CW issue 1099

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5th April 2019 - 11th April 2019

Issue 1099

False-money gang held in Arona home 1 CW

5th April 2019 - 11th April 2019

THE National Police have smashed a money-printing racket in Arona town, run by four Italians on a high-quality printing press, which was earning them around €7,500 a month in “proper” cash. Continued on Page 3

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Advertisement 5th April 2019 - 11th April 2019


5th April 2019 - 11th April 2019

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Gang printed euro notes and top-notch ID papers

Continued from Front

Arona’s leading member of the force, the General Directorate of Police, said the dismantled printing

press had been the “most active” counterfeit, euronote printing operation ever discovered in Spain. In addition to false banknotes, the gang were

Three basic moves to detect the fake notes

THE National Police are reminding people of the three basic moves which detect a false note, as recommended by the European Central Bank: Touch, Look, Turn!

Touch: the notes incorporate extremely advanced security elements, which distinguishes them from counterfeits. Thus, its paper has a characteristic touch, since it is composed of cotton fibres, which gives it a firm texture and is rough to the touch. Police advise you to touch or scratch gently with a fingernail. Look: the watermark can be seen when observing the note against the light. When you place a note on a dark surface, the light areas darken. The reason for the coincidence is the printing on both sides of discontinuous lines, which complement each other and form the figure, indicating their value in a corner of the note’s top part. Turn: When rotating a euro bill, the image of the hologram changes, alternating between its value and the representation of a door or window. As a background, you can see concentric, multicoloured circles, with microtexts that go from the centre, to the edges of the whole area. Likewise, the hologram image changes when the ticket is rotated, alternating between its value and the € symbol on a multi-coloured background. In addition, the figure indicating its value on the reverse changes colour, from purple to olive-green or brown.

able to produce nearperfect identity documents, thanks to their superb techniques and instruments. In a Europol-backed operation, National Police recovered 15,500 false euros, some €9,000 being seized in the Arona house where the Italians operated, and in which they also lived. Three men and a woman, aged 30-40, have been arrested, having established themselves in Tenerife two years ago. They were discovered by the National Police Investigation Brigade, headed by Juan Bañuelos, who have been battling against counterfeiters for many years. The Brigade were tipped off by Tenerife banks, who reported a marked increase in the number of fake €10 banknotes in circulation on the island, which sparked Operation Malla. And officers soon discovered that the convincing fakes were also being distributed across Europe. This was just one of many operations undertaken by the Brigade, which, in the past year, carried out 11 raids, with 91 people arrested and more than 650,000 notes, in counterfeit currency, confiscated. Despite this huge total,

Zodiac sign not so lucky for migrants A Zodiac rubber dinghy arrived on the coast of Roques de Anaga, in the north of Tenerife, last Sunday morning.

The small vessel had two men aboard, both North African, but the pair, who were stunned to see the Local Police arrive, were unable to identify themselves because they had no documentation. Residents had informed the police of the boat’s arrival, but they had spotted at least five people aboard. The unidentified pair were taken to the police station for further questioning, while officers began a search for the missing people, without success!

Bañuelos said the falsification of euro notes was not a major problem, since Spain’s illegal printing outlet remained “stable”, or even on the decrease. But he agreed that fake notes, appearing in smaller populations, could cause alarm, especially if they turned up in various shops in the same area. He is certain, however, that the second series of banknotes, circulated recently in the EU, with higher security measures, is stifling the counterfeiters’ work. In general, gangs such as the dismantled Arona team introduce the usual flow of counterfeit notes in shops by buying a low-price product and paying with a fake note of, say, €10-20, pocketing the legal-tender change. That is how the Tenerife gang went about their business in “Operation Malla”, socalled by the National Police, whose officers were surprised, they said, by the excellent quality of the notes’, and the instruments used for their manufacture. The investigation into the Arona foursome began last July, when banks, noting the increase of €10 counterfeit notes, “of good quality and with a print job different from the usual one”, tipped

off the police. After several inquiries, officers found that the area most affected by the introduction of these fake euros was the Canary Islands, and especially Tenerife, where a large number of businesses in the archipelago had been victims of the group. Later, investigators located and identified four suspects: all Italians, who lived in an Arona house owned by one of them, in which the forgeries were made. Not only did the gang manufacture them, but they distributed the notes throughout the archipelago, especially between the Monday-to-Friday working days. A Europol spokesperson said: “We supported this operation by providing financial, technical and analytical support from the beginning, and deploying a mobile office on the action day for on-the-spot support. “As the European Union’s Central Office for Combating Euro Counterfeiting, Europol facilitates the exchange of information. “It also provides expertise, criminal and forensic analysis, training, and financial and technical support to law-enforcement agencies, inside and outside the European Union.”

Police cash in on four shop thieves A CASHIER has been arrested by the National Police, along with three other people, who posed as customers in a Gran Canaria chain store at Telde.

The trio comprised two men and a woman, aged between 28 and 58, and all three were caught, redhanded, scamming the superstore. It is thought that the cashier avoided scanning the bar code of various items, and, thus, reducing the receipt, so that the customer would be paying next to nothing for topend items. The National Police chief was alerted by an undercover security officer, who

told him he had detained four people there. When the officers arrived at the premises, they interviewed the shop manager, who said he had carried out a routine stock check, and the figures didn’t match up. He realised there was a difference of close to €10,000 missing, so he decided to carry out an internal investigation. This probe disclosed a scam between one cashier and three customers, which, in turn, led to the four individuals’ arrest. Officers detained the people concerned, and continued to question them at the police station. As a result, all four individuals have been charged with fraud.

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5th April 2019 - 11th April 2019

Young whale’s missing tail leads to sorry death SPECIALISED vets, who work alongside Tenerife Cabildo, had to sacrifice a young Calderon Whale at sea, after its tail had been virtually severed by what was believed to be a fishing boat’s propeller.

The whale measured some two metres in length before the accident, and it was, purportedly, the first time a mammal had ever been euthanised at sea in the Canaries. The body was then transferred to a specialised centre in La Tahonilla, La Laguna, where a necropsy on the mammal is being carried out, helped by specialised technicians from the universities of La Laguna and Las Palmas, Gran Canaria. But questions have already been asked about the security conditions between wildlife and boats at sea. Many vessels sailing in Canarian waters are illegal, although the injury leading to the young mammal’s death was almost certainly not caused by a sightseeing boat.

Government cash plan for electric-car buyers A NEW subsidy plan by the Spanish Government offers financial help for drivers, who want to replace their conventional car with an electric or hybrid version.

The scheme “MOVES” provides grants of up to €5,000 towards the cost of a newly-registered, energyefficient vehicle. And though new-car production in Spain has been falling across the board for at least seven months, according to the manufacturers’ association ANFAC, the dealerships’ association FaconAuto

and the sales collective GANVAM, new production and registration of electric vehicles has nearly doubled, year-on-year, in the first quarter of 2019. As well as cars, other sales of electric vans, buses, industrial vehicles and quad-cycles have all multiplied, even though, overall, they still represent a low percentage of vehicles. This is partly down to consumers’ fear of not being able to find a battery charger, like the one pictured, when they need one, and partly through the higher cost. But the Efficient and Sustainable Mobility Programme, otherwise known as the Plan MOVES, will help with the latter, and is a vital tool in reducing air-pollution

and fighting climate-change. The scheme, which will last until the end of this year, might be renewed if more State funding is available. Cash has been injected into the Plan MOVES, partly through the European Union Regional Development

Fund, known as FEDER. As well as attempting to “rejuvenate” vehicles on Spain’s roads to improve safety, given that the average car driven in the country is 12 years old, the Government needs to cut CO2 emissions, which rose

4.4% in 2017, based upon the previous year, and was the highest increase since 2002. The transport industry, as a whole, consumes 42% of fossil fuel used in Spain. Conventionally-fuelled cars, aged10 years or over, can be traded in for scrap, provided their ITV, Spain’s version of an MOT, was valid at the time of the Plan MOVES details being published. Grants are also available for fitting recharging infrastructure in private vehicles, loans for electrically-powered bicycles, up to €100,000 for a commercial fleet, and up to €200,000 for companies. Details of the plan were published on Tuesday, in the State Official Bulletin (BOE), and should be operating within two months.


5th April 2019 - 11th April 2019

Adeje’s drug-action plan may save lives ADEJE Council’s Health Department, under Councillor Amada Trujillo Bencomo, has just renewed its partnership arrangement with CESICA, a Canarian foundation working in the area of drug-addiction prevention and treatment.

This new project will focus on preventing drug consumption in both the school and the home environment. The working contract is for three years, and the main object is to reduce/eradicate the consumption of drugs among Adeje’s young people. “We have been developing drug-consumption prevention plans for a number of years, such as intervention where needed,” said Cllr Trujillo Bencomo. “And our work in education and prevention is to avoid any increase in the numbers consuming illegal substances.” She added that drug consumption doesn’t simply

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False-item traders arrested by police affect the person addicted, but the whole family, the social nucleus, and work or study place etc. “That is why our solutions include prevention and treatment, and responding, quickly and effectively, to the problem, as it is presented.” The project will have two educational programmes. The first is based on promoting universal prevention in school and family settings, with secondary school children, from 1st-4th year, taking part in workshops and talks, prioritising the prevention of drug use and misuse among those aged between 12 and 16. Over 1,000 students will be targeted.

The second programme, designed to deal with those identified as, potentially, at risk, or already involved in drug use, is geared towards dealing with children who are presented with the kind of problems associated with addiction or substance abuse. These talks will be aimed at the families of young people identified as in need of special attention, educating on the dangers, social, emotional and economic, of drug use. Professionals running the course are trained to deal with young people at risk, or already consuming drugs, and to carry out family interventions.

Hotel and guests safe after fire breaks out

GUESTS were evacuated immediately when a fire broke out at Garachico’s La Quinta Roja hotel last Sunday. And, as soon as the fire alarms sounded, houses and small establishments in the vicinity were also evacuated as a precaution, and people were advised to stay within a safe zone until the fire had

been extinguished. Fire-fighters were dispatched, immediately, after a call was received by the Canarian emergency services. They extinguished the blaze rapidly, and, once it had died down, they opened all the windows and doors to ventilate the building. A few rooms, and some installations, had smoke damage, but there were no casualties. The cause of the fire is still not known.

THE National Police have detained 39 people in the South of Tenerife, all of different nationalities, and all implicated in selling, between them, more than 4,000 false items of prestigious brands across Arona, which have also been confiscated. As reported by the National Police commissioner, the items were being sold to the public, openly, even as the officers were carrying out their investigation. Officers began their probe after legal representatives, from legitimate brands, filed official complaints last

February at Arona Town Hall, specifying that, in touristic areas, many false items were being sold, and that tourists were being misled. The items were being sold by street sellers or inside legal establishments. And among the many items sold were watches, perfume and jewellery, as well as false “Official Sportswear”. And many of the fake items being sold had been produced, illegally. Legitimate companies insisted that specific items being sold simply had to be false, because the prices were so low. The items confiscated by the investigating officers were valued at around 1½ million euros. All the detainees, along with the confiscated items, have been presented to the judicial authorities.

CW 6


5th April 2019 - 11th April 2019

NEWS IN BRIEF Car-crash motorist Kids find basement body

A CHILDREN’S game ended in a macabre find when two girls found the body of a man in the basement of Murcia’s ruined Lagomar de la Manga Hotel.

was on wrong road

The girls, whose ages were not released, had been exploring the building, and had made their way to a basement. There, they discovered the body of a middle-aged man. Local Police were called, and they notified the Guardia Civil, who opened an investigation. Early examinations indicate that the man passed away after a blow to the head, and police say he appeared to have died after hitting his head in an accidental fall.

Huge lorry spill’s traffic delay

A 45-YEAR-OLD motorist, who drove off one road and finished on another, suffered considerable injuries after being involved in a crash.

A call was received by the Canarian emergency

A LORRY, carrying 27,000 litres of petrol and diesel, flipped on the AP-7 motorway outside Alicante, spilling half its contents on a nearby field of artichokes.

More than 50 fire-fighters, from five municipalities, spent 10 hours containing the spillage, which caused traffic jams until 5pm last Saturday. The lorry hit the guard-rails and slid sideways at km735 in the Catral municipality, heading for Alicante. Guardia Civil advised nearby residents not to leave their houses, and their environmental arm, Seprona, sent officers to investigate potential damages, including to the waterways. Around 500 vehicles were halted during the 10-hour delay, while police diverted traffic further behind.

People-traffickers arrested

SPANISH police have arrested 17 members of a North African gang, alleged to be peopletraffickers.

The incident took place in the Spanish enclave of Ceuta, where the gang were said to be threatening Moroccan migrants, seeking to recover their money after failed attempts to reach Europe. The group are accused of charging between €1,500-€4,000 to transport migrants to Spain. But, according to media reports, a hired hitman threatened those who tried to claim their money back.

services, saying the driver had jumped from the TF-5 and landed on Candelaria’s La Avenida. The incident happened inside the La Laguna municipality, and the fire services, as well as an ambulance, plus medical team, were sent to the scene. Fire-fighters, initially, took charge by cutting out the

trapped man from inside his car. Once freed, medics assessed the individual, who had suffered severe bruising. He was taken to the University hospital, immediately, for further treatment. The Guardia Civil, along with Local police, were also at the scene to assist in the emergency.

steps in the pouring rain, and his behaviour raised the alarm. The man was described as being of stocky build, and weighing around 150kg. When officers arrived, they noticed that the man was some six to seven metres out to sea, already being helped by another person. Without a second thought, they went straight out to the man and attempted to get him on to dry land. But the officers said

he was reluctant to be helped. He acted as though he had already given up, which made it extremely difficult for them to get him out of the water and back up the steps to dry land. When they finally succeeded, an ambulance was waiting to assist the tourist. Medics attended to his needs, and, fortunately, he showed no signs of physical injuries. But he was taken to hospital for specialised treatment.

Police rescue swimmer, who looked so puzzled

A TOURIST from Adeje’s Playa de Troya had to be rescued by National Police officers on Tuesday afternoon because, he was close to drowning. They had been dispatched to the beach after being told that a person, acting suspiciously, went into the sea willingly, down the entry


5th April 2019 - 11th April 2019

Blazing minibus is such a puzzle

A MINIBUS carrying six passengers went up in flames last Sunday, mysteriously, just before 1.30pm, on the TF-5 motorway, heading northbound towards Padre Anchieta.

Sources say an explosion was heard and then a fire began, prompting passengers to evacuate the vehicle, rapidly.

Fortunately, no one was hurt. Medics and fire-fighters were sent to the scene by the emergency services, but no one needed medical assistance. However, the fire-fighters got cracking, extinguishing the flames, and are now investigating why and how the explosion happened. A road-maintenance team from the local council cleaned up, while Guardia Civil Trafico officers assisted in regulating the traffic.

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Dad is found dead in a holiday swim pool

SCOTTISH father Iain McKellar was found dead last weekend, floating in a Fuerteventura hotel’s swimming pool.

The 53-year-old, from Rothesay, on the Isle of Bute, was spotted in the water at around 1am local time on Saturday. A 45-minute attempt to revive him was unsuccessful, after he was found to have gone into cardiac arrest, and he was

later pronounced dead at the scene. It is believed that Mr McKellar, who was on holiday with his wife Yvonne and their son, died at the Hotel Oasis Village, in Corralejo, in the north of island. A spokesman for the Canarian emergency services told the Mail on Sunday newspaper: “He was pronounced dead after being found floating in a swimming pool, and an emergency response was immediately activated.

“Private health workers at the hotel, along with the emergency team, tried to revive the man, who had gone into cardiac arrest. But none of the attempts to save his life was successful, and a doctor from a local health centre, subsequently, confirmed his death.” Guardia Civil investigators said there was nothing, at that stage, to indicate any suspicious circumstances, although the autopsy has yet to take place.

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5th April 2019 - 11th April 2019

Allergy woman’s mysterious death SANDRA Pèrez, who suffered an allergic reaction in Santa Cruz last Saturday night, was on her way to Candelaria Hospital in an ambulance, when, during an necessary stop, the 27-year-old died, tragically, at a medical centre.

Earlier, an emergency call was made, requesting an ambulance and medical assistance because of her allergic reaction. Medics soon realised she’d had a suspected heart attack, but though they stabilised her, she was still in a critical condition, so they headed for Candelaria Hospital straight away. Sandra was allergic to dried fruits, and she always warned restaurant staff about the

problem, what she was able to eat, and how the food should be prepared. Earlier that night, she had gone with a friend to a restaurant, then on to a bar on Avenida Francisco la Roche. Suddenly, for unknown reasons, she began to show symptoms of an allergic reaction. She injected a dose of antihistamine, which she always carried around with her, but to no avail. The emergency call was made at 1.42am, and Sandra was on her way to hospital. But she had to make a stop at an Anaga medical centre because of complications. The medical team were able to stabilise her, but, tragically, she died a little later at the centre. An autopsy has been carried out by the Institute of Medicine in Santa Cruz, and her family are awaiting the results.

Rocky fall hurts an early-morning Brit

A BRITISH woman, aged 51, was injured after falling on to a rocky area in Costa de Silencio, in the early hours of last Sunday. A call was received at 2am by the Canarian emergency services, requesting help for the woman, who welcomed

the arrival of fire-fighters, along with an ambulance team. The fire-fighters actually rescued the woman from the area, because it was too difficult for medics to reach her. But once she was on firm ground, medics began to assess her. She had suffered a head injury, and was taken to Hospiten Sur for treatment and observation.

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It’s business as usual for confident easyJet chiefs

A MAJOR budget airline has warned that it is seeing weakened demand from customers, both in the UK and Europe, and blames “unanswered questions surrounding Brexit”.

EasyJet shares fell 8% after the company unveiled their forecasts for the key summer season, despite the airline assuring customers: “Book with confidence. We’ve been busy planning for Brexit, and, whatever happens, we’ll be flying as usual.” Shares in other carriers also fell, with low-cost rivals Ryanair dropping 5%, and the International Airlines Group, which owns British Airways and Iberia, falling by 2%.

EasyJet said it was likely to record a £275m loss for the traditional tough six months to the end of March, when travel operators struggle to turn a profit. But buoyant Chief Executive Johan Lundgren said: “EasyJet has performed in line with expectations in the first half. We have flown around 42 million customers, with a significantly reduced number of cancellations, and continued high levels of customer satisfaction. “We are, operationally, well prepared for Brexit. Now that the EU Parliament has passed its air-connectivity legislation, and, together with the UK’s confirmation that it will reciprocate, it means that, whatever happens, we’ll be flying as usual. “I am pleased that we have also made progress on our

European ownership position, which is now above 49%. “For the second half, we are seeing softness in both the UK and Europe, which, we believe, comes from macroeconomic uncertainty, and many unanswered questions surrounding Brexit, which are, together, driving weaker customer demand.” Lundgren added: “We are rolling out further initiatives to support our trading, and we’re making significant progress in our Operational Resilience Programme, designed to make the easyJet flying experience better for our customers over the summer. “As a highly-profitable airline, with one of the strongest balance sheets in aviation, easyJet is well positioned to connect Europe, seamlessly, with the warmest welcome in the sky.”

Avda Claudio Delgado Diaz 73, Las Chafiras, 38639 San Miguel de Abona, Tenerife PRINTED BY: TF Print S.A. Managing Editor & Director: Chris Elkington

News Editor: John Hennessey

Features Editor: Val Sainsbury

Design: Joe Price

Sales Manager: John Zammit

Classified Angela Jefferies

Contributors: Angela Jefferies, Emma Swain, Carol Schleisman, Mariano Zunino Siri, Martin Land, Sir Old Golfer. Canarian Weekly takes all reasonable care to check the contents of every advertisement, but cannot accept responsibility for the claims or statements made in them. Also, statements or opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor or Publishers. Material featured in Canarian Weekly may not be reproduced without the explicit written permission of the Editor. Copyright © 2019 Canarian Weekly


5th April 2019 - 11th April 2019

Barcelona is rated world 7th for visitors

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Enjoy the extra sunshine

NEW climate-change data has revealed that Spanish summers are now five weeks longer than they were in the 1980s.

A report by weather forecasters AEMAT, and the Ministry for the Ecological Transition, have analysed meteorological data for Spain from the last 40 years. The research claims that around 32 million people are affected by a warming climate, along with so-called “tropical nights”, where temperatures do not drop below 20°. It also found that “the surface with semi-arid climate has increased” in the last 30 years, by 30,000sq/km, which is an area the size of Galicia.

Ravine faller is in critical state THIS view of the Barcelona skyline, from one of its most famous parks, demonstrates just why the city rates seventh in TripAdvisor’s Best World Destinations for tourists this year. The decision was based on reviews and recommendations from millions of its users, and places were awarded on the basis of ratings for hotels, restaurants and experiences, said the travel site. “Barcelona feels a bit surreal, which is appropriate since Salvador Dali spent time here, and Spanish Catalan

architect Antoni Gaudi designed several of the city’s buildings,” records the list. “Stepping into Gaudi’s Sagrada Familia is a bit like falling through the looking glass, and the journey can continue with a visit to Park Guell.” Barcelona’s most popular sites include both the park and the cathedral, as well as the Las Ramblas thoroughfare, its Barri Gotic (Gothic Quarter) old town and its many Art Nouveau buildings. The city is also home to the Pablo Picasso Museum. The renowned artist moved to the city as a youngster, and was admitted to its School of Fine Arts at 13. A plaza near Barri Gotic bears the name of British writer

George Orwell, who travelled to the city in December 1936, following the Spanish Civil War outbreak. He later wrote about the experience in “Homage to Catalonia”. London takes pride of place at No.1, and behind Barcelona, in 10th position, is Tenerife, which, says TripAdvisor, features such worthy places to visit as Teide National Park, Loro Parque and Siam Park, as well as “the petrifying drive to the beautiful Masca Valley”, and Los Gigantes beach. The evaluators also urge tourists to try “fresh farmhouse cheese and local bananas”, and to take home a piece of Calado Canario hand-made lace as a “special souvenir”.

A MAN who fell down a five-metre ravine last Sunday, in the Santa Cruz vicinity of Icod de los Vinos, is in a critical condition in hospital after a heart attack.

The 40-year-old landed in a banana plantation, and, fortunately, the emergency services were able to reach him comfortably.

But the emergency services’ fire-fighters, along with Local Police, had to search for him, initially. When they found him, they discovered he had suffered a heart attack, and the officers and fire-fighters administered CPR. Once stable, he was evacuated to Candelaria Hospital immediately. But, as well as his heart problem, he suffered head injuries and is said to be in a critical condition.

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Jail for drugpolice?

PROSECUTORS in Barcelona are requesting almost 11 years in prison for two police officers, accused of helping a drug gang.

The two Mossos d’Esquadra members are accused of bribery, disclosure of secrets, and omitting to prosecute crimes. Lawyers are seeking 10 years and eight months in prison for each officer, and a fouryear spell in jail for a Guardia Civil agent, accused of working with a gang of drugtraffickers. In total, the drugs gang are believed to have trafficked 1,240kg of hashish, worth €7.4m.

Endesa’s big turn-off for pensioners

A JUDGE has supported electricity suppliers Endesa in its quest to withdraw free electric rights from 26,000 pensioners. From 30th June, financial help with their electricity bills, received by tens of thousands of retired Endesa workers, will be cut. Unions have rejected the ruling, announcing they will take the case to Spain’s Supreme Court, arguing that an agreement dating back to 1928, guarantees rights for all employees. Widows and retired workers received further protection at an agreement eight years later. The bill to subsidise Endesa’s 9,000 current workers and 26,000 retired employees, is thought to have cost the company €711m. 5th April 2019 - 11th April 2019

Senior Brit MEP says he is being ‘hounded’ SPAIN has been accused of “hounding” a senior British MEP, who insists that Gibraltar is not a colony.

Claude Moraes (pictured) claims that Spain is behind a “systematic” attack, aimed at getting him to back down over Gibraltar. Spanish MEPs, allegedly, viewed the Labour MEP as a “stumbling block”, after he constantly blocked EU legislation that described Gibraltar as a colony. Moraes said: “The inclusion of this footnote on Gibraltar was a political act, which is now being defended

by 27 member states and the commission, in an unprecedented way.”

The row came to a head last week when the Labour MEP was asked to step

down as the EU Parliament’s rapporteur by the chamber’s speaker, Antonio Tajani. Moraes said: “For five weeks, the pressure has been systematic. The attacks in the Spanish press have been very brutal, very personal, and consistently so.” The veteran MEP insisted that Spain was behind the attempt to force him out of the key role, saying: “There has been pressure by all the political groups in the European Parliament with Spanish members. “There have been meetings where I have been attacked, systematically, and there has been an intimidatory atmosphere.”

Resident groups in the village are in uproar about the works because they feel it is affecting tourism, and causing unnecessary distress to locals. Although, from the picture, it looks as though they are removing the roundabout altogether, Council planners have confirmed that it

will be replaced with a more “pedestrian friendly” roundabout, as per original plans. They have stressed that there are necessary irrigation pipes which need updating along the whole road, and this is the basis of all the works. Once the infrastructure is in place, work will begin to complete the three

roundabouts, the walkways, and the bus stop, which has been moved. The planners also added that the cosmetic work was relatively quick to complete, compared with the work now, so residents and tourists should feel confident of seeing big changes soon. Watch this space!

Residents in spin over the Callao Salvaje roadworks CALLAO Salvaje residents are angry and confused that work on a third roundabout on the main Avenida de la Galga road has started, when the other two haven’t even been completed.

Work has been going on for three years, creating a pedestrian walkway in the centre of the road, reducing parking and introducing planters on either side. The road layout at the top end by Playa Paraiso is also being changed, and a new roundabout has been added at the other end, by Calle El Jable. But none of this work has been completed, while these new alterations have begun.


5th April 2019 - 11th April 2019

Magic Award

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Seven held over a murdered Italian SEVEN people have been detained by the National Police over the suspected murder of an Italian business man, last September.

The incident happened in Gran Canaria capital Las Palmas, and, supposedly, the reason for the murder was to steal money, which had just been paid from a lease transfer of a cannabis

shop/club, in Puerto. On Tuesday, police arrested five people, all accused of being implicated in the murder. The other two have been accused of withholding important information, regarding a murder. Police are now investigating six of the seven arrested people, who, they suspect, form part of a criminal organisation, dedicated to violent robberies.

Emigration worse than immigration

SPAIN is more concerned about emigration than immigration, according to a poll, carried out by a European think-tank

Congratulations to Magic Lounge Club for receiving an Industry Award at the Nightlife Congress last week at Hard Rock Hotel, for triple excellence in night life. Pictured above Rob Ng and Joaquín Gómez Clapés `Jimmy´ pictured receiving the award.

The European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) found that Spanish respondents also rated corruption and unemployment as higher concerns than the arrival of foreigners in their country. The ECFR, which gathered responses from 50,000 EU citizens across 14 countries,

found that emigration, rather than immigration, was a greater concern for south and eastern European states, on average. Yet the reverse was true for western European states. Youth unemployment in Spain is the third-highest in Europe, at 32.6%, behind Italy and Greece, causing many Spaniards to leave in search of work in other countries. The news comes as thousands of people marched in Madrid last Sunday, to protest against the depopulation of rural Spain.

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News 5th April 2019 - 11th April 2019


5th April 2019 - 11th April 2019

El Fraile’s needy centre in desperate plea for aid EL FRAILE’S La Buena Estrella (Lucky Star) dining room is the only premises in the South of Tenerife catering for the disadvantaged. The non-profit organisation also serves as an emergency overnight centre. But despite dispensing help to the region’s most-needy people for nearly five years, officials will close its doors today (Friday), unless funds are more forthcoming.

Euthanasia man arrested

A MAN accused of having supplied a substance to his dying wife, to help her pass away peacefully at home, was arrested on Wednesday by the National Police. Officers who visited the house in the Moncloa Aravaca area of Madrid, sent for a doctor because the husband said he had been provided with morphine, at his wife’s request, to end her painful suffering. She had lived with multiple sclerosis for nearly 30 years, and would have been dependent on her partner.

Centre Director Solange Díaz, who founded the establishment, has described it as an “economic emergency”. Even desperate people arrive from beyond the area, and, sometimes, when patients at Candelaria Hospital are discharged and have nowhere to stay, they head for this emergency centre. “Given the lack of funds, we do not rule out closing, which would leave about 45 people on the street, without any assistance, after being covered for their weekly food and overnight stays,” said Solange Díaz. La Buena Estrella Social Dining Association has called for a rally to be staged today (Friday) at its facilities, on Calle Miguel Calcerrada No.3, to protest against “the unfair situation we are facing because of the lack of sensitivity”. The protest will include the reading of a public manifesto, in which the “imminent closure” of the dining room will be announced, should urgent, financial resources not be made available. “I have never wanted to be

this extreme, but I do it for the users, because all the alarms have already been raised,” said Solange Díaz, who lamented “the lack of response from Arona Council, two months after our last meeting with them”. The director said the Council’s nominal annual subsidy of 20,000 euros had been received on 4th December. “What we do have, very clearly, is that the priorities in our society are not the same for everyone, especially for our leaders,” he said. “They do not worry when it comes to signing substantial expenses at carnivals or tourism fairs!” But he still retains “a minimum

of hope” of saving the social dining room, and that its 45 users will still have a place to eat and sleep after this weekend. Liz Montague, whose Helping Hands charity played a big part in funding the night centre project, said: “I believe the Arona Mayor is visiting the Centre today to see if he can help. “We would be devasted if it closes because we have put a lot of money and time into the night centre project and helped, hands-on, for such a long period.” She added: “It would be incredible sad for the people that really need support if it were to close.”

13 CW Clairvoyant unable to predict prison future!

A SO-CALLED clairvoyant has been sentenced to 15 months in prison, for conning a disabled woman out of her €13,000 savings. The victim, from Elche, in the Alicante province, gave all her money to the soothsayer, in an attempt to win back an exlover through the dark arts. But she became trapped by destitution, and a series of death threats, if she were to approach the Guardia Civil. She was even pressured into paying the clairvoyant to remove the “evil eye”, with which she had been cursed. The victim was 39% disabled, according to Spain’s disability assessment procedure, and worked in an Elche warehouse, stacking boxes. When she ran out of savings, the clairvoyant accompanied her to a car dealership to sell her vehicle, pocketing the cash to fund further love spells, which proved ineffective. She was sentenced in Valencia’s Santa Pola Criminal Court 1, but it was not her first time before judges. She had faced a trial six years earlier, when charges were brought against her for offering a sex change… in return for a pact with the devil! The clairvoyant was ordered to return the €13,000, witnessed by the Guardia Civil on bank transfers.

CW 14


RIP Billy

WILLIAM George Smith, (Billy to his friends), passed away after a short illness on Friday 15th March, at Candelaria Hospital, Santa Cruz. 5th April 2019 - 11th April 2019

Plastic shame for the beach at Poris THE beach at Porís, in the South of Tenerife, is said to contain more discarded plastic than any other resort in the Canary Islands, and there seems to be no end to it!

Born in the Shetland Isles to Mary and George, he was brother to Lance, Elizabeth, Helen and Jimmy, and father to Anita and Simon, who live in Aberdeen. He leaves his wife, Mary, after 43 years of marriage. Billy was a talented chef and an excellent spiritual healer, and came to Tenerife 19 years ago, living in Torviscas Alto. There will be a memorial service on Saturday 13th April at 3pm, in the church in San Blas, Golf del Sur, for family, friends and patients who would like to attend. No flowers, please, because donations for FACT will be collected.

Plastic by the kilo was uncovered last weekend by a group of volunteers from the R & S Ocean Clean Tenerife group, who took part in tidying up the beach. What they found were small plastic accumulations, mixed with the sand, ropes and nets, thrown here and there, garbage among the bushes and even solidified oil residues next to the puddles. The unfortunate resort is labelled with the atrocious record of featuring the highest concentration of plastic contamination in the Canaries. According to data supplied by the coastal cleaning company, its staff collect between 300-400kg of plastic-riddled garbage daily, which translates into

more than 126 tons annually. A study carried out by students of the IES, Los Cristianos, last year in this zone, detected

THE Swallows, based in Los Cristianos but spreading its wings far and wide, has raised a magnificent sum of €9,153 throughout the winter period, here in Tenerife. Some €6,000 was donated to the Cancer Charity Bus fund, and Carol Salisbury, who began the venture some years ago, collected the cheque from Carole Hart, who runs the Swallows with her husband, Mike. The remaining €3,000 went to the Swallows’ annual cause, Candelaria’s Cancer Research fund. A delighted Carole said: “A massive thank-you needs to be said to all the leaders of activities, who spend time and effort making your winter so pleasurable. “Thank you to everyone who has helped in the sale of raffle tickets, newsletters, sponsorship forms etc, and to Darren and Oceanview. It has been appreciated.” She added: “Well done to you all. Mike and I do not consider ourselves fund-raisers but socialisers, and to see you all having a good time makes it all worthwhile to us.” Here’s where some of the Swallows’ charity cash was raised: Library: €403, from John, Wendy, Pauline, Pat, Jean, Derek and Doreen (who will keep it going over the summer) Spanish classes: €528, from

Carol Salisbury and €150 from Jamie Williamson Callanetics: €1,153, from Pat Bate, and Margaret Xmas raffle: €656 Petanque: €684, from Roger and Maureen Bird Tea Dance: €655, from Beverley Corbett and Lynn Noone Donations received Bridge Group: €100, from Jean Gilbert Legends Golf Society: €100 Sequence Dance: €50, from Frank Hockenhull Art Group: €50, from Barbara Young Donations made by Swallows Jamie Spanish: €100 to dog charity Callanetics: Pat Bate, €325 to Live Arico Noah’s Ark: €50 Happy 2Help: €100 of food for

families in need Walk for Life: €1,005, Linda Powell, Brenda Melville and Swallows The rest of the cash came from coach trips, party nights, private donations and the sale of golf clubs, vase etc. The Swallows completed more coach trips this year, 11 in total, and in January we took 110 people to Puerto… and actually managed to bring 110 back. We also tried some new events: Xanadu the horse show, and Freebird Whale and Dolphin trip. Both went down very well, and we have been asked by you to do them again next season. Carole said: “Following suggestions, I am already planning for the future!”

maximum volumes of up to 679gm per square metre of microplastics and 1,112gm of macroplastics.

These figures are not only higher than in the rest of the archipelago, but they also figure among the highest volumes of plastic in the entire country. The fundamental reasons are twofold: the continuous discharges without treatment to the sea, and the area’s strong currents. Sebastián Martín, a Councillor attached to political group Si Se Puede, in the Ariquense municipality, said: “The entire coast has a big problem, with waste and abandonment!”

Swallows give Paraglider’s charities such a fatal fall perfect bonanza

AN unidentified man died after a paragliding accident last Tuesday evening, in a difficult area of La Palma to access.

The tragedy happened in the Risco Blanco area of Puerto Naos, in the Los Llanos de Aridane municipality. Because the area was virtually inaccessible, the Canarian rescue helicopter was scrambled to the seriously-injured man, who was found to be in cardiorespiratory arrest. Resuscitation attempts were made while transferring him to hospital, but his death was later confirmed. 5th April 2019 - 11th April 2019

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15 CW

Brits’ bare facts of life

SIX British people in their twenties have featured in a BBC Three series, exploring Spain’s pornography industry. The three-part show is entitled Porn Laid Bare, and the group visited Spain, considered to be one of Europe’s pornography hubs, to investigate the ethics of the industry. Freelance journalist Drew Wyllie, 23, who featured on the show, said the series also explored how pornography affects young people, their relationships, and society in general. A survey accompanying Porn Laid Bare found that 20% of people in the UK, between the ages of 18 and 25, have been worried about being addicted to porn. More than half claimed it created impossible beauty and body standards, while 77% of young men and 47% of young women, said they had watched pornography in the last month.

CW 16


By Paul Montague

5th April 2019 - 11th April 2019

Take financial control in an uncertain world

Partner, blevins Franks

THEY say that the only certainties in life are death and taxes, and this has never seemed more true! However, there are some things you can be sure of and control, to your benefit, today.

Taxation of assets Something that can make a significant difference to your tax bill is the way you structure your assets and wealth. There are Spain-compliant investment opportunities that offer tax efficiency, while also providing benefits like currency and income flexibility. Meanwhile, expatriates who favour UK-centric assets and investments are more likely to see increased taxation with Brexit, as some non-EU/EEA assets are treated differently. For example, if you sell a Spanish home to buy a British property, once the UK leaves

the EU/EEA, you may no longer be eligible for capitalgains tax relief. At any time, the UK can potentially increase the tax burden for non-residents, as we have seen, recently, with UK property. Tougher tax rules may also follow a change in government, including the possibility of a new wealth tax on higher-value UK assets. A locally-based adviser can advise about asset protection, and how you can take advantage of tax-efficient opportunities in Spain. Taxation of pensions A similar threat hangs over pensions. Today, UK pensions can potentially be accessed by Britons abroad, without UK taxation, but the recent 25% “overseas transfer charge” may indicate things to come. Currently, EU residents are only affected if transferring UK pension funds to Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Schemes (QROPS) outside the EU/EEA, but the scope may increase after Brexit. Once you no longer live in Britain, you may find fewer advantages to keeping UK pensions where they are. Take

regulated pensions advice to establish the most suitable approach for your personal circumstances and goals now, before the tax-free window potentially closes. Investments It is not just Brexit that can disrupt investment and currency markets today. At any time, external influences can unexpectedly shift the direction of markets. Diversification is the key to minimising risk. A portfolio made up of a mixture of asset types from different countries, regions and market sectors is best placed to ride out turbulence, and produce positive returns, over time. Conversely, if you mainly hold UK assets, your returns will be more vulnerable to the fortunes of sterling and the British economy. Of course, you need to make sure your investments offer the right balance of risk and return for your peace of mind. An experienced financial professional can use the appropriate tools, to create a clear and objective risk profile for you. Estate planning

categorised as “price notifiable”, the pharmaceutical laboratories which produce them are required to inform the government of any changes in cost, since the price is not Statecontrolled. Until now, Spain’s Health Ministry has always signed-off price changes in over-thecounter medication, and, in some instances, this has led to costs of essential drugs quadrupling in just a few years. Fortasec is one of 417 medications the former rightwing, PP-led government opted to cease financing through prescriptions, back in 2012. Ministers wanted to cut the party’s spending by €450 million. These medicines included cough syrup, such as Flutox, Mucosan and Fluimucil, anti-inflammatory gels or creams such as Voltarén and Calmatel,

and antacids like Almax. But Health Minister María Luisa Carcedo said it was “unjustified” for medicines, no longer available on prescription, to rise in cost to such a degree. It would have left sufferers having to pay the full price for them. Ms Carcedo said: “In many cases, drugs which have ceased to be State-financed suffer price hikes, which, in our view, are totally unjustified. We’re talking of the cost multiplying several times over, after they stop being available on prescription.” She added: “We’re not going to authorise yet another price rise for Fortasec, because it’s totally disproportionate to the actual cost of the product.” The Ministry, which has applied the “Medications Law” in this case, now intends to use it on a case-by-case basis.

Health Ministry blocks new price of essential drug

SPAIN’S Health Ministry has vetoed another price hike affecting a popular and crucial over-the-counter drug, which has trebled in cost since 2012.

Fortasec, used to treat diarrhoea, and a travel essential, cost €2.81 for a box of 20 capsules, or €1.89 for a box of 10, back in 2012. But the prices have since shot up to €8.95 and €5.95 respectively. Over 2.2 million boxes of Fortasec are sold every year in Spain, and the company was bidding to increase the cost to consumers again, from this month. But, for the first time ever, the Ministry of Health has exercised its right to withstand another hike. In the case of medications

Death is unavoidable, but, with good estate planning we can control who receives our legacy, and when. Even after Brexit, you can override Spanish “forced heirship rules”, by applying the law of your nationality to your estate through the EU regulation, “Brussels IV”. While this would ensure your legacy is distributed according to your written wishes, beware the potential tax implications. If you are seen as UKdomiciled, your estate may be liable to UK inheritance tax, as well as succession taxes in Spain, and wherever you own assets. Explore how you can restructure your wealth to reduce tax liabilities, while ensuring your chosen heirs

receive your gift at the right time. With careful tax, pensions, investments and estate planning, you can steer your financial future in the right direction. Cross-border financial planning is complex, and needs to be designed around your specific circumstances and wishes, so take specialist advice for the best results. Summarised tax information is based upon our understanding of current laws and practices which may change. Individuals should seek personalised advice. Keep up to date on the financial issues that may affect you on the Blevins Franks news page at www.

New dads awarded an extra three weeks off

SPAIN’S paternity leave has been extended from five to eight weeks, as of last Monday, to comply with the measures under the Royal DecreeLaw, guaranteeing equal treatment and opportunities.

Fathers of all born and adopted children are now entitled to nearly two months’ leave, of which the first two weeks should be taken at the same time as the mother, and immediately after the birth or adoption. The remaining six weeks can be distributed during the first 12 months. The increase is part of a progressive attempt to

achieve equality between both parents by 2021, and the extension is expected to reach 12 weeks next year, and a further four weeks the following year. By 2021, maternity and paternity leaves, which will be equal and non-transferable, will be known as “birth permissions”, which covers the birth or adoption and care of the child. However, despite the law already having been made effective, its continuity relies on whether it is approved by the Congress of Permanent Deputation, presumably during a meeting planned for the Wednesday just gone. The Spanish press says that the law will be enforced, at least until the decision is made, and it seems highly unlikely that the movement will be knocked down. 5th April 2019 - 11th April 2019

17 CW

The 2019 Grand National Festival News

The Voice UK

Saturday 6th April, ITV1, 20.40

It’s the live final of The Voice UK as the four remaining singers battle it out to win a recording contract with Polydor Records. Jennifer Hudson, Sir Tom Jones, and Olly Murs will be taking to the stage with their acts in some unmissable duets and a fantastic coaches performance. They are also on hand to give the acts as much help and encouragement as possible, but ultimately it’s the viewing public who will be calling the shots as they will decide who will be crowned the winner of The Voice UK. Tune in for what promises to be an epic evening.

Saturday 6th April, ITV1, 14.00 Saturday’s feature is the world’s most famous race, the 2019 Randox Health Grand National Steeple Chase, due off at 5.15pm, with supporting races on the card including the Betway Mersey Novices’ Hurdle (2.25pm), Doom Bar Maghull Novices’ Steeple Chase (3.00pm), the Ryanair Stayers Liverpool Hurdle (3.40pm) and the Betway Handicap Steeple Chase (4.20pm). The Grand National will be followed by a full replay with analysis to show where viewers’ selections finished.

CW 18

TV Choice

W C c h o i c e This w 5th April 2019 - 11th April 2019

Pilgrimage: The Road To Rome Friday 5th April, BBC2, 21.00

Eight well known personalities, all with differing beliefs and faiths, put on backpacks and wa to cover the Italian section of the ancient 2,000km Via Francigena, which starts in Canterbu They have only 15 days to tackle 1,000km, so start their pilgrimage in the Alps, just before t But will this journey of a lifetime change the way they think about themselves and their bel Actors Les Dennis and Lesley Joseph, professional dancer Brendan Cole, comedians Step Brand, Olympic long jump champion Greg Rutherford, Irish Eurovision Song contest winne presenter Mehreen Baig will live as modern-day pilgrims. They’ll stay in basic hostels, sleep follow a largely untrodden route, which is currently in the throes of revival. With just over two weeks to complete their pilgrimage, the eight pilgrims will walk sections some of the route by minibus. When they reach the final 100km, they will have to walk eve In this first episode, the intrepid eight arrive in Martigny, Switzerland and find out for the first t their pilgrim adventure. They make their way by mountain train to the start of their pilgrimag the Swiss Alps. The Via is based on a journey taken to Rome in 990AD by Archbishop Sigeric crosses the Alps at 2500m and goes over the Great St Bernard Pass. Like Napoleon, his 40,00 pilgrims before them, the group also have to make their way up the challenging mountain Despite Greg’s help, the unfit and inexperienced members of the group - Dana (a prac (Jewish, but doesn’t strictly follow her faith) and Katy (who was an evangelical Christian in he by the severity of the climb. Those who make it to the top can only admire how pilgrims be way through Death Valley, especially in the winter months when the pass is covered by 15 m helped monks, who lived in the monastery at the pass, to rescue stranded and dying pilgrim Late that afternoon, they cross into Italy and reach their hostel. It’s very basic accommoda has never even used a sleeping bag before. In the morning, Greg (a lapsed Jehovah’s Witn such a good idea. At the hostel, the group are given their pilgrim passports, which need to b On the road, Lesley, Greg, Mehreen and Stephen, who hopes this journey will be one of d takes it upon himself to cycle the fields, searching out passing pilgrims. At the pilgrim office dedicated to San Rocco, the patron saint of pilgrims. There he unveils his extraordinary find The group stay that night in Orio Litta, a popular stop for pilgims. Les, who’s not clear what doctor from London, and is walking the entire route from Canterbury. While Tom talks of th how difficult he finds solitude. The following day they walk to the nearby river to find Danilo, the ferryman. He’s also pass his home. In the courtyard Dana spots a shrine to Mary, and speaks for the first time in fron shaken, as the pilgrimage is beginning to make him think about his own mother, who lost h

Unstoppable: Sean Scully And The Art Of Everything Saturday 6th April, BBC2, 21.00

Unstoppable: Sean Scully And The Art Of Everything - which is transmitting as part of the Arena strand - follows abstract painter Sean Scully, one of Britain’s richest artists, for a year around the world. From Washington to St. Petersburg and Mexico City to Berlin, the film travels with the artist to 15 different exhibition openings in the world’s most prestigious museums and galleries - a journey that culminates in a major show at the National Gallery in Trafalgar Square. Now, at the age of 73, Scully opens up about his unique experiences, spanning 55 years in an often hostile art world, describing with rare frankness how he built his reputation, from a childhood on the streets of Dublin and London, penniless and at times homeless, to being among the world’s most successful artists, with studios in multiple countries. The documentary exposes the workings of the art machine, how reputations are made and broken, and the links between wealth, taste and social conscience against the vagaries of fashion and taste. This film is an unflinchingly honest portrayal of an artist, whose force of personality, single-mindedness, persistence and his utter disregard for criticism and rejection has helped drive him from obscurity to wealth and acclaim.

TV Choice

19 CW

week’s TV Choice 5th April 2019 - 11th April 2019

alking boots, and set out ury and finishes in Rome. the Swiss-Italian border. liefs? phen K Amos and Katy er Dana and television p in shared dorms, and

s of the Via, and travel ery step of the way. time who will be sharing ge in Orsieres, high up in c of Canterbury, which 00 strong army, and the n path. cticing catholic), Lesley er teens) - are defeated efore them battled their metres of snow. Lesley, Dana and Katy meet the famous St Bernard dogs which for centuries ms. ation and the pilgrims have to make the best of it - even Mehreen (a committed Muslim) who ness) comes to realize that his decision to sleep outdoors at altitude, in a plastic igloo, wasn’t be stamped wherever they stop along the way, before they pack up and start moving south. discovery, approach the small town of Tromello. They’re greeted by 80 year-old Carlo, who e they learn of his passion about history and the Via, before he shows them the local church d - a medieval fresco, hidden away in the cleaning cupboard. t he thinks about faith, and atheist Brendan, meet a fellow British pilgrim, Tom. He’s a young he benefits of spending time alone and away from the fast track of life, Brendan mulls over

MOTD Live: Manchester City v Brighton & Hove Albion Saturday 6th April, BBC1, 17.10

Gary Lineker presents live coverage of the first FA Cup semi-final between Manchester City and Brighton & Hove Albion, from Wembley Stadium, where both teams will fight to earn the right to return to the capital for the showpiece final in May. In last year’s competition, Manchester United triumphed 2-1 against Tottenham Hotspur to reach a record-equalling 20th final, while Olivier Giroud’s brilliant goal ensured they were joined by Chelsea following their 2-0 win against Southampton.

sionate about the Via and its revival, and takes the pilgrims across the River Po by boat, to nt of the group about being a practicing Catholic. Les asks whether her faith has ever been her Catholic faith when she was rejected by the church.

The Durrells

Sunday 7th April, ITV1, 20.00

As the new series begins, Louisa has opened the doors of the villa as a boarding house and Basil and two Australian dancers have become official guests. To save money, the girls instantly move into Larry’s room - much to his delight - but it’s soon clear that Basil has become the most pernickety guest ever. The family warm to mysterious new guest Lazaros Vangelatos, until Theo reveals he is a wanted man. Knowing he is being framed for his actions, the Durrells strive to help Vangalotos escape the island. Meanwhile, Gerry acquires a new pet in the form of Ulysses the owl and proclaims he is going to open a zoo and feeling she needs more from her life, Margo embarks on a new project to work as a hairdresser.

Save Money: Lose Weight Tuesday 9th April, ITV1, 19.30

Britain’s Got Talent Saturday 6th April, ITV1, 19.15

The nation’s favourite TV talent show, Britain’s Got Talent, returns to our screens for a funfilled 13th series packed full of variety. Simon Cowell, Amanda Holden, Alesha Dixon and David Walliams return as judges while the nation’s favourite presenting duo, Ant and Dec, are back as hosts as the search for the most exciting talent around gets under way. Once again, all the judges and Ant and Dec will have the chance to put one contestant straight through to the live semi-finals as their Golden Buzzer act, taking them one step closer to achieving their dream of being crowned the BGT winner - securing the prize of an incredible £250,000 and the opportunity to perform at the Royal Variety Performance.

Many of us want to shift the pounds not only to look and feel better but for our long term health. But how can we beat the bulge without breaking the bank? Presenters Sian Williams and Dr Ranj Singh aim to uncover vital money saving tricks, debunk some weight loss myths to see what is money well spent. The show’s unique 28 day £ for lb road test returns to discover which diet delivers the best value for money according to £’s spent for lbs lost. The diets being tested for 28 days this series are: Slimfast Vitality, Vegan Keto, the new Dukan Diet, WW (Weight Watchers), The Scandi Diet and celebrity diet plans from Chloe Madeley, Tom Kerridge and Lisa Riley. Which one will top the value for money leader board? Dr Ranj will also investigate a variety of weight loss products, treatments and gadgets across the series including bodyfat measuring devices, slimming creams, appetite suppressants, metabolism boosters and DNA tests. And he will be testing out weight loss equipment you use from the comfort of your own sofa, calorie counting apps and weighing scales, as well as calorie burning workout wear. Sian Williams will be comparing some of our favourite and bestselling off the shelf foods such as cheese, ice cream and crisps with their higher priced low calorie and low fat equivalents. She will look at their higher cost versus the calories they claim to save and see if it’s worth switching. And our Save Money roadtesters will then put the best of the low calorie foods to the taste test.

CW 20

TV Guide

06:00 ...................... Breakfast 09:15......... Murder, Mystery and My Family 10:00...............Homes Under the Hammer 11:00 ...........The Sheriffs are Coming 11:45....... Dom on the Spot 12:15.............. Bargain Hunt 13:00 ...... BBC News at One 13:45......................... Doctors 14:15........................Curiosity 15:00...................... Escape to the Country 15:45... Money for Nothing 16:30.........The Repair Shop 17:15........................Pointless 18:00..... BBC News at Six 19:00........The One Show 19:30................ Still Open All Hours 20:00..............A Question of Sport 20:30............. EastEnders 21:00............... Have I Got News for You 21:30.Would I Lie to You? 22:00.... BBC News at Ten 22:35............ The Graham Norton Show 23:25................ Rain Man 01:35............... BBC News

06:30.......... Murder, Mystery and My Family 07:15... Money for Nothing 08:00.........................Antiques Roadshow 09:00............. BBC News at 9 10:00... Victoria Derbyshire 11:00............BBC Newsroom Live 12:45......................The Tropic of Cancer 14:45............... This Wild Life 15:15....... The Hairy Builder 15:45............Wonders of the Monsoon 16:45......................Eggheads 17:15............................Flog It! 18:00.....Richard Osman’s House of Games 18:30.... Britain in Bloom 19:00...................David CW Attenborough’s choice Natural Curiosities 19:30........... Mastermind 20:00........... Great British Menu 20:30...Gardeners’ World 21:00...... Pilgrimage: The Road to Rome 22:00............................ QI 22:30..............Newsnight 23:05...................Trumbo 01:05................... Shadow Commander: Iran’s Military Mastermind

Friday 5th April

06:00............. Good Morning Britain 5th April 2019 - 11th April 2019

06:00......................... The Planet’s Funniest Animals 06:20...................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:10 ........................ You’ve Been Framed! Gold 08:00......................... Emmerdale 09:00......................... You’ve Been Framed! Gold 09:25............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10:20.......................... Superstore 11:15...... You’ve Been Framed! 12:15......................... Emmerdale 13:15......................... You’ve Been Framed! Gold 13:45............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:40....The Jeremy Kyle Show 18:00................ Take Me Out 19:30................. You’ve Been Framed! Gold 20:00.......I Love You’ve Been Framed! Gold 21:00................Pitch Perfect 23:15.................. Family Guy 00:10............ American Dad!

06:25.................................. Cheers 07:45...................................Frasier 09:10............... Everybody Loves Raymond 10:10...............Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 11:05.....Undercover Boss USA 12:00................Channel 4 News 12:05........ Come Dine with Me 13:05..........Find it, Fix it, Flog it 14:10........................ Countdown 15:00............ A Place in the Sun 16:00..... A New Life in the Sun 17:00......................Four in a Bed 17:30..... Extreme Cake Makers 18:00..............The Simpsons 18:30.................... Hollyoaks 19:00.......... Channel 4 News 19:30...... Unreported World 20:00........Jamie’s Quick and Easy Food 20:30............Joe Lycett’s Got Your Back 21:00.................. Gogglebox 22:00.... Let’s Talk about Sex 23:05....The Big Narstie Show 00:10.......... Spring Breakers

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV

23:15...........Take Me Out

08:55 ............... Coast v Country

00:30.......... Back to Mine

06:30 ...................................F1: GP: On the Grid

07:10............... The Joy of Techs

10:00 ........... A Place in the Sun

07:05 ............................. F1: Grand Prix-1000th

08:00............. American Pickers

08:30......................... Lorraine 09:25....................The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30............... This Morning 12:30............. Loose Women 13:30..............ITV Lunchtime News 13:55........................ ITV News London 14:00.................... ITV Racing 17:00..................... The Chase: Celebrity Special 18:00................. ITV News London 18:30............ ITV Evening News 19:00............ Emmerdale 19:30..............Coronation Street 20:30................Midsomer Murders

09:15........................Jeremy Vine 11:15 .................. The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 12:10...........5 News Lunchtime 12:15 ..................Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 13:10 ..................................Access 13:15 .............. Home and Away 13:45 ....................... Neighbours 14:15 ..........Murder, She Baked: A Deadly Recipe 16:00 ................................ Friends 16:30 ................................ Friends 17:00 ........................ 5 News at 5 17:30 ....................... Neighbours 18:00..........Home and Away 18:30........... 5 News Tonight 19:00....... The Gadget Show 20:00....... Britain’s Favourite Takeaway 22:00...Celebrity Game Night 23:05....... Britain’s Favourite Gameshows 01:00.............. Teleshopping

22:30................. ITV News 23:00................. ITV News London

00:55............ Jackpot247


David Attenborough’s Natural Curiosities c h o i c e BBC2, 19:00

The naturalist investigates whether animals and plants have developed an awareness of mathematics, including bamboos that flower exactly the same around the world.

11:00 ........... A Place in the Sun 12:05 ...........Location, Location, Location 13:05............Location, Location, Location 14:15........ Come Dine with Me 14:50........ Come Dine with Me 15:20........ Come Dine with Me 15:50........ Come Dine with Me 16:20........ Come Dine with Me

09:00 ..................... Formula One 11:00 ...........................WWE Raw 12:00 .... David Attenborough’s Micro Monsters 13:00..... David Attenborough’s Micro Monsters 14:00..... David Attenborough’s Micro Monsters

07:35............... The Joy of Techs 09:00 ........Storage Hunters UK 09:30 ........Storage Hunters UK 10:00 .............American Pickers 11:00 .............American Pickers 12:00 .............American Pickers 13:00 ............................. Top Gear 14:00 ............................. Top Gear 15:00 ............Jay Leno’s Garage

15:00...................... Portrait Artist of the Year

16:00.......Steve Austin’s Broken Skull Challenge

17:55..................... The Supervet

16:00............................. The Flash

17:00.............................. Top Gear

18:55.................. 999: On the Frontline

17:00.................... The Simpsons

18:00......................Top Gear

19:55............ Grand Designs

18:30..............The Simpsons

21:00.......... Deutschland 86

20:00.................... MacGyver

22:00..........24 Hours in A&E

21:00.............. Hawaii Five-0

23:05..........24 Hours in A&E

22:00.......NCIS: Los Angeles

00:05.................. 999: On the Frontline

23:00................ Magnum P.I.

01:05.........Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA


00:00............ Have I Got a Bit More News for You

01:00...................SEAL Team

01:00............................ QI XL

16:55.................... The Secret Life of the Zoo

18:00............Modern Family

19:00........American Pickers 20:00....................... Cops UK: Bodycam Squad 21:00............................ QI XL 22:00.............Not Going Out 23:20.............Not Going Out

Saturday 6th April 5th April 2019 - 11th April 2019

06:00....................... Breakfast 10:00.........................Saturday Kitchen Live 11:30.....................Mary Berry Quick Cooking 12:00.............Football Focus 13:00......................BBC News 13:10.........................Weather 13:15............... Bargain Hunt 14:10....................... Escape to the Country 15:10...................... Money for Nothing 16:10......................BBC News 16:20..................BBC London News 16:30....................Final Score 17:10.........................Match of the Day Live: The FA Cup 19:30........All Together Now

CW ch oi ce

20:30................. Casualty 21:15............All Round to Mrs Brown’s 22:15............... BBC News 22:30..................Match of the Day 23:20................... Britain’s Youngest Football Boss 23:45.......... The Wedding Video 01:10............... BBC News


06:45................... All Over the Place: Asia 07:15................ Wild & Weird 07:30..........Absolute Genius with Dick & Dom 08:00....................... Top Class 08:30.......... The Dog Ate My Homework 09:00...................Deadly on a Mission: Pole to Pole 09:30...........................Nature’s Microworlds 10:00............Wonders of the Universe 11:00....... Homes Under the Hammer 12:00..........Rick Stein’s Long Weekends 13:00.......The £100K House: Tricks of the Trade 14:00...........Brief Encounter 15:30..............Natural World 16:30............Pilgrimage: The Road to Rome 17:30..........The Great British Sewing Bee 18:30.............Race Across the World 19:30........ Natural World 20:30.............Dad’s Army 21:00..........Unstoppable: Sean Scully and the Art of Everything 22:25........Lady Macbeth 23:45........................ Pose 00:45................The Deep

06:00.................... Dino Dana

06:00 ................ King of Queens

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV

06:10.......................... Super 4

06:25 ................ King of Queens

09:35 .......................... Paw Patrol

06:35.................. Make it Pop

06:50........................... Everybody Loves Raymond

09:55 .................Shane the Chef

07:00.Mission Employable 07:05................ Mr. Bean: The Animated Series

07:40...................................Frasier 09:10 ......The Big Bang Theory

07:35.................The Tom and Jerry Show

10:30 ................... The Simpsons

07:50.. The Powerpuff Girls

14:00 .....................Four in a Bed


14:30............ A Place in the Sun

08:30..................... Robozuna

15:30........................Sun, Sea and Brides to be

09:05........... Teen Titans Go!

11:55 .....................Four in a Bed

09:25....................... ITV News

16:35.......... George Clarke’s Old House, New Home

09:30.......Saturday Morning with James Martin

17:35.................Kirstie and Phil’s Love it or List it

11:40............. John and Lisa’s Weekend Kitchen

10:05 .........................SpongeBob Squarepants

21 CW

06:00......................... Emmerdale Omnibus 08:55...........................Coronation Street Omnibus

10:20...........Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

12:55...................... The Voice UK

10:45................... Birds Make You Laugh Out Loud

15:25...................... Scooby-Doo!

11:05 ..........Police Interceptors 12:00 ................................ Friends 14:25 ......................Killer Ending 16:10 .............The Yorkshire Vet 17:15 .............The Yorkshire Vet 18:10...Around the World by Train, with Tony Robinson

14:40.......................Catchphrase 17:10...........................The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring 20:35................. Britain’s Got More Talent 21:40.................. Family Guy 22:10............ Celebrity Juice

19:05.........5 News Weekend

22:55.................. Family Guy 23:25.................. Family Guy

18:30.......... Channel 4 News

19:10.... Elizabeth: Our Queen - Tragedy and Triumph

19:00.................. Great Canal Journeys

21:00........ The Royal Family 22:00........................... Diana

20:00..........Mission Ignition

23:00.......................... Access

21:00.... X-Men: Apocalypse

23:05........................... Diana

00:45............. The Conjuring


00:10...Named and Shamed

01:45...................... FYI Daily

01:45....Hollyoaks Omnibus

01:05.............. Teleshopping

01:50............. The Conjuring

20:40..........The Voice UK: The Final

08:55............ Food Unwrapped

07:10.........Don’t Say it, Bring it

22:30..........The Jonathan Ross Show

06:00 ...................... Duck Quacks Don’t Echo

10:20............ A Place in the Sun

06:30 ................. Modern Family

08:00..............American Pickers

12:40...ITV Lunchtime News 13:00........The Virtual Grand National 2019 14:00............ ITV Racing: The Grand National Festival

23:50......................American Dad! 00:20......................American Dad!

16:35.................... ITV Racing 18:30...........Catchphrase 19:15.. Britain’s Got Talent

23:30................ ITV News 23:50...Play to the Whistle 00:50..... Football Genius

Tonight is the very last chance for the performers to secure a place in the final of All Together Now. With eight incredible acts already through, expectations are high and for tonight’s hopefuls the pressure is on. This week a loved-up couple fancy their chances with a James Arthur track, a vicar’s son dedicates his performance to fellow members of the transgender community, and one act puts a very different twist on Drake’s popular Hotline Bling. We also have songs by Beyonce, Paolo Nutini and Cyndi Lauper. What will it take to get the 100 up on their feet and singing along? Plus, host Rob Beckett entertains in his own inimitable way as he takes charge of proceedings.


07:15............................Everybody Loves Raymond


All Together Now BBC1, 19.30

TV Guide

09:25............ A Place in the Sun 11:25............ A Place in the Sun

07:00 ................. Modern Family

12:30............Location, Location, Location

07:30................. Modern Family 08:00................. Modern Family

13:35............Location, Location, Location

08:30................... The Simpsons

14:40......................Four in a Bed

09:30................... The Simpsons

15:10......................Four in a Bed

10:00........................ Soccer A.M.

15:40......................Four in a Bed 16:15......................Four in a Bed

11:30................... Shazam Movie Special

16:50......................Four in a Bed

12:00............................ The Flash

17:20........ Come Dine with Me

13:00............................. Supergirl

17:50........ Come Dine with Me

14:00 ................The Greatest DC Movie Moments

18:25.... Come Dine with Me 18:55.... Come Dine with Me 19:25.... Come Dine with Me 20:00................... Emergency Helicopter Medics 21:00..........24 Hours in A&E 22:00........................ Live PD 01:00.........Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

09:00................... The Simpsons

15:00.................... Gillette Soccer Saturday

07:35.........Don’t Say it, Bring it 09:00..............American Pickers 10:00..............American Pickers 11:00..............American Pickers 12:00.............................. Top Gear 13:00.............................. Top Gear 14:00...............Lazy Boy Garage 14:30...............Lazy Boy Garage 15:00.............. Last Stop Garage 15:30.............. Last Stop Garage 16:00.....................England’s Top 17:00.............. Red Bull Soapbox Race 2018 19:00..... Would I Lie to You? 19:40............ Not Going Out

17:00 ................... The Simpsons

20:20 ............Not Going Out

19:00 .............The Simpsons

21:00 .......................Hellboy

20:00 ................. A League of Their Own

23:35 .......... Mock the Week

21:00............... Jack Reacher

00:50............ Judge Romesh

23:30................... Comedians Watching Football

01:15............ Have I Got a Bit More News for You

00:15............ Judge Romesh

CW 22

TV Guide

06:00....................... Breakfast 09:05....... Match of the Day 10:00.................. The Andrew Marr Show 11:00............ Sunday Politics London 11:30.................Walks of Life 12:30......................BBC News 12:40........... Weather for the Week Ahead 12:45........... Songs of Praise 13:20.........The Boat Race CWce ch oi 16:00....................... Escape to the Country 17:00...................... Money for Nothing 17:45........................Pointless 18:35............... BBC News 18:50... BBC London News 19:00.............Countryfile 20:00................. Antiques Roadshow 21:00........... Line of Duty 22:00............... BBC News 22:20... BBC London News 22:30.. Match of the Day 2 23:00... Match of the Day: FA Cup Highlights 23:30.......Jack the Ripper - The Case Reopened 00:30............... BBC News



06:20....................A to Z of TV Gardening 07:05..................Great British Garden Revival 08:05.....The Edible Garden 08:35....... Gardeners’ World 09:05................... Countryfile 10:00.........Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 11:30.............Nadiya’s British Food Adventure 12:00.......... Nature’s Boldest Thieves 12:50...............Holiday of My Lifetime with Len Goodman 13:35............Garden Rescue 14:20...............Nature’s Great Events 15:20.......... Talking Pictures 16:00............ Tomorrowland 18:00....... World’s Busiest Cities 19:00......... Dragons’ Den 20:00.............Race Across the World 21:00........ Natural World 22:00................Gone Girl 00:25....... Frankie Boyle’s New World Order 00:55.............White Gold

Sunday 7th April

06:00................Childrens’ TV 08:10................ Mr. Bean: The Animated Series 08:30........................Project Z 09:05........... Teen Titans Go! 09:25....................... ITV News 09:30............. James Martin’s Sunday Selection 10:30..............This Morning On Sunday 11:30............. John and Lisa’s Weekend Kitchen 12:35...ITV Lunchtime News 12:45.....Britain’s Got Talent 14:05...................Britain’s Got More Talent 15:05................The Voice UK: The Fina 17:00...............Tipping Point 17:30......ITV Evening News 17:50...... ITV News London 18:00.. The Family Chase 19:00............ What Would Your Kid Do?

06:20.......The Big Bang Theory 06:45...................................Frasier 07:35............... Everybody Loves Raymond 08:30.................... The Simpsons 09:30..................Sunday Brunch 12:30..............Jamie’s Quick and Easy Food 13:05.................... The Simpsons 13:35........................................Epic 15:40............ A Place in the Sun 16:40.................. Joe Lycett’s Got Your Back 17:15...........The Great Celebrity Bake Off for Stand Up to Cancer 18:30.......... Channel 4 News 19:00............... Escape to the Chateau 20:00........ Secrets of Egypt’s Valley of the Kings 21:00......Celebrity SAS: Who Dares Wins for Stand Up to Cancer 22:00........... 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 22:55...... Ramsay’s 24 Hours to Hell and Back 23:55..........Mission Ignition 00:55...... The Way Way Back

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV 10:05 .........................SpongeBob Squarepants 10:20...........Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 10:30 ..................................Access 10:40.......... Police Interceptors 11:30................................ Friends 14:05... Six Days, Seven Nights 15:05...................................Access 15:10... Six Days, Seven Nights 16:10 ..................... Secrets of the Mcvitie’s Factory 17:05.............. Britain’s Favourite Takeaway 19:00....... Talent Show Wars 20:00................... Blind Date 20:55.........5 News Weekend 21:00........ Atlantis: Draining the lost city 22:00............. The Hangover 23:00.......................... Access 23:05............. The Hangover 00:10............... Greatest Ever Movie Blunders 01:05.............. Teleshopping

06:00...................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records

08:55..........Find it, Fix it, Flog it

06:00.......... The Hour of Power

07:10.........Don’t Say it, Bring it

10:00....... Find it, Fix it, Drive it

07:00............................ The Flash

07:35 ........Don’t Say it, Bring it

11:00 ..............................Car S.O.S

08:00 .............................Supergirl

12:00 ....... Come Dine with Me

09:00 ................... Shazam Movie Special

08:00 ............. Red Bull Soapbox Race 2018

06:10......Emmerdale Omnibus 09:05..............Coronation Street Omnibus 13:05............................... Celebrity Catchphrase 14:10......................... You’ve Been Framed! Gold 14:40....................Scooby-Doo 2: Monstersunleashed 16:30........... Britain’s Got Talent 18:00................. Britain’s Got More Talent 19:00............ The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 22:35.................. Family Guy 23:05.................. Family Guy 23:35.................. Family Guy 00:05............ American Dad! 00:30............ American Dad! 00:55....The Cleveland Show 01:25...The Cleveland Show 01:50................Timewasters

20:00........... The Durrells 21:00...................Victoria 22:00................ ITV News 22:20.............. The Olivier Awards 2019 00:10............ Jackpot247

The Boat Race BBC1, 13.20 5th April 2019 - 11th April 2019

Clare Balding presents live coverage of one of the oldest and most prestigious sporting events on the British calendar. The Boat Race pits the rowing crews of Oxford and Cambridge universities against each other on the waters of the River Thames. In 2018 Cambridge secured a second successive victory in the women’s event, before their male counterparts triumphed for an 83rd time. Two-time Olympic champion James Cracknell is set to become the oldest person to compete in the Boat Race after being named in the Cambridge boat. Cracknell retired from elite rowing in 2006, but qualifies because he is studying a Master of Philosophy degree in human evolution at the University. The event begins with the women’s race, which started in 1927 and moved to the four-mile Championship Course four years ago, followed by the men’s race, now in its 190th year. Special guests include four- time Olympic Gold medallist Sir Matthew Pinsent, 2012 Olympic Champion Dame Katherine Grainger and Double Olympic Champion Helen Glover.

12:35 ....... Come Dine with Me 13:05 ....... Come Dine with Me 13:35 ....... Come Dine with Me 14:05 ....... Come Dine with Me 14:40 .....................Four in a Bed 15:10 .....................Four in a Bed 15:40 .....................Four in a Bed 16:15 .....................Four in a Bed 16:50 .....................Four in a Bed 17:20 ....... Come Dine with Me 17:50 ....... Come Dine with Me 18:25.... Come Dine with Me 18:55.... Come Dine with Me 19:25.... Come Dine with Me 20:00....999: On the Frontline 21:00................... Emergency Helicopter Medics 22:00........................ Live PD 01:00................... Emergency Helicopter Medics

09:30 ................... The Simpsons 10:00 ................... The Simpsons 10:30 ................... The Simpsons 11:00 ...........................WWE Raw 12:00............ NCIS: Los Angeles 13:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles 14:00 ...........................MacGyver 15:00 ..................... Portrait Artist of the Year 16:00 ................. Modern Family 17:00 ................. Modern Family 18:00 ...........Modern Family 18:30 .............The Simpsons 19:00 .............The Simpsons

10:00........................Border Force America’s Gatekeepers 11:00........................Border Force America’s Gatekeepers 12:00..............American Pickers 14:00..............American Pickers 15:00 ......... Would I Lie to You? 16:20 ......... Would I Lie to You? 17:00 .................Sin City Motors 18:00......... Steve Backshall’s Extreme River Challenge 19:00............Hurricane Man 20:00....................... Cops UK: Bodycam Squad

19:30 .............The Simpsons

21:00............ Have I Got a Bit More News for You

20:00................... MacGyver

22:00............................ QI XL

21:00............. Hawaii Five-0

23:00....... Live at the Apollo

22:00 ......NCIS: Los Angeles

00:00........... Mock the Week

23:00 ............... Magnum P.I.

01:20........... Mock the Week 5th April 2019 - 11th April 2019

Property Guide

23 CW

Property Supplement - April 2019

CW 24

Property Guide

5th April 2019 - 11th April 2019


Sotovento: Refurbished to a high standard one bed, front line apartment with stunning sea views. Only steps from the sea. Ideally located near the community swimming pool. Garage and trastero included

Amarilla Golf: Well-appointed, two bed, two bath duplex apartment on residential complex with heated pool.



Golf. Del Sur: Well-appointed, top floor, one bed apartment with sea views. Close to all amenities.

Golf del Sur: West facing, large studio apartment on popular holiday complex. Close to all amenities.



Golf del Sur: Spacious two bedroom, two bathroom apartment with large terrace giving good views. Close to the pool and elevator on residential community. Secure parking space included.

Golf del Sur: Lovely two / three bedroom, two bathroom bungalow with secluded front and rear gardens situated in a sought after area. The property also benefits from a terrace giving golf course views

Amarilla Golf: Beautifully, fully refurbished one / two bed duplex apartment with two terraces situated in sought after location just steps away from the San Miguel Marina. Golf course, sea and marina views

Amarilla Golf: New project! Three bed, three bath modern villas with private pool and garage space in sought after residential area. Close to the sea and the golf course.






Golf del Sur: Nicely furnished, one bed apartment with terrace giving good sea and Marina views. Close to all amenities

750€ per month

Golf del Sur: *Available from 6th of May* Light bright and nicely furnished one bed, two bath apartment with small garden on popular complex.

925€ per month

Amarilla Golf: Large luxury west facing studio apartment with large sunny terrace . Internet and UK TV.

Amarilla Golf: Two bed, duplex apartment offering stunning golf course and sea views. Close to one of three swimming pools

650€ per month

900€ per month

(all inclusive)

including electricity and water 5th April 2019 - 11th April 2019

Property Guide

25 CW

CW 26

Property Guide 5th April 2019 - 11th April 2019

monday 8th April 5th April 2019 - 11th April 2019

06:00 ...................... Breakfast 09:15 ......... Murder, Mystery and My Family 10:00 ..............Homes Under the Hammer 11:00 .................. The Sheriffs are Coming 11:45 ............ Close Calls: On Camera 12:15 .............. Bargain Hunt 13:00 ...... BBC News at One 13:45......................... Doctors 14:15....................... Curiosity 15:00...................... Escape to the Country 15:45 ........... Home is Where the Art is 16:30........ The Repair Shop 17:15 .......................Pointless 18:00.... BBC News at Six 18:55........ Party Election Broadcast 19:00 .......The One Show 19:30........... Fake Britain 20:00............ EastEnders 20:30.............. Panorama

W 21:00...........The Victim Coi ch ce 22:00.... BBC News at Ten

22:35.................. Fleabag 23:05.......Have I Got a Bit More Old News for You 23:50............ The Graham Norton Show 00:35............... BBC News


06:00.......... Murder, Mystery and My Family 06:45... Money for Nothing 07:30.... Great British Menu 08:30...................The Week in Parliament 09:00 ............ BBC News at 9 10:00 .. Victoria Derbyshire 11:00 .BBC Newsroom Live 13:00 .......................The Boss 13:45 ......Attenborough: 60 Years in the Wild 14:45............... This Wild Life 15:15 ...... The Hairy Builder 15:45 ............. The Great Rift: Africa’s Wild Heart 16:45......................Eggheads 17:15........................... Flog It! 18:00.... Richard Osman’s House of Games 18:30.... Britain in Bloom 19:00........The Chronicles of Mourne 19:30......... Only Connect 20:00............... University Challenge 20:30..............Mary Berry Quick Cooking 21:00...................A House Through Time 22:00.. Live at the Apollo 22:30..............Newsnight 23:10..................Weather 23:15.................. Horizon 00:15............ MasterChef 01:15.............Countryfile

06:00............. Good Morning Britain 08:30......................... Lorraine 09:25....................The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30 .............. This Morning 12:30............ Loose Women 13:30............. ITV Lunchtime News 13:55....................... ITV News London 14:00 .............. Judge Rinder 15:00 .........................Tenable 16:00.............. Tipping Point 17:00 ....................The Chase 18:00................ ITV News London 18:25......... Party Election Broadcast 18:30............ ITV Evening News 19:00............ Emmerdale 19:30..............Coronation Street

06:00 ........................ The Planet’s Funniest Animals 06:20...................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:10......................... You’ve Been Framed! Gold 08:00......................... Emmerdale 08:25.............Coronation Street 09:25............................... The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10:20.......................... Superstore 11:10 ........................ You’ve Been Framed! Gold 12:10 ........................ Emmerdale 12:40 ............Coronation Street 13:40 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:40....The Jeremy Kyle Show 18:00................ Take Me Out 19:00................. You’ve Been Framed! Gold 21:00.................. Family Guy 21:30............ American Dad! 22:00................Timewasters 22:30.................. Family Guy 23:30............ American Dad! 23:55...The Cleveland Show 00:50.................. Superstore

20:30..............Coronation Street 21:00..........The Widow


ch oi ce

22:00................. ITV News at Ten 22:45...............Code Blue: Murder 23:45.................. Tenable 00:35............ Jackpot247

For three years, ever since the love of her life Will Mason (Matt Le Nevez) died in a plane crash in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Georgia Wells (Kate Beckinsale) has lived as a recluse in the Welsh countryside, away from civilisation and the comforts of 21st-century living. Her life changes one day when she spots Will in the background of a TV news report about the Congo. Shocked to her core, but filled with determination that Will is still alive, Georgia returns to the country’s capital, Kinshasa, for the first time since the plane crash. There, she reunites with Judith Gray (Alex Kingston), Will’s enigmatic erstwhile business partner, and Emmanuel Kazadi (Jacky Ido), a local Congolese journalist she met three years previously after his wife was also a victim of the crash Meanwhile, in Rotterdam, Holland, a blind Icelandic man, Ariel Helgason (Ólafur Darri Ólafsson), applies for a medical trial in the hope that his sight can be restored. There he meets Beatrix (Louise Brealey ), another candidate for the trial. But Ariel’s keeping a secret. One that links him to Georgia’s husband. To Will. It’s only a matter of time before he gets pulled back into that world. Oblivious to the extent of the danger she faces, Georgia sets out across the country in pursuit of Will, while Martin Benson (Charles Dance), the closest person to family Georgia has, searches for answers elsewhere. It’s a journey that will lead her to the volatile region of eastern DRC, where we’ll meet an array of characters like the child soldier, Adidja (Shalom Nyandiko), the unhinged General Azikiwe (Babs Olusanmokun) and a mysterious white man by the name of Pieter Bello (Bart Fouche). It’s said that people go to the ends of the earth for the ones they love. Georgia is going to do just that. Episode 1: A woman’s search to uncover the mystery of what happened to her husband leads her to the Congo, where she’s forced to seek the truth about what happened to the man she loved.


06:00...................... Childrens’ TV 09:15....................... Jeremy Vine 11:15........................ Traffic Cops 12:10.......... 5 News Lunchtime 12:15 ..................Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 13:10 ..................................Access 13:15 .............. Home and Away 13:45 ....................... Neighbours 14:15 ........ Tormenting Abigail 16:00 ................................ Friends 17:00 ........................ 5 News at 5 17:30................ Neighbours 18:00 .........Home and Away 18:30 .......... 5 News Tonight 19:00......Gallagher Premiership Rugby Highlights 20:00..............Springtime on the Farm 21:00............ World’s Busiest Train Stations 22:00... Extraordinary People 23:05.................. First Class v Economy: Is it Worth it? 00:05........... Manhunt: Catch Me If You Can

27 CW

20:00......... The Kyle Files

The Widow ITV1, 21.00

06:25 ................................. Cheers 07:45 ..................................Frasier 09:10 .............. Everybody Loves Raymond 10:10...............Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 11:05............................. Car S.O.S 12:00 ...............Channel 4 News 12:05 ....... Come Dine with Me 13:05 .........Find it, Fix it, Flog it 14:10 ....................... Countdown 15:00 ........... A Place in the Sun 16:00 .... A New Life in the Sun 17:00 .....................Four in a Bed 17:30 .... Extreme Cake Makers 18:00............. The Simpsons 18:30 ................... Hollyoaks 19:00 ......... Channel 4 News 20:00 ................. Dispatches 20:30 .......Food Unwrapped 21:00 ..................24 Hours in Police Custody 22:00...... Life After Lock-Up 23:05........Mums Make Porn 00:05.............. Celebrity SAS: Who Dares Wins for Stand Up to Cancer

TV Guide

08:55 ........... A Place in the Sun 09:55 ........... A Place in the Sun 10:55 ............... The Great British Bake Off 12:15............Location, Location, Location 13:15............Location, Location, Location 14:20........ Come Dine with Me 14:50........ Come Dine with Me 15:20........ Come Dine with Me 15:55........ Come Dine with Me 16:25........ Come Dine with Me 16:55.................... The Secret Life of the Zoo 17:55..................... The Supervet 18:55....999: On the Frontline 19:55...............Grand Designs 21:00..... Devon and Cornwall 22:00.............The Royal House of Windsor 23:05.............24 Hours in A&E 00:05....999: On the Frontline 01:10.............. A Very British Brothel

06:00 ....................RSPCA Animal Rescue 07:00 ................... Animal House 07:30 ................... Animal House 08:00 .......................Monkey Life 09:00 ............................ Wild Files 09:15 ............................ So Beano 09:30 ........Play Your Pets Right 09:45 ........................................ FYI. 10:00 ........................The Athena 10:30 ................... The Simpsons 11:00 ................. Modern Family 12:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles 13:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0 15:00 ......Big Cats: An Amazing Animal Family 16:00................. Modern Family 17:00 ................... The Simpsons 17:30 ............................Futurama 18:00.................... Futurama 18:30 .............The Simpsons 20:00 .................... Supergirl 21:00 .............. Jack Reacher 23:30 ................. A League of Their Own 00:30......................... Curfew

07:10.........Don’t Say it, Bring it 07:35.........Don’t Say it, Bring it 08:00.........Storage Hunters UK 08:30.........Storage Hunters UK 09:00.........Storage Hunters UK 09:30.........Storage Hunters UK 10:00..............American Pickers 12:00..............American Pickers 13:00.............................. Top Gear 14:00.............................. Top Gear 15:00.............Jay Leno’s Garage 16:00.......Steve Austin’s Broken Skull Challenge 17:00.............................. Top Gear 18:00......................Top Gear 19:00........American Pickers 20:00....... Jay Leno’s Garage 21:00....... Live at the Apollo 22:00.................... Room 101 22:40...................... Room 10 23:20.........................Porters 00:00............ Have I Got a Bit More News for You 01:00............................ QI XL

CW 28

TV Guide

tuesday 9th April 5th April 2019 - 11th April 2019

06:00 ...................... Breakfast 09:15 ......... Murder, Mystery and My Family 10:00 ..............Homes Under the Hammer 11:00 .................. The Sheriffs are Coming 11:45 ............ Close Calls: On Camera 12:15 .............. Bargain Hunt 13:00...... BBC News at One 13:45 .........................Doctors 14:15 .......................Curiosity 15:00 ...................... Escape to the Country 15:45 ........... Home is Where the Art is 16:30 ........The Repair Shop 17:15....................... Pointless 18:00.... BBC News at Six 18:55........ Party Election Broadcast 19:00 .......The One Show 19:30 ............ EastEnders 20:00............. Holby City 21:00............. The Victim 22:00.... BBC News at Ten 22:35..Eating with My Ex 23:05..............My Big Gay Jewish Conversion 23:55.................... Double Mastectomy Twins 00:20............... BBC News


06:30.......... Murder, Mystery and My Family 07:15 ........... Home is Where the Art is 08:00 ...... Gardeners’ World 08:30........... Great Canadian Railway Journeys 09:00............ BBC News at 9 10:00 .. Victoria Derbyshire 11:00 ...........BBC Newsroom Live 13:00...................... The Super League Show 13:45 ...... Golf: The Masters 14:45 .............. This Wild Life 15:15 ...... The Hairy Builder 15:45 ............. The Great Rift: Africa’s Wild Heart 16:45..................... Eggheads 17:20............................. Coast 17:30......... Richard Osman’s House of Games 18:00.... Britain in Bloom 18:30..........Live Women’s International Football 21:00.....Surgeons: At the Edge of Life 22:00........... Don’t Forget the Driver 22:30..............Newsnight 23:10..................Weather 23:15...................A House Through Time 00:15............ MasterChef

06:00............ Good Morning Britain

06:25.................................. Cheers 07:45 ..................................Frasier 09:10 .............. Everybody Loves Raymond 10:10.............. Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 11:05 ..............................Car S.O.S 12:00 ...............Channel 4 News 12:05 ....... Come Dine with Me 13:05 .........Find it, Fix it, Flog it 14:10 ....................... Countdown 15:00 ........... A Place in the Sun 16:00 .... A New Life in the Sun 17:00 .....................Four in a Bed 17:30 .... Extreme Cake Makers 18:00............. The Simpsons 18:30................... Hollyoaks 19:00......... Channel 4 News 20:00................. How to Lose Weight Well 21:00...................Derry Girls 21:30 .......................... Home 22:00 ................. Gogglebox 23:05.................. First Dates 00:10........ Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV 08:55............................... Floogals 09:10 ................. Sunny Bunnies 09:15 .......................Jeremy Vine 11:15........ All New Traffic Cops 12:10.......... 5 News Lunchtime 12:15 ..................Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 13:10 ..................................Access 13:15 .............. Home and Away 13:45 ....................... Neighbours 14:15 .........Driven Off the Rails 16:00 ................................ Friends 17:00 ........................ 5 News at 5 17:30 ....................... Neighbours 18:00 .........Home and Away 18:30 .......... 5 News Tonight 19:00 .............. Secrets of the National Trust with Alan Titchmarsh 20:00..............Springtime on the Farm 21:00......Oxford Street 24/7 22:00............Operation Live 00:20.............Locked Up and in Love: Prison Brides

06:00 ........................ The Planet’s Funniest Animals 06:20 ..................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:10........................ You’ve Been Framed! Gold 08:00........................ Emmerdale 08:25 ............Coronation Street 09:25.............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10:20 ......................... Superstore 10:45 ......................... Superstore 11:10 ........................ You’ve Been Framed! Gold 12:10 ........................ Emmerdale 12:40 ............Coronation Street 13:40 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:35... The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:50 ...................... Take Me Out 19:00................. You’ve Been Framed! Gold 20:00.... You’ve Been Framed! 21:00....Through the Keyhole 22:00.................. Family Guy 23:30............ American Dad! 00:25................Timewasters

22:30.. ITV News London

08:55 ........... A Place in the Sun

06:00 ... RSPCA Animal Rescue

07:10 ........Don’t Say it, Bring it

22:45 ..................The Bay

09:55 ........... A Place in the Sun

07:00 ................... Animal House

07:35 ........Don’t Say it, Bring it

23:45 ................. Tenable

10:55 ............... The Great British Bake Off

08:00 .......................Monkey Life

08:00 ........Storage Hunters UK

09:00 ............................ Wild Files

09:00 ........Storage Hunters UK

12:15............Location, Location, Location

09:15 ............................ So Beano

10:00............. American Pickers

14:20........ Come Dine with Me

09:30 ........Play Your Pets Right

12:00 .............American Pickers

09:45 ........................................ FYI.

13:00 ............................. Top Gear

10:00 ........................The Athena

15:20........ Come Dine with Me

14:00 ............................. Top Gear

10:30 ................... The Simpsons

15:55........ Come Dine with Me

15:00............ Jay Leno’s Garage

11:00 ................. Modern Family

16:25........ Come Dine with Me

12:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles

16:00......................Steve Austin’s Broken Skull Challenge

16:55.................... The Secret Life of the Zoo

13:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0

17:00 ............................. Top Gear

15:00..... David Attenborough’s Micro Monsters

18:00..................... Top Gear

18:55.................. 999: On the Frontline

16:00 ................. Modern Family

20:00........... Hurricane Man

19:55............ Grand Designs

17:30............................ Futurama

21:00...............Wild Amazon

18:30............. The Simpsons

22:00..........24 Hours in A&E

20:00 ..........................Arrow

23:05.....Nightwatch Nation: Emergency 911

21:00 ..................SEAL Team

08:30 ........................ Lorraine 09:25 ...................The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30 .............. This Morning 12:30 ............ Loose Women 13:30 .............ITV Lunchtime News 13:55 ..... ITV News London 14:00.............. Judge Rinder 15:00......................... Tenable 16:00.............. Tipping Point 17:00.................... The Chase 18:00................. ITV News London 18:25......... Party Election Broadcast 18:30..ITV Evening News 19:00............ Emmerdale 19:30........... Save Money 20:00............ Emmerdale 20:30.................Hard to W C Please OAPs choice 21:00............. The Widow 22:00..... ITV News at Ten

00:35 ........... Jackpot247

Hard To Please OAPs ITV1, 20.30

If new technology sends you round the twist and seems to make life more stressful than stress-free, then Hard to Please OAPs is the show for YOU. The brand new six-part ITV series features eight seasoned celebrity OAPs grappling with the cutting edge gadgets and gizmos that are supposedly designed to make our lives easier. Smart speakers, electric cars, remote control golf trolleys, home saunas, high tech tents, dog cameras and pooper scooper vacuums – the future is upon us but not everyone is happy about it: meet The Hard To Please OAPs - a group of no-nonsense grumpy old celebrities, some of whom like things done the old fashioned way. In this irreverent, fun-filled series they are bringing a good dose of common sense to state of the art products and services by getting off the sofa and trying them out for themselves. It’s also an opportunity to let off steam about modern life and whether things were really better in the old days, before we became enslaved to wifi, automated ticket machines, satnavs and food delivery apps!


14:50........ Come Dine with Me

17:55..................... The Supervet

00:05.......... 999: What’s Your Emergency? 01:05....999: On the Frontline

17:00................... The Simpsons

22:00 ................. A League of Their Own

19:00....... American Pickers 21:00 ................... Room 101 21:40 ................... Room 101 22:20 .......... Mock the Week 23:00 .............Dave Gorman: Modern Life is Goodish

23:00......................... Curfew

00:00.....................Have I Got a Bit More News for You

00:00................... Road Wars

01:00............................ QI XL 5th April 2019 - 11th April 2019

06:00....................... Breakfast 09:15.......... Murder, Mystery and My Family 10:00....... Homes Under the Hammer 11:00............The Sheriffs are Coming 11:45............. Close Calls: On Camera 12:15............... Bargain Hunt 13:00....... BBC News at One 13:45..........................Doctors 14:15........................Curiosity 15:00................Escape to the Country 15:45............ Home is Where the Art is 16:30.........The Repair Shop 17:15........................Pointless 18:00..... BBC News at Six 18:55......... Party Election Broadcast 19:00........The One Show 20:00.......... Supermarket Secrets 21:00.............. The Victim 22:00.... BBC News at Ten 22:35..................Glow Up 23:35..............A Question of Sport 00:05.. Celebrity Painting Challenge

wednesday 10th April

06:30.......... Murder, Mystery and My Family 07:15............ Home is Where the Art is 08:00........ Mary Berry Quick Cooking 08:30............Great Canadian Railway Journeys 09:00............. BBC News at 9 10:00... Victoria Derbyshire 11:00..BBC Newsroom Live 13:00........................The Boss 13:45.......Attenborough: 60 Years in the Wild 14:45............... This Wild Life 15:15....... The Hairy Builder 15:45.............. The Great Rift: Africa’s Wild Heart 16:45......................Eggheads 17:15............................Flog It! 18:00.... Richard Osman’s House of Games 18:30.... Britain in Bloom 19:00.............Race Across the World 20:00.. Great British Menu 21:00...Motherfatherson 22:00.............White Gold 22:30..............Newsnight 23:10..................Weather 23:15.. Golf: The Masters 23:45...........................The Parkinson’s Drug Trial: A Miracle Cure? 00:45...... The Parkinson’s Drug Trial: A Miracle Cure?

06:00 ............ Good Morning Britain 08:30 ........................ Lorraine 09:25 ...................The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30.............. This Morning 12:30 ............ Loose Women 13:30............. ITV Lunchtime News 14:00 .............. Judge Rinder 15:00 .........................Tenable 16:00...............Tipping Point 17:00 ....................The Chase 18:00.. ITV News London 18:25......... Party Election Broadcast 18:30..ITV Evening News 19:00............ Emmerdale 19:30..............Coronation Street 20:00................... Britain’s Brightest Family 20:30..............Coronation Street 21:00...................The Bay 22:00..... ITV News at Ten 22:30.. ITV News London 22:45.................... Peston 23:40.La Liga Highlights 00:35.................. Tenable 01:25............ Jackpot247

06:25 ................................. Cheers 07:45.................................. Frasier 09:10 .............. Everybody Loves Raymond 10:10 ..............Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 11:05 ..............................Car S.O.S 12:00 ...............Channel 4 News 12:05 ....... Come Dine with Me 13:05......... Find it, Fix it, Flog it 14:10 ....................... Countdown 15:00........... A Place in the Sun 16:00 .... A New Life in the Sun 17:00 .....................Four in a Bed 17:30 .... Extreme Cake Makers 18:00 .............The Simpsons 18:30 ................... Hollyoaks 19:00 ......... Channel 4 News 20:00 ............. The Supervet 21:00....Married at First Sight 22:00....................... My F-Ing Tourette’s Family 23:00...................Derry Girls 23:35.................. Gogglebox 00:35............ Grand Designs

08:55 ........... A Place in the Sun 09:55 ........... A Place in the Sun 10:55 ............... The Great British Bake Off 12:15 ...........Location, Location, Location 13:15 ...........Location, Location, Location 14:20........ Come Dine with Me 14:50........ Come Dine with Me 15:20........ Come Dine with Me 15:55........ Come Dine with Me 16:25........ Come Dine with Me 16:55.................... The Secret Life of the Zoo 17:55..................... The Supervet 18:55......................... 999: On the Frontline 19:55............ Grand Designs 21:00..... Find it, Fix it, Drive it 22:00......................Car S.O.S 23:00..........24 Hours in A&E 00:05......................... 999: On the Frontline 01:05..... Find it, Fix it, Drive it

TV Guide

06:00...................... Childrens’ TV 09:15 .......................Jeremy Vine 11:15 ........All New Traffic Cops 12:10 ..........5 News Lunchtime 12:15 ..................Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 13:10 ..................................Access 13:15 .............. Home and Away 13:45 ....................... Neighbours 14:15...................... The Gourmet Detective: Eat, Drink and be Buried 16:00 ................................ Friends 17:00 ........................ 5 News at 5 17:30 ....................... Neighbours 18:00 .........Home and Away 18:30........... 5 News Tonight 19:00 .............. Secrets of the National Trust with Alan Titchmarsh 20:00..............Springtime on the Farm 21:00.....Inside Tesco: Britain’s Biggest Supermarket 22:00............Operation Live 00:05.....Pica Syndrome: The Woman Who Ate a House

06:00 ... RSPCA Animal Rescue 07:00 ................... Animal House 08:00 .......................Monkey Life 09:00 ............................ Wild Files 09:15 ............................ So Beano 09:30 ........Play Your Pets Right 09:45 ........................................ FYI. 10:00 ........................The Athena 10:30 ................... The Simpsons 11:00 ................. Modern Family 12:00 ............NCIS: Los Angeles 13:00 .................... Hawaii Five-0 15:00..... David Attenborough’s Micro Monsters 16:00 ................. Modern Family 17:00 ................... The Simpsons 17:30............................ Futurama 18:30............. The Simpsons 20:00............... DC’s Legends of Tomorrow 21:00 ............... Magnum P.I. 22:00 ................. Strike Back 23:00.....Karl Pilkington: The Moaning of Life 00:00................... Road Wars

29 CW

06:00......................... The Planet’s Funniest Animals 06:20 ..................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:10...... You’ve Been Framed! 08:00........................ Emmerdale 08:55 ........................ You’ve Been Framed! Gold 09:25 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10:20......................... Superstore 11:10 ............I Love You’ve Been Framed! Gold 12:10 ........................ Emmerdale 13:15........................ You’ve Been Framed! Gold 13:40 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:35 ...The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:50....................... Take Me Out 19:00................. You’ve Been Framed! Gold 21:00................Pitch Perfect 23:15.................. Family Guy 00:15............ American Dad!

06:00 ....................Teleshopping 07:10 ........Don’t Say it, Bring it 07:35 ........Don’t Say it, Bring it 08:00 ........Storage Hunters UK 09:00 ........Storage Hunters UK 10:00 .............American Pickers 11:00 .............American Pickers 12:00 .............American Pickers 13:00 ............................. Top Gear 14:00 ............................. Top Gear 15:00 ............Jay Leno’s Garage 16:00 .....................Steve Austin’s Broken Skull Challenge 17:00............................. Top Gear 18:00..................... Top Gear 19:00 .......American Pickers 20:00 ....... Last Stop Garage 20:30 ....... Last Stop Garage 21:00 ........................... QI XL 22:00 .................Taskmaster 23:00........... Jon Richardson: Ultimate Worrier 00:00............ Have I Got a Bit More News for you 01:00............................ QI XL

CW 30

TV Guide

06:00 ...................... Breakfast 09:15 ......... Murder, Mystery and My Family 10:00 ..............Homes Under the Hammer 11:00........... The Sheriffs are Coming 11:45 ............ Close Calls: On Camera 12:15 .............. Bargain Hunt 13:00...... BBC News at One 13:45 .........................Doctors 14:15 .......................Curiosity 15:00 ...............Escape to the Country 15:45 ........... Home is Where the Art is 16:30........ The Repair Shop 17:15....................... Pointless 18:00..... BBC News at Six 18:55......... Party Election Broadcast 19:00........The One Show 19:30............. EastEnders 20:00................. Celebrity Painting Challenge 21:00.............. The Victim 22:00.... BBC News at Ten 22:35..... The Truth About Obesity 23:35.......... Supermarket Secrets


thursday 11th april

06:30......... Murder, Mystery and My Family 07:15........... Home is Where the Art is 08:00 .........The Great British Sewing Bee 09:00 ............ BBC News at 9 10:00 .. Victoria Derbyshire 11:00..BBC Newsroom Live 13:00........................The Boss 13:45 ......Attenborough: 60 Years in the Wild 14:45 .............. This Wild Life 15:15...... The Hairy Builder 15:45 ......... David Suchet: In the Footsteps of St Peter 16:45 .....................Eggheads 17:15 ...........................Flog It! 18:00.....Richard Osman’s House of Games 18:30.... Britain in Bloom 19:00... Match of the Day 19:30......... Gone Fishing: Mortimer & Whitehouse 20:00.Great British Menu 21:00........................ Pose 22:00....... Frankie Boyle’s New World Order 22:30..............Newsnight 23:10..................Weather 23:15..........Unstoppable: Sean Scully and the Art of Everything

06:00 ............ Good Morning Britain 08:30 ........................ Lorraine 09:25 ...................The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30 .............. This Morning 12:30 ............ Loose Women 13:30 .............ITV Lunchtime News 13:55..... ITV News London

14:00.............. Judge RinderCW

ch oi ce

15:00 .........................Tenable 16:00 ..............Tipping Point

17:00.................... The Chase 18:00.. ITV News London 18:25......... Party Election Broadcast 18:30..ITV Evening News 19:00............ Emmerdale 19:30...Changing Britain: 20 Years of Tonight 20:00............ Emmerdale 20:30......... Australia with Julia Bradbury

06:00 ........................ The Planet’s Funniest Animals 06:20 ..................Totally Bonkers Guinness World Records 07:10 ........................ You’ve Been Framed! Gold 08:00 ........................ Emmerdale 08:25 ............Coronation Street 09:25 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 10:20 ......................... Superstore 11:10 ........................ You’ve Been Framed! Gold 12:10........................ Emmerdale 12:40............ Coronation Street 13:40 .............................. The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:35 ...The Jeremy Kyle Show 17:50....................... Take Me Out 19:00................. You’ve Been Framed! Gold 20:00 ................ You’ve Been Framed! Gold 21:00................. Family Guy 22:00 ........... Celebrity Juice 22:50 ................. Family Guy 23:15 ........... American Dad!

22:00...... ITV News at Ten and Weather 22:30.. ITV News London 22:45..........The Jonathan Ross Show 23:45.................. Tenable

When Damon comes down with a bad fever, Blanca convinces the boys of the House of Evangelista to get tested for HIV and Pray Tell goes along with them. Meanwhile, Candy clashes with Elektra over her desire to walk a ball category reserved for curvy girls, while Elektra is faced with making a tough decision on gender reassignment surgery. Angel starts to doubt Stan’s motives. Making television history, Pose features the largest cast of transgender actors in series regular roles, as well as the largest recurring cast of LGBTQ actors ever for a scripted series.


06:00...................... Childrens’ TV 09:10................. Sunny Bunnies 09:15....................... Jeremy Vine 11:15 .................................All New Traffic Cops 12:10 ..................................5 News Lunchtime 12:15 ..................Can’t Pay? We’ll Take it Away! 13:10 ..................................Access 13:15 .............. Home and Away 13:45 ....................... Neighbours 14:15 ....................... Hit and Run 16:00 ................................ Friends 16:30 ................................ Friends 17:00 ........................ 5 News at 5 17:30 ....................... Neighbours 18:00......... Home and Away 18:30 .......... 5 News Tonight 19:00 .............. Secrets of the National Trust with Alan Titchmarsh 20:00..............Springtime on the Farm 21:00........... Manhunt: Catch Me If You Can 22:00............Operation Live

21:00.. Code Blue: Murder


BBC2, 21.00

06:25...................................... Cheers 07:45 ...................................... Frasier 09:10............................... Everybody Loves Raymond 10:10..................Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 11:05 ..................................Car S.O.S 12:00 ..................Channel 4 News 12:05 ..........Come Dine with Me 13:05 ............ Find it, Fix it, Flog it 14:10 ...........................Countdown 15:00 ...............A Place in the Sun 16:00 ...............................A New Life in the Sun 17:00 .........................Four in a Bed 17:30 .......Extreme Cake Makers 18:00 ............... The Simpsons 18:30....................... Hollyoaks 19:00............ Channel 4 News 20:00................. Naked Beach 21:00.............. Grand Designs 22:00 ................Lee and Dean 22:35......................24 Hours in Police Custody 23:35..........................Life After Lock-Up 5th April 2019 - 11th April 2019

08:55 ..................................A Place in the Sun 09:55 ..................................A Place in the Sun 10:55 .....The Great British Bake Off 12:15............Location, Location, Location 13:15............Location, Location, Location 14:20...........................Come Dine with Me 14:50........ Come Dine with Me 15:20...........................Come Dine with Me 15:55........ Come Dine with Me 16:25...........................Come Dine with Me 16:55.................... The Secret Life of the Zoo 17:55..................... The Supervet 18:55.................. 999: On the Frontline 19:55............ Grand Designs 21:00........... The Good Fight 22:15........ Double Jeopardy

06:00... RSPCA Animal Rescue 07:00................... Animal House 08:00....................... Monkey Life 09:00 ............................ Wild Files 09:15 ............................ So Beano 09:30 ........Play Your Pets Right 09:45 ........................................ FYI. 10:00 ........................The Athena 10:30 ................... The Simpsons 11:00 ................. Modern Family 12:00.............NCIS: Los Angeles 13:00.................... Hawaii Five-0 15:00..... David Attenborough’s Micro Monsters 16:00................. Modern Family 17:00 ................... The Simpsons 17:30 ............................Futurama 18:30 .............The Simpsons 20:00 .................... The Flash 21:00 ................. Strike Back: Silent War 22:00................... Comedians Watching Football 22:30.........Carpool Karaoke 23:30.................. A League of Their Own

06:00.................... Teleshopping 07:10 ........Don’t Say it, Bring it 07:35 ........Don’t Say it, Bring it 08:00 ........Storage Hunters UK 08:30 ........Storage Hunters UK 09:00 ........Storage Hunters UK 09:30 ........Storage Hunters UK 10:00 .............American Pickers 11:00 .............American Pickers 12:00 .............American Pickers 13:00............................. Top Gear 14:00............................. Top Gear 15:00............ Jay Leno’s Garage 16:00 .....................Steve Austin’s Broken Skull Challenge 17:00 ............................. Top Gear 18:00..................... Top Gear 19:00 .......American Pickers 20:00 .......... Sin City Motors 21:00........................... QI XL 22:00........................ Porters 22:40..... Would I Lie to You? 23:20 .......... Mock the Week

What’s On

5th April 2019 - 11th April 2019

This weekend

Canarias Folk Fest

Every Thursday from 11 October to 11 April, the Plaza de la Pescadora square in Los Cristianos brings together tradition, gastronomy and the best of folk under the umbrella of this year’s Canarias Folk Fest.

This weekend

31 CW

This weekend

Tegueste: Wine Month

The town of Tegueste offers a wide range of activities related to nature, culture and gastronomy. The centrepiece of the activities is the promotion of local products to consolidate a food and wine offer with a difference, and to foster awareness of the importance of local sourcing as a sustainable measure for a rural town such as Tegueste.

7th April Las Galletas

Until 11th April Plaza de la Pescadora, Los Cristianos

this weekend Until 30th april

This weekend

9th Canary Islands’ Cheese Fair

This year’s Canary Islands’ Cheese Fair includes cheese-making workshops, goat-milking classes for children, exhibitions, traditional food stalls serving goat meat, a Canary island mastiff dog competition, traditional intelligence games and loads more.


April The month of April sees the town of Arico host its 2nd Cereal Month, which features a range of activities including the 12th Breads of the World Festival, which takes place on Sunday 7 April between 5pm and 8pm in the Núcleo Arico El Nuevo (BIC), and the 4th Cereal Route (Sunday 7 Abril, from 8am to 2.30-3pm), which will be held in and around Arico Nuevo, La Sabinita, Lomo de Tamadaya and Arico El Viejo. On offer will be talks, educational activities and practical workshops.


pinolere ethnographic museum, La orotava

This week

Ladies’ Day April

Easter Passion Play (Adeje)

Adeje’s unique celebration of Holy Week, a play depicting the Passion and Death of Christ and combining religion with popular tradition, is one of the town’s most famous events.

The town of Garachico is once again the venue for this sporting event which includes kids’ bicycle circuits, a family circuit (3km) and a longer route (15km), as well as a road safety circuit and spinning classes. A new addition for this year’s Bicycle Day, the Accessible Cycling Challenge (1km), is designed to promote inclusiveness.

Arico: Cereal Month

7th - 30th April

6th-7th April

5th “El Partisano” Bicycle Day

6th April garachico


Tenerife International Fashion Fair 2019

Prospects are excellent for this year’s Fair, which is now firmly established as a major forum for the top firms in the weddings sector in the Canary Islands. The event supports up and coming designers through the Tenerife Young Fashion Designers Competition and also attracts participation by international designers.

Coffee, chat, downtime, relaxation and horseriding - Tuesday 11am - 1pm. Horseriding classes and hacks are also available.

19th april

Tuesdays 11am - 1pm

11th - 14th april

Calle grande, Adeje

Horse & pony riding, la camella

santa cruz

605 146 183

CW 32

Advertisement 5th April 2019 - 11th April 2019


5th April 2019 - 11th April 2019

33 CW

Free bank accounts and no charges, for the poor HARD-UP residents in Spain, with little or no income, can now open bank accounts free of charge, says the Government’s Economy Minister Nadia Calviño. She believes that a bank account from which to pay bills and receive income is essential, although many of the country’s poorest residents do not have one, because they cannot afford the charges. “It’s becoming more and more crucial these days to

have an account in which you can receive payments,” said Ms Calviño. “Even public transport is paid for using debit or credit cards. “For this reason, we’ve launched a new regulation that makes it mandatory for all banks to offer a basic payment account to all residents. “It will provide the services which are essential today for being connected, financially active, being able to set up direct-debits and standing-orders, withdraw money from a cashpoint and make certain types of transfer.” She added: “The cost of a

Malaga backpacker, who disappeared a month ago

basic bank account is €3 a month, with a maximum fee imposed for transfers and direct debits. “But for those residents in a financially-vulnerable situation, or at risk of social exclusion, it will be completely free of charge. “This is another step towards reinforcing citizen protection, and to avoid anyone being left out of the financial system.” The move was agreed during the recent Council of Ministers’ get-together, a regular meeting of all ministry leaders, held in Moncloa Palace, which is the official presidential residence.

Dying priest dodges the end, thanks to his wife, and God! A RETIRED British priest, sent home to die by doctors, is celebrating his fourth year of escaping his grand finale.

A DISTRAUGHT Swedish woman is pleading for expats and locals to help find her missing sister, who vanished while backpacking in Malaga more than a month ago.

Madelene Tammi, from Eskilstuna, in south-east Sweden, whose heart is “bleeding”, fears her little sister Tea Nico-Lee Tammi, 23, last seen in Nerja on 3rd March, might have been kidnapped, or taken somewhere “against her will”. She added: “The circumstances, along with details from friends she was with at the time, make me believe something bad has happened.” Madelene added that her sister, who’d lost her passport and mobile phone, had no means of income. Most worryingly, Tea, called

Nico, affectionately, deleted all her social media, which Madelene thinks means she may have been taken somewhere against her free will. “She definitely would have contacted me if she had moved of her own free will,” said Madelene. She revealed that an initial search by police in the area did not yield any leads, and Interpol are now preparing to get involved. Police in Sweden confirmed that the case was being investigated by the country’s Police Authority. “National police are investigating this case, but we cannot comment any further at this time,” said a local officer from Eskilstuna, where both sisters grew up. Nico has several large stars tattooed on her left arm, and any person who believes he or she might have seen her should call Madelene on +46 739 257 141, or contact the Swedish police on +46 771 141 400.

Expat Rev Clive Vergel, 79, who has lived in Vergel, Alicante, for more than 50 years, was suffering from pneumonia and an undiagnosed heart condition, when he stopped responding to treatment at the local Denia Hospital in April 2015. The father-of-one, originally from Sidcup, Kent, was sent home with “a few days to live”. Miraculously, he recovered, saying: “Thanks to my wife, Ann, and God.” He added: “My wife was a saint, doing everything a loving and caring wife would do, and more,” he told online newspaper Olive Press. In fact, when his wife revealed that she would need a break from being his carer, and that she planned to bring in a part-time helper, Clive rolled into action! “That very same day, I rolled out of bed, rolled on to my zimmer frame, took one step and got back into bed,” he recalled. “The next day I took another step, and the next day another… until one day, Ann came back from work and found me walking around the living room.” The Reverend shocked his female doctor eight months later, when he returned to the hospital for treatment. “The doctor said to me, ‘I thought you’d died,’” he recalled, with a smile.

“She then told me she’d sent me home, because she thought I would have preferred to die there.” The expat, who also runs the Oasis Help Centre, in Javea,

which helps expats settle into life in Spain, added: “Now I feel fabulous and better than ever. “Bring on my 80th birthday next month!”

CW 34


5th April 2019 - 11th April 2019

Salmonella heaping more stress on dried-milk firms

FEARS of a salmonella outbreak has prompted two French companies to withdraw babies’ dried milk, made in Spain.

An Asturias factory has closed one of its drying towers after some products based on rice protein, for children with a milk-allergy, were responsible for salmonella in France, Belgium and Luxembourg. This was the second outbreak in eight years, which has been traced to this particular drying tower, confirmed Industrias Lacteas Asturianas (ILA). The previous episode, which occurred between 2010 and 2011, affected 289 babies, all in Spain. Analyses by Spain’s Ministry

of Health confirmed that the bacteria involved in both outbreaks was the same, which meant that it survived for almost a decade, despite the rigorous cleaning measures applied. Neither was it detected in subsequent inspections at the factory, nor in the final product, although, as the Ministry said, the factory had complied at all times with regulations. “The problem affected only one consignment of ricebased products, but ILA announced that no date has been fixed for reopening the tower, which was closed earlier this year,” said a company spokesman. But he admitted that the company is still unsure how or where the contamination originated.

Sparse rainfall leaves a concern over crops

WATER reserves are being monitored closely by the Spanish Government, as a lack of rainfall threatens to take its toll on crops. Authorities are keeping a close eye on rain levels, amid fears that the problem could impact on agricultural productions. However, the mainland’s water reservoirs are at around 58% of their total capacity, and there is still a commitment to implementing “sustainable and balanced” irrigation modernisation policies. Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Minister, Luis Planas, has said over the last few months that his department has been monitoring the situation, in case measures need to be put in place. But, he stressed: “It is still too early, but it is necessary to keep an eye on the situation

and its development.” Organisations like Spanish Farmers’ Union Asaja have asked the administrations for reports on the situation, region by region. The volume of water accumulated in the peninsular reservoirs dipped last week, reportedly, with the loss of 218 cubic hectometres. The reservoirs now have 32,627 cubic hectometres of water, which is down on the same period last year, and far lower than the average over the last 10 years. The Minister gave an assurance that more than half of the irrigated area in Spain already uses localised, or drip, irrigation. And some 1.4 million hectares have been modernised since the end of the 1990s, thanks to a €3,800m investment.

Young man battered by railway security guards

RENFE, the Spanish state railway company, has removed eight security guards from duty after they were caught on camera, giving a young migrant a brutal beating.

The vicious incident occurred last week at Barcelona’s Plaza Catalunya Metro station, and the rail operator has also opened an investigation into why the officers used batons to hammer the passenger,

who did not have a ticket, forcing him to the ground, roughly. The company added that the investigation could lead to disciplinary measures. The guards acted disproportionately, especially as the youngster had been forced against a wall, with all his attackers battering him senseless. The incident was reported by anti-discrimination group Es Racismo, which published a video of the assault on its Twitter account. It shows a group of security guards chasing

the passenger through the station and cornering him against a column. The officers then held him as a female officer began beating the young man with a baton, repeatedly, before they joined in. Sources from Renfe, made aware of the incident thanks to the Twitter video, maintained: “The company condemns all violence and does not tolerate any discriminatory attitude, action or display against anybody, regardless of what might have provoked the attack.”

A BRITISH expat, arrested wrongfully for a property scam, has been taken to court by Spanish police for breaching a ban on leaving the country to visit his “suicidal” girlfriend. Rob Herring, 41, from Essex, left Spain for two weeks, while on a ban, to visit his long-term partner, said to be having a “mental breakdown”. If found guilty, expat Rob faces a €5,400 fine and up to 12 months in prison, but he told the Olive Press online newspaper that he believed the case levelled against him by Marbella’s Court Number 2 was “laughable”. “I had justification for leaving the country during that time,” he said. “They are just trying to wind me up.” Rob filed a letter with the

court, in which he alleges that his girlfriend’s stress was induced by his false arrest, as well as her son being sectioned under the Mental Health Act. Rob was arrested in July 2015, along with his friend, 47-yearold Scott Cattell, following a seemingly-innocent odd job. Scott and his then girlfriend had collected chairs from a Cancelada office in the Andalucia region. But later that afternoon, he and Rob were handcuffed by armed police on Scott’s driveway. “The police put two and two together and made five,” said Rob. It was later revealed that the office was being run by a man named Yanis, who was involved in property firm Renty123, which had since

been shamed. The fraudulent company was dedicated to ripping off holiday-makers by posting fake rental properties on FlipKey, TripAdvisor’s rental platform. Rob and Scott, subsequently, made patrimonial claims for a combined €630,000, because both men’s health and finances had taken a huge hit through being unable to work because of the case. Rob also believed the courts were pursuing the case against him in retaliation for the patrimonial claim, and that it was down to “pressure” from TripAdvisor. Spain’s Public Prosecutor is looking into Rob’s latest case, while TripAdvisor refused to comment on his original allegations to the online paper.

‘Innocent’ expat is facing jail for leaving country

News / Community News

5th April 2019 - 11th April 2019

35 CW

Tenerife Loves Karaoke

Janet puts spell on us TENERIFE Loves Karaoke, sponsored by The Duke Shops, Costa Adeje, offers a €1,000 prize package for the winner, and an opportunity to perform at this year’s Tenerife Entertainment Awards.

This week, we headed back to a firm TLK favourite, Palm Mar’s Clouseau’s Bar for Heat Four, and, as in the past, there was a great atmosphere and a fabulous local crowd awaiting the contestants. As in all previous heats this year, Clouseau’s Bar was busy, and we enjoyed another superb evening of fun. Kerry Railton, host for the night, got proceedings underway by introducing the three judges, outlining the voting and what the judges were looking for, along with the prizes available for tonight’s winners, and the overall winner. Sue was first on with a Lynn Anderson number, Rose Garden, which set, immediately, the standard for

the evening, and she even provided some dance moves. Then Pete took to the stage, singing Hey Girl Don’t Bother Me by The Tams, which certainly pleased the crowd. Linda followed with Lee Ann Womack’s I Hope You Dance, and Dave then provided his version of Gerry and the Pacemakers’ I Like It, which

had the crowd going again. Former TLK finalist Janet treated us to the Annie Lennox version of I Put A Spell On You, which was followed by Chris performing Neil Diamond’s Sweet Caroline. Next up was Chelsea, another former TLK Finalist, with a crowd-pleaser, Mamma Mia, by ABBA. Brian took us to the

break with the Beatles’ toetapper Eight Days A Week, and how the crowd loved it! The second half was soon underway, and we were treated to Dean Martin’s Little Old Wine Drinker Me. Then came an upbeat version of Brian Adams’ Heaven, by DJ Sammy, followed by another Neil Diamond classic, Love

On The Rocks. A Tom Jones number was next, I Who Have Nothing, then a brilliant version of the Mary Poppins classic Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. When we’d all caught our breath, Kingston Town was performed, and the final song was a version of Dead Prez’ Hip Hop. Kerry soon confirmed that the two going into this year’s semi-finals would be Chelsea and Janet, both receiving their heat trophies. Everyone who participated was in top form, and all those who came to watch this heat had a fun-filled night at Clouseau’s Bar. We look forward to the next heat. All at Tenerife Loves Karaoke thank everyone who entered this heat, as well as the owners and staff at Clouseau’s, who made this another memorable occasion, and our sponsors, The Duke Shops. The next Tenerife Loves Karaoke takes place tomorrow (Saturday) at Marguy’s Bar and Restaurant, in Los Cristianos. Rules are posted on, and terms and conditions apply.

CW 36

News / Community News

5th April 2019 - 11th April 2019

Cats Welfare News

What a pretty girl WE have a litter of seven gorgeous kittens, including the little girl pictured. Her brothers and sisters have similar markings, and they are all looking for loving homes.

They are eight weeks old, and have been wormed and de-flead. They are very playful and litter trained. If you would like to meet them, please send us a private Facebook message. Alternatively, please ring/WhatsApp Sandra (English, Spanish and German) on 671 282 773 after 6pm, or Sharon (English) on 662 524 006. *All cats go for a week’s trial, in your home.* Bargains galore! Our shop is situated on San Blas, Golf del Sur (behind Hiperdino), and we are open seven days a week, 10am6pm. The income generated here is extremely vital to the work we do with the cats and kittens on the island. Our veterinary bills are huge, and we rely on the kindness of our supporters to keep us going, not only with their much-needed donations of money, but also the great assortment of items they give us to sell. We have customers from various countries, and many visit us from all over Tenerife.

Holidaymakers return, year after year, eager to snap up a bargain. We stock good-quality clothes of all sizes, at sensible, low prices, as well as household effects, toys and jigsaws, and beautiful jewellery. Browse through our extensive selection of books, which include murder-mysteries, romances and biographies. We stock a wide range of CDs and DVDs , including music and film, and everything is in excellent condition. It really doesn’t seem like a charity shop at all! Have a look at the designer rail, and treat yourself to names such as Ralph Lauren, Hugo Boss, Karen Millen, Julien Macdonald and many more, all at fantastically-low prices! Many of our customers are residents, and like nothing

more than to pop in regularly, checking to see what has been put on the rails and shelves, since their last visit. So come along, and see what you can find! Shop volunteers We always need people who would like to work in our charity shop. Shifts are from 10am-2pm and 2-6pm, and you will never work alone. The air-conditioned shop has a lovely atmosphere, and tea, coffee, and a fridge full of goodies are provided. They’re all there to be enjoyed, while in the company of our friendly volunteers, and very valued customers! If you are interested, contact us on Facebook, ring/WhatsApp Sharon on 662 524 006, or pop into the shop for more information. Even if you can only spare a few hours a week, that’s fine! Clothes, books and jigsaws We are appealing to you all, please, for both ladies’ and men’s clothes, for our shop. We also need books of all genres, and in great condition, as well as jigsaws. Please have a look around at home, and drop them into the shop. If you don’t have transport, or have large, bulky items such as furniture and household effects to donate, please ring Mark on 636 590 557, and he will arrange collection from you.

Live Arico News

Little orphan Annie

ANNE is only a year old, and very affectionate. She’s great with everyone and loves to play. She is tiny, only the size of a breeze-block, and weighs about five kilos. Every one loves her at the shelter, but she deserves and needs a family to call her own. Do you have an Annie-sized place in your family? Contact Marc on 652 297 853 to ask more questions, or arrange a play date. Come and walk the doggies! Join the Live Arico dogwalking club on Saturday mornings from 9am-1pm. Our dogs absolutely love it, and you can keep fit and find a

furry friend at the same time. Send a WhatsApp to Oceana on 659 242 572 for further details, or just pop in and meet the dogs. Live Arico shops Come and bag a bargain at our shops. Donations are always very much appreciated. San Eugenio - opposite Hotel La Nina, at Las Carabelas, near Amanda’s Bar. Open weekdays 10am-4pm, Saturday 10am-2pm and now Sundays 11am-3pm. Los Cristianos - Calle Revron, near Thistle and Dragon Bar and play-park. Open Monday-Friday (10am-4pm), Saturday 10am-2pm and Sunday 11am-3pm. Join us on Facebook - Live Arico P.A.W.S Tenerife

Molly’s Animal Care News

Meet Simba

THIS lovely chap is urgently looking for a foster home or forever family. He was a well-loved family pet, but, when a baby came along, the family could not cope, and had no option but to give him up. He’s not enjoying kennels and really needs to be in a home environment. He is medium-sized with long hair, and a lovely friendly boy who loves lots of fuss and cuddles. He’s fine with other dogs, too. Please get in touch, if you can offer our lovely Simba a home.

News / Community News

5th April 2019 - 11th April 2019

37 CW

A lovely lad! Lucky boy! Accion del Sol News

K9 Animal News

THIS picture of Jones was taken just as he was coming back from a long walk in the sun. He was thirsty and a bit tired.

Fiona, from K9, tells the story: “He arrived at K9 a few months ago, after being found in a barranca by three young men. This beautiful boy was very skinny and nervous, and had no idea what was going on. We took him in and discovered he had no chip, so no owner could be contacted. “He spent the first few days with us, shaking, and would not let anyone get too close. He looked very scared and confused, and it did take him some time to settle in and begin to trust us. “Jones is a handsome boy with a lot of different colouring, and he is still quite young. We knew he needed a play mate. We matched him with one our other new arrivals at the time, Grace, but we think she was a bit too much for him. “Luckily for us, we had three other dogs sharing at the

time, another male and two females, who welcomed Jones into their little pack. So he became part of their gang. For those of you who come, regularly, to the kennels, you will know that the three dogs

that Jones shared with went to their forever homes, all within a week. “Scrappy went to Holland, Elmo got adopted here on the island, and Chris was out on trial, also in Tenerife. Jones was left on his own, not really understanding what was going on. One day he had three friends, and, within three days, they were all gone. “Where was his new family? Did he not deserve a second chance? Jones is a very sweet, quiet boy, who likes to play, and gets on with a lot of dogs. We were able to quickly match Jones with two other dogs in the shelter, another male and a female. We think they are all about the same age. “He loves getting out for long walks, and is happy with, or without, other dogs, while out and about. He has come out of his shell and loves to get pets and cuddles from us all. And, of course, he loves to get treats, too! He needs his forever home, and a loving family to welcome him in to their lives.” You can get in touch by calling 667 638 468, or emailing

Helping Hands News

Children’s group will soon have busy hands

CHILDREN’S charity Helping Hands in Tenerife has donated €8,000 to Granadilla’s Centro Guaidyl, via its director, Paco Rodriguez.

Centro Guaidyl is a special centre, providing support and protection for its youngsters and their families, who are experiencing difficult circumstances. This latest project by Helping Hands, which has been supporting the Centre since 2011, and will continue to do so, will provide the following for

the 30 children there: *Educational Activities, including Sports Programmes. *Scientific Workshops *PequeChef Food Workshop *Yoga Workshop *Music Therapy *Computer Material for 2019/2020 *Summer Activities Liz Montague, co-founder of the charity, said: “Thank you to all our supporters and donors, who give their continued support year in, year out. “Their attendance at our fundraising events makes these projects possible.”

THIS gorgeous pure Yorkie arrived at the refuge in terrible condition, with badlyovergrown nails. He is in his later years, but he’s been very lucky. After veterinary care, and a full makeover and pedicure, he has, luckily, found a new owner who will care for him, and give him the love he so deserves. Travel volunteers We are desperately looking for people who are travelling to Cologne, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Leipzig, Berlin or Hamburg, who would be willing to take a dog with them to his or her new home. We are not allowed to transport dogs without a passenger. Everything is taken care of by our staff, and AktionTier meet you at the airport, on arrival and departure, and all paperwork is organised by us. Please contact us if you would like to help the dogs reach their forever homes. Assistance required We are always looking for people to walk the dogs in the refuge during opening hours. Please do call the refuge on 664 321 219 or 602 463 242,

between 8am-5pm, if you can help in any way. We always need tinned dog-food for our older animals, plus blankets, towels, sheets, dog toys, collars and leads. You can call into the Accion refuge on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday afternoons, from 2-5pm, and Saturdays between 1-4pm. Find us here Accion del Sol is situated directly under the Ecological Park (exit 52) on the northbound TF-1. Head for the giant windmills, and you’ll find us in the buildings on the righthand side. E-mail the refuge at or, for further details, visit our Facebook page: action tier Accion del Sol.

CW 38

Wine and Dine

The Swan

Fresh food served 7 days a week, all with goodquality produce. We also cater for any special requirements. Daily Specials. Friday: Cod and chips night. Sunday Lunch: 12noon - 8pm. Bookings advisable. MOndayS’ Feature nights: 5 course special on the roof terrace. Call for more information and reservations. 24hr-notice for paella, lamb shank, fillet steak or ask us for anything you fancy. Or just pop in for a drink, with live entertainment every night, 9pm - midnight, and your favourite quiz on Sunday evenings. Great entertainment, even greater value!

In front of Margarita Apartments, Los Cristianos

Open: 10am - Late. Food until 8pm

Call: 922 795 865

5th April 2019 - 11th April 2019

Healthy tale of kale KALE is being heralded as “the new beef”, “the Queen of Greens” and “a nutritional powerhouse.” There are several great benefits of adding more kale to your diet:

Good for digestion Kale is made from fibrous material, and, like most leafy greens, it’s great for aiding digestion and elimination. One big tip is to eat the stems, which contain a highquantity of prebiotics, which are food for the probiotics in your microbiome. Although they’re tough raw, they become a delicious, breadstick-like treat when sauteed in a drop of avocado or olive oil, with some sea salt. High in iron Per calorie, kale has more iron than beef. Iron is essential for good health, especially for women, because it helps with the formation of haemoglobin and enzymes, transports oxygen to various parts of the body, and aids in cell growth and proper liver function - and more. High in Vitamin K Eating a diet high in Vitamin K

can help protect against various cancers. Vitamin K1 has always been known as the “coagulation” vitamin, because it helps keep the body’s blood-clotting mechanism functioning in a

The Oyster Catcher

Calle el Pulpo, 2, 38618, Los Abrigos

Call: 669 144 385 Facebook: The Oyster Catcher Tenerife

The Oyster Catcher restaurant is re-opening in Los Abrigos. The Oyster Catcher is happy to announce that it will be opening the doors to its new premises this month. Offering the same menu and friendly service Angel and his team look forward to welcoming back all their customers at their new place.

healthy manner. Vitamin K2, on the other hand, has been shown to activate 17 proteins. For example, vitamin K2 activates a protein called osteocalcin, which ensures that as much bone is built

Imperio del Pintxo

The menu at Imperio del Pintxo is based on flavours from around the world with Canarian gastronomic fusion.


Paseo Marcial Garcia, 23 local 3, El Medano Open: Midday to 11pm

Call: 922 17 63 04

Wine and Dine

5th April 2019 - 11th April 2019 to replace the bone that is broken down. Vitamin K2 also encourages a protein called Matrix gla protein (MGP) to keep arteries healthy by discouraging calcium from sticking to the walls. It’s been shown to be protective against osteoporosis, cancer and diabetes. Powerful antioxidants Antioxidants are molecules that offer up one of their electrons to the free radicals, thereby neutralising the free radicals and keeping them from stealing an electron from our cells. At its best, this strong network of warriors can stop up to 99% of free radicals from damaging our cells. Antioxidants, such as carotenoids and flavonoids, help protect against various cancers. Kale contains high levels of antioxidants. However, they are are heatsensitive, so blanching is your best way to preserve them. Anti-inflammatory food One cup of kale is filled with 10% of the RDA of omega-3 fatty acids, which help fight inflammation in the body by supporting the

endocannabinoid system, fighting heart disease, helping the brain, and more. Cardiovascular support One study of men found that eating kale, regularly, significantly improved coronary artery risk factors. The men juiced the kale, but, to protect the thyroid, it is recommended that it is lightly cooked before consuming. Vitamin A Vitamin A is great for your vision and your skin, as well as helping to prevent lung and oral cancers. Vitamin C Vitamin C deficiency can cause rapidly increasing signs and conditions of ageing. Humans cannot manufacture large amounts of Vitamin C on their own. Signs of deficiency include easy bruising, low iron levels and bleeding gums. This important anti-ageing nutrient exists in abundance in kale, although it is heat sensitive, so lightly saute or blanch the leafy green, to preserve it. High in calcium Per calorie, kale has more calcium than milk. Calcium

is a mineral that’s important for building and maintaining strong bones, and for carrying out a large number of body processes such as

cell signalling involved in muscle and nerve function, and helping blood vessels transport blood through the body.

39 CW

A great detox food Kale is filled with fibre and sulfur, both great for detoxifying the body, and keeping the liver healthy.

CW 40


By Val Sainsbury FOR older people, fitness may be more informative than traditional, cardiovascular risk factors.

Researchers have uncovered one more reason to get off the couch and start exercising, especially if you’re approaching your golden years. Among people over age 70, physical fitness was found to be a much better predictor of survival than the number of traditional cardiovascular risk factors. While high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes and smoking are closely linked with a person’s chance of developing heart disease, these factors are so common in older people that the total number of risk factors becomes almost meaningless for predicting future health. A new study suggests doctors can get a better picture of older patients’ health by looking at how fit they are, rather than how many of these cardiovascular risk factors they have. “We found that fitness is an extremely strong risk predictor of survival in the older age

Fitness points to growing old

5th April 2019 - 11th April 2019

group. Regardless of whether you are otherwise healthy or have cardiovascular risk factors, being fitter means you’re more likely to live longer than someone who is less fit,” said Seamus P. Whelton, Assistant Professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in the US, and the study’s lead author. “This finding emphasises the importance of being fit, even when you’re older.” Doctors use cardiovascular risk factors to help guide decisions about preventative measures and medications. Previous studies have shown that quitting smoking and controlling blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes can reduce heart disease risk. However, most studies of cardiovascular risk factors have focused on middleaged people, leaving a knowledge gap regarding the importance of these risk factors in older people. The team analysed medical records from more than 6,500 people aged 70 years and older, who underwent an exercise stress test at a medical centre, between

1991 and 2009. They assessed fitness, based on patients’ performance during the exercise stress test, which required patients to exercise on a treadmill as hard as they could. On average, participants were 75 years old when they underwent the stress test. Researchers tracked the patients for an average of just under 10 years, during which time 39% of them died. Over this period, the researchers

found higher fitness was associated with significantly increased rates of survival. The fittest individuals were more than twice as likely to be alive 10 years later, compared with those who were least fit. In contrast, a patient’s total number of cardiovascular risk factors was not associated with their risk of death, and patients with zero risk factors had essentially the same likelihood of dying as those

with three or more risk factors. Whelton said the findings demonstrate that fitness level is an important indicator of an older patient’s health that doctors could benefit from considering more often. While an exercise stress test using a treadmill or stationary bicycle provides the most precise way to measure fitness, doctors can also get a general idea of a patient’s fitness level by asking about their exercise routine. “Assessing fitness is a lowcost, low-risk and lowtechnology tool that is underutilised in clinical practice for risk stratification,” he said. The study did not account for any changes in fitness level that the participants may have experienced over time. However, previous studies have suggested that improving fitness can help improve heart health, even late in life. “People who aren’t exercising or are sedentary would benefit from starting a routine of moderatelyintense exercise, though they should talk with their doctor first,” Whelton said.

Tunnel vision Tunnelling is the narrowing of the vision of the driver because of driving too quickly. At a higher speed, peripheral vision is reduced, and we fail to see the whole area. We must always adapt the speed limit to the conditions at the time,

because tunnel vision can contribute to accidents. Highway hypnosis This is one of the most strange and peculiar things that can happen while driving. It generally happens in monotonous situations e.g. on motorways. Sometimes, this occurs when you are driving, calmly, and the journey is predictable. The brain will disconnect, and our minds will drift to other things. In these cases, the driving returns to normal, automatically, and we may may not know anything has occurred. Fatigue This is by far the most common cause of accidents, and is easily remedied. The best way is to ensure that you sleep well, you are hydrated correctly with plenty of fluids (not alcohol), and that you allow yourself sufficient time to get to your destination. However, fatigue is not only dependent on the driver, but also on the roads and the car.

Common causes of bad driving By Emma

from Motorworld

THE most common cause of bad driving, according to the DGT, is tiredness. We are all probably aware of the signs, in the UK, on various roads, “Tiredness Kills”, which is a very powerful slogan.

But, all too often, busy lifestyles get in the way, and people drive when they are tired or overtired. They stand the chance of falling asleep, or nodding off, momentarily. According to the DGT in Spain, fatigue causes 20-30% of road-traffic accidents. Their findings also state that being under a lot of stress

has an adverse effect on driving, as people are tired, lack concentration and show reduced attention. They are, therefore, more likely to have accidents. As is often the case, prevention of this is in the hands of the driver. It goes without saying that we should

not drive when tired, and, if we are, it is better to pull over and rest, and have some coffee to wake ourselves up before resuming our journey. It’s far better to arrive a little late, than not at all. Some of the other things that affect driving in an adverse way are: 5th April 2019 - 11th April 2019


41 CW

CW 42


Sudoku X Just enter the numbers 1 - 9 once in each row, column and 3 x 3 square within the sudoku X puzzle grid. In addition to standard sudoku, the numbers must only occur once in each side of the ‘X’ that is marked on the grid. 4 3 2

5th April 2019 - 11th April 2019

Across 1. Not so difficult (6) 4. Single figure (5) 7. Environment (6) 8. Rodent-catching cat (6) 9. Vivacity (4) 10. Made ready (8) 12. Work of outstanding artistry (11) 17. Obvious — clumsy (8)


19. Renown (4) 20. Gaffes (6) 21. Engrave (6) 22. Grass-like plant growing in wet places (5) 23. Stick one’s oar in (6) Down 1. Witty saying (7) 2. Mariners (7)

3. Kit (9) 4. Hang down loosely (5) 5. Pertaining to the stomach (7) 6. Diatribe (6) 11. Swear word (9) 13. Guaranteed (7) 14. Obliterated (7) 15. As a group (2,5) 16. New York borough (6) 18. Endured (5)

3 7 5 8 9 2




2 5 9 4 8 6 5 5 6 3



And 2 normal sudokus for you as well...

8 1 5


3 2 1 9 7 6 2 1 8 5 5 9 8 1 5 7 4 2 6 6 5 3

30-Second Brain Training Write your final answer in the last box of the line. Aim to complete each round in about 30 seconds. Good Luck! Beginner Starter Number













of this











property for rent


3 2 6 7 2 5 1 8 9

Starter Number











of this


2 4 8 7


1 3 9 7

Find the answers to these puzzles on our website


+123 x2 2

÷6 +211 7

+152 x2 Beginner

3 2 5



2 1 4 3

8 1



Advanced Starter Number

1 4 9 3



Starter Number




of this






4/11 of this















of this











Intermediate Starter Number









x13 +124


of this 3


of this







Advanced Starter Number





of this











of this





of this



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5th April 2019 - 11th April 2019

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43 CW

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5th April 2019 - 11th April 2019

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5th April 2019 - 11th April 2019

45 CW

Tenerife shape up for the safety zone

CD Tenerife

FOUR points from their last two games have left Tenerife seven points above the relegation zone, after an amazing home win over league leaders Osasuna, and an away draw with Albacete.

We stressed that these matches could shape Tenerife’s future in this league, and if these results are anything to go by, then the future is looking brighter! Against Osasuna at the Heliodoro, Tenerife started slowly and were simply outplayed by a superior side, who went 2-0 up within half-an-hour, after two goals in as many minutes from Roberto Ibáñez and Brandon. But with loud encouragement from the blanquiazul faithful, they fought back gallantly during the second half. They forced an own-goal from Osasunas Unai Garcia

Albacete 2 CD Tenerife 2

in the 62nd minute to make it 2-1, before a nail-biting finish saw Unai Lopez score twice for Tenerife, in the 79th and 84th minutes, to complete an amazing comeback. It earned them three valuable points with a final 3-2 score. If that were not enough, last Saturday’s trip to thirdplaced Albacete was just as incredible. A buoyant Tenerife went to the mainland, still seeking their first away win of the season, against a team striving to reach second place, and an automatic promotion spot. Albacete showed their intention from the off, and, instantly, pressurised Tenerife in the hope of forcing a breakthrough. But on this occasion, Tenerife stood tall, held their own, and even broke free themselves. A well-worked move saw Suso in space on the right side of goal, and

he caught Albacete off guard with a clinical acrossgoal finish, the ball nestling in the far corner to give the visitors a surprise 1-0 lead after only seven minutes. But Albacete heads did not drop, and they continued to dominate with a couple of good chances to draw level. This pressure came to fruition in the 28th minute, when a beautiful move between Febas and Fran García resulted in a cross finding Zozulia in the box, and he looped a brilliant header over Dani to make it 1-1. Oltra’s team tried to move forward and have more possession, with Luis Milla and Racic pushing hard, but a goal was never going to be easy against a team with excessive ambition, and playing good football. When the teams came out for the second half,

Albacete scored one of the goals of the season after only 90 seconds. Midfielder Bela unleashed an almighty shot from 25 yards that beat everyone, including the Tenerife keeper, to put Albacete 2-1 ahead. The rest of the half was back and forth, with chances for both teams, as Tenerife again refused to give up. A hard shot by Racic, 15 minutes from the end, forced Tomeu Nadal into a good save, and Malbasic floated one over the keeper that looked goal-bound, but the ball hit the crossbar and found safety. Bela had a chance to wrap up the match with an open header, six yards out, but Dani came to the rescue with an acrobatic save to keep Tenerife in the match. In injury time, as the final whistle and another away loss drew ever closer, Dani hoofed the ball upfield in the hope of something,

and Malbasic got it under control, then headed towards the Albacete goal. With two players on him, he managed to shape a shot from 12 yards out that went under Nadal, and, unbelievably, made the scoreline 2-2 in what turned out to be the last kick of the game. Tenerife and coach Oltra must be delighted with not only the results, but the attitude and play they showed in these matches, as they face another tricky match tonight (Friday) at 8pm at home against Sporting Gijón, who have been on a roll lately with four wins and a draw in their last five matches. Having said that, Tenerife, now unbeaten in five, are slowly but surely moving away from the danger zone and starting to consolidate their league position. Can they win at home? Of course, they can!

CW 46


5th April 2019 - 11th April 2019

Proud Paula hits big-time ANOTHER huge turnout at Camping Nauta saw Gio, from Pas O Nadas ‘B’, win through to another final, clashing with Sundowners’ Paula, who will be making her first appearance on the big stage in the women’s Memorial Trophy showdown at Showtime.

Ash, also from Sundowners, who reached the final in the men’s Division 2 competition, will face Waterfall’s Dave on presentation night. The Oasis Fm League’s big guns fought hard all night to take their place in the Memorial Trophy’s Men’s Division 1 final, with Daddy Cool, from Pas O Nadas ‘A’, facing The Pub’s Mitch, representing The Pub. Thanks again to Debbie and Ray for hosting the event, and to all who helped

Watch this week’s major sporting events at the following venues:

in every way. You are all appreciated! We are anticipating a great

night tonight (Friday), so let’s get behind the players and cheer them on…

and, of course, enjoy the food, drink and entertainment.


Sterling’s Wembley treat for boys at his old school

RAHEEM Sterling, now a great favourite at Premier Division leaders Manchester City, is paying for 550 pupils from his old school to attend the Premier Division leaders’ FA Cup semi-final against Brighton at Wembley tomorrow (Saturday). Students from the Ark Elvin Academy in London also met the England winger at City’s training complex in

Manchester on Thursday. The 24-year-old forward was raised near Wembley, after moving from Jamaica with his family at the age of five. He studied at Copland Community School, which was renamed in 2014. Sterling, who appeared shot-shy in front of goal at one stage of his budding career, has scored 19 goals for City this season, and is subsidising ticket-and-transport costs for pupils to get to and from the match. The dazzling striker has made charitable donations in the past, especially in 2017, when he gave a “substantial”, undisclosed

contribution to the fund set up after the Grenfell Tower fire. Tomorrow’s match will be City’s fourth trip to Wembley this season, following the Community Shield, the Carabao Cup final and their away game against Tottenham. But the club are, reportedly, struggling to sell their full allocation of tickets. Manager Pep Guardiola’s side will then to play their following two fixtures in London. They travel to Tottenham in the first leg of their Champions League quarter-final on Tuesday (9th April), before resuming their Premier League duties at Crystal Palace on Sunday (14th April). 5th April 2019 - 11th April 2019


47 CW

CW 48

Advertisement 5th April 2019 - 11th April 2019

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