Canarian Weekly Issue 1142

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7th February - 13th February 2020

Family evicted as sex offender fled to Tenerife 1 CW

Issue 1142

7th February - 13th February 2020

THE former partner of a man, who admitted sexual offences against a child, has described herself and her children as “victims� of his crimes. Continued on Page 3

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Advertisement 7th February - 13th February 2020


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Sex offender’s family say they are ‘victims’

7th February - 13th February 2020

Continued from Front

Norwich Crown Court heard that 41-year-old Peter Futter became sexually involved with a girl, then 15. His Snapchat conversations with the teen, who cannot be named for legal reasons, started off as “benign”, but became more “inappropriate” and sexualised. Nicholas Bleaney, prosecuting, said sexual contact between the two followed later, on more than one occasion, before the young victim eventually spoke about what happened. Futter was initially arrested in March 2017, but he denied any wrong-doing and claimed he meant to send the messages to a woman with whom he was having an affair. He later fled to Tenerife and was working in a bar in Las Americas, under the false name of Christopher Johnson. Although he had an NIE number in this name, his employers became suspicious as he couldn’t provide a passport when they asked him for one for his work contract. They also found conflicting stories he was telling people for his reasons for being in Tenerife. One was that his girlfriend had been killed by a drunk driver, another was that she was pregnant at the time, and another was that he was gay. The bar owners sacked him in June 2019, and he was arrested in August and extradited to the UK to face trial. Shortly before his trial was scheduled to take place last

December, Futter, of no fixed address, admitted three counts of sexual activity with a child, between June 2016 and March 2017. He also admitted inciting a child to engage in sexual activity. The victim did not want her statement read out in court ahead of sentencing on Monday (3rd Feb), but Futter’s former partner provided a statement, which detailed the impact his arrest had on her and her children. They were, indeed, victims of her ex-partner’s behaviour because, she said: “After his arrest, we were evicted from our family home.” She added that it was done in the most cruel and callous way possible, leaving both her and her children homeless. She said they were subject to slurs from the community, because they must have known what he was up to. “I would hope that Peter Futter realises now the devastation and impact his behaviour has had on what was once a happy family,” she stressed. Judge Stephen Holt sentenced Futter to a total of 47 months in prison. He also made him the subject of an indefinite sexual-harm protection order (SHPO), and put him on the sex-offenders’ register for life. Ian James, mitigating, said there were no excuses from the defendant, whose behaviour he described as “shameful”, and that there could have been cases involving up to five other girls, but, at the moment, there is insufficient evidence to prove this allegation.

Brexit will not affect our roaming charges

MOBILE phone roaming charges for all travel within member States were axed by the EU in June 2017, although this did not apply for long-term stays.

That’s because it would have encouraged consumers to set up mobile phone contracts in the cheapest countries, and then use them in their country of residence. Call and text message charges are generally higher when these are made or sent between member States, such as ringing France from Germany. But the additional fee for having a phone switched on, and using one’s data in a different EU member State, no longer applies. This has proved to be a breath of fresh air for Brits living in Spain, when returning home for visits, and also for UK tourists on holiday in Spain. But leaving the EU means, automatically, that it will be under threat. However, Spanish telecom companies have, in the main, said they do not intend to reapply roaming charges for their customers on UK visits. “The issue will need to be decided by the UK Government, but we have no plans to start charging again because we want our customers to continue receiving the service they need and expect,” says Telefónica.

The national communications giant is now working with the British Government, to ensure the lack of roaming charges is included in any deal reached between Britain and the EU. Orange, Vodafone and MásMóvil have agreed that they do not want to bring back roaming charges for customers visiting the UK, and they hope to reach deals with British networkproviders. Another issue is whether there will be a change to tariffs, charged to each other by phone companies when their customers are abroad. Yet the roaming-free system has been working “very well”, according to Mariya Gabriel, then Commissioner for Economy and Digital Society. On other matters, Spain is determined to turn Brexit into an “opportunity”, and many experts there believe its position in Europe has been strengthened because of the departure of a key economy. And that can only be positive for people living in Spain, even if they are British

nationals. The Costa Blanca hoteliers’ association, HOSBEC, said “it is not too worried” about the UK’s departure from the EU, believing it will not stop tourists heading to the area. Toni Mayor, HOSBEC chairman, said: “In spite of it all, things aren’t too bad. Bookings are at normal levels, and, in some cases, even higher than last year. “Ours is an established and strong destination, and our network of hotels has been moving with the times, and assuring customer loyalty.” Active marketing by Tenerife Cabildo has, it hopes, helped secure the British tourist market in the Canaries. In fact, a 2½-month campaign, from November to mid-January, reached nearly 13 million Brits. Some 10 million UK visitors have already booked their holidays here, through Tenerife adverts on websites. Nearly two million booked via video advertising, and nearly a million through Facebook and Instagram publicity. The Cabildo says: “All conversations with private and public entities in the UK have shown that Tenerife is, in British people’s view, a friendly and open destination, which will carry on welcoming them, as it always has.” As for travelling in the opposite direction, three in four Spaniards, who visit the UK regularly, say they will continue to do so with the same frequency.

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7th February - 13th February 2020

Some Tenerife beaches are swamped in plastic

EIGHT beaches across Tenerife are heavily contaminated with plastics, and, among the several tested, the worst offender is Playa Grande, in Poris, followed by Puertito and Almáciga. Research groups from Gran Canarias University, specialising in the studies of the ecophysiology of marine organisms (EOMAR), confirmed the contamination across Tenerife’s beaches, after taking

hundreds of samples. These groups worked in collaboration with the Canary Islands’

70 families evacuated as blaze gets out of control

Oceanographic Centre, and 800 samples were taken from various Tenerife shores

over a one-year period. Samples were taken, specifically, from the shores of Almaciga, La Arena, Las Vistas, Las Gaviotas, El Socorro, La Tejita, Playa Grande (Poris) and Playa del Puertito, and they proved that those beaches, in particular, were contaminated at different levels. The samples show how the archipelago is affected, dramatically, by marine pollution, because the microplastics are being dragged by the Gulf Stream currents, which branch southwards, along with all the accumulated litter from the European

and North American waters. Sadly, this makes the Canary Islands the hot-spots for marine litter. The world’s plastic production has rocketed over the last 50 years, resulting in a considerable increase of waste. And it has been estimated that just 20% of the plastic produced is recycled. Each year, between eight and nine million tons of plastic end up in the sea. It comes mainly from rivers, drains or coastal areas, and it is also thrown into the sea, directly from ferries and cruise ships, as well as the vessels transporting waste.

‘Holiday from hell’ family blame under-cooked food A MAN on a family holiday claims that three of them fell ill in TUI’s four-star, Landmar hotel in Los Gigantes.

AT least 70 families had to be evacuated from their homes on Tuesday morning, because a fire became out of control at the back of their homes, inside a barranco in the Chayofa area of Arona. The cause of the fire is still unknown, but it is believed that it began through human negligence. Because of the strong calima, and equally strong winds in the south of Tenerife, the fire grew out of control almost immediately. The blaze, which began at around 8.40am, took some 80 fire-fighters to put out. Their superb efforts, and those of a voluntary team from Guia de Isora,

ensured the flames were finally contained, before there was any more damage. But the fire did cause damage to the exterior of a few homes, and a couple of terraces. Fortunately, no one was injured, or required medical assistance. The evacuated families were able to return to their homes just after 1pm, after the fire-fighters had extinguished the blaze, as well as dampening the area. Arona Mayor José Julián Mena, made an appearance along with Security Councillor Francisco Marichal, to ensure that Chayofa residents were updated, constantly, on the situation.

Carnival treat for over-55s

THE Department of the Third Age invites people over 55 years, and registered as pensioners in Granadilla de Abona, to enjoy the free activity “Let’s Go to the Carnival” on Tuesday, 12th February. This offer enables people of this age group to attend the Carnival’s Gala Election of the Queen of Third Age, at the Recinto Ferial, in Santa Cruz.

He said they had been served “raw” food, including pink, “under-cooked” sausages and “regurgitated” scrambled eggs… and he took photographs to prove it! Nicholas Hewitt, 38, and his 32-year-old wife Natasha were accompanied by his sister-inlaw, Roisin Barnes, 23, and her daughter Emily, three, over the New Year period. They described their stay as “the holiday from hell”, after claiming that the food served was appalling, and have since said that, as a result, they were physically ill. Photographs of under-cooked sausages, and what were supposed to be scrambled eggs, were taken as proof, because the family couldn’t believe the standard of cooking, or what was being offered to them. They confirmed that after they had all eaten, three of them felt sick. Nicholas posted a negative comment on the hotel’s Facebook page, calling the staff “rude and unprofessional”, as well as posting images of the food, showing sloppy, undercooked eggs and chicken, and the sausages, which were still pink inside. The South Yorkshire man, from Sheffield, said he started “throwing-up” with an upset stomach on the third day of

their holiday, having eaten at the resort only. The TUI company confirmed that they were discussing the complaint further with the family, while the hotel cited their robust, hygiene procedures and tests, claiming that no other guests reported being ill during that period. The hotel also confirmed that they had 1,200 guests staying the same week as the Hewitts, and that there had been no other reports of food poisoning. The hotel spokesman said: “After checking our internal clients’ report, we could not find any evidence of an official confirmation that the gastroenteritis was produced by food ingestion. “As far as we are aware, Mr

Hewitt never went to the doctors to get tested for foodpoisoning, despite the advice of ourselves and the Travel Operator.” The hotel manager, on duty when Mr Hewitt said he was ill, responded to the Facebook post by telling the family in that particular week they had around 1,200 guests at the hotel, and that none of them had complained about the food, or had informed the staff about any illness. A hotel spokesman has since said they would deal with this particular guest directly, and look into matters further. The hotel manager is also said to have offered to get the husband seen by a doctor there, but said he had refused.


7th February - 13th February 2020

Wedding couple fined after beach ceremony

Tenerife shares Europe’s top areas for sea-fishing

FEBRUARY is a long month across most of Europe. The holidays are long gone, but the back-to-work blues are still going strong. THE General Director of Costas, which controls the Spanish coastline, has fined a couple €6,010 for having their wedding on the beach, specifically on the Playa Abama, in Guia de Isora, in October 2019. The couple were given notification, stating that the fine was because they had occupied a public coastal

area, without requesting the relevant paperwork. The notification explains that an area on the beach, approximately 10x10sq/m, was taken over for the ceremony, with several chairs, and a small arch with a table. Weddings on the beach are permitted, but only with the relevant paperwork, with specific companies organising these events, mainly on the Las Teresitas beach, as well as the Abama beach in Guia de Isora. The rules were set in place in 2015. For those wanting to marry

on the beach, the company, or the couple wanting to tie the knot, must request authorisation from Costas, in Santa Cruz, 169 las Ramblas, the application specifying the square metres being occupied on the beach, as well as other important details including the number of guests, decorations, etc. There will be a fee, depending on where you perform the ceremony. As well as requesting the authorisation from Costas, permission from the city council is also necessary.

WizzAir putting on more cheap flights to Canaries

WIZZAIR is giving Brits a wider choice of cheap flights to the Canary Islands this year, as it launches more direct journeys there, from the UK. The budget airline has announced that it will be offering a brand-new, direct flight, from Luton to Gran Canaria, with fares starting from £35.99 each way. The new route is set to take off on the 4th June, before the school summer holidays, with three flights a week on offer. Gran Canaria is already a firm favourite with Brits seeking a sunny getaway. After all, the island is renowned for its incredible beaches,

not to mention the plethora of things to see and do. The airline will also be increasing its volume of direct flights to Tenerife from Luton, with three flights a week becoming a daily service for passengers to choose from. It is worth noting that WizzAir’s fares include on carry-on bags only, and you will need to pay extra if you want to bring a second bag, or checked luggage. WizzAir allows one free bag per passenger, weighing no more than 10kg and with maximum dimensions of 40 x 30 x 20cm. If you opt for priority boarding, you can also bring a cabin bag weighing no more than 10kg, which must fit in the overhead locker. You can find out more in the company’s guide to airlines’ hand-luggage rules.

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People want to escape the long nights and commuter crowds, and, perhaps, imagine themselves on a boat, heading out to sea. This is when many people, fed up with the dreadful weather, start planning their next angling adventure. With that in mind, FishingBooker put together a list of the top sea-fishing spots to aim for this year in Europe, and Tenerife is among them. The island has world-class fishing facilities, with fabulous weather for much of the time. Seabream, amberjack,

and dentex roam the reefs, while marlin and tuna hunt in the blue waters, just a mile or two offshore. What makes Tenerife so special is that you can head there at any time of year and find huge fish. Marlin are mainly in town from late spring until early autumn, but you can catch tuna all year round. You can even fill the boat with tasty “bottom-feeder” fish such as Amberjack, even in the depths of winter. Here are FishingBooker’s top Europe selections for 2020 sea-fishing: *Gibraltar *Reykjavik, Iceland *Ponta Delgada, Azores *Lleida, Catalonia *Galway, Ireland *Tenerife, Canary Islands *Bled, Slovenia *Stockholm, Sweden *Cagliari, Sardinia

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7th February - 13th February 2020

Airport drama as a jet plane’s tyre burst on take-off

AN Air Canada jet completed a successful emergency landing at Madrid airport on Monday night, after a landing-gear tyre burst and was sucked into its engine during take-off. The Boeing 767, bound for Toronto, landed at 7.15pm after circling above the Spanish city for a harrowing three hours to burn off as much fuel as possible. There were no immediate reports of any casualties, despite dozens of ambulances and fire engines dashing to Madrid’s Barajas Airport after the plane took off at 3pm. Before landing, passengers had tweeted photos, showing flames bursting from the plane’s engine, as well as a Spanish F-18 fighter jet escorting it over the airport. It was initially thought that the plane would land around 6pm, but it actually landed at 7.15pm. Earlier, the pilot had called for calm, as hospitals in the area were put on high alert. An AENA spokeswoman said the airline had requested a slot for an emergency landing, some 30 minutes after take-off. Spain’s main union of pilot workers, SEPLA, said in a tweet that the plane had lost some pieces of its landing gear while it took off. The calm pilot told passengers, in a message made public: “We are currently heading towards Barajas Airport, and we are going to return to Madrid to land,

because, as you know, we had a little problem with one of the plane’s wheels when we took off. “Therefore, as we are carrying a lot of fuel, we have to get rid of some, to be able to land. We will land in a few more minutes.” He added: “When we are ready to land, we will let you know. We thank you for your co-operation and patience, and we would ask you to stay calm.” Enaire’s air-navigation control manager confirmed: “A flight with a technical problem is circling Madrid before returning to Adolfo Suarez Madrid Barajas airport.” And a spokesman for the regional government-run emergency services co-ordinator added: “We have sent various, emergencyresponse resources to the airport because of the problems.” The airport operator added: “The airport is on standby to receive flight Air Canada flight AK837, which was bound for Toronto.” Madrid residents posted online videos, showing a plane flying unusually low over the Spanish capital’s centre and suburbs. The airport was closed for more than an hour, earlier on Monday, and 26 flights were diverted elsewhere. Enaire had earlier reported delays in flights, because of the annoying presence of drones in the area. Two pilots said they had spotted some drones near the airport, which lies just east of the city centre. Immediately, the airport activated a special procedure to halt landings and take-offs, and also diverted flights to other airports.

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Do you fancy a stroll through the island’s protected areas?

LA OROTAVA, in the Tenerife municipality of capital city Santa Cruz, is again offering a walking programme through the island’s various natural and protected areas. The “Brushstrokes in the Lava” event, say organisers, will bring walkers closer to these emblematic places, so they can enjoy the natural environment of the areas. These routes, guided by professionals, will be held from this month until May. The number of places is limited, so register as soon as possible on your desired route or routes, with two places per person allowed. Free registration is obtained by filling out the form on the web http://www.laorotava. es Transportation. But you

are advised to inform the organisers in advance, and the use of the car share would be appreciated. These activities are open to the general public, but preference will be given to registered residents in the La Orotava region. The first walk, on 22nd February, takes you through the Malpaís de Güímar Special Nature Reserve, and will be guided by Juanjo Suárez. The next one, on 14th March, will be led by biologist Miguel Padrón, through the Special Natural Reserve in Barranco del Infierno. A week later, on 21st March, enthusiasts can take a trip through the ecology and evolution of the Canarian flora in Anaga Rural Park, led by biologist Jairo Patiño. Juan Carlos García, historian and archaeologist, will guide you through Teide National Park, on 28th March.

On 18th April, the itinerary takes you through the Protected Landscape of Las Lagunetas, showing the diversity of species with Ana Portero and Mila Ruiz, agricultural foreman and PhD in fine arts, respectively. Then, on 25th April, walkers will take the route through Teno Rural Park, interpreted by biologist Marta López. On 9th May, following in the steps of expert climber Javier Martín Carbajal, there will be an activity in the Teide National Park, and, specifically, in Cañada del Capricho, passing through its labyrinthine forms, corridors and towers. The last route, on 16th May, will also be taken through Teide National Park, guided by biologist Manuel Marrero. For more information, contact the municipal website, or the Municipal Environmental Education Centre.

Avda Claudio Delgado Diaz 73, Las Chaf iras, 38639 San Miguel de Abona, Tenerife PRINTED BY: TF Print S.A. Managing Editor & Director: Chris Elkington

News Editor: John Hennessey

Design: Joe Price

Sales Manager: John Zammit

Classified Angela Jefferies

Contributors: Emma Swain, Carol Schleisman, Ken Little, Mike Broeckaert, Mariano Zunino Siri, Paul Montague, Peter Quilty, Sir Old Golfer. Canarian Weekly takes all reasonable care to check the contents of every advertisement, but cannot accept responsibility for the claims or statements made in them. Also, statements or opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor or Publishers. Material featured in Canarian Weekly may not be reproduced without the explicit written permission of the Editor. Copyright © 2020 Canarian Weekly


7th February - 13th February 2020

Corrupt Guardia leader was shielding drug gang AS head of the Comandancia de Isla Mayor in Sevilla, a Guardia Civil sergeant was supposed to be tackling crime in a region experiencing an increase in drugtrafficking.

Instead, he did he opposite, joining the narco payroll and ensuring that the hash shipments arrived uninterrupted, over a fouryear period. Between 2012 and 2016, the Guardia Civil leader protected the hashish smugglers, in exchange for huge wads of cash. The gang moved the drugs from Morocco, along the Guadalquivir river, which became a popular route in recent years, as business heated up along the Costa del Sol. The Guardia chief, given an agreed €6,000, was promised €20,000 each time an operation was completed successfully. To achieve this, the corrupt officer enlisted three other agents to ensure the drugs

arrived without problems. The agents, also on the payroll, provided tactical information about Guardia Civil patrols, which meant the traffickers always knew where the officers were, so they could avoid them. Police are aware that the corrupt leader earned at least one cash payment of €22,040, which he entered into a shared account with his wife in small instalments, over the four-year period. “The sergeant knew the money came from criminal activity, because he received it directly from the traffickers before paying his fellow, corrupt cops their cut,” read the judgement. “He then kept some of his cut in cash, €2,350 of which was found in his home, before the rest was deposited in small sums into his checking

account, to confuse it with his legal income, and to hide its criminal origin.” The unnamed man has now been sentenced to 14 years for drug-trafficking, moneylaundering and bribery, after his appeal was rejected by the National Court of Appeals. The court said: “He did just the opposite of what you should do,” adding that he breached the obligations of his office, while putting the health of citizens at risk. An appeal by the man’s wife was also rejected by the court, who ordered her to return €22,040, believed to be the spoils of moneylaundering. Those also convicted in the case, including the three other corrupt agents, did not appeal their respective convictions.

Heart attacks for men, just 82 minutes apart

TWO men suffered heart attacks in Tenerife south on Monday morning, with just 82 minutes between them, and in different areas. But both were rescued by the emergency teams. At 10.05am, the Emergency services received an alert that a man had suffered a cardiorespiratory arrest in C/Finlandia in Arona. The 52-year-old was in a serious condition, and National Police officers performed resuscitation manoeuvres until the ambulance arrived. Its crew began advanced resuscit-

ation, and, once stabilised, the victim was taken in the ambulance to Hospiten Sur. Then, at 11.27am, the emergency services were again alerted by a caller. He told them that Costa Adeje’s Fañabé beach lifeguards had rescued a man, who had fallen into the sea next to some stones, and that his heart had stopped. Emergency staff were soon there, assisting the 26-year-old man with advanced resuscitation manoeuvres. However, because of his serious condition, the medical helicopter landed on the beach, and, after the crew had stabilised him, he was transferred to Candelaria Hospital via the helicopter.

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BP’s new recharging point for electric cars

OIL company BP has opened its first, selfsufficient, petrol station, in Fuerteventura’s Corralejo, the island’s largest resort, and it also has a recharging point for electric vehicles. The site will be self-sufficient because it is equipped with two windmills and solar panels. The company has actually been operating an Electric Vehicle (EV) recharging point on the island since 2016, in a petrol station in the Muelle Chico area.

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Advertisement 7th February - 13th February 2020


7th February - 13th February 2020

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Canarian dealer was Ferry crash injures selling drugs galore! women passengers

GUARDIA Civil officers, based in Las Americas, have detained a 28-yearold Canarian resident, from Tacoronte, for drug-dealing. Having arrested him, they were able to dismantle an important distribution point last Sunday in El Medano, where people gathered, regularly, to buy the drugs. After details about his drugdealing were handed over to

the officers, they carried out some discrete surveillance. Their suspicions came to fruition after they witnessed several people approaching a parked-up vehicle, from which a variety of drugs were being sold. The shocked man was finally arrested and detained, after officers had seen him carrying out several transactions. He was caught red-handed, with 12 types of ecstasy pills, several small cocaine wraps, weighing 11 grams in total, as well as three doses of LSD, 12 doses of MDMA,

4gms of hashish, 6gms of marijuana, two doses of crack cocaine and 2gms of magic mushrooms. As well as the multitude of drugs discovered, the officers also found cash, adding up to â‚Ź218, in smalldenomination notes. He was charged with drug-trafficking and drugdealing, and his vehicle was confiscated. Along with the police report and the evidence collected, he will appear before a Granadilla judge for sentencing.

THREE women, aboard a Fred. Olsen Express ferry from Fuerteventura, were slightly injured last Sunday when it crashed against a pier in the Playa Blanca port, in the south of Lanzarote. As reported by the 112 emergency services, the accident occurred after 7.30pm, during boat-docking manoeuvres, and the trio all

suffered injuries: one to her head, one on the side and the third on a leg. The first was transferred to the Playa Blanca health centre, and the other couple to Arrecife’s Doctor Molina Orosa Hospital. The ferry covers the regular line between Playa Blanca and Corralejo (Fuerteventura).

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Spanish police arrest a people-smuggling gang SPANISH police have arrested 26 peoplesmugglers, believed to have transferred more than 900 migrants from Algeria to Spain last year, which earned them at least €1.5m.

A series of six raids across Almeria and Alicante rounded up 26 suspects, and police confiscated 17 vehicles. The smuggling network stretched from Algeria across the Mediterranean to south-eastern Spain, mostly in the Alicante and Almeria provinces. The smuggler suspects are thought to have used powerful speedboats, charging

the mainly-Algerian migrants around €2,500 per head, to transport them to Spain from the Oran port, in their own country. News agency AFP reported that the boat journey took about three hours, and the gang also operated a second route, between Tangiers, in northern Morocco, and the Spanish port of Algeciras.

The Spanish police statement read: “Each immigrant had to pay the organisation between €2,000 and €2,500 for the crossing. They were charged an extra 500 euros to be transported by car to various cities in southern and eastern Spain where, it was said, they stayed with friends. “Anyone who didn’t or couldn’t pay the full sum required, reported AFP, were dumped along the way, or held hostage until their families covered the sum owed.” Refugee agency UNHCR, said the number of arrivals to Spain halved in 2019, compared with those of 2018 (32,513 in 2019, against 65,383 between January and December 2018). The majority of those

arriving in mainland Spain and the Canary Islands last year came from Morocco (28%), with Guinea (17%) and Algeria (15%) close behind. The vast majority of Spain arrivals came through Andalusia (80%). Algerians accounted for the majority of arrivals in the Spanish enclave of Ceuta (39%), but overall, only 1,967 people were registered as arriving there. The detainees’ nationality was not released by the police. But AFP reports that since Morocco’s clampdown on migration from its borders to Spain, smugglers and migrants have been pushed to seek out other routes, including those from Algeria.

Enjoy the new Cashback promotion from Liberty, and spend the benefit your way!

‘SPEND it how you like’ is the slogan for the new Cashback offer from LIBERTY SEGUROS, the preferred expat insurer in Spain, because it’s entirely up to you what you spend that extra cash on!

It’s simple too! Just take out a new car, home, life or funeral insurance from LIBERTY SEGUROS, to access this new Cashback offer. You’ll receive the Cashback directly into your bank account! Until 26th March 2020, existing customers who take out a new policy, on one or more of these insurance covers, can get €60 Cashback on each one. That means, for example, if you contract a new car policy, plus a life policy, you can get €120. Imagine what you could do with that money! New clients will also benefit. They will get €30 Cashback on the first policy, and, for all subsequent new policies, €60 each. Again, as an example, the first is a car policy providing €30 Cashback, and, if a home and life policy are contracted, too, that’s

another €120, making a possible Cashback total of €150. There is no limit on policies, so there is no limit on Cashback, whether you’re an existing or new customer! What better time could there be to switch to LIBERTY SEGUROS for even greater savings, and the best covers for all types of insurance? The main condition is that premiums are paid by direct debit, and all Cashback is credited to the same bank account. For convenience, payments can be set up both in Spain or in your home country bank account, as long as it is within the Single Euro Payments Area

(SEPA) zone. Customers must be aware that these offers are not for renewals or replacements, and apply only to new policies for car, home, life and funeral cover. Minimum premiums to access this offer are €200 for life insurance, and €160 for funeral. In the case of car, it will be €400 in mainland Spain and the Balearics, and €330 in the Canary Islands, and €220 and €160 for home premiums in the mainland/Balearics and Canary Islands, respectively. Over 175,000 expat clients have already chosen LIBERTY SEGUROS as their insurance provider, and this

figure grows almost daily, because of the excellent service and quality of cover they get. LIBERTY SEGUROS has an extensive network of more than 300 brokers/agents, who are dedicated to providing friendly and expert advice. Speaking your own language, these brokers and agents are available to discuss, faceto-face, the cover that will be perfect for you. This must be better than dealing with anyone, only by phone! To find the location of your nearest broker/agent, please visit or simply call 91 342 25 49.

7th February - 13th February 2020

School-uniform rip-offs will be thing of the past

HARD-UP parents in England have learned that the age-old, school uniform rip-off is about to fold. Labour MP Mike Amesbury, following a Sunday People newspaper campaign, will introduce a bill in Parliament this week, which is likely to become law by spring. Schools will be told they can specify basic items, such as trousers and shirts, but not styles. This means parents can buy cheaper, supermarket kit, instead of branded gear from a single supplier, costing an average of £340 a year for secondary schools and £255 for primaries. Dad Howard Callaway, 51, and wife Karen, 46, had been dreading the cost of fitting out their children with compulsory, branded kit. Mum-of-three Karen, a teaching assistant in Hull, said: “We can’t afford three branded sets, so this news is fantastic.” Her husband added: “Headteachers will be required to draw up a totally-inclusive uniforms’ policy.” One parent told the Poverty Commission: “The cost of school uniforms was like having to afford two Christmases. You start shopping at the beginning of the summer holiday, so you can pace yourself over the six weeks. “But, to do that, you have to take money out of the food budget, or pay less on the electric. Yet this stuff was essential until now, so you just had to afford it.” Shadow Education Secretary Angela Rayner wrote to Education Secretary Gavin Williamson, asking him to honour the pledge the Tories made four years ago. They promised to bring in statutory guidance, to end the practice of forcing parents to buy uniforms from one expensive supplier. But it never happened. But the new law will force the Government to follow the example of Wales, where school heads can specify basic items, such as trousers and shirts, but not styles, so parents will be able to shop around.


7th February - 13th February 2020

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A hostile edge to the deadly Coronavirus THE Coronavirus has brought out the hostile, racist side among some people, provoking attitudes and phobias aimed, specifically, at the Chinese population.

The outbreak has provoked a special campaign “I’M NOT A VIRUS”, which has been launched in an attempt to reduce the public’s ignorance. On Tuesday, Monica Su took her dogs for their daily walk, but, as she passed her neighbour, she was shocked by her change of attitude. Instead of greeting Monica, whenever she did when they bumped into each other, Monica was totally ignored by the neighbour, who walked in the opposite direction, to avoid her completely. The Chinese community are

also speaking out about the lack of customers eating at the family restaurants over the last few weeks. And student Belinda Cheng, another Chinese national, who takes the bus every day, says that all eyes are on her whenever she gets on. She receives intense looks from other passengers, which has never happened before, and makes her feel extremely uncomfortable. Only a few days earlier, she witnessed a group of teenagers shouting Coronavirus in the middle of

the street. Yet Monica and Belinda are among many Chinese individuals who were born in Spain! In addition, the virus has definitely sparked more racism against the Asian community, along with other Asians across Europe. In Valencia, the Asian community have begun campaigning, in the hope of bringing awareness, specifically, to separate the virus from the Asians. Their aim is to reduce the phobia and racism toward their communities across Spain. Various bodies from the International Organisation against Human Rights have also become involved, because of the negative attitudes displayed on social media. On Tuesday, the Chinese Ambassador to Spain made an appeal, in the hope of eliminating the discrimination against Chinese people. He stated that the enemy was Coronavirus, and not the people!

Free helpline to clear all doubts about virus

THE Canary Islands Government has installed a free telephone helpline, which will transmit all information relating to coronavirus, to resolve the doubts. In this way via 900 112 061, a nursing team, co-

ordinated by the Canarian Emergency Service, will respond to people’s requests regarding preventative measures, possibilities of infection and false concepts related to the virus. The Canarian Government insists on the importance of citizens being informed through different official sources, and this particular one will continue to be transmitted.

CW 12


SEVERAL famous Brits, living in Spain, have decided to seal their links with their adopted country and become Spanish citizens, following Brexit.

Michael Robinson (above), former pro footballer with Liverpool and other English teams, who transformed himself into a sports commentator in Spain after learning the lingo, made his début with its national radio and television broadcaster TVE in 1989, two years after he left the UK, and finished his career on the pitch with Club Atlético Osasuna, based in Pamplona. Since 1990, the 61-year-old has been one of the most recognisable voices on Canal+, where he was joint presenter with Carlos Martínez. And he has won two Premios Ondas (“Airwaves Awards”) and the Vázquez Montalbán International Journalism Award. Robinson would not have been able to vote in the June 2016 referendum on Brexit, since he had been resident outside the UK for more than 15 years. The outspoken man, born in Leicester, was firmly opposed

7th February - 13th February 2020

Famous Brits, who could not stand to be living elsewhere

to the UK leaving the European Union. “I’ve already started the process of getting Spanish nationality,” he revealed. “I refuse to be a foreigner in a country that has opened its arms and its homes to me.”

John Carlin (above), 63, was the first reporter to interview David Beckham after he signed for Real Madrid, and, as well as numerous British and US newspapers and television channels, he has worked in Argentina, where he lived for a while as a child since his British father was ambassador there, and also for El País. Carlin, born to a Spanish mother, did not have any problems in obtaining nationality in his adopted country. He actually felt “relieved” about Brexit happening,

even though he was strongly against it. “After 3½ years of fighting, it won’t be in my life, finally,” said Carlin. “I feel like you do in those complex marriages, in which one of the two is battling to save the relationship and, suddenly, realises it’s impossible. So he decides, ‘that’s it, stuff you, it’s over’. “You feel bad, because you know you’ve lost something, but you also feel liberated. I knew the time was coming to take a decision, so, two months ago I left my London flat and set up home for good in Spain. “As I’m the son of a Spanish woman and a British man, I’ve always had dual citizenship, but I recently got myself a Spanish DNI [National Identity Document] as a kind of life insurance.” He added: “Before Brexit, it would never have crossed my mind to do so. I was perfectly okay with my dual citizenship and British passport, but I want to carry on being a European citizen.”

North-London-born classical pianist James Rhodes, 44, has been living in Madrid since 2017, and the only connections he now has with his home country is a “close friend” and his grandmother, aged 96, whom he pops over to see, now and again. “Once she’s no longer here, I won’t have any real reason to be there,” he said. “But if anyone in the UK suffers from depression, I recommend they go to Spain. They’ll find themselves cured in a day!” James knows about mentalhealth problems, given that the sexual abuse he suffered at school left him with post-traumatic stress disorder, especially as he never saw justice done. The accused PE teacher died just before the case came to trial. After just two years of living in Spain, Rhodes has to wait another eight before he can become a Spanish national, and he has few good things to say about the UK public who voted for Brexit. “The day I have my Spanish passport in my hands will be

one of the happiest of my life,” he said. “After coming from the UK, Spain feels like Disneyland to me.” Other Brits living in Spain, who are determined their adopted country will be their forever home include Mark Howard, director of the British Council in Spain. “We Brits will continue to be European and international,” he said, optimistically. “What I find most exciting about my job is seeing young Spaniards studying in the UK, and new generations of Brits becoming more and more interested in learning Spanish.” Journalist Tom Burns, OBE, does not predict there will be much change after Brexit, although, with his mum, his wife and his children all being Spanish, he has decided to become Spanish himself. “Not for sentimental reasons, but for practical ones,” he said. “I still feel just as British as before. Christopher Dottie, chairman of the British Chamber of Commerce in Spain, was born on 1st January 1973, The very day the UK joined what was then called the European Economic Community (EEC): “I feel as though my life has been marked by this,” he said. “In fact, my twin sister and I appeared in the local paper and were dubbed ‘euro-twins’, because we were the first Brits to be born who had only ever been European.” 7th February - 13th February 2020


13 CW

CW 14


By Paul Montague Partner, blevins Franks

WHILE the Spanish state budget for 2020 is still pending, the local government in the Canary Isles has approved its regional budget, for 2020. This includes changes to income tax, and succession and gift tax (inheritance tax), which are applicable from 1st January 2020. Income tax The personal income-tax rates for general income are a combination of regional and state rates. Last year, the top regional rate in the Canary Isles was 22.5%, but two new brackets have been introduced for 2020: 25% for income over €90,000, and 26% for income over €120,000. When you add the state income-tax rates, the top rate for Canary Isles taxpayers could be around 48.5%. The state rates will be confirmed, once the new Spanish coalition government has finalised its 2020 budget, hopefully around summertime. Spanish Succession and Gift Tax (SSGT) 7th February - 13th February 2020

Canary Isles tax changes for 2020 The biggest changes approved in the 2020 Canary Islands budget affect the succession and gift-tax rules. Last year, the 99.9% relief for SSGT was extended to include Group III beneficiaries, but now this relief has been scaled back, and these are the new, applicable rules: Group I beneficiaries (descendants under 21): The 99.9% relief remains applicable, for both inheritance and lifetime gifts. Group II beneficiaries (descendants over 21, ascendants, spouses): The first €55,000 of tax due (i.e. after applying the tax rates and multipliers) always benefits from a 99.9% relief, for both inheritances and lifetime gifts. Any excess over €55,000 gets a variable relief, depending on the calculated tax due. The reliefs range from 90%, when the tax due is between €55,000 and €65,000, down to just 10%, when the tax due is between €275,000 and €305,000. There is no relief applicable, when the tax due is more than €305,000. Group III beneficiaries (e.g. siblings, cousins, nieces/ nephews; in-laws and stepchildren can also fall

in this group): The same threshold and reliefs as Group II, as outlined above, but, in this case, it only applies to inheritances, not gifts. While this SSGT reform could be disappointing, it may not affect your family. For example, we received a query from clients Mr and Mrs X, concerned about the SSGT consequences for them, under these new regional rules. Their main residence in the Canary Isles (Spain) is worth €330,000, they have a suitable investment bond, held outside Spain, valued at €460,000, and €5,500 in the bank in Spain.

The final straw!

PLASTIC straws will be withdrawn from all McDonald’s branches in Spain from 24th February, and the chain has already put its lastever straw up for auction on eBay. All proceeds raised from the eventual sale will go to the Ronald McDonald Foundation, which sets up family accommodation in hospitals so that parents can be with their sick children. The fast-food company plans to reduce its plastic waste by over 1,350 tonnes at the end of the year, in line with European Union requirements, but ahead of the deadlines set by the EU. Single-use plastic cups and cutlery will be replaced this year. The process began in 2019 with its salad bowls

and McFlurry ice-creams, and they are now sold in cardboard containers without tops. By 2018, a spokesperson for Spain’s McDonald’s said that 80% of its containers were from recycled, renewable or certified sources, and that it was aiming to reach 100%, within five years. McDonald’s restaurants in Spain all have recycling bins “to encourage good habits among customers”, and, since 2009, all used

cooking oil is collected up for producing bio-diesel. The chain has been redesigning its restaurants in Spain since 2007, to include more energy-efficient construction elements and fixtures, both in the dining area and the kitchens, focusing heavily on heating, air-conditioning and lighting. And, since 2009, McDonald’s in Spain has been monitoring its electricity use round the clock, to ensure that none of it is being wasted.

Once you deduct the main home allowance (99%, provided it is kept for five years, maximum €200,000) and the personal reduction (€40,000 for Group II beneficiaries), the total tax due is approximately €33,000. With no multipliers needed here, this falls below the €55,000 threshold, so the 99.9% relief applies, as it did before. The survivor’s estimated tax bill is around €30. (All assets are jointly owned, and values include the 3% household items assumption. Figures have been rounded up). Although the SSGT tax allowances have been scaled back in the region,

they continue to offer considerable tax savings for most beneficiaries, compared with the pre-2016, Canary Isles tax rates. It is important to take steps to reduce or completely avoid succession and gift tax if there is, indeed, a liability in Spain, and also in the UK. With personalised, specialist advice there are steps you can take to make Spain a tax-efficient place to live, and to set up effective estate planning, to make life easier and less costly for your heirs. For bespoke advice on your situation, talk to Paul Montague, Blevins Franks adviser for the Canary Isles. The tax rates, scope and reliefs may change. Any statements concerning taxation are based upon our understanding of current taxation laws and practices, which are subject to change. Tax information has been summarised; an individual is advised to seek personalised advice. Keep up to date on the financial issues that may affect you on the Blevins Franks news page at www.

Menthol cigarette sales will cost dealers a mint SPANISH sellers can be fined a maximum €10,000 for selling menthol cigarettes from 20th May, following an EU ban on minty tobacco products. The new law, enacted to deter youngsters from smoking, will affect the whole of the EU, and even the UK, during its Brexit transition period, which ends on 31st December. In Spain it will be considered a “serious offence” to sell these cigarette brands, and the maximum fine could be issued to any tobacconist or bar, selling menthol tobacco after the specified date. Around 66% of smokers take up smoking before turning 18, according to Cancer Research UK. The Commissioner for the Tobacco Market of the Ministry of Finance is set to take over the inspection of menthol tobacco, a duty now performed by the Guardia Civil. Directive 2014/40/EU was imposed in Spain through

Royal Decree 579/2017, which regulates the manufacture and marketing of tobacco, among other things. The General Directorate of Public Health will also assume responsibilities to ensure that each of Spain’s 17 regions complies with the ban. It comes after tobacco giant Philip Morris, which owns Marlboro, among other brands, launched an unsuccessful appeal to the European Court of Justice to get the new law overturned. “The regulations were lawful when they were promulgated by Parliament, and they are lawful now in the light of the most up-to-date evidence,” said High Court judge Mr Justice Green. The ban on menthol cigarettes is set to end their almost 100-year history in the EU. They were invented by Lloyd ‘Spud’ Hughes in 1925, before the Axton-Fisher Tobacco Company acquired the patent in 1927. 7th February - 13th February 2020

TV Choice

15 CW

The BRITs at 40

Monday 10th February, BBC1, 21.00

Rio & Kate: Becoming A Stepfamily

This intimate and powerful documentary follows the Ferdinand family, as Rio’s fiancée Kate Wright integrates into the family and becomes a stepmum to Rio’s three children, Lorenz, Tate and Tia. This is the next stage in the family’s journey and follows on from the Bafta Award-winning and critically acclaimed 2017 documentary, Rio Ferdinand: Being Mum And Dad. In the months leading up to their wedding, this deeply personal film will look at the emotionally complicated dilemmas this newly formed family unit face following Rio’s wife Rebecca’s passing in 2015. For 27 year old Kate, taking on not only the role as girlfriend and fiancée to Rio, but also of ‘mum’ to three grieving children, and with the memory of Rebecca still very much present, a set of unique, emotionally complicated challenges emerge. Stepfamilies are now the fastest growing family type in the UK. It’s estimated that one in three of all families are now blended families. In search of answers, Kate and Rio meet other stepparents, and visit specialist child bereavement charities as they explore the types of support on offer to those in this complex situation.

Tuesday 11th February, ITV1, 20.00 With a week to go before the 40th BRIT Awards, Jack Whitehall delves into the archives and narrates this entertaining look back at over four decades of highlights from Britain’s biggest music show. Jack offers his unique assessment of the most memorable moments in BRITs history, from Mick Fleetwood and Sam Fox’s hosting disaster, Geri’s Union Jack dress and Oasis and Blur’s nineties beef to Madonna’s calamitous cape, Rihanna and Drake getting raunchy at work, Stormzy speaking out and Adele’s show-stopping Someone Like You. The show includes exclusive interviews from Mel B, Mick Fleetwood, Little Mix, Sam Smith, Ellie Goulding, Sharon Osbourne, Bros, Dua Lipa, Rick Astley, Sir Tom Jones, Robbie Williams and many more.

CW 16

TV Guide

7th February - 13th February 2020

CW watch


Saturday 8th February, BBC1, 19.10

The Greatest Dancer

The competition continues as the remaining ten acts take to the stage for another of our live challenge shows. Each dance act is competing to win £50,000, a chance to dance on Strictly Come Dancing and be crowned The Greatest Dancer. Every week, each dance act is set a challenge which they must tackle with their Dance Captain to create an unforgettable performance. For the first time the power is in the hands of the viewers at home, as they vote to decide who stays in the competition. For our four Dance Captains Todrick Hall, Cheryl, Matthew Morrison (pictured) and Oti Mabuse, the pressure is on as they mentor their acts through the rest of the live challenge shows.

Sunday 9th February, ITV1, 20.00


ITV’s hugely popular detective drama, Endeavour, returns for a seventh highly-anticipated series. The latest series of critically-acclaimed drama, which is produced by leading drama indie Mammoth Screen - part of ITV Studios - in partnership with Masterpiece, will consist of three, brand new interconnecting feature-length films. Each film has once again been written by Russell Lewis who has penned all 27 Endeavour screenplays to date. Shaun Evans reprises his role as DS Endeavour Morse, alongside Roger Allam as DCI Fred Thursday, for a new set of compelling cases. Following the success of his directorial debut on the drama during series six, Shaun Evans has also directed the first film of the new series. In addition, Anton Lesser (Game Of Thrones) returns as CS Reginald Bright, Sean Rigby (Gunpowder) as DS Jim Strange, James Bradshaw (Close To The Enemy) as Dr Max DeBryn, Abigail Thaw (I Want My Wife Back) as Dorothea Frazil and Caroline O’Neill (Last Tango In Halifax) as Win Thursday. The new trilogy of films mark Endeavour and his colleagues entering a new decade and era of change. Opening on New Year’s Eve 1969, normal order has been resumed and the team reunited at Castle Gate CID, with Chief Superintendent Bright back in charge. However, the events of the past year have left their mark, and the new series will see old friendships challenged and new relationships blossom.

TV Guide

7th February - 13th February 2020

17 CW

his week’s BEST Sunday 9th February, BBC1, 21.00

The Pale Horse

Monday 10th February, BBC2, 21.00

Mary Beard’s Shock Of The Nude

A mysterious list of names is found in the shoe of a dead woman. Antiques dealer Mark Easterbrook (Rufus Sewell) is determined to find out why his name is on the list, and his investigations lead him to the home of three spinsters, The Pale Horse in the village of Much Deeping. As more deaths occur, Mark finds himself thinking the unthinkable. Could this all be the work of witchcraft, and is he himself cursed? Paranoia eats at Mark. Who wants him dead, and how can he save himself from the curse?

In episode two Mary looks at an eclectic range of works to show how artists have challenged the idea of ‘the body beautiful’, and explores how artistic nudes can provoke viewers to consider fundamental questions about being human. Mary begins with the sculpture, Alison Lapper Pregnant. In 2005 when this figure of a disabled artist by Marc Quinn was installed in Trafalgar Square, it caused a sensation, challenging public expectations about what a nude sculpture in a classical style should be. She also looks at how in the hands of some artists, the naked body represents the inner state of mind - as seen in the works of the extraordinary turn of the century Viennese artist Egon Schiele. In addition, Mary looks at Lucian Freud, who reinvented the nude in the mid-20th century with his intimate, fleshy portraits of men and women, talking to a model who sat for him. And with the help of Dr Denise Murrell, she discusses the history of the black nude in Western art and how it was reimagined in the 20th century. Mary looks back at photographer Sally Mann’s images of her own children in the 1990s, considering the controversy that surrounded their exhibition. She interrogates the work of Eric Gill, who made engravings of his teenage daughter Petra. Together with artist Cathie Pilkington, who recently co-curated a show of Gill’s work, Mary ponders whether these works can or should still be appreciated, when you learn that Gill sexually abused his daughter. Mary also looks at society’s shifting perception of gender, from the binary male/female to a more fluid concept, and contemplates what that might mean for the nude in art.

Tuesday 11th February, BBC1, 21.00

The Split

The Split delves back into the world of a high-flying family of lawyers, where Hannah Stern (Nicola Walker) is busy negotiating complex divorce cases whilst being confronted by difficulties in her own family. Although Hannah (Nicola Walker) and Nathan’s (Stephen Mangan) marriage seems to be back on track, she hasn’t forgive him for his past indiscretions, and is continuing her relationship with Christie (Barry Atsma) in secret. With pressure mounting on her in her personal life, Hannah (Nicola Walker) meets a new client at work who needs her help - TV presenter Fi Hansen (Donna Air). While Hannah, Nina (Annabel Scholey) and Christie negotiate the new world order of Noble Hale Defoe, Ruth (Deborah Findlay) comes to terms with a different pace of life, and Zander (Chukwudi Iwuji) introduces an unsettling new colleague to the firm.

Thursday 13th February, BBC2, 21.00

Hospital The award-winning Hospital returns to Merseyside to chart the day-to-day life of six NHS Trusts across Liverpool, whose hospitals have a catchment area covering more than two and a half million people, stretching beyond the city to North Wales and the Isle of Man. Filmed this winter, as A&E waiting times hit their highest ever recorded levels and exceptional demand is placing the NHS under severe pressure, Hospital is the story of the health service in unprecedented times. Three years after it was due to open Liverpool’s brand new, state-ofthe-art Royal Liverpool Hospital remains unfinished, following the collapse of the building contractor Carillion at the beginning of 2018. With the subsequent discovery of serious structural problems, the building is now not due to open until 2022. Despite the new hospital not yet being ready, an ambitious merger of Liverpool’s two biggest hospital Trusts - The Royal Liverpool and Aintree University Hospital - is going ahead. The aim is to improve patient care by removing duplication of services. With both hospitals at capacity, A&E busy and emergencies arriving that need life-saving surgery, a complicated jigsaw ensues. Hundreds of patients, staff and state-of-the-art equipment are transported across the City, and 11 of the old Royal’s 12 operating theatres are closed for 24 hours. But an emergency call comes in: a patient with just a 50/50 chance of survival, and potentially just minutes to live, needs life-saving surgery to repair a burst aortic aneurysm. As 74 year-old David’s situation is so critical, there’s no time for a last goodbye to his family. Meanwhile, 91 year-old Ron, who slipped and fell, has arrived at The Royal with a suspected hip fracture - but the hospital is no longer supposed to be taking orthopaedic patients. Ron needs immediate life-saving surgery, without which he may not survive. And in critical care at old The Royal, Blessing, a 27 year-old mum of two is seriously ill with Lupus, an incurable auto-immune disease. She has developed sepsis, which could kill her, but she’s too ill to follow the move to Aintree for an orthopaedic operation, and the equipment the clinicians need for her operation has already gone to Aintree.

CW 18

Fri 7 feb 2020

TV Guide

06:00....................... Breakfast 09:15.......Fraud Squad NHS 10:00....... Homes Under the Hammer 11:00..............Wanted Down Under 11:45.............. Defenders UK 12:15............... Bargain Hunt 13:00....... BBC News at One 13:45..........................Doctors 14:15............. Shakespeare & Hathaway - Private Investigators 15:00....................... Escape to the Country 15:45 .................The Farmers’ Country Showdown 16:30....Antiques Road Trip 17:15........................Pointless 18:00..... BBC News at Six 19:00........The One Show 19:30.......Garden Rescue 20:00............. EastEnders 20:30..............A Question of Sport 21:00.. Would I Lie to You? 21:30............... King Gary 22:00.... BBC News at Ten 22:35............ The Graham Norton Show 23:25...................RuPaul’s Drag Race UK 00:30............... BBC News

06:30..............Wanted Down Under 07:15....Antiques Road Trip 08:00.......... MasterChef: The Professionals 09:00............. BBC News at 9 10:00... Victoria Derbyshire 11:00..BBC Newsroom Live 12:15.................. Politics Live 13:00..Get Away for Winter 13:45.............................. Coast 14:50.......... Talking Pictures 15:35..............Love is a Many Splendored Thing 17:15............................Flog It! 18:00.....Richard Osman’s House of Games 18:30............. Great Asian Railway Journeys 19:00............Saving Lives at Sea 19:30................. Celebrity Antiques Road Trip 20:30...........Our Coast watch 21:30............................ QI 22:00....... Frankie Boyle’s Tour of Scotland 22:30..............Newsnight 23:05...... Front Row Late 23:45................Southside With You 01:00...............Panorama 01:35............Doctor Who

06:00............. Good Morning Britain

08:55.................................. Kirstie’s Vintage Gems

06:00 .......................Monkey Life 07:00 ... RSPCA Animal Rescue 08:00 ................. Dog Whisperer 09:00 ..............Motorway Patrol 10:00 .. The Force: Manchester 11:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles 13:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0 15:00 ...........................MacGyver 16:00 ................. Modern Family 17:00 ................... The Simpsons 17:30 ............................Futurama 18:00.................... Futurama 18:30............. The Simpsons 20:30 ...........Modern Family 21:00........................ COBRA 22:00............... The Late Late Show with James Corden: Best of the Week 23:00................... The Russell Howard Hour 00:00..................... Avenue 5 00:35........... Micky Flanagan Thinking Aloud 01:30......................Brit Cops: Frontline Crime


09:15............ A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 10:10............ A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 11:15..................Love it or List it 12:15..........Find it, Fix it, Flog it 13:15..........Find it, Fix it, Flog it 14:15......................Four in a Bed 14:50......................Four in a Bed 15:20......................Four in a Bed 15:50......................Four in a Bed 16:20......................Four in a Bed 16:55.................... The Secret Life of the Zoo 17:55..................Love it or List it 18:55......................Car S.O.S 19:55......................Escape to the Chateau: DIY 21:00............. Just One Look 22:10............ The Passenger 23:15..........24 Hours in A&E 01:20.........Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA


09:00......................... Lorraine 10:00............... This Morning 12:30............. Loose Women 13:30..............ITV Lunchtime News 14:00............... Judge Rinder 15:00..........................Tenable 15:59...................ITV London 16:00...............Tipping Point 17:00 ....................The Chase 18:00................. ITV News London 18:30............ ITV Evening News 19:00............ Emmerdale 19:30..............Coronation Street 20:30................The Greek Islands with Julia Bradbury 21:00..........Grantchester 22:00...... ITV News at Ten and Weather

06:30 ................................. Cheers 07:20 ................ King of Queens 08:10 .............. Everybody Loves Raymond 09:10.................................. Frasier 10:10.... Undercover Boss USA 11:05.............. Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:00 ...............Channel 4 News 12:05 .......................Sun, Sea and Selling Houses 13:05 ..................... Escape to the Chateau: DIY 14:10 ....................... Countdown 15:00 ........... A Place in the Sun 16:00.... A New Life in the Sun 17:00................... Couples Come Dine with Me 18:00 .............The Simpsons 18:30................... Hollyoaks 19:00......... Channel 4 News 20:00...... Jamie and Jimmy’s Friday Night Feast 21:00........... 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 22:00................ The Last Leg 23:05.The Big Narstie Show 00:10.................... Last Vegas 7th February - 13th February 2020

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV 09:15 .......................Jeremy Vine

07:00............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show

11:15 .........................Paddington Station 24/7

07:50 ........................ Emmerdale

12:10 ..........5 News Lunchtime

08:50 ..... You’ve Been Framed!

12:15 .........................GPs: Behind Closed Doors

09:20......................... Superstore

13:10 ..................................Access 13:15 .............. Home and Away 13:45....................... Neighbours 14:15 ...........Love You to Death 16:00 ................................ Friends 16:30 ................................ Friends 17:00........................ 5 News at 5 17:30....................... Neighbours 18:00 .........Home and Away 18:30 .......... 5 News Tonight 19:00 ............Canada: A Year in the Wild

08:20 ........................ Emmerdale

09:45 ......................... Superstore 10:15 .......................Dinner Date 11:15 .............. Dress to Impress 12:15 ........................ Emmerdale 12:45 ........................ Emmerdale 13:15 ..... You’ve Been Framed! 13:50.............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:45 .......Supermarket Sweep 15:50 .......................Dinner Date 16:55 .............. Dress to Impress 18:00.... You’ve Been Framed!

20:00...........Secret Scotland

20:00...... Two and a Half Men

21:00...........Holidaying with Jane McDonald

21:00 ....................Love Island 22:05 .................... Family Guy

22:00........ Inside the World’s Greatest Hotels

23:30 ..............American Dad!

23:05.....................Sabotage 00:05.......................... Access 00:10.....................Sabotage

00:30..... The Cleveland Show 01:25...... Two and a Half Men 01:55...... Two and a Half Men

22:30................. ITV News London 22:45................ Cold Feet 23:45.......Dancing on Ice 01:25.............Ideal World

07:10............................... Cops UK: Bodycam Squad 08:00..............American Pickers 09:00................Storage Hunters 09:30................Storage Hunters 10:00..............American Pickers 11:00..............American Pickers 12:00...........Cop Car Workshop 13:00.............................. Top Gear 14:00............................... Cops UK: Bodycam Squad 15:00..................Sin City Motors 16:00.............................. Top Gear 17:00.............................. Top Gear 18:00............................ QI XL 19:00.......... Richard Osman’s House of Games 19:40..... Would I Lie to You? 21:00....... Live at the Apollo 22:00..................Taskmaster 23:00................................. QI 00:20........... Mock the Week 01:00................................. QI

Our Coast

BBC2, 20.30

With the UK’s identity as an island nation more important today than for the last 50 years, presenters Adrian Chiles, Mehreen Baig and a team of experts explore four spectacular coastlines linked by the Irish Sea, and meet the people who call them home. Episode one: The Merseyside Coast Tonight’s show visits the Merseyside Coast, stretching from Sefton Sands in the North to the Wirral in the South, via the great port city of Liverpool. Arriving just in time for the docking of the Queen Mary 2, Adrian goes on board to explore the nooks and crannies of what is the largest ocean crossing liner in the world, meeting passengers who have deep personal connections to the port of Liverpool and the staff who are there to meet their every need. Mehreen meanwhile is off to board a slightly smaller craft, run by one of the oldest lifeboat stations anywhere in the country - the Hoylake Hovercraft. She gets the chance to join the crew as they embark on a full rescue drill, answering the call of someone who has got stuck in the notorious mud flats of the Dee Estuary. Other highlights of the show include historian Emma Dabiri on the hunt for a Viking ship that might just be buried under a Wirral pub car park; environmental scientist Tara Shine finding out how the people of Formby are protecting one of the country’s last thriving colonies of red squirrels; and engineer Danielle George puts on her hard hat to visit the Birkenhead Hydraulic Tower, a local titan of Victorian industry which was bombed in the Blitz and is now about to become the centrepiece of an industrial renaissance. Finally, Adrian and Mehreen pay a visit to one man who has pulled himself up from his very modest Bootle upbringing to become one of Liverpool’s richest men - and owner of the biggest mansion on the coast. Why does he love the Merseyside coast so much that, even with all the money in the world, he’ll never leave?

Sat 8 feb 2020 7th February - 13th February 2020

TV Guide

19 CW

06:00....................... Breakfast 10:00.........................Saturday Kitchen Live 11:30......... Lose Weight and Get Fit with Tom Kerridge 12:00.............Football Focus 12:30............... Bargain Hunt 13:00......................BBC News 13:10.........................Weather 13:15..................Britain’s Best Home Cook 14:10.................... Maleficent 15:40......................BBC News 15:50.....BBC London News 16:00.....Live Six Nations Rugby Union

CW watch

19:10........... The Greatest Dancer 20:55................. Casualty 21:45..Mrs. Brown’s Boys 22:15............... BBC News 22:25..................Weather 22:30..................Match of the Day 23:05................Free State of Jones 01:20...... Weather for the Week Ahead 01:25............... BBC News

06:45................ Wild & Weird 07:00....................... Top Class 07:30.......... The Dog Ate My Homework 08:00..................... Blue Peter 08:30......................Deadly 60 09:00.. How Earth Made Us 10:00...................Robot Wars 11:00......................Our Coast 12:00............Rick Stein From Venice to Istanbul 13:00..............Natural World 13:40.......... Talking Pictures 14:20.............. Three Coins in the Fountain 16:00................. Trust Me, I’m a Doctor 16:30....................Final Score 17:10............................Flog It! 17:30.....10 Puppies and Us 18:30........Cities: Nature’s New Wild 19:30.............Dad’s Army 20:00...... Great American Railroad Journeys 21:00....................... QI XL 21:45.....Live at the Apollo 22:30....................Snowfall 23:55...While We’re Young 01:25...... This is BBC Two

06:00.................... Dino Dana 06:10.......................... Super 4 06:35.. Thunderbirds are Go 07:00................. Dare Master 07:05.................The Tom and Jerry Show 07:30...................Scrambled! 07:35.....................Mr Magoo 07:50........................ Mr. Bean 08:10............................Ben 10 08:30.. Thunderbirds are Go 09:05......Craig of the Creek 09:25....................... ITV News 09:30.......Saturday Morning with James Martin 11:40.......Living on the Veg 12:40................. Save Money: Lose Weight 13:10....................... ITV News 13:25.......... Six Nations Live 16:35...............Tipping Point 17:30....................... ITV News 18:00...........Catchphrase 19:00............ The Masked Singer 20:30.......... The Voice UK 22:00................ ITV News 22:20................ The Nutty Professor 00:05........Shopping with Keith Lemon

Six Nations - Scotland v England CW watch BBC1, 16.00 Live coverage as Scotland welcome the auld enemy England to Murrayfield Stadium in their second match of the 2020 Six Nations. After losing eight straight matches against England, the Scots are unbeaten in their last two against the Red Rose. A famous 25-13 victory at Murrayfield in 2018 was followed up by an extraordinary 38-38 draw at Twickenham last year. Scotland need no further motivation when facing the English, but they will be keen to right the wrongs of what was a hugely disappointing World Cup for Gregor Townsend’s side.

06:00...................... Mike & Molly

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV

06:25...................... Mike & Molly

10:10 ...............The Loud House

06:45.................................. Cheers

10:25.................................. Access


10:30............ WWE SmackDown Highlights

08:35.................................. The Big Bang Theory

11:25 ..................................Access

07:00...................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:15............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show 08:05............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show

09:30.................... The Simpsons

11:40 ................................ Friends

08:55............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show

12:30......................... Snoopy and Charlie Brown: The Peanuts Movie

13:10 ......... Our Yorkshire Farm

09:50............... Dress to Impress

17:05..................5 News Update

10:50............... Dress to Impress

17:10........ Anne Boleyn: Queen for a Thousand Days

11:50........Supermarket Sweep

18:55............5 News Update

13:55...... You’ve Been Framed!

14:10......................Four in a Bed 16:50...................................A Place in the Sun 17:35...............................Location, Location, Location

19:00...................Digging Up Britain’s Past 20:00.......Ancient Mysteries

18:30.......... Channel 4 News

21:00...........The Dark Tower

19:00................. A Royal Tour of the 20th Century

22:05............5 News Update

20:00................. The Queen’s Lost Family 21:00.......................Whitney

22:10...........The Dark Tower 23:05.......Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters 00:40......................Make You Laugh Out Loud

12:50........Supermarket Sweep 14:30.......................... Richie Rich 16:20..................Valentine’s Day 18:45...............................Pan 21:00..................Love Island 22:05.................. Family Guy 22:30.................. Family Guy 23:00.................. Family Guy 23:30............ American Dad! 23:55............ American Dad! 00:30...The Cleveland Show

01:10................ The Last Leg

01:05........The 21.Co.UK Live Casino Show

08:55 ............ Food Unwrapped

06:00 .......................Monkey Life

07:10.................. Hurricane Man

09:30 ........... A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun

06:30 .......................Monkey Life

08:00.............................. Top Gear

12:35............Location, Location, Location

07:00 ................. Modern Family

09:00................Storage Hunters

08:05 ................. Modern Family

09:30................Storage Hunters

09:15 ................. Modern Family

10:00.................... Aussie Pickers

09:50 ................Dolittle: Special

11:00..............American Pickers

10:00 .....................What’s Up TV

12:00............................... Cops UK: Bodycam Squad

23:20....... Hitman: Agent 47

13:35............Location, Location, Location 14:40........ Come Dine with Me 15:10........ Come Dine with Me 15:45........ Come Dine with Me 16:15........ Come Dine with Me 16:50........ Come Dine with Me 17:20......................Four in a Bed 17:50......................Four in a Bed 18:25............... Four in a Bed 18:55............... Four in a Bed 19:25............... Four in a Bed 20:00......................... 999: On the Frontline 21:00........9/11: 102 Minutes That Changed America 23:05..........24 Hours in A&E 00:10................... Father Ted 00:45................... Father Ted 01:15.......... It Was Alright In

10:30 ........................Soccer A.M. 12:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0 14:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0

00:55.........Ibiza Weekender

15:00.......................Border Force: America’s Gatekeepers

15:00 ................... Gillette Soccer Saturday

16:00.............................. Top Gear

17:00 ................... The Simpsons

18:00.................... Room 101

18:00 .............The Simpsons 19:00 .............The Simpsons 19:30 ...........Modern Family 20:00 ........A League of Their Own: European Road Trip 21:00........................ Mission: Impossible III

17:00......... Scrapyard Supercar 18:40.................... Room 101 19:20.................... Room 101 20:00.............Not Going Out 21:20.............Not Going Out 22:00............... Hypothetical

23:15..................... The Heist

23:00............ Have I Got a Bit More News for You

00:15................... The Russell Howard Hour

00:00..............Dave Gorman: Modern Life is Goodish

01:20......................Brit Cops: Frontline Crime

01:00............ Have I Got a Bit More News for You

CW 20

TV Guide

Sun 9 feb 2020 7th February - 13th February 2020

CW watch 06:00....................... Breakfast 08:25....... Match of the Day 09:00.................. The Andrew Marr Show 10:00............................Sunday Politics London 10:30 .... The Big Questions 11:30........................... Wanted Down Under 12:15............... Bargain Hunt 13:00......................BBC News 13:15........... Songs of Praise 13:50....................... Escape to the Country 14:30......Live Six Nations Rugby Union watch 17:15............Garden Rescue 17:45......................BBC News 18:10.............Countryfile 19:10.......Doctor Who watch 20:00.... Call the Midwife 21:00...... Agatha Christie Marple: The Pale Horse 22:00............... BBC News 22:30..................Match of the Day 2 23:15...........The Women’s Football Show 23:45............Women’s Six Nations Highlights 00:15............... BBC News


CW watch

06:45 ................... The Instant Gardener 07:30.....The Edible Garden

06:00................Childrens’ TV 08:30... Kung Fu Panda: The Paws of Destiny

08:00..... Celebrity Antiques Road Trip

09:05......Craig of the Creek

09:00................... Countryfile

09:30......................... Ainsley’s Caribbean Kitchen

10:00.........Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 11:30.......... The Hairy Bikers’ Comfort Food 12:15..............Natural World 13:00..................Back in Time for the Factory 14:00.........The World’s Most Extraordinary Homes 15:00.......... Talking Pictures 15:30.......... To Catch a Thief 17:15............................Flog It! 18:00......... Undiscovered Worlds with Steve Backshall 19:00............. Ski Sunday 20:00.................Top Gear 21:00................... Win the Wilderness: Alaska 22:00...The Ranganation 22:45....... Frankie Boyle’s Tour of Scotland 23:15..........Nightcrawler 01:10......... The Unknown Girl

09:35.............. Car S.O.S. Special: 7 Day Challenge

10:30.......Living on the Veg 11:30 .......The Greek Islands with Julia Bradbury 12:00...ITV Lunchtime News

11:30........ Come Dine with Me 12:35........ Come Dine with Me 13:40........ Come Dine with Me 14:10......................Four in a Bed 14:40......................Four in a Bed 15:15......................Four in a Bed 15:50......................Four in a Bed 16:20......................Four in a Bed 16:50......Escape to the Chateau 17:55......Escape to the Chateau 18:55......................Escape to the Chateau 20:00................... Emergency Helicopter Medics 21:00....999: On the Frontline 22:00...................... Shocking Emergency Calls UK 23:05.......... 999: What’s Your Emergency? 00:05..........24 Hours in A&E 01:10.................. 999: On the Frontline

06:00 ................ King of Queens 06:50 .............. Everybody Loves Raymond 07:40 ......The Big Bang Theory

12:05................The Voice UK

08:00.......The Big Bang Theory

13:35....The Masked Singer

08:25 ...........Jamie and Jimmy’s Friday Night Feast

15:05......................The Secret Life of Pets 16:40.............. ITV News and Weather 16:55...... ITV News London 17:00...................... The Chase Celebrity Special 18:00.......Dancing on Ice 20:00............. Endeavour 22:00................ ITV News

09:30 .................Sunday Brunch 12:30 ................... The Simpsons 12:55 ................... The Simpsons 13:25 ................... The Simpsons 13:55 ................... The Simpsons 14:25 ......Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul 16:10............ A Place in the Sun 16:55................... Men in Black II 18:30.......... Channel 4 News

22:15..........The Food and Drink Awards

19:00........ The Great Pottery Throw Down

23:10..... Bradley Walsh & Son: Breaking Dad

20:00....... My Family and the Galapagos

23:40..............Six Nations Highlights 00:35......................... Liar

Doctor Who BBC1, 19.10

06:00 ..........The Hour of Power 07:00 .......................Monkey Life 08:00 .......................Monkey Life 08:30 ................. Modern Family 09:30 ................. Modern Family 10:30 ................. Modern Family 11:00 ................... The Simpsons 12:00 .......................Magnum P.I. 13:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles 15:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles 16:00................... The Simpsons 16:30 ................... The Simpsons 17:00................... The Simpsons 17:30................... The Simpsons 18:00 .............The Simpsons 18:30 .............The Simpsons 19:00 .............The Simpsons 19:30 .............The Simpsons 20:00 ............... Magnum P.I. 21:00 ............. Hawaii Five-0 22:00...... NCIS: Los Angeles 23:00......................... COBRA 00:00....................... S.W.A.T. 01:00.....................The Force: Manchester

entertaining. After stunning Les Bleus in Rome in 2011 and 2013, the Italians have lost their last six Six Nations matches to the French - including a 25-14 defeat last year.

09:25....................... ITV News

From ancient Syria to present-day Sheffield and out into the wilds of space, something is stalking the Doctor and her friends... As Graham, Yaz and Ryan return home to see friends and family, they find themselves haunted by very different experiences. Who is the figure calling from beyond the stars for help, and why? And what are the fearsome Chagaskas terrorising Aleppo in 1380?

08:55............. Food Unwrapped

Six Nations - France v Italy Live coverage comes from the Stade de France in Paris, as France take on Italy in a Six Nations fixture that is always BBC1, 14.30

07:10.................. Hurricane Man 08:00.............................. Top Gear 09:00..................................... Red Bull Soapbox Race 10:00.......Steve Austin’s Broken Skull Challenge 11:00............Cops UK: Bodycam Squad 13:00........................... Drug Wars 14:00.................... Aussie Pickers 15:00..............American Pickers 16:00............................Room 101 18:00........................ Red Bull Soapbox Race 19:00............... Border Force: America’s Gatekeepers 20:00............... Border Force: America’s Gatekeepers 21:00............ Have I Got a Bit More News for You 22:00............................ QI XL 23:00....... Live at the Apollo 00:00........... Mock the Week 00:40............ Have I Got a Bit More News for You

21:00...................... SAS: Who Dares Wins 22:00...............................Spy 00:20....................Southpaw

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV 10:15 ...............The Loud House 10:25 ..................................Access 10:30 ..... WWE Raw Highlights 11:30 ............Cruising with Jane McDonald 11:50................................ Friends 14:20 ..................Evan Almighty 15:20...................................Access 15:25...................Evan Almighty 16:10..........Wonderful World of Animal Babies 17:10..........Wonderful World of Animal Babies 18:05........................Inside... 18:55............5 News Update 19:00............... Secrets of the Royal Palaces 20:00..........Walking Britain’s Lost Railways 21:00............. The Wonderful World of Chocolate 22:00...... Indecent Proposal 23:05.......................... Access 23:10...... Indecent Proposal 00:20........ The Sex Business

07:00...................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:15...... You’ve Been Framed! 07:45............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show 08:35............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show 09:25............... Dress to Impress 10:25.......... The Masked Singer 11:55........Supermarket Sweep 13:00........Supermarket Sweep 14:00...... You’ve Been Framed! 14:30...... You’ve Been Framed! 15:05.............. The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas 16:55............Hotel Transylvania 18:40................San Andreas 21:00..................Love Island 22:05.........Ibiza Weekender 23:10.................. Family Guy 00:05............ American Dad! 00:35............ American Dad! 01:05...The Cleveland Show 01:30....................Don’t Hate the Playaz

Mon 10 feb 2020 7th February - 13th February 2020

TV Guide

21 CW

06:00....................... Breakfast 09:15.......Fraud Squad NHS 10:00....... Homes Under the Hammer 11:00..............Wanted Down Under 11:45.............. Defenders UK 12:15............... Bargain Hunt 13:00....... BBC News at One 13:45..........................Doctors 14:15............. Shakespeare & Hathaway - Private Investigators 15:00....................... Escape to the Country 15:45..................The Farmers’ Country Showdown 16:30....Antiques Road Trip 17:15........................Pointless 18:00..... BBC News at Six 19:00........The One Show 19:30............... Inside Out London 20:00............. EastEnders 20:30...............Panorama 21:00.......... Rio and Kate: Becoming a Stepfamily 22:00.... BBC News at Ten 22:35.................Ladhood 23:00..............A Question of Sport 23:30............ The Graham Norton Show 00:20............... BBC News

CW watch Adam comes out on top, but his excitement is s h o r t- l i ve d when reality hits. Karen is put in an impossible position. In the wake of her mother’s death Jenny makes a discovery that sends her into a tailspin.

06:00........................... Wanted Down Under 06:45....Antiques Road Trip 07:30.......... MasterChef: The Professionals 08:30....................... The Week in Parliament 09:00............. BBC News at 9 10:00... Victoria Derbyshire 11:00..BBC Newsroom Live 12:15.................. Politics Live 13:00..................Women’s Six Nations Highlights 13:30.................Walks of Life 14:30.The Best Dishes Ever 15:00....................... Red Rock 15:45....... Patagonia: Earth’s Secret Paradise 16:45..........................Wild UK 17:15............................Flog It! 18:00.....Richard Osman’s House of Games 18:30............. Great Asian Railway Journeys 19:00......The Twinstitute 19:30........... Mastermind 20:00......... Only Connect 20:30............... University Challenge 21:00...........Mary Beard’s Shock of the Nude 22:00............. Inside No 9 22:30..............Newsnight 23:15.........The Bank That Almost Broke Britain 00:15........... The Farmers’ Country Showdown

06:30.................................. Cheers 07:20................. King of Queens 08:10............................Everybody 09:00......................... Lorraine Loves Raymond 10:00............... This Morning 09:10...................................Frasier 10:05.....Undercover Boss USA 12:30............. Loose Women 11:05...............Ramsay’s Kitchen 13:30.................ITV Lunchtime Nightmares USA News 12:00................Channel 4 News 14:00............... Judge Rinder 12:05..........Find it, Fix it, Flog it 13:05...................... Escape to the 15:00..........................Tenable Chateau: DIY 15:59...................ITV London 14:10........................ Countdown 16:00...............Tipping Point 15:00............ A Place in the Sun 16:00..... A New Life in the Sun 17:00.....................The Chase 17:00.................... Couples Come 18:00................. ITV News Dine with Me London 18:00..............The Simpsons 19:00............ Emmerdale 18:30.................... Hollyoaks 19:00.......... Channel 4 News 19:30..............Coronation 20:00........Food Unwrapped Street 21:00.......... 999: What’s Your 20:00....The Martin Lewis Emergency? Money Show 22:00.........Baghdad Central 20:30..............Coronation 23:00................... Emergency Helicopter Medics Street 00:00.........Ramsay’s Kitchen 21:00............Cold Feet Nightmares USA watch

06:00............. Good Morning Britain

06:00.......................... Childrens’ TV 09:05......................Sunny Bunnies 09:15............................Jeremy Vine 11:15..............................Paddington Station 24/7

07:00............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show 07:50......................... Emmerdale 08:20.............Coronation Street 09:20.......................... Superstore

12:10..............5 News Lunchtime

09:45.......................... Superstore

12:15............................. GPs: Behind Closed Doors

10:15........................Dinner Date


12:15......................... Emmerdale

13:15..................Home and Away

12:45.............Coronation Street


13:50............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show

14:15...................... Home Is Where the Killer Is

11:15............... Dress to Impress

14:45........Supermarket Sweep


15:50........................Dinner Date

17:00.............................5 News at 5

16:55............... Dress to Impress


18:00..You’ve Been Framed!

18:00............ Home and Away

20:00....Two and a Half Men

18:30.............. 5 News Tonight

20:30....Two and a Half Men

19:00........ Premiership Rugby Cup Highlights

21:00..................Love Island

20:00.................... Traffic Cops

23:05.................. Family Guy

21:00.......Warship: Life at Sea

23:35.................. Family Guy

22:00........Busted in Bangkok

00:05............ American Dad!

00:00.................... Traffic Cops


08:55............. Food Unwrapped

06:00........................Monkey Life

09:15............ A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun

06:30........................Monkey Life

07:10............Cops UK: Bodycam Squad

07:00.... RSPCA Animal Rescue

08:00..............American Pickers

10:10............ A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun

08:00.................. Dog Whisperer

09:00................Storage Hunters

09:00.............................. Brit Cops: Frontline Crime

09:30.........Storage Hunters UK

10:00...........Stop, Search, Seize

12:00...........Cop Car Workshop

11:00.............NCIS: Los Angeles

13:00.............................. Top Gear


22:00..... ITV News at Ten

22:00....Love Island: Aftersun

22:45............... Caught on Camera 23:45........... The Metro: A Rail Life Story 00:10....................All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite 01:00.............Ideal World

Cold Feet ITV1, 21.00

11:15...........................Emergency Helicopter Medics 12:15......999: On the Frontline 13:15..................Love it or List it

13:00..................... Hawaii Five-0

10:00..............American Pickers

14:15......................Four in a Bed

14:00..................... Hawaii Five-0

15:20......................Four in a Bed

14:00.......................Border Force: America’s Gatekeepers


16:25......................Four in a Bed

15:00..................Sin City Motors

16:00.................. Modern Family

16:55.................... The Secret Life of the Zoo

16:00.............................. Top Gear

17:00.................... The Simpsons

17:00.............................. Top Gear

17:55..................... The Supervet

17:30.............................Futurama 18:00.....................Futurama

18:00............................ QI XL

18:55......................Car S.O.S

18:30..............The Simpsons

19:00.......... Richard Osman’s House of Games

19:55............... Escape to the Chateau: DIY

20:00.........A League of Their Own: European Road Trip

19:40..... Would I Lie to You?

21:00......................Car S.O.S

21:00................ Oscars 2020: Highlights


22:00.............The Lost Lotus: Restoring a Race Car

23:00..................... Avenue 5

21:00....... Live at the Apollo 23:00................................. QI 23:40..... Would I Lie to You?

23:05..........24 Hours in A&E

23:35...................SEAL Team

00:10........... 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown


00:20........... Mock the Week

01:40......................Brit Cops: Frontline Crime

01:35..... Would I Lie to You?

01:15......................Car S.O.S

01:00................................. QI

CW 22

TV Guide

Tues 11 feb 2020 7th February - 13th February 2020

06:00....................... Breakfast 09:15.......Fraud Squad NHS 10:00....... Homes Under the Hammer 11:00..............Wanted Down Under 11:45.............. Defenders UK 12:15............... Bargain Hunt 13:00....... BBC News at One 13:45..........................Doctors 14:15............. Shakespeare & Hathaway - Private Investigators 15:00....................... Escape to the Country 15:45..................The Farmers’ Country Showdown 16:30....Antiques Road Trip 17:15........................Pointless 18:00..... BBC News at Six 19:00........The One Show 19:30............. EastEnders 20:00.............. Holby City 21:00................. The Split 22:00.... BBC News at Ten 22:35...Plastic Surgery Undressed

CW watch

23:30..........Hindus: Caste and Me 00:10............... BBC News

06:30..............Wanted Down Under 07:15............... Bargain Hunt 08:00 .........................DIY SOS 09:00............. BBC News at 9 10:00... Victoria Derbyshire 11:00..BBC Newsroom Live 12:15.................. Politics Live 13:00 ..................... The Super League Show 13:50.............................. Coast 14:15................... The TV That Made Me 15:00....................... Red Rock 15:45....... Patagonia: Earth’s Secret Paradise 16:45..........................Wild UK 17:15............................Flog It! 18:00.....Richard Osman’s House of Games 18:30............. Great Asian Railway Journeys 19:00.................Top Gear 20:00......... Cornwall: This Fishing Life 21:00.... Universal Credit: Inside the Welfare State 22:00......... Better Things 22:30..............Newsnight 23:15............ The Flu That Killed 50 Million 00:15....................Win the Wilderness: Alaska

06:30.................................. Cheers 07:20................. King of Queens 08:10............... Everybody Loves 09:00......................... Lorraine Raymond 10:00............... This Morning 09:10...................................Frasier 12:30............. Loose Women 10:10.....Undercover Boss USA 11:05...............Ramsay’s Kitchen 13:30............. ITV Lunchtime Nightmares USA News 12:00................Channel 4 News 14:00............... Judge Rinder 12:05..........Find it, Fix it, Flog it 15:00..........................Tenable 13:05...................... Escape to the Chateau: DIY 15:59...................ITV London 14:10. . ...................... Countdown 16:00...............Tipping Point 15:00............ A Place in the Sun 17:00.....................The Chase 16:00..... A New Life in the Sun 18:00................. ITV News 17:00.................... Couples Come London Dine with Me 18:30............ ITV Evening 18:00..............The Simpsons News 18:30.................... Hollyoaks 19:00.......... Channel 4 News 19:00............ Emmerdale 20:00........... Crazy Delicious 19:30.......The Metro: A Rail Life Story watch 21:00..........24 Hours in A&E 22:00.. Losing It: Our Mental 20:00...... The BRITs at 40 Health Emergency 22:00...... ITV News at Ten 23:00.......The Truth Will Out and Weather 23:55............Barrymore: The Body in the Pool 22:30.. ITV News London 01:35.............. The Supervet

06:00............. Good Morning Britain


22:45................ Inside the Crown: Secrets of the Royals 23:40...White House Farm 00:35.................. Tenable

09:15 .......................Jeremy Vine

07:00............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show

11:15 .........................Paddington Station 24/7

07:50 ........................ Emmerdale 08:20 ............Coronation Street

12:10 ..........5 News Lunchtime

09:20 ......................... Superstore

12:15 .........................GPs: Behind Closed Doors

10:15 .......................Dinner Date

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV

13:10 ..................................Access 13:15 .............. Home and Away 13:45 ....................... Neighbours 14:15 ... Your Family or Your Life 16:00 ................................ Friends 17:00 ........................ 5 News at 5 17:30 ....................... Neighbours 18:00......... Home and Away 18:30 ............. 5 News Tonight 19:00 ....The Thames: Britain’s Great River with Tony Robinson

11:15 .............. Dress to Impress 12:15........................ Emmerdale 12:45............ Coronation Street 13:50 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:45........Supermarket Sweep 15:50........................Dinner Date 16:55............... Dress to Impress 18:00................. You’ve Been Framed! 20:00....Two and a Half Men 21:00..................Love Island

20:00............ Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly

22:05....................Don’t Hate the Playaz

21:00..................Starting Up, Starting Over

22:50.................. Family Guy

22:00..... My New Greek Life

23:50 ........... American Dad!

23:05............. How the Other Half Lives 00:05.................. Rich House, Poor House

Plastic Surgery Undressed

23:20 ................. Family Guy 00:20............ American Dad! 00:45.........Ibiza Weekender 01:50....Two and a Half Men

BBC1, 22.35

01:25.............Ideal World

CW watch

The Metro: A Rail Life Story In the fourth and final episode, all staff leave is cancelled on the ITV1, 19.30 Metro’s busiest and most colourful day of the year as the Great North Run comes to town. It’s a big day for station delivery manager Lynn Dickinson who has managed the event a dozen times before - but this time it’s different with a new, untested station at the centre of it all in South Shields. It’s an emotional day for one particular runner, Colin Burgin-Plews – known as the Big Pink Dress man for the colourful attire he usually wears while taking part in the event – this year running in memory of a friend.

08:55 ............ Food Unwrapped

06:00........................Monkey Life

09:15 ........... A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun

06:30........................Monkey Life

11:15...........................Emergency Helicopter Medics

08:00.................. Dog Whisperer

09:00.........Storage Hunters UK

09:00.............................. Brit Cops: Frontline Crime

09:30.........Storage Hunters UK 10:00..............American Pickers

10:00...........Stop, Search, Seize

11:00..............American Pickers

11:00.............NCIS: Los Angeles

12:00...........Cop Car Workshop

13:00..................... Hawaii Five-0

13:00.............................. Top Gear

14:00..................... Hawaii Five-0

14:00............................... Cops UK: Bodycam Squad

12:15......999: On the Frontline 13:15..................Love it or List it 14:15......................Four in a Bed 14:50......................Four in a Bed 15:20......................Four in a Bed 15:50......................Four in a Bed 16:25......................Four in a Bed 16:55.................... The Secret Life of the Zoo 17:55..................... The Supervet 18:55......................Car S.O.S 19:55............... Escape to the Chateau: DIY

07:00.... RSPCA Animal Rescue

15:00............................MacGyver 16:00.................. Modern Family 17:00.................... The Simpsons 17:30.............................Futurama 18:00.....................Futurama 18:30..............The Simpsons 19:00 .............The Simpsons

21:00..... David Jason’s Great British Inventions

19:30............. The Simpsons

22:00......................... 999: On the Frontline

21:45 .................... The Heist 22:45 ......... An Idiot Abroad

23:05..........24 Hours in A&E

23:45 ..............................Jett

00:05..... David Jason’s Great British Inventions

01:00.........A League of Their Own: European Road Trip

20:00 .......... Johnny English

07:10............Cops UK: Bodycam Squad 08:00..............American Pickers

15:00..................Sin City Motors 16:00.............................. Top Gear 18:00............................ QI XL 19:00.......... Richard Osman’s House of Games 19:40..... Would I Lie to You? 20:20..... Would I Lie to You? 21:00....... Live at the Apollo 22:00..................Taskmaster 23:00............... Hypothetical 00:00........... Mock the Week 00:35................................. QI 01:20..... Would I Lie to You?

Plastic Surgery Undressed separates cosmetic surgery fact from fiction - in this episode on the tummy tuck. A BBC poll of 18-30 years-olds reveals that more than half are considering future cosmetic procedures or surgery, but of those who have already taken the plunge a staggering 29 percent are unhappy with the results. This unique TV event gives four people who are serious about having surgery an unprecedented live view of the operation that stands between those all-important before and after photos on social media. In this tummy tuck episode, top surgeon Amir Nakhdjevani talks the surgery seekers through the procedure as he operates on his patient, Hannah. Each seeker is accompanied by a friend or family member with a strong view on their surgery plans. Ryan has done the hard work and halved his bodyweight, but he’s left with the excess skin from when he was 27 stone. Lisa says having her twin boys young has left her with a wrinkly tummy. Megan can’t have a full-length mirror in her house because her body confidence is on the floor, and at 20 years old Ffion thinks she should be in her prime and surgery is how she can best achieve that. With insights from former patients, experts on hand to answer any questions and companions pushing their opinions, it’s an emotional experience for some as they confront the reality of plastic surgery. By the end of the operation, will they still want to go ahead? 7th February - 13th February 2020

weds 12 feb 2020

TV Guide

23 CW

06:00....................... Breakfast 09:15.......Fraud Squad NHS 10:00....... Homes Under the Hammer 11:00..............Wanted Down Under 11:45.............. Defenders UK 12:15............... Bargain Hunt 13:00....... BBC News at One 13:45..........................Doctors 14:15............. Shakespeare & Hathaway - Private Investigators 15:00....................... Escape to the Country 15:45..................The Farmers’ Country Showdown 16:30....Antiques Road Trip 17:15........................Pointless 18:00..... BBC News at Six 18:55......... Party Political Broadcast 19:00........The One Show 20:00........... Easy Ways to Live Well 21:00.......Spy in the Wild 22:00.... BBC News at Ten 22:35..Eating with My Ex 23:05.............My Mate’s A Bad Date 23:30.......... Rio and Kate: Becoming aStepfamily 00:30............... BBC News


06:30..............Wanted Down Under 07:15....................... Escape to the Country 08:00..................Great British Railway Journeys 08:30...........Yorkshire Walks 09:00............. BBC News at 9 10:00... Victoria Derbyshire 11:00..BBC Newsroom Live 11:15.................. Politics Live 13:00.................Walks of Life 14:00 ..................Greece with Simon Reeve 15:00....................... Red Rock 15:45....... Patagonia: Earth’s Secret Paradise 16:45..........................Wild UK 17:15............................Flog It! 18:00.....Richard Osman’s House of Games 18:30............. Great Asian Railway Journeys 19:00............ The Andrew Neil Show 19:30..... Yorkshire Walks 20:00............ Lose Weight and Get Fit with Tom Kerridge 20:30................. Trust Me, I’m a Doctor 21:00..........Good Omens 21:55.....Romesh: Talking to Comedians 22:00.....Live at the Apollo 22:30..............Newsnight 23:15.... Universal Credit: Inside the Welfare State 00:15.................Travels in Euroland with Ed Balls

06:30.................................. Cheers 07:20................. King of Queens 08:10............... Everybody Loves Raymond 09:10...................................Frasier 10:10.....Undercover Boss USA 11:05...............Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:00................Channel 4 News 12:05..........Find it, Fix it, Flog it 13:05...................... Escape to the Chateau: DIY 14:10........................ Countdown 15:00............ A Place in the Sun 16:00..... A New Life in the Sun 17:00.................... Couples Come Dine with Me 18:00..............The Simpsons 18:30.................... Hollyoaks 19:00.......... Channel 4 News 20:00.......... Kirstie and Phil’s Love it or List it 21:00....Kevin McCloud’s Big Tech Adventure 22:00........................... Home 22:30........... 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 23:30..........24 Hours in A&E 00:30.........Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV 09:15........................Jeremy Vine 11:15..........................Paddington Station 24/7 12:10...........5 News Lunchtime 12:15..........................GPs: Behind Closed Doors 13:10...................................Access 13:15............... Home and Away 13:45........................ Neighbours 14:15............................ Evil Intent 16:00................................. Friends 17:00......................... 5 News at 5 17:30........................ Neighbours 18:00..........Home and Away 18:30........... 5 News Tonight 19:00.. The Thames: Britain’s Great River with Tony Robinson 20:00..Britain’s Parking Hell 21:00..........The Hairy Bikers’ Chocolate Challenge 22:00........... Secrets of CocaCola: Top of the Pops 23:30......Greatest Chocolate Ads of All Time

07:00............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show

22:45....................... Peston

08:55............. Food Unwrapped

06:00........................Monkey Life

23:45..................... Tenable

09:15............ A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun

07:00.... RSPCA Animal Rescue

07:10............Cops UK: Bodycam Squad

10:10............ A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun

08:00.................. Dog Whisperer

09:00.........Storage Hunters UK

09:00.............................. Brit Cops: Frontline Crime

09:30.........Storage Hunters UK 10:00..............American Pickers

10:00...........Stop, Search, Seize

11:00..............American Pickers

11:00.............NCIS: Los Angeles

12:00...........Cop Car Workshop

13:00..................... Hawaii Five-0

13:00.............................. Top Gear

14:15......................Four in a Bed


16:55.................... The Secret Life of the Zoo

16:00.................. Modern Family

14:00............................... Cops UK: Bodycam Squad

17:00.................... The Simpsons

17:55..................... The Supervet


18:55......................Car S.O.S


19:55............... Escape to the Chateau: DIY

18:30..............The Simpsons

21:00........ The Great Pottery Throw Down

22:00..................... Avenue 5

06:00.Good Morning Britain 09:00.............................Lorraine 10:00..................This Morning 12:30................Loose Women 13:30.................ITV Lunchtime News 13:55.........ITV News London 14:00..................Judge Rinder 15:00............................. Tenable 15:59......................ITV London 16:00..................Tipping Point 17:00........................ The Chase 18:00.... ITV News London 18:25............Party Political Broadcast 18:30....ITV Evening News 19:00...............Emmerdale 19:30....Coronation Street 20:00........... Bradley Walsh & Son: Breaking Dad 20:30....Coronation Street 21:00.....................White House Farm


07:50......................... Emmerdale 08:20...... You’ve Been Framed! 09:20.......................... Superstore 09:45.......................... Superstore 10:15........................Dinner Date 11:15............... Dress to Impress 12:15......................... Emmerdale 12:45...... You’ve Been Framed! 13:50............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:45........Supermarket Sweep 15:50........................Dinner Date 16:55............... Dress to Impress 18:00..You’ve Been Framed! 20:00....Two and a Half Men 21:00..................Love Island 22:05............ Celebrity Juice 22:50.................. Family Guy 23:50............ American Dad! 00:45.................Celebability 01:30...The Cleveland Show 01:55....Two and a Half Men


22:00.........ITV News at Ten 22:30.... ITV News London

00:35............... Ideal World


The evidence is interrogated as Jeremy’s trial begins, with dramatic watch and conflicting witness testimony being given before the jury and the packed public gallery. The jury must now give their verdict on what really happened that night at White House Farm.

11:15...........................Emergency Helicopter Medics 12:15..................................999: On the Frontline 13:15..................Love it or List it

22:00..........24 Hours in A&E 23:05................ Britain’s Best Loved Sitcoms 00:10........... 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 01:10..........24 Hours in A&E

07:30.... RSPCA Animal Rescue

21:00...................SEAL Team 22:30.........A League of Their Own: European Road Trip 23:30..................... The Heist 00:30................... The Russell Howard Hour 01:30......................Brit Cops: Frontline Crime

08:00..............American Pickers

15:00..................Sin City Motors 16:00.............................. Top Gear 17:00.............................. Top Gear 18:00............................ QI XL 19:00.......... Richard Osman’s House of Games 19:40..... Would I Lie to You? 21:00....... Live at the Apollo 22:00............... Hypothetical 23:00................................. QI 23:40..... Would I Lie to You? 00:20........... Mock the Week 01:00............................ QI XL

CW 24

TV Guide

Thurs 13 feb 2020 7th February - 13th February 2020

CW watch 06:00....................... Breakfast 09:15.......Fraud Squad NHS 10:00....... Homes Under the Hammer 11:00..............Wanted Down Under 11:45.............. Defenders UK 12:15............... Bargain Hunt 13:00....... BBC News at One 13:45..........................Doctors 14:15............. Shakespeare & Hathaway - Private Investigators 15:00....................... Escape to the Country 15:45..................The Farmers’ Country Showdown 16:30....Antiques Road Trip 17:15........................Pointless 18:00..... BBC News at Six 18:55......... Party Political Broadcast 19:00........The One Show 19:30............. EastEnders 20:00...........Britain’s Best Home Cook 21:00.... Death in Paradise 22:00.... BBC News at Ten 22:35....... Question Time 23:35................ Newscast

06:30..............Wanted Down Under 07:15............................Flog It! 08:00..................Great British Railway Journeys 08:30......... Lose Weight and Get Fit with Tom Kerridge 09:00............. BBC News at 9 10:00... Victoria Derbyshire 11:00..BBC Newsroom Live 12:15.................. Politics Live 13:00.................Walks of Life 14:00...................Greece with Simon Reeve 15:00....................... Red Rock 15:45.....................Wild Brazil 16:45..........................Wild UK 17:15............................Flog It! 18:00.....Richard Osman’s House of Games 18:30............. Great Asian Railway Journeys 19:00................. Celebrity Antiques Road Trip 20:00..........Secrets of the Museum 21:00..................Hospital 22:00....................... Mum 22:30..............Newsnight 23:15....................Win the Wilderness: Alaska

06:00............. Good Morning Britain 09:00......................... Lorraine 12:30............. Loose Women 13:30..............ITV Lunchtime News 13:55...... ITV News London

06:30.................................. Cheers 07:20................. King of Queens 15:00..........................Tenable 08:10............... Everybody Loves Raymond 15:59...................ITV London 09:10...................................Frasier 16:00...............Tipping Point 10:10.....Undercover Boss USA 17:00.....................The Chase 11:05...............Ramsay’s Kitchen 18:00................. ITV News Nightmares USA London 12:00................Channel 4 News 18:25......... Party Political 12:05..........Find it, Fix it, Flog it Broadcast 13:05...................... Escape to the Chateau: DIY 18:30..ITV Evening News 14:10. . ...................... Countdown 19:00............ Emmerdale 15:00............ A Place in the Sun 19:30...................Tonight 16:00............................A New Life 20:00............ Emmerdale in the Sun 20:30........... Save Money: 17:00.................... Couples Come Dine with Me Lose Weight 18:00..............The Simpsons 21:00...Tyson Fury: The 18:30.................... Hollyoaks Gypsy King watch 19:00.......... Channel 4 News 22:00..... ITV News at Ten 20:00............. The Secret Life 22:30................. ITV News of the Zoo London 21:00........................ Hunted 22:45..........Grantchester 22:00................... First Dates 23:45.................. Tenable 23:05........Naked Attraction

14:00............... Judge Rinder


Tyson Fury: The Gypsy King ‘This is the beginning of a new chapter, the king returns’ – ITV1, 21.00 Tyson Fury.

Tyson Fury is taking on the biggest fight of his life, the fight to reclaim his title of heavyweight champion of the world and the fight to maintain his mental health. This brand new three part series, Tyson Fury: The Gypsy King offers exclusive, behind-thescenes access to one of sports most flamboyant and controversial characters Tyson Fury and his larger than life family. Giving viewers an unprecedented insight into the life of one of the most fascinating and controversial figures in British sport.

08:55.................................. Kirstie’s Vintage Gems

06:0..........................Monkey Life

07:10............................... Cops UK: Bodycam Squad

09:15............ A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun

07:00.... RSPCA Animal Rescue 08:00.................. Dog Whisperer

08:00..............American Pickers

09:00.............................. Brit Cops: Frontline Crime

09:00..................................Storage Hunters UK

10:00...........Stop, Search, Seize

09:30..................................Storage Hunters UK

11:15...........................Emergency Helicopter Medics 12:15......999: On the Frontline 13:15..................Love it or List it 14:15......................Four in a Bed

11:00.............NCIS: Los Angeles 13:00..................... Hawaii Five-0 14:00..................... Hawaii Five-0 15:00............................MacGyver

14:50......................Four in a Bed

16:00.................. Modern Family

15:20......................Four in a Bed

16:30.................. Modern Family

15:50......................Four in a Bed

17:00.................... The Simpsons

16:25......................Four in a Bed


16:55.................... The Secret Life of the Zoo


17:55..................... The Supervet

19:00..............The Simpsons

18:55......................Car S.O.S

19:30..............The Simpsons

19:55............... Escape to the Chateau: DIY

20:00.........A League of Their Own: European Road Trip

21:00............ Grand Designs

21:00..................... The Heist

22:00.........New Amsterdam

22:00................... The Russell Howard Hour

23:00.......... 999: What’s Your Emergency?

18:30..............The Simpsons

23:00.......... An Idiot Abroad

a slew of fabulous prizes by defeating four celebrities - Aljaz Skorjanec, Janette Manrara, Matt Richardson and Jayde Adams - in a series of silly games based on the unusual abilities the celebs believe they possess.

10:00............... This Morning

CW watch

10:10 ........... A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun

Iain Stirling’s CelebAbility The hilarious Iain Stirling is joined by team captain Stacey ITV2, 22.05 Solomon as she leads a group of three friends looking to win

10:00..............American Pickers 11:00..............American Pickers 12:00...........Cop Car Workshop 13:00.............................. Top Gear 14:00............................... Cops UK: Bodycam Squad 15:00..................Sin City Motors 16:00.............................. Top Gear 17:00.............................. Top Gear 18:00................................. QI 19:00.......... Richard Osman’s House of Games 19:40..... Would I Lie to You? 20:20..... Would I Lie to You? 21:00....... Live at the Apollo 22:00..................Taskmaster 23:00................................. QI

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV 09:15........................Jeremy Vine 11:15..........................Paddington Station 24/7 12:10...........5 News Lunchtime 12:15..........................GPs: Behind Closed Doors 13:10...................................Access 13:15............... Home and Away 13:45........................ Neighbours 14:15................ Killer Obsession 16:00................................. Friends 17:00......................... 5 News at 5 17:30................. Neighbours 18:00..........Home and Away 18:30........... 5 News Tonight 19:00.................The Thames: Britain’s Great River with Tony Robinson 20:00............ Bargain Loving Brits in the Sun 21:00..............Council House Millionaires 22:00................When... Goes Horribly Wrong 23:05................... In Therapy

07:00............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show 07:50......................... Emmerdale 08:20.............Coronation Street 09:20.......................... Superstore 09:45.......................... Superstore 10:15........................Dinner Date 11:15............... Dress to Impress 12:15......................... Emmerdale 12:45.............Coronation Street 13:50............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:45........Supermarket Sweep 15:50........................Dinner Date 16:55............... Dress to Impress 18:00.... You’ve Been Framed! 19:00.... You’ve Been Framed! 20:00....Two and a Half Men 20:30....Two and a Half Men 21:00..................Love Island 22:05............Celebability

CW watch

22:50.................. Family Guy 23:20.................. Family Guy

23:50............ American Dad! 7th February - 13th February 2020


25 CW

CW 26

What’s On


World Surf League

7th February - 13th February 2020



The World of Oz in Tenerife

Once again in 2020, Las Américas Beach is playing host to Cabreiroá Pro Las Américas, a World Surf League event gathering more than 150 international expert surfers. It is the only surfing event in the Canary Islands qualifying for the World Surf League, offering 1500 ranking points. Las Américas Beach features the Spanish Left, a World Class Wave a pebble’s throw from one of the most popular promenades in the Canary Islands. It is the perfect setting for modern surfing manoeuvres by the world’s best pros.

With the magical flavour of one of the children’s classics, most remembered by all as the famous “Wizard of Oz”, we present the theatrical show “The World of Oz ”, Written by Natalia Martínez and Directed by Crisol Carabal.


Santa Cruz de Tenerife Carnival 2020 3rd - 9th February las Americas beach


walk to see the ALMONDS IN FLOWER

The most anticipated route of the year arrives. Walk with us to the highlands of the municipalities of El Tanque and Santiago del Teide, where at the end of January the landscape is dyed white and pink with the flowering of almond trees, that give colour to the landscape. A simple three-hour trail and suitable for the whole family. Starting from the newly inaugurated Ecomuseum of El Tanque.

Carnival is Tenerife’s most popular festival, especially in the capital, Santa Cruz de Tenerife. This year, the Carnival theme will be American lifestyles in the 1950s. For about two weeks, starting on 19 February, the streets get filled with joyous bunches of people in colourful fancy dresses. Carnival activities include the Carnival Queen Gala (19 February), the Opening Parade (21 February), the Rhythm and Harmony Krewes Contest (22 February), the Day Celebrations (23 and 29 February), the Big Carnival Parade, or Coso Apoteosis del Carnaval (25 February), the Burial of the Sardine (26 February) and the Afilarmónica NiFú-NiFá Concert and Big Fireworks Show (1 March).

Teatro Príncipe Felipe (Tegueste)


5th The Run Colors 2020

19th february - 1st march until 16th February El Tanque

8th February


Paint workshop

Los Realejos is playing host to a new The Run Colors, a colourful, fun sporting event coinciding with Carnival. Beginning at 5pm, the race covers 2.5 kilometres around Plaza Santa Agustín. Last year, it drew over 500 racers, and it is expected to be equally popular this year. The Run Colors offers runners the chance of having fun while working out, and this is why it is so popular. 23rd february, 5pm los realejos

Betty Arten Gallery brings Pouring techniques to learn, in the Arona Farmer Market. Open to everyone.


23rd february, 10am

15th march

29th february

Arona market

golden mile, las Americas

Activate sports club

FB: Taller Pouring Tríptico


Activate talent show

Does your little one have a talent worth sharing with the world? Bring them to Activate Sports Club on the 29th of February and enjoy a memorable free event! Playing an instrument, singing or even telling jokes... If they love being on stage, you can’t miss our Activate Talent Show! There’ll be amazing prizes for the winners! Fancy coming? Then sign up by phoning 822 070 037 or send us an email to info@


7th February - 13th February 2020

Orange-throwing not so appealing to this minor A YOUNG boy is said to be facing a fine of up to €750, after being caught throwing oranges at his neighbours’ house in Sevilla. But his age will let him off the hook.

The Andalucian Town Hall of Isla Mayor was forced to impose the hefty fine, after police had labelled him a “repeat offender”. Officers took up the case after residents complained on 1st November last year that a group of kids were, repeatedly, splatting the iconic oranges, used to make the British favourite marmalade, against their property’s façade. The minor was soon caught, orange-handed, by police, and was charged with breaking the local law of

Citizen Coexistence and Civility. The law states: “Residents must respect and not degrade, in any way, public and private goods, facilities, or the environment.” The fine’s exact sum has yet to be decided, but it can range from €120 to €750. In any case, it will have to be paid by the parents, given that the offender is a minor… so, no pocket-money for him in the coming months.

President Trump is facing huge protest by Spanish farmers

FARMERS are planning to protest against US President Donald Trump’s trade tariffs.

Agricultural workers will hold a blockade in Lucena this month to express their anger at the floundering olive and farming market. The action is planned for a busy stretch of the A-45, towards Lucena, where dozens of tractors will block the road to make their voices heard on 14th February, which is Valentine’s Day. Representatives of the main farmers’ organisations, the UPA, COAG and the Asaja, are protesting the increasingly-difficult working conditions, which mean that olive and livestock production is at a critical level, and in danger of dying out. According to UPA secretary general, Miguel Cobos, the agricultural sector is fighting against ever increasing costs for the farmland imposed by the regional governments, expenses that outweigh the costs of agricultural production. Spanish agriculture is also suffering a crisis due to Trump’s tariff on table olives, as well as agreements with other countries on the import of agricultural products, and the increasing costs of the production and export of goods.

TOUGH ON TRADE: US President Trump has also imposed tariffs on other Spanish products, including olive oil, wine and cheese. During 2019, Spain’s olive export rate to America was slashed by almost 15,000 tonnes, after the US imposed a 25% levy on the product. This, accompanied by the government’s failure to manage proper storage issues and the lowering of prices, has put one of the agricultural industry’s best exports in critical danger. Cobos has also criticised the government for not putting the industry at the forefront of its priorities. “You have to put agriculture on the table and declare it as a strategic sector for Spain, Andalucia and Cordoba,” he said. “It is necessary that governments take it seriously.” The farming industry took a large hit back at the Climate Summit in Madrid in December when speakers named the profession the third-most-polluting activity in the world.

27 CW

Mislaid SIM card led to facts about illicit relationship A MAN’S mislaid SIM card, while working abroad, brought the 32-year-old’s illicit sexual relationship with an underage girl to light, a court heard.

Plasterer Christopher Scott Partridge left the phone attachment in Gran Canaria when working for a man with property interests there, and in County Durham. When the Spanish property owner came across the card and examined it, he saw a video of Partridge involved in sexual activity with a youngster. Durham Crown Court was told that it had been reported to UK police on 6th November. Rupert Doswell, prosecuting, said the girl had admitted having had a sexual relationship with Partridge, sometimes, when he was working on plastering jobs. But she told police she was unaware that any of their activities had been filmed. Mr Doswell said other than the video, there was also an exchange of increasinglysexualised messages between

the pair, plus the sharing of intimate images of each other, as well as an unconnected scene of bestiality featuring an unknown woman. When interviewed, Partridge confirmed that he had recorded the video, but claimed the girl was aware he had done so, and said the relationship had been going on for about six to seven weeks. Mr Doswell read from a statement given by the girl’s mother, in which she spoke of the great impact it had, not only on her daughter, but also the whole family. Partridge, of previous good character, admitted 10 offences, seven relating to sexual activity with an under-16 child, and causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity, as well as two relating to

making an indecent image of a child, and one of possessing extreme pornography. Paul Cross, mitigating, said: “He doesn’t know what he was thinking about, but it came about after his previous relationship collapsed.” Mr Cross said following that breakdown, Partridge suffered depression, but stopped taking prescribed medication, and unburdened his problems on the girl. “It was a relationship that developed, but, as someone much older, he should have put a stop to it,” he said. “He allowed it to become sexual. That was his fault.” Judge Jonathan Carroll described Partridge as “an opportunist” and told him he “positively encouraged” the relationship to develop. “There’s no escaping it. This was an abusive relationship, for your own sexual needs.” Partridge, of Cleveland Place, Peterlee, was given an eightyear prison sentence, and he must register as a sex offender for life. He will also be subject to a Sexual Harm Prevention Order, and a restraining order, prohibiting contact with the girl… both orders, “indefinitely”.

Police raid uncovers a marijuana plantation NATIONAL Police officers have seized a huge marijuana plantation, hidden in the garage of a Malaga property in Antequera, after receiving a tip-off. The place was raided, and officers discovered a large greenhouse with 633 plants, all in varying states of growth. The police also seized airconditioners, transformers, fans, lamps and irrigation systems, among other tools used to advance the growing process. Nine Spanish people were arrested, and 633 marijuana plants were removed. The accused include seven men and two women of Spanish nationality. They were held for their alleged involvement in the crimes of drug trafficking and stealing electricity.

SEIZED: Equipment used in the illegal farm

CW 28


TWO British men, who paid €50,000 for a yacht in Mallorca to smuggle £60m of cocaine, have been sentenced to a total of 33 years behind bars. Spain’s National Police worked closely with the UK’s National Crime Agency (NCA) to uncover the criminal conspiracy in August 2018. Together, the forces had identified the yacht SY Atrevido as carrying a large cocaine shipment. The UK Border Force cutter, HMC Protector, was dispatched to intercept the yacht, and officers boarded it off the Welsh coast in the early hours of 27th August last year. Liverpudlians Gary Swift, 53, and Scott Kilgour, 41, were arrested, and the Border Force escorted the yacht to the Fishguard port, where a search revealed 751kg of cocaine. Tests revealed that the drugs were up to 83% pure, with a wholesale value of £24m, and, once cut, a potential street price of £60m. When arrested, Swift told officers: “I just want to say that I am guilty. I have got something substantial on the boat and they will find it.”

7th February - 13th February 2020

Cocaine smugglers are imprisoned for a total of 33 years

He later admitted: “I’m the bad one here,” and asked custody officers to pass a message to the NCA, revealing the number of packages on board. Swift and Kilgour were sentenced to 19½ years and 13½ years respectively at Swansea Crown Court, having pleaded guilty to

importing Class A drugs into the UK at an earlier hearing. Three men aged 23, 31, 47, and a woman, 30, arrested in Liverpool and Loughborough in connection with the seizure, remain on bail. As part of the parallel financial investigation, the NCA has seized the SY Atrevido, in addition to a second sailing yacht, the SY Mistral, along with three Rolex watches, a Panerai watch, and Tag Heuer watch. Investigators have also obtained court orders to seize a third sailing yacht, caravans, five cars, two vans, and a house in France. The court were told that Spanish police had put the boat under surveillance, after being tipped off by the NCA. It first sailed to the Canary Islands and then South America, to pick up the drugs shipment. Jayne Lloyd, NCA Regional Head of Investigations, said: “It’s thanks to the work of the NCA, Border Force officers, and the Spanish National Police, that two highlyorganised criminals are behind bars, and that these drugs haven’t made their way on to the streets.” She added: “Our investigation does not stop here; we are now going after their assets to strip them of their illicit wealth, and make sure they don’t profit from their crimes.” 7th February - 13th February 2020

Live Paws News ENZO is about nine years old, and, because of abuse when he was young, he spent many years being very scared of people. He was rescued, and has been living as part of a family in foster care. He has turned around completely, and can live with a family. He is also great with other dogs and cats. Can you please offer Enzo a forever home he can call his own? Please call Mark on 652 297 853. Dog-walking club Join our dog-walking club on Saturday mornings from 9am1pm. Our dogs absolutely love it, and you can keep fit and find a furry friend at the same time. Please come and meet the

Community News

Meet Enzo Why am I here? K9 Animal News

dogs. They have a fabulous time with the walkers, and look forward to going out for a wander. Please feel free to pop along, even for a chat. If you have any

questions, send a WhatsApp to Mark on 652 297 853, for further details. Live Paws shops Come and bag a bargain at our shops. Donations are always very much appreciated. San Eugenio - opposite Hotel La Nina, at Las Carabelas, near Amanda’s Bar. Open weekdays 10am-4pm, Saturday 10am-2pm and now Sundays 11am-3pm. Los Cristianos - Calle Revron, near Thistle and Dragon Bar and play-park. Open Monday-Friday (10am-4pm), Saturday 10am2pm. The shop is now open on Sundays from 11am-3pm. Join us on Facebook - Live Arico P.A.W.S Tenerife

KittyCatz News

Quite the Dream Team! TEAMWORK makes the dream work, and that’s certainly true at KittyCatz. Some of the foster team have been doing it for many years, and some are fairly new to the whole experience. There is no stupid question, when it comes to the health and wellbeing of those in our care, and we work together to bring the best care to the sick cats and kittens of Tenerife. At KittyCatz, we only take vulnerable cases, but it is so easy, when you are an animal lover, to want to take them all.

Accion del Sol News EVERY dog at the refuge is special, but, occasionally, one stands out from all the rest. A Rottweiler was found wandering around the streets of Guia de Isora, and we named him Crash. When he underwent his initial health checks, it became clear that he had health issues. He started to have epileptic seizures, and had to be put on medication to prevent the fits. We knew that we would not be able to have him adopted, because of his issues, but we were very lucky to be able to foster him to a lovely couple, who are big supporters of Accion del Sol. They changed his name to Xavi, and he had a wonderful two and a half years of being loved and cared for, and his epileptic seizures had almost stopped.

29 CW

It’s difficult to turn a cat or kitten away, but it’s a group decision. We give each other emotional support, at these times. There is always someone to share the heartache, if we have to take a kitten or cat to the vets, to have it put to sleep. Never a happy day, but sometimes it’s the kindest decision. When we take on a kitten, we also have to consider the logistics of to whom it goes, and when. This often entails shuffling kittens around between foster carers, to give the expert care required. Zeus came to us with a cold which wouldn’t clear. After a vet visit, the first volunteer began a course of antibiotics, saline up the nostrils and treatment in a home-made steam room, but still the mucus remained. A couple of weeks later, the mucus was still as bad as ever, so off Zeus went to another carer. It turned out that Zeus had been allergic to a plant in the garden, but when he stayed with someone who had a

RIP Xavi

Last week, they were devastated when he finally died of old age, but at least he had a very happy and special time, knowing that he was loved, to the end. It’s always devastingly sad to lose our pets, but the love they give, during their time with you, is completely unconditional, and we can cherish the memories they leave behind.

terrace, the mucus disappeared. It’s not just each other we depend on. Family and friends are often called upon to help us, especially with the donation of raffle prizes. Who knew what the customs officers thought, when our family and friends filled hand luggage with rubber ducks for our garden fete last year, and the hook-aduck game! Our partners are our greatest supporters. They are working almost as hard as the volunteers. One of the volunteers’ husbands, Zeke Neville from Granadilla Diving, ran a competition called Fish in Box, to pay for an eye removal for a poorly kitten. He also donates a percentage, for anyone who books a dive through his website. If you would like to help us by becoming a foster carer, providing a prize for a raffle, hosting one of our collection boxes, or volunteering in any way, contact us for an informal chat. Follow us on Facebook, or our website Assistance required We are always looking for people to walk the dogs in the refuge during opening hours. Please do call the refuge on 664 321 219 or 602 463 242, between 8am-5pm, if you can help in any way. We always need tinned dog-food for our older animals, plus blankets, towels, sheets, dog toys, collars and leads. You can call into the Accion refuge on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons, from 2-5pm, and Saturdays between 1-4pm. Find us here Accion del Sol is situated directly under the Ecological Park (exit 52) on the north-bound TF-1, which is just after the El Medano junction. Head for the giant windmills, and you’ll find us in the buildings on the right-hand side. E-mail the refuge at or, for further details, visit our Facebook page: action tier Accion del Sol.

WHY was I left tied up outside? Why did my family leave me here? What did I do wrong? Why did I deserve this? Do they not love me? All I did was love them unconditionally. Can you imagine if you were in this position, as a human? Why do animals deserve to be treated like that? I know there are a lot of questions, but they need to brought to people’s attention. We understand that people can come into difficulty sometimes, or fall on hard times, but all we want is that you ask for help, and don’t punish your dog for this. There are so many dogs and cats abandoned around the island, and all the shelters are inundated, every day. We have so many cats and dogs looking for their new forever homes, and their second chance. We have been very lucky because we have been able to re-home some of them, but we still have so many who live at K9 - day in, day out. They are depending on us and our volunteers to walk them, feed them, clean out their kennels and offer some play time. They are so loving and unique in their own way, and are ready to brighten up your life, if you let them. Can you give them a chance? Animals deserve to treated with love and respect. Some of the dogs that we have rescued have been in such terrible conditions, and are very nervous of humans and every sound they hear. It takes a long time for them to gain confidence, and to

trust people again. We are very fortunate that we have so many loving and special volunteers who come up and walk our dogs each day, and we thank them from the bottom of our hearts. They take the time out of their day and help our dogs to gain confidence, and show them that there are good humans in the world. It is thanks to them we have been able to re-home a lot of dogs, over the years. We always welcome and need new volunteers, so, if you have been thinking of taking up a new hobby or doing some exercise, please come up to us any day between 9.30am-1.30pm, and do what you can to help. You will be welcomed with open arms. Please get in touch by telephoning us on 667 638 468. We are on Calle Chimbesque, between Las Chafiras and Las Zocas. Joy for Enzo! I am also delighted to say that Enzo, our longest-residing dog at K9, has gone to his forever home, and has two females and a cat for companionship! We are so delighted for him. He finally got his happy ending. All our dogs and cats are waiting to meet you, so what are you waiting for?

CW 30

Wine and Dine

7th February - 13th February 2020

Smoked salmon is such a special treat PRIZED for its salty, fireside flavour, smoked salmon is often considered a delicacy, owing to its relatively-high cost. It’s commonly mistaken for lox, another salmon product that is cured, but not smoked.

However, like lox, smoked salmon is usually enjoyed on a bagel or crackers, with other toppings like cream cheese, cucumber or tomato. Smoked salmon is relatively low in calories, while boasting high quality protein, essential fats, and several vitamins and minerals. Due to how it’s processed, smoked salmon is high in sodium, containing 600-1,200mg, per 100g serving. In comparison, the same serving of fresh salmon provides 75mg of sodium. The smoking process Smoking is a processing method for flavouring, cooking or preserving food, by exposing it to smoke. It’s commonly used with meat, poultry and fish. To smoke salmon, thawed, boneless fillets are covered in salt, and occasionally sugar, and allowed to sit for 12-24 hours to draw out the moisture, through a process called curing. The longer the curing process, the more salt the salmon contains. By drawing out moisture, the salt enhances the flavour, and acts as a preservative to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria, that could cause food poisoning. Next, the fillets are rinsed with water to remove excess salt, before being transferred to a smoking kiln to dry. The drying process helps the fillets develop a pellicle, which is a coating of protein, that allows smoke to better adhere to the surface of the fish. Attached to the kiln is a smoker that burns wood chips or sawdust, typically from oak, maple, or hickory trees, to produce smoke. Salmon can be either hot or cold-smoked. The major difference is the temperature of the smoking chamber. Most smoked salmon on the market is cold-smoked. You can distinguish hot-smoked varieties because their packaging generally states that they’ve been fully cooked. Cold-smoked salmon tends to be smoother and mild, while hot-smoked salmon is flaky, and smokier in taste. Selection and storage Whereas some varieties of smoked salmon require refrigeration, others don’t, until the package is opened. Check the product label for recommendations for storage. Once opened, smoked salmon can be refrigerated for up to two weeks, or frozen for three months. You should avoid smoked salmon that has lots of dark bits. These bits tend to have an unpleasant taste, and should have been trimmed off, though they’re sometimes left on the final product, to increase package weight and cost. Benefits of smoked salmon The omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, which

fatty fish like salmon provide, have been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease, certain cancers, and age-related mental decline. These fats may work by lowering triglycerides, reducing inflammation, and maintaining brain structure and function. Smoked salmon also boasts a number of vitamins and minerals that are vital to your health. A 100g serving contains a whopping 136% of your daily Vitamin B12 needs, as well as 86% of the DV for Vitamin D. What’s more, the same serving size provides over

half of your daily needs for selenium, which acts as an antioxidant, and may protect against several illnesses. Here are a few tasty ways to enjoy smoked salmon: * on a bagel with cream cheese * atop your favorite salad * on toast with scrambled eggs * baked into gratin * in potato-leek soup * mixed into a pasta dish * stirred into a dip for crackers * on a platter with vegetables.

Angela and Tim would like to welcome you to The Swan in Los Cristianos. Fresh food served 7 days a week, with all your favourites; fish and chips, Sunday lunch, braised steak, plus daily specials, all with good-quality produce.

Fancy something different? Book for ‘A night on the roof’ 5 course set menu cooked in front of you. Go to our Facebook page for information

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In front of Margarita Apartments, Los Cristianos

Open: 10am - Late. Food until 8pm

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The Swan Los Cristianos 7th February - 13th February 2020


31 CW

CW 32


By Emma

from Motorworld

IN this issue, we are going to remind you of why it is important to keep your address and other details up to date, bearing in mind recent fatal, and near-fatal, accidents, that have occurred in the South of the island. In past years, your full name and address would appear on your vehicle’s “permiso de ciculacion”, as did it on the old-style, paper driving licences. However, times and technology have moved on, and, with the introduction of data protection, Tráfico no longer print your address on

7th February - 13th February 2020

The importance of keeping your information up to date the “permiso de circulacion”, nor, indeed, on the Spanish Driving licence. Most will be aware that, here in Tenerife, you are normally identifiable by your NIE or DNI number, from which the authorities can find your address, when necessary. So far, so good. However, many people rent property here, and move fairly frequently, but most do not give a moment’s thought to advising Tráfico, Hacienda and the Seguridad Social of the change of address. Sometimes, this can become very costly. Why, one may ask? Well, for example, if you get a speeding ticket, or other fine or infraction, which is delivered by post, and your address is wrong, you will not receive it. The official line is that a minimum of two letters are sent (sometimes more), and then the “debt” is passed to Hacienda.

They, too, then issue several letters, and if there is no response, the details are then listed in the Oficial Boletin, which is published daily. The first you may know of such a fine is when there is an embargo on your bank account, or money has been taken, about which you know nothing, in some cases clearing your account completely. This doesn’t stop you putting money in, you just can’t draw the amount embargoed. If your address at Tráfico had been up to date, you would have received the first or second letter, and

could have dealt with it, accordingly. This also applies to fines, non-payment of social security etc. There are also other reasons why your address should be up to date. In the event of a fatal accident, the police may need to contact the next of kin or responsible person. We always recommend that in your phone you have Aa contacts. These are people to whom you can contact, in the case of an emergency. However, not only does it mean that you, if you are able, can contact them, but, in emergency situations, the

Aa contacts are accessible by the emergency services from your phone, even if it is locked. What you should do is to enter in your contacts like this Aa Andy Smith 629123123, for example. The police can then call this person if you are unconscious etc. It is also important that you are aware of all medications you take, and any allergies, and most Apple and Android phones have an app which enables you to record your medical information, emergency contacts, allergies, doctors who you are seeing etc. This can prove lifesaving if, for example, you are taking blood thinners, and are involved in an accident. Not only does this apply when you are driving. As a pedestrian, you should always have identification with you, in case of an accident, illness etc.

health Corner

Lower stress levels for a healthier life! STRESS wreaks havoc on our bodies, and can be annoying. For that, we can thank cortisol. This steroid hormone, which is released when you’re tense or anxious, can leave you feeling lousy, and put you at risk for becoming seriously ill.

What is cortisol? Basically, it’s a steroid hormone produced by our adrenal glands, that’s released into our bloodstream during times of stress. We often tend to think of cortisol as a bad thing, but it’s actually meant to be helpful. When our cave-people ancestors were faced with a stressful or threatening situation, being chased by a wolf, for example, the release of cortisol activated the fight-or-flight response. As a result, they could act quickly to protect themselves, or, at least, try. The problem Today, there are lots of things that prompt the release of the hormone, from sitting in traffic, to emergency emails from our boss.

These constant stressors mean our body ends up flooded with non-stop cortisol, which can trigger a cascade of negative health effects. How cortisol steroid works Cortisol plays a number of roles in the body, and not all of them are bad, including maintaining healthy blood-pressure levels, regulating blood sugar, and turning food into energy. It is responsible for maintaining the health of, and proper communication between, every cell in our body. When it is in a healthy rhythm, cortisol is highest in the morning to give us energy to get our day started, keep inflammation low, and keep immune response at its peak. It is naturally lowest before bed, allowing us to wind down into a rest-and-repair phase. It also helps to keep us safe. When our body perceives a threat, our hypothalamus sends a signal to our adrenal glands to start pumping out hormones like cortisol. This release sets off physiological responses, designed to help us get out of danger, immediately.

Our heart rate and blood-sugar levels spike, and we start to feel anxious. And non-essential systems, like our digestive and reproductive systems, temporarily shut down. That allows our body to devote more energy and focus to helping us escape the threat. Side effects of high cortisol levels. Normally, all of these reactions stop when the threat goes away, and we start to relax again. But when the hormone is constantly being released because of chronic stress, we can start to run into issues. A whopping 70% of diseases are related to stress. Chronically-high cortisol levels can weaken our immune system, increasing our risk for: *Sleep problems (insomnia, waking in the night, waking up tired in the morning) *Headaches *Digestive issues *Hormonal imbalances *Anxiety and depression *Blood sugar and metabolic problems (including sugar cravings, metabolic syndrome, PCOS and diabetes) *Weight gain *Decreased memory, focus and willpower *Immune system imbalances, leading to more frequent infections reactivation of old viruses, allergies, inflammation, and even autoimmune disease *Alzheimer’s and heart disease Some simple lifestyle changes have been proved to help regulate cortisol levels: *Get enough sleep. Aim for seven to eight hours a night. Poor sleep is tied to increased cortisol production. Consider cutting out caffeine and alcohol, later in the day. *Be active. Regular movement is another must for managing stress. Lower-intensity exercise (brisk walking) is linked to lower cortisol levels. *Curb your sugar intake. Sugar overload stresses your body, and can encourage the release of cortisol. *Try meditative practices. Yoga, mindfulness meditation, progressive muscle relaxation and deep breathing. *Numerous studies have found that contact with dogs and cats, during stressful situations, causes cortisol levels to drop. 7th February - 13th February 2020


33 CW

CW 34

Just enter the numbers 1 - 9 once in each row, column and 3 x 3 square within the sudoku X puzzle grid. In addition to standard sudoku, the numbers must only occur once in each side of the ‘X’ that is marked on the grid. 5 6 1 7 3


6 4 9 4 2 2 5 9 8 8 7 6 6 7 9 3 7 9 8 5

And 2 normal sudokus for you as well...

3 8 5 8 5 8 6 4 9 7 4 9 5 6 4 3 7 1 5 8 7 2


5 9 4

9 3 4 5 9 8 8


7th February - 13th February 2020


Sudoku X


Puzzle page/Property for Sale



4 6 5 9 7 4 2 3 8 7 6 1 1 6 8 7 1 3

Find the answers to these puzzles on our website

Across 1. Completed (9) 8. Move stiffly (5) 9. Express strong disapproval of (7) 10. Plan and follow a route (8) 11. Travels on snow (4) 13. Victor (6) 14. Set in operation (4,2) 16. Mess up — hand warmer (4) 17. Speculated (8)

19. Confined channel (7) 20. Bequeath (5) 21. Amiability (9) Down 1. Military uniform worn when doing menial labour (8) 2. Nakedness (6) 3. Move with a long bounding stride (4)

4. Typical activity of a person or company (5-2-5) 5. Severe scolding (wearing casual clothes?) (8,4) 6. Unable to decide between alternatives (2,2,3,5) 7. Prime mover (7,5) 12. Scores (8) 15. Light creamy dessert (6) 18. Mail (4)

Service Point

7th February - 13th February 2020


to advertise here call 822 14 15 17

Jobs (cont.)


TELEMARKETERS WANTED FOR BUSY NEW CALL CENTRE IN LAS AMERICAS Due to success we are now expanding and opening a new office next door to our current office based in the Zentral Center. This office will specialise in fly bys and we are looking for highly motivated individuals to join our current telemarketing team! The ideal candidate will have plenty of experience within the timeshare industry, specifically fly bys, and committed to full time hours and a positive working attitude! In return we offer great databases, 40 hour working contract with monthly nomina of 1250€ per month. A lucrative commission structure paid weekly every Friday on every tour and deal provided. Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity. Send CV’s to either or Alternatively you can call 660 549 635 and arrange an interview. No time wasters please.

Service point

to advertise here call 822 14 15 17 air-conditioning


garden furniture

to advertise here call 822 14 15 17 cars CARS BOUGHT FOR CASH - Offer made once seen, we will come to you. WANTED small cars to medium cars, 4 X 4’s, small vans, people carriers, runners and non runners, accident damaged, etc. ANYTHING CONSIDERED.

Call us now on 678 451 641 Dogs

Health and Beauty


For Sale For Sale , All Perfect Condition: Double bed and Mattress with the headboard: 95€ Pair of Sliding doors and runners for fitted wardrobes 6”: 30€ Pair of Sliding doors and runners for fitted wardrobes 5”:25€ Philips Mini Hi Fi System: 25€. Call 652 223 330



Claims Advisors are wanted for busy office based in Zentral Commerical centre Las Americas Must have experience in the timeshare industry

Full and part time positions available Contract from day one, nomina 1250€ a month, 100€ a tour a further 50€ on completion. Commissions structure paid weekly. Current staff in Malaga office and Tenerife are earning between 2/3000€ a month.

Please send CV’s to:

Ann Malpass M.A.F.H.P. M.C.F.H.P. Qualified Chiropodist. All your foot care needs solved in the comfort of your own home/hotel. Tel 625 799 570 Wendy Nelson - Hairdresser and Mobile chiropodist MCFHP-BSC, 25 yrs working for the NHS caring for all foot problems , Home visits and Hotels. Call 634 301 727 or email Elaine Watson-Jones MSSCh MBChA. Experienced qualified Chiropodist based in Tenerife over 20yrs, offers home/ hotel visits in most areas of the South. Tel: 608 029 790. Email:



35 CW

CW 36

Service Point


7th February - 13th February 2020



personal services Male/female Viagra, Jellies, Cialis. Call 672 883 025

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Pool tables

T-shirt printing

patio doors & windows



Everything for your house, apartment, etc We also buy good quality furniture and household items. Plus house clearances. Opening times: Mon-fri 10am-5pm, Sat 10am-2pm Las Chafiras Calle tilena 19. Next to Rachels Motors

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PRIVACY & HEAT REDUCTION * Complete Privacy * 98 % HEAT Reduction * 99 % Reduced Glare * Reduces Air Con Costs Our Mirror range of SOLAR SCREEN window films offer an elegant solution, offering privacy in the way of mirrored one-way glass and blocking out unwanted excessive HEAT and UV Solar radiation. Nu Arte Solar Screen

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Pest control

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tv & satellite ElectroSat TV S.L. C/Encarnacion No 1. Valle San Lorenzo, Tenerife. Tel: 922 72 22 27 Mobile 670 277 772, email: Menny Fix, Satellite TV Tel 922 792 116 Avnd; Antonio Dominguez 18, Edif: MarOLa Local 2, Los Cristianos. EST 1994, Repairs, Maintenance and Sales.

windows & doors


7th February - 13th February 2020

37 CW

Being a left-hander’s fine! HELLO and welcome to my second edition of On The Tee. I actually played golf last Thursday with the Rabbits, and came second with 42 points off a 19 handicap, Yes 2nd!

Peter Yates won with 46 points off a 22 handicap. Well done Peter, but at least Dick Turpin had the decency to wear a mask. No longer a 22 handicap, my friend; it’s now 17, and I’m down to 16. Mick Nolan who came third with 41 points, has also been cut to 17. That’s the last time we win a few bob. I played my round with our Captain, Steve Moore, who said the Wednesday Texas Scramble BBQ was a complete sell-out, with 48 entrants. If you would like to play in this, you must get your name down quickly. Also, in the first column, I did mention The Legends, the other Society who tee off before us, and although I didn’t get to speak to George, the Captain, he did chip in with more details about his Society. The Legends were formed in February 2014 with then Captain Ken Leach, who knew the Los Cristianos Legends Bar owner Graham. And after spending an hour chatting with some of the residents one afternoon, they formed a golf society, and so the Legends were born. They started at Los Palos, the par 3 Pitch and Putt course in Guaza. But as the numbers grew, they moved their day to Las Americas for the summer and Los Lagos for the winter, then on to Golf del Sur. George tells me that the Society currently has 41 members, comprising of Residents, Swallows and Holiday-maker guests. They had Alan Graham, their first Society Champion in 2015/16 (twice), plus Richard Snelling and Stephen Gregory, and the Society have had eight Holes in One. Thanks George, Happy golfing to all your members and guests, and do keep me in touch with any special events. As golfers, we often talk about how you get into the game. For me, it was way back in the early Seventies, when I had a pub in the centre of my home city Nottingham. The pub was a popular place for Notts County and Forest players to meet for a little tipple. One night, Forest had played QPR, and Notts were away at Mansfield, so, by 10.30pm, I had a pub full of footballers, the likes of Stan Bowles and Phil Parkes (QPR) Sammy Chapman, Ian Storey Moore (Forest) and many more. In fact, I had more in my pub after time (another lock-in) than I did before it. That’s when my old pal Dave Smith and Martin Busby asked me what I was going to do on my day off I said I’d go out for a drink, a busman’s holiday. But he said: “Why not come and play golf with us. I told him I couldn’t see the point of hitting a little white ball, then walking all the way after every hit to put it in a little hole. But I did, and, after joining the guys at Mapperley Golf Club the next morning with a slightly thick head, I played nine terrible holes with righthanded clubs that the guys had put together. I walked off the 9th green even more convinced that this game was not for me, until the assistant

pro, Nick, said: “Pete, if you are left-handed, why not play with left-handed clubs,” to which I threatened to wrap one of these clubs around his neck, knowing all the left-handed gags. But he took me on to the practice range with a left-handed 7 iron and got me swinging the club, and actually hitting the ball. That’s when the bug struck. He said he had a halfset of left-handed clubs with a bag and a putter for 35 quid. “I’ll have them,” I said, and that’s when Martin Busby said that if I played every Wednesday with the lads, he would buy me the clubs. And he did! That’s when the game of golf became part of my life. I had to have it all… a brand-new set of Bob Charles’ left-handed clubs, the flash trousers, as worn by John Daly, the flash jumpers Pringle and Scott Lyle style, the white, leather golf shoes and even a flat, tartan cap, The lot! If Nick Faldo and Sandy Lyle could wear them, so could Mr Q, even down to a furry headcover. Mine’s a Labradogal. I had some fantastic times playing golf, and met some fantastic people during all my years as a publican, with some great memories. And I even got to be on the committee of The Nottingham Innkeepers Golf Society, and lowered my handicap d to 14. Talking about old pals, who got me into the game, Dave Smith, the ex-Notts County and Torquay footballer, now has a Pub of his own called The Duke of Cornwall, and it’s in Devon. Hope to see

If you would like to advertise on this page, contact me by email on

you soon, Dave. Here in Tenerife, we have our own share of golfing icons and Characters. In the Rabbits we have our very own David Bailey, aka Trevor Bull. He brings his professional camera with its extra-long lens, and Trevor sneaks up on you, or from a good distance, and captures us in positions that would make David Leadbetter turn green with envy, I don’t think! Have a look for yourself by going to our Facebook website, Costa Adeje Rabbits Society. Some of the photos will bring a smile to your face. Thanks Trevor, and keep on clicking. Another man with a camera is my old friend Bill known as Siroldgolfer. Bill is known for his fantastic photography of some of the main golfing events and Charity Tournaments when Wee Wifie lets him out. Again, take a look at some of Bill’s work on Facebook. It’s fantastic. I had a nice phone call from Michael French from the Peanuts G/S and the Golf del Sur Members Club, who gave me a lot of information about the two societies, which I will l feature next week. Here are a few results from around the golf Societies: Peanuts G/S, Golf del Sur, 30th Jan: 1st Kevin Connaghan 36pts, 2nd Gary Boylan 35, 3rd Alex Rugon 34. Golf del Sur Members Club, Division 1: Andrew Perigo, Division 2: Keith Sykes. Stapleford comp: Norma Ridge, plus a flurry of Holes in One! Congratulations to Gary Bolan. Ann Dundas, and Andy Wale. Adeje International G/S, Sat 1st Feb: 1st, Stuart Bryson 39pts (countback), 2nd, Michael Riley 39, 3rd Claren Blair 37. Tuesday, 28th Jan: 1st Kevin Spencer, 2nd Klaus Buntebardt 3rd Dave Forsyth. Adeje Rabbits G/S, Sat 1st Feb: Los Lagos: 1st Sheila Coultard 44pts, 2nd Michael O’Hara 41, 3rd Jim McGroary 41 (countback). Finally, Congratulations to our Rabbits’ guest, Irish Singing star Daniel O’Donnell, for picking up Nearest the Pin on the 7th and recording a 2. Well done. Also, to Graham McDowell (pictured), for winning the Saudi International. That’s it for this edition, and thank you for all your messages about the feature, and sorry, Paul, from the Golf Shop. I passed your Exhibition on the driving range last Friday but didn’t stop because I thought it could cost me a fortune. Till next week, happy golfing everyone.

CW 38


CD Tenerife TENERIFE came into this game, determined to continue the good form they have shown recently in the League and the Copa del Rey.

Tenerife are still on a roll

7th February - 13th February 2020

Their opponents, also at the wrong end of the table, were eager to gain valuable points, which led to an interesting clash. Baraja made no major changes, sticking with Dani Hernández in goal, and a solid 4-42 formation, which appears to be their favourite set-up. The blanquiazul started at a good pace, keeping the Asturians in their own half and taking advantage of a set-play for their first goal. After winning a corner on the far right, Milla crossed an excellent ball into the danger zone, where Sipcic rose above three defenders and headed past keeper Marino to put CDT ahead after just eight minutes. The dream start gave Tenerife some breathing space after a busy few days, and left Sporting chasing the game. But although they had more possession, Sporting didn’t threaten Dani’s area because Tenerife held strong at the back, led by Lasure, one of their winter signings. In the 39th minute, CDT suffered a major blow when keeper Hernández injured a hamstring while taking a goal-kick. Coach Baraja was forced to make a change and brought on Ortolà, who had just recovered from injury. Then, on the stroke of half-time, Tenerife doubled

CD Tenerife 2 Sporting Gijon 1

their lead. Valiente failed to deal with a high ball, heading it as far as Joselu, who picked it up 20 yards out and slotted it into the far corner. Tenerife, with a two-goal advantage, were able to control the game after the interval, until Baraja had to introduce some fresh legs. Undabarrena came on for goal-scorer Joselu up front, and Alex Munoz replaced Nahuel. Sporting also made a couple of changes, the most

Watch this week’s major sporting events at the following venues:

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notable being the introduction of Pablo Pérez in the 77th minute. After being on the pitch for just six minutes, he got on the end of a perfect through-ball from Pedro Diaz and shot past Ortola to cut the lead, with only seven minutes left. Tenerife looked nervy, naturally, and Sporting pressed forward, creating a couple of chances. But the home side hung on, to see the game through for a well-deserved third win in five games. They are now 16th in the table, and travel to Extramadura tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon. If they can maintain this form, and build on their team spirit to keep the good performances and results coming, it could turn out to be a successful 2020 campaign.


7th February - 13th February 2020

Coronavirus: 15 sports events are now affected

THE coronavirus, which first emerged in Wuhan late last year, has now killed 490 people and infected over 24,000 in China. The disease has led to more than 15 sporting events, scheduled to be held in the country, being postponed or cancelled. Here are some of them: ATHLETICS The World Athletics Indoor Championships, which had been scheduled for Nanjing from 13th-15th March, were postponed until next year. And World Athletics is now working with organisers to settle on a date to host the biennial event in 2021. The Asian Athletics Association have also cancelled next week’s indoor championships in Hangzhou. FOOTBALL Meanwhile, Australian officials are seeking to reschedule Asian Football Confederation (AFC) Asian Champions League matches, after their government imposed a travel ban on foreign nationals arriving from China. Shanghai Shenhua and Shanghai SIPG were due to play Perth Glory and Sydney FC next week. In addition, The Chinese Football Association said domestic games at all levels would be postponed. OLYMPICS A four-team women’s Olympic qualifying tournament, involving China, Australia, Taiwan and Thailand, has been moved from Wuhan and rearranged to be held in Australia by the AFC. Organisers were also forced to change the match schedule after China’s team, who arrived in Australia on 29th January, were placed in quarantine in Brisbane until after Wednesday (5th Feb). MOTOR RACING The all-electric, Formula E motor-racing series abandoned plans for a race in Sanya on 21st March. The move puts Formula One in the spotlight, with Shanghai set to host the Chinese Grand Prix on 19th April. The International Tennis Federation moved the Fed Cup Asia/Oceania Group I event, featuring China, Taiwan, Indonesia, South Korea and Uzbekistan, out of Dongguan to Nur-Sultan (formerly Astana) in Kazakhstan. But the 4th-8th Feb event was later postponed after Kazakhstan declined to serve as substitute hosts. BADMINTON The Feb 25-March 1st China Masters tournament in Hainan was postponed after several players withdrew. The Badminton World Federation said it hoped the flagship Badminton Asia Championships could still go ahead in Wuhan, from 21st-26th April. BOXING The International Olympic Committee announced Jordan as hosts of the boxing qualifiers for Asia and Oceania, after a Wuhan event was cancelled. It will now take place in Amman, from 3rd-11th March. BASKETBALL The International Basketball Federation moved the Tokyo Olympics qualifiers, from 6th-9th Feb, to be held in Foshan to Belgrade. The FIBA Asia Cup 2021 qualifying match between China and Malaysia, to be held in Foshan on 24th Feb, will be rescheduled. GOLF The elite women’s LPGA golf tour cancelled the 5th8th March Blue Bay tournament, scheduled to be held on Hainan. The PGA Tour Series-China moved its 25th-28th Feb global qualifying tournament to Lagoi, Indonesia, from Haikou, China. SKIING The governing body has cancelled the 15th-16th World Cup in Yanqing. X-GAMES The first winter X-Games, scheduled to be held in China, in the Hebei province from Feb 21-23, was postponed.

39 CW

Pink Elephant trample all over unbeaten team

HOME advantage was no match for the 260 start conceded by Pas O Nadas to Pink Elephant in last week’s Handicap clashes.

Suters 20:30 Crew. This one also went 3-2 to the home team, and, following suit, they also took both doubles for a 5-2 success, even though all four 180s were scored by Suters players Sam, Jamie, Ed and Steve. Sandys Bookie Boys not only gave a 360 start to Sundowners but took only four players to face them! How’s that for confidence? They proceeded to take the first three singles, before losing one, and, of course, conceding the next. But the doubles were shared, so it gave impressive 4-3 win to the under-manned away team. In the Plate, we start with Pas O Nadas v Pas O Nadas International, with the home team receiving a 320 start, but with four players only. Honours were even after four singles, with the fifth’s concession making it 3-2 to the away team. The doubles were shared, so being a player short may well have decided it. Scooters&Chevys B faced the Mad Hatters with a 220 start, the lowest handicap difference so far. But when Rob posted on Facebook “Well, it’s not going to plan tonight, 3-0 down and it’s only half-nine. It doesn’t look good for the Hatters” He wasn’t wrong! His next posting read “Wow, I felt confident they couldn’t finish, but they can.” Then, from John, came: “Think we should change the name

And that to a team, undoubtedly better than half of the Division 1 teams, who have lost just one Division 2 match all season. It proved too much, even for Pas O Nadas, who are unbeaten in Division 1. Pink Elephant won 7-0, with Telf securing a maximum180. Third-place Div 2 team The Club House had home advantage, plus a 280 start, against Gaffers#Teamhollywood, who sit second in Division 1. But it proved closer than some might have expected, at 3-2 to the home team. But they went on to take both doubles, for a comfortable 5-2 victory, demonstrating why they’re another team heading for Division 1. Emerald Lounge also had home advantage, and a 280 start over Canarian Weekly Handicap Trophy 3rd Round Results - 31st January 2020 Pas’O’Nadas “A” (1021) The Club House (721) Emerald lounge (701) Sundowners (561)

0 v 7 Pink Elephant (761) 5 v 2 Gaffers# team H/W (1001) 5 v 2 Suters 20;30 Crew (981) 3 v 4 Sandys Bookie Boys (921)

Canarian Weekly Handicap Plate 3rd Round Results - 31st January 2020 Palms Sports Bar (701) Pas’O’Nadas (641) Scooters & Chevys B (661) Ourplace Playboys (961)

P v P 3 v 4 7 v 0 4 v 3

Club Activo (741) Pas’O’Nadas “Int” (961) Mad Hatters (881) Naughty Nautas (541)

from the Hatters to the Tatters.” And they were left in tatters… by the 7-0 scoreline! Ourplace Playboys conceded a mighty 420 to visiting Naughty Nautas. But they won the first, and then alternated for the remaining singles, to be 3-2 up, with the doubles to play. They were shared, so the home team picked up a well-deserved 4-3 win, considering their handicap. All the above games involved one team from each division, except for one exception. The match between Palms Sports Bar and Club Activo had to be abandoned, because, I understand, there was an outside influence. Both teams turned up, so neither were responsible and couldn’t, reasonably, be penalised. And, given the circumstances, the match will be rearranged.

division 1 ResultS

division 2 ResultS

Gaffers # Team Hollywood 8-0 Emerald ‘B’

Naughty Nautas



Scooters & Chevys ‘A’ 2-6 Ourplace PlayboyS




Sandys Bandits


Pink Elephant

5-3 The Club House


0-8 Sandys Bookie BoyS

Emerald Lounge


Club ActivO

Pas O NadaS


Scooters & Chevys ‘B’

The Loch-In BullseyeS 0-8

Pas O Nadas ‘A’ Suters 20:30 CreW

Mad Hatters



P-P The PuB

Pas O Nadas Int.

Ourplace PlaygirlS

3-5 Ourplace BreakawayS

Palms Sports Bar


Picasso’s @ PalmS

division 2 Table

division 1 Table P W D L F A +- PTS


P W D L F A +- PTS

20 19


0 137 23 114 137

1 Pink Elephant

20 18


1 132 28 104 132

2 Gaffers # Team Hollywood 20 16


3 126 34 92


2 Club Activo

21 18


1 127 41



3 Suters 20:30 Crew 20 15


2 117 43



3 The Club House

21 15


4 118 50



4 Pas O Nadas Int.

21 13






4 Palms Sports Bar 20 13


4 102 58



5 The Pub

19 13


2 104 48



5 Emerald Lounge


4 99


Table 1 Pas O Nadas ‘A’


20 13


6 Sandys Bookie Boys 21 11 4 6 99 69 30 99

6 Scooters & Chevys ‘B’ 21 9 5 7 84 84 0

7 Ourplace Playboys 20



7 Pas O Nadas

8 Mad Hatters


5 11 64


8 85


21 10

1 10 82



99 84 82



96 -32


8 Ourplace Breakaways 20 10 1 9 80 80 0


9 Picasso’s @ Palms 20




9 74

86 -12

9 Emerald ‘B’




14 47 113 -66


10 Waterfall



1 15 45 115 -70


10 Ourplace Playgirls 21 7 0 14 63 105 -42 63


2 15 40 112 -72


11 Sundowners



5 15 60 116 -56


12 The Loch-In Bullseyes 20 2

2 16 37 123 -86


12 Naughty Nautas 22


4 15 57 119 -62


13 Scooters & Chevys ‘A’ 20 1 2 17 31 129 -98 31

13 Marilyns



2 17 46 122 -76


14 Legends

14 Clouseau’s



4 18 44 132 -88


11 Sandys Bandits


0 0 0 0 0 0 0


CW 40

Advertisement 7th February - 13th February 2020

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