Canarian Weekly Issue 1141

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31st January - 6th February 2020

It’s B-Day for Britain 1 CW

Issue 1141

31st January - 6th February 2020

THE Withdrawal Agreement, which sets out how the UK leaves the EU, has now passed into UK law, and MEPs in Brussels, once it was ratified on Wednesday, broke out into a rendition of ‘Auld Lang Syne’. It means the UK is leaving the EU with a deal today (Friday, 31st January). Continued on Page 3

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Advertisement 31st January - 6th February 2020


31st January - 6th February 2020

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Boost for Brits resident in Tenerife and the mainland

Continued from Front

As David Sassoli, President of the European parliament, announced the result of the vote, with 621 in favour to 49 against with 13 abstentions, MEPs stood almost as one to sing the Scottish song. The vote ensures that the UK’s 47 years of membership of the EU will now end at midnight central European time tonight, after years of troubled talks and uncertainty. This is positive news for UK nationals resident in Spain,

WOLFGANG Kiessling, President of the Loro Park Group, has been trying for at least six years to build what was described as Europe’s biggest water park, in Gran Canaria. The original Siam Park was actually suggested more than 15 years ago, but Gran Canaria’s red tape and bureaucracy, it appears, led to the first park opening in Tenerife in 2008. That’s where his successful, if sometimes controversial, parrot park zoo has been operating since 1972. And that has grown 10-fold in size, now covering more than 33 acres. After securing a 2013 Gran Canaria land deal with the aristocratic Del Castillo family, and, a year later, clearing what appeared to be the last administrative hurdles with the Island Water Board and Spanish, state-owned lands, Kiessling felt sure he had finally secured the site needed. He even predicted his finished €100m landmark attraction would probably complete construction within two years.

including Tenerife and the other Canary Islands, because the Withdrawal Agreement contains some really important protections for their rights: *You will be able to continue to live and work here *UK state pensioners will continue to have lifelong healthcare, as long as they remain living here. This also applies to residents claiming a UK state pension *Your UK state pension will continue to be uprated *You will be able to exchange your driving licence until the end of 2020, without taking a

driving test, and your Spanish licence will be accepted in the UK when you visit. These rights will be protected for as long as you live in Spain, provided you are legally resident here by the end of 2020. The Withdrawal Agreement also provides a Transition Period this year, from 31st January until 31st December, during which time nothing will change for UK Nationals living here. Charmaine Arbouin, UK consul to Andalucia, said: “The approval of the Withdrawal Agreement is a

very important step for these UK nationals. “It provides reassurance on key rights, such as being able to continue to live and work here, and for pensioners to have lifelong healthcare and uprated pensions. “Alongside those rights, you have obligations, the main one being to make sure you are registered, with a green, residency certificate. This remains a valid document after 31st January, and we will communicate any details on future residency processes, once we have them.” For further information, visit

the Living in Spain Guide on To view the latest video message from HMA Hugh Elliott to UK nationals, visit: https://www.facebook. com/BritsInSpain/ videos/1352265428277649/ To put your questions to HMA Hugh Elliott and Regional Consular Policy Adviser Lorna Geddie, join their Facebook Live Q&A today (Friday) at midday, Central European Time (CET), on facebook. com/britsinspain Information for UK nationals can also be found at livinginspain

stepped in, claiming dominion over parts of the land they still own, and demanding clarification of what monies they would be owed for the project. All seemed lost! And only last week, Kiessling claimed to have lost his motivation, somewhat, saying he had already spent €20m and still had no licence to begin work. Now, though, with the 2020 trade fair Fitur completed, a positive shine has been put on the entire affair. According to news agency EFE, following a meeting last week with the new President of the Canary Islands Government, Ángel Víctor Torres (PSOE), the President of the Cabildo de Gran Canaria, Antonio Morales (NC), and the new Mayor of San Bartolomé

de Tirajana, Conchi Narváez (PSOE), Kiessling says he has “reached an agreement to find a way to eliminate the difficulties in the construction of the park”, and hopes that the project can begin this year. The German-born business man has stressed that Loro Park Group has always followed all steps demanded by the various administrations “100%”, and that they are now continuing to work on resolving “this difficult situation in which the previous government of San Bartolomé has put us”. The final project, he says, will total around €120 million in the end, and will create 600 jobs, as well as providing a significant tourist attraction for the Playa del Inglés and Maspalomas area. Christoph Kiessling, his son and Vice President of the Loro Parque group, has said that since 2012, they have invested “around €20m” in this project, from when the search for the site and preparation of the first plans for the park began. He added: “We have always envisioned that the construction of the park could be done within two years, although it could extend to up to two-and-a-half years.”

The end in sight for for new Siam Park - in Gran Canaria!

But it seems that the battle to get this major tourist attraction built is still far from over, with several groups opposed to the development, and tying-up the project in court cases and administrative objections for several years. Works to channel the El Veril ravine started in 2017, as a prerequisite to the park’s construction. But a storm in a tea-cup about “aboriginal seashell remains” led to a public spat between the local Mayor and the island’s President. Then, what appeared to be a moving of the goalposts, the local council changed its bylaws to demand a further €2m extra to the project’s originallyagreed budget, to develop public roads on the perimeter of the site, without which the Town Hall would refuse to grant

the final works licence, which would allow the project to begin. Meanwhile, lots of acrimony and finger-pointing ensued. At last year’s tourism fair FITUR, Grupos Loro Park said they were only awaiting the San Bartolomé de Tirajana Town Hall, and that they were ready to begin construction. But another public spat resulted in a court case, with the developer accusing the local administration of contravening the group’s fundamental rights. Although the judgement, last October, did not agree with this view, the judge clearly stated that the local council appeared to have been obstructive, and been dragging their feet, purposefully. The Spanish state had already

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31st January - 6th February 2020

Brits can travel to Schengen countries…until next year! THERE was an error in the reporting last week of the timeframe relevant to Brexit, after Friday, 31st January 2020.

Specifically, it was stated that new restrictions on travel, to and from Schengen countries, would come into effect from that date, but that is not the case. To clarify matters, the British Consul has sent the following statement: “The rules on travel will stay the same until the implementation period ends, on 31st December 2020. During this time, you can continue to travel to countries

Youngsters escape huge blaze in a holiday home

TWENTY youngsters escaped from a fierce blaze at an Arona holiday home, during the early hours of Wednesday. Fortunately, after many hours of hard labour, fire-fighters extinguished the fire, with no injuries reported. A call was made to the Canarian emergency services at 1.33am, reporting the fire, and San Miguel fire-fighters were dispatched to Calle Virgin de Fatima, in the centre of Arona. The youngsters were relocated to another property, which had also been rented out to them in the vicinity. They spent the rest of the night there, while the fire-fighters tackled the smoke and fire, eventually bringing it all under control at 3.45am, and fully extinguishing it at 5am. But the extent of the blaze meant that they had to control the flames by using pumps from five fire engines. They were assisted by the Guardia Civil and the Local Police because of the huge fire.

in the Schengen area, or elsewhere in the EU, with your UK passport.” Schengen countries are those in Europe, who are signed up to the Schengen Agreement, allowing for free travel between member states. Under current proposals, from the start of 2021, British citizens won’t be able to stay for more than 90 days in any consecutive period of 180 days in a Schengen country. Of the 27 EU countries, Ireland has a permanent opt-out (as has/had the UK), and though Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, and Romania are not part of Schengen, they will be soon. All other EU member states are signed up to the agreement, which means that Spain operates

under Schengen rules. The agreement means that for citizens of member states, there are no border controls, and, in fact, about 1.7 million people commute to work daily, across a European border. The UK Ambassador to Spain, Hugh Elliot, told Clio O’Flynn, as reported last week, that the issue of the 90-day restriction was coming up in discussions, but for now, it will come into force from January 2021. However, there are still 11 months of unrestricted travel for British travellers to Schengen countries. And they can stay for as long as they like, especially in Spain or the Canary Islands, if they are residents.

ums (EAZA) are affiliated. She arrived at Loro Parque in 2019 from a zoological institution in Martinique, in the Caribbean, with the aim of increasing the programme’s genetic diversity. The jaguar is the largest cat in the Americas, and the thirdlargest in the world, after the tiger and the lion. Within its range, it is the animal at the top of the food chain, and can live in habitats as diverse as the Amazon rainforest, or the dry steppes of southern South America. In the wild, it feeds on a variety of live prey, from fish to large mammals, and even small alligators! In addition, it is known to have the strongest jaws within the big-cat group.

In general, and with the exception of the breeding and reproduction periods, it is a solitary animal. Although commercial hunting of jaguars for their skins has decreased dramatically since the 1970s, thanks to various anti-fur campaigns and the progressive control and closure of international markets, there is, unfortunately, still a demand for their paws, teeth and other items. However, through these zooorganised conservation programmes, the population of these animals is growing. And, at the same time, this particular family of jaguars will help make visitors aware of the difficulties faced by their fellow creatures in the wild.

Jaguars arrive in time for Loro Parque celebrations LORO Parque has welcomed the birth of two jaguar cubs, who were born in December during the park’s 47th anniversary celebrations.

The Panthera onca specimens are with their mother, Naya, adapting to their new home, in which they can already be seen together. This great event represents a conservation success because the Panthera onca is a species categorised as “Near Threatened” in the Red List of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). One of the greatest dangers faced by jaguar specimens is the high rates of deforestation in Latin America, as well as the fragmentation of their habitats, which isolates them, making them more vulnerable to human persecution. These births reinforce Loro Parque’s place in its commitment to the protection of nature and different species, which makes it a true embassy for wild animals. The birth of new specimens is always an excellent indicator of animal welfare, because it means that their requirements are covered and, consequently, they manage to reproduce without difficulty. To receive the cubs, the entire team of the Terrestrial Mammal

Department, and the expert vets, ensured the correct evolution of Naya’s pregnancy. And the team prepared the habitat, especially, so that the mother would be comfortable at all times. For now, as is natural in the first few months, the jaguars are being fed by their mother, who is attentive to their care at all times. In terms of physical appearance, the twins are similar to their father, Gulliver, who has more visible spots and a lightercoloured coat. Naya is part of a conservation programme within the European Endangered Species Programme (EPP), to which zoos linked to the European Association of Zoos and Aquari-


31st January - 6th February 2020

Jet2 continuing its summer expansion

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Guardia to the rescue of a frightened walker

JET2.COM and Jet2holidays are continuing regional expansion for this summer, with an extra 700,000 seats from Manchester airport.

The 25% capacity hike over last summer will see 3.5 million seats available from the north-west hub, which was the base of defunct Thomas Cook Airlines. Jet2 acquired former Thomas Cook take-off and landing slots at Manchester, Birmingham and Stansted airports, following the collapse of its rival in September. Additional flights will run from Manchester to Tenerife, Fuerteventura, Majorca, Menorca, Alicante, Faro, Dalaman, Antalya, Corfu, Crete Naples and Bourgas. The expanded operation means that the company will operate more than 330 weekly departures from Manchester during the summer peak, and follows capacity being added from other regional airports. has also purchased Thomas Cook slots at Birmingham, Stansted and Manchester. The operator previously announced 10 new destinations from Manchester, and and Jet2holidays chief executive Steve Heapy said: “This hugely-expanded programme has come in response to the continued demand for our award-winning flights and holidays, from customers in Manchester and across the north-west. “Over 3.5 million seats, and

10 brand-new destinations, represent significant growth at Manchester airport, and we are delighted to be offering holiday-makers so much choice and flexibility.” Manchester airport aviation director Julian Carr added: “It’s great to see increase its programme this summer at Manchester airport. I am sure the extra capacity and new destinations will prove popular with our annual 29.5 million passengers.”

GUARDIA Civil officers were called upon last Sunday night to rescue a 27-yearold Russian man, stuck in a precarious windy area, near a sheer cliff edge in Anaga National Park, minutes from Santa Cruz. The emergency services were called by the man, who said he could not continue walking, so the helicopter was employed, along with the Guardia’s search-andrescue officers.

The helicopter, following a quick scan of the area, found the man at a popular point inside the park, known to many as El Suculum. The area is around 500m above sea level, and helpers were sent to the officers, who were searching on foot for the man. They eventually discovered him at around 12.30am, in his dangerous surroundings. The frightened walker was able to follow instructions from the rescue officers, and, once in their capable hands and checked over, he was escorted back to his holiday home. Fortunately, he had no injuries, but was exhausted.

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31st January - 6th February 2020

Stomach full of plastic NEWS IN BRIEF in small fish goes viral Huge rock-fall closes road

A WALL has collapsed in El Hierro, forcing one of the main connecting roads on the island to close. It happened on the HI-40, close to Barranco de Taaagate, in the early hours of Wednesday, with huge boulders crashing on to the road between El Golfo and El Julán. Cecopin, E Hierro’s environmental offices, were informed immediately, and staff notified the Guardia Civil and the Local Police about the incident, making them aware of the situation. The road was closed and the road-maintenance team were dispatched to the vicinity to clear up the huge lumps of rock and stone, which had fallen in a precarious location, close to where the road joins El Morcillo and Tomillar.

Suicidal man is saved

SAN Miguel firefighters, in collaboration with the General Emergency Services’ helicopter, rescued a man trying to kill himself in Arona last Monday. Having been warned by the Local Police, they moved from the Barranco del Ancón, where they found him, to the Roque del Conde area, and discovered that he was being monitored by a police officer. But, because this was also a difficult place to reach, the man was taken to a more secure area. Once the situation became safe, a GES helicopter, along with medical assistance, attended to him. Everyone involved was then transported to safety, and the suicidal victim received psychological attention.

Police return man’s wallet

A LUCKY tourist has been reunited with his wallet, containing €1,890, which was left on the ground after he lost it in Sevilla city centre. It was spotted by a Local Police officer, who stopped his motorbike to pick it up, on Calle Santa Maria La Blanca. Fortunately, it contained documents and identification, making it easier for the police to identify the owner. They were able to track him down and return the wallet, to his relief and delight.

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A HAIR-RAISING video of a Tenerife fisherman, cutting open a small fish to find its stomach full of plastic, is going viral. There is no denying that people have spoiled Earth, and that coming generations will find only plastic on the planet, with living conditions totally unhealthy. And a recent video, going viral on the internet, proves the same. The current video was shared

by Twitter-user Yasmin Scott with the caption: “Fish found with a stomach full of plastic.” The video, lasting just 100 seconds, was taken in Playa de Las Americas, with a 35-year-old fisherman looking at two octopuses and the fish he’d caught. He felt something weird when viewing the fish and thought there was something inside it. On opening it, the fisherman and the people around him saw plastic in the transparent stomach bag of the fish.

The video shows the fisherman tearing the stomach open and all the plastic coming out. The shocking thing was that the fisherman had just caught the fresh fish, which was alive in the water, even after having so much plastic in its gut. Just imagine, if the little fish has this much plastic in its stomach, what on earth would you would find in the stomach of a whale? In recent times, a lot of examples of people finding plastic in fish they have caught have been noted.

Traveller dies on board plane to Tenerife North A PASSENGER on board a flight from Venezuela to Tenerife died during the long, transatlantic journey.

Her death occurred between Sunday night and Monday morning, and the Guardia Civil were notified by the flight’s captain. Officers were awaiting the flight at Tenerife North airport to begin their investigation.

The passenger was a 65-yearold woman, and, upon initial observations, the Guardia, along with the medical team, believed she had passed away through natural causes, A family member who had been in contact with the authorities, reassured them that the woman’s death was probably down to a heart attack. But the officers following procedure, and began their in-

vestigation to determine why she died. On Tuesday, the authorities confirmed from the autopsy that she had died of natural causes, Because of the circumstances, however, the investigation and autopsy was an obligatory procedure. The authorities had to determine the cause of death, and were able to rule out any suspicious actions.

Avda Claudio Delgado Diaz 73, Las Chaf iras, 38639 San Miguel de Abona, Tenerife PRINTED BY: TF Print S.A. Managing Editor & Director: Chris Elkington

News Editor: John Hennessey

Design: Joe Price

Sales Manager: John Zammit

Classified Angela Jefferies

Contributors: Emma Swain, Carol Schleisman, Ken Little, Mike Broeckaert, Mariano Zunino Siri, Paul Montague, Peter Quilty, Sir Old Golfer. Canarian Weekly takes all reasonable care to check the contents of every advertisement, but cannot accept responsibility for the claims or statements made in them. Also, statements or opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor or Publishers. Material featured in Canarian Weekly may not be reproduced without the explicit written permission of the Editor. Copyright © 2020 Canarian Weekly


31st January - 6th February 2020

7 CW

Guaza’s dumped cars Whale-watchers didn’t Young boy can pose big problems bank on boxed hashish is trapped

in smokefilled home

GUAZA residents, for a long time, have been denouncing the problem of abandoned cars on the embankment at the town’s entrance. Now, though, they say that not only has the area been totally abandoned, but it poses a danger to other vehicles correctly parked. That’s because the dumped cars, which are torched repeatedly, could damage other vehicles, as well as nearby homes. After several years, the land has become an abandoned car park, and an occasional landfill for vehicle parts, rubbish bags and other items. It is also a dog-walk area, where some owners do not collect the droppings, which causes dirt problems, bad odours and unhealthy conditions.

The problem is exacerbated because many people have started throwing rubbish and household appliances in places, and, upon seeing these containers, many citizens think it has become a collection point for refuse collectors. Even beforehand, the neighbours claimed: “This embankment is private but lacks a fence, and the owners do nothing about it.” At that time, online newspaper eldigitalsur contacted Arona Council, which confirmed that residents had complained before the present situation. Councillors for the environment, and corresponding technicians, initiated a report about the situation saying: “In the next few days an inspection will be carried out, to know what kind of materials are being poured in, and to continue with the corresponding procedure, which could end in a sanction.”

PASSENGERS on a spot-the-whale-anddolphin boat got more than they bargained for when they were met instead with a 500kg load of hashish in boxes, floating 1.5 miles off San Miguel Marina. The boxes, carefully packaged and marked with letters and numbers, were

sighted floating, by those on the sailboat Wesipruul, which covers a regular route to see the whales and dolphins. When one of the boxes was lifted from the sea and opened, it was found to contain a brownish powder, which later proved to be hashish. Immediately, the skipper notified the Local Police, who sent a helicopter to the scene. The police questioned the captain and his passengers on their return to the marina.

AN 11-year-old boy was taken to hospital on Saturday after becoming trapped inside his smoke-filled apartment. The incident happened at his home in Granadilla, and the emergency services were notified at around 12.30pm. Fire-fighters and ambulances were dispatched to Calle Arure immediately and, on arrival, the firemen discovered that a small fire had started from the boiler, which, in turn, created a lot of smoke. The fire-fighters began to extinguish the flames around the boiler rapidly, then continued to ventilate the house. The ambulance team quickly assessed the youngster, who was stable. But he was taken to hospital as a precaution, to be treated and monitored for smoke inhalation.

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Advertisement 31st January - 6th February 2020 31st January - 6th February 2020

PUERTO de La Cruz made its presence at Madrid’s International Tourism Trade Fair (FITUR) last week as the Canary Islands’ pioneering tourism city, committed to a threepronged tourism strategy of sustainability, accessibility and “Summer Carnival”. It is committed to highlighting the different aspects of the city, as shown by being awarded the trade fair’s Q Seal of Quality, at Madrid’s Crystal Palace. Puerto de La Cruz, which has reinvented itself to become one of the most important towns in the North of Tenerife, revealed its tourism strategy for 2020 at FITUR with the aim of attracting the national and European markets. Cesar Sar, known as “The Tourist”, was the master of ceremonies for the event. And Sar, who has travelled around the world twice, highlighted his choice of Puerto de La Cruz as being the final destination of his tours. Puerto de La Cruz Mayor, Marco Gonzalez, spoke about how the port town, which is a pioneer in the implementation and development of tourism models, aspires to lead in terms of competitiveness, but without losing its uniqueness. He said: “The trademark ‘Destino Puerto de la Cruz parte de ti’, which means ‘Destination Puerto de La Cruz, part of you’ is still what we live by, but we wanted to give it meaning. “Because of this our motto, ‘Compartimos momentos’, which means ‘We share moments’, focuses on what makes us different: the unique aspects of this wonderful city, such as our Summer Carnival and our commitment to sustainability principles and environmental awareness.” Carolina Rodrigues, Tourism and Economic Development


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Puerto de La Cruz tourism ideals win the Seal of Quality

Councillor, added that the development of sustainable actions in the city was very much a reality. “Following six of the Sustainable Development Goals, stated by United Nations, we have the Tourism and Environmental Awareness Days, known as Sensitur, that are aimed at young people, families and the business community. “These promote the care of the natural heritage, in line with our social and the economical heritage, too”. This strategy is based on the policies that Puerto de La Cruz’s government has implemented, alongside the installation of solar panels on institutional buildings, and the Mobility Plan. Rodríguez continued to highlight the

accessibility credentials of Puerto de La Cruz, which has just been awarded a city-wide ‘Cycling Friendly’ certificate. This certification recognises the city’s commitment to over 30 different routes through the city and outskirts, which travellers can enjoy by themselves or with their family. It is in addition to a variety of accommodation options the city’s new hotel plan

provides, in which up to six establishments have received the thumbs-up for this certificate. The third and final dimension in Puerto de La Cruz’s commitment to tourism is leisure in all its forms. Roberto Medina, Tourism Promotion Councillor, said the city offered a variety of different festivals throughout the year, such as the Phe Festival and the Peñón Rock Festival, as well as this year’s

new addition, the Soul Lake Festival. Furthermore, the town hall has placed more importance to Puerto de La Cruz’s International Carnival. And, not forgetting their most known and characteristic event ‘Mascarita Ponte Tacón’, Medina added: “The Summer Carnival is something different for the visitors. and it also promotes values such as equality and diversity, with the election of the Carnival King. “It is an event that can be enjoyed with the warm summer temperatures, which makes this a major tourist attraction. “With a clear focus on sustainability and environmental principles, Puerto de La Cruz has become a unique destination, offering different experiences for all, giving the tourist the option to travel without harming the environment, and to experience sustainable developments without leaving behind the comforts”. Sar closed the event by addressing the tourism representatives, praising the decision made by the town hall to develop and consolidate a tourism model, committed to quality leisure, as well as sustainability and accessibility, without losing the city’s own identity. He added: “All this leads to giving the visitor the option of travelling without harming the environment that surrounds the experience, betting on sustainable developments without leaving behind the comforts.”

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THE decision of Moroccan capital Rabat, to pass laws appropriating an area near the Canary Islands, encroaches on Spanish maritime borders at a spot which is rich with a rare mineral. Spanish Foreign Minister Arancha González Laya travelled to Morocco last Friday, amid diplomatic tension over Rabat’s attempt to take control of waters near the Canary Islands. Arancha González Laya was scheduled to meet her Moroccan counterpart, Nasser Bourita, to convey the message that there was no scope for unilateral action in the delimitation of territorial waters. It is, says the Spanish Government, a matter that should be resolved through agreements. But though Rabat’s goal is to appropriate the waters off Western Sahara, a disputed territory occupied partially by Morocco and controlled partly by the self-proclaimed Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, the project could have an impact on Spanish waters around the Canary Islands,

31st January - 6th February 2020

Foreign Minister in deep waters over a feud with Morocco

which lie in the Atlantic Ocean, around 100km from the Moroccan coast. González Laya, who was sworn into office just last week, had originally been planning a trip to Rabat to discuss other issues, such as immigration control and relations with the European Union. But these plans have been

altered by the Moroccan parliament’s recent approval of two bills, establishing a maritime area in which the north African country would have exclusive rights. “Just as we discussed with Morocco during these last few weeks, there will be no facts-on-the-ground policies or unilateral actions,” said a Moroccan spokesperson.

“This has been underscored by Moroccan Foreign Minister Bourita in the House of Representatives.” These bills have no effect in terms of international law because they are not backed by the United Nations. But they do send out a message about Morocco’s intention to reinforce control over waters it claims as its

own. But, following their passage in the House of Representatives, they still need to be ratified by the Senate, and signed by King Mohammed VI. The bills set the maritime borders at 12 nautical miles off the coast of Western Sahara, a territory whose sovereignty remains in dispute after Spain withdrew in 1975. They also establish an exclusive, economic zone of 200 nautical miles, which could overlap with waters surrounding the Canary Islands. There is also overlap in the continental shelf of both countries, at a spot where a 2016 expedition located the world’s largest-known deposit of tellurium. It is one of the rarest minerals on Earth, and of great use in technology to make solar panels and conductors for mobile devices. The site is located in an underwater volcanic mountain chain, known as Tropic. After her Rabat visit, the Spanish Foreign Minister will visit the Canary Islands, where local authorities have expressed concern over Rabat’s intentions. Then, tomorrow (Saturday), González Laya is scheduled to meet with Ángel Víctor Torres, regional leader of the archipelago.

Have you spotted these two missing teenagers?

THE association SOS Desapareciods activated an alert on Wednesday, concerning two missing male teenagers. Both were reported missing on Tuesday afternoon, but were last seen in different areas. One of them is called Agoney Rodríguez Madrigal, aged 14, who stands 5ft 7ins, with a clear complexion, black hair and dark

eyes. He is believed to have been last seen in Santa Cruz. The other lad is 13-year-old Omar Pedro Aouami Hernández, who is 5ft 2ins tall, with an athletic build, black hair and brown eyes, and was last seen in La Laguna. The association is pleading with the public, and also asking people to come forward with whatever information they might have about the boys’ whereabouts, by calling 642 650 775, 649 952 957, or by this e-mail: sosdesaparecidos@


31st January - 6th February 2020

Islands’ six earthquakes recorded in half-an-hour

THE National Geographic Institute recorded a total of six seismic tremors in the Canary Islands on Sunday morning. Those of greater magnitude took place on El Hierro. The first, of magnitude 2.0, was recorded at 5.20am, east of Valverde, and the other two, of magnitude 2.5, occurred at 5.32am and 5.45am, south-west of El Pinar. El Hierro is the second-smallest and furthest south of the Canary Islands, with a population of 10,798. The island, home to a volcano, often experiences microquakes, in which almost all seismicity is confined to depths of 9-16km below the surface.

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Dogs fall for spiked sausages

SAUSAGES and other meaty titbits, laced with sharp objects such as needles, pins and small screws, have been aimed at dogs in Telde, Gran Canaria, in recreational areas as well in specific dogwalking spots. It is an obvious attempt to inflict appalling damage on our four-legged friends. But even the threat of being sentenced to jail has not dissuaded the evil people responsible. The authorities are warning the guilty parties that these traps are obvious attempts to cause harm, and that this crime merits an extreme punishment. Councils and the police also want to make the public aware of these traps, because they are not only dangerous to animals, but also to the small children who use these areas. Local television channel C8 Noticias Canarias has published a video, containing images of sausages, filled with needles, which are obviously aimed at animals.

Police are hunting for traffic-sign meddlers

TENERIFE authorities are anxious to catch the culprits, who have been tampering with road-traffic signs in Santa Cruz, and the Local Police have opened an investigation.

The force, based in the capital city, are determined to discover who is responsible for messing around with the signs there. The traffic signs have been altered by people, aiming to

transmit different versions of distinct messages. The Local Police have posted on the Twitter account: “We could even partially agree with some messages we have come across around the city… but tampering with traffic signs is a crime, and, for this reason, we are investigating” . As can be seen in the photo displayed, at the bottom of the STOP sign, the culprit has stuck EATING ANIMALS. Yes, it’s wrong to mess with the signs, even though some messages will put a smile on the faces of some people, and will ring true with others.

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31st January - 6th February 2020

Sex gang’s 90-year jail sentence for prostituting women

A SIX-MAN gang have been jailed for a total of nearly 90 years by the Santa Cruz Provincial Court, after transporting asylumseeking Nigerian women to Spain to become prostitutes in Tenerife, Madrid and Benidorm. The group’s sentence covered crimes of humantrafficking, forced prostitution and illegal immigration, and the Court also imposed a €10,000 payment to the victims as compensation. The gang took advantage of the women’s precarious,

economic situation. And, after being moved to the Libyan coast, the hapless women were taken to Italy by boat. They were then flown to Madrid with a gang member, to be housed in apartments, both in the capital and in the south of Tenerife, as well as Benidorm. The women were forced to practise prostitution, initially as a way of paying the “debt” incurred during the trip, estimated between 30,000 and 35,000 euros. The women were forced to live in poor conditions, sleeping on stacked mattresses on the floor. And, having “worked” between 8pm-7am without a break, they were hardly allowed to leave the apartments.

Street drug-sellers coming under fire MEMBERS of a joint business association in Las Americas and Costa Adeje have alerted the authorities about the number of cannabis clubs surrounding the tourist areas.

The cause of the concern is the aggressive selling tactics of PRs in the middle of the street, in their attempt to spark an interest in marijuana. But for those not interested, it is a huge inconvenience. The sellers are also operating in bars, restaurants and other businesses in the vicinity. The AEPACA members say

there is a mammoth concern about the PRs, now more than ever, mainly because of the volume of illegal drugs being sold in the area. They say it leaves an ugly image, especially in Las Americas. According to other members, the PRs working in the area also offer to sell marijuana to pedestrians and tourists on the terraces. Now, thanks to several complaints being made, the National Police are circulating the area regularly, to ensure that the sales are totally legal. As for the cannabis shops, authorities want to confirm that the legal shops have the correct paperwork, as well as complying with

the official regulations. Some of the legal requirements are that the marijuana must be sold inside the premises, and to people who are associates. They also state that the premises should be on street level, but can have a sign outside. But the doors must be closed at all times. The AEPACA members say they have nothing against new, legal businesses opening, as long as they respect the neighbouring businesses. They also mention the street-sellers, saying they understand that the streetsellers have to make a living, and that they have families to feed. But they insist that there must be a solution. 31st January - 6th February 2020


13 CW

CW 14


By Carol schleisman at currencies direct

31st January - 6th February 2020

UK service-sector recovery lifting pound vs euro and US dollar, ahead of BoE decision

THE appeal of the pound proved muted, as investors continued to weigh up the odds of the Bank of England (BoE) cutting interest rates, at its January meeting. Weaker, German, business sentiment signals put pressure on the euro, meanwhile, as confidence in the health of the Eurozone’s powerhouse economy weakened. As political pressure on the Federal Reserve increased, the US dollar struggled to gain any significant ground against its rivals, in spite of a general uptick in market risk aversion. Dovish comments from BoE Governor Mark Carney, and other policymakers, had encouraged markets to price in high odds of a January interest-rate cut. However, an unexpectedlyimproved, UK-services PMI led investors to reassess the likelihood of imminent policy easing, to the benefit of the pound. As the services PMI jumped from 50.7 to 52.4, signalling expansion for the

sector, this fuelled hopes that the UK economy could rebound, in the first quarter. An uneventful European Central Bank (ECB) policy announcement offered little support to the euro, meanwhile, as policy looks set to remain on hold, for the foreseeable future. With policymakers acknowledging some anxiety over the outlook of the Eurozone economy, the single currency struggled to gain any positive footing against its rivals. The Trump administration’s latest criticism of the Federal Reserve failed to keep the US dollar under pressure for long,

as the central bank looks set to hold its ground. Another underwhelming month of industrial and manufacturing production put a dampener on USD exchange rates, though, with the world’s largest economy showing signs of slowing. Higher levels of market risk aversion helped to limit the potential for US dollar losses, however, thanks to fresh US threats to impose tariffs on EU produce. If the BoE opts to leave interest rates on hold at its January meeting, the pound could make further gains across the board, even though the odds

of a future rate cut are likely to remain. As markets have already unwound some of their earlier pricing of a rate cut, though, the positive impact of a rate hold could prove limited. Meanwhile, anxiety over Brexit may put GBP exchange rates under pressure, in the weeks ahead, as long as clarity over the future relationship between the UK and EU remains lacking. Confirmation that the UKservices PMI strengthened may also offer support to the pound, with evidence of greater economic resilience likely to encourage investors.

Rather than making an announcement, Norwegian simply removed all details of lounge-access from its website. In another area where Norwegian Air Shuttle differed from other low-cost carriers, you used to be able to have a free carry-on. But, from 23rd January, this was no longer available for people travelling on Norwegian’s cheapest fares. Instead, budget-minded travellers will be charged €7.26 for short-haul flights and €12 for a long-haul flight. Norwegian put a good spin on their decision to start charging for carry-ons with a statement about the new policy, carried by the Daily Express. It reads: “It’s important for us that everyone has a good travel experience when he or she flies Norwegian.

“It is a common misperception that there is enough room in the cabin for all passengers to bring an overhead cabin bag. However, most of our aircraft carry 186 passengers, and have space for around 80 overhead cabin bags. “Now, with the new policy in place, our goal is that boarding will be smoother for our passengers. We can avoid spending time rearranging carry-on baggage in the overhead lockers, and help ensure that our aircraft depart on time.” With every other low-cost airline charging for carryons, it is not surprising that Norwegian has spotted this opportunity to make a little extra money. Late last year, the Oslo-headquartered airline announced that it was embarking on a two billion korona (€189,068)

Any fresh signs of slowdown in the fourth-quarter, Eurozone, gross-domestic product could weigh heavily on the euro. With global trade tensions looking set to persist for some time yet to come, any loss of momentum for the currency union may drag EUR exchange rates lower, across the board. As the Federal Reserve is expected to remain on hold, this month, the US dollar may see little movement in the wake of the announcement. However, any evidence of manufacturing-sector weakness could put a dampener on the US dollar, as the impact of trade tensions with China continue to be felt. At Currencies Direct we’re here to talk currency, whenever you need us, so get in touch if you want to know more about the latest news, or how it could impact your currency transfers. Since 1996, we’ve helped more than 210,000 customers with their currency transfers. Just pop into your local Currencies Direct branch, or give us a call to find out more. T +34 922 971 781 E canaries@currenciesdirect. com W

Norwegian cuts out its lounge perk in a bid to be profitable IN a further move aimed at moving away from growth and shifting towards profitability, Norwegian Air Shuttle is cutting access to the lounge for its premium-economy passengers. And the company appears to have earmarked its base closure of airports in Tenerife, Gran Canaria, and Palma de Mallorca. This latest move, by the third-largest, low-cost European carrier behind easyJet and Ryanair, follows a string of other steps, designed to make the airline profitable. Norwegian had already restricted lounge access for many of its premium economy passengers, just

over a year ago. Company officials decided that of the popular Scandinavian airline’s two types of passengers, only those with PremiumFlex tickets would be eligible for access to the lounge. Now, though, they have also lost the perk, which was available for those buying the airline’s costliest, long-haul tickets. Having crunched the numbers, it would appear that Norwegian decided people were not booking the more expensive fare to access an airport lounge.

cost-cutting plan, which included dropping routes and shutting several bases. The bases earmarked for closure are Gran Canaria, Tenerife, and Palma de Mallorca, as well as all shorthaul flights from Rome’s Fiumicino airport (FCO). Regarding transatlantic flights, Norwegian will shut its bases at New York Stewart International Airport (SWF) and T. F. Green Airport (PVD) in Providence, Rhode Island. It is unfortunate when an airline cuts certain routes and gets rid of perks like lounge access, but it is understandable why Norwegian is making these moves. For years the company was focused solely on growth, rather than the bottom line, but it now realises that if it is to survive, it needs to be more like Ryanair. 31st January - 6th February 2020

TV Choice

15 CW

British Academy Film Awards 2020

Saturday 1st February, BBC1, 13.40

Six Nations: Wales v Italy

Live coverage as defending champions and Grand Slam winners Wales embark on a Six Nations campaign without Warren Gatland as their head coach for the first time since 2007. Gatland, who won three Grand Slams during his tenure, was replaced by fellow New Zealander Wayne Pivac at the conclusion of last year’s World Cup, where Wales were eliminated at the semifinal stage. Pivac’s opening match in charge was November’s 43-33 home win over the Barbarians, a game that saw his side run in six tries. His first taste of Six Nations action comes at the Principality Stadium against Italy, a side who have finished with the Wooden Spoon in five of the last six tournaments. Gabby Logan presents all the action with injured Wales centre Jonathan Davies and Italian international Michele Campagnaro providing analysis. Andrew Cotter leads the commentary with former Wales outside-half Jonathan Davies.

Sunday 2nd February, BBC1, 21.00 Graham Norton takes centre stage at London’s Royal Albert Hall to host one of the world’s most prestigious film ceremonies - the EE British Academy Film Awards. The Joker leads this year with 11 nominations. The Irishman and Once Upon A Time… In Hollywood both received 10 nominations; 1917 has nine, Jojo Rabbit has six, and Little Women, Marriage Story and The Two Popes have five each. For Sama, Parasite and Rocketman have four nominations each. This year’s awards will see the return of Cirque du Soleil, who are currently in residence at the Royal Albert Hall at the time of the awards with its latest touring show, Luzia

CW 16

TV Guide

31st January - 6th February 2020

CW watch


Friday 31st January, ITV1, 21.00


When a young man is found dead and stark naked out on the Fens, Will and Geordie discover ties to a Cambridge research project experimenting with mind altering drugs. As the case gets murkier, Will’s own feelings of guilt about his father’s death and his conflicted feelings about Ellie start to take their toll. Is he prepared to delve deep within himself to find the answers? With everything else in his life seemingly in the pits, he’ll need the help of his friends to figure this one out. Similarly, the Keatings face one of their toughest decisions yet, after a catastrophically awkward dinner party leaves more than just the baked alaska burnt around the edges. Will Cathy finally tell Geordie the truth about her mother? And with the Chapman feud showing no sign of relenting, Leonard must try to convince Mrs C that there’s good in the world, but will the most wilful woman in the parish ever come round?

Friday 31st January, BBC1, 21.30

King Gary - The Big Schmooze

Gary is having an extension built, but one objection from a neighbour could affect his planning permission, so he hosts a civilised dinner party for all Crescent folk in what he’s billing ‘the big schmooze’. Gary goes on full charm-offensive to woo the residents at the soiree, especially arch nemesis Stuart. Denise, an experienced soirée host, tries to take over the proceedings, while Big Gary is only interested in watching the boxing on Gary’s new curve television with his gatecrashing golfing mates. Terri uses the party as an opportunity to showcase her new mobile cocktail business venture ‘Bartini’ and, for ease, orders a massive ‘Deliveroo’ for everyone - but when the delivery is hours late, the evening takes a drunken nosedive.

TV Guide

31st January - 6th February 2020

17 CW

his week’s BEST Sunday 2nd February, BBC1, 20.00

Call The Midwife Sister Frances (Ella Bruccoleri) is at a loss when she cares for diabetic and recovering cancer patient Albert Calthorp (Jay Simpson), whose capable wife Grace (Sam Spiro) refuses to accept further help. Grace spends her time caring for her husband, her elderly, ailing mother Minnie (Stephanie Fayerman), and her daughter Ingrid (Lottie Rice) who has a three year-old and is about to have another baby. Grace’s dismissiveness of Sister Frances leaves her feeling in the way. Nurse Crane (Linda Bassett) and Sister Hilda (Fenella Woolgar) become involved with an anxious new father, Ronald (Karl Davies). Determined to be there for the actual birth of his first born, Ronald gets on Nurse Crane’s nerves during the delivery. Meanwhile, Violet (Annabelle Apsion) is given two tickets to the new hit movie The Sound Of Music - but with Fred’s (Cliff Parisi) disinterest in the film, Violet decides to raffle them off, with all proceeds going to the incubator fund. With Timothy (Max Macmillan) home for the summer holidays and the surgery as busy as ever, the Turners (Stephen McGann and Laura Main) feel the romance may be going out of their marriage. It’s up to Timothy, Angela (Alice Brown) and May (April Rae Hoang) to give their parents a night off - but they’re not sure how...

Sunday 2nd February, BBC1, 23.25

Super Bowl The NFL season draws to a close with Super Bowl LIV, but who will lift the Vince Lombardi Trophy in the NFL’s centenary 100th season? The American Football extravaganza is watched worldwide by over 160 million people, in more than 180 different countries, and this year is taking place in Miami, in the Sunshine State of Florida. Pop superstars Jennifer Lopez and Shakira provide the half-time entertainment. Last year, the New England Patriots beat the Los Angeles Rams to claim a record-equalling sixth title. Mark Chapman presents the coverage and is joined in the studio by Osi Umenyiora, Jason Bell and Mike Carlson. Commentary comes from Joe Buck and Troy Aikman.

Sunday 2nd February, BBC2, 21.00

Win The Wilderness: Alaska

Situated 100 miles from the nearest road, the three storey property is the home and legacy of Duane and Rena Ose, the married couple who have spent over 30 years building it. Now both in their 70s, and with their children unable to take it on, the Oses are searching for a couple to inherit their life’s work. The second episode of Win The Wilderness sees the competition heat up, as the British couples face up to the next of Duane and Rena’s daunting tests. Separated from their partners, with the men in one group and the women in the other, the couples must prove their worth by safely navigating through an area of untamed Alaskan wilderness. The couple that impresses most on this intimidating test will earn a flight to see Duane and Rena’s home on Ose Mountain, and the opportunity to try to make it onto their shortlist. Under the Ose’s watchful gaze, the couple have the next 24 hours to impress their hosts and demonstrate that they potential to take over Ose Mountain. If they are successful, Duane and Rena will put them on the shortlist to take over their home and ask them to return to the wilderness camp. If they fail to impress, the Oses will send them back to the UK.

Monday 3rd February, BBC2, 21.00

Mary Beard’s Shock Of The Nude

In the first of her provocative two programmes, with distinctive wit and flair, Mary Beard takes a personal view of the Nude in Western art and its troubling power to provoke ideas about gender, sex and moral transgression. Mary starts by exploring the very first full-size nude sculpture in Western art: an Aphrodite by Praxiteles; and one of the very first reclining nudes in Western Art: Titian’s Venus of Urbino. She asks how a woman like her should respond to the artworks. She considers the challenge of depicting the female nude for a woman artist, looking at one of the greatest 17th Century painters, Artemisia Gentileschi. And in a life-drawing class, Mary joins a hen party as they attempt to draw a naked male. Art critics over the centuries have made lofty claims about the nude and the ennobling effects of art, playing down the erotic - even sometimes pornographic - nature of some great works of art. Mary argues we mustn’t forget the edgy and dangerous nature of the nude - which is why it remains such a magnetic subject for artists and viewers alike, and exploring, in her words: “how for so long men got away with it.”

Wednesday 5th February, BBC2, 20.00

Lose Weight And Get Fit With Tom Kerridge Tom Kerridge is challenging himself and a group of volunteers from Gloucester to lose weight and get fit. But do they have the drive and self-discipline to stick with the plan? Old habits die hard, and after a strong first couple of weeks the temptation of sweet treats and booze is threatening to undo progress. Tom wants to nip temptation in the bud and has invented some recipes that look and taste like treats but are lower in calories. He starts with his healthier take on the Asian classic crispy duck pancakes, and later shows us a brilliant dish loosely disguised as a fry-up. For the sweet tooth, Tom’s fudgy chocolate brownies are based round a secret healthy ingredient (black beans) and come in at just 200 calories a slice. For Tom, getting the food right is the easy part. He’s less sure of himself when it comes to exercise. Adam, the team’s personal trainer, joins Tom at the gym to watch his workout. What he witnesses gives him cause for concern: Tom is pushing himself to the limit and is not giving his body time to heal and rest between workouts. Lauren has invited friends round so Tom gives her a lesson in making prawn and avocado rice paper rolls which contain loads of fresh, healthy ingredients and are super-easy to make. Community policeman Chris used to love playing sport, but since being diagnosed with arthritis he’s lost confidence. Adam’s on hand to give him some pointers. Meanwhile Manny’s interest in cooking gets a nostalgic boost from one of Tom’s recipes - Mexican-style bean burgers. Tom and the gang get together with Adam at a local rugby club. They’re joining a mixed-ability touch rugby session, a brilliant way to exercise, have a laugh and spend time together.

CW 18

TV Guide

06:00....................... Breakfast 09:15........Crime - Are We Tough Enough? watch 10:00....... Homes Under the Hammer 11:00........................... Wanted Down Under 11:45.Caught Red Handed 12:15............... Bargain Hunt 13:00....... BBC News at One 13:45..........................Doctors 14:15...............Father Brown 15:00................Escape to the Country 15:45..................The Farmers’ Country Showdown 16:30....Antiques Road Trip 17:15........................Pointless 18:00..... BBC News at Six 19:00........The One Show 19:30..............A Question of Sport 20:00............. EastEnders 20:30................. The Goes Wrong Show 21:00.. Would I Lie to You? 21:30............... King Gary 22:00.... BBC News Special 23:15............ The Graham Norton Show 00:05...................RuPaul’s Drag Race UK 01:10............... BBC News


08:55............ A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 09:55............ A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 11:00................ The Great British Bake Off 12:15..........Find it, Fix it, Flog it 14:20......................Four in a Bed 14:50......................Four in a Bed 15:20......................Four in a Bed 15:50......................Four in a Bed 16:20......................Four in a Bed 16:55.................... The Secret Life of the Zoo 17:55..................Love it or List it 18:55......................Car S.O.S 19:55......................Escape to the Chateau 21:00..........24 Hours in A&E 22:00............ The Passenger 23:05..........24 Hours in A&E 00:10........... 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 01:15.........Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

06:30....Antiques Road Trip 07:15..................The Farmers’ Country Showdown 08:00.......... MasterChef: The Professionals 09:00............. BBC News at 9 10:00... Victoria Derbyshire 11:00..BBC Newsroom Live 12:15.................. Politics Live 13:00..Get Away for Winter 13:45.The Best Dishes Ever 14:15......Indian Ocean with Simon Reeve 15:15.............................Tennis: Australian Open 16:15......Indian Ocean with Simon Reeve 17:15............................Flog It! 18:00.....Richard Osman’s House of Games 18:30............. Great Asian Railway Journeys 19:00............Saving Lives at Sea 19:30................. Celebrity Antiques Road Trip 20:30...Winterwatch 2019 21:30............................ QI 22:00....................Road to Brexit Special 22:30..............Newsnight 23:15...... Front Row Late 23:55.....Romeo and Juliet 01:45...............Panorama

06:00 .......................Monkey Life 07:00 ........................ Animal 999 08:00 ................. Dog Whisperer 09:00 ..............Motorway Patrol 10:00 .. The Force: Manchester 11:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles 12:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles 13:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0 14:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0 15:00 ...........................MacGyver 16:00 ................. Modern Family 17:00 ................... The Simpsons 17:30 ............................Futurama 18:00 ....................Futurama 18:30 .............The Simpsons 19:30 .............The Simpsons 20:30 ...........Modern Family 21:00........................ COBRA 22:00..... The Late Late Show with James Corden: Best of the Week 23:00................... The Russell Howard Hour 00:00..................... Avenue 5 00:35........... Micky Flanagan Thinking Aloud

Fri 31 jan 2020

06:00............. Good Morning Britain 09:00........................ Lorraine 10:00 .............. This Morning 12:30 ............ Loose Women 13:30 .............ITV Lunchtime News 13:55 ..... ITV News London 14:00 .............. Judge Rinder 15:00 .........................Tenable 15:59 ..................ITV London 16:00 ..............Tipping Point 17:00 ....................The Chase 18:00.... ITV News London 18:30....ITV Evening News 19:00............ Emmerdale 19:30..............Coronation Street 20:00................The Greek Islands with Julia Bradbury 20:30..............Coronation Street 21:00..........Grantchester

06:30.................................. Cheers 07:20................. King of Queens 08:10............... Everybody Loves Raymond 09:10...................................Frasier 10:10.....Undercover Boss USA 11:05...............Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:00................Channel 4 News 12:05........................Sun, Sea and Selling Houses 13:05...................... Escape to the Chateau: DIY 14:10........................ Countdown 15:00............ A Place in the Sun 16:00..... A New Life in the Sun 17:00..........Couples Come Dine with Me 18:00..............The Simpsons 18:30.................... Hollyoaks 19:00.......... Channel 4 News 20:00...... Jamie and Jimmy’s Friday Night Feast 21:00............Deadwater Fell 22:00................ The Last Leg 23:35........Naked Attraction 00:35.......... Farage: The Man Who Made Brexit 31st January - 6th February 2020

06:00.....................Childresns’ TV 09:15....................... Jeremy Vine 11:15............. The Dog Rescuers with Alan Davies

07:00 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 07:50........................ Emmerdale

12:10 ..........5 News Lunchtime

08:50........................ You’ve Been Framed!

12:15..........................GPs: Behind Closed Doors

09:20 ......................... Superstore 10:15 .......................Dinner Date

13:10 ..................................Access

11:15 .............. Dress to Impress

13:15.............. Home and Away

12:15 ........................ Emmerdale

13:45........................ Neighbours

13:15 ..... You’ve Been Framed!

14:15 ........................ The Alleged Abduction

13:50 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show

16:00 ................................ Friends

14:45........Supermarket Sweep

17:00 ........................ 5 News at 5

15:50........................Dinner Date

17:30 ....................... Neighbours

16:55............... Dress to Impress

18:00......... Home and Away

18:00................. You’ve Been Framed!

18:30.......... 5 News Tonight 19:00 .......... DHL: Delivering the World to You

20:00....Two and a Half Men

20:00...........Secret Scotland

22:05.................. Family Guy

21:00...........Holidaying with Jane McDonald 22:00........ Inside the World’s Greatest Hotels

21:00..................Love Island 23:30............ American Dad! 00:05............ American Dad! 00:30...The Cleveland Show

23:05............. The Wonderful World of Chocolate

00:55...The Cleveland Show

00:05.................All Inclusive

01:55....Two and a Half Men

01:30....Two and a Half Men

22:00...... ITV News at Ten and Weather 23:25................. ITV News London 23:35................ Cold Feet 00:25.............Ideal World

07:10............Cops UK: Bodycam Squad 08:00..............American Pickers 09:00................Storage Hunters 09:30................Storage Hunters 10:00..............American Pickers 11:00..............American Pickers 12:00...........Cop Car Workshop 13:00.............................. Top Gear 14:00............................... Cops UK: Bodycam Squad 15:00..................Sin City Motors 16:00.............................. Top Gear 17:00.............................. Top Gear 18:00............................ QI XL 19:00.......... Richard Osman’s House of Games 19:40..... Would I Lie to You? 20:20..... Would I Lie to You? 21:00....... Live at the Apollo 22:00..................Taskmaster 23:00 ................................ QI 00:20........... Mock the Week 01:00................................. QI

BBC1, 09.15

Crime: Are We Tough Enough? In the final episode, Chris and Ayesha bring their evidence to court, where they present their arguments to a select jury of 12 people who have featured across the week. Ayesha presents her case and Chris presents his case before the jury leave to consult in a separate room. There are strong arguments on all sides, and the jury come back to the courtroom and ask for clarification from both Chris and Ayesha on a number of points, before voting. Once the verdict is delivered Chris and Ayesha tell the jury that unless we come together to find a solution to the current crime crisis, then nothing will get done. The two present their joint five-point plan.

Sat 1 feb 2020 31st January - 6th February 2020

TV Guide

19 CW

06:00....................... Breakfast

06:45................ Wild & Weird

10:00.........................Saturday Kitchen Live

07:00....................... Top Class

11:30............Garden Rescue

07:30.......... The Dog Ate My Homework

12:00.............Football Focus

08:00..........The Dengineers

13:00......................BBC News

08:30..................... Blue Peter


09:00......................Deadly 60

13:15................Eddie Butler’s Six Nations Preview

09:30.. How Earth Made Us

13:40........... Live Six Nations Rugby Union 16:30....................Final Score 17:25......................BBC News 17:35..................BBC London News; Weather 17:45................... The Hit List 18:30.......The Greatest Dancer

CW watch

20:30............. First & Last

10:30...................Robot Wars 11:30..................Britain’s Best Home Cook 12:30..........................The Best Dishes Ever 13:00........Tennis: Australian Open 14:30.........The World’s Most Extraordinary Homes 15:30............Spy in the Wild 16:30.............................. Coast

21:15................. Casualty

17:00..................Pipers of the Trenches

22:05............... BBC News

18:00...... Whisky Galore!


19:30.............Dad’s Army

22:25..................Match of the Day

20:00...... Great American Railroad Journeys

23:55........ The NFL Show

21:00....................... QI XL

00:25.........Keeping Rosy

21:45.. Live at the Apollo

01:50...... Weather for the Week Ahead

22:30................. Snowfall

01:55............... BBC News

00:00...........Up in the Air

23:20................. Snowfall

06:00.................... Dino Dana 06:10.......................... Super 4 06:3.. Thunderbirds are Go 07:00................. Dare Master 07:05.................The Tom and Jerry Show 07:30...................Scrambled! 07:35.....................Mr Magoo 07:50........................ Mr. Bean 08:10.....The Rubbish World of Dave Spud 08:30.. Thunderbirds are Go 09:05......Craig of the Creek 09:25....................... ITV News 09:30.......Saturday Morning with James Martin 11:40.......Living on the Veg 12:40.......Save Money: Lose Weight 13:10....................... ITV News 13:20............Dancing on Ice 15:25....................... ITV News 16:00.......... Six Nations Live 19:00............ The Masked Singer 20:30.......... The Voice UK 22:00........Shopping with Keith Lemon 22:25................ ITV News 22:40....American Sniper

The Greatest Dancer BBC1, 18.30

CW watch

After four weeks of auditions The Greatest Dancer goes LIVE with an unmissable opening performance from our Dance Captains and their final three acts. As the Dance Captains go head to head in a bid to mentor their acts to the final, who will come out on top? With a chance to win £50,000, to dance on Strictly Come Dancing and become The Greatest Dancer - the competition is on! Every week, each dance act is set a challenge which they must tackle with their Dance Captain to create an unforgettable performance. For the first time the power is in the hands of the viewers at home, as they vote to decide who stays in the competition each week. For our four Dance Captains - Todrick Hall, Cheryl, Matthew Morrison and Oti Mabuse - the pressure is really on as they each mentor their three chosen acts through the Live Challenge Shows.

05:55...................... Mike & Molly

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV

06:20...................... Mike & Molly

09:30 ...................Digby Dragon

06:40.................................. Cheers

09:40 ........Shimmer and Shine


09:55..........................SpongeBob Squarepants

08:30.......The Big Bang Theory 09:55.................... The Simpsons 10:55.................... The Simpsons 11:55.................... The Simpsons 12:55.................... The Simpsons 13:25........ Come Dine with Me 14:25........ Come Dine with Me 15:30........ Come Dine with Me 16:00......................Four in a Bed 17:00......................Four in a Bed 18:00............... Four in a Bed 18:30.......... Channel 4 News 19:00..........The Royal House of Windsor 20:00................. The Queen’s Lost Family 21:00........... Hidden Figures 23:25................... X-Men: The Last Stand 01:20................ The Last Leg

10:05................The Loud House 10:20...................................Access 10:25................................. Friends 12:25........Alice in Wonderland 14:35..........Jesse Stone: Benefit of the Doubt 16:20......................... Jesse Stone: Lost in Paradise 18:00............5 News Update 18:05...Wallis: The American Who Stole Our Prince

07:00...................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:15............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show 08:05............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show 08:55............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show 09:50 .............. Dress to Impress 10:50 .............. Dress to Impress 11:50 .......Supermarket Sweep 12:50 .......Supermarket Sweep 13:50...... You’ve Been Framed! 14:20................... Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang 16:30.....................................Shrek

20:00........... Manhunt: Catch Me if You Can

18:20................ Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2

21:55............... Funniest Ever TV Cock Ups

21:00..................Love Island

23:50............ Bargain Loving Brits in the Sun

23:00.................. Family Guy

00:45.......................... Access 01:00........The 21.Co.UK Live Casino Show

22:05.................. Family Guy 23:30............ American Dad! 00:30...The Cleveland Show 01:00.........Ibiza Weekender

08:55............ A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun

06:00........................Monkey Life

07:15 ...............The Joy of Techs

11:00............ A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun

06:30........................Monkey Life

08:05 ............................. Top Gear

07:00........................Monkey Life

09:05 ...............Storage Hunters

07:30........................Monkey Life

10:00 ................... Aussie Pickers

08:00.................. Modern Family

11:00 .............American Pickers

13:00............Location, Location, Location

09:00.................. Modern Family

12:00 .............................. Cops UK: Bodycam Squad

14:05......Escape to the Chateau

10:30.........................Soccer A.M.

15:10......Escape to the Chateau

12:00..................... Hawaii Five-0

16:15......Escape to the Chateau

14:00..................... Hawaii Five-0

17:20........ Come Dine with Me 17:50........ Come Dine with Me

15:00.................... Gillette Soccer Saturday

18:25.... Come Dine with Me

17:00.................... The Simpsons

18:55.... Come Dine with Me

18:00..............The Simpsons

19:25.... Come Dine with Me

19:00..............The Simpsons

20:00............... David Jason’s Great British Inventions

19:30............Modern Family

20:40.............Not Going Out 21:20.............Not Going Out 22:00........... Mock the Week

21:00.............Three Identical Strangers

20:00.........A League of Their Own: European Road Trip 21:00.Mission: Impossible II

22:40........... Mock the Week

23:20......The Road To Fast 9: Concert

23:20............ Have I Got a Bit More News for You

00:40................... Father Ted

00:20................... The Russell Howard Hour

00:20..............Dave Gorman: Modern Life is Goodish

01:15.......... It Was Alright In

01:25................ Magnum P.I.

01:20.............Not Going Out

12:00............Location, Location, Location

23:00..........24 Hours in A&E 00:05................... Father Ted

10:00.................. Modern Family

15:00.......................Border Force: America’s Gatekeepers 16:00............................. Top Gear 17:00 ........ Scrapyard Supercar 18:00.................... Room 101 18:40.................... Room 101 19:20.................... Room 101 20:00.............Not Going Out

CW 20

TV Guide

Sun 2 feb 2020 31st January - 6th February 2020

CW watch 06:00....................... Breakfast 07:25....... Match of the Day 09:00.................. The Andrew Marr Show 10:00............ Sunday Politics London 10:30..... The Big Questions 11:30..............Wanted Down Under 12:15............... Bargain Hunt 13:00......................BBC News 13:10........... Weather for the Week Ahead 13:15........... Songs of Praise 13:55......Live Six Nations Rugby Union

CW watch

14:30........... Live Six Nations Rugby Union


06:05..................The Farmers’ Country Showdown 06:50.................... The Instant Gardener 07:35.....The Edible Garden

06:00................ Childrens TV 08:10.....The Rubbish World of Dave Spud

09:05......Craig of the Creek

09:05................... Countryfile

09:30......................... Ainsley’s Caribbean Kitchen

11:30.................. Mary Berry’s Country House Secrets 12:30........... A Cook Abroad 13:30.............................Tennis: Australian Open 15:00............................Flog It! 15:50....................... The Train 18:00......... Undiscovered Worlds with Steve Backshall

17:10.......Sir David Jason at 80: A Lovely watch Jubbly Celebration 19:00............. Ski Sunday

09:25....................... ITV News

10:30.......Living on the Veg 11:30........The Greek Islands with Julia Bradbury

09:30 .................Sunday Brunch

12:35................The Voice UK

12:30 ................... The Simpsons

14:05....The Masked Singer

13:00 ................... The Simpsons

15:35...............Tipping Point

13:30 ............The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn

16:35....................... ITV News 17:00...................... The Chase Celebrity Special

15:40............ A Place in the Sun

18:00.......Dancing on Ice

18:30.......... Channel 4 News

21:00....................Win the Wilderness: Alaska

20:00........................ Vera

22:00.. Match of the Day 2

22:15..... Bradley Walsh & Son: Breaking Dad

21:00...............The British Academy Film Awards 2019 23:00............... BBC News 23:25......................... NFL

CW watch

23:00......................... NFL

22:00................ ITV News

23:40......................... Liar 00:30......................... Liar

23:00..................... Prisoners

00:30....... Question Time

01:20.............Ideal World

01:45.... Come Dine with Me

Sir David Jason at 80 Johnny Vegas takes a trip through the BBC archives to BBC1, 17.10

07:10............... The Joy of Techs

09:55....... Ugly House to Lovely House with George Clarke

08:00 ............................. Top Gear

08:00 .......................Monkey Life

09:00.............. Ultimate Movers

08:30 ................Dolittle: Special

10:00.......Steve Austin’s Broken Skull Challenge

13:05........ Come Dine with Me 13:35......................Four in a Bed 14:05......................Four in a Bed

09:00 ................. Modern Family 09:30 ................. Modern Family 10:00................... The Simpsons 10:30 ................... The Simpsons 11:00 .............. Rugby’s Funniest Moments

11:00.............................. Cops UK: Bodycam Squad 13:00 .......................... Drug Wars 13:30 .......................... Drug Wars 14:00 ................... Aussie Pickers

12:00............... Live Women’s Six Nations Rugby Union

15:00 .............American Pickers

14:35......................Four in a Bed 15:10......................Four in a Bed

14:45 ................... The Simpsons

15:40......................Four in a Bed

15:55 ................... The Simpsons

18:00........................ Red Bull Soapbox Race

16:05... Escape to the Chateau

17:00 ................... The Simpsons

18:15......................Escape to the Chateau

18:00............. The Simpsons

19:20...........Britain’s Wildest Weather

20:00................ Magnum P.I.

21:00....999: On the Frontline 22:00........24 Hours in Police Custody 00:00.......... 999: What’s Your Emergency? 01:00..........24 Hours in A&E

21:00...................... SAS: Who Dares Wins

00:00............Women’s Six Nations Highlights

07:00 .......................Monkey Life

12:35 ....... Come Dine with Me

20:00.....George Clarke’s Old House, New Home

22:00........... 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown

06:00 ..........The Hour of Power

12:05........ Come Dine with Me

19:00........ The Great Pottery Throw Down

22:40..............Six Nations Highlights

08:55.................. George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces

11:30........ Come Dine with Me

16:40.......................Men in Black

23:30...........The Women’s Football Show

celebrate the 80th birthday of one of Britain’s biggest stars of the small screen - the great Sir David Jason. With interviews, insight and Only Fools rare-ities, Johnny looks at the man behind Granville and Del Boy and pieces together the story of David’s rise to the top of the comedy tree.

11:00 ....... Come Dine with Me

07:35 ......The Big Bang Theory

12:30...ITV Lunchtime News

18:00... BBC London News

20:00.... Call the Midwife

06:45 ...........................Everybody Loves Raymond 08:25 ...........Jamie and Jimmy’s Friday Night Feast

20:00.................Top Gear

19:10............Doctor Who

06:20 ................ King of Queens

12:00................ Countrywise

17:45......................BBC News 18:10.............Countryfile

Plus highlights of the two Saturday matches which saw Ireland entertain Scotland and defending champion Wales host Italy.

08:30............Kung Fu Panda: The Paws of Destiny

08:05..... Celebrity Antiques Road Trip 10:00.........Saturday Kitchen Best Bites

Six Nations Build Up John Inverdale and guests preview World Cup runners-up BBC1, 13.55 England’s Six Nations opener against France in Paris.

19:00............. The Simpsons

16:00 ...........................Room 101

19:00............... Border Force: America’s Gatekeepers 20:00............... Border Force: America’s Gatekeepers

21:00 ............. Hawaii Five-0

21:00............ Have I Got a Bit More News for You

22:00 ......NCIS: Los Angeles

22:00............................ QI XL

23:00 ........................ COBRA

23:00....... Live at the Apollo

00:00 .......................S.W.A.T.

00:00........... Mock the Week

01:00.....................The Force: Manchester

00:40............ Have I Got a Bit More News for You

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV 09:35.........Shimmer and Shine 09:50..........................SpongeBob Squarepants 10:00................The Loud House 10:10...................................Access 10:30...... WWE Raw Highlights 11:25................................. Friends 12:55.................................... Annie 15:10...................Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly 16:10..........Wonderful World of Animal Babies 17:05..................5 News Update 17:10.......... M1: Keeping Britain Moving 18:10........................Inside... 19:00.......Royals in Wartime 20:00..............Inside Iceland: Britain’s Budget Supermarket 21:00............. The Wonderful World of Chocolate 22:00................When... Goes Horribly Wrong 00:55.......................... Access

07:00...... You’ve Been Framed! 07:25...... You’ve Been Framed! 07:55............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show 08:40............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show 09:35............... Dress to Impress 10:30.......... The Masked Singer 12:00........Supermarket Sweep 14:05...... You’ve Been Framed! 15:05.......................... Richie Rich 17:00............Hotel Transylvania 18:45...............................Pan 19:50...................... FYI Daily 19:55...............................Pan 21:00..................Love Island 22:05.........Ibiza Weekender 23:05.................. Family Guy 23:35.................. Family Guy 00:05............ American Dad! 00:35............ American Dad! 01:05...The Cleveland Show 01:30....................Don’t Hate the Playaz

Mon 3 feb 2020 31st January - 6th February 2020

TV Guide

21 CW

06:00....................... Breakfast 09:15.......Fraud Squad NHS 10:00....... Homes Under the Hammer 11:00..............Wanted Down Under 11:45.............. Defenders UK 12:15............... Bargain Hunt 13:00....... BBC News at One 13:45..........................Doctors 14:15.......Shakespeare & Hathaway - Private watch Investigators 15:00....................... Escape to the Country 15:45..................The Farmers’ Country Showdown 16:30....Antiques Road Trip 17:15........................Pointless 18:00..... BBC News at Six 19:00........The One Show 19:30...Inside Out London 20:00............. EastEnders 20:30...............Panorama 21:00........ Silent Witness 22:00.... BBC News at Ten 22:35.................Ladhood 23:00..........A Very British History 00:00............ The Graham Norton Show


06:00..............Wanted Down Under 06:45....Antiques Road Trip 07:30.......... MasterChef: The Professionals 08:30 ..................The Week in Parliament 09:00............. BBC News at 9 10:00... Victoria Derbyshire 11:00..BBC Newsroom Live 12:15.................. Politics Live 13:00..................Women’s Six Nations Highlights 13:30..Get Away for Winter 14:15.......... Talking Pictures 15:05............ The Red Shoes 17:15............................Flog It! 18:00.....Richard Osman’s House of Games 18:30............. Great Asian Railway Journeys 19:00......The Twinstitute 19:30........... Mastermind 20:00......... Only Connect 20:30............... University Challenge 21:00...........Mary Beard’s Shock of the Nude 22:00............. Inside No 9 22:30..............Newsnight 23:15........NFL This Week 00:05........... The Farmers’ Country Showdown

06:00............. Good Morning Britain 09:00......................... Lorraine 10:00............... This Morning 12:30............. Loose Women 13:30..............ITV Lunchtime News 13:55...... ITV News London 14:00............... Judge Rinder 15:00..........................Tenable 15:59...................ITV London 16:00...............Tipping Point 17:00.....................The Chase 18:00.... ITV News London 18:30....ITV Evening News 19:00............ Emmerdale 19:30....Coronation Street 20:00....The Martin Lewis Money Show 20:30....Coronation Street 21:00................ Cold Feet 22:00...... ITV News at Ten and Weather

Shakespeare & Hathaway return for series three with more comical mysteries and dodgy dealings. Episode one: How the Rogue Roar’d! When Frank and Lu are hired to help close down an old bingo hall, Frank is surprised to find an old nemesis at work. But what is he really up to? This series there are guest appearances from Vic Reeves, Ted Robbins and Josette Simon, and new regular character Viola (Yasmin Kaur Barn).

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV 09:15 .......................Jeremy Vine

07:00............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show

11:15..........................Paddington Station 24/7

07:50......................... Emmerdale

12:10...........5 News Lunchtime

09:20.......................... Superstore

12:15..........................GPs: Behind Closed Doors

09:45.......................... Superstore


11:15............... Dress to Impress

13:15............... Home and Away 13:45........................ Neighbours 14:15.........................Twin Sister’s Obsession 16:00................................. Friends 17:00......................... 5 News at 5 17:30........................ Neighbours 18:00..........Home and Away 18:30........... 5 News Tonight 19:00......Premiership Rugby Cup Highlights 20:00................. Traffic Cops

08:20.............Coronation Street

10:15........................Dinner Date 12:15......................... Emmerdale 12:45.............Coronation Street 13:50............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:45........Supermarket Sweep 15:50........................Dinner Date 16:55............... Dress to Impress 18:00.... You’ve Been Framed! 20:00....Two and a Half Men 20:30....Two and a Half Men 21:00..................Love Island

21:00.................M1: Keeping Britain Moving

22:00..................Love Island: Aftersun

22:00..... Busted in Bangkok

23:05.................. Family Guy

23:05... Extraordinary People

00:05............ American Dad!

00:05... Bad Girls Behind Bars


08:55........... Kirstie’s Handmade Treasures

06:00........................Monkey Life 06:30........................Monkey Life

07:10............Cops UK: Bodycam Squad

09:15............ A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun

07:00.... RSPCA Animal Rescue

08:00..............American Pickers

10:10............ A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun

08:00.................. Dog Whisperer

09:00................Storage Hunters

09:00...............Motorway Patrol

09:30................Storage Hunters

10:00...The Force: Manchester

10:00..............American Pickers

11:00.............NCIS: Los Angeles

11:00..............American Pickers

12:00.............NCIS: Los Angeles

12:00...........Cop Car Workshop

13:00..................... Hawaii Five-0

13:00.............................. Top Gear


14:00.......................Border Force: America’s Gatekeepers

22:30.. ITV News London 22:45................ Inside the Crown: Secrets of the Royals 23:45....................All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite 00:35.............Ideal World

Shakespeare & Hathaway - Private Investigators

CW watch

06:30.................................. Cheers 07:20................. King of Queens 08:10............... Everybody Loves Raymond 09:10...................................Frasier 10:10.....Undercover Boss USA 11:05...............Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:00................Channel 4 News 12:05........................Sun, Sea and Selling Houses 13:05...................... Escape to the Chateau: DIY 14:10........................ Countdown 15:00............ A Place in the Sun 16:00..... A New Life in the Sun 17:00.................... Couples Come Dine with Me 18:00..............The Simpsons 18:30.................... Hollyoaks 19:00.......... Channel 4 News 20:00......... Australia on Fire: Climate Emergency 21:00.......... 999: What’s Your Emergency? 22:00.........Baghdad Central 23:00................... Emergency Helicopter Medics 00:00..............Meet the Drug Lords: Inside the Real Narcos

BBC1, 14.15

11:15..................Love it or List it 12:15..........Find it, Fix it, Flog it 13:15..........Find it, Fix it, Flog it 14:15......................Four in a Bed 14:50......................Four in a Bed 15:20......................Four in a Bed 15:50......................Four in a Bed 16:20......................Four in a Bed 16:55.................... The Secret Life of the Zoo 17:55..................Love it or List it 18:55......................Car S.O.S 19:55............... Escape to the Chateau: DIY 21:00........Car S.O.S. Special: 7 Day Challenge 23:00..........24 Hours in A&E 00:00........... 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown

16:00.................. Modern Family 16:30.................. Modern Family 17:00.................... The Simpsons 17:30.............................Futurama 18:00.....................Futurama 18:30..............The Simpsons 19:30..............The Simpsons 20:00...................SEAL Team 21:00........................ Mission: Impossible III

15:00..................Sin City Motors 16:00.............................. Top Gear 17:00.............................. Top Gear 18:00............................ QI XL 19:00.......... Richard Osman’s House of Games 19:40..... Would I Lie to You? 21:00....... Live at the Apollo 22:00..................Taskmaster

23:15..................... Avenue 5

23:00................................. QI

23:50.........A League of Their Own: European Road Trip

23:40................................. QI 00:20........... Mock the Week


01:00................................. QI

CW 22

Tues 4 feb 2020

TV Guide 31st January - 6th February 2020

06:00....................... Breakfast 09:15.......Fraud Squad NHS 10:00....... Homes Under the Hammer 11:00 .............Wanted Down Under 11:45.............. Defenders UK 12:15............... Bargain Hunt 13:00....... BBC News at One 13:45..........................Doctors 14:15............. Shakespeare & Hathaway - Private Investigators 15:00................Escape to the Country 15:45..................The Farmers’ Country Showdown 16:30....Antiques Road Trip 17:15........................Pointless 18:00..... BBC News at Six 19:00........The One Show 19:30............. EastEnders 20:00.............. Holby City 21:00........ Silent Witness 22:00.... BBC News at Ten 22:35....... Plastic Surgery Undressed 23:25................Easy Ways to Live Well 00:25............... BBC News

06:30..............Wanted Down Under 07:15....Antiques Road Trip 08:00.......... MasterChef: The Professionals 09:00............. BBC News at 9 10:00... Victoria Derbyshire 11:00....BBC Newsroom Live 12:15.................. Politics Live 13:00...................... The Super League Show 13:50....Get Away for Winter 14:35.............................. Coast 15:05.......... Talking Pictures 15:35........... Black Narcissus 17:15............................Flog It! 18:00.....Richard Osman’s House of Games 18:30............. Great Asian Railway Journeys 19:00.................Top Gear 20:00......... Cornwall: This Fishing Life 21:00..Universal Credit: Inside the watch Welfare State 22:00......... Better Things 22:25...........................The Archiveologists 22:30..............Newsnight 23:15... Body Clock: What Makes Us Tick? 00:15............Monty Don’s American Gardens


06:30.................................. Cheers 07:20................. King of Queens 08:10............... Everybody Loves 09:00......................... Lorraine Raymond 10:00............... This Morning 09:10...................................Frasier 12:30............. Loose Women 10:10.....Undercover Boss USA 11:05...............Ramsay’s Kitchen 13:30..............ITV Lunchtime Nightmares USA News 12:00................Channel 4 News 13:55...... ITV News London 12:05........................Sun, Sea and 14:00............... Judge Rinder Selling Houses 13:05...................... Escape to the 15:00..........................Tenable Chateau: DIY 15:59....................ITV London 14:10........................ Countdown Weather 15:00............ A Place in the Sun 16:00...............Tipping Point 16:00..... A New Life in the Sun 17:00.....................The Chase 17:00 ................... Couples Come Dine with Me 18:00.... ITV News London 18:00..............The Simpsons 18:30....ITV Evening News 18:30.................... Hollyoaks 19:00............ Emmerdale 19:00.......... Channel 4 News 19:30.......The Metro: A 20:00........... Crazy Delicious Rail Life Story watch 21:00..........24 Hours in A&E 20:00................Midsomer 22:00............... Losing It: Our Mental Health Emergency Murders 23:00......Caught on Camera 22:00...... ITV News at Ten 00:00......... Australia on Fire: and Weather Climate Emergency

06:00............. Good Morning Britain


22:30................. ITV News London 22:45.......................White House Farm 23:40.................. Tenable

00:30.............Ideal World

CW watch

The Metro: A Rail Life Story In the third episode, the Metro’s ageing fleet comes under ITV1, 19.30 pressure when a train breaks down in a tunnel near its

busiest station. Meanwhile, track inspection supervisor Wayne has his work cut out repairing decaying sleepers which, if not quickly replaced, could cause a train derailment. And customer service manager Alan has to shelve his plans for a quiet evening after he’s called in to deal with an outbreak of anti-social behaviour on the Metro.

08:55........... Kirstie’s Handmade Treasures

06:00........................Monkey Life

09:15............ A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun

07:00.... RSPCA Animal Rescue

10:10............ A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun

09:00...............Motorway Patrol

11:15..................Love it or List it 12:15..........Find it, Fix it, Flog it 13:15..........Find it, Fix it, Flog it 14:15 .....................Four in a Bed 16:55.................... The Secret Life of the Zoo 17:55..................Love it or List it

06:30........................Monkey Life 08:00.................. Dog Whisperer 10:00...The Force: Manchester 11:00.............NCIS: Los Angeles 13:00..................... Hawaii Five-0 14:00..................... Hawaii Five-0 15:00............................MacGyver 16:00.................. Modern Family 17:00.................... The Simpsons

18:55......................Car S.O.S


19:55............... Escape to the Chateau: DIY

18:00.....................Futurama 18:30..............The Simpsons

21:00..... David Jason’s Great British Inventions

20:00.........A League of Their Own: European Road Trip

22:00......................... 999: On the Frontline

21:00.......... An Idiot Abroad

23:05..........24 Hours in A&E


00:05..... David Jason’s Great British Inventions

00:10..................... Avenue 5

01:10........... 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown

01:45......................Brit Cops: Frontline Crime

22:00....The Force: North East

00:45......................... COBRA

07:10............Cops UK: Bodycam Squad 08:00..............American Pickers 09:00................Storage Hunters 09:30................Storage Hunters 10:00..............American Pickers 11:00..............American Pickers 12:00...........Cop Car Workshop 13:00.............................. Top Gear 14:00............................... Cops UK: Bodycam Squad 15:00..................Sin City Motors 16:00.............................. Top Gear 17:00.............................. Top Gear 18:00............................ QI XL 19:00.......... Richard Osman’s House of Games 19:40..... Would I Lie to You? 21:00....... Live at the Apollo 22:00..................Taskmaster 23:00................................. QI 23:40................................. QI 00:20........... Mock the Week 01:00................................. QI

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV 09:15 .......................Jeremy Vine 11:15 .........................Paddington Station 24/7

07:00............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show 07:50......................... Emmerdale 08:20.............Coronation Street

12:10 ..........5 News Lunchtime

09:20.......................... Superstore

12:15 .........................GPs: Behind Closed Doors

10:15........................Dinner Date

13:10 ..................................Access

12:15......................... Emmerdale

13:15 .............. Home and Away

12:45.............Coronation Street

13:45 ....................... Neighbours 14:20 ................Erasing His Past

13:50............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show

16:00................................ Friends

14:45........Supermarket Sweep

17:00 ........................ 5 News at 5

15:50........................Dinner Date

17:30 ....................... Neighbours

16:55............... Dress to Impress

18:00......... Home and Away

18:00..You’ve Been Framed!

18:30.......... 5 News Tonight

20:00....Two and a Half Men

19:00............ Canada: A Year in the Wild

20:30....Two and a Half Men

20:00............ Dogs Behaving (Very) Badly

22:05....................Don’t Hate the Playaz

21:00............Ben Fogle: New Lives in the Wild 22:00... Bad Girls Behind Bars 23:05.......... Murdered by My Daughter 00:05........ Inside the World’s Greatest Hotels

Universal Credit: Inside The Welfare State

11:15............... Dress to Impress

21:00..................Love Island

22:50.................. Family Guy 23:45............ American Dad! 00:15............ American Dad! 00:40..... The Cleveland Show 01:10..... The Cleveland Show 01:40.........Ibiza Weekender

BBC2, 21.00

Universal Credit is the biggest and most controversial change to the benefits system in a generation. With unprecedented access to the Department For Work And Pensions, this three-part series for BBC Two follows the people designing the system, the staff in Jobcentres, and the claimants living on the new benefit. The first episode is filmed in London at Peckham Jobcentre, where over 1,000 people walk through the doors every week. After working for 27 years in the NHS, Rachel left her job to care for her elderly parents. She has been moved on to Universal Credit but is struggling to pay her rent and electricity bills - partly due to paying back an advance she took out to help make ends meet while waiting for her first Universal Credit payment. With the cost of living being so high in London, Rachel is finding it hard to support herself and her children on the new benefit. She wants to get back to work but struggles with depression and anxiety. Karen, a civil servant for 32 years, is one of the longest-serving members of staff in Peckham Jobcentre. Every day she deals with some of the hundreds of people who walk through the door in difficult circumstances. After clocking off from her eight-hour shift at the Jobcentre, Karen heads to her second job, stacking shelves at a local bargain store - a second job that is necessary for her to live on low wages in the capital. Karen works tirelessly to support claimants with Universal Credit, but is frustrated because she believes many of the Jobcentre staff face the same difficulties as the claimants. Phil (pictured) has been living off benefits for the last ten years and is not enthusiastic about finding work. During that time he has been sanctioned three times by the Jobcentre for not abiding by his ‘commitments’ to find work, and is now being monitored daily by his work coach, Malcolm. Having spent so much time out, Phil is nervous about the change of coming off the old benefit Job Seekers Allowance and how it might affect his life. Malcolm faces the challenging task of getting him a job. Throughout the episode the programme hears from senior civil servants and MPs about the roll out, amid a changing political landscape. Our cameras follow Amber Rudd, the former Secretary of State, as she attempts to make changes to Universal Credit - including reducing the maximum length of a sanction from three years to six months. But are these changes making a difference to claimants on the ground?

weds 5 feb 2020 31st January - 6th February 2020

TV Guide

23 CW

06:00....................... Breakfast 09:15.......Fraud Squad NHS 10:00....... Homes Under the Hammer 11:00..............Wanted Down Under 11:45.............. Defenders UK 12:15............... Bargain Hunt 13:00....... BBC News at One 13:45..........................Doctors 14:15............. Shakespeare & Hathaway - Private Investigators 15:00....................... Escape to the Country 15:45..................The Farmers’ Country Showdown 16:30....Antiques Road Trip 17:15........................Pointless 18:00..... BBC News at Six 18:55......... Party Political Broadcast 19:00........The One Show 19:30.......Match of the Day Live: watch The FA Cup 22:00.......BBC News at Ten 22:35....Eating with My Ex 23:05.............My Mate’s A Bad Date 23:30............. First & Last 00:15..............A Question of Sport


06:30..............Wanted Down Under 07:15....Antiques Road Trip 08:00........................See Hear 08:30 ................. Fake Britain 09:00............. BBC News at 9 10:00... Victoria Derbyshire 11:00..BBC Newsroom Live 11:15 ................. Politics Live 13:00..Get Away for Winter 13:45.............................. Coast 14:25.......... Talking Pictures 15:00 ..................... Cromwell 17:15............................Flog It! 18:00.....Richard Osman’s House of Games 18:30............. Great Asian Railway Journeys 19:00............ The Andrew Neil Show 19:30..... Yorkshire Walks 20:00.....Lose Weight and Get Fit with Tom Kerridge 20:30................. Trust Me, I’m a Doctor 21:00..........Good Omens 22:00.. Live at the Apollo 22:30..............Newsnight 23:15.... Universal Credit: Inside the Welfare State 00:15.................See Hear

06:00............. Good Morning Britain 09:00 ........................ Lorraine 10:00 .............. This Morning 12:30............ Loose Women 13:30............. ITV Lunchtime News 13:55..... ITV News London 14:00 .............. Judge Rinder 15:00 .........................Tenable 15:59 ..................ITV London 16:00.............. Tipping Point 17:00 ....................The Chase 18:00.. ITV News London 18:25......... Party Political Broadcast 18:30....ITV Evening News 19:00...............Emmerdale 19:30....Coronation Street 20:00..... Bradley Walsh & Son: Breaking Dad 20:30....Coronation Street

06:30.................................. Cheers 07:20................. King of Queens 08:10............... Everybody Loves Raymond 09:10...................................Frasier 10:10.....Undercover Boss USA 11:05...............Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 12:00................Channel 4 News 12:05........................Sun, Sea and Selling Houses 13:05...................... Escape to the Chateau: DIY 14:10........................ Countdown 15:00............ A Place in the Sun 16:00..... A New Life in the Sun 17:00.................... Couples Come Dine with Me 18:00..............The Simpsons 18:30.................... Hollyoaks 19:00.......... Channel 4 News 20:00.......... Kirstie and Phil’s Love it or List it 21:00............... Britain’s Most Expensive Home: Building for a Billionaire 22:00........................... Home 22:30.......... 999: What’s Your Emergency? 23:35..........24 Hours in A&E 00:35.........Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV 09:15 .......................Jeremy Vine 11:15 .........................Paddington Station 24/7

07:00............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show 07:50 ........................ Emmerdale 08:20 ..... You’ve Been Framed!

12:10 ..........5 News Lunchtime

09:20 ......................... Superstore

12:15 .........................GPs: Behind Closed Doors

09:45 ......................... Superstore

13:10 ..................................Access

11:15 .............. Dress to Impress

13:15 .............. Home and Away 13:45 ....................... Neighbours 14:15 ......... The Wrong Mother

10:15 .......................Dinner Date 12:15 ........................ Emmerdale 12:45...... You’ve Been Framed!

16:00 ................................ Friends

13:50............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show

17:00........................ 5 News at 5

14:45........Supermarket Sweep

17:30 ....................... Neighbours

15:50........................Dinner Date

18:00 .........Home and Away

16:55............... Dress to Impress

18:30........... 5 News Tonight

18:00..You’ve Been Framed!

19:00.............Canada: A Year in the Wild

20:00....Two and a Half Men

20:00..Britain’s Parking Hell 21:00...................Red Arrows Take America 22:00............... Chris Tarrant: Extreme Railway Journeys

20:30....Two and a Half Men 21:00..................Love Island 22:05............ Celebrity Juice 22:50.................. Family Guy 23:50............ American Dad!

23:05........ The Sex Business


00:05..... Busted in Bangkok

01:30....Two and a Half Men

08:55........... Kirstie’s Handmade Treasures

06:00........................Monkey Life

07:10............Cops UK: Bodycam Squad

09:15............ A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun

07:00.... RSPCA Animal Rescue

21:00...White House Farm 22:00...... ITV News at Ten and Weather 22:30.. ITV News London 22:45.................... Peston 23:40.................. Tenable 00:30.............Ideal World

MOTD Live: FA Cup 4th Round Replay BBC1, 19.30 CW watch Live coverage from one of the replays in the FA Cup fourth round, with a place in the last 16 awaiting tonight’s winners.

10:10............ A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun 11:15..................Love it or List it 12:15..........Find it, Fix it, Flog it 13:15..........Find it, Fix it, Flog it 14:15......................Four in a Bed 15:20......................Four in a Bed

06:30........................Monkey Life 08:00.................. Dog Whisperer 09:00...............Motorway Patrol 10:00...The Force: Manchester 11:00.............NCIS: Los Angeles 12:00.............NCIS: Los Angeles 13:00..................... Hawaii Five-0 15:00............................MacGyver

08:00..............American Pickers 09:00................Storage Hunters 10:00..............American Pickers 12:00...........Cop Car Workshop 13:00.............................. Top Gear 14:00............................... Cops UK: Bodycam Squad 15:00..................Sin City Motors 16:00.............................. Top Gear

16:20......................Four in a Bed

16:00.................. Modern Family

16:55.................... The Secret Life of the Zoo

17:00.................... The Simpsons

17:55..................Love it or List it

18:30..............The Simpsons

18:55......................Car S.O.S

19:00.......... Richard Osman’s House of Games

20:00.............. Hawaii Five-0

19:55............... Escape to the Chateau: DIY

19:40..... Would I Lie to You?

21:00...................SEAL Team

20:20..... Would I Lie to You?

21:00........ The Great Pottery Throw Down

22:00..................... Avenue 5

21:00....... Live at the Apollo

22:30.........A League of Their Own: European Road Trip

22:00............... Hypothetical

23:30................... The Russell Howard Hour

23:40................................. QI

22:00..... David Jason’s Great British Inventions 23:05.......... It Was Alright In 00:10........... 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown


00:30............... The Late Late Show with James Corden: Best of the Week

17:00.............................. Top Gear 18:00............................ QI XL

23:00................................. QI 00:20........... Mock the Week 01:00................................. QI 01:40................................. QI

CW 24

TV Guide

Thurs 6 feb 2020 31st January - 6th February 2020

CW watch 06:00....................... Breakfast

06:30..............Wanted Down Under

06:00............. Good Morning Britain

07:15....Antiques Road Trip

09:00......................... Lorraine

08:00..................Great British Railway Journeys

10:00............... This Morning

11:45.............. Defenders UK

08:30......... Lose Weight and Get Fit with Tom Kerridge

13:30..............ITV Lunchtime News

12:15............... Bargain Hunt

09:00............. BBC News at 9

13:55...... ITV News London

13:00....... BBC News at One

10:00... Victoria Derbyshire

14:00............... Judge Rinder

13:30.....BBC London News

11:00..BBC Newsroom Live


12:15.................. Politics Live

14:15............. Shakespeare & Hathaway - Private Investigators

13:00..Get Away for Winter

09:15.......Fraud Squad NHS 10:00....... Homes Under the Hammer 11:00..............Wanted Down Under

15:00....................... Escape to the Country 15:45..................The Farmers’ Country Showdown 16:30....Antiques Road Trip 17:15........................Pointless 18:00..... BBC News at Six 19:00........The One Show 19:30............. EastEnders 20:00...........Britain’s Best Home Cook 21:00...............Death in Paradise

CW watch

22:00.... BBC News at Ten 22:35....... Question Time 23:35................ Newscast

CW watch

13:45.............................. Coast 14:35.......... Talking Pictures 15:05................................Yentl 17:15............................Flog It! 18:00.....Richard Osman’s House of Games 18:30............. Great Asian Railway Journeys 19:00................. Celebrity Antiques Road Trip 20:00..........Secrets of the Museum 21:00.................Travels in Euroland with Ed Balls 22:00....................... Mum 22:30..............Newsnight 23:15....................Win the Wilderness: Alaska

06:30.................................. Cheers 07:20................. King of Queens 15:00..........................Tenable 08:10............... Everybody Loves Raymond 15:59...................ITV London 09:10...................................Frasier 16:00...............Tipping Point 10:10.....Undercover Boss USA 17:00.....................The Chase 11:05...............Ramsay’s Kitchen 18:00....................ITV News Nightmares USA London 12:00................Channel 4 News 18:30............... ITV Evening 12:05........................Sun, Sea and Selling Houses News 13:05. . .................... Escape to the 19:00............ Emmerdale Chateau: DIY 19:30...................Tonight 14:10........................ Countdown 20:00............ Emmerdale 15:00............ A Place in the Sun 20:30.......Save Money: 16:00..... A New Life in the Sun Lose Weight watch 17:00.................... Couples Come Dine with Me 21:00................ Inside the 18:00..............The Simpsons Crown: Secrets 18:30.................... Hollyoaks of the Royals 19:00.......... Channel 4 News 22:00................. ITV News 20:00.............. The Supervet at Ten 21:00............Barrymore: The 22:30.. ITV News London Body in the Pool 22:45.... The Late Debate 22:50........Naked Attraction 23:10..........Grantchester 23:50...................... Sex Tape


Celebrations at the launch of the new luxury Henderson resort in Saint Marie are cut short when British developer Neil Henderson’s (Steve Pemberton) daughter, Tamsin Lewis (Chanel Creswell), is found electrocuted in her hotel bathtub with the door locked from the inside. As all evidence points towards suicide and Commissioner Selwyn Patterson (Don Warrington) concludes this to be the case, the team calls for reinforcement from Manchester, as D.I Neville Parker (Ralf Little) flies over to Saint Marie temporarily to confirm and close the case as suspected suicide. However, an empty mouth guard case and packet of sleeping pills results in Neville extending his stay, much to his dismay, as he investigates it as a murder.

08:55.................................. Kirstie’s Vintage Gems

06:00........................Monkey Life

09:15............ A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun

07:00....................................RSPCA Animal Rescue

08:00..............American Pickers

10:10............ A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun

08:00.................. Dog Whisperer

09:30................Storage Hunters

11:15..................Love it or List it

09:00...............Motorway Patrol

10:00..............American Pickers

10:00...The Force: Manchester

11:00..............American Pickers

11:00.............NCIS: Los Angeles 12:00.............NCIS: Los Angeles

12:00................................. Cop Car Workshop

12:15..........Find it, Fix it, Flog it 13:15..........Find it, Fix it, Flog it 14:15......................Four in a Bed

07:10............................... Cops UK: Bodycam Squad 09:00................Storage Hunters

13:00..................... Hawaii Five-0

13:00.............................. Top Gear

14:50......................Four in a Bed


15:20......................Four in a Bed

16:00.................. Modern Family

14:00............................... Cops UK: Bodycam Squad

15:50......................Four in a Bed

16:30.................. Modern Family

16:20......................Four in a Bed

17:00.................... The Simpsons

16:55.................... The Secret Life of the Zoo


17:55..................Love it or List it

18:30..............The Simpsons

18:55......................Car S.O.S


15:00..................Sin City Motors 16:00.............................. Top Gear 17:00.............................. Top Gear 18:00............................ QI XL 19:00.......... Richard Osman’s House of Games

19:55............... Escape to the Chateau: DIY

20:00.................. A League of Their Own: European Road Trip

20:20..... Would I Lie to You?

21:00............ Grand Designs

21:00..................... The Heist

21:00....... Live at the Apollo

22:00.........New Amsterdam

22:00................... The Russell Howard Hour


23:00......................... COBRA

23:40................................. QI

23:00...................999: What’s Your Emergency?

test. Eat Yourself Healthy, the latest spin on gut health and The Complete Pegan Diet for Beginners, a new diet catchphrase combining Paleo and Vegan approaches. How will these two newcomers rank on the programme’s Save Money lb for £ leaderboard?

12:30............. Loose Women

Death In Paradise BBC1, 21.00

06:30........................Monkey Life

Save Money Lose Weight In the third episode, two new diets are put through their ITV1, 20.30 paces in the programme’s 28 day value for money road

19:40..... Would I Lie to You?

23:00................................. QI

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV 09:15........................Jeremy Vine 11:15..........................Paddington Station 24/7

07:00............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show 07:50......................... Emmerdale 08:20.............Coronation Street

12:10...........5 News Lunchtime

09:20.......................... Superstore

12:15..........................GPs: Behind Closed Doors

09:45.......................... Superstore 10:15........................Dinner Date


11:15............... Dress to Impress

13:15............... Home and Away

12:15......................... Emmerdale

13:45........................ Neighbours

12:45.............Coronation Street

14:15...........................A Murderer Upstairs

13:50............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show

16:00................................. Friends

14:45........Supermarket Sweep

16:30................................. Friends

15:50........................Dinner Date

17:00......................... 5 News at 5

16:55............... Dress to Impress

17:30........................ Neighbours 18:00..........Home and Away

18:00.... You’ve Been Framed! 19:00.... You’ve Been Framed!

18:30........... 5 News Tonight

20:00....Two and a Half Men

19:00.............Canada: A Year in the Wild

21:00..................Love Island

20:30....Two and a Half Men

20:00............ Bargain Loving Brits in the Sun


21:00................. Traffic Cops

23:20.................. Family Guy

22:00........................... Creed

23:50............ American Dad!

22:50.................. Family Guy 31st January - 6th February 2020


25 CW

CW 26

What’s On


31st January - 6th February 2020



The World of Oz in Tenerife

With the magical flavour of one of the children’s classics, most remembered by all as the famous “Wizard of Oz”, we present the theatrical show “The World of Oz ”, Written by Natalia Martínez and Directed by Crisol Carabal.


8th February Infanta leonor, Los Cristianos


walk to see the ALMONDS IN FLOWER

8th February Teatro Príncipe Felipe (Tegueste)

The most anticipated route of the year arrives. Walk with us to the highlands of the municipalities of El Tanque and Santiago del Teide, where at the end of January the landscape is dyed white and pink with the flowering of almond trees, that give colour to the landscape. A simple three-hour trail and suitable for the whole family. Starting from the newly inaugurated Ecomuseum of El Tanque.


Gala de La Reina del Carnaval de Tenerife

2nd february las vegas de tenerife FB: Viva Las Vegas Sponsored Charity Walk until 16th February El Tanque


Paint workshop

19th february Recinto Ferial de Tenerife, Santa Cruz

Betty Arten Gallery brings Pouring techniques to learn, in the Arona Farmer Market. Open to everyone.


23rd february, 10am

15th march

29th february

Arona market

golden mile, las Americas

Activate sports club

FB: Taller Pouring Tríptico


Activate talent show

Does your little one have a talent worth sharing with the world? Bring them to Activate Sports Club on the 29th of February and enjoy a memorable free event! Playing an instrument, singing or even telling jokes... If they love being on stage, you can’t miss our Activate Talent Show! There’ll be amazing prizes for the winners! Fancy coming? Then sign up by phoning 822 070 037 or send us an email to info@ 31st January - 6th February 2020

KOBE Bryant, the Lakers’ legendary, US basketball superstar, along with his 13-yearold daughter, Gianna, one of the sport’s budding stars, were among nine people who died last Sunday in a helicopter tragedy. They were named as baseball coach John Altobelli; his wife, Keri, and their basketballplaying daughter Alyssa; mother and daughter Sarah and Payton Chester; Mamba Academy basketball coach Christina Mauser and pilot Ara Zobayan. They were travelling in Bryant’s Sikorsky S-76, when it crashed and burst into flames on a California mountainside in Calabasas Los Angeles, at around 10am, during foggy conditions. Bryant, 41, a five-time NBA champion, who spent his entire 20-year career with the Lakers’, used his helicopter regularly to travel to and from matches, staged at the LA Laker’s Staples Center. The city of Calabas said on Twitter: “It is with great sadness that we learn of the death of Kobe Bryant and others in a helicopter crash in Calabasas. The aircraft went down in a remote field, off Las Virgenes, but nobody on the ground was hurt.” Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva said the LA County coroner’s office reported on Sunday night that the recovery effort was expected to take several days, because of the crash site’s condition, as well as

Legendary Kobe dies, as his own chopper crashes

its remote location. Officials shut down roads leading to the site because of a throng of visitors trying to get there. The helicopter, built in 1991, left John Wayne Airport at 9.06am, according to publicly-available flight records, heading for Camarillo Airport. The chopper passed over Boyle Heights, near Dodger Stadium, and circled over Glendale during the flight. The crash happened in Calabasas, and the authorities received a 911 call at 9.47am, just three minutes after a tower reported that the aircraft was too low to receive guidance. Firefighters arrived to discover

that the crash had ignited a brush fire, covering one quarter of an acre in steep terrain, said LA County Fire Chief Daryl Osby. Those attending the tragedy included 56 firefighters, as well as a helicopter with paramedics, hand crews and sheriff’s deputies. “Our firefighters hiked into the accident site with their medical equipment and hose lines to extinguish the stubborn fire, as it included the brush fire… and the helicopter,” Osby told a news conference on Sunday afternoon. “The fire also included magnesium, which is very hard for firefighters to extinguish because it reacts with oxygen and water.”

The Federal Aviation Administration and National Transportation Safety Board are investigating the crash. And the FBI are also assisting in the probe, which is standard practice. Tributes poured in from several global sports stars, and devastated NBA commissioner Adam Silver, said: “The NBA family is devastated by the tragic passing of Kobe Bryant and his daughter, Gianna. “For 20 seasons, Kobe showed us what is possible when remarkable talent blends with an absolute devotion to winning. He was one of the most extraordinary players in the history of our game with accomplishments that are legendary. “But he will be remembered most for inspiring people around the world to pick up a basketball and compete to the very best of their ability.” Silver added: “He was generous with the wisdom he acquired, and saw it as his mission to share it with future generations of players, taking special delight in passing down his love of the game to Gianna.”

No meltdown as 50p Brexit coin is minted BRITISH Chancellor Sajid Javid has unveiled the first images of the Brexit 50p coin, which bears the inscription “Peace, prosperity and friendship with all nations”.

Around three million Brexit coins are set to be distributed to banks, Post Offices and shops across the UK from today (Friday 31st Jan), with another seven million entering circulation later this year. And this time, it looks as though it might actually happen, after previous versions of the coin, with the

dates 29th March and then again with 31st October on them, had to be scrapped. One million 50p coins to commemorate a 31st October Brexit had to be shredded and melted

down, after Boris Johnson missed his first deadline late last year. Javid, who is Master of the Mint, as well as a Chancellor, said: “Leaving the European Union is a turning point in our

history, and this coin marks the beginning of this new chapter.” The cost of designing and producing the commemorative coins will be met by the Royal Mint out of its own revenues, at no cost to the taxpayer. As part of the launch, the Royal Mint will also open its doors for 24 hours to let people strike their own commemorative coins “Peace, Prosperity and Friendship with all Nations”. The coin looks set to be popular with Brexit supporters, with more than 13,000 people already registering their interest in a commemorative version of the coin, available to buy from the Royal Mint.


27 CW

Britons waiting to fly home from virus city

BRITAIN has been forced to delay a planned evacuation of its 200 citizens from the Chinese city of Wuhan, epicentre of the coronavirus outbreak. That’s because the UK has not yet received the correct permission from Chinese authorities for a flight to leave. Britain had planned to fly back its citizens to a military base, and it is hoped that the flight will depart today (Friday) instead, according to sources there. “We are doing everything we can to get British people in Wuhan safely back to the UK,” said a Foreign Office spokeswoman. “A number of countries’ flights have been unable to take off as planned, but we continue working urgently, to organise a flight to the UK as soon as possible.” Those returning to the UK will be quarantined for 14 days at a National Health Service facility once they return. But those already infected will not be allowed to leave Wuhan. Some countries have begun isolating hundreds of citizens evacuated from Wuhan, in an effort to stop the global spread of an epidemic that has killed 170, with South Korea calling for calm in the face of protests at a quarantine centre. Some British citizens have spoken of being told they are unable to bring family members with Chinese passports out of the city. Natalie Francis, 31, an English teacher in Wuhan, said the Foreign Office told her she could not bring her threeyear-old son, Jamie, home because he had a Chinese passport, even though he was a British citizen. “They said anyone with Chinese nationality, or other citizenship, was not being allowed to go on,” Francis told The Sun newspaper. “I’m like, ‘So yeah, you want me to just abandon my son in China, and go home?’” Meanwhile, Malaga pharmacies cannot keep up with the sudden boom in demand for air-filtration masks, following the Coronavirus outbreak. The Diario Sur newspaper says pharmacies across the region have sold out of biological, filtration masks in the past week. This advanced mask has a valve in its centre, which blocks dangerous particles. And though the less-effective, more-basic felt masks are still available, the pharmacies are also running low of these.

CW 28


31st January - 6th February 2020

Brexit: Where do I stand? Spain is part of the Schengen Area, the amount of time an individual can stay in Spain is governed by the Schengen Area rules.

What is the Schengen Area? The free movement of persons is a fundamental right guaranteed by the EU to its citizens. The Schengen Agreement, which was signed in 1985, started the process of the gradual abolition of checks at common borders. In 1990 of the Convention implementing that Agreement was signed, initially by seven EU States. Today, most EU States are a part of the Schengen Area, except for Croatia and Cyprus, who are legally obliged to join in future. Ireland and the United Kingdom have opted out of Schengen. Bulgaria and Romania are currently in the process of joining the Schengen Area. Some non-EU States, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Liechtenstein have also joined the Schengen Area. Monaco, San Marino and Vatican City are not part of the Schengen Area, but are considered de facto within the area, having no border controls. The Schengen area is, for international travel purposes, a single state. There are external border controls when entering, but no internal border controls while travelling inside the area. Note that, the United Kingdom, including Northern Ireland, is NOT a part of the Schengen Area. The Republic of Ireland opted out of Schengen in order to stay in alignment with Northern Ireland.

Registering as a Resident if you plan on living in Spain, you must register as a resident within three months. In 2012 the Spanish government introduced details of the new residency requirements for all EU citizens, including British nationals. Those applying for residency in Spain may be required to produce evidence of sufficient financial means to support themselves (and dependants). Applicants may also be asked for proof of private or public healthcare insurance. If you are resident in Spain for more than three months, you must also register yourself on the padrón, which is a list of all the people who live in a certain town. There is more guidance on registering for residency in Spain on the UK Government website at guidance/residency-requirements-in-spain

Within the Agreement there is provision for Member States to temporarily reintroduce border controls within the Schengen Area if there is a serious threat to their internal security. France has done this in the wake of the recent terrorist attacks.

What does Schengen mean to you? For visitors of all nationalities, if you enter a country which is part of the Schengen area you will be subject to checks at the external border, but thereafter you will be free to move from country to country without further border checks. The external checks include, amongst other security issues, checking that visitors do not overstay their allowed period. The period visitors are allowed to stay in a Schengen country is 90 out of every 180 days, this is the short-stay rule. This does not mean, for example, that a person could stay in Spain for 90 days, then cross the border into France for a day and then return. Firstly, the border crossed would have to be that of a non-Schengen state (e.g. Albania, Andora, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Cyprus, Georgia, Ireland, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine, and The United Kingdom (including Gibraltar)). Secondly the 90-day rule is actually 90 days in the past 180 days. So a trip into a non-Schengen state would have to last at least 90 days. The European Commission wording for the 19/180 requirement is ‘an absence for an uninterrupted period of 90 days [from the Schengen Area] allows for a new stay of up to 90 days’. If you do not want to register, and instead want to plan your trip around the 90 days, there is a calculator on the European Commission website (search 90-day calculator). Visitors who do stay longer than 90 days, without registering, may find themselves banned from re-entering the Schengen Area for up to five years.

What about after Brexit? The answer is, it depends. After 31 January 2020 there will be a transition period until the end of 2020, while the UK and EU negotiate additional arrangements. The current rules on trade, travel, and business for the UK and EU will continue to apply during the transition period. If the UK leaves the EU without a deal, British Citizens may become non-EU citizens or third country nationals. Non-EU citizens could require a visa to travel in the Schengen Area. In this event the length of time they would be permitted to stay would be stated in the visa. If the UK leaves the EU with a deal the status of British Citizens would very much depend on the terms of the deal.

This article does not constitute legal advice. Every person’s circumstances are different. There are exceptions to the 90-day rule. If you want to stay longer in Spain, seek professional legal advice. If you have any queries regarding financial status, please feel free to contact us.

Sebastian & St James International Financial Advisers Limited: advice based on integrity, trust and experience.

Community News

31st January - 6th February 2020

K9 Animal News

29 CW

KittyCatz News

Renewed appeal for Enzo! A thorny subject! FOR those of you who are familiar with K9, or come up and volunteer to walk our dogs, you will know that some have been here for two or three years, on average.

We did have some dogs who had been here for six or seven years, but finally found their forever homes and got their happy ever after. Six years ago, Enzo was brought to the attention of K9. What started out as a normal day for Enzo, quickly changed, when his owner put him into the car, drove him to K9, took him out of the car and just drove off. Enzo was only about one or two years old at the time. Can you imagine how confused and scared he must have felt? He had just been abandoned by someone who he trusted, and now he was alone. Of course, we immediately took him in and started to look after him. Fast forward to the present day, and Enzo is still at K9. When he first arrived, he was a friendly sweet boy who enjoyed his walks and cuddles, and then there an unfortunate incident at the

kennels. A couple of years ago, three dogs were stolen. Enzo was one of these dogs. We are not sure what they wanted these dogs for, but, about a week later, they were all brought back, found by a gentleman, nearby. The other two dogs that were stolen in this incident have since been happily adopted, but not Enzo. He has one slight issue - he doesn’t like people to touch him. Something happened to him when he was stolen, because he came back a different dog. It is unfair on Enzo because he didn’t ask for this, and it was not his fault. Enzo won’t react to you if you feed him or give him treats, but if you overstep his comfort zone and try to pet him, he will react. He goes to

Mollys Animal News

Such lovely lads!

training classes once a week, to try and help him overcome this massive fear. We believe that, with consistency and more training, Enzo will be able to get back to his normal self, and enjoy the pleasure of cuddles from his favourite human. One of our volunteers is fostering him at the moment and is making a lot of progress. So much so, she can now pet him, and is taking very small steps with him. He is very easy to have in the house, and needs an occasional walk and a quiet place to sleep. Unfortunately, she will have to go back to Belgium in a couple of , and will have to bring Enzo back to K9! Please don’t let this happen. As you can see from the photo, he is a big, white. fluffy ball, and looks very sweet. He has been in the kennels for six years now, and is about eight years old. He needs to get out and grow old comfortably, in a soft bed, surrounded by people who love him, and have patience with him. If you are interested in meeting Enzo, please be aware that it will take some time. But if you persist, the hard work will pay off! Please get in touch by telephoning us on 667 638 468.

Live Paws News

They have always been together. We would really like to find them their forever home, for their retirement years, without splitting them up. Also, we are looking for foster homes. If you would like to meet these gorgeous boys, please contact Elaine 678 015 653, or message Molly’s Animal Adoption Centre.

Possibly not. After all, it’s a boy, it can’t get pregnant, and you don’t want your fluff ball operated on. But Tenerife has a massive stray-cat problem, and it’s growing. Neutering is imperative to tackle the problem and reduce numbers. Did you know that mating is a very uncomfortable process for both male and female cats, and is the primary way potentially-fatal diseases are spread? The sexual activity of cats is a primal, hormonal activity. There is no pleasure for either of the two! The tom cat’s penis has small thorns, which makes the vagina bleed. Half of the sperm is destroyed at this point, but the pain the female feels stimulates ovulation, resulting in an unwanted pregnancy. Most kittens born on the street suffer some kind of disease or injury, but often not before they have become sexually active, and produced even more unwanted kittens. When the male is neutered

early, the male hormonal levels fall so low that thorns do not grow at all, or fully. The tom cat has to fight with other males for the female, and, after hours of screaming, followed by scratches, wounds and bites, he goes to the female who accepts him, energetically, induced by hormones. You have probably heard them in the street at night, or on waste ground, as you walk by. The males bite the female at the nape of the neck, and introduce the prickly penis. She screams in pain, as he holds her so that she does not move. Even when the male releases her neck, she is still trapped by the thorns. It’s not just feral toms who are attracted to the females in kitten season. If you haven’t neutered your tom, he will disappear and reappear days later, usually injured, often quite seriously, and probably diseased. Or, worse still, he may not come home at all! Even if your tom is a house cat, the primal urge to mate will ensure that many hours of the waking day are spent trying to find a way out of the home, and he will often, eventually, succeed. All responsible owners neuter their cats - no ifs, no buts. Follow our work on Facebook or

Hello! I’m here

My name is Leon. I to run and play like a am five years old, puppy! I would love to be and was rescued part of your family. I am from a government friendly with everyone I meet, and I like other dogs. refuge by a lady who Could you love me? Please del Sol loves me dearly, Accion but contact MarkNews on 652 297 she is getting older 853 for more information, and to maybe arrange a now, and is not able play-date. to walk me as much. Dog-walking club Although I am five, I love

ROCKY and Charly came to us from a family environment. They are very loving, and are good with children and other dogs.

SO you have the soft bed, the fluffy toys, and a whole array of tasty food and treats for your new, male kitten. But have you thought about castration?

Join our dog-walking club on Saturday mornings

from 9am-1pm. Our dogs absolutely love it, and you can keep fit and find a furry friend at the same time. Please come and meet the dogs. They have a fabulous time with the walkers, and look forward to going out for a wander. Please feel free to pop along, even for a chat. If you have any questions, send a WhatsApp to Mark on 652 297 853, for further details. Live Paws shops Come and bag a bargain at our shops. Donations are always very much appreciated. San Eugenio - opposite Hotel La Nina, at Las Carabelas, near Amanda’s Bar. Open weekdays 10am-4pm, Saturday 10am-2pm and now Sundays 11am-3pm. Los Cristianos - Calle Revron, near Thistle and Dragon Bar and play-park. Open Monday-Friday (10am4pm), Saturday 10am-2pm. The shop is now open on Sundays from 11am-3pm. Join us on Facebook - Live Arico P.A.W.S Tenerife

CW 30

Wine and Dine

31st January - 6th February 2020

Try a different type of cheese! CREAMY and distinct in flavour, goat cheese is a dairy product enjoyed around the world. It comes in a wide variety of flavours and textures, from soft and spreadable fresh cheese, to that which is salty, crumbly and aged. Although it’s produced using the same coagulation and separation process as that made from cows’ milk, goat cheese differs in nutrient content. Additionally, goat cheese is digested differently, and is a hypoallergenic alternative for those allergic to cheese made from cows’

milk. Recipe ideas In addition to its numerous health benefits, goat cheese makes a delicious addition to many dishes. Since the cheese differs in taste depending on variety, purchasing a milder cheese, that can be incorporated into a wide variety of recipes, may be your best choice. Here are some creative ways to add goat cheese to your diet: *Crumble soft goat cheese onto fresh greens, as a creamy and satisfying salad topper *Spread goat cheese on toast along with avocado, sautéed vegetables and eggs, for a winning breakfast combination *Fill mini tarts with whipped goat cheese and sliced fig for a crowd-pleasing appetiser

of Paella for 2 people and a litre sangria or strawberry margarita


*Top your favourite crackers with goat cheese and sliced apples for a tasty snack *Stuff chicken breasts with

goat cheese and fresh herbs, then roast in the oven *Add goat cheese to your favourite quiche or frittata

recipe *Combine goat cheese with cooked oatmeal, then top with sweet or savoury ingredients, such as fruit or vegetables *Fill peppers with cooked quinoa, vegetables and goat cheese, before roasting or grilling *Swap mozzarella or ricotta for goat cheese when making home-made pizza or flatbread *Make an omelette with goat cheese, mushrooms and fresh herbs *Add goat cheese to mashed potatoes for a unique flavour *Use goat cheese in place of heavy cream or butter when making soups, to add texture and flavour *Combine whipped goat cheese with a bit of honey, and serve with sliced fruit for a healthier dessert

Angela and Tim would like to welcome you to The Swan in Los Cristianos. Fresh food served 7 days a week, with all your favourites; fish and chips, Sunday lunch, braised steak, plus daily specials, all with good-quality produce.

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Parque de la Reina has a secret - Lupita restaurant is fast becoming the place to eat, and it has a well-deserved reputation. All the usual Mexican specialities are on offer, but from midday until 4pm, check out its 4.95€ menu. You can have a bowl of soup or garlic bread, main meal (selection of 20) and ice cream or coffee to finish, which is excellent value for money. Also, evening and weekend menus are available from 4.95€. Now open Tuesdays. Cañada Blanca 2, Parque de la Reina Open: 12noon - 11pm.

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Or just pop in for a drink, with live entertainment every night, 9pm - midnight, quiz night on Sunday evenings and sport shown all weekend. Great entertainment, even greater value!

In front of Margarita Apartments, Los Cristianos

Open: 10am - Late. Food until 8pm

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The Swan Los Cristianos 31st January - 6th February 2020


31 CW

CW 32


31st January - 6th February 2020

Internet safety Corner By MIke Broeckaert from Direct Telecom

INTERNET of Things (IoT) devices and gadgets are increasingly creeping to the top of the wish-lists for Christmas and birthday gifts, while others are simply saving up to buy some of these

great devices. IoT devices cover a massive variety of primarily “connected” devices, ranging from laptops, home automation, TVs, speakers, health-andfitness gadgets and sensors, to drones or even connected toys. Many of us love the idea of having cool gadgets that we can connect to the internet, but do we all know how they work, or what kind of vulnerabilities we could be exposed to? IoT devices It is impossible to list the amount and variety of IoT devices, available today in the marketplace. From wearable gadgets, connected fridges, home-automation sensors, cameras, smartphones and tablets, to media players and all kinds of gadgets we can connect to the internet. Each one of these IoT devices

“IoT” - and how it could affect you

is engineered and designed to somehow “make life better”, and the chances are that their good intentions are 100% legitimate. The problem is that in this price-competitive field, there are thousands of different electronic components that can be chosen by the manufacturers, to build their devices. Some have huge budgets to run security checks, but others do not. The bottom line is that our IoT devices may have electronic components which may, or may not, have known vulnerabilities. Once your cool gadget is “connected” to your

network, it may perform just as expected, but, if you are unlucky, it could also be a “trojan horse” inside your network! What damage can this do to you? No matter how much effort you have put into building yourself a nice and secure network, it takes just one “cool gadget” to create a vulnerability, which could be harmless, or become a serious problem. For example, you buy a nice and cheap smoke sensor, online, for your home, and you connect it to your WiFi so that it can alert you, anytime.

If you are unlucky, this smoke sensor could have exploitable electronic components which might be known to hackers, keeping a “door open” to your network. This could allow a hacker to access your home network through the smoke sensor, and then have access to files on your computers, or even view video footage of your webcam. If you have home automation devices, a hacker could even disable alarms or sensors. The damage ranges from loss of privacy, to stealing data or gaining access to your property.

What can you do to reduce the risks? As usual, the chances are very low that you could be a target for any kind of “hacking”, even if you did have an IoT device with a security vulnerability, but it is important that you have at least some kind of idea of how they work, and how they could affect you. We would recommend that you purchase IoT devices from manufacturers which you feel you can trust, maybe companies who have cuttingedge safety and security procedures, and invest heavily in the manufacture of their products. The truth is that this is all still too new to know for sure, and evolves at such a rapid pace that it is hard to keep up with it. In the meantime, think about the gadgets you buy, whether you really need them, if they really need to be connected, and if you feel you can trust the company who manufactured them! We sincerely hope this information was useful, and we look forward to sharing some more tips with you, in due course.

Super-duper Manuka! health Corner

MANUKA is a special kind of honey that is only produced in Australia and New Zealand, by bees which pollinate the native Leptospermum scoparium, or the manuka bush. Because of its unique nature, manuka honey is more potent than the regular variety, and provides more health benefits.

Soothes allergy symptoms Ingesting manuka honey can provide relief against allergic rhinitis. Soothes acid reflux Acid reflux is when the acid inside the stomach makes its way into the oesophagus. This isn’t a life-threatening condition in any way, but the symptoms associated with it, such

as heartburn and chest pain, can be very uncomfortable, and stop you in your tracks. Manuka honey is known to relieve these symptoms. Fights resistant bacteria There is evidence supporting manuka honey’s ability to combat bacteria like MRSA, and group A Streptococcus. These strains have become increasingly re-

sistant to conventional medicine, because of the overuse of antibiotics. Consuming manuka honey can kill MRSA, and inhibit the growth of group A Strep. Treats wounds, burns and sores Manuka honey’s healing properties are well known. They can speed up healing, reduce inflammation, relieve pain

and prevent wounds, burns and sores from becoming infected. The acidic environment created by manuka honey favours wound healing. Simply apply a coat of manuka honey over the affected area, and wrap it up with wound dressing. Fights gum disease If left untreated, gum disease can deteriorate tooth health, and even cause some bone damage. Luckily, manuka honey’s antibacterial properties make it a great companion. It can reduce your risk of bleeding from periodontal disease, and it can reduce incidence of dental plaque by up to 35%. Furthermore, the mineral content in manuka honey keeps teeth healthy. Bowel and intestinal conditions Manuka honey can protect against inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and, if you al-

ready have IBD, reduce its symptoms, thanks to its unique ability to fight off bacterial infections and reduce inflammation. Manuka honey has also been shown to have an antibacterial effect against Clostridium difficile. Helps you sleep When mixed with milk and drunk at bedtime, manuka honey can provide you with a deep, restful sleep. Before you buy some manuka honey, verify its authenticity. All real manuka will have the “Unique Manuka Factor” (UMF) logo printed on the container, along with a UMF number. This number is part of the grading system that rates the manuka honey’s purity and quality. Consider buying manuka honey that’s at least UMF 16, but anything above UMF 10 can also have the health-supporting properties you need. 31st January - 6th February 2020


33 CW

CW 34

Just enter the numbers 1 - 9 once in each row, column and 3 x 3 square within the sudoku X puzzle grid. In addition to standard sudoku, the numbers must only occur once in each side of the ‘X’ that is marked on the grid. 5 7 9 8


8 2 5 7 8 1 6 6 1 6 4 9 2 6 7 5 2 6 5 9 1 3

And 2 normal sudokus for you as well...

7 3 9 2 6 4 9 1 8 7 7




2 8 1 7 4 2 6 3 2 9 1 4 3 8 5


31st January - 6th February 2020


Sudoku X


Puzzle page/Property for Sale


1 7 2 9 3 9 1 4 6 9 5 2 7 3 6 5

6 1 7 8 1 8 7 5 7 4 2 9 8 9 7 2

Find the answers to these puzzles on our website

Across 1 Actuality (4) 3 About to happen (8) 8 Plough (4) 9 High-ranking army officer (5,3) 11. One’s wife (informal) (3,7) 14 Blockhead (6) 15 Object used in fighting (6) 17 Done by people acting together (10)

20 First performance (8) 21 Pound — lump of chewing tobacco (4) 22 Place of residence (8) 23 Suggestive (4) Down 1 Attractive (8) 2 Speed (8) 4 Leave stranded with little hope of rescue (6)

5 Rebellion (10) 6 Genuine — honest (4) 7 Young children — shorts (4) 10 Avoiding the company of others (10) 12 Natural ability (8) 13 Meant (for each other?) (8) 16 Old two-bob bit (6) 18 Moved quickly (4) 19 Pool — pure and simple (4)

Service Point

31st January - 6th February 2020


to advertise here call 822 14 15 17

Jobs (cont.)


TELEMARKETERS WANTED FOR BUSY NEW CALL CENTRE IN LAS AMERICAS Due to success we are now expanding and opening a new office next door to our current office based in the Zentral Center. This office will specialise in fly bys and we are looking for highly motivated individuals to join our current telemarketing team! The ideal candidate will have plenty of experience within the timeshare industry, specifically fly bys, and committed to full time hours and a positive working attitude! In return we offer great databases, 40 hour working contract with monthly nomina of 1250€ per month. A lucrative commission structure paid weekly every Friday on every tour and deal provided. Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity. Send CV’s to either or Alternatively you can call 660 549 635 and arrange an interview. No time wasters please.

Service point

to advertise here call 822 14 15 17 air-conditioning


garden furniture

to advertise here call 822 14 15 17 cars CARS BOUGHT FOR CASH - Offer made once seen, we will come to you. WANTED small cars to medium cars, 4 X 4’s, small vans, people carriers, runners and non runners, accident damaged, etc. ANYTHING CONSIDERED.

Call us now on 678 451 641 Dogs

Health and Beauty


For Sale For Sale , All Perfect Condition: Double bed and Mattress with the headboard: 95€ A pair of wardrobes, Sliding doors and runners6”: 30€ A pair of wardrobes, sliding doors and runners5”: 25€ Philips Mini Hi Fi System: 25€. Call 652 223 330



Claims Advisors are wanted for busy office based in Zentral Commerical centre Las Americas Must have experience in the timeshare industry

Full and part time positions available Contract from day one, nomina 1250€ a month, 100€ a tour a further 50€ on completion. Commissions structure paid weekly. Current staff in Malaga office and Tenerife are earning between 2/3000€ a month.

Please send CV’s to:

Ann Malpass M.A.F.H.P. M.C.F.H.P. Qualified Chiropodist. All your foot care needs solved in the comfort of your own home/hotel. Tel 625 799 570 Wendy Nelson - Hairdresser and Mobile chiropodist MCFHP-BSC, 25 yrs working for the NHS caring for all foot problems , Home visits and Hotels. Call 634 301 727 or email Elaine Watson-Jones MSSCh MBChA. Experienced qualified Chiropodist based in Tenerife over 20yrs, offers home/ hotel visits in most areas of the South. Tel: 608 029 790. Email:



35 CW

CW 36

Service Point


31st January - 6th February 2020



personal services Male/female Viagra, Jellies, Cialis. Call 672 883 025

TENERIFE TRANSLATION SERVICES: Legally registered with over 25 years’ experience. Official, Medical, Notary, Wills, Utilities, Probate, Pensions, car paperwork and much more. Professionalism and confidentiality guaranteed. Transport available. Call Tracey on 666 857 991 or email on

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Pool tables

T-shirt printing

patio doors & windows



Everything for your house, apartment, etc We also buy good quality furniture and household items. Plus house clearances. Opening times: Mon-fri 10am-5pm, Sat 10am-2pm Las Chafiras Calle tilena 19. Next to Rachels Motors

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678 675 171


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tv & satellite ElectroSat TV S.L. C/Encarnacion No 1. Valle San Lorenzo, Tenerife. Tel: 922 72 22 27 Mobile 670 277 772, email: Menny Fix, Satellite TV Tel 922 792 116 Avnd; Antonio Dominguez 18, Edif: MarOLa Local 2, Los Cristianos. EST 1994, Repairs, Maintenance and Sales.

windows & doors


31st January - 6th February 2020

37 CW

A golfing column, for all you swingers! HELLO and welcome to my brand-new On The Tee column. I thought it would be good to let you know more about what occurs in the golfing world of our beautiful island, here in Tenerife.

We are blessed with fantastic weather to play golf, on some of the finest golf courses around the island. It may be an 18-hole championship course, a testing nine-hole course or a pitch-and-putt. Whether you are total novice, or an old pro like me, and just enjoy a round, I hope to bring you news of many golf societies, golf news and competitions with the help of club captains, secretaries and players. So, place the ball on the tee and let’s get started with my golf society, the Costa Adeje Rabbits. The Rabbits have been established since 2007 and have a current membership of 98. Our present captain, Steve Moore, said the Rabbits were formed for local, high-handicap players, and they encouraged budding golfers, originally known as the scrappers, but not so much now. We have a wide range of handicappers and an excellent Ladies’ Section. We are also involved with raising money for local charities, and, along with Steve, his vice-captain Peter Yates and their committee, they do a fantastic job by arranging our golf days on Thursdays and Saturdays, playing an 18hole Stapleford Competition, as well as special oneday events and many social events. Our society is open to all nationalities, and welcome guests to play, with the help of Costa Adeje Golf and their staff. Guest tee times are subject to availability. Our home course is the challenging but interesting nine-hole Los Lagos course at Costa Adeje golf, of one par 5, four par 4s and four pars 3s. And yes, you are right: Los Lagos means The Lakes, which have condemned many of my golf balls to a watery grave, along with those of the other members. A few of our members have scored a Hole in One at this hole, which, again, is something I have never achieved in all my years playing golf. Yes, I have been so close, hitting the flag stick or getting really close to the hole, but my ball never drops into the cup. Therefore, I have never had to buy that customary round of drinks in the clubhouse... perhaps one day. But knowing my luck, on that day, if or when it happens, it will be the society’s biggest turn-out. Talking about a Hole in One, you have probably never heard of Laurent Hurtubise... until now! This talented amateur stunned pros by hitting a Hole in One at the PGA American Express tournament. What makes his achievement all the more remarkable is that he swings the club with only one arm. He was born with only one arm, but this has not stopped him swinging a golf club since the age of 11. The inspirational moment was captured as he stood over the ball on the 151-yard hole. Swinging his iron in his one hand, he managed to catch the ball as sweetly as he is ever likely to hit it. The ball landed perfectly on the green, before hurtling towards the hole, dropping into the cup to spark wild celebrations. Check it out on You Tube! Our beautiful golf courses attract a number of celebrities and well-known figures to the island, including the likes of Irish singing star Daniel O’Donnell, Des Bremner, the ex-Scottish & Aston Villa footballer, my old pal Larry Lloyd, the ex-England, Liverpool & Nottingham Forest footballer, whom I met and made

friends with when he was managing my beloved Notts County FC, many moons ago. They are all perfect gentlemen to a Tee, of course, and many others grace our shores. But as all golfers know, the course is a great leveller. Another Golf Society enjoying Los Lagos are the Legends, who tee-off before us on a Thursday, normally. But I did manage to catch up with Legends’ captain George, who agreed to provide me with the history of the Legends as well as the society’s results and any special events coming up, so I look forward to that. The Championship Golf Course Costa Adeje is home to the Adeje international golf society, known to me as “The Yellow Shirts”, under the watchful eye of Michael Setch and his committee, who have been overseeing this truly international membership for 20 years. Michael has been looking after the Yellow Shirts for 16 years, and their large membership play every Tuesday and Saturday. I’ll will be giving their results in future editions. The Golf Costa Adeje was designed by renowned golf architect Jose Gancedo, who used the natural features of the land, which was an original banana plantation. The golf course was made possible to irrigate with recycled water. The challenging course consists of six par 5s, six par 4s and six par 3s, and since opening, it has been home to many Championship tournaments. The Open de Espana was played there in 2003, which I helped with, and it was fantastic to see professional golfers such as Seve Ballesteros, Miguel Jimenez, Paul Casey and many more. What a pleasure it was to watch these guys strike a

If you would like me to include your golf society or club, please don’t hesitate to contact me at the newspaper, or email me at

golf ball (slightly further than me). As I bring my first edition of On The Tee to the 19th hole, there is a weekly golf tournament open to all: the Wednesday Scramble and BBQ, at Los Lagos. It’s just 37 euros per golfer and includes a nine-hole Texas Scramble Competition, plus a three-course BBQ meal. It all gets underway at 3.30pm, and if you would like more details, and to book your place, contact Los Lagos Golf Club on 922 758 663. I would also like to take this opportunity to say thankyou to Paul Smith and his staff at the Golf Shop, for sponsoring my new column, and don’t forget to cut out the advert on this page to claim your discount. As the paper goes to print, Paul and his staff will be holding an Exhibition Demonstration shop at the Costa Adeje Golf Club today (Friday, 31st January) between 10am-5pm, and if you’ve read the Canarian Weekly in time, do pop along. I do hope you enjoy my first column, and I look forward to many more. Until then, do remember that golf is a game, created to be described in flowing sentences, which elicit more than just reactions from those playing. As Tiger Woods said: “No matter how good you get, you can always get better, and that’s the exciting part!” Happy golfing everyone.

CW 38


CD Tenerife AFTER a positive and exciting start to 2020, Tenerife went to Gran Canaria last Saturday looking for a win against their old rivals, which would have been the definitive turning point in their season. In front of them were a Las Palmas team, who aspire to be in the promotion play-offs for promotion at the end of this campaign. The blanquiazul came into the derby with much less preparation or rest than the yellows, following a great, yet unexpected, victory against Valladolid in the midweek, Copa del Rey clash. However, that and last week’s win over Girona, has raised morale in the Tenerife camp, who can see light at the end of the tunnel. On the other hand, Las Palmas have had a glitch with their last few results. Last weekend, they managed to win a point at Racing Santander. Before that they drew 0-0 with Fuenlabrada, lost 0-1 at home against Zaragoza, and were knocked out of the Cup 2-1 by Second Division B team Badajoz. Form normally goes out of the window in these games, and passion takes over as the temperature in the stadium rises, with both teams fighting

31st January - 6th February 2020

10-man Tenerife secure an excellent derby point UD Las Palmas 0 CD Tenerife 0

for bragging rights. For some reason in this tie, neither side wanted to lose and it led to quite a dull match, in which the dismissal of Carlos Ruiz in the 21st minute, for a push on Rubén Castro, set the tone for the afternoon. Las Palmas failed to take advantage of having an extra man, and they didn’t have a single shot on target during the first half. In fact, Tenerife had the clearest chance when a Dani Gomez shot was

well saved by Valles in the yellow’s goal. Gran Canaria coach Pepe Mel used the break to make some changes by bringing on Benito and Varela, but Tenerife showed a lot of solidity at the back. Benito tried to make a difference, but his distant shot was deflected by Dani Hernández, which awoke the home fans and their team! From this point, Las Palmas dug in their heels and tried to force

a winner, as Baraja reinforced the CDT defence. With five minutes left, Tenerife had a chance to nick a win through Dani Gomez, but he couldn’t find the target. At the final whistle, the draw felt like a victory for Tenerife, and coach Baraja was ecstatic with the result and their performance. “We had a good start with Dani Gomez’s chances to get ahead, and, after the expulsion, we had to defend. The

Watch this week’s major sporting events at the following venues:

Coco Loco Amarilla Golf

Formally “The Rockin Horse”

Open everyday 10am til late closed Mondays

Live Sports shown here

Chippy Friday 6pm til 9pm Tipsy Time 7pm til 9pm

team have been very close, and have made great progress,” he said in the after-match press conference.

Baraja stressed that his players defended “like lions” and were “quite solvent” because they left everything on the

Gallant Tenerif CD Tenerife 3 Atletico Bilbao 3 SIX goals, two dismissals, extra-time and penalties in front of over 20,000 fans, packed into the Heliodoro… reminiscent of some of Tenerife’s great afternoons in La Primera Liga. And on this occasion, fans were itching to see whether CDT could beat Bilbao to continue their Copa del Rey run. From the referee’s first whistle, it was plain to see that this clash was going to be one of the best home occasions for a long time. Before the first half-hour, Joselu had already scored two goals for CDT, after Atletico were forced to play with 10 men. Goalkeeper Herrerin, was sent off in only the second minute for a foul outside the area on Shaq Moore, yet Inaki Williams pulled one back for the visitors. In the second half, Bilbao showed more of their pedigree, and Williams scored his second goal to level the score and send the tie into extra-time. The Blue and Whites started badly because Carlos Ruiz was sent off, leaving both sides with 10 men. But Dani Garcia was Tenerife’s hero when he scored in the 105th minute. It looked to everyone as though Tenerife were going to hold on to claim victory, but Yuri equalised in the last minute of extra-time, to force a penalty shoot-out. Sometimes football can be cruel, and Tenerife were sent out of the Copa del Rey in the most difficult way.


31st January - 6th February 2020

field. He added: “They demonstrated intensity, mental strength and character, and it was exciting to see them compete right until the end, so the point had great value.” There has been a great buzz around the club with recent league and cup results, plus, the fans were out in

force to get tickets for Tuesday’s next round of the Copa del Rey, against Atletico Bilbao. Regardless of the cup result, however, Baraja needs to settle his men for the visit tonight (Friday) of Sporting Gijon. And, as it’s the league that counts, they need to continue their good run of form.

fe pay penalty (Bilbao win 4-2 on penalties)

Gaffers set trend for a whitewash!

IT proved to be a night of thrashings in Division 1, as Week 22 revealed, with Gaffers#Teamhollywood kicking it off with their 8-0 hammering of visiting Emerald B. They lost just one leg in the entire match, Joe’s 104 and John’s 109 check-outs helping them achieve it. Scooters & Chevys A entertained Ourplace Playboys, and it seemed like a close clash in comparison. At 4-1 to the Playboys after the singles, a draw was possible. But the doubles went to the Playboys, who completed a 6-2 scoreline. Talking of thrashings, here we have the ultimate: Pas O Nadas A were both home and away to Sandys Bandits, and all on the same night. Here’s what Andy reported: Sandys Bandits 0 Pas O Nadas A 8, “A 180 for Richard (Daddy Cool) and it was closer than the score would suggest. Double-bubble night. Catch-up game from 23/08/19. Pas O Nadas A 8 Sandys Bandits 0. Again, we rode our luck. Thanks to Leanne and Paddy for a great night, and excellent pizza, especially Kebab pizza.” In case it isn’t clear, that’s 16-0, so I’m not quite sure how it was “closer than the score would suggest”. But it’s the first 16-0 we’ve had…so, ground-breaking stuff.” Back to reality, and the Waterfall v Sandys Bookie Boys. No details on this one, except that the Bookie Boys won 8-0. The Loch Inn Bullseyes v Suters 20:30 Crew There were a couple of 180s for the away team’s Jamie and Steve, which helped them to what seems to be the familiar 8-0 score-line. Finally, for Division 1, we had Mad Hatters v Pas O Nadas International, and Rob’s write-up: “Mad Hatters 2, Pas O Nadas Int

6: Singles 2-3, doubles 0-2 and the trebles to Pas O Nadas. In-form Nadas were taking just one dart to finish every game, so, excellent darts lads! Wil and Harvey played well enough to take two points for the Hatters. but well played Pas O Nadas Int.” So, the losing teams were able to win four games, and the winners managed 52. That’s so one-sided, and probably another first. Division 2 was far more sensible, with not an 8-0 in sight, and certainly not a 16-0! Naughty Nautas were at home to Clouseau’s, and it came down to the latter needing the trebles to level the match, and they didn’t disappoint. So, a 4-4 draw. Sundowners v Marilyns went 4-1 to the away team, and looked all over. But Sundowners fought back, taking both doubles, and, like Clouseau’s, they just needed the trebles for a draw, but it wasn’t to be, and they lost 5-3. Pink Elephant v The Club House was a top-of-the-table clash, which promised to be close, and so it was. Charlie knocked in a 180 for the away team, but it wasn’t quite enough to prevent a 5-3 win

for Pink Elephant. Emerald Lounge v Club Activo was postponed, but Emerald Lounge still get a mention, because Poor Mat hit a 180 last week, and nobody reported it. So, after seeing how distraught he was when I saw him, I thought it wise to mention it now. Pas O Nadas are doing their best to emulate their Division 1 stablemate by notching another 7-1win, against visiting Scooters & Chevys B. A couple of local derbies left, with Ourplace Playgirls v Ourplace Breakaways proving a close match, and here is Fudder’s verdict: “Breakaways 5 Playgirls 3, brilliant night and great games. Will played like a diamond. Thanks to Shar for great food. And thank-you for a great night.” Palms Sports Bar v Picasso’s @ Palms was another close one, in which the away team needed the trebles for a draw. They duly obliged for a 4-4 result. Finally, some bad news from Susan at the Waterfall, on Sunday: “It is with great sadness to tell you we lost our dear friend Georgina this morning. R.I.P.”

division 1 ResultS

division 2 ResultS

Gaffers # Team Hollywood 8-0 Emerald ‘B’

Naughty Nautas



Scooters & Chevys ‘A’ 2-6 Ourplace PlayboyS




Sandys Bandits


Pink Elephant

5-3 The Club House


0-8 Sandys Bookie BoyS

Emerald Lounge


Club ActivO

Pas O NadaS


Scooters & Chevys ‘B’

Ourplace PlaygirlS

3-5 Ourplace BreakawayS

Palms Sports BaR


The Loch-In BullseyeS 0-8

Pas O Nadas ‘A’ Suters 20:30 CreW

Mad Hatters



P-P The PuB

Pas O Nadas Int.

Picasso’s @ PalmS

division 2 Table

division 1 Table P W D L F A +- PTS


P W D L F A +- PTS

20 19

1 Pink Elephant

20 18


1 132 28 104 132

2 Gaffers # Team Hollywood 20 16 1 3 126 34 92 126

2 Club Activo

21 18


1 127 41



3 Suters 20:30 Crew 20 15


2 117 43



3 The Club House

21 15


4 118 50



4 Pas O Nadas Int.

21 13






4 Palms Sports Bar 20 13


4 102 58



5 The Pub

19 13


2 104 48



5 Emerald Lounge


4 99

Table 1 Pas O Nadas ‘A’

Joselu and Moore, who had both played brilliantly all night, failed to convert their spot-kicks, and Bilbao won 4-2 to progress to the next round. Baraja, his players, the club, and fans, although feeling immense disappointment, should also be proud of their tremendous performance, and the spirit they showed. More of the same please, now that they can concentrate on saving their league status.

39 CW


0 137 23 114 137




6 Sandys Bookie Boys 21 11 4 6 99 69 30 99

6 Scooters & Chevys ‘B’ 21 9

5 7 84 84 0


7 Ourplace Playboys 20 9 3 8 85 75 10 85

7 Pas O Nadas

1 10 82


8 Mad Hatters



5 11 64

96 -32

20 13 21 10

61 86



8 Ourplace Breakaways 20 10 1 9 80 80 0


9 Picasso’s @ Palms 20




9 74

86 -12

9 Emerald ‘B’




14 47 113 -66


10 Waterfall



1 15 45 115 -70


10 Ourplace Playgirls 21 7 0 14 63 105 -42



11 Sundowners

11 Sandys Bandits



2 15 40 112 -72

12 The Loch-In Bullseyes 20 2 2 16 37 123 -86 37 13 Scooters & Chevys ‘A’ 20 14 Legends


2 17 31 129 -98

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

31 0



5 15 60 116 -56


12 Naughty Nautas 22


4 15 57 119 -62


13 Marilyns



2 17 46 122 -76


14 Clouseau’s



4 18 44 132 -88


CW 40

Advertisement 31st January - 6th February 2020

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