ITV test. During a recent campaign by the DGT, it was found that 1.64% of vehicles stopped did not hold a valid ITV. The fines for this are high, and the vehicle could well be a danger, not only to the driver, but other road users as well. It is vitally important that you ensure your tyres have sufficient tread, and are the correct size for the car. This can be checked on your Ficha Tecnica. All lights must be fully functioning and visible, permitting the driver to see with them, and not so dirty that they are virtually unseen. If your number plate is not clearly visible, or does not have an EU symbol, you may incur a fine of 200 euros . Of course, the above doesn’t just apply to older vehicles. It must be ensured that newer models are correctly maintained and serviced.

Don’t wash your hands of this vital information health Corner

TO prevent viral infections, doctors suggest practising good hand hygiene. In light of the recent coronavirus outbreak, public health guidelines continue to emphasise this.

A new study explains why hand washing is so important when it comes to preventing viral infections, especially those that spread via droplets from coughs and sneezes. Washing the hands is always the first-line measure. Correctly washing the hands remains public-health officials’ top advice, when it comes to controlling infection rates. In their guidelines on how to prevent infection with the novel coronavirus, the World Health Organisation (WHO) state that people should wash their hands frequently, with soap and water. People still continue to express doubt that something as simple as basic personal hygiene could have any effect in

the context of an epidemic. New research from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology aims to put those doubts to rest, by showing just how important washing the hands can be, in slowing down the spread of infectious disease. According to study co-author Prof. Christos Nicolaides, 70% of people who go to the toilet wash their hands afterwards. The other 30% don’t, and, of those that do, only 50% do it correctly. The best practices for hand washing include not only rinsing the hands with water, but also applying soap and scrubbing the palms, the back of the hands, between

the fingers, and under the fingernails. A person should scrub for at least 20 seconds, before rinsing the soap and drying the hands with a clean towel. However, Prof. Nicolaides notes that, of the people who do wash their hands after using the bathroom, many never apply soap, and spend under 15 seconds on the procedure. “We consider that, at most, one-in-five people in an airport have cleaned their hands at any given moment in time, which is only 20% of the airport population,” the researchers wrote in their study paper. The researchers used existing

data about global flights. Specifically, they looked at flight duration, flight distance, connections, and estimates of the amount of time travellers spend in airports. They pinpointed 120 airports that they think play a key role in the spread of contagious agents. However, they also explain that these are not necessarily the airports with the highest traffic. For example, airports in Tokyo, Japan, and Honolulu, Hawaii are likely to be key players in the spread of disease, due to the fact that they offer direct connections to many of the world’s largest airports. However, these do not have the highest traffic, overall. These airports are also points of transit between a significant number of countries, in both the Eastern and Western hemispheres. Taken together, these factors make such airports key players in the spread of contagious diseases. But the researchers argue that if more people were to wash their hands frequently and correctly, it would significantly slow down the rate at which diseases are likely to spread.

Specifically, if 60% rather than 20% of air travellers maintained clean hands, it could slow down the spread of infections by almost 70%, according to the researchers. Even increasing the number of people with clean hands by 10% could slow down the rate at which disease can spread by as much as 24%. Although the researchers explain that educational campaigns about personal hygiene could help improve the overall situation, they admit that this may be difficult to achieve, in such a high number of airports. This approach might help slow down the spread of infection by around 37%, the researchers suggest. Prof. Nicolaides and colleagues also note that it may be helpful to add more washbasins in airports, even outside toilets, to encourage people to wash their hands more often. The researchers say that another helpful step might be to clean and disinfect surfaces in airports more frequently, especially those that a large number of people come into contact with. 21st February - 27th February 2020


33 CW

CW 34

Just enter the numbers 1 - 9 once in each row, column and 3 x 3 square within the sudoku X puzzle grid. In addition to standard sudoku, the numbers must only occur once in each side of the ‘X’ that is marked on the grid. 1 5 8

8 4 3 5 1 4 7 2 5 3 4 6 9 2 7 8 5 3 2 4

3 6 1

And 2 normal sudokus for you as well...

9 1 8 8 2 7 5 2 6 1 8 5 4 6 7 5 2 7 4 7


4 6 8 1 5 3



8 7 4 3 7 1 2 9

8 2

9 2 4 6 5 7 1 9 1 9 5 3 7 4 7

21st February - 27th February 2020


Sudoku X


Puzzle page/Property for Sale


3 9

Find the answers to these puzzles on our website

Across 1. Select (4) 3. Winged angels (8) 8. River at Luxor (4) 9. West African baboon-like primate (8) 11. Rebuked (10) 14. Existing but not yet manifest (6) 15. List of text corrections to be made in a publication (6)

17. Rabbi’s name (anag) — infant (4,2,4) 20. Begin (8) 21. Spanish sparkling wine (4) 22. Traditional pub game (8) 23. Aurally challenged (4) Down 1. Peak (8) 2. Catastrophe (8)

4. Throaty (6) 5. Misleading clue (3,7) 6. French cheese (4) 7. Kind of Scotch whisky (4) 10. Flood (10) 12. Matrimony (8) 13. Shakespeare’s Sir John (8) 16. Stinging plant (6) 18. Wrap tightly — nuisance (4) 19. Movie (4)

Service Point

21st February - 27th February 2020


to advertise here call 822 14 15 17

Service point


to advertise here call 822 14 15 17 air-conditioning

garden furniture


Health and Beauty

to advertise here call 822 14 15 17 cars CARS BOUGHT FOR CASH - Offer made once seen, we will come to you. WANTED small cars to medium cars, 4 X 4’s, small vans, people carriers, runners and non runners, accident damaged, etc. ANYTHING CONSIDERED.


Call us now on 678 451 641 For Sale For Sale , All Perfect Condition: Double bed and Mattress with the headboard: 95€ Pair of Sliding doors and runners for fitted wardrobes 6”: 30€ Pair of Sliding doors and runners for fitted wardrobes 5”:25€ Philips Mini Hi Fi System: 25€. Call 652 223 330


TELEMARKETERS WANTED FOR BUSY NEW CALL CENTRE IN LAS AMERICAS Timeshare Legals require fly-by telemarketers to join our second office in the Zentral Centre. This role consists of making appointments for our legal office here in Tenerife for timeshare owners to pursue financial claims through the courts and null and void their timeshare contracts. Attractive 1250€ net paid monthly. Commissions 150€ a tour / 200€ a deal paid every Friday. Full working contract 40 hours from day 1. Full training package is given but timeshare reclaim experience is a must.

All applicants must be fully legal with nie social and Spanish bank account. Please send your CV to Or call 660 549 635 to arrange a interview No time wasters

chiropodist Ann Malpass M.A.F.H.P. M.C.F.H.P. Qualified Chiropodist. All your foot care needs solved in the comfort of your own home/hotel. Tel 625 799 570 Wendy Nelson - Hairdresser and Mobile chiropodist MCFHP-BSC, 25 yrs working for the NHS caring for all foot problems , Home visits and Hotels. Call 634 301 727 or email Elaine Watson-Jones MSSCh MBChA. Experienced qualified Chiropodist based in Tenerife over 20yrs, offers home/ hotel visits in most areas of the South. Tel: 608 029 790. Email:



35 CW

CW 36

Service Point


21st February - 27th February 2020



personal services Male/female Viagra, Jellies, Cialis. Call 672 883 025

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tv & satellite ElectroSat TV S.L. C/Encarnacion No 1. Valle San Lorenzo, Tenerife. Tel: 922 72 22 27 Mobile 670 277 772, email: Menny Fix, Satellite TV Tel 922 792 116 Avnd; Antonio Dominguez 18, Edif: MarOLa Local 2, Los Cristianos. EST 1994, Repairs, Maintenance and Sales.

windows & doors


21st February - 27th February 2020

37 CW

Amarilla winds can blow you off course WELCOME to hole No.4 again, because the weather last week took headline news in all the national newspapers, and it looks that way again!

High winds, rain and floods in the UK, thanks to Storm Dennis (who thinks these names up?), so, not much golf being played in the UK just now. It’s such a shame, because many beautiful courses are under water. Tenerife has experienced another calima, but that’s not so bad. Had a few messages from our friends out on Golf del Sur and the Amarilla course, who were enjoying a not-so-windy week, so I’ll reveal their results at the end. When I first came to the island in 1998, and before I took over my first poolbar & restaurant in Callao Salvaje, I was working at the Harbour Club in Los Gigantes. Yes, I was one of those Timeshare Salesmen, and my bosses were two fantastic South Africans, Clifton Bird and Freddy Botha. Both loved a round of golf, and these big-hitters were very good at it. They enjoyed playing at Golf del Sur and Amarilla Golf Clubs. One particular morning, I was told: “Come on Quilt, we’re taking you golfing.” Great, I thought, and Freddy, being left-handed and having a brandnew set of clubs, gave me his old set of Ping Eye Irons and a driver, plus a tatty old bag (why couldn’t I have the new one?), so off we went. When we left Los Gigantes the weather was superb, not a breath of wind, and 24 degrees C when we arrived at Amarilla Golf Course. I thought we had moved to another island because the wind was blowing. And boy, did it blow! It was also hot as well, like someone wafting an oven door at you. So, after a quick coffee, off we go, me playing off an 18 handicap. Down hole No.1, a fairly straight par 4, so no problems there then, and I got a 6. Hole No.2, short par 3, got a 4. On to hole No.3, the long par 5, and the wind did blow, but the green is in a

dip, so not so bad, and I hit a 7. Now to hole No.4, over the hill and far away, and first lost ball of the day, right into someone’s garden. A 3 off the tee and I used an iron. I thought “not too bad”, but once on the green, the wind howled, so my first 8 went on the card. And now for hole No.5, a par 3 over the Atlantic Ocean, and what a beautiful hole! But not when it blows like this. The guys take out irons and I thought, “Oh no, I won’t get there with an iron, so out comes the driver. “Hit it under the wind,” urged Freddie. “Oh yes” I thought, with these two on the green apron? Boom! Off went the ball, higher and higher, and out towards the ocean. And boy, did it blow! I was a smoker then and I could have lit a ciggie and finished smoking it before the ball started to come down. When it did arrive, it was on the rocks… and so was I! After two more goes at it, I gave in. That was my first experience of Amarilla’s 5th hole, and every time the guys asked me to go golfing, I’d ask: “What’s the weather like?” But that’s why they built the airport out there. Having said that, I have enjoyed some great days on the Amarilla over the years, because it’s an excellent course to play. On Wednesday, 5th February, an Irish Day, and it wasn’t even St Patrick’s Day, was hosted by Golf del Sur, and it was a big success. It was a single Stapleford competition, with more

than 40 people playing, mainly Irish, naturally. There were also some players from other European countries, who dressed in the Green and White Irish colours (the Irish flag includes gold, of course). The day was sponsored by P. J. Noonan (a Rabbits’ member), and before the event started, players were given a gift from Ireland. The prizes for the winners consisted of Irish whiskey, trophies and some cash. The prize-giving was carried out in the club-house. It started off with Ireland’s legendary Daniel O’Donnell singing Galway Bay, which he performed beautifully. The players, especially some Germans, were astonished that somebody could sing like that. But they all know Daniel now. There were 15 prizes, including Nearest the Pin on two holes, Longest Drive and Closest to the Centre Rope. Pat Shannon won a trophy, a bottle of Paddy and some cash for being Nearest the Pin. Sharon Molins won a trophy and a bottle of Paddy, as well as some cash for the longest drive. John Byrne won his category with 35 points. He won a trophy, a bottle of Jameson whiskey and some cash. The other category was won by a German, Michael Renz, who is a very good friend of the Irish. Other Irish winners were P. J. Noonan and Ciaran Blair. But the day’s real winner was Daniel with his rendition of Galway Bay. The fun continued in the Mr Chen restaurant, in Los Cristianos. This was also attended by Mr Oddbjorn Hovic and his wife Maria, from Oslo. Oddbjorn is the man behind a society called The Vikingos, who play every Monday morning in Los Palos. They are mostly Scandinavian, with a few Irish members. P. J. Noonan would like to thank everybody who played on the day, and especially all those who attended the evening food, drink and craic in Mr Chen’s. As promised, here are some results from around the societies: Costa Adeje Rabbits: Thursday 13th Feb:1st Ken Hunt (44pts h15); 2nd Michael O’Hara (39pts h13); 3rd Colin Hammond (37pts h28). Saturday 15th, 1st Cath Byrne (44 pts h18); 2nd Bill Hart (41pts h28); 3rd, Peter Greaney (40pts h22). Amarilla Amigos: Wednesday, 12th Feb: 1st Phil Hawkins (39pts); 2nd Ray Taberner 39pts (Back 9); 3rd Jim Carruthers (33pts). Legends G/S (Texas Scramble, with teams of four): Winning team with 9-under-par, Mark, Dave J, George and Wally. Adeje International, (Yellow Shirts) Sat,15th Feb: 1st Dave Forsyth (38pts h13); 2nd George Gregg (36pts h22); 3rd Klaus Buntebardt (36pts h19, back 9). Peanuts G/S, Golf del Sur, Wed 12th Feb:1st Francis De Proft (39pts h27); 2nd PJ Carey (39pts h12, back 9); 3rd Michael Raine (38pts h19).


CW 38


CD Tenerife TENERIFE proved to be a much better side in the first half, with Rubén Baraja’s men creating a few good scoring opportunities. But his strikers were unable to convert them. However, it was the home side’s fifth consecutive game without losing, while Rayo increased their total of draws to five in a row. Tenerife began with an anticipated starting XI, Captain Suso Santana appearing on the right side, with the intention of scoring early, as they had in previous matches. But Rayo Vallecano, rivals of immense quality, but with the same number of problems this season, warned of their intentions. Mario Suarez beat keeper Ortolá in the ninth minute, but was denied by a post, yet it was a wake-up call for the hosts, who realised they had a game on their hands. Tenerife began to harass Rayo keeper Dimitrievski, who feared the worst when Dani Gómez found himself one on one with him in front of goal, after a good cross by Nahuel. The striker was about to shoot when he was tackled from behind while bearing down on goal. But despite Tenerife’s penalty appeal, the

Just make sure you don’t lose!

21st February - 27th February 2020

CD Tenerife 0 Rayo Vallecano 0

referee waved play on, to the relief of the Rayo keeper and his defence. On the 30-minute mark, Aitor Sanz tried his luck from the edge of the area, but his powerful shot went wide to the left of the Madrid team’s

goal. The same fate befell Nahuel in the 36th minute, when his freekick was deflected for a corner, after hitting the defensive wall. Tenerife had another clear-cut chance just before half-time, and this time Dani Gomez

became provider, his excellent cut-back cross from the byline, being met by Suso in the box. But his header was cleared off the line by Luna, to leave the game goal-less at the end of the half.

Watch this week’s major sporting events at the following venues:

Coco Loco Amarilla Golf

Formally “The Rockin Horse”

Open everyday 2pm til late closed Wednesdays

Live Sports shown here

Chippy Friday 6pm til 9pm Tipsy Time 7pm til 9pm

Tenerife started the second half unchanged, coach Baraja sticking with Sipcic, even though the Serbian had taken a knock in the first half. Rayo made one change, Milic replacing Saveljilch in the centre of defence. Rayo started brightly, showing their enormous quality when passing the ball around, and they were beginning to look dangerous. But Aitor Sanz had the first chance of the half from a long way out. Unfortunately for him, the ball finished a long way off because he missed the target completely. Tenerife had another chance to change the scoreline when, for the second time, Dani Gómez found himself in front of goal after receiving a Milla throughball. This time, however, his weak chip shot went straight into the hands of Dimitrievski. In the 68th minute, the coaches of both teams decided to make changes. Baraja took

off Suso and brought on Moore, while Rayo replaced Jorge de Frutos and Isi with Álvaro and Advíncula. Shortly after, Baraja also decided to take off Joselu to reinforce the midfield with Javi Muñoz. The last minutes of the game belonged to Rayo Vallecano, who were still looking for a way through, with Tenerife appearing to be playing for the draw, and staying strong. In the dying seconds, Milla was replaced by Argentine Miérez, appearing for the first time since overcoming an injury. This was the last action of a match in which Tenerife proved better in the first half than in the second, winning a valuable point and maintaining their recent, unbeaten record. All in all, they should be satisfied with another solid performance, and should take note of the saying: When you can’t win, it is important not to lose!


21st February - 27th February 2020

39 CW

Steve and Leah on winning roll

Emerald stand-in is hardly a Bandit EMERALD B arrived for their Week 24 clash at Sandys Bandits with just four players, but the sporting Bandits, had a visitor in the bar, who was persuaded to help out. Their generosity cost them, though, because he promptly took the first for the Emerald. After that it was nip-and-tuck, with the visitors nicking the trebles for a draw. Not an envious task for Ourplace Playboys, who were at Pas ONadas A. They went 4-1 down, but kept going and, in the end, lost only 5-3. It was no consolation, obviously, but it was probably a good result against the champions-elect. There were 180s from Wayne for PON, and Del Boy for the Playboys. Waterfall v Loch Inn Bullseyes Bullseyes’ depleted team obviously didn’t help their cause, and they suffered a 7-1 defeat, but everyone had a good night, all the same, so they said. Mad Hatters were clearly on form, taking a 3-2 lead against Sandys Bookie Boys after the singles, and going on to take the remaining games for a 6-2 win. Jim said: “In the eight years of playing in this league, this is

probably the best game I have played in. Great scoring by both teams and nobody was missing doubles on the night, apart from Taylor. Fabulous hosts. Shame about the result.” However, he did omit to mention Taylor’s 180. Scooters&Chevys A v The Pub This was a bit one-sided, finishing 8-0 to The Pub. But as Duncan pointed out, not quite a whitewash because they took two legs. In case anyone missed it, the Gaffers v Pas’O’Nadas International game didn’t go ahead. And, as is their right, International claimed the 8-0 win. Div 2 had a few postponed matches: Pink Elephant v Clouseau’s, The Club House v Marilyns and Palms Sports Bar v

division 1 ResultS

Scooters&Chevys B. Emerald Lounge v Pas O Nadas This was a close match for starters, with the home leading 3-2 after the singles. But Emerald kicked on from there, and took the remaining matches for a 6-2 win. Ourplace Playgirls v Club Activo As is the norm, I’ll leave this to Graham’s wise words: “Result 6-2 to Activo. Trebles to Playgirls. Graham 127 finish! Great night of darts v the girls on Valentine’s Day! Food superb as usual. Thanks for a great night!” Naughty Nautas v Ourplace Breakaways “Brilliant night”, according to Fudder, but he would say that! Breakaways won 7-1, and didn’t even let Nautas have the trebles. Sundowners v Picasso’s @ Palms The away team shot into a 3-0 lead, no doubt Wayne’s 180 helping them in the process. But Sundowners fought back to 3-2, only for Picasso’s to kick on again, taking both doubles,. Yet Sundowners had the final say, winning the trebles, even though they still lost 5-3. Catch-up match There was a catch-up match last week between Activo and Palms Sports Bar, which went down to the last set of the doubles, with Activo winning on a great night of darts. Thanks to Gaffers for hosting.

4-4 Emerald ‘B’

Pink Elephant


Pas O Nadas ‘A’

5-3 Ourplace Playboys

The Club House




7-1 The Loch-In Bullseyes

Emerald Lounge


Pas O NadaS

Mad Hatters

6-2 Sandys Bookie BoyS

Ourplace Playgirls


Club ActivO



Suters 20:30 CreW

Palms Sports BaR

P-P Scooters & Chevys ‘B’

Gaffers # Team Hollywood 0-8

Pas O Nadas Int.

Naughty NautaS

1-7 Ourplace BreakawayS



Scooters & Chevys ‘A’ 0-8 The PuB

Picasso’s @ PalmS

P W D L F A +- PTS


P W D L F A +- PTS

22 21


0 150 26 124 150

1 Pink Elephant

21 19


1 140 28 112 140

2 Gaffers # Team Hollywood 22 17


4 132 44 88


2 Club Activo

23 20


1 138 46



3 Suters 20:30 Crew 21 16


2 123 45



3 The Club House

22 16


4 123 53



4 Pas O Nadas Int.

22 14






4 Emerald Lounge

22 14


5 108 68



5 The Pub

21 14


3 114 54



5 Palms Sports Bar 21 14


4 107 61




6 Sandys Bookie Boys 22 11 4 7 101 75 26 101

6 Ourplace Breakaways 22 11 1 10 90 86 4


7 Ourplace Playboys 22 10 3 9 94 82 12 94

7 Scooters & Chevys ‘B’ 22 10 5 7 89 87 2


8 Mad Hatters


8 Pas O Nadas

9 Picasso’s @ Palms 22 10



5 12 72 104 -32

23 10

9 Emerald ‘B’




14 56 120 -64


10 Waterfall



1 16 52 124 -72


10 Ourplace Playgirls 23 7

68 67


4 17 59 133 -74


3 16 46 122 -76

46 38

12 Naughty Nautas 24

13 Scooters & Chevys ‘A’ 22 1

2 19 34 142 -108 34 0



0 16 68 116 -48

2 17 38 130 -92

0 0 0 0 0 0 0



9 86

6 16 67 125 -58


14 Legends

97 -10



12 The Loch-In Bullseyes 21 2


1 12 87


11 Sundowners

11 Sandys Bandits

Irish Fiddler’s charity golf day reaps fabulous reward


division 2 Table

division 1 Table 1 Pas O Nadas ‘A’

A big thanks to all the bowlers and spectators who attended the event. The success of the competition was made possible by the sponsors and local businesses, who kindly gave their support, which was much appreciated.

division 2 ResultS

Sandys Bandits


STEVE and Leah Gardner last Saturday won The Early Birds Bowling Club, Open Pairs Competition, at the Happy Days Sports Centre, Costa del Silencio.

13 Clouseau’s



5 18 48 136 -88


14 Marilyns



2 18 46 130 -84


THE Irish Fiddler bar’s 2020 charity golf tournament, which took place recently on Las Américas golf course, raised a phenomenal €4,265. It has been donated towards the cost of running the AECC KM Solidario bus, generally known as the Cancer Bus, which transports patients to the north of the island for treatment, with no transport costs. There was a good turn-out, with many players from the Rabbits’ Association taking part. Ireland’s legendary singer Daniel O’Donnell was also present, giving everyone an excellent rendition of his songs in the evening, during the festivities. Ciara Murphy, looking after the bar with her brother Michael because her parents, Gerard and Noeline, who own the business, are taking a wellearned break, said: “This donation helps to keep people aware of the great work Carol Salisbury has done, and still does, to keep her Charity Bus in the public eye. It also acknowledges all those who took part in the event.”

CW 40

Advertisement 21st February - 27th February 2020

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