Cw issue 834

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Issue 834 20th December 2013 - 9th January 2014

Inside this week...

Tickled pink: Walk for Life’s success

See page 6

Lee Rigby’s killers found guilty See page 10

“Merry Christmas” See full message on page 3


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20th December 2013 - 9th January 2014


e h T President’s

message at Christmas

“DURING my first holiday season as President of the Tenerife Government, I would like to convey to you the same optimism which I employ in my day-to-day work at the Cabildo. We have experienced a very difficult 12 months, and we have pooled our efforts to build our resistance during this period of crisis that we hope to overcome soon. My main goal since I took on this responsibility, just three months ago, has been to work hard to reduce high unemployment rates and make it easier to find stable jobs. It is our duty to take urgent measures against the risk of social exclusion, which can result from long-term unemployment, and explore all avenues open to us to find financial resources that will generate work. Through the Employment Plan, with nearly three million euros and other measures in place, more than 1,500 people will get a job in the New Year. To revive the economy, we will allocate 87.7 million euros to an ambitious investment plan, with over 220 actions around the Island, in co-operation with the municipal councils. It is time to discuss less and act more: to implement aid programmes to create jobs and to promote economic activity and consumption. Also, to help companies to improve their sales and exports. All these measures are feasible if we contribute our bit. Maybe it’s time, also, to encourage citizens to participate and contribute their ideas towards an open, transparent government. The spirit of Christmas must be with us for all these good intentions: in every moment, every gesture, every intention and every decision we make, so that good things happen. I sincerely hope that the sum of each individual’s wish will become a common goal to achieve a more prosperous future for the people of this island. Merry Christmas to you all!”

Carlos Alsonso, President

Cabildo’s Budget puts the emphasis on employment EMPLOYMENT generation, social spending and investment policies are Tenerife Cabildo’s priorities in its 2014 Budget.

Cabildo President Carlos Alonso, accompanied by Juan Carlos Pérez Frías, Vice President and Finance General Co-ordinator, presented the agreed Budget in more detail at a press conference. Alonso said it was exactly what Tenerife needed to begin to emerge from the recession, as well as to improve the people’s welfare. Despite a similar overall figure to last year’s budget, the cash will be

distributed differently to meet the Cabildo’s objectives. The budget of the Institute for Social and Geriatric Care (IASS) has been increased by 5.4% and is set at 109 million euros. The investment policy is marked by the reduction in repayments of the Cabildo’s debt. A sum of 110m euros has been paid off this year, but that figure will drop to 46m euros in 2014, effectively freeing up more funds for investment. As for personnel costs, a 6.9% growth is expected as a result of new business generated through the Employment Plan, which should see more than

20th December 2013 - 9th January 2014

1,500 people employed through several initiatives, including: *The Cabildo’s Employment Plan, worth 3m euros *An agreement with the Canarian Employment Service, with a

total budget of 4.2m euros, providing 750 new contracts *A recruitment programme for local development, for which 280,000 euros has been earmarked *A project to improve natural spaces through funds amounting to 2.8m euros, which will give create 132 new jobs The budget also includes a major 87.7meuro investment scheme, which includes more than 220 projects throughout the Island. All the municipalities have co-operated with the plan, and will act as a catalyst for economic activity in Tenerife. And it will be accompanied by the generation of employment for the plan’s

development. The Metropolitan area of Santa Cruz will benefit from 15.5m euros, and there’s 15.2m for the South, 13.1m for municipalities in the North, 6.2m for Daute-Isla Baja and a further 37.6m for other areas. For other projects, a 6.1m-euro sum has been set aside for Municipal Co-operation. There will also be 20.7m euros for road improvements throughout the Island, 3.9m for 23 sporting projects, 3.8m for tourism investments, 4.4m for improvements to water provision, and 2.2m for improvements to the IASS (Institute for Social and Socio-Sanitary Care) centres.

Work scheduled on Tenerife roads in the South includes the junction at Armeñime, in Adeje (300,000 euros) and Charco del Pino, in Granadilla (258,700). Among the sports projects are the improvement of southern facilities in Arona and San Miguel. As for tourism, a 500,000-euro sum is included for improving areas such Arico’s coastal path. A 111.5m-euro figure has been set aside for Welfare policies and Social action, and there’s a 1.5m contribution for the development of basic sports, with other funds destined for culture and care of the elderly.

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Adeje gets to grips with domestic violence issues

ADEJE has had domestic violence issues firmly on the agenda for the past three months.

So much so that is has been running prevention and help awareness classes for council staff members, associations and local groups. Mayor José Miguel Rodríguez Fraga, Welfare Councillor Amada Trujillo Bencomo and Equality Councillor Juan Desiderio Afonso Ruiz attended this week’s closing session of the three-month programme, held in the lo-

cal Integrated Security Centre, ESIADE. During the event, a Local Police representative assisted at the talk given by Patricia G Ojeda, a sociologist and expert in equal opportunities. The integrated programme was funded jointly by the regional government, the Canarian Equality Institute, the Social and Socio-Health Institute, and Tenerife Cabildo, through the Mirabel programme. It was designed to upgrade the level of awareness - the visibility and public sensitivity to domestic violence. Mayor Rodríguez Fra-

ga said: “Public institutions have a particular responsibility, and we must report, prevent and condemn aggressive behaviour and discrimination against women. “The different actions undertaken over the past few months have provided an excellent opportunity to analyse the right way of protecting and helping those victims of this social scourge.” He said that Adeje Council would continue to view the prevention of domestic violence as of primary importance, promoting initiatives based on the implemen-

tation of equality-based local politics. “We need to continue to build a fruitful present and an enriching future that will benefit everyone,” he added. The Mayor also stressed the importance of the Local Police’s role in the prevention of domestic violence, and their readiness to take action when and where needed. The two councillors present said the project had seen a definite increase in the awareness among people of this “serious problem that affects our society”. They added: “During these three months,

quite a few welcome initiatives have been developed by different Adeje groups, such as the video created by a group of young people for social networks, and the art exhibition of works by pupils from the IES Adeje. “The Mirabel programme has also strengthened the lines of communication between institutions and teams who specialise in working with victims and children in this situation.” The talks and workshops concentrated on three areas: Firstly, professionals who intervene directly with victims

of domestic violence; among them borough employees, those working with minors, health workers, police, family intervention, etc. The second focus was on the educational area, with training for teachers in primary and secondary schools. And the third area of concentration was on parents’ associations, together with parallel talks taking place for social and borough-based organisations. Workers in communications were also invited to take part, and examined how they reported on issues of domestic violence.

Why the poor get poorer IT will take an inheritance for people born in the Sixties for them to be wealthier than the previous generation when they retire.

That’s the startling findings of the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS), which found that in their 40s and 50s are less likely to own a home than people 10 years older.

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Their incomes are also no higher and their private pensions are smaller, which suggests an end to the steadily-rising incomes and living standards since World War Two. The IFS analysed the economic circumstances of individuals born between the Forties and Seventies. And the only area in which they will be better off than the previous generation is that they are more likely to

inherit wealth. Around 70% of those born in the late Seventies expect to receive an inheritance, compared with 28% of those born in the early Forties, says the IFS. But even though they are more likely to inherit, the benefits will not be evenly spread. And though it seems so unfair, those who are the wealthiest are likely to receive the most. The IFS found that the incomes of working-age adults were no higher in

real terms than those of the generation born a decade earlier. True, those born in the Sixties and Seventies did earn higher incomes when they were younger, but they spent lavishly. That means they will probably not have more money saved than the generation before them. The end of finalsalary pension schemes means they will suffer in comparison with the previous generation. And when they come

to claim the state pension, it will make up a smaller proportion of their previous earnings. Also, rising property prices have now made it much harder to get on the housing ladder, with home ownership among the Sixties and Seventies generation falling to about two-thirds, compared with a peak of four-fifths among those born in the 1940s and 1950s, the report said. A UK Government spokesman said it was

“committed to protecting pensioners”, citing the protection of benefits such as free buspasses and TV licences. “We are reforming the UK’s state pension system to be more sustainable for the future, and widening access to a workplace pension,” he said. “These combined reforms will improve the incomes of nine million people currently facing inadequate income in retirement.”

20th December 2013 - 9th January 2014

Rivero stands his own ground


Primark only months away

CANARIES President Paulino Rivero “will not submit” to any proposals by Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy which do not favour the Island.

They are meeting on 8th January and Rivero says he will be open to productive dialogue, remaining loyal to central government - but even more loyal to his own government. The gettogether, at Madrid’s Moncloa Palace, was arranged after a letter Rivero wrote a few weeks ago to Rajoy and King Juan Carlos. He expressed concern that the Canary Islands were developing a “disaffection to the State” since the current Government came to power. The meeting was made possible when Madrid opened the door to talks, said Rivero, who added that the door to the Canaries had always been open. Jose Manuel Soria, Spain’s Minister of In-

AS Canarian Weekly revealed back in October, there was never any chance of Primark opening in Tenerife before Christmas.

dustry, Energy and Tourism, spoke earlier in the week to representatives of the Forum of Friends of Tenerife South (FAST) about tourism issues. He

stressed to FAST members that the King had not arranged the meeting, Yet Rivero did speak with the King last Friday and said “other matters” had been discussed.

But the profit-making, cut-price, clothing chain is now recruiting staff in anticipation of a grand opening in Santa Cruz’s Meridian Mall in the next few months. Applicants can now register on the company’s Tenerife web page.

Canary Islands repeat business is on the up...

AROUND 1.4 million tourists have visited the Canaries more than 10 times and, generally, they are “satisfied and happy” with their holidays. That’s the view of Ricardo Fernández de la Puente, Deputy Minister of Tourism, who admits the number of repeat visitors from the mainland has dwindled in recent years because of the recession. But he adds: “People from Britain, Germany and Nordic countries account for between 30-40% of visitors to the Archipelago, and provide valuable support

to the economy.” Mario Otero, Deputy Minister of Tourism and Director of Airports in the Canaries, has launched a promotion campaign aimed at obtaining information from visitors. It is aimed at tourists returning to their home countries from the Canary Islands, and will runs until 20th January in the departure lounges at Tenerife North and South, Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria, La Palma and Lanzarote. A 37-strong team are inviting tourists to take part in a draw for a trip for two to their favourite Canary Island, in re-

20th December 2013 - 9th January 2014

turn for them completing a digital questionnaire. The survey asks participants about their reasons for visiting the Canaries, as well as their interests (among other things). Finally, respondents will be required to give permission for their personal details to be held in the promoter’s database. In the busiest airports, those who participate will also be invited to pose for a promotional New Year photo, which can be uploaded to their Social Network profiles.

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Charity’s fabulous Pink Walk is a real life-saver

LOS CRISTIANOS turned vivid pink on Sunday as more than 2,000 supporters took part in Sunday’s traditional Walk for Life along the beach front.

A total of 18,000 euros raised on the day - with much more to come in sponsorships - will be shared between for the Spanish Cancer Association and AMATE, the Association for Women Affected by Breast Cancer. These organisations fund projects to help women suffering from this illness, as well as helping to fund research into treatments and the cause of breast cancer. Adeje Mayor José Miguel Rodríguez Fraga, who took part in the walk alongside Arona Mayor Francisco Niño Rodríguez, said: “This pink wave also recognis-

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es the strength of those brave women who fight to survive on a daily basis, and must also serve to say a resounding NO to any cutbacks in social and health funding.” And both men agreed that the event “was part of a constant struggle that society needs to be involved in”. Event organiser Brigitte Gypen, who chose this year’s slogan, To Walk Is To Support, said: “The walk is a social event that is emotional and shows solidarity. “It takes place every year between the boroughs of Adeje and Arona to raise funds to fight the fight against breast cancer. And again, it underlines our total support for those who are fighting this illness.” The first of the walkers enrolled at 9am and, as the crowds gathered for the 10.45am start, a Zumba master class was held to get them all

The fund-raising Swallows were out in force on Sunday

warmed up. There was also an exhibition by the Canarian Polish Association, showing photographs of women at different stages of breast cancer treatment. When the supporters finally began what was always going to be a fun-

filled stroll, they were accompanied by the beat of the BlanquiSur drummers, who led the huge group throughout the walk. Those who were unable to complete the course were “rescued” by the Barrera Chinea bus company, which

provided a free service. And others preferred swimming the entire distance. When the pink trail had been completed, entrants were greeted with the song Walk For Life, composed by Luke Towler, a student at the Adeje School of Music and Dance. Luke’s mother told Canarian Weekly readers last year of her sometimes harrowing, sometimes humorous, story of how she beat the dreaded disease. Lucinda Westminister - Cindy to everyone - who has kindly offered her pink Renault Twingo for breast-cancer victims who are no longer given free transport to and from Candelaria Hospital, also joined the walkers and enjoyed every step. “It really was a fabulous day, and I have received several inquiries from people wanting to know more about my

plan,” she said. “I was shocked when I lost my partner through breast cancer 4½ ago and I am determined to help raise as much as possible, whenever possible, for AMATE.” To that aim, she raised more than 5,000 euros recently with an entertainment fund-raiser at Our Place bar in Costa del Silencio, with other schemes on the go as well. Also on the walk were Carole and Mike Hart, who run the hugelypopular Swallows, who meet weekly at the Apolo Centre, Los Cristianos. And they were joined by several other members of the group. Carole, a regular Walk for Lifer, said proudly: “Thank you to everyone who sponsored me to walk on behalf of Swallows - we raised 400 euros - and thank you to those who joined me on the walk.”

20th December 2013 - 9th January 2014


Pensions and benefits - don’t miss the boat! PAYMENTS by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to accounts in Tenerife and mainland Spain will soon need an International Bank Account Number (IBAN) and Bank Identification Code (BIC). After 31st January, Euro-zone banks will not accept any DWP direct payments without these details. If the DWP does not already hold them, you will soon receive a letter asking for them. You should complete the attached form and return it to them as soon as possible. Failure to do so may mean your payments being stopped. You can

Orotava Mayor’s eyes on Park perk

get the IBAN and BIC details from your bank account statement, or directly from your bank. If you have not received a DWP letter, it may mean it has your details already, so you don’t need to do anything further. Those who have their pension or benefits paid into a UK bank account are not affected by this change. Officials from the Department for Work and Pensions are also re-

20th December 2013 - 9th January 2014

minding customers who have changed address, and who have yet to inform the DWP, to contact the International Pension Centre in Newcastle -upon-Tyne on 0044 191 218 7777 to make sure their details are up to date. For more information about the change to European bank account numbers, visit The European Commission website at http:// market/payments/sepa/ index_en.htm

VISITORS to the Teide National Park have been allowed to roam freely to their hearts’ content - until now! An age-old debate appears to have resurfaced because the Mayor of la Orotava, Francisco Linares, proposes that tourists be charged a fee to see the sights of Tenerife’s most prestigious and impressive landmark.

Linares suggests that foreign visitors be charged a nominal half-a-euro to enter the park. He says the money would contribute to the maintenance of the area. But it was made clear that the proposed fee would not apply to residents. Should the levy be introduced, it will generate revenue of around

two million euros a year. Current figures reveal that the park attracts an astonishing four million visitors annually. Linares believes such a small fee would not present a problem, citing Lanzarote’s Timanfaya National Park as an example of a successful pay-to-visit scheme.

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CW News

The editor says...


Where on earth did the time go?

IT is hard to believe it’s Christmas already and we are at the end of another year. I’m still trying to work out where 2012 went, let alone another 365 days.

This year seems to have been a hard one for so many people. The ongoing financial crisis continues to affect everyone’s lives, but there are signs of a recovery for 2014. As Tenerife’s new Cabildo president, Carlos Alonso, says in his first

Christmas message: “I would like to convey to you the same optimism which I employ in my day-to-day work at the Cabildo.” He has made an excellent start as our new local leader and, hopefully, his positivity will inspire Canarians and us ex-pats. The 2014 budget announced this week was also another sign of re-

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covery and, with hard work and a prudent approach, hopefully we can all start to enjoy better days in the new year. This time of the year also allows us to reflect on how we fared. Are we happier, stronger, richer or wiser? Have we learned, listened, evolved or prepared? “Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.” John F. Kennedy whose anniversary we celebrated, 50 years after his assassination. On a personal note, 2013 ends with more sadness. Andy Allen, a well-known, well-liked member of our community, passed away suddenly last week. The term gentle giant was, literally, created for him. His family and friends have drawn comfort from the love that has been expressed, and I’m sure Andy would have smiled wryly at his passing on a golf course. As the great Bruce Springsteen sang: “Now your death is upon us and we’ll return your ashes to the earth. “And I know you’ll take comfort in knowing you’ve been roundly blessed and cursed. “But love is a power greater than death, just like the songs and stories told. “And when she built you, brother, she broke the mould.” From all the Canarian Weekly staff, contributors and those who beaver away behind the scenes, we wish you a very Merry Christmas. Thank you for your support this year, and have a prosperous, happy and safe 2014.

Real and Barcelona under fire from EU

REAL MADRID and Barcelona, Spain’s top clubs, are under investigation by the European Commission for allegedly receiving state aid illegally.

They are among seven clubs being probed, and the Spanish Foreign Ministry says the Commission will also begin proceedings against top-flight clubs Osasuna, Athletic Bilbao, Valencia and Elche. And Hercules, from the second tier, are also under investigation. The European Com-

mission is the executive body of the European Union, responsible for proposing legislation, implementing decisions, upholding the Union’s treaties and the EU’s day-to-day running. But the Spanish Government intends to protest strongly, Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Garcia Margallo stressing: “We will fight to defend Spanish clubs because they’re also part of the Spanish brand and have nor broken EU rules.” The proceedings, announced officially on Wednesday, could take months to conclude. Margallo said Bar-

celona, Real Madrid, Osasuna and Athletic Bilbao were accused of contravening European Union rules because they are still owned by their members and had benefited from favourable tax treatment. The Commission, he added, was also probing Real over their training facilities and Bilbao over financial aid they received for building their new stadium, which opened this season. Valencia, Elche and Hercules are under the microscope because of the help they each received from the regional government in the form of loans and bank guarantees.

No festive joy for the jobless THE stark reality of unemployment in the Canaries was spelled out this week with the news that there are 131 people for every job vacancy. There are 2,995 jobs available for 393,400 unemployed people, according the Labour Force Survey. The depressing statistics comes in the wake of collaboration between the Labour

Force Survey (Encuesta de Población Activa, or EPA) and the National Statistics Institute (INE), referring to figures for the third quarter of 2013. When asked about the low number of vacancies, 91.4% of employers replied that they did not need any more staff, while 3.7% cited high recruitment costs. On a national level, Spain has in the region

of 73,000 vacancies, the majority of which (85%) are in the services sector. The INE also found that salaries in the Canary Islands are 300 euros lower per month than the national average of 1,478 euros, as opposed to the 1,800 euros national average. Wages have fallen by 1.4% against the same period last year - and are continuing to fall!

Avda. Claudio Delgado Diaz 99, Edf. Ayllon Local 2C, Pol. Ind. Las Chafiras, 38639 San Miguel De Abona, Tenerife PRINTED BY: TF Print S.A.

Managing Editor & Director: News Editor: Ross Browning Chris Elkington

Features Editor: John Hennessey

Writer: Maggie Lennard

Design: Joe Price

Sales Manager: John Zammit

Classified Linda Johnson

Contributors: Adi Benson, Carl Pattison, Emma Swain, Geoff Huxtable, Jamie Drew, Joe Ferguson, Mariano Zunino Siri, Margaret Tully, Ruth Benson, Sue McDonald, Val Sainsbury Canarian Weekly takes all reasonable care to check the contents of every advertisement, but cannot accept responsibility for the claims or statements made in them. Also, statements or opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor or Publishers. Material featured in Canarian Weekly may not be reproduced without the explicit written permission of the Editor. Copyright © 2013 Canarian Weekly

20th December 2013 - 9th January 2014


Soap’s not so clean! A M E R I C A’ S health regulator has warned that anti-bacterial chemicals in soaps and body washes could pose health risks.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has proposed a rule requiring manufacturers to prove such soaps are safe and more effective against infection than plain soap and water. And it has called for a safety review of such products. Recent studies indicate an ingredient in such products could scramble hormone levels and boost drugproof bacteria. The proposal rule does not apply to alcoholbased hand-wash cream and products used in healthcare settings.

Manufacturers have until the end of 2014 to submit the results of clinical trials on their products, said the FDA, and new regulations would be finalised in 2016. Colleen Rogers, an FDA microbiologist, said: “New data suggest that the risks associated with long-term, daily use of anti-bacterial soaps may outweigh the benefits.” The FDA added in a statement: “Certain ingredients in such products - such as triclosan in liquid soaps and triclocarban in bar soaps - may contribute to bacterial resistance to antibiotics.” Such products may also have “unanticipated hormonal effects that are of concern”, according to the agency. Recent studies of such chemicals on animals

have shown they may alter hormones, but such results have not yet been proven in humans. The statement continued: “Because so many consumers use them, the FDA believes that there should be clearly demonstrated benefits to balance any potential risks.” If the agency’s proposed rule is finalised, companies would be required to provide data to support their product’s health claims. Otherwise, the products would have to be reformulated or relabelled in order to remain on the market. In March, a federal appeals court approved a lawsuit by the non-profit Natural Resources Defence Council, aimed at forcing the FDA to review the health impacts of triclosan.

The Winter Wonderland is back kids! THE Cabildo’s annual children’s theme park (PIT) opens today (Friday) at the Trade Fair and Congress Centre in Santa Cruz.

Among the main attractions are a 600sqm ice rink and an indoor roller-coaster, and this year’s theme is Fairy Tales. Efraín Medina, director of Economic De-

velopment, Trade and Employment, says more than 250 short-term jobs have been created, and he’s hoping the crowds will exceed last year’s 48,500. The PIT has been a Cabildo initiative since 1989, and aims to provide a place where Tenerife’s younger generation can go to learn and enjoy. The park consists of attractions, games and fun activities for children and young people,

20th December 2013 - 9th January 2014

as well as their parents - and even the young at heart. The attraction will be open from 10am until 8pm daily, except for 24th and 31st December, plus 1st and 5th January, when the hours will vary. The PIT will be closed on 6th January. A team of monitors, security guards, medical personnel and members of the Civil Protection department will be on hand to ensure the visitors’ safety.

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News TWO men have been found guilty of murdering soldier Lee Rigby in a crime that stunned the world. Michael Adebolajo, 29, and 22-year-old Michael Adebowale, ran down Fusilier Rigby with a car before hacking him to death outside Woolwich barracks in south-east London in May. Yesterday (Thursday), a jury of eight women and four men took just 90 minutes to reach their verdict, although the men were found not guilty of attempting to murder a police officer at the scene. Lee Rigby’s relatives broke down in court as the verdicts were delivered. His wife, Rebecca, said: “These people have taken away my baby’s dad, but Lee’s memory lives on through our son and we will never forget him. “I now want to build a future for Jack and make him proud of his dad, like we all are. This has been the toughest time of our lives.” She added: “No one should have to go through what we have been through as a family.” Mr Justice Sweeney will pass sentence after a key appeal court ruling on the use of whole-life terms in January. During the trial, Adebolajo claimed he was a “soldier of Allah” and that the killing was an act of war. It was established that the men drove a car into Fusilier Rigby at between 30-40mph. They then dragged him into the road and attacked him with knives in an attempt to decapitate

Soldier killers found guilty him with a meat cleaver. The jury heard that the men chose Rigby because he was “the soldier that was spotted first”. Adebolajo said they waited near the barracks and targeted Rigby because he was wearing a Help for Heroes hooded top. The attack occurred on a busy street, witnessed by stunned onlookers. The murderers were armed with a gun, which they used to frighten off members of the public before armed police arrived at the scene Both men were shot by police officers, who then administered first aid on them before they were taken to hospital. Both men denied attempting to kill police, saying they had wanted the officers to shoot them dead so they could “achieve martyrdom”. Assistant Commissioner Cressida Dick, head of the Met’s specialist operations, said justice had been done. “This horrific attack, which took place in broad daylight on the streets of London, shocked the country and was intended to divide communities,” she said. “It had largely the opposite effect and has, in fact, brought people together.”

Sam set for Xmas top spot X Factor winner Sam Bailey is set to have the Christmas number 1 single in the UK when the festive chart is unveiled on Sunday.

Mid-week sales figures show the former prison officer at the top with her cover of Demi Lovatao’s, Skyscraper. In the UK alone the track had been downloaded more than 67,000 times by Wednesday’s mid-week chart update. That is two and a half times more than

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the closest challenger. Pharrell Williams and his bouncy new song, Happy. He rocketed up the charts last week and rose 26 places to number 4, and is set to make number 2 this week. Former X Factor winner Leona Lewis’s festive tune, One More Sleep, is on course to be number 3. It has been the biggest top 40 climber in the whole of 2013. By Sunday she will also become the first ever British female solo artiste to achieve eight top five singles. In fact, the only dead cert on

Sunday is Sam Bailey; the rest of the top 5 is a close race. It really is anyone’s guess as to the order in which the songs will appear. AC/DC are in the running after a campaign by fans to try to get Highway To Hell to number 1 for Christmas. The track was at number 5 mid-week. If it stays in the top 10 for Christmas it will also be AC/DC’s first ever UK top 10 single. Avicii’s Hey Brother is currently occupying 4th position and may swap places with Highway to Hell by the weekend. This has to be the most

eclectic mix of genres at the top of the charts for a long time. There is something for all tastes and even a festive tune. It would be lovely to see Leona at number 2 with a real Christmas song, which would also see two British female singers dominate the UK Top 40 during the festive period. Meanwhile, there is a great battle to have the number one album. One Direction, Robbie Williams and Gary Barlow are all battling for the honour and there is little to choose between them according to the midweek charts.

20th December 2013 - 9th January 2014


20th December 2013 - 9th January 2014

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Advertisement The build-up to the official launch of Teide Bear has been amazing and he has gained a huge following. He is helping to put Tenerife and the Canary Islands well and truly on the world map.

The bear is able to talk to humans as well as all animals which is explained in his adventure stories. We have had inquiries from all over the globe asking about this superhero whose name can never be forgotten. The project has an endorsement from Nottingham University as the books contain easyto-understand educational content .As the Canaries have many international visitors it is great that they can take our hero back with them in either book or bear form (or both, which is usually what happens). His messages are simple, to create caring and sharing communities and protect our planet and all who live on it. The first book, Teide Bear and the Pirates, takes place on Tenerife and is a great ad

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Teide Bear in the Canaries!

venture. It shows that people can change their ways and do good that benefits not only humans but all creatures. Teide Bear came to the creator, Michael Booth, in a dream while he was living in Tenerife. Many friends and colleagues persuaded him to write the books and develop the mascot bear. Mike says “The Teddy Bear now travels with me wherever i go and always creates in-

terest. I have even made a stand for him at the front of my bicycles and it didn’t take long for folk to start recognizing the up-and-coming famous character. I hope anyone who purchases the bear would do the same as my kids always had their favorite cuddly toy at hand. I remember turning back when we accidentally forgot our young sons teddy. We were twenty-five miles down the motorway heading for a holiday but we knew life wouldn’t be peaceful if the bear was left behind.” The books are available locally in Cristianos. at LIBRARIA REDHOUND BOOK SHOP just off the main square in Los Cristianos. The soft toy bear will be available very soon too...

20th December 2013 - 9th January 2014


Airports’ expansion plan will spark a new rumpus SUGGESTIONS that new runways could be built at Heathrow and Gatwick airports are bound to spread wild alarm in both areas.

A controversial third runway at Heathrow, which dealt with 70 million passengers last year, has been shortlisted as one option for expansion by the Airports Commission in its first report. And the interim findings of an independent inquiry, led by Sir Howard Davies, have also recommended a second runway for Gatwick. Sir Howard. former head of the Financial Services Authority, would also consider the idea of building “Boris Island”, a new airport in the Thames Estuary. London Mayor Boris

Johnson has backed this idea - hence the nickname - although Sir Howard did not include it as an option. However, he did warn that if the UK did not expand its airports, it would cost the economy £45bn over 60 years. And to cope with increasing passenger numbers, he predicted, the first new runway would have to be operational by 2030, and the second some 20 years

later. Sir Howard said: “The UK enjoys excellent connectivity today. The capacity challenge is not yet critical, but it will become so if no action is taken soon. “And our analysis clearly supports the provision of one net additional runway by 2030. “In the meantime, we encourage the Government to act on our recommendations to make the best of our existing capacity.”

Proposals for a third Heathrow runway has already sparked bitter opposition and the report, when published, will almost certainly lead to a huge political row. The Conservative party included its opposition to plans for the airport’s expansion - supported by the Labour Government - in its 2010 General Election manifesto. And it ruled out a third runway out when the coalition came to power. Among the most vociferous opponents have been Boris Johnson and Conservative MP Zac Goldsmith, a keen environmentalist whose constituency is in the flight path. Mr Johnson told Sky News that building another runway at Heathrow would be “bonkers”. He said both the new runway options for

Heathrow would involve “concreting over the M25 and probably closing that major artery for five years at the least”. And he said a second strip for Gatwick would make no difference to dealing with the air traffic. “A new airport in the inner estuary is the only credible hub option left the only one that would uphold this country’s claim to be the natural financial, commercial and economic capital of Europe,” he stressed. Last week, the Mayor of London threatened to call for a judicial

review if plans for the four-runway airport on the Isle of Grain, which at £112bn would cost five times as much as Heathrow’s expansion, were not included in the commission’s report. The commission said it had not shortlisted the Thames Estuary plans “because there are too many uncertainties and challenges surrounding them at this stage”. However, it will re-examine the plans to see whether it was a “credible proposal” and may include it on the shortlist next summer.

Silverpoint’s call-centre team strikes gold

With Christmas almost upon us, the international call centre team at Silverpoint have been busy with some last-minute charity fundraising before enjoying the Silverpoint Christmas Party and seasonal shutdown. As well as a charity rounders match to raise money for Children in Need, the team were also instrumental in the organisation of the annual Orphans’ Christmas Party which took place in the Beverly Hills Club, Los Cristianos and provided a magical occasion - complete with presents from The Three Kings - for underprivileged Tenerife Children. After another recordbreaking year, Silverpoint is planning a major expansion in 2014 and is currently short-listing candidates to add to its teams based in Tenerife and beyond. Said global recruitment manager, Claire

Rivero: “We are extremely proud of our fantastic international and UK team here who enjoy the benefits of working for one of the island’s leading employers. The atmosphere is upbeat so this

20th December 2013 - 9th January 2014

positive approach to teamwork creates an ideal environment to succeed and thrive. We are looking for people who want a serious career working in a stable and structured role- not those who are looking

to extend their holiday with a temporary or stopgap job. Ideal profile candidates will be permanently settled in Tenerife and will be able to demonstrate a mature and motivated attitude towards their life

and career.” Silverpoint is currently seeking Promotional Holiday Call Centre agents and sales executives to add to its expanding team in its Los Cristianos offices. If you are an English-speaking

Tenerife resident and are looking for an exciting opportunity to further your sales career in the new year, then email your C.V. with cover letter to: recruitment@silverpoint. com

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Community News

Accion del Sol news

A Lucky escape from a monster HERE’S one lucky podenco, whose Christmas has come early, but his two friends were not so fortunate. The three podencos were obviously no further use to their callous owner, so he hanged them. This one managed to escape, although she had a serious neck inju-

ry, caused by her collar. She is also malnourished and, naturally, very timid. But she has already found new owners, so she will stay a bit longer at the refuge until she is well enough to start her new life. None of the dogs was chipped and, as yet, no one has been arrested for this barbaric case of

cruelty, which is becoming all too common on our Island. Bonny, our other recently-rescued podenco from Vilaflor, has made excellent progress. Once she is given the all-clear in a few months, she will also be looking for a loving home. Bonny has now been spayed and a tumour she had

has been removed. Now she will start treatment for heartworm, and the future is looking good for her. Accion del Sol does not have any collecting tins or charity shops, so if you would like to make a monetary donation for the care of the dogs and upkeep of the refuge, please remember that donations need to be made in person, directly to the refuge, where a receipt will be given. Marion Gonzälez, who runs the refuge, is always happy to show people around and answer any questions you may have. The refuge is situated at the Granadilla Industrial Estate, Exit 51 on the TF1, directly next to the ecological park with the windmills. It is open MondayFriday (3-6pm), and you are welcome to pop along for a visit. The refuge has seen a large increase in dogs over the last few months so if you are looking to adopt one, please visit, or call Accion del Sol on 922 778 630.

Lucy’s charity day bonanza...

SUPPORTERS turned out in force - and turned out their pockets - for Lucy Cook’s charity fund-raiser on Saturday at the 3 Horseshoes, in Callao Salvaje.

A grand total 3351 euros euros has been collected so far for 12-yearold Lucy, including a generous 1,000-euro donation by Bill and Muriel Smith, from Tenerife Golf Shop at Las Chafiras. And there should be more to come! The youngster has a rare form of SNA (Sensory Neuropathy Ataxia). She was born missing a gene in her brain, which affects co-ordination and sensation. Lucy requires special treatment and is in desperate need of a new wheelchair. In addition to the cash pouring in, there were numerous entertainers who kindly donated their time, including the following: Alex Rushin’, Sally Ann, Jamie Drew, Dave Handleigh, Diddy, Pip Brown, Chris Bryan, Paul Lee, Topazz, Nigel

Walker, Shaun Carling and Terry Whelan. Comperes for the evening, who helped keep everything running smoothly, were Stevie D, Pete Quilty and Dawn Kelly. Many thanks to all of the singers and comperes for giving up their time. There were raffles and auctions of prizes, which were kindly donated by businesses in Callao Salvaje, Playa San Juan, Los Gigantes, Playa de La Arena and Playa de Las Americas. Prizes included a luxury yacht trip, gym membership, restaurant meals for two, beauty vouchers and, of course, plenty of alcohol. Wholehearted thanks to everyone who attended on the day, all the newspapers and radio stations who helped promote it, the businesses who supplied prizes, the entertainers who gave up their time, and everyone involved in the day’s organisation. Finally, a huge thankyou to everyone who donated money towards helping this fantastic young girl obtain her wheelchair.

Fun-filled Xmas party THE Arona Lions Club of Las Galletas and Costa del Silencio has received an 800-euro donation from the Fun Golfers at Los Palos. It was delivered by the charity society’s leader, Harry Fleming, during the Club’s annual Christmas Party at Westhaven Bay on Saturday. President Don Davies, pictured with Harry receiving the cheque, said: “This is not the first time the golfers have helped our club, and their support is again very much appreciated.” He gave special thanks to Harry and his wife Julia, together with Fun Golfers’ committee members Clive and Wendy Robinson, and especially to all club members for their generosity. “This donation will be used to help needy chil-

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Hosital takes the biscuit! EACH year at this time Tenerife Sur Lions Club donate boxes of biscuits to Hospiten Sur (the Green Clinic) in Playa de Las Americas.

dren within the area,” added Don. Entertainment was supplied by Storm Duo, Vicky Denton and Steve Delsey, and everyone

had a good time. Lions’ members would like to thank all the staff at Westhaven Bay, who worked extremely hard to make the evening a

success. The Club also thanks its supporters and wishes them all a happy Christmas and prosperous New Year.

It takes 32 boxes to give each of the nursing stations - translators’ department, intensive care, maintenance and reception areas - a large tin of English Family Circle Assortment

to enjoy during their break. Edna Goodall, a Club director, presented the gifts to some of the medical and administration staff this week. And they are under strict instructions that they are not to be opened until the 24th! Tenerife Sur Lions members feel that this is a small gesture of thanks to the staff for their year-round hard work for residents and holiday-makers alike.

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Community News

A Christmas wish from Live Arico

I DON’T often write in the first person, but as President of Live Arico, I thought I’d sign out of 2013 with a personal view of the year behind us. All in all, we have had a good year, our first full year without our own refuge, and our dogs spread far and wide in pet hotels, foster families and, indeed, other refuges. The problems surrounding animal abandonment/cruelty sadly continue and, at times, seem insurmountable. Yet we press on, doing our little bit and trying hard to make a difference. We have managed to rescue and re-home many dogs this year, each one going out fully vaccinated and sterilised so that they themselves do not add to the ever-growing problem of there being far too many dogs for our small island. Thousands languish in refuges with little chance of ever getting out. Please, please consider a refuge dog. Don’t say: “Oh, it would upset

me too much because I would want to take them all home.” Just be brave, go, and take one home, because if you don’t he could be there all his life. It saddens me to say that we have a number of old dogs who have been with us many years, and the new year will bring a renewed campaign to get them out, even if we have to cover their ongoing vet bills. We have tried to help dogs and other animals, and we are assisting such associations as Cats Welfare with their ongoing and endless work. My personal high point was the rescue of our horse, Katie, who has gone from strength to strength under the care of Jim and Sara at Horse Riding Adventures, Aldea Blanca. From a broken soul who could barely walk, she is now happy and on the mend. Watch this space for an event in 2014 where, we hope, she will be okay to take a few children for a little ride out. We re-

ally hope so. Thanks to all her sponsors for helping with her care costs. We were able to donate many thousands of kilos of dog food around the Island in April. We must never forget the thankless and infinite work of our friends in K9, Adepac, Madat, Apanot, and Esperanza del Sur refuges and we are happy to collaborate whenever and wherever possible. I would like to say a few thanks, but the problem with thanking people when there have been so many who have helped us, is that it’s too

easy to leave someone out. So I will generalise. Firstly to our amazing volunteers, some of which are committee members and invest hours of time organising our shops, driving animals around, delivering food, speaking with authorities, giving advice, picking up donations, writing projects, keeping paperwork up to date - the list is endless. You know who you are and your input is priceless. Our shops are staffed by volunteers, and our many collection boxes are managed by volun-

teers. Again, you know who you are, and we the committee are beyond being grateful to you. Do not doubt it for one moment. To every bar who held a benefit night, every business who has one of our collection boxes on its premises, every entertainer who gave his/ her time at one of our benefits, every person who fostered or adopted one of our dogs, and EVERY single person who gave one cent of their hard-earned money to Live Arico PAWS,. Thank you from EVERY single animal which

has benefited from your efforts this year. Without your support, we are nothing. Have a fantastic Christmas, a wonderful 2014 and we will see you in the New Year. Sue Havenhand, President, Live Arico PAWS Live Arico Xmas Party Our annual bash will be on the Top Square, Golf del Sur next Saturday (28th Dec) from 8pm, with Suzy Q, Colin Stevens, Abba Twist, Mickey Glamz and more to be confirmed. If you have quality unwanted clothes, cds, dvds, shoes, household items or children’s clothing, call Siobhan on 630 857 626. Our charity shops We have shops in Los Cristianos, Calle Revron near Churchills Bar, and San Eugenio opposite Hotel La Nina by Amandas bar at las Carabelas complex. Both shops open from 10am-4pm Monday to Friday, and until 2pm Saturday. Kel even opens the Los Cristianos shop on Sundays.

Canarian Weekly Photo Challenge Last week’s best photo: Richard Sweeney Theme: Wet ‘N’ Dry

This week’s theme is Tinsel town Page 16

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Aladdin’s, your sleeping partner! A HEALTHY person will spend over a third of his or her life in bed.

Everyone needs to wear correct fitting comfortable shoes and the same applies to where you lay your head. And a good night’s sleep is priceless. This is something understood by the staff at

Aladdin’s Bedding Centre at Tenerife Auction Rooms in Las Chafiras. They have had a brilliant first year with hundreds of satisfied customers, both in the letting market and the private sector. Their stock range includes both upholstered and slatted laminate bases, as well as

lift-up storage bases and remote-operated electrically adjustable beds. In fact, everything you require. They have a full range of quality mattresses of varying types available in all sizes (up to 2 metres by 2 metres) all on offer at trade prices. Aladdin’s Bedding Centre pride themselves

on providing a personal service and offer free delivery on all orders. And it’s not just beds they can help you with because they also stock a superb selection of

up to Super King! So make a New Year’s resolution to visit Rex or Peter at Aladdin’s Bedding Centre where you will help yourself to a great night’s sleep.

Lions already feasting well! SAN MIGUEL Lions Club members began their festive celebrations with Christmas Dinner at the 15th Charter Night anniversary on Saturday. It was held at The Chicken Shack restaurant, Alondras Park, Silencio, and superb entertainment was supplied by Tony Sullivan and Colin Stevens. With everyone being well fed and in fine spirits, the event could not fail. On to Tuesday and the club held another Christmas Party, this time at Patio del Coral, Silencio, for the kids from daycare centre AMISUR. And as a thank-you, all the volunteers who

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top-of-the-range aloe vera pillows. And for those in the letting market, they offer a range of hotelquality, white polyester/ cotton sheets in all sizes

have helped the Lions throughout 2013 were also invited, along with club members. Again, an excellent lunch was enjoyed, with the club’s longest-standing supporter, Mary - an apt name at Christmas making many large apple pies. Santa “the real one”, pictured with the AMISUR President, dropped in to please everyone. And a big thanks to John for dressing as a clown for the day. Overall, it was a super day, but so sad when the bus arrived to take the kids home. But the San Miguel Lions march onwards and upwards and on Sun-

day, the club is staging its Charity Christmas Fayre, with lots of fun promised. This event starts at midday at Silencio’s Coral Mar Square, and there are still some spaces available for your stalls, at five euros a time. Club Secretary Ralph Solomon said: “On behalf of our Lions, I thank everyone who has visited our Charity Shop in Silencio and has brought items and donations to us throughout 2013. “We all wish you a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year, and we hope you can support us in some way during 2014.”

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20th December 2013 - 9th January 2014

TV Guide

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Christmas Films

Festive Films Festive Sunday 22nd December

Wallace and Gromit: A Matter of Loaf and Death BBC1, 15:05 Wallace and Gromit have opened a new bakery business, Top Bun, but local bakers are being targeted by a mysterious assassin. Wallace is unconcerned as he is besotted with the former star of the Bake-O-Lite bread commercials, but can Gromit discover the identity of the Cereal Killer before Wallace becomes the next victim? Alice in Wonderland BBC1, 17:15 Walt Disney’s animated version of the Lewis Carroll classic about a young girl who, after following a mysterious white rabbit, tumbles headlong down a rabbit hole and embarks on a fantastic adventure. Finding herself in Wonderland, she meets a number of strange characters, including Tweedledum and Tweedledee, the Queen of Hearts and a Mad Hatter. Night at the Museum 2: Battle of the Smithsonian Channel 4,18:55 Shawn Levy’s fantasyadventure sequel again stars Ben Stiller and some impressive CGI effects. Two years after the original outing, former museum nightwatchman Larry Daley is now a successful business-man, and has been so busy that he’s not had time to visit his secret chums at New York’s Natural History Museum. And when he does finally make it, he discovers that many of them have been packed up and sent off for storage at the Smithsonian in Washington. Then Daley gets a call from Jebediah, one of the exhibits dispatched to Washington, to say that the evil Pharaoh Kahmunrah plans to take over the Smithsonian. Obviously, Daley has no choice but to dash to the capital and help his friends quash the megalomaniac’s plans... Among those joining in with the CGI-fuelled fun are Amy Adams, Robin Williams, Steve Coogan and Ricky Gervais.

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Monday 23rd December

The Santa Clause BBC1, 13:40 Seasonal family comedy about a reluctant Christmas hero. When Santa Claus falls off Scott Calvin’s roof on Christmas Eve, the divorced dad reluctantly agrees to don the oversized costume and help deliver presents for the night. He soon realises, however, that the small print commits him to the role permanently. The biggest trouble is that nobody but Scott’s son Charlie (and the residents of the North Pole) knows the truth; all anyone else can see is that Scott’s behaviour is becoming increasingly strange. Toy Story BBC1, 15:15 C o m p u t e r- a n i m a t e d fantasy in which a child’s toys come alive whenever he leaves the room. Woody is a pull-string cowboy and is respected

by the other toys as their leader and the boy’s number-one toy. But he finds his authority usurped by the arrival of an impressive astronaut figure who goes by the name of Buzz Lightyear. With the voices of Tom Hanks and Tim Allen. White Christmas Channel 4, 10:10 Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye and Rosemary Clooney star in this festive family favourite from prolific director Michael Curtiz. Bob Wallace and Phil Davis are friends who met while serving in World War II and have subsequently become a very successful song-and-dance team. They meet singing sisters Betty and Judy at a nightclub in Florida and, with a hint of romance in the air, together head off to rural Vermont, where the girls are booked to appear at a ski lodge.

When they arrive, they discover that the place is run by the men’s former commanding officer, Major General Waverly, who’s in dire financial straits because unseasonably warm weather is keeping the snow at bay. So the four entertainers make plans to bail him out by staging a spectacular musical benefit show... Shot in Technicolor, the film was the first to be released in the high-resolution widescreen VistaVision format and, with its songs written by Irving Berlin, the movie was the year’s top box-office hit.

Christmas Eve

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe BBC1, 13:30 An antique wardrobe proves the perfect hiding place for Lucy, the youngest of four Pevensie children evacuated during WWII. But the hidey-hole has a secret... it is the entrance to a wintry wonderland where a white witch rules and a courageous Lion waits to fulfil a prophecy. Fantasy adventure based on the book by C.S. Lewis. Shrek the Halls BBC1, 17:10 Festive animated comedy. It is Christmas Eve, and Shrek has done nothing to prepare for his Christmas. Being an ogre, Shrek is not keen on Christmas and he just wants a nice quiet one with Fiona and their baby ogres - but Donkey is full of holiday cheer and has other ideas! Soon Donkey and all of Shrek’s other friends descend on his hovel to join in the fun, and everyone has a different idea about what makes the perfect Christmas. It spirals into the most chaotic party imaginable. Fantasia BBC2, 16:15 Walt Disney’s ambitious milestone in film animation, featuring vignettes set to classical music performed by the Philadelphia Orchestra and conducted by Leopold Stokowski. From the much-loved Sorcerer’s Apprentice, where Mickey Mouse

20th December 2013 - 9th January 2014

Christmas Films

e Films Festive Films dons a wizard’s hat and commands a broom to do his chores with disastrous results, to the comic ballet dancing ostriches and hippos of Dance of the Hours and the experimental abstract forms of Toccata and Fugue in D Minor, each piece is brought to life in a unique way. Also includes the Nutcracker Suite, the Rite of Spring, the Pastoral Symphony, Night on Bald Mountain and Ave Maria.

Chistmas Day

The Snowman Channel 4, 13:40 Channel 4’s most celebrated animation is this classic story from Raymond Briggs. It’s Christmas Eve and a little boy decides to make a snowman. During the night, the snowman comes to life and whisks the boy off to the North Pole for a meeting with a Very Important Person.

Boxing Day

Independence Day Channel 4, 18:20 Roland Emmerich’s landmark science-fiction blockbuster. Aliens reach Earth and they’re clearly hostile: their plan is to suck the planet dry of all its resources, leave behind a burnt cinder circling the sun, and move on. Planting giant ships above the world’s major cities, they unleash destruction on an unprecedented scale. All attempts to fight back are met by hordes of fighter craft until pilot Steven Hiller manages to down one and capture its pilot. Meanwhile, scientist David Levinson, having worked out the aliens’ purpose, finds a way to destroy them, but he and Hiller need a spacecraft - which brings them to a secret base near Las Vegas... The child of countless science-fiction movies, Independence Day is all-out rollicking, fast-moving action.

Monday 30th December

Quantum of Solace ITV1, 20:30 Espionage thriller. After an assassination attempt on the life of James Bond’s commander at MI5, Bond heads to Bolivia to track down the villain. All roads

lead to shadowy environmentalist Dominic Greene, whose dealings may be more sinister than they appear. Only Bond stands in Greene’s way, but others at MI5 begin to wonder if they can still trust 007 or if he is solely motivated by revenge.

New Years Eve

Mamma Mia! ITV1, 20:00 Exuberant musical based on the hit stage show featuring the music of ABBA. 20-yearold Sophie lives on an idyllic Greek island with her free-spirited mother Donna. When Sophie gets engaged to her boyfriend, she decides that she wants her father at her wedding – but unfortunately, she does not know who her father is. She takes matters into her own hands and invites the three possible candidates to the wedding, without the knowledge of her mother. Will Donna reveal who Sophie’s real dad is? And is she as reluctant to see her former lovers as she claims?

the garden fence. But when Juliet leaves the red garden to hunt for a flower she meets the dashing Gnomeo without knowing he’s a blue and they fall in love. They have to keep their love a secret from their parents, as well as the brutal Tybalt, the fiercest of the reds and Gnomeo’s hated enemy. Can they find a way to be together, or will the war between the blues and the reds destroy them all? The Karate Kid Channel 4, 18:20 Jackie Chan and Jaden Smith star in this family martial arts adventure, a remake of the 1984 hit starring Ralph Macchio and Pat Morita. The film is produced by the young co-lead’s parents, with the action moving from America to China, and the karate consequently replaced by kung fu. After the death of his father, Dre Parker’s mother Sherry takes up a job offer in Beijing, where the 11-year-old is enrolled in a local school. Sadly, it’s not long before

New Years Day

Kung Fu Panda 2 BBC1, 17:05 Animated adventure featuring the return of Po, the panda with a penchant for martial arts. Since becoming the Dragon Warrior and defeating Tai Lung, Po has been keeping peace in the valley with his kung fu friends, the Furious Five. But, shocked by the realisation that Mr Ping the goose is not his real father, Po cannot find inner peace. When word reaches the Furious Five that Master Thundering Rhino has been killed by a terrifying new weapon, Po sets out with them to destroy it, learn more about his parents and fulfil his destiny in battling Shen, the evil peacock. Gnomeo and Juliet BBC1, 18:45 Animated movie about two garden gnomes from rivalling families that fall in love. The red garden gnomes of Mr Capulet and the blue gnomes of his neighbour Miss Capulet are at permanent war with each other across

the lad falls foul of the inevitable bullies. But he’s saved from a beating by the kindly caretaker, Mr Han, who uses his considerable prowess to turn Dre’s attackers’ moves against them, to humiliating effect. Following this incident, the quiet martial arts master reluctantly agrees to teach the American child how to look after himself, starting a journey that is set to culminate in Dre’s participation in a major kung fu tournament – and his chance to turn the tables on his former assailants.

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TV Guide

Friday 20TH December 06:00 ............................Breakfast 09:15 .....................Heir Hunters 10:00................... Homes Under the Hammer 11:00 ..... Caught Red Handed 11:30 ..........Helicopter Heroes 12:15 ....................Bargain Hunt 13:00 ............BBC News at One 13:30 ......... BBC London News 13:45 ......................... Perfection 14:30 ............................Escape to the Country 15:30 ...........Christmas Kitchen with James Martin 16:15 ................................ Flog It! 17:15 ............................ Pointless 18:00 ........ BBC News at Six 18:30 .... BBC London News 19:00 ...........The One Show 19:30...A Question of Sport 20:00 ................ EastEnders 20:30...............Citizen Khan Sitcom following the trials and tribulations of self-appointed Muslim community leader Mr Khan and his long-suffering family. It’s Christmas Eve and Mrs Khan has decided to have a traditional family Christmas, their first one ever. Mr Khan is very ‘bah-humbug’ about it all and thinks Christmas is just an excuse for people to get ripped off. And he believes the Khans have the perfect reason not to celebrate it - they’re Muslim! Mr Khan is collecting the family’s ‘unwanted’ items for the Mosque charity collection, and the biggest donor will be named Muslim of the Month. Nevertheless Mrs Khan sends him off to buy a tree while she and the family set about trying to prepare to stuff their first Christmas turkey! Things take a turn for the worse when he realises he has accidentally dumped Mrs Khan’s favourite family heirloom in the charity collection. Can he get it back, bag the very last Christmas tree in Sparkhill and get back home in time to make this a Khan Christmas to remember?

21:00................... Have I Got News for You 21:30...... Live at the Apollo 22:00 ....... BBC News at Ten 22:35................ The Graham Norton Show 23:25 .......... The Matt Lucas Christmas Awards

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06:00 ................ This is BBC Two 06:30 ................... Homes Under the Hammer 07:30 .......... Helicopter Heroes 08:15 ............. Don’t Panic - The Truth About Population 09:15....................... Africa 2013: Countdown to the Rains 10:15 .......................Animal Park 11:00 .......................... BBC News 11:30.............. BBC World News 12:00.......... The Importance of Being Earnest 13:30 ....................Fred Dibnah’s Age of Steam 14:00 ..............Cash in the Attic 14:45.............................The Truth About Lions 15:45 .......... Cagney and Lacey 16:30.................................Are You Being Served? 17:05 ...........................‘Allo, ‘Allo! 17:30 ...........Priceless Antiques Roadshow 18:00....Celebrity Eggheads 18:30 ............. Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two 19:30................... University Challenge 20:00 ............... Mastermind 20:30 .....Kangaroo Dundee 21:00 ..........2013: Moments in Time The story of 2013 told through the high-impact images of the year, exploring how photography has changed in the age of smartphones, social media and the selfie. From the helicopter crash in London to the bush fires in Tasmania and the Boston Marathon bombing, this was a year in which the best camera was the one you had in your hand and saw ordinary people taking some of the most striking pictures of 2013. Meeting photographers, news editors and members of the public who were in the right place at the right time, this film reveals how these extraordinary pictures were taken and argues that the image remains as powerful as ever in the modern world.

22:00 ................................QI 22:30 ................. Newsnight 23:05............ Tamara Drewe

06:00 ........................... Daybreak 08:30 ..............................Lorraine 09:25........................ The Jeremy Kyle Show 10:30 .................... This Morning 11:25............................ ITV News 11:30 .................... This Morning 12:30 .......... Let’s Do Christmas with Gino and Mel 13:30 .............................ITV News and Weather 14:00 ...............Peter Andre’s 60 Minute Makeover 15:00 .........................Dickinson’s Real Deal Text Santa Christmas Special. David Dickinson is joined by dealers Karen Dalmeny, Cheryl Hakeney, Ian Towning and Mark Stevens in Birmingham for a special festive Text Santa edition of the show. A diamond-encrusted crucifix puts a glint in Ian’s eye - but can he put enough cash on the table to stop it going to auction? Cheryl gets excited by a picture by famous 19th-century designer William Morris - but is it authentic?

16:00 .......... Show Me the Telly 17:00 ......................... The Chase: Celebrity Special

06:10 ............ According to Jim 07:00 ................. Will and Grace 07:55 .............Everybody Loves Raymond 09:00 .................................Frasier 10:00..................... Ruth Watson Means Business! 11:00 .....The Big Bang Theory 12:00 ...... Come Dine with Me 14:10 .....................Phil Spencer: Secret Agent 15:10...................... Countdown 16:00 ...............Deal or No Deal 17:00 ....................Four in a Bed 17:30 ...... Come Dine with Me 18:00 ............The Simpsons 18:30................... Hollyoaks 19:00 ........ Channel 4 News 19:55 20:00 ...... Gordon Ramsay’s Festive Home Cooking 21:00 .............Big Fat Gypsy Christmas 22:00................... Alan Carr: Chatty Man 23:05 .............. Stand Up for the Week 23:55................. Gogglebox

06:00 .................... Children’s TV

06:00 ............... Dog the Bounty Hunter

06:00.......................... The Devil’s Dinner Party

06:30 ............... Dog the Bounty Hunter

07:00.......................................... ER

07:00 ........................The Middle

09:00 .......................Blue Bloods

09:15 .........The Mr. Men Show

06:00 ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

09:25 ....Mist: Sheepdog Tales

08:00 ................... Football Gold

09:45........... Inside Hollywood 09:50...................... Paul Merton in Europe 10:50 .....Eddie Stobart: Trucks and Trailers 11:50 ................Pothole Britain: Drivers Beware! 12:50 .........5 News Lunchtime 12:55 ...................... Neighbours 13:25 ................... Chinese Food in Minutes 13:30 ..... The Christmas Heart 15:15 ................... Santa, Junior. 17:00 .......................5 News at 5 17:30 ...................... Neighbours

2009 Premier League - Liverpool 4-4 Arsenal 21/04/09. A chance to relive the top-flight clash between Liverpool and Arsenal at Anfield from 2009. This thrilling game produced eight goals, four of which were scored by the same player.

08:15 ................... Football Gold 08:25 .................................Cricket 16:00 ............................. Ringside 17:00 ........................Capital One Cup Review 18:00 ................ The Fantasy Football Club 19:00 ................ World Darts Championship

18:00 ..... The Dog Rescuers

23:00 ........Barclays Premier League

18:30 ............Newstalk Live

23:30............. Football Gold

20:00......... Stobart: Trucks, Trains and Planes

A comprehensive round-up of all the weekend’s action in the Barclays Premier League, including analysis of major incidents and reaction from key players and managers.

21:00......................... Eraser

23:45 ............ Football Gold

19:00 ......World’s Strongest Man 2013: Qualifiers

23:15 ....Caught on Camera

18:00 ...... ITV News London 18:30..................... ITV News 19:00 ................ Emmerdale 19:30 ..... Coronation Street 20:00 ..................Text Santa Ant and Dec, Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby and Christine Bleakley and Paddy McGuinness present ITV’s annual charity appeal. Each presenting duo hosts an all-star cast and presents their own special segments including the stars of Coronation Street performing a Fairytale of Weatherfield featuring Shane MacGowan. Cast members from Emmerdale appear in an exclusive sketch with a Text Santa twist. Also featured is a unique edition of Take Me Out with older people looking for their perfect partner for Christmas. Plus celebrity messages and the cast of Big Reunion performing live their cover of Wizzard’s classic hit I Wish It Could Be Christmas Every Day, all leading to a spectacular grand finale.

08:00............. Stargate Atlantis 09:00.................... Hawaii Five-0 10:00........... NCIS: Los Angeles 14:00.......................... Road Wars 15:00 ..... A Very JLS Christmas 16:30 ...................The Simpsons 17:00 ........................... Futurama 17:30 ........................The Middle 18:30 ............ The Simpsons 20:00 ................Yonderland 20:30 ............ The Simpsons 21:00............................ Glee

23:00............. ITV News and Weather

22:00...........Karl Pilkington: The Moaning of Life

23:45.................. Text Santa

23:00................. Cop Squad

08:00....... Star Trek: Enterprise 10:00....... Star Trek: Enterprise 11:00................... Stargate SG-1 12:00....................... Blue Bloods 13:00.................................. House 14:00 ..................................House 15:00........................Blue Bloods 16:00....... Star Trek: Enterprise 17:00 ..........................................ER 18:00......................... House 19:00 .........................House 20:00 ............... Blue Bloods 21:00 ........................... Veep 21:35 ....................Mad Men 22:35 ....................Mad Men 23:35..... Boardwalk Empire

06:00........................ Emmerdale 06:55......You’ve Been Framed! 07:45 ........................ The Jeremy Kyle Show USA 08:30 .....The Real Housewives of New York City 10:25................ The Xtra Factor 11:25................. The ITV2 Panto 13:00 ........................Emmerdale 14:00 ........................ The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:10................. The Xtra Factor 17:10 .................. The Iron Giant 19:00......................... You’ve Been Framed! 19:30 .........................You’ve Been Framed! 20:00 ..........The Xtra Factor 21:00 ........ The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift 23:10 ..............American Pie Presents: The Naked Mile

20th December 2013 - 9th January 2014

TV Guide

Saturday 21TH December 06:00 ............................Breakfast 10:00 ............Saturday Kitchen 11:30 ..................... Nigel Slater’s Christmas Suppers 12:00................. Football Focus 12:45........Saturday Sportsday 13:00 ..........................BBC News 13:10......... BBC London News 13:15 ......................The Olympic Journey: Inspire 13:45 ........................ Equestrian: Olympia 2013 16:30 ........................ Final Score 17:20 ..........................BBC News 17:30 ......... BBC London News 17:40 ............................ Pointless 18:30............. Strictly Come Dancing 19:55 ...................... Atlantis Drama series set in the mythical city of Atlantis. Jason is reminded of his promise to Circe and her grim warning should he fail to honour their pact. With her threat hanging over him, he has no choice but to act - he must kill the queen. Infiltrating the palace will not only be mortally dangerous but also nigh on impossible. The heroes set out under the cover of night, but soon Jason’s intentions start to unravel. As the alarm is raised, it will take more than just courage and chemistry to save his life - he needs the help of someone on the inside.

20:40 ............. Strictly Come Dancing The Results. Sir Bruce Forsyth and Tess Daly present the second part of the Strictly Come Dancing 2013 final. At the start of the show, the final four couples become three. These three couples then have one last chance to win viewers’ votes by performing their favourite dance of the series in their final bid to take home the glitterball trophy. And the entire cast of 2013 reunite to perform one last time in a stunning group spectacular. It has been a battle of the ballroom from day one, but finally the Strictly 2013 champions are announced.

21:50 .............. The National Lottery Live 22:00 .................. BBC News 22:20....... Match of the Day 23:45............... The Football League Show

06:00 ................ This is BBC Two 06:15 ...................Natural World 07:15 .........Antiques Road Trip 08:15 .........Antiques Road Trip 09:15 .........Antiques Road Trip 10:15 .......... Restoration Home

06:00 ...................Babar and the Adventures of Badou

06:20 ............................ Dreamer

06:00..................... Children’s TV

08:00 ...........The Morning Line

07:25 .....Make Way for Noddy

06:10 ........... The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That

09:00 ...................The American Football Show

07:45 ................. City of Friends

06:25 ........... The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That

10:00 .................................Frasier

08:35 ..........Angelina Ballerina 08:55 ...................... Rupert Bear

08:20 ...................Little Princess

Rock Farm. Series following the fortunes of properties facing a struggle for survival and their committed new owners wanting to turn historic ruins into dream homes. Caroline Quentin meets Alex and her partner Martin. When they bought Rock Farm, the once perfectly proportioned Georgian house was a crumbling shell, cracked and contorted. The build schedule and the budget were tight but Alex believed she could save this 200-year-old building in just six months. As the fabric of the building begins its steady restoration, layers of Rock Farm’s long lost history also becomes clear. Dr Kate Williams reveals the influential landowners that lived there throughout the ages while architectural expert Kieran Long invites a specialist to look at the decaying bricks. An extraordinary discovery follows that adds another 300 years of history to the site and makes it a building of national importance.

06:35 ............................Dino Dan

10:30 ................................The Big Bang Theory

06:50 ............................Dino Dan

11:30.................. The Simpsons

07:00............................ Canimals

09:10 ................ Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom

12:25.............. Jamie’s Best Ever Christmas

09:25........................ Jelly Jamm

11:15 ......................Alex Polizzi’s Christmas Fix 12:15 ............... The A to Z of TV Cooking 13:00 ........................ 12 Dates of Christmas 14:25 .......................Confessions of a Shopaholic 16:00 ................... Are You Being Served? Christmas Crackers 16:30 .................................Flog It! 17:25......... The Young Victoria 19:05................... University Challenge 19:35................... ‘Allo, ‘Allo! 20:20 ................ Dad’s Army 21:00 ....... The World’s Most Expensive Stolen Paintings 22:00.................... The Many Faces of... 23:00 ....... The Two Ronnies 23:30 ....... The Wrong Mans

11:25 .............................ITV News and Weather

20th December 2013 - 9th January 2014

07:10............................ Canimals 07:15 ............................ Canimals 07:25 ...................................Sooty 07:35 .................... Horrid Henry 07:45...............Om Nom Stories 07:50 .................Kick Buttowski: Suburban Daredevil

Jamie Oliver brings together his all-time classic Christmas recipes in two fantastic festive specials, introduced by Jamie’s daughters Poppy and Daisy and brought to life with animation. This first programme features all the recipes viewers need for the perfect, stress-free Christmas Day: simple and succulent turkey, tasty stuffing, golden roasties, luscious gravy and all the veg.

08:00 .................Kick Buttowski: Suburban Daredevil

13:30 ........... Channel 4 Racing

08:15.................................Bottom Knocker Street

16:30 ...... Come Dine with Me

08:30 ............... The Munch Box 09:25 ............................ITV News 09:30 ..................... The Home of Fabulous Cakes

16:00 ..................... Gadget Man 19:05......... Channel 4 News 19:15 ........... Deck the Halls 21:00 ......Four Christmases

09:45 .......................... LazyTown

06:00.............................. Ringside 07:00 ................... Football Gold 07:30 .............. Barclays Premier League 08:00 ........................The Fantasy Football Club John Fendley, Paul Merson and special guests take a lighthearted look at fantasy football and the weekend’s Barclays Premier League matches. Get involved @FantasyFC.

16:25 .......... A Cinderella Story

09:00 .............. Game Changers 10:00....................... Soccer A.M. 12:00.............................. Football 14:30................... Gillette Soccer Saturday 17:15 .............................. Football 20:00 .......... Saturday Night Football: Game of the Day 22:00 .......... Saturday Night Football: Match Choice

18:15................. Dear Santa

23:30 ........................... FL72

10:10 ...........Inside Hollywood 10:20 .......... The Dog Rescuers 10:50 ............World’s Strongest Man 2013: Qualifiers 11:55 .....Eddie Stobart: Trucks and Trailers 12:55 ................. Home Alone 4 14:40 ...................Mrs Miracle 2: Miracle in Manhattan

20:00 ..... A Christmas Carol 21:55 .......5 News Weekend 22:00 ................... The Bible

22:40.................... Sanctum

23:55...... Inside Hollywood

06:00 ..... Ashley Banjo’s Secret Street Crew 07:00 ................... Luton Airport 08:00 ....................... The Fantasy Football Club 09:00 ............. Sky Sports Game Changers 10:00 ....................... Soccer A.M. 12:00 ............... World Wrestling Entertainment Superstars 13:00 ....................Hawaii Five-0 14:00.............. Anchorman: The Legend Continues... 14:30 ................. Harrow: A Very British School 15:30 ......... Andre Rieu - Home for Christmas 18:00 ......... All Aboard: East Coast Trains 19:00 .................. Inside RAF Brize Norton 20:00............ The Simpsons 21:00....Flight of the Phoenix 23:10 ................... Road War

06:00 ........... Visionaries: Inside the Creative Mind

Q.P.R/Leicester and Millwall/ Middlesbrough. Another chance to catch Saturday’s Sky Bet Championship double bill. Queens Park Rangers take on Leicester City at Loftus Road and Millwall face Middlesbrough at the Den.

10:25 ......... Murder, She Wrote

11:30 .............Surprise Surprise 12:30 .......... Let’s Do Christmas with Gino and Mel 13:30 .......The Unforgettable... 14:00.... The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor 16:05 ......................Harry Potter: Behind the Magic 17:05............ ITV News London 17:15............................. ITV News and Weather 17:30 ......................... The Chase: Celebrity Special 18:30 ........Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 21:10........... The Illusionists 22:15............. ITV News and Weather 22:30........................You, Me and Dupree

07:00.......................... The British 08:00.............................. Seinfeld 08:30.............................. Seinfeld 09:00............................ Inside the Actors Studio 10:00........................... Inside the Actors Studio 11:00 ........................... Inside the Actors Studio 12:00 ..........................................ER 15:00 .......................Blue Bloods 18:00.. Star Trek: Enterprise 20:00........ Richard E Grant’s Hotel Secrets 21:00 .... Boardwalk Empire 22:15.................. The Tunnel

06:00 ....................The Hot Desk 06:10 ........... Coronation Street Omnibus 08:00 ........................ Emmerdale Omnibus 10:55 ............ The X Factor USA 14:50 ................ The Xtra Factor 15:50 ................The Only Way is Essexmas 16:50...................... Peter Andre: My Life 17:55 .....You’ve Been Framed! 18:25......................... You’ve Been Framed! 19:00..........................You’ve Been Framed! 20:00.......... The Xtra Factor: The Winner’s Story

23:15........................... Veep

21:00.......... The Shawshank Redemption

23:50............. The Sopranos

23:55............Celebrity Juice

Page 23

TV Guide

Sunday 22TH December 06:00............................ Breakfast 07:30 ............Match of the Day 09:00 .......................The Andrew Marr Show 10:00 ......Fern Britton Meets... 11:00 ...........................George of the Jungle 12:25 ....................MOTD2 Extra 13:00.......................... BBC News 13:15 ...........Christmas Kitchen with James Martin 14:00................. When Miranda Met Bruce 15:05 .......Wallace and Gromit: A Matter of Loaf and Death 15:35 .....................Snow Babies 16:35 ............Big Sing: The UK’s Top 10 Carols 17:15 ......Alice in Wonderland 18:30................... BBC News 18:50..... BBC London News 19:00 .................Countryfile Christmas Special

06:00 ................ This is BBC Two 07:00................... Natural World 08:00..........Antiques Road Trip 09:00 .........Antiques Road Trip 10:00 .............Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 11:30.................... Tom Kerridge Cooks Christmas 12:00 ................Food and Drink 13:00......................... EastEnders Omnibus 14:55 .................................Flog It! 15:25 ..............................Nativity! 17:05 .........................Ski Sunday 17:50 ...............The 12 Drinks of Christmas Alexander Armstrong and Giles Coren choose the booze that will give them their festive spirit. The two friends argue each year over whether their festive feast needs quality or quantity. This time they are going to settle the controversy by creating their own selection pack for Christmas, featuring twelve festive drinks they can both agree on.

The Countryfile team celebrate the festive season with a woodland Christmas at Westonbirt Arboretum in Gloucestershire, coming together to light up a mile-long stretch of enchanted woodland with glitter balls, lasers, meteorite lights and bubbles full of smoke. Julia Bradbury acts as lighting apprentice for the day, learning from the experts how to create a magical festive display. Matt Baker learns about the history of the ancient woodland, and how the forestry commission keep the trees happy and healthy. John Craven is with the volunteers who run the hedgehog hospitals, while Tom Heap finds out how farmers capitalise on Christmas. Adam Henson is on his farm settling his animals in for the Christmas period. with his father and his son lending a hand. He also visits his local agricultural college in Cirencester, seeing how the students there prepare for their break and tracking down the choir for a few carols.

18:50 .....................Porridge 19:30 .........................TOTP2

20:00..................... Antiques Roadshow

21:00 .......... The Choir: Sing While You Work 22:00 .....The Sarah Millican Television Programme 22:30 .................... Hebburn 23:00...................... A Bunch of Amateurs

21:00 ..................The Whale 22:30 .................. BBC News 22:45..... BBC London News 22:55 .........Sting: When the Last Ship Sails

W C choice

Christmas 2013. Mark Radcliffe returns with another Top of the Pops 2 Christmas smorgasbord of festive footage favourites and Merry Christmas archive straight out of the BBC vaults, including perennial favourites from the likes of Slade, Wizzard, Wham!, Jona Lewie, The Pogues and Kirsty MacColl, Sir Paul McCartney and John and Yoko. Plus there is a bespoke Christmas performance from Boyzone, who are celebrating their 20th anniversary in the music business; a peek at The Killers’ annual Christmas video; archive treasures from Teardrop Explodes, Darts, Mud, Depeche Mode, Emeli Sande, The Hollies and Little Jimmy Osmond to name but a few. All in all, a collection of special Christmas archive performances created to help you and your kin enjoy a very Merry Christmas!

06:00 ...................Babar and the Adventures of Badou

06:40 .......... Garfield Gets Real

06:00..................... Children’s TV 07:50.................. Little Princess

06:00.................. Saturday Night Football: Match Choice (

06:10 ........... The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That

07:55 ..................Jamie’s Money Saving Meals

08:10.......... Angelina Ballerina

07:30 .............. Game Changers

08:25 ..................Jamie’s Money Saving Meals

08:25...................... Rupert Bear

08:30 .....................................FL72

08:40................ Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom

09:00 ........................The Sunday Supplement

09:00........................ Jelly Jamm

10:30..............Goals on Sunday

06:25........... The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That 06:35.............................Dino Dan 06:50 ............................Dino Dan 07:00 ............................ Canimals 07:10............................. Canimals 07:15............................. Canimals 07:25 ..........................Bookaboo 07:35.................... Horrid Henry 07:50 .......................... Victorious

09:00 ..................Jamie’s Money Saving Meals 09:30 ................Sunday Brunch 12:30 .....The Big Bang Theory

09:15.......................... LazyTown

12:55 .....The Big Bang Theory

09:45.................................. Toby’s Travelling Circus

13:25 .................. The Simpsons

09:55 ..........The Mr Men Show

13:55 .................. The Simpsons

10:15 ............World’s Strongest Man 2013: Qualifiers

12:30 .........Ford Super Sunday

11:15 .....My Family and Other Turkeys with Nigel Marven

18:30 ................. Darts Gold

14:20................... Kirstie’s Crafty Christmas

08:15 ................................Bottom Knocker Street

15:25 .................. A Great British Christmas with Sarah Beeny

08:30 ....................... Fort Boyard

16:25 ..............Channel 4 News

13:50 ....Hats Off to Christmas

09:25 ............................ITV News

16:30 ...........................Scrooged

15:35................ It’s a Very Merry Muppet Christmas

09:30............ Storage Hoarders 10:30............... Sunday Side Up 11:30...................Sunday Scoop 12:30..............................ITV News and Weather 12:35 ........................... Inside the National Trust

Chris Kamara and Ben Shephard present a round-up of the latest football news and goals, with guests on hand to analyse all the main talking point. Tweet your questions @GoalsOnSunday.

18:25........... The Snowman 18:55 ................Night at the Museum 2: Battle of the Smithsonian 21:00 ................. Homeland 22:25........ Never Let Me Go

12:15....................... Richie Rich’s Christmas Wish

17:25............ The Muppets and Lady Gaga at Christmas 18:40 ........ The Family Man 20:55 .......5 News Weekend 21:00 ................... The Bible 22:50 ............ Far and Away

15:30..........Ford Super Sunday World Championship Sf 2013 - Phil Taylor v Raymond Van Barneveld. A chance to relive classic darts matches. Here is Phil Taylor against Raymond van Barneveld in the semi-finals of the 2013 PDC World Darts Championship at London’s Alexandra Palace.

18:45 ................. Darts Gold 19:00 ................ World Darts Championship 23:00 ................. Darts Gold 23:15.................. Darts Gold 23:45 ................. Darts Gold

13:35 .......... Let’s Do Christmas with Gino and Mel 14:35.......... Show Me the Telly 06:00 ......... The Hour of Power 17:35 ......................Harry Potter: 07:00 ................. Harrow: A Very British School Behind the Magic 08:00................ All Aboard: East 18:35...... ITV News London Coast Trains 18:45 ............. ITV News and 09:00 . . ............. Inside RAF Brize Weather Norton 19:00 ..... Coronation Street 10:00 ............... World Wrestling 19:30 ........Harry Potter and Entertainment Superstars the Half-Blood Prince 11:00 .............WWE Experience 22:30..Sex, Lies and a Very CW 12:00 ..........................Road Wars British Scapegoat choice 13:00 ...................Ashley Banjo’s Secret Street Crew 15:00 ..............Anchorman: The Legend Continues... 15:30 ...............Cirque du Soleil 17:30 .........................The Smurfs Christmas Carol 18:00 ............ The Simpsons 23:35............. ITV News and 18:30................ Yonderland Weather 19:00 ............ The Simpsons 21:00......................... Arrow 23:5.......................The Cube 15:35........ Midsomer Murders

06:00 ...........................Love/Lust 07:00 .............................. Seinfeld 07:30 .............................. Seinfeld 08:00 .........Friday Night Lights 09:00........................... Inside the Actors Studio 10:00 ........................... Inside the Actors Studio 11:00 ..........................................ER 12:00 ..........................................ER 13:00 ...................Urban Secrets 14:00 .............................Mankind 15:00 .......................Blue Bloods 17:00 .......Star Trek: Enterprise 18:00.. Star Trek: Enterprise 20:00 ....... Richard E Grant’s Hotel Secrets 21:00....Mad Max 3: Beyond Thunderdome 23:05................ Phil Spector

06:00 ....................The Hot Desk 06:10.....Emmerdale Omnibus 08:55............ Coronation Street Omnibus 10:55...................................You’ve Been Framed! 11:25................... The Iron Giant 13:15................ Garfield 2: A Tail of Two Kitties 14:55 .................The Lost World 17:25 ................ Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium 19:15 ............... You’ve Been Framed! Christmas Special 19:45...... Miss Congeniality 22:00.... Utterly Outrageous Reality TV Moments 2013 23:00...............American Pie Presents: The Naked Mile

Sex, Lies and a Very British Scapegoat ITV1, 22.30 Lord Lloyd Webber: “To those in government, Ward was a highly convenient scapegoat. A man who could be portrayed as a pleasureseeking troublemaker who entrapped Profumo in his seedy lifestyle.” In 1963 John Profumo, the Secretary of State for War, was forced to resign after admitting an affair with a 19-year-old model called

Christine Keeler. The affair took place during the height of the Cold War when America and Russia were threatening each other with nuclear weapons and whilst Christine was sleeping with Profumo, she was also seeing a known Russian Spy. Now, in this exclusive documentary for ITV, Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber tells the story of the affair and reveals a secret hedonistic world of luxury, passion and parties. Featuring interviews with those who knew and socialised with Christine Keeler and Profumo at the time, Lord Lloyd Webber tells the documentary how the scandal began and about the man who introduced the couple and was eventually made the scapegoat for the affair – Dr Stephen Ward. Lord Lloyd Webber says of Ward: “I find him a fascinating character. So fascinating that he is the key figure in my latest musical. He was the pivotal figure of the scandal that erupted in the summer of 1963. To those in government, Ward was a highly convenient scapegoat. A man who could be portrayed as a pleasure-seeking troublemaker who entrapped Profumo in his seedy lifestyle. But, when the scandal cost Stephen Ward his life, others, especially the young began to consider Ward as the victim of establishment hypocrisy.” Lord Lloyd Webber visits Cliveden House in Buckinghamshire where Lord Bill Astor and his wife Bronwyn were known for throwing high-society parties. In 1956, the couple let a cottage in the grounds of their home to Stephen Ward, a famous osteopath from London whose clients included Winston Churchill, Elizabeth Taylor and Ava Gardner.

Page 24

20th December 2013 - 9th January 2014

TV Guide

MOnday 23TH December 06:00 ............................Breakfast 09:00 .................... Snow Queen 10:00 ............... Shrek: Donkey’s Carolling Christmas-Tacular In this festive animation featuring the characters from Shrek, the irrepressible Donkey leads a Christmas carol sing-along, with musical numbers including It’s the Most Wonderful Time and unique versions of Jingle Bells and Feliz Navidad.

10:05................. Ella Enchanted 11:35 .......Wallace and Gromit: The Wrong Trousers 12:10 ..........................Only Fools and Horses 13:00 ............BBC News at One 13:30......... BBC London News 13:40............ The Santa Clause 15:15 ........................... Toy Story 16:30........... A Christmas Carol 18:00......... BBC News at Six 18:30 .... BBC London News 19:00 .................... Celebrity Mastermind 19:30 ................. A Question of Sport 20:00................. EastEnders 20:30.... Would I Lie to You? Rob Brydon is back in the host’s chair for a festive edition of the comedy panel show with David Mitchell and Lee Mack, as ever, the lightning-quick team captains. Over the course of the show, celebrity guests reveal amazing stories about themselves, only some of which are true.

21:00 .............John Bishop’s Christmas Show John Bishop hosts an evening of festive comedy and music from the Lyceum Theatre in London’s West End. John has carefully handpicked his favourite acts to help him celebrate Christmas, and a comedy line-up featuring Jason Manford, Nina Conti, Lee Nelson, David O’Doherty and Tim Vine helps him bring in the festive cheer. John is also joined on stage by a selection of top music acts, and he dons his dancing pumps to high kick alongside the all-new Tiller Girls.

22:00 ....... BBC News at Ten 22:35.... Match of the Day 2 23:35 ..............Citizen Khan

06:00................ This is BBC Two 06:20 ...................Natural World 07:20................ Food and Drink 08:20 .......Tom Kerridge Cooks Christmas 08:50 ...........The Culture Show 09:20 ............ The Bishop’s Wife 11:05 ....... Westminster Abbey A look behind the scenes of one of Britain’s most iconic landmarks, following over the course of a year the lives of the people who work, worship and live in this unique community. The plumber, the librarian, and the Abbey’s press office ‘tweeter’ offer their insights into the inner workings of the place where royalty are married, crowned and buried. The Dean explains the Abbey’s spiritual mission and his responsibilty as one of the guardians of a 1,000-year-old World Heritage Site. The new man in charge of upkeep, architect Ptolemy Dean, attends an ancient initiation ceremony in which he promises to preserve the building and its treasures. The 30 boy choristers who sing in the Abbey’s world famous choir go from competing to sing a high solo in the Ash Wednesday service, to being asked to sing in Downing Street. International stars and singers, including Rufus Wainright, make guest appearances in the Commonwealth service, attended by the Queen.

12:05.......... Operation Iceberg 14:05 ......................... Equestrian Olympia Grand Prix Highlights. Highlights of the Olympia Grand Prix, featuring many of the world’s best show jumpers. Germany’s Marcus Ehning delivered a peerless performance on his horse Sabrina to triumph in 2012, leaving Great Britain still seeking a first winner since Robert Smith in 2005.

15:05 .........................Secretariat 17:00 .................................Flog It! 18:00..................... Celebrity Eggheads 18:30 ....... The Great British Bake Off 19:30 ............ The Good Life 20:00 .................. University Challenge 20:30.................... Jane Eyre 22:20........................... QI XL 23:05.......... Never Mind the Buzzcocks 23:35..........Pilgrimage with Simon Reeve

20th December 2013 - 9th January 2014

06:00 ........................... Daybreak

06:00 .........The Treacle People

06:00..................... Children’s TV

08:30 ..............................Lorraine

06:15................................ Valiant

08:10 ..........................Peppa Pig

06:00 ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

09:25 ......... Murder, She Wrote

07:25 ................. That Darn Cat!

10:25........... The Mighty Ducks

09:05 ............ Father Christmas

08:25.................................. Toby’s Travelling Circus

09:00 .....................Ford Football Special

12:25.......... Let’s Do Christmas with Gino and Mel

09:40 .................. The Simpsons

13:25..............................ITV News and Weather

12:30 ............100 Greatest Toys with Jonathan Ross

13:45 ....................Rod Stewart’s Christmas 14:55..................................... Hulk 17:30 .....You’ve Been Framed! 18:00...... ITV News London 18:30............. ITV News and Weather 19:00 ................ Emmerdale 19:30 ..... Coronation Street 20:00...................Tales From Northumberland with Robson Green Robson Green travels around his home county of Northumberland to discover how this region has played a unique role in shaping the Britain we know today. In the final episode of the series, Robson heads to south-west Northumberland to visit three landmarks which have played a key role in Northumbrian and British history. He begins his journey at Hadrian’s Wall and meets local guide Gary Reed, before camping out overnight by the wall and learning how the Romans completely transformed British culture. His next stop is Kielder Water, the biggest man-made lake in northern Europe, where he talks to Jonty Hall. As a nine-year-old boy, Jonty pressed the button that flooded the valley and created the reservoir. Robson’s final stop is his home town of Hexham, where he finds out about Hexham Abbey’s turbulent past and discovers the secrets of its Anglo-Saxon crypts.

20:30 ..... Coronation Street

21:00.............. Gary Barlow: Journey to Afghanistan 22:00 ................ ITV News at Ten and Weather 22:20 .........................Panto!

15:40 ...............Deal or No Deal

09:15..... Roary the Racing Car

Swansea City/Everton and Southampton/Spurs. Another chance to catch Sunday’s Barclays Premier League double bill. Swansea City take on Everton at the Liberty Stadium and Southampton face Tottenham Hotspur at St Mary’s Stadium.

16:40 ..... Celebrity Come Dine with Me Christmas Special

09:30...........The Mr Men Show

10:30 .....................................FL72

09:45.....Mist: Sheepdog Tales

11:00 .............................. Football

17:45 ..............Channel 4 News

10:00.............World’s Strongest Man 2013: Qualifiers

12:00 ........................World Darts Championship

10:10............. White Christmas

18:00............... 18:05............ The Simpsons 18:30................... Hollyoaks 19:00............... Nigella Bites Christmas Special 20:00..... Food Unwrapped’s Christmas Dinner 21:00 ........... Heston’s Great British Food 22:00................. Fresh Meat 22:50 ...... Raised by Wolves 23:25 .................Peep Show

08:35....... Bananas in Pyjamas 08:55........................ Tickety Toc 09:05 ................Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures

11:00 .................. Eddie Stobart: Trucks and Trailers 12:00...................... Building the Ice Hotel 13:00................................ Harvey 15:10 ........................ Oklahoma! 17:55................. Christmas with the Kranks 20:00...... The Gadget Show 21:00 ...........Most Shocking Celebrity Moments 2013

16:00 .............. Game Changers 17:00 ......................Soccer A.M. The Best Bits 18:00............................ FL72 19:00 ..............Ford Monday Night Football Arsenal v Chelsea. Arsenal and Chelsea meet at the Emirates Stadium in the Barclays Premier League. Chelsea ran out 2-0 winners when the sides met in the fourt hround of the Capital One Cup.

23:55 .................Peep Show

23:50 ...............Building the Ice Hotel

23:00............................ FL72

06:00 ........................The Middle 07:00 .............................. Brainiac: Christmas Cracker 08:00 .................................Sinbad 09:00....................The Simpsons 09:30 .................. Little Crackers 10:00 .................Treasure Island 12:00..... A Very JLS Christmas 13:30 ........................The Middle 14:30 ...................The Simpsons 15:00..........................The Smurfs Christmas Carol 15:30 ...................The Simpsons 16:00................................. Sinbad 17:00 ...................The Simpsons 17:30................. Modern Family 18:30 ................Yonderland 19:00 ............ The Simpsons 20:00................ A League of Their Own 21:00 ................ Strike Back: Shadow Warfare

06:00 ..........................The Devil’s Dinner Party 07:00 ..........................................ER 08:00 .......Star Trek: Enterprise 09:00 .......................Blue Bloods 10:00 .......Star Trek: Enterprise 11:00 ................... Stargate SG-1 12:00 .......................Blue Bloods 13:00.................................. House 15:00....................... Blue Bloods 16:00....... Star Trek: Enterprise 17:00 ..........................................ER 18:00......................... House 20:00 ....... Richard E Grant’s Hotel Secrets 21:00..... Boardwalk Empire 22:15.......Set List: Stand-Up Without a Net 22:45 ........................... Veep 23:20......................... Weeds 23:55.................... Curb Your Enthusiasm

06:00 ........................Emmerdale 06:25............Coronation Street 07:25 ....................The Hot Desk 07:35 ..........Christmas Bonkers Guinness World Records 08:00...... You’ve Been Framed! Christmas Special 08:30........ I’m a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here Now! Trials and Tribulations 11:30 ..................Boyzone at 20: No Matter What 12:30 ........................Emmerdale 13:00 ...........Coronation Street 14:00..... The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:15................. The Xtra Factor 18:15....You’ve Been Framed! 19:45.............. Ant and Dec’s Christmas Show 21:00..........Peter Andre: My Life at Christmas 22:00............Celebrity Juice

Page 25

TV Guide

Christmas eVE 06:00 ............................Breakfast 09:00 ..................... The Gruffalo 09:30 ........................ A Cbeebies Christmas Carol 10:10 ...........................Sarah and Duck: Christmas Special 10:20 ........................... The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause 11:45 ..........................Only Fools and Horses 13:10 ..........................BBC News 13:20 ......... BBC London News 13:30............ The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe 15:40 ........................Toy Story 2 17:10 ................ Shrek the Halls 17:35 ..........................BBC News 17:50......... BBC London News 17:55 ................. Finding Nemo 19:30................. EastEnders 20:00 ..................Holby City 21:00 ..................Last Tango in Halifax 22:00 ...........Not Going Out The House. Festive edition of the sitcom featuring happygo-lucky Lee, his landlady Lucy and their friends. In an effort to create the perfect Christmas for Lucy, Lee invites her parents to join the two of them and Daisy in a snug old house in the country which used to belong to his dear dead aunt. But the Christmas spirit is in short supply when Lucy discovers that the house has not been lived in for years and there appears to be a spooky presence. However, the spooky presence turns out to be Lee’s dad Frank, who has also turned up to enjoy Christmas in the house with an old flame, and in an effort to get rid of the unwanted visitors he pretends the house is haunted by playing old music and leaving threatening messages on the cellar wall.

06:00 ................ This is BBC Two 06:50 ...................Natural World 07:50 ........ Herbie Rides Again 09:15 ....... Westminster Abbey A look behind the scenes of one of Britain’s most iconic landmarks, following the lives of the people who work, worship and live in this unique community over the course of a year. The choir of Westminster Abbey prepares for a historic visit to Rome to sing with the Sistine Chapel Choir in the Papal Mass in St Peter’s Basilica. For the abbey choir and the Sistine Chapel choir, rehearsing and performing together is a significant moment in the history of both the Catholic Church and the Church of England.

10:15..... An American in Paris 12:05 ................................. Splash 13:50 .................Guys and Dolls 16:15.............................. Fantasia 18:15 ..... Carols from King’s 19:30 .................The Perfect Morecambe and Wise Christmas Special 20:00 ..........Victoria Wood’s Mid-Life Christmas BAFTA award-winning actress and comedian Victoria Wood is back with a Christmas special. Victoria Wood’s Midlife Christmas features highlights from the Midlife Olympics 2009, the popular costume drama Lark Pies to Cranchesterford and the further adventures of soap star Bo Beaumont played by long term collaborator Julie Walters.

06:00..................... Children’s TV

07:15 .............................The Bear

08:40 .......Bananas in Pyjamas

09:25 ...................The Christmas Takeover

07:45 .......... The Nativity Story

08:55 ........................ Tickety Toc

11:30...................... Catchphrase

09:45 .....The Big Bang Theory 10:40 .................. The Simpsons

09:05................ Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures

11:10 .................. The Simpsons

09:15 .... Roary the Racing Car

12:10................Deal or No Deal

09:30......... The Mr. Men Show

13:10 .......It’s a Wonderful Life

09:45 ....Mist: Sheepdog Tales

13:30 ............ Steppin’ Out with Katherine Jenkins

15:50 ............... How the Grinch Stole Christmas

10:00 ...............Chinese Food in Minutes

14:45 ......................Gary Barlow: Journey to Afghanistan

18:00 ............The Simpsons

10:05 .......... The Dog Rescuers

18:25 .................. Hollyoaks

10:40 ............World’s Strongest Man 2013: Qualifiers

11:30 ................SPFL Round Up

11:40 .................Eddie Stobart’s Christmas Cracker

12:00 ........................World Darts Championship

12:40 ......... Clash of the Titans

16:00..................................... FL72

12:15............................. ITV News and Weather 12:30 .......... Let’s Do Christmas with Gino and Mel

15:45 .............. Fast Freddie, the Widow and Me 17:15....The Nation’s Favourite Christmas Song A countdown of the nation’s most popular top twenty festive hits as voted for by the public in a nationwide poll. It marks the 70th anniversary of the best-selling Christmas song of all time - Bing Crosby’s White Christmas. Featuring classics such as Wizzard’s I Wish It Could Be Christmas Every Day, Band Aid’s Do They Know It’s Christmas?, Fairytale of New York by the Pogues and and Kirsty MacColl, and Slade’s classic Merry Xmas Everybody. The programme includes the stories behind the songs and how they were made from the performers, musicians and producers. With contributions from Chris Rea, Noddy Holder, Aled Jones, Shane MacGowan, Greg Lake, Sir Cliff Richard as well as family members of the late Bing Crosby and Kirsty MacColl.

19:00................. Emmerdale Val warns Priya about ruining Alicia’s wedding day. Rachel and Sam get revenge on Declan and Megan. Ashley suffers an injury whilst trying to save Arthur’s Christmas.

19:30..........................You’ve Been Framed! 20:00....................Midsomer Murders 22:00 ................ ITV News at Ten and Weather

23:30................... BBC News

W C choice

06:20.................... Wilde Stories

08:30 ..............................Lorraine

21:00........................... QI XL 21:45......Mel Smith: I’ve W C 18:45.............. ITV News and Sort Of Done Things choice Weather

22:45........... Outnumbered 23:45............... Westminster Abbey: The First Eucharist of Christmas

06:00 ........................... Daybreak

22:45.......................Comedy Connections 23:25.......... The Awakening

22:15...............Christmas CW Carols on ITV choice 23:15 .........Couples Retreat

19:00 19:05................... Ice Age: A Mammoth Christmas 19:30............ The Snowman and the Snowdog 20:05............. Big Fat Gypsy Christmas 21:00............. The IT Crowd 22:00.............. The IT Crowd Manual 23:05 ............. The IT Crowd

15:00 ...................... Dirty Rotten Scoundrels 17:10.............................. Scrooge 19:00 ...... Eddie Stobart: 12 Days of Christmas 20:00 ...... The Muppets and Lady Gaga at Christmas

23:35............. The IT Crowd

21:10 ............. Greatest Ever Christmas Movies

06:00........................ The Middle 07:00......................... The Smurfs Christmas Carol 07:30........................ Yonderland 08:00................................. Sinbad 09:00 ...................The Simpsons 10:00 .................Treasure Island 12:00 .................. Little Crackers 12:30................ Modern Family 13:30........................ The Middle 14:30..........................The Smurfs Christmas Carol 15:00........................ Yonderland 15:30 ...................The Simpsons 16:00 .................................Sinbad 17:00 ...................The Simpsons 17:30 ................ Modern Family 18:30............ The Simpsons 20:00 ......... All Aboard: East Coast Trains 21:00 .......................Trollied 22:00 ................ A League of Their Own

06:00.......................... The Devil’s Dinner Party 07:00.......................................... ER 08:00 .......Star Trek: Enterprise 09:00........................Blue Bloods 10:00....... Star Trek: Enterprise 11:00 ................... Stargate SG-1 12:00 .......................Blue Bloods 13:00 ..................................House 15:00 .......................Blue Bloods 16:00 .......Star Trek: Enterprise 17:00 ..........................................ER 18:00......................... House 19:00......................... House 20:00........ Richard E Grant’s Hotel Secrets 21:00 ........... Little Crackers 22:00....... Uncle Wormsley’s Christmas 22:40 ............... Flight of the Conchords 23:20................. The Tunnel

07:00 ..................Good Morning Sports Fans 08:00 ..................Good Morning Sports Fans 09:00 .....................Ford Monday Night Football Arsenal v Chelsea. Arsenal and Chelsea meet at the Emirates Stadium in the Barclays Premier League. Chelsea ran out 2-0 winners when the sides met in the fourth round of the Capital One Cup.

George Gavin presents a comprehensive round-up of all the weekend’s action in the Sky Bet Football League, including analysis of major incidents and reaction from key players and managers.

17:00 .............. Barclays Premier League Review 18:00....... Revista de la Liga Scott Minto is joined by Guillem Balague for a round-up of all the matches from La Liga.

06:00 ........................Emmerdale 06:25 ...........Coronation Street 06:50 ...........Coronation Street 07:25 ............... Free Willy 3: The Rescue 09:15 ........... The Big Christmas Reunion 10:15.................The Only Way is Essexmas 11:15..... You’ve Been Framed! 12:15........................ Emmerdale 12:45........... Coronation Street 13:15........... Coronation Street 13:45................ Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium 15:45..................The Lost World 18:15..... Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace 21:00................. The Bourne Supremacy 23:10 ...........Celebrity Juice

Christmas Carols on ITV

Mel Smith: I’ve Sort Of Done Things

ITV1, 22.15

BBC2, 21.45

Aled Jones joins the congregation of St Michael the Archangel Church in the rural Yorkshire Dales village of Kirkby Malham, for their traditional candlelight Christmas Eve carol service. The celebrations include festive performances from Tenor Russell Watson, Britain’s Got Talent finalists Richard and Adam, choirboy Jack Topping and Emmerdale’s Natalie Anderson. Along with everyone’s favourite carols, the service also features Christmas prayers and bible readings from Gaynor Faye (Emmerdale) and Paul Heiney (Countrywise). The programme is a celebration of family and community spirit at Christmas and will highlight the wonderful work carried out by local rural organisations and support groups.

Page 26

18:55 ........ Channel 4 News

06:00 ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

Mel Smith Mel Smith, who died early this year aged 60, was one of this country’s most celebrated and recognisable comedy stars. But Mel was not simply a gifted comic actor; he was a theatre and film director, a successful businessman, a racing enthusiast and the showbiz bon viveur of his generation. In this documentary, his friends, colleagues and admirers, including Griff Rhys Jones, John Lloyd, Richard Curtis and many others, talk about Mel’s unique talents both in front of and behind the camera. The film also returns to Oxford University and then Latymer Upper School, where Mel’s talents were first spotted as a precocious schoolboy. With exclusive home video footage, rare archive plus many of the classic sketches, this is a tribute to a much-loved and much-missed comedy legend.

20th December 2013 - 9th January 2014

TV Guide

cHRISTMAS dAY 06:00 ............................Breakfast

06:00................ This is BBC Two

09:00 ....... The Gruffalo’s Child

06:20 ...................Natural World

06:00 ...................Babar and the Adventures of Badou

09:25.............. The Madagascar Penguins in a Christmas Caper

07:20 ................................. Herbie Goes Bananas

06:10 ............................Dino Dan 06:25 ............................Dino Dan

08:50 ................. The Red Shoes

06:40 ...................................Sooty

10:25 .............Dr. Seuss’ Horton Hears a Who

11:00 ...........Carols from King’s

06:50 ..........................Bookaboo

12:05..... The Big Bang Theory

07:50 ........................ Tickety Toc

13:05.................. The Simpsons

08:05 ............................. Scrooge

07:20 .................................Almost Naked Animals

13:40 ................. The Snowman

11:00 .....................Chicken Run

12:15 ...................... Music of the Monarchy with David Starkey

07:05 .................... Horrid Henry

10:15 ......Gone with the Wind

12:20 ..........................BBC News

13:20......... Swingin’ Christmas

14:35 ....................... Casablanca

12:30 ...................... The Princess and the Frog

14:30........................ The Perfect Morecambe and Wise Christmas Special

07:40................................. Almost Naked Animals

14:10.................. The Snowman and the Snowdog

09:40 ................ Old Jack’s Boat 10:00 ........Christmas Day: Live from Westminster Abbey

14:00............... Top of the Pops 15:00 ........................The Queen 15:10 ..........................BBC News 15:20 ........................Toy Story 3 17:00 .................... Strictly Come Dancing

18:15.....Call the Midwife CW


19:30............... Doctor Who Orbiting a quiet backwater planet, the massed forces of the universe’s deadliest species gather, drawn to a mysterious message that echoes out to the stars - and amongst them, the Doctor. Rescuing Clara from a family Christmas dinner, the Time Lord and his best friend must learn what this enigmatic signal means for his own fate and that of the universe.

15:00 ..................Doctor Who at the Proms 16:15.............. An Adventure in Space and Time A special one-off drama that travels back to 1963 to see how Doctor Who was first brought to the screen. Actor William Hartnell felt trapped by a succession of hard-man roles. Wannabe producer Verity Lambert was frustrated by the TV industry’s glass ceiling. Both of them were to find unlikely hope and unexpected challenges in the form of a Saturday tea-time drama. Allied with a team of unusual but brilliant people, they went on to create the longest running science fiction series ever made. Followed by William Hartnell: The Original, a fiveminute documentary looking at how William Hartnell shaped the Doctor and his legacy. Featuring rare archive footage and new interviews with many who worked with him, including Carole Ann Ford, Peter Purves and Waris Hussein as well as Matt Smith, Peter Davison and Hartnell’s granddaughter, Jessica Carney.

17:45 .........................The Queen 17:55 ...........Matthew Bourne’s Sleeping Beauty 19:40 ........ Christmas Night with the Two Ronnies 20:30................. EastEnders 21:30 .....Mrs. Brown’s Boys 22:05..... Michael Mcintyre’s Showtime 23:05 .................. BBC News 23:20... On Christmas Night

W C choice

23:25.... The Vicar of Dibley

20:30 ........ Morecambe and Wise in Pieces 21:30 ............... The Tractate Middoth 22:05................... MR James: Ghost Writer 23:05........................... QI XL 23:50..................... Hebburn

07:55 ................................Bottom Knocker Street 08:10 ................................Bottom Knocker Street 08:25...................... Dinner Date

06:10................... Childrends TV

06:00..................... Children’s TV

08:50 ..................James and the Giant Peach

07:15 ..........................Peppa Pig

07:00 ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

07:30 .................................. Toby’s Travelling Circus

08:00 ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

07:40 .......Bananas in Pyjamas

10:00 ........................Soccer AM Christmas Special

14:45 .................. The Simpsons 16:15 ................ The Alternative Christmas Message 16:20.............. Channel 4 News 16:35...................... The Muppet Christmas Carol

11:25 ......................... The Chase: Celebrity Special

18:15.... Home Alone 2: Lost in New York

12:30........... The Big Christmas Reunion

20:30 ................. Bear’s Wild Weekend with Stephen Fry

14:00 ....River Deep, Mountain High: James Nesbitt 15:00...........HM the Queen



15:10 .............................ITV News and Weather

A countdown of the greatest Christmas films of all time. From White Christmas to Bad Santa and from Elf to It’s A Wonderful Life, the stars of these festive classics share their memories. Famous faces, from Aled Jones to Gremlins star Zach Galligan and child star of Miracle on 34th Street Mara Wilson, talk about their experiences making some of our most beloved festive films. Ollie Lock, Stacey Solomon, Joe Swash and Eamonn Holmes also appear.

15:15 ...............Deal or No Deal

09:25 ....................... Santa Claus

13:30 .....You’ve Been Framed!

16:40 .................... Greatest Ever Christmas Movies

21:30................... Alan Carr: Chatty Man 22:35..................Man Down 23:05 ................. Father Ted

Soccer a m Xmas Special 2013. Helen Chamberlain and Max Rushden are joined by guests for the Saturday morning football show, with regular features, games and the latest news from the worlds of soccer and showbiz.

20:00 .................Soccer AM Christmas Special Soccer a m Xmas Special 2013. Helen Chamberlain and Max Rushden are joined by guests for the Saturday morning football show, with regular features, games and the latest news from the worlds of soccer and showbiz.

19:30 ........Britain’s Craziest Christmas Lights 20:30....... Eddie Stobart: 12 Days of Christmas 21:30 ......Michael Jackson’s This is it

23:30 .................Soccer AM Christmas Special

15:20 .............................. Tangled 17:15............. Paul O’Grady: For The Love of Dogs Festive special following Paul O’Grady as he returns to Battersea Dogs and Cats Home on a mission to find some special dogs a loving home in time for Christmas. He meets some of the latest arrivals, including an adorable litter of two-week-old puppies whose survival hangs in the balance, while he falls for Buddy, a three-legged Staffordshire bull terrier who needs an op to remove a potentially malignant lump, and gets to grips with grumpy long-term resident Phyllis, a tiny Yorkshire terrier who hates being handled.

18:15 ................ Emmerdale 19:15 ............. ITV News and Weather 19:30 ..... Coronation Street 20:30........ Downton Abbey 22:30............. ITV News and Weather 22:45..............Love Actually

06:00 ........................The Middle 07:00 ....................... Yonderland 08:00................................. Sinbad 09:00................... The Simpsons 10:00 ....................... Soccer A.M. 12:00....................The Simpsons 12:30................ Modern Family 13:00.........................The Middle 14:00 ....................... Yonderland 15:00 .........................The Queen 15:10 ................ Modern Family 15:40 .................................Sinbad 16:30 ...................The Simpsons

06:00 ..........................The Devil’s Dinner Party 07:00 ...........................Love/Lust 08:00 ........................... Team Sky: Road to Glory 11:00 .................. Little Crackers 12:30.......... The Bachelor King 14:00 ................Galapagos with David Attenborough 17:00 .................. Little Crackers 18:00............ Little Crackers 20:00 ....... Richard E Grant’s Hotel Secrets

17:00 .................Treasure Island

21:00 ...................... Walking and Talking

19:00 ............ The Simpsons

21:30................... Hunderby

20:00 .......... Modern Family

22:00 ........................... Veep

21:00............ Little Crackers

22:35............................ Girls

22:00 .......................Trollied

23:15... Adam Buxton’s Bug

23:00 ..........Karl Pilkington: The Moaning of Life

23:45................ Flight of the Conchords

06:00........................ Emmerdale 06:25....................... Britain’s Got More Talent 07:20 ....................... Britain’s Got More Talent 08:20 ............... Peter Andre: My Life at Christmas 09:20..... You’ve Been Framed! 10:20 ....................Ant and Dec’s Christmas Show 11:40 ............................Peter Pan 13:50 ........................Emmerdale 14:20 ................ The Xtra Factor 17:20 .....You’ve Been Framed! 17:50........................ New You’ve Been Framed 18:20............... The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor 20:30......Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones 23:15..... Shaun of the Dead

Call The Midwife BBC1, 18.15

Fairy lights festoon the streets as Jenny’s relationship with Alec continues to blossom and Shelagh prepares for her quiet wedding to Dr Turner. Suddenly, Nonnatus House is awoken by a hammering on the door. But this time, it’s not a panicking father, it’s the police. Just around the corner, an unexploded bomb has been uncovered and the district has to be evacuated. Electrical power in the immediate vicinity has been cut off, and it is dark as the nuns and nurses scramble out of the door to join the crowds of evacuated residents scurrying down the pitch-black street. As the community struggles to stop Christmas being reduced to ashes, the Nonnatus House staff reach out to those in need and keep spirits high, rekindling the spirit of the Blitz. Jenny is played by Jessica Raine, Alec by Leo Staar, Shelagh by Laura Main and Dr Turner by Stephen McGann. Guest stars include Sandy Toksvig as Sister Gibbs, Raymond Coulthard as Captain Goodacre and Simon Armstrong as Major Fawcett.

20th December 2013 - 9th January 2014

HM The Queen ITV1, 15.00 The Queen delivers her annual Christmas message to the nation.

Page 27

TV Guide

bOXING dAY 06:00 ...................Babar and the Adventures of Badou

06:15 .........................Mysterious Island

06:10.............................Dino Dan

08:00 ...........The Morning Line

08:25 .................................. Toby’s Travelling Circus

09:00................................. Frasier

08:35 .......Bananas in Pyjamas

09:30 .................................Frasier

08:55 ........................ Tickety Toc

06:50 ..........................Bookaboo

10:00 ................................The Big Bang Theory

09:05................ Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures

07:05 .................... Horrid Henry

10:30 ................. The King and I 13:05........... Channel 4 Racing

12:05 ..................................Emma

07:20 .................................Almost Naked Animals

09:15 ........................... Roary the Racing Car

14:00 .......................... Operation Snow Tiger

07:40................................. Almost Naked Animals

16:35 ........................ Come Dine with Me

06:00 ............................Breakfast

06:00................ This is BBC Two

09:00 ..... Room on the Broom

06:05 ...................Natural World

09:25........ Mouse and Mole at Christmas Time

06:50................. Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo

09:55 ...............101 Dalmatians

08:35 ......................Westminster Abbey

06:25............................ Dino Dan

09:35.......................... Earthflight 10:35 ....... Pride and Prejudice: Having a Ball

11:30 .................. Flushed Away 12:50 ..........................BBC News 13:00 ......... BBC London News 13:05 .......................Wallace and Gromit in the Curse of the Were-Rabbit 14:25 ......Alice in Wonderland 16:05 ..................................Cars 2 17:45 ..........................BBC News 18:00..... BBC London News 18:05 ........Gangsta Granny 19:15................. EastEnders 19:45... Still Open All Hours One-off special edition of the much-loved sitcom set in a grocer’s shop. Granville has inherited the shop from his beloved Uncle Arkwright, and now he is assisted by his son Leroy, a good-looking lad with more female admirers than Granville ever had. But if times have changed, some of the customers haven’t, and (retired) Nurse Gladys Emmanuel and the Black Widow are still regulars. As Granville attempts to get a date with old flame Mavis without her terrifying sister Madge finding out, Leroy shuns the old delivery bike and finds a more attractive way to deliver the orders, and a sneaky new plan to shift a lot of anchovy paste has some rather surprising side effects.

The Siberian tiger is one of Earth’s rarest and most elusive animals, with as few as 300 remaining. It is so rare, more scientists have been to space than have seen one in the wild. In this series, Liz Bonnin, a former tiger biologist herself, travels to the frozen forests of the Russian Far East to help a team of scientists studying these big cats. Their goal is to uncover the hidden world of this mysterious predator, determine why they are declining and what can be done to save them. When three orphaned cubs are discovered, the team launch a desperate rescue mission. Cameraman Max Hug Williams joins rangers in the race against time to find the cubs as a blizzard approaches capturing remarkable footage in the process.

15:00 .......................... Operation Snow Tiger 16:00..........................Final Score 17:15 .................You Have Been Watching... David Croft 18:15 ................ Dad’s Army 19:45 .................. University Challenge 20:15................... Idris Elba: King of Speed 21:15........... Ben and James Versus the Arabian Desert 22:15................ King Arthur

20:15 ............. Death Comes to Pemberley 21:20 ..........Len Goodman’s Perfect Christmas 22:00 ....... BBC News at Ten 22:15 .... BBC London News 22:25....... Match of the Day 23:55.......... Have I Got a Bit More News for You

W C choice

Retelling of the Arthurian legend, starring Clive Owen and Keira Knightley, set in the dark days after the Romans left Britain. Artorious Castus and his band of Sarmatian cavalry are about to be discharged from the Roman army, but have one final task to perform - they must save a Roman priest and his family before the land is overrun by Saxons. But there is another danger lurking on the road to freedom - the Woads, British rebels who hate the Romans, but who are also threatened by the Saxons.

06:40 ...................................Sooty

07:55 ................................Bottom Knocker Street 08:10 ................................Bottom Knocker Street 08:25 ...................... Dinner Date 09:25 ..................Problem Child 11:00 ................ The Flintstones 12:45 .............................ITV News and Weather 13:05................................. Casper Visual effects-laden family fare about a lonely boy-ghost who befriends a young girl. Ghosthunter Dr James Harvey is called to a mysterious old house by its new owner, grasping heiress Carrigan. Carrigan wants the spooks cleared out of the house so she can safely search for the treasure supposedly hidden inside. But Dr Harvey’s daughter Kat discovers a new friend in boy-ghost Casper, and father and daughter are soon caught up in a fantastic adventure.

15:00 ...... Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 - Behind the Magic 16:00............. Off Their Rockers 16:30........................The Nation’s Favourite Elvis Song

15:35 ...............Deal or No Deal

17:35 ...........................Hollyoaks 18:05 ........ Channel 4 News 18:15 18:20.... Independence Day 21:00................ Big Fat Quiz of the Year 2013 Jimmy Carr puts a panel of A-List celebrity teams to the test as they battle it out to see who remembers most about the events of 2013. This year’s teams are Jack Whitehall with Jonathan Ross, Dara O Briain with Kristen Schaal, and Noel Fielding with Richard Ayoade.

09:30 ..................................... Mist: Sheepdog Tales 09:45 ............World’s Strongest Man 2013: Qualifiers 10:45 .................. Eddie Stobart: 12 Days of Christmas 11:45 .....................World’s Most Pampered Pets 12:45 .....................High Society 14:55 ......Meet Me in St. Louis 17:15 ............ The Wizard of Oz 19:15.......... Michael Buble’s Christmas Special 20:15 ......World’s Strongest Man 2013

23:05 ................... Alan Carr: Chatty Man

21:15..... Britain’s Favourite Christmas Songs

06:00 ........................The Middle

06:00................ Galapagos with David Attenborough

06:30........................ The Middle 07:00 ....................... Yonderland 08:00................................. Sinbad 09:00 ...................The Simpsons 10:00 ...............Terry Pratchett’s Going Postal 12:00 ...................The Simpsons

18:00 ............. ITV News and Weather

12:30................. Modern Family

18:15 ................ Emmerdale

14:30 ....................... Yonderland

19:15 ........Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1

15:30 ...................The Simpsons

22:05...... I Am Britney Jean: Britney Spears’ Road to Las Vegas

06:00..................... Children’s TV

13:30 ........................The Middle

16:00 .................................Sinbad

07:00.................Galapagos with David Attenborough 08:00.................Galapagos with David Attenborough 09:00 ..........................Petrol Age 10:00 ..........................Petrol Age 13:00.................. Little Crackers 15:00 ........................... Team Sky: Road to Glory 16:00........................... Team Sky: Road to Glory

06:00 ..................Good Morning Sports Fans 07:00 ..................Good Morning Sports Fans 08:00 ..................Good Morning Sports Fans 12:30 .............................. Football Hull City v Manchester United. Hull City host Manchester United at the KC Stadium in the Barclays Premier League. Wayne Rooney inspired United to a comprehensive victory when the sides last met.

15:00 ...............Scottish Premier League St Johnstone v Celtic. St Johnstone face Celtic at McDiarmid Park in the Scottish Premiership.

17:00.............................. Football Blackpool v Leeds United. Blackpool host Leeds United at Bloomfield Road in this Sky Bet Championship clash. The hosts came out on top when the sides last met here.

19:15 ..................... Football Nottingham Forest v Queens Park Rangers. Nottingham Forest take on Queens Park Rangers at the City Ground in the Sky Bet Championship. The spoils were shared when the sides last met in the 2010/11 campaign.

06:00.................... The Hot Desk 06:10 ....... The Xtra Factor: The Winner’s Story 07:00........................ Emmerdale 07:50 ...........Coronation Street 08:50 ................ The Xtra Factor 09:50................. The ITV2 Panto 11:25 ........................Emmerdale 12:30 ...........Coronation Street 13:40 ...........Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace 16:20 ...........Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones

17:00 .................Treasure Island

17:00...............Bradley Wiggins: A Year in Yellow

19:00............ The Simpsons

18:30 ........... Little Crackers

20:00 .......... Modern Family

20:00........ Richard E Grant’s Hotel Secrets

19:10 .........................You’ve Been Framed!

21:00 ................ Kingdom of Plants 2D

20:15 ..........Johnny English

22:00...............Clear History

23:00 .....................Hot Fuzz

23:05.............. ITV News and Weather

21:00................ Flight of the Phoenix

23:20...................... Through the Keyhole

23:00....Karl Pilkington: The Moaning of Life

22:00 ...........Celebrity Juice

Gangsta Granny BBC1, 18.05

Gangsta Granny Julia McKenzie, Joanna Lumley, Rob Brydon and Miranda Hart bring David Walliams’ bestselling children’s novel to life in a special 60-minute adaptation for BBC One. From the BAFTA-nominated team behind 2012’s Mr Stink and co-written by Kevin Cecil and Andy Riley (Gnomeo & Juliet, Robbie The Reindeer, Black Books) with David Walliams, the comedy drama tells the story of schoolboy Ben (Reece Buttery), who is bored beyond belief after he is made to stay at the house of his grandma, played by Julia McKenzie (Agatha Christie’s Marple, Cranford); all she ever wants to do is stay in, play Scrabble, and eat cabbage soup. Until one day, when Ben’s grandma tells him a story that she was once an international jewel thief, and together they go on a wild adventure to complete the one heist she never quite managed in her criminal heyday – which brings them face-to-face with Her Majesty The Queen, played by Joanna Lumley (Absolutely Fabulous, Jam & Jerusalem, Sensitive Skin). David Walliams (Little Britain, Big School, Britain’s Got Talent) and Miranda Hart (Call The Midwife, Miranda) appear as Ben’s Strictly Come Dancing obsessed parents, Mike & Linda. Rob Brydon (Gavin & Stacey, The Trip) plays Mr Parker – a nosy neighbour who could scupper Ben and his grandma’s plot; and Jocelyn Jee Esien (3 Non Blondes, Little Miss Jocelyn) appears as Kelly, the pushy mother of Florence (India Ria Amarteifio) with whom Ben has to dance in a local ballroom competition.

Page 28

20th December 2013 - 9th January 2014

TV Guide

fRIDAY 27TH dECEMBER 06:00 ............................Breakfast

06:00 ................ This is BBC Two

06:00..................... Children’s TV

06:30 ...................Natural World

06:00....................Babar and the Adventures of Badou

06:15..................... Suburgatory

08:20 ............Match of the Day

08:25.......................... Peppa Pig

06:00.................. Good Morning Sports Fans

09:50............... 102 Dalmatians

07:30 ........... Great Continental Railway Journeys

06:10 ............................Dino Dan

06:40............ According to Jim

06:25............................ Dino Dan

07:30 ................. Will and Grace

08:45 .................................. Toby’s Travelling Circus

07:00 ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

08:30 ....................... Africa 2013: Countdown to the Rains

06:40................................... Sooty

08:55 ..............................Bananas in Pyjamas

08:00 ..................Good Morning Sports Fans 12:30 ........................World Darts Championship

11:25 .............. Bedtime Stories 13:00 ............BBC News at One 13:10 ......... BBC London News 13:25 ............... Open All Hours: A Celebration 13:55 ................Len Goodman’s Perfect Christmas 14:35........................ Enchanted 16:10........................ Megamind 17:40 ..........................BBC News 17:55 ......... BBC London News 18:05............. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull 20:00 ................ EastEnders Things get off to a bumpy start for the Carters, but Linda soon swells with pride as the Vic opens for the first time with them in charge. Sharon is not pleased when she realises who Phil has sold the Vic to, but she soon has reasons to be happy. When Ronnie realises Roxy is going down a dangerous path, she comes up with a cunning plan.

20:30 .....................Miranda 21:00 ............. Death Comes to Pemberley 22:00........ BBC News at Ten 22:15 .... BBC London News 22:20 .....Mrs. Brown’s Boys 23:00 ...........Not Going Out The House. Festive edition of the sitcom featuring happy-go-lucky Lee, his landlady Lucy and their friends. In an effort to create the perfect Christmas for Lucy, Lee invites her parents to join the two of them and Daisy in a snug old house in the country which used to belong to his dear dead aunt. But the Christmas spirit is in short supply when Lucy discovers that the house has not been lived in for years and there appears to be a spooky presence. However, the spooky presence turns out to be Lee’s dad Frank, who has also turned up to enjoy Christmas in the house with an old flame, and in an effort to get rid of the unwanted visitors he pretends the house is haunted by playing old music and leaving threatening messages on the cellar wall.

23:45 .............John Bishop’s Christmas Show

06:50.......................... Bookaboo

08:20 ...................A Turtle’s Tale: Sammy’s Adventures

07:05.................... Horrid Henry

10:00..... The Big Bang Theory

09:15 ........................ Tickety Toc

07:20................................. Almost Naked Animals

10:55 .................. The Simpsons

09:30 .........The Mr. Men Show

11:55 ...........Aliens in the Attic

09:45 ....Mist: Sheepdog Tales

07:40................................. Almost Naked Animals

13:35 ................ Doctor Dolittle

10:00 ............World’s Strongest Man 2013

17:15................................. Flog It!

07:55 ................................Bottom Knocker Street

16:15 ...... Come Dine with Me

18:00 .................... Celebrity Eggheads

08:10 ................................Bottom Knocker Street

18:30........... The Choir: Sing While You Work

08:25 ...................... Dinner Date

19:30................... University Challenge

10:25 .........................Dickinson’s Real Deal

20:00................... Idris Elba: King of Speed

11:25 ............................. Batteries Not Included

09:30 ...................................Africa 10:30 ......................... Earthflight 11:30 ................. War and Peace 14:50 ................... How the West Was Won

Actor Idris Elba continues his exploration of how cars and culture have been influenced by the desire for speed. Idris examines the history of the rallying Mini and gets to grips with the combination of technology and skill involved in driving at a professional level. He also discovers that the underground driving craze of drifting, which began in Japan, has become the fastest growing motorsport in Europe - a passion for skill and handling has changed the way Europeans race. Idris then fulfils a personal ambition as he gets behind the wheel of a full-spec rally car and takes on a genuine Finnish rally course.

09:25......... Murder, She Wrote

13:25............................. ITV News and Weather 13:40................................Step Up 15:45............................ The Chas 16:45............. Downton Abbey

22:00 .................. Cast Away

20th December 2013 - 9th January 2014

17:20 .................. The Simpsons 17:50 ...........................Hollyoaks 18:20................... Hollyoaks 18:50........ Channel 4 News 19:00............... 19:05 ...... Gordon Ramsay’s Home Cooking 20:00 ..........Celebrity Come Dine with Me 21:00 ..... The Inbetweeners Movie 22:55............. Queer as Pop 23:55............................ Chic

11:00................. Eddie Stobart’s Christmas Cracker 12:00 ..................633 Squadron 13:50 ........................ Zulu Dawn 16:10 ..................... Chitty Chitty Bang Bang 19:00............ Eddie Stobart: Christmas Delivery 20:00 ......World’s Strongest Man 2013 21:00 .................... Mr. Bean 21:30 .................... Mr. Bean 22:00........ Tommy Cooper’s Christmas 23:05 .................. The Plank

17:00 ......................................FL72 18:00 ................ The Fantasy Football Club 19:00 ................ World Darts Championship 23:00................ The Fantasy Football Club

18:35...... ITV News London 18:45 .............. TV News and Weather 19:00 ................ Emmerdale

21:00........... Ben and James Versus the Arabian Desert Ben Fogle and James Cracknell continue their expedition across the Arabian desert. After only four days they are already behind schedule, with increasingly angry camels. As they try and pick up the pace, disaster strikes and Ben suffers a serious injury. The delays that follow allow them to reflect on their friendship, but when they begin again things aren’t any easier. The trip and their relationship are stretched to breaking point as they battle sandstorms and boiling temperatures to follow in Thesiger’s footsteps.

15:15............... Deal or No Deal

19:30 ..... Coronation Street 20:00......................... You’ve Been Framed! 20:30 ..... Coronation Street 21:00 ....................... Vicious 21:35 ....................... Bridget Jones’s Diary 23:20............. ITV News and Weather 23:35 ....................The Cube

06:00 ........................The Middle 07:00........................ Yonderland 08:00..................................Sinbad 09:00 ...................The Simpsons 09:30.................. Little Crackers 10:00............... Terry Pratchett’s Going Postal 12:00 ...................The Simpsons 12:30 ................ Modern Family 13:30........................ The Middle 14:30........................ Yonderland 15:30 ...................The Simpsons 16:00 .................................Sinbad 17:00 ................ Modern Family 18:00............ The Simpsons 18:30 ................Yonderland 19:00 ............ The Simpsons 20:00 ................ A League of Their Own 22:00....................... Trollied 23:00.......... Karl Pilkington: The Moaning of Life

06:00...........................The Devil’s Dinner Party 07:00 ..........................................ER 08:00 .......Star Trek: Enterprise 09:00....................... Blue Bloods 10:00....... Star Trek: Enterprise 11:00................... Stargate SG-1 12:00....................... Blue Bloods 13:00.................................. House 14:00.................................. House 15:00 .......................Blue Bloods

06:00 ........................Emmerdale 07:00 ..................................You’ve Been Framed! 07:30 ..................................You’ve Been Framed! 08:25 ....................The Only Way is Essexmas 09:30 ........... What a Girl Wants 11:40........................ Emmerdale 12:4................. Garfield 2: A Tail of Two Kitties

16:00 .......Star Trek: Enterprise

14:20 ....................Horrid Henry: The Movie

17:00.......................................... ER

16:15 .................................Casper

18:00......................... House

18:15................... Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith

19:00..........................House 20:00 ....... Richard E Grant’s Hotel Secrets 21:00 ........... Little Crackers

21:00.......... The Shawshank Redemption

22:00 ............Game Change

23:55............Celebrity Juice

Page 29

TV Guide

sATURDAY 28TH dECEMBER 06:00 ............................Breakfast

06:00 ................ This is BBC Two

10:00.............Saturday Kitchen

06:40 ...................Natural World

11:30 ...........Nigel Slater’s New Year Suppers

08:40..........Antiques Road Trip

12:00 .................Football Focus 12:45....... Saturday Sportsday 13:00 ..........................BBC News

07:40 .........Antiques Road Trip 09:40....................................Africa 10:40....................... Ice Princess

06:00 ...................Babar and the Adventures of Badou

06:15 ..... Ramona and Beezus

06:00..................... Children’s TV

06:30 .....................................FL72

08:00 ...........The Morning Line

07:45.................. Little Princess

09:00................... The American Football Show 10:00 .................................Frasier

08:00.......... The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill and His Best Friend Corky

07:30 ............................... Barclays Premier League

06:25 ................... The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That


08:15 ..........Angelina Ballerina

11:00 .....The Big Bang Theory

08:35 ...................... Rupert Bear

A comprehensive round-up of all the weekend’s action in the Barclays Premier League, including analysis of major incidents and reaction from key players and managers.

12:00 .................. The Simpsons 13:00 ........... Channel 4 Racing

08:50 ................ Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom

08:00 ........................The Fantasy Football Club

06:10 ................... The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That

13:10 ......... BBC London News

12:10 .................Revenge of the Bridesmaids

13:15......... F1 2013 - A Record Breaking Year

13:35 ................. The Accidental Husband

06:35 ............................Dino Dan

14:15 ....................Bargain Hunt

15:00................. Ben and James Versus the Arabian Desert

07:00 ............................ Canimals

15:15 ..............Call the Midwife 16:30 ........................ Final Score 17:10 ..........................BBC News 17:20 ......... BBC London News 17:30 .............................Celebrity Mastermind John Humphrys presents the celebrity version of Britain’s toughest quiz. Presenter Gail Porter, Red Dwarf star Danny JohnJules, food writer Prue Leith and BBC Breakfast’s Mike Bushell take on the Mastermind chair answering questions on number one singles, the choreographer Bob Fosse, wartime food and Alan Partridge.

18:00 ....................Pointless 18:50............................... Up 20:15...................... Atlantis

16:00................................. Flog It! 17:00 ............................ The Guns of Navarone 19:30................. Dad’s Army 20:00 ......... 100 Years of the Palladium 21:00 .....I Am Number Four

07:35 .................Kick Buttowski: Suburban Daredevil 07:50 ..............Om Nom Stories 07:55 ................................Bottom Knocker Street

09:30..................... The Home of Fabulous Cakes

23:40 .............Ambassadors

22:10................... BBC News

07:25 ..........................Bookaboo

22:40 ....... Charlie Brooker’s 2013 Wipe

23:50........................ Rogue

22:00 .............. The National Lottery Live

07:15 ............................ Canimals

08:10 ................................Bottom Knocker Street

22:30....... Match of the Day

21:00 ......... Death Comes to Pemberley

07:10 ............................ Canimals

Sci-fi adventure. A teenage alien and his guardian move from place to place in a bid to escape the evil, extra-terrestrial race who are trying to wipe out their species. The pair settle in a small Ohio town where the boy encounters his first love and discovers the true extent of his powers.

Before we all plunge into the depths of January despair, it is time to put on your party hat and reflect on 2013 with Charlie Brooker’s annual Christmas and New Year shindig. This is a high-octane glance back at a year in which almost nothing happened - apart from meteors, edible horses, cyclists on steroids, insurgents in Mali, fake space monkeys, Splash!, Oscar Pistorius, the Pope resigning, a new Pope, Christopher Dormer, The One Show, Chris Huhne, Gogglebox, Bedtime Live, Thatcher’s death, a Beiber backlash, Miley Cyrus, twerking, Dogging Tales, the Castro kidnappings, snooping, Snowden, a royal baby, Your Face Sounds Familiar, Egypt, Godfrey Bloom, the Damian McBride diaries, Diana (the film), GTA V, Sex Box, hurricanes, storms, Russell Brand on Newsnight and an American government shutdown. Joining Charlie to tackle the whole year in one hour will be an array of guests, which is why you do not want to miss it.

Drama series set in the mythical city of Atlantis. Minos’ health continues to fade as Pasiphae’s scheming reaches its zenith. She sentences Ariadne to a gruesome execution not even the worst of enemies would deserve. Now that the court’s loyalty is with the queen, Jason is Ariadne’s last hope. He will need all the help he can get if he and his friends are to save her life. Fortunately, there are a few in Atlantis who remain loyal to the king... As the series reaches a climax, the battle lines are drawn in Atlantis once and for all. But just as the odds seem stacked against Jason, a shocking revelation is made that exposes the past and changes the course of the future forever.

06:50 ............................Dino Dan

08:20 .................... Horrid Henry

15:35 ................Celebrity Come Dine with Me

09:00 ........................Jelly Jamm 09:2............................ LazyTown

16:00 ................Celebrity Come Dine with Me

09:45 ................... Chinese Food in Minutes

16:35 ................Celebrity Come Dine with Me

09:55 .......... The Dog Rescuers

17:05 ................Celebrity Come Dine with Me

10:25...................... Chitty Chitty Bang Bang 13:15 ........................ Oklahoma!

17:40 ..............Channel 4 News

16:00 ..........The Princess Bride

18:00.......... George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces

17:50 ............Michael Jackson’s This is it

19:00........... The Italian Job

20:00.......World’s Strongest Man 2013

08:30 .......................... Victorious

21:00................. 50 Funniest Moments 2013

09:00 ............Deadtime Stories

23:05..... The Inbetweeners

21:00 ................. Abduction

09:25 ............................ITV News

23:35 .....The Inbetweeners

23:05................... Superbad

06:00 ........................The Middle

06:00 ...........................Love/Lust 07:00.......................... The British 08:00.............................. Seinfeld 08:30 .............................. Seinfeld 09:00........................... Inside the Actors Studio 10:00........................... Inside the Actors Studio 12:00 ..........................................ER 13:00 ..........................................ER 14:00 ..........................................ER 15:00 .......................Blue Bloods 18:00 .................... Star Trek: Enterprise 19:00..................... Star Trek: Enterprise 20:00 ....... Richard E Grant’s Hotel Secrets 21:00 .... Boardwalk Empire 22:15 ............ The Sopranos 23:30 ........... Little Crackers

20:55 .......5 News Weekend

12:00 ....... Ford Saturday Night Football Live West Ham United v West Bromwich Albion. West Ham United welcome West Bromwich Albion to the Boleyn Ground for this Barclays Premier League clash. The Hammers ran out 3-1 winners in the corresponding fixture last season.

15:00 .................. Gillette Soccer Saturday 17:00 ....... Ford Saturday Night Football Live 20:00 .......... Saturday Night Football: Game of the Day 22:00 .......... Saturday Night Football: Match Choice

10:30 ......... Murder, She Wrote 11:30 .............................ITV News and Weather 11:35....................... Dinner Date 12:35 ........ Midsomer Murders 14:35.............................. The One and Only Cilla 16:05 .............Off Their Rockers 16:35 .............Paul O’Grady: For The Love of Dogs 17:35........... ITV News London 17:45..............................ITV News 18:00...................The Chase: Celebrity Special

07:00 ....................... Yonderland 08:00................................. Sinbad 09:00 ....................... The Fantasy Football Club 10:00 ....................... Soccer A.M. 12:00 ............... World Wrestling Entertainment Superstars 13:00 ................ Modern Family 13:30 ................ Modern Family 14:00 .........................The Smurfs Christmas Carol

14:30 ....................... Yonderland 19:00........All Star Family W C Fortunes choice 15:30 ...................The Simpsons 16:00 .................................Sinbad 20:00.....................The Cube 17:00 ...................The Simpsons 21:00.........The Jonathan CW Ross Show choice 18:00 ............ The Simpsons 22:15 ............. ITV News and Weather

20:00 .................. Moonfleet

22:30................ The Holiday

22:00 ...........The Karate Kid

21:00 .................... Mad Dog

The Jonathan Ross Show: Christmas Special ITV1, 21.00 This Christmas on The Jonathan Ross Show, Jonathan welcomes the legendary Sir David Attenborough; funnyman John Bishop; film star Ray Winstone, and the the nation’s favourite chef, Jamie Oliver, will be cooking up a treat. There’s also a rare TV performance from multi-platinum selling singer, Susan Boyle; and one of the UK’s best loved music acts, Rizzle Kicks, will be livening things up.

Page 30

10:00....................... Soccer A.M.

All Star Family Fortunes ITV1, 19.00

06:10 ........... Coronation Street Omnibus 09:15 ....Emmerdale Omnibus 12:40 .....You’ve Been Framed! 13:10 ............... Peter Andre: My Life at Christmas 14:15................. The ITV2 Panto 15:45 ...........Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith 18:30 .....Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope The first to be filmed of George Lucas’s epic sci-fi series, revamped with new scenes and special effects by the director in 1997. Following the death of his family at the hands of the evil Empire, young Luke Skywalker becomes apprentice to an ageing Jedi Knight - a warrior who harnesses the power of the allpervading Force - and embarks on a mission to rescue a rebel princess and thwart the Empire’s plans to enslave the galaxy.

21:00 ................ The Bourne Supremacy

W C choice

The information contained herein is embargoed from press use, commercial and non-commercial reproduction and sharing - in the public domain - until Saturday 7 December 2013. In a festive special, an All Star Dancing on Ice team fronted by Torvill and Dean compete against an All Star team from Coronation Street for the chance to win thousands of pounds for their chosen charity. Up to £30,000 is up for grabs, but which team will second guess the British public best, and make it through to Big Money? Hosted by Vernon Kay.

20th December 2013 - 9th January 2014

TV Guide

sUNDAY 29TH dECEMBER 06:00 ............................Breakfast 09:10 ............Match of the Day 10:30 ......Father of the Bride II 12:15 ....................MOTD2 Extra 13:00 ..........................BBC News 13:15....... Wallace and Gromit: A Close Shave 13:45 .........Shrek: The Pig Who Cried Werewolf 13:55......... Monsters vs Aliens 15:20 ...................... That Puppet Game Show 16:00.......... Comic Relief 2013 100 Million Laughs. Lenny Henry, Steve Jones and Zoe Ball look back at a night of comedy and fundraising in this special programme showcasing the best of Red Nose Day 2013, featuring comedy royalty Peter Kay, David Walliams, Miranda Hart and David Brent. Jack Dee, Dara O Briain and John Bishop also report on how this year’s total of over 100 million pounds has been spent across Africa and the UK, while some local fundraisers are treated to a surprise thank-you.

17:00................ Songs of Praise 17:35.......................... BBC News 17:50......... BBC London News 18:00 ................ Countryfile 19:00 .....................Antiques Roadshow 20:00.............. Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides 22:05 .................. BBC News 22:20 .... BBC London News 22:30 ..................... Match of the Day 2 Highlights and reaction from the day’s four Premier League fixtures, introduced by Mark Chapman. Games include a reunion at Stamford Bridge, as Jose Mourinho’s former Chelsea coach Brendan Rodgers returns with his Liverpool side. The last time they met, in April, Luis Suarez scored a dramatic late equaliser in a game that will be remembered for his bite on Branislav Ivanovic. Elsewhere, Newcastle host Arsenal, Everton welcome Southam pton, and Tottenham entertain Stoke.

23:50 ...............The Football League Show

06:00................ This is BBC Two 06:10................... Natural World 07:00............................. Antiques Road Trip 08:00..............................Antiques Road Trip 09:00............................. Antiques Road Trip 10:00............. Saturday Kitchen Best Bites 11:30...................... The A to Z of TV Cooking 12:15 .........................EastEnders Omnibus 15:15 .................Ben and James Versus the Arabian Desert 16:15................................. Flog It! 17:15 ................... Force 10 from Navarone 19:15 .....................Porridge Fletcher plans to add a bit of Christmas spirit to the festive season at Slade Prison in the form of his very own home-made liquor. But when prison officers Mackay and Barraclough uncover the stash of ‘Chateau Slade’, Fletcher seems in danger of spending Christmas in solitary.

20:00........ Morecambe and Wise in Pieces 21:00 ......... Michael Palin in Wyeth’s World Michael Palin heads for rural Pennsylvania and Maine to explore the extraordinary life and work of one of America’s most popular and controversial painters, Andrew Wyeth. Fascinated by his iconic painting Christina’s World, Palin goes in search of the real life stories that inspired this and Wyeth’s other depictions of the American landscape and its hard grafting inhabitants. Tracking down the farmers, friends and family featured in Wyeth’s magically real work, Palin builds a picture of an eccentric, enigmatic and driven painter. He also gets a rare interview with Helga, the woman who put Wyeth back in the headlines when the press discovered he had been painting her nude, compulsively but secretly for 15 years.

22:00................................ QI 22:30.......... 2013: Moments in Time 23:30 .........................TOTP2

20th December 2013 - 9th January 2014

06:00 ...................Babar and the Adventures of Badou 06:10 ................... The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That 06:25 ................... The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That 06:35 ............................Dino Dan 06:50 ............................Dino Dan 07:00 ............................ Canimals 07:10 ............................ Canimals 07:15 ............................ Canimals 07:25 ..........................Bookaboo 07:35 .................Kick Buttowski: Suburban Daredevil 07:45 ..............Om Nom Stories 07:50 ..............Om Nom Stories 07:55 ........... Share a Story: The Winners’ Journey 08:20 .................... Horrid Henry 08:30 .......................... Victorious 09:00 ............Deadtime Stories 09:25............................ ITV News 09:30............ Storage Hoarders

06:00 ...................The American Football Show 06:55................... Boo, Zino and the Snurks 08:30 .............Everybody Loves Raymond

06:00..................... Children’s TV 08:30................ Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 08:50........................ Jelly Jamm 09:20 .......................... LazyTown

09:00 .................................Frasier

09:45.................... Olly the Little White Van

09:30 ................Sunday Brunch

09:55........... Inside Hollywood

12:30 .....The Big Bang Theory

10:00........... The Dog Rescuers

13:00 .................. The Simpsons

10:25 ............World’s Strongest Man 2013

13:30............................. Inkheart 15:30 ..............Channel 4 News 15:55............ Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events

11:25 ............World’s Strongest Man 2013 12:25 .................. Eddie Stobart: Trucks and Trailers

18:00 ..........Celebrity Come Dine with Me

13:30 .........................................21

19:00.................. Bear’s Wild Weekend with Stephen Fry

18:20............... Snow White

20:00 .................Speed with Guy Martin 21:00......... 8 Out of 10 Cats 22:00.................. Rude Tube 23:05 ............ Mashed 2013 23:40 .....The Inbetweeners

06:00 ................. Saturday Night Football: Match Choice

15:45 ...................................Yanks 19:55....... 5 News Weekend 20:00...... World’s Strongest Man 2013 21:00 ......An Audience with Bruce Forsyth

07:30............... Game Changers Darren Campbell and Di Dougherty host a fun show with games and challenges to help get children involved in sport. Top names including David Beckham will make regular appearances.

09:00 ........................The Sunday Supplement 10:30 .............Goals on Sunday 12:30 .........Ford Super Sunday 15:30 .........Ford Super Sunday Chelsea v Liverpool.Chelsea face Liverpool at Stamford Bridge in the Barclays Premier League. The teams played out a 2-2 draw when they last met at Anfield.

19:00................ World Darts Championship

23:05....... Shirley Valentine

2013 (Day 14) Quarter-Finals 3 and 4. The quarter-finals of the 2014 PDC World Darts Championship from London’s Alexandra Palace.

22:05 .......... Bruce Forsyth’s Comedy Heroes

10:30............... Sunday Side Up 11:30.................. Sunday Scoop 12:30............................. ITV News 12:35 ........................... Inside the National Trust

06:00 ......... The Hour of Power

06:00........................... Love/Lust

06:00 ....................The Hot Desk

07:00 ....................... Yonderland

07:00 .............................. Seinfeld

06:10 ....Emmerdale Omnibus

13:35........ Midsomer Murders

08:00 .................................Sinbad

07:30.............................. Seinfeld

15:35........... Love Your Garden

09:00 ...................The Simpsons

08:00......... Friday Night Lights

09:15 ........... Coronation Street Omnibus

16:35......................... Just Henry

09:30.................. Little Crackers

12:50 ................ The Xtra Factor

18:35...... ITV News London

10:00 ............... World Wrestling Entertainment Superstars

09:00........................... Inside the Actors Studio

13:50............................ Peter Pan

10:00........................... Inside the Actors Studio

16:00 ...........Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope

18:45............. ITV News and Weather 19:00............... Catchphrase Stephen Mulhern hosts a special Christmas celebrity edition of the much loved game show. Celebrities Carol Vorderman (Loose Women), Michael Ball (musical theatre star), and Michelle Collins (Coronation Street), line up to ‘say what they see’ as they compete to identify well-known phrases to win thousands of pounds for their chosen charities

20:00 ....... Agatha Christie’s Marple 22:00..................... ITV News 22:15 .............The Break-Up

11:00 .............WWE Experience 12:00....................The Simpsons 12:30................. Modern Family 13:30........................ The Middle 14:00.................. The Karate Kid 16:30.......................... Moonfleet 17:30....................The Simpsons 18:00 ............ The Simpsons 20:00.................. Moonfleet 21:00................... Mad Dogs 22:00 ................ A League of Their Own 23:00...................... Banshee

11:00 ..........................Petrol Age 12:00.......................... Petrol Age 13:00....................Urban Secrets 14:00 .............................Mankind 15:00........................... Team Sky: Road to Glory 17:00 ..........................Petrol Age 18:00.................. Petrol Age 19:00.. Star Trek: Enterprise 20:00.......................... Vegas 21:00....... Game of Thrones 22:15 ..............Clear History

The first to be filmed of George Lucas’s epic sci-fi series, revamped with new scenes and special effects by the director in 1997. Following the death of his family at the hands of the evil Empire, young Luke Skywalker becomes apprentice to an ageing Jedi Knight - a warrior who harnesses the power of the allpervading Force - and embarks on a mission to rescue a rebel princess and thwart the Empire’s plans to enslave the galaxy.

18:30 ................... Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back 21:00 .... Shaun of the Dead

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TV Guide

moNDAY 30TH dECEMBER 06:00 ............................Breakfast 09:10 .......Bridge to Terabithia 10:40 ............................ Sky High 12:15.....................Bargain Hunt 13:00.............BBC News at One 13:10.......... BBC London News 13:20 .................The One Show 13:50 ...... A Question of Sport 14:20 .......Wallace and Gromit: A Grand Day Out 14:45 ...............................WALL-E 16:15 .................. Mary Poppins 18:30 .................. BBC News 18:50 .... BBC London News 19:00 .................... Celebrity Mastermind John Humphrys presents the celebrity version of Britain’s toughest quiz. Four more celebrities take on the famous black chair as the Formula One commentator James Allen, the actor David Bradley, Hebburn star Chris Ramsey and Shobu Kapoor from Citizen Khan answer questions on Roald Dahl, Max Wall, The Sopranos and Jack Kerouac’s On the Road.

19:30 .......................... Shrek Forever After 21:00 ................ EastEnders 21:30..... Mrs. Brown’s Boys Sitcom about a loud-mouthed Irish matriarch and her family. Agnes is on a mission to make sure grandson Bono is not sent to the infamous local primary school, in spite of his parents’ wishes. And as if her house is not normally noisy enough, Agnes finds herself lumbered with a brand new house guest in the form of a homeless parrot. She is still looking forward to her New Year’s Eve party - until her guests start dropping like flies. Suddenly it looks like Agnes might be seeing in the new year without her family around her.

22:10................... BBC News 22:25 .... BBC London News 22:30 .....Comic Relief 2013 100 Million Laughs. Lenny Henry, Steve Jones and Zoe Ball look back at a night of comedy and fundraising in this special programme showcasing the best of Red Nose Day 2013, featuring comedy royalty Peter Kay, David Walliams, Miranda Hart and David Brent. Jack Dee, Dara O Briain and John Bishop.

23:30 .................. BBC News: The Editors

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06:30................... Natural World

06:00........................... Daybreak

07:30 ................The House That £100k Built

08:30 ..............................Lorraine

08:30............................... Britain’s Empty Homes 09:00 ...................................Africa

09:25......... Murder, She Wrote 10:25......Dickinson’s Real Deal 11:25..... The Railway Children

10:00......................... Earthflight

13:35............................. ITV News and Weather

11:00 ........................... The Great British Bake Off

13:50...................... Dinner Date

12:00 ........................... The Great British Bake Off 13:00......... Antiques Road Trip 14:00..............Ice Station Zebra 16:20 .................. Attenborough and the Giant Egg 17:20 .................................Flog It! 18:00....Celebrity Eggheads Dermot Murnaghan hosts a celebrity special of the show where every day a new team of challengers take on probably the greatest quiz team in Britain. The Eggheads are made up of some of the country’s top quiz champions, including Mastermind Champion of Champions, Pat Gibson; 15 to 1 winner Daphne Fowler; Millionaire winner Judith Keppel; International Mastermind winner Chris Hughes and four times world quiz champion, Kevin Ashman. Can a team of former EastEnders actors featuring Derek Martin, Carol Harrison, Shobu Kapoor, Dave Spinx and Jane How triumph over the general knowledge Goliaths and win the cash prize for their charity or will it go to this year’s Children In Need appeal?

18:30.................... A Culture Show Special 19:30 ................ Dad’s Army 20:00................... University Challenge Jeremy Paxman asks the questions as teams of distinguished university graduates compete in a festive version of the quiz. Playing tonight are the University of Leicester team, which includes TV’s Sue Cook and astronomer Heather Couper, and Sussex University, with sports presenter Rob Bonnet and former news announcer Alice Arnold.

20:30 .........Sacred Wonders of Britain 21:30 ...........The Thirteenth Tale 23:00............ Mel Smith: I’ve Sort Of Done Things

14:50..................... Catchphrase 15:50 ..................Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed

06:00 ......... The Treacle People Christmas Special: Sticky Christmas

06:00..................... Children’s TV

06:20 ............ According to Jim 06:45 ................. Will and Grace

09:00................ Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures

07:35 ................... See Spot Run

09:05 .... Roary the Racing Car

09:20 .......................... How I Met Your Mother

09:15 .........The Mr. Men Show

10:20 ................................The Big Bang Theory

09:50 ...........Inside Hollywood

11:20 .................. The Simpsons

10:25 .............. Britain’s Craziest Christmas Lights

17:35 .....You’ve Been Framed!

12:20 ..................Space Chimps

18:00......................... Aussie Animal Island

14:00 ............................. Coraline

Series about the protected habitat of Maria Island off the east coast of Tasmania. In the fifth episode, one of the eight female Tasmanian devils has finally got the hang of finding food. Now she must find a male and produce a new generation of disease-free young. As the breeding season draws near, the scientists set traps around the island to capture and examine each of the devils to ensure they are healthy and ready to mate. Even during the mating season, the devils must eat. One of them is drawn by the smell of an elephant seal carcass rotting on the beach. Inquisitive, confident and bit of a show-off, Manny is a favourite with the scientific team but has always had a nose for trouble. He has not been seen for a few days, so the team try to locate him using the tracking device on his collar - with heartbreaking results.

18:30...... ITV News London 19:00................. Emmerdale 19:30...... Coronation Street 20:30.... Quantum of Solace 22:30 ............. ITV News and Weather 22:45....................The Game Nicholas Van Orton, a selfish, self-obsessed investment banker, is presented with an unusual present from his younger brother - a gift certificate from a specialised company claiming to devise devilish games for its wealthy clients. Before too long, Nicholas’ life begins to fall apart: the world seems to be conspiring against him as dirty dealings, drugs, hidden cameras and even dying people make an unwelcome appearance in his previously successful routine. Is this all part of the game or has it gone terribly wrong!

08:35........Bananas in Pyjamas 08:45 ........................ Tickety Toc

09:30 ....Mist: Sheepdog Tales 09:55.......... The Dog Rescuers

06:00 ..................Good Morning Sports Fans 07:00.................. Good Morning Sports Fans 08:00...................Good Morning Sports Fans 11:30 ................... Football Gold 11:45 ................... Football Gold 12:00 ................... Football Gold 12:15 ................... Football Gold 12:30 ................... Football Gold 12:45 ................... Football Gold

16:00 ...............Deal or No Deal

11:25 ............World’s Strongest Man 2013

13:00........................ World Darts Championship

17:00 ................Celebrity Come Dine with Me

12:25.................. Eddie Stobart: Trucks and Trailers

17:00 ................... Football Gold 17:15 ................... Football Gold

13:25....... Winter Road Rescue

17:30 ................... Football Gold

14:25 ........................ The Alamo

17:45................... Football Gold

18:00 .................. Hollyoaks 19:00......... Channel 4 News 19:05 ........ Gok Does Panto 20:00........................ Jamie’s Festive Feast 21:00 ........... Doggy Styling 22:00 ......... Twit of the Year 23:30 .........C4’s 30 Greatest Comedy Shows

06:00 ........................The Middle 07:00 ....................... Yonderland 08:00 .................................Sinbad 09:00 ...................The Simpsons 10:00 ..................................... Glee 11:00 ..................................... Glee 12:00 .................. Little Crackers 12:30 ................ Modern Family 13:30 ........................The Middle 14:30........................ Yonderland 15:30................... The Simpsons 16:00................................. Sinbad 17:00 ...................The Simpsons 17:30................ Modern Family 18:30 ............ The Simpsons 20:00 ......... All Aboard: East Coast Trains 21:00 ................ Strike Back: Shadow Warfare 22:00..................... Banshee 23:05......... An Idiot Abroad

17:10 .......... The Four Feathers 19:30....... Eddie Stobart: 12 Days of Christmas 20:30.......World’s Strongest Man 2013 21:30.............Dirty Dancing 23:35.................Jesus Christ Superstar

06:00 ..........................The Devil’s Dinner Party 07:00 ..........................................ER 08:00 .......Star Trek: Enterprise 09:00 .......................Blue Bloods 10:00 .......Star Trek: Enterprise 11:00 ................... Stargate SG-1 12:00 .......................Blue Bloods 13:00 ..................................House 15:00 .......................Blue Bloods 16:00 .......Star Trek: Enterprise 17:00 ..........................................ER 18:00......................... House 19:00......................... House 20:00.... Friday Night Lights 21:00 ................... The Sarah Silverman Program 22:20 ......Set List: Stand-Up Without a Net 22:50..... Boardwalk Empire

A chance to relive the 2000 first division play-off final between Barnsley and Ipswich Town at Wembley. Barnsley beat Birmingham City in the previous round, while Ipswich saw off Bolton.

18:00 ........................... FL72 19:00................ World Darts Championship 23:00 ........................... FL72

06:00 ........................Emmerdale 06:25 ...........Coronation Street 06:55 ...........Coronation Street 07:20......You’ve Been Framed! 07:55 ....................... Free Willy 3: The Rescue 09:45 .....................Dragonheart 11:45 ........................Emmerdale 12:15 ...........Coronation Street 12:50............Coronation Street 13:25.................... Horrid Henry: The Movie 15:20 ............................Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back 17:50 ............................Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi 20:30..........................You’ve Been Framed! 21:00 .............Love Actually 23:45........... Celebrity Juice

20th December 2013 - 9th January 2014

TV Guide

nEW YEARS eVE 06:00 ............................Breakfast 09:10 ......................... Bee Movie 10:30....................... Beverly Hills Chihuahua 12:00 ....................Bargain Hunt 13:00.............BBC News at One 13:15......... BBC London News 13:20............ The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian 15:35................ Kung Fu Panda: Secrets of the Furious Five 16:00 ......................How to Train Your Dragon 17:30............... Top of the Pops New Year. Fearne Cotton and Reggie Yates get the New Year’s Eve party started with a celebration of the big hits of a memorable 2013 and, as is tradition, the first number one of 2014. Little Mix perform their infectious hit single Move, while James Arthur returns to the TOTP studio with You’re Nobody Till Somebody Loves You. The Vamps perform their catchy tune Can We Dance, festival favourites The 1975 perform their single Chocolate and London Grammar join the lineup with Strong. Jessie J joins in the revelry with her new single Thunder, John Newman pops by with his summer smash Love Me Again and Ellie Goulding performs her charttopping single Burn. Chase and Status featuring Jacob Banks bring their beats to the studio, while Tinie Tempah and John Martin perform their anthem Children of the Sun. Plus Fearne and Reggie take a look back at all the big pop stories of 2013 and there is a chance to once again enjoy Arctic Monkeys’ triumphant return to the Pyramid Stage at Glastonbury 2013.

18:30................... BBC News 18:45..... BBC London News 19:00..................... Celebrity Mastermind 19:30.................. EastEnders 20:00...................Holby City 21:00....... Two Doors Down 22:00 ....... BBC News at Ten 22:15 ............... The Graham Norton Show 23:15...... Gary Barlow’s Big Ben Bash Live 23:55........... New Year’s Eve Fireworks

06:00 ................ This is BBC Two 06:25 ...................Natural World 07:25 ..................... Short Circuit 09:00 ...................................Africa 10:00......................... Earthflight 11:00 ..............The Great British Bake Off 12:00 ..............The Great British Bake Off 13:00 .........Antiques Road Trip 14:00........................ First Knight 16:05 ...... The Queen’s Palaces 17:05 .................................Flog It! 18:00....Celebrity Eggheads 18:30 .............Blackpool Big Night Out 19:30................... University Challenge 20:00 ...................... Nature’s Weirdest Events 21:00.....................Tudor W C Monastery Farm choice

06:00........................... Daybreak 08:30 ..............................Lorraine 09:25 ............. Scooby-Doo and the Alien Invaders 11:00 .........................Dickinson’s Real Deal 12:00 ...................All Star Family Fortunes 12:45............................. ITV News and Weather 13:05 ..........................The ‘Burbs 15:00 ........................... The Cube 16:00....................... The Nation’s Favourite Dance Moment 17:30 .............Off Their Rockers 18:00 ............... You’ve Been Framed! 18:30...... ITV News London 18:45............. ITV News and Weather 19:00................ Emmerdale 19:30......................... Aussie Animal Island Series about the protected habitat of Maria Island off the east coast of Tasmania. In the final episode, the future looks bright for the Tasmanian devils as all eight females prepare to have joeys - the result the scientific team had hoped for. By mid autumn, the scientists return to check on the devils. They discover that big Jimmy has been a busy lad - so busy he has forgotten to eat and has lost almost a third of his weight.

20:00 ..............Mamma Mia!

Christmas Special. Dara O’Briain and the team deliver their traditional seasonal silliness. As well as all the usual hilarious Christmas chat covering everything from exploding chutney to inappropriate moose behaviour, the team have promised festive films, revealing out-takes and a wrapping master class from Dara O’Briain. Guests include Josh Widdicombe, Milton Jones, Ed Byrne, Stewart Francis and Katherine Ryan.

22:30 ............ Dara O’Briain: Craic Dealer 23:30............ Jools’s Annual Hootenanny 2013

06:00..................... Children’s TV

10:15 ................Michael Buble’s Christmas Special

17:00 .................................Goles y Goles y Goles

20:00 ....... Celebrity Fifteen to One

11:15 .......................... Fiddler on the Roof

17:30 .................... Football Gold

14:50...............................Pal Joey

18:00.............. Rugby Union Super Tries

Adam Hills hosts a celebrity special episode of classic Channel 4 series Fifteen to One. Fifteen celebrities battle it out to win the notoriously tough quiz show, hoping to win tens of thousands of pounds for charity and claim the prestigious title of champion.

21:00 ......... Alan Carr’s New Year Specstacular 23:05 .........The 50 Funniest Moments of 2013

06:00 ........................The Middle 07:00 ....................... Yonderland 08:00 .................................Sinbad 09:00....................The Simpsons

08:00 ........................ Fifi and the Flowertots

06:00...................Good Morning Sports Fans

08:10 ..........................Peppa Pig

07:00 ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

08:25 .................................. Toby’s Travelling Circus

08:00.................. Good Morning Sports Fans

08:40 .......Bananas in Pyjamas 09:00 ........................ Tickety Toc 09:20 ................Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 09:25 .... Roary the Racing Car 09:40........... Inside Hollywood 09:45........... The Dog Rescuers

17:00............... Seven Brides for Seven Brothers 19:00 ..... The Gadget Show 20:00 ......World’s Strongest Man 2013 21:00 .....Greatest Stand Up Comedians 23:50 .................. The Plank

09:00 FL72 11:00.......................Soccer A.M. The Best Bits 12:00 ......................................FL72 13:00 ........................World Darts Championship

17:45 .................... Football Gold

18:30 ........................ Goles y Goles y Goles 19:00......... Ringside - Fights of 2013 21:00............................... F1 Season Review

06:00 ..........................The Devil’s Dinner Party

06:00 ........................Emmerdale

07:00 ..........................................ER

07:25 ..... You’ve Been Framed! Top 100 Animals

08:00 .......Star Trek: Enterprise

06:25 ...........Coronation Street

08:15 ....... The Xtra Factor: The Winner’s Story

09:30 .................. Little Crackers

09:00 .......................Blue Bloods

10:00 ..................................... Glee 22:15........2013: A Funny W C Old Year choice 12:00 ...................The Simpsons 12:30 ................ Modern Family 23:15........................ Vicious

10:00....... Star Trek: Enterprise 11:00................... Stargate SG-1 13:00.................................. House

09:15................ I’m a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here Now! Trials and Tribulations

14:30 ....................... Yonderland

15:00....................... Blue Bloods

10:20 ........... What a Girl Wants

16:00 .......Star Trek: Enterprise

12:30 ........................Emmerdale

17:00 ..........................................ER

13:00 ...........Coronation Street


14:05..... You’ve Been Framed!

20:00 ................ Kingdom of Plants 2D

14:40............. Beethoven’s 2nd

22:10 .................... ITV News 22:00 ..........Mock the Week

06:00............ According to Jim 06:30................. Will and Grace 07:20 .............Little Manhattan 08:50 .......................... How I Met Your Mother 09:45................................ The Big Bang Theory 10:50.................. The Simpsons 11:50.................... Imagine That 13:55................. Home Alone 3 16:00............... Deal or No Deal 17:00 ...... Come Dine with Me 18:00 ............The Simpsons 18:25 .................. Hollyoaks 18:55 ........ Channel 4 News 19:00 .........Deal or No Deal

Christmas Special. Christmas special of the sitcom following the lives of an elderly gay couple. Freddie and Stuart are throwing a Christmas Day celebration for their friends - with a little help from their young neighbour Ash. With Ash cooking dinner and Stuart organising the party games, everyone seems set for a fun time. Managing in the kitchen is proving difficult for Ash though, and a game of truth or dare leads to some unexpected revelations. Meanwhile Freddie is preparing for his big new role.

23:45 ............. ITV News and Weather

13:30 ........................The Middle 15:30 ...................The Simpsons 16:00..................................Sinbad 17:00....................The Simpsons 17:30................. Modern Family 18:30............ The Simpsons 20:00........... Modern Family 21:00 ..........Karl Pilkington: The Moaning of Life 23:55......................New Year Fireworks Live

12:00....................... Blue Bloods

21:00 ............Steve Coogan: Stand-Up Down Under

16:30........... Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi

23:00.......Set List: Stand-Up Without a Net

19:10..... Mr Bean’s Holiday

23:30.....Walking and Talking

23:25........... Celebrity Juice

21:00......................Hot Fuzz

W C choice

Funny Old Year

Tudor Monastery Farm Christmas Special

ITV1, 22.15

BBC2, 21.00

From selfies to twerking, from the Royal Baby to the horsemeat scandal, from Murray winning to Beckham retiring, 2013 certainly had its fair share of highs and lows. In Funny Old Year, comedian Jason Manford hosts this one-hour special giving his unique and personal take on 2013, on everything from television to sport, from the gaffes to the feuds and the trends of the year. With the funniest stories from regional news, vox pops and awards, Funny Old Year promises to be a comedic celebration of the memorable moments of 2013.

Ruth Goodman, Peter Ginn and Tom Pinfold (Credit: BBC/Lion Television/Laura Rawlinson) The Tudor Monastery Farm Christmas Special will see Ruth Goodman, Peter Ginn and Tom Pinfold explore the festive season, as it would have been celebrated under the reign of King Henry VII. Today we think of Christmas as a relatively modern, post-Victorian celebration, but the Tudors took it very seriously indeed. For a start, they celebrated for the whole Twelve Days of Christmas, with many manorial rules stipulating that “villeins are to do no work” on the Lord’s land for the 12 days. Christmas Day itself, rather than being the culmination of Christmas as it is now, was just the warm-up. The observance of Advent (a month of fasting) ended with Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve and kicked off 12 Days of non-stop feasting and merriment, which peaked on New Year’s Day and finally ended on Twelfth Night. Ruth, Peter and Tom will concentrate on three of the big Christmas feast days, Christmas Day, New Year’s Day and Twelfth Night. They will make Tudor decorations, engage in festive revels and prepare Christmas feasting delights such as Boar’s Head, Shred Pies (the fore-runners of Mince Pies, made with meat) and Christmas Pudding. Along the way, they’ll turn their hands to falconry and archery; and make Tudor bagpipes, before discovering the Tudor origins of Christmas Carols, the singing of which was known as wassailing and discover the medieval forerunner of Father Christmas, the Lord of Misrule - traditionally a commoner placed in authority over his social betters for the festive period and tasked with directing the Christmas revelry - a figure so popular that even the King himself had one at Court.

20th December 2013 - 9th January 2014

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TV Guide

New Years Day 06:00 ............................Breakfast 09:00 ................... The Ant Bully 10:20 ..................... Who Framed Roger Rabbit? 11:55 ................. Polar Bear: Spy on the Ice 12:45.......... The Archbishop of Canterbury’s New Year Message 12:50 ..........................BBC News 13:00 ......... BBC London News 13:05.............. Gangsta Granny 14:15 ...... The Sound of Music 17:05 ............ Kung Fu Panda 2 18:25................... BBC News 18:35 .... BBC London News 18:45.... Gnomeo and Juliet 20:00 ................ EastEnders Pushed to breaking point, and with her loved ones’ lives in danger as well as her own, a panicked Ronnie takes matters into her own hands, with serious consequences. Meanwhile Linda and Mick, unable to hide their opinions, make their daughter Nancy’s big day unforgettable.

21:00 .................... Sherlock Contemporary crime drama, based on the stories by Arthur Conan Doyle. Two years after the devastating loss of his best friend, Dr John Watson has got on with his life. New horizons, romance and a comforting domestic future beckon. But with London under threat of a huge terrorist attack, Sherlock Holmes is about to rise from the grave with all the theatricality that comes so naturally to him. Even though it is what he wanted more than anything, for John Watson it might well be a case of ‘Be careful what you wish for’.

22:25 ....... BBC News at Ten 22:40..... BBC London News 22:50 ...... Match of the Day

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06:00 ................ This is BBC Two 06:50 ...................Natural World 07:50.............................. Flight of the Navigator 09:15 ..............The Great British Bake Off 10:15 ..............The Great British Bake Off 11:15 ..........Year’s Day Concert from Vienna 201 12:40 ............... The Many Faces of Michael Caine Series of screen biographies that chart the careers of Britain’s bestloved film and television faces through their most significant roles and sometimes forgotten gems from the archives. This follows Sir Michael Caine’s impressive career, featuring archive clips woven together with interviews from colleagues and critics. It covers his 50-year-long career with classic films like Zulu, The Ipcress File, The Man Who Would Be King and Get Carter, plus the more recent controversial British film, Harry Brown.

13:20............................ The Eagle Has Landed 15:30 ...........Sports Personality of the Year at 60 16:30 .........................Final Score 17:20 .......... The Archbishop of Canterbury’s New Year Message 17:25 ...........................University Challenge 17:55......................The Terminal Drama inspired by real events. Viktor Navorski is visiting New York when there is a coup in his Eastern European home country. By the time he arrives in America, Navorski is stranded with a passport from nowhere and finds that he is forced to live in the terminal building until peace returns. Flight attendant Amelia is the one redeeming aspect of the situation, but can he win her heart?

20:00 ...................... Nature’s Weirdest Events 21:00 ...............Glasgow Big Night Out 22:00 .......... Stanley Baxter: The Many Faces of 23:00 .....The Sarah Millican Slightly Longer Television Programme 23:40.............. The Resident

06:00 ...................Babar and the Adventures of Badou 06:10....................Babar and the Adventures of Badou 06:20..................................Almost Naked Animals 06:40..................................Almost Naked Animals 06:50 .................... Horrid Henry 07:05.................... Horrid Henry 07:20.............. Om Nom Stories 07:25 ........... Share a Story: The Winners’ Journey 07:55 ................................Bottom Knocker Street 08:10 ................................Bottom Knocker Street 08:25 ...................... Dinner Date 09:25.......... Murder, She Wrote 10:25.............................Columbo 12:20 .........................Dickinson’s Real Deal 13:25............................. ITV News and Weather 13:50........................ Uncle Buck 15:40 ............ 50 Greatest Harry Potter Moments To celebrate the release of the final instalment in the Harry Potter film saga, this special programme counts down the 50 greatest Harry Potter moments. Robbie Coltrane - aka Hagrid - narrates the countdown and looks back at the events which have defined the story of Harry and his friends. From the very first meeting aboard the Hogwarts Express to the death of the mighty Dumbledore, there are numerous scenes that have made Harry Potter an international favourite.

17:40 .................The Illusionists 18:45 ............. ITV News and Weather 19:00 ................ Emmerdale 19:30 ..... Coronation Street 20:00........ Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 22:30................ ITV News at Ten and Weather 22:50............ 2013: A Funny Old Year 23:50............. The Jonathan Ross Show

06:05 ............ According to Jim 06:30 ................. Will and Grace 06:55 ....................Freaky Friday 08:50 .......................... How I Met Your Mother 09:20 .......................... How I Met Your Mother 09:50................................ The Big Bang Theory 10:20 ........................... Planet 51 12:05............... Deal or No Deal 13:05 ........... Channel 4 Racing 15:40 .................. The Simpsons 16:10........................................ Big 18:10........ Channel 4 News 18:20........... The Karate Kid 21:00 ..............David Blaine For more than a decade, David Blaine has been captivating the world with his high-profile endurance stunts. Starting his career as a magician who appeared to do the impossible with a deck of cards, he was soon following in the footsteps of Houdini, seeking out that which seemed physically impossible, and actually doing it.

06:00..................... Children’s TV 08:10.................................. Toby’s Travelling Circus 08:20 .......Bananas in Pyjamas 08:35 ........................ Tickety Toc 08:45 ......................Thomas and Friends: King of the Railway 09:55 ...........Inside Hollywood 10:10.......... The Dog Rescuers 10:40 ............World’s Strongest Man 2013 11:40 ............World’s Strongest Man 2013 12:40 .....Eddie Stobart: Trucks and Trailers 13:40.......................... The Glenn Miller Story

06:00 ..................Good Morning Sports Fans 07:00 ..................Good Morning Sports Fans 08:00.................. Good Morning Sports Fans 09:00 .......................... Sky Sports Years 2013 10:00 ........................... Ringside Fights of 2013 12:00 .................................Gillette Soccer Special 12:30 .............................. Football 15:00 .................................Gillette Soccer Special 17:15 ..................... Football 20:00 ................ World Darts Championship

15:55 ................. Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes 18:30....... The Dam Busters 21:00.............. An Audience with Ken Dodd

22:20................ Big Fat Quiz of the Year 2013

22:55 .............. An Audience with Cliff Richard

23:00 .................. Sky Sports Years 2013

06:00........................ The Middle 07:00........................ Yonderland 07:30................................. Sinbad 08:30...... The Making of David Attenborough’s Galapagos 3D 09:30 ...................The Simpsons 10:00...................................... Glee 12:00 ...................The Simpsons 12:30 ................ Modern Family 13:30........................ The Middle 14:30........................ Yonderland 15:30................................. Sinbad 16:30 ...................The Simpsons 17:00................ Modern Family 18:00............. The Simpsons 18:30 .......................... David Attenborough’s Natural World 20:00 .................. Moonfleet 22:00................... Mad Dogs

06:00.......................... The Devil’s Dinner Party

06:00 ........................Emmerdale

07:00 ..........................................ER

07:15......You’ve Been Framed!

08:00 .......Star Trek: Enterprise

07:40...... You’ve Been Framed! Funniest 100

09:00 .......................Blue Bloods 10:00 .......Star Trek: Enterprise 11:00 ................... Stargate SG-1 12:00 .......................Blue Bloods 13:00 ..................................House

06:25 ........................... The Cube

08:35 ................I’m a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here Now! Best of the Bush 09:35........... The Mighty Ducks 11:45.........................Emmerdale

14:00 ..................................House

12:15 .................................Casper

15:00 .......................Blue Bloods

14:10............................... Ice Age: The Meltdown

16:00 .......Star Trek: Enterprise 17:00.......................................... ER 18:00......................... House 19:00 .........................House 20:00.......................... Vegas 21:00.................The Borgias 22:05 ................The Borgias 23:10 ............ The Sopranos

16:00..................... The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor 18:10 ..........Johnny English 20:00... Two and a Half Men 20:30... Two and a Half Men 21:00............. Love Actually 23:40... Two and a Half Men

20th December 2013 - 9th January 2014

TV Guide

Thursday 2nd January 06:00 ............................Breakfast 09:00 ............Match of the Day 10:30 .......................The Pacifier 12:00 ....................Bargain Hunt 13:00 ............BBC News at One 13:30 ......... BBC London News 13:45 ...................The Sorcerer’s Apprentice 15:25 ............................Escape to the Country 16:10 ................................ Flog It! 17:10............................ Pointless 18:00 ........ BBC News at Six 18:30 .... BBC London News 19:00 .................... Celebrity Mastermind 19:30 ................ EastEnders 20:00 ........... Dolphins - Spy in the Pod The award-winning team behind Penguins - Spy in the Huddle use hidden cameras to go into the heart of the dolphins’ world. The camera eyes of thirteen different ‘Spy Creatures’ allow behaviour to be captured that has never been filmed before, including a vast superpod of spinner dolphins hunting huge shoals of lanternfish while dodging the gaping mouths of giant rays. A newborn bottlenose dolphin learns from his mother as they follow a gathering of stingrays and hunt kingfish. He practices his sonar and plays with bubbles while nearby males play chicken with supertankers, visit a coral health spa and surf the waves. When they try to woo the females their direct approach threatens the baby, but bouquets of seaweed have the desired effect. Other sights include dolphins using rings of mud to catch fish and the spectacular leaps and corkscrews of spinner dolphins. There is humour too, when Spy Turtle encounters real amorous turtles and Spy Squid has a near miss with a hungry potato bass.

06:00 ................ This is BBC Two 06:30 ...................Natural World 07:30.................................... Tudor Monastery Farm 08:30 ............................... Britain’s Empty Homes 09:00....................................Africa 10:00......................... Earthflight 11:00............................ The Great British Bake Off 12:00 ........................... The Great British Bake Off 13:00 .........Antiques Road Trip 14:00......................... The Heroes of Telemark 16:05 ...... The Queen’s Palaces Documentary series taking a look at HM the Queen’s three official residences. Fiona Bruce visits Windsor Castle, the world’s oldest and largest inhabited castle, dating back to the 11th century. Taking more than a thousand years to reach its familiar look, it has been a fortress, a home to medieval chivalry, a baroque palace, and finally a romantic fantasy. From the bowels of the castle to the heights of the battlements, Fiona encounters all manner of royal treasures - from the musket ball that killed a naval hero to table decorations in gold and silver and encrusted with jewels; from the triple-headed portrait of a king who lost his head to Queen Mary’s dolls’ house with running taps, and a secret garden hidden in a drawer. All of this was almost lost in the disastrous fire of 1992.

17:05...... Antiques Roadshow 18:00... Celebrity Eggheads 18:30................Glasgow Big Night Out 19:30................... University Challenge 20:00..................... Top Gear 21:00 .........PQ 17: An Arctic Convoy Disaster Jeremy Clarkson tells the story of the Arctic convoys of the Second World War, revealing the terrible hazards faced by the Merchant and Royal Navy sailors who delivered vital war supplies to the Soviet Union via this treacherous route.

21:00 ........... Silent Witness 22:00........ BBC News at Ten 22:25..... BBC London News 22:35 ........... Pretty Woman

22:00............ Rab C. Nesbitt 22:45 ........... John Sergeant Meets Rab c Nesbitt 23:30................... Idris Elba: King of Speed

20th December 2013 - 9th January 2014

06:00 ........................... Daybreak

06:05............ According to Jim

08:30 ..............................Lorraine

06:30................. Will and Grace

09:25........................ The Jeremy Kyle Show

07:25................................... Flicka

10:30 .................... This Morning 11:25............................ ITV News

09:05.......................... How I Met Your Mother

11:30.................... This Morning

09:40........................... How I Met Your Mother

12:30 .................. Loose Women

10:10..... The Big Bang Theory

13:30 .............................ITV News

10:35..... The Big Bang Theory

14:00......... All Star Mr and Mrs

11:05 .................. The Simpsons

15:00..................... Secrets From the Workhouse

11:35.................... Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe

16:00.................... Tipping Point

13:50 .... The Jewel of the Nile

17:00 ..........................The Chase

16:00 ...............Deal or No Deal

18:00...... ITV News London

17:00 ................Celebrity Come Dine with Me

19:00................ Emmerdale 19:30....................... Tonight Do You Know Your Neighbours? Not so long ago Britain prided itself on vibrant neighbourhoods where everybody knew everybody, people chatted over the garden fence and left their back doors open at night. But today things are very different with recent research revealing more than half of us do not know the people living next door. Jonathan Maitland looks back at a golden age of neighbourliness - and in a unique social experiment tries to bring an entire street together to celebrate their community for the very first time.

20:00 ................ Emmerdale 20:30 ......Birds of a Feather Return of the classic Essex-set sitcom about two sisters. Sharon is back living in her council flat and Tracey is still in Chigwell with younger son Travis - but what has become of Dorien?

21:00................... Benidorm Return of the popular resortset sitcom. The Garveys are stopped at the airport when white pills are found in Madge’s luggage, but it’s Mick who is detained at the airport as Janice, Madge and Michael carry on to the resort. Kenneth has been getting strange messages from the head of the hairdressing mafia, but Lesley and Liam come to his aid. Donald and Jacqueline stage a protest when Joyce refuses to give them the free room she promised them last year.

22:00 ......... ITV News at Ten 22:35........... The Americans 23:55.....The Unforgettable...

18:00 ............The Simpsons 18:30 .................. Hollyoaks 19:00 ........ Channel 4 News 20:00 ..............................The Restoration Man 21:00 .................. My Big Fat Gypsy Holiday 22:00..............Secrets of the Scammers 22:55..........................Aliens

06:00 ........................The Middle 07:00 ................................. Airline 08:00................................. Sinbad 09:00....................The Simpsons 09:30 .................. Little Crackers 10:00 ..................................... Glee 12:00 ...................The Simpsons 12:30................ Modern Family 13:30........................ Yonderland 14:00.... David Attenborough’s Natural World 15:30 ...................The Simpsons 16:00..................................Sinbad 17:00....................The Simpsons 17:30 ................ Modern Family 18:30 ............ The Simpsons 20:00 .......... Modern Family 20:30................ A League of Their Own 22:00...........Karl Pilkington: The Moaning of Life

06: 00.................... Children’s TV 08:05.....Fifi and the Flowertots 08:15.......................... Peppa Pig 08:35.................................. Toby’s Travelling Circus 08:50....... Bananas in Pyjamas 09:05........................ Tickety Toc 09:20 ................Bert and Ernie’s Great Adventures 09:30.... Mist: Sheepdog Tales 09:55............ Cowboy Builders 10:50 .................. Eddie Stobart: Trucks and Trailers 11:50......... 5 News Lunchtime 11:55 .................................Titanic 15:10 ..................... Columbo: By Dawn’s Early Light 17:00....................... 5 News at 5 17:30 ............ Cowboy Builders 18:30............ Newstalk Live 19:00 ............. Got Thin, Got Fat Again 20:00............. Too Fat to Fly 21:00..... 50 Shocking Facts About Diet and Exercise 23:00................ Fat for Cash

06:00 ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

06:00 ..........................The Devil’s Dinner Party

06:00.................... The Hot Desk 06:10 ........................Emmerdale 06:35 ...........Coronation Street 07:00 .........................King Ralph 08:55 .....You’ve Been Framed! 09:20 ....................... Britain’s Got More Talent 10:20........ I’m a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here Now! Crown Jewels 12:25 ........................Emmerdale 12:55 ...........Coronation Street 13:25 .....You’ve Been Framed! 13:55...The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:00....... You’ve Been Framed Rides Again! 17:00 ..................Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed 19:00....You’ve Been Framed! 20:00... Two and a Half Men 21:00 ....................... Tricked 22:00 ............Fake Reaction

07:00 ..........................................ER 08:00 .............................Star Trek: Enterprise 09:00....................... Blue Bloods 10:00....... Star Trek: Enterprise 11:00 ................... Stargate SG-1 12:00....................... Blue Bloods 13:00.................................. House 14:00 ..................................House 15:00....................... Blue Bloods 16:00 .............................Star Trek: Enterprise 17:00 ..........................................ER 18:00 .........................House 19:00 .........................House 20:00............ Urban Secrets 21:00.... Networks of Power 22:00 ............Game Change

07:00.................. Good Morning Sports Fans 08:00.................. Good Morning Sports Fans 09:00.......................... Sky Sports Years 2013 10:00.................... Soccer Extra Holiday Special 12:00 .................. Ford Football Match Choice 13:30 .................... Soccer Extra Holiday Special 15:30 .......................... Sky Sports Years 2013 16:30..................................... FL72 17:30 .................... Soccer Extra Holiday Special 19:30 .......................Scottish Premiership 22:00............................ FL72 23:00 ............. Soccer Extra Holiday Special

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Friday 3rd January 06:00 ............................Breakfast 09:10 .......... The Cat in the Hat 10:25 ....................Race to Witch Mountain 12:00 ....................Bargain Hunt 13:00 ............BBC News at One 13:30 ......... BBC London News 13:45............. The Shaggy Dog 15:15............................ Escape to the Country 16:15 ................................ Flog It! 17:10 ............................ Pointless 18:00 ........ BBC News at Six 18:30 .... BBC London News 19:00 .................... Celebrity Mastermind 19:30 ................. A Question of Sport 20:00 ................ EastEnders 20:30 .....................Miranda Sitcom starring and written by Miranda Hart. Miranda has been caring for her ill mother for five very long days. Trapped in her flat and being barked at by Penny, she is forced to think about her life regrets. Before she has the chance to tick off her bucket list she gets ill, and Tilly, Gary and Stevie offer no sympathy or help at all.

21:00 ........... Silent Witness Footballer Isaac Dreyfus desperately fights to prove his innocence, whilst disillusioned Adam Freedman turns to a mysterious source for help to avenge the murder of his wife and child. Under scrutiny from the press, the police are determined to nail their prime suspect and pile pressure on The Lyell Centre to deliver results. However, when Nikki questions the motive behind the murders, a re-examination of the Freedman crime scene leads Jack to make a startling discovery.

22:00 ....... BBC News at Ten 22:35 ............... The Graham Norton Show Compilation Show. Highlights from the current series of the talk show, with a host of stars including Harrison Ford, Emma Thompson, Robert De Niro, Mary Berry, Sir Elton John, Lady Gaga, Benedict Cumberbatch, Michelle Pfeiffer, Matt Smith, David Tennant, Dame Judi Dench, Sir Paul Mccartney, Katy Perry, Ben Stiller and Cher.

23:25.................. EastEnders Omnibus

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06:00 ................ This is BBC Two 06:30 ............................... Britain’s Natural World 07:30 ............................ A Culture Show Special 08:30............................... Britain’s Empty Homes 09:00 ...................................Africa 10:00......................... Earthflight 11:00.............. The Great British Bake Off 13:00 .........Antiques Road Trip 14:00 ..............................Rebecca 16:05 ...................... The Queen’s Palaces

06:00 ........................... Daybreak

06:10 ............ According to Jim

06:00..................... Children’s TV

08:30 ..............................Lorraine

06:35................. Will and Grace

09:25......................... The Jeremy Kyle Show

07:00...................... Candleshoe

08:05........................ Fifi and the Flowertots

10:30 .................... This Morning 11:25............................ ITV News 11:30.................... This Morning 12:30 .................. Loose Women 13:30............................. ITV News and Weather 14:00 .........All Star Mr and Mrs 15:00............. Secrets From the Workhouse 16:00 ....................Tipping Point

Documentary series taking a look at HM the Queen’s three official residences, telling their distinctive stories and examining the architecture and the treasures within. This episode looks at Buckingham Palace, one of the world’s most famous buildings, whose story is unfamiliar to many. Fiona Bruce reveals how England’s most spectacular palace emerged from a swampy backwater in just 300 years. The journey of discovery takes her from the sewers of London to the magnificent State Rooms, from a home for camels and elephants to the artistic brilliance of 18th-century Venice and from a prince’s Chinese fantasy to the secret of how the palace’s glittering chandeliers are cleaned today.

17:00 ..........................The Chase

17:05 ...... Antiques Roadshow 18:00 ...Celebrity Eggheads 18:30 .......................... Coast 19:00 ...................... Nature’s Weirdest Events

20:00 ....... The Martin Lewis Money Show

Documentary series exploring bizarre and extraordinary natural events on the planet. Using eyewitness footage, first hand accounts and scientific explanations, presenter Chris Packham unpacks the strange fiction facts behind what really happened. Chris investigates commuting dogs on the Moscow metro, killer sharks on an Australian golf course, a town taken over by tumbleweed, and a wolverine frog that shoots bones through its skin. In nature, fact is often weirder than fiction.

20:00 .....Kangaroo Dundee 20:30................... University Challenge 21:00 ............... James May’s Toy Stories 22:00 .......................... Drive

18:00...... ITV News London 18:30............. ITV News and Weather

08:50.......................... How I Met Your Mother 09:20 .......................... How I Met Your Mother

13:15..................................... Zulu 16:00............... Deal or No Deal 17:00................ Celebrity Come Dine with Me 18:00............ The Simpsons 19:00 ........ Channel 4 News 20:00 ...... Gordon Ramsay’s Home Cooking 21:00 ......... 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown 22:00 ................. Rude Tube

22:00 ......... ITV News at Ten and Weather 22:35........... The Americans 23:35 ...................Benidorm

09:00 .....................................FL72

08:55 .......Bananas in Pyjamas

10:00 ..... Scottish Premiership

09:10 ........................ Tickety Toc

11:00...............................Ringside Special - Calzaghe

10:20 ............ Cowboy Builders

19:30 ..... Coronation Street

Piers Morgan talks to actress June Brown, who has played Dot Branning (formerly Cotton) in EastEnders for nearly 30 years. She reveals how she juggled work as an actress with giving birth to six children in seven years, talks about landing the role of Dot at the age of 58 and looks back at some of her character’s most memorable scenes. As a young actress, June was described by Nigel Hawthorne as ‘one of the most beautiful creatures I have seen on stage’ and her theatrical skills were honed with the help of Sir Lawrence Olivier and Sir Alec Guinness.

08:40....Toby’s Travelling Circus

10:15.................................The Big Bang Theory

18:30................... Hollyoaks

21:00........... Piers Morgan’s Life Stories

07:00 ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

09:45........... Inside Hollywood

19:00................ Emmerdale

20:30..... Coronation Street

08:20 ..........................Peppa Pig

09:50 ................................The Big Bang Theory

10:45......................... King Kong

06:00.........................The Middle 06:30............................... Dog the Bounty Hunter 07:00 ................................. Airline 08:00 .................................Sinbad 09:00 ...................The Simpsons 09:30 .................. Little Crackers 10:00..................................... Glee 12:00................... The Simpsons 12:30 ................ Modern Family 13:30........................ The Middle 14:00.......... Football’s Funniest Moments 15:00................................. Sinbad 17:00 ...................The Simpsons 17:30................ Modern Family 18:30 ............ The Simpsons 20:00 ............................... Elf 21:50 .................. Moonfleet 23:50 .................. Spartacus: Blood and Sand

06:00 ..................Good Morning Sports Fans

09:55.......... The Dog Rescuers 11:20 .................. Eddie Stobart: Trucks and Trailers 12:20 .........5 News Lunchtime 12:25 ......................... CSI: Miami 13:15 ...............Doctor Zhivago 17:00 .......................5 News at 5 17:30 ............ Cowboy Builders 18:30............ Newstalk Live 19:00...... The Gadget Show 20:00...... Robson’s Extreme Fishing Challenge 21:00..................... Celebrity Big Brother 23:00...............Celebrity Big Brother’s Bit on the Side

06:00.......................... The Devil’s Dinner Party 07:00 ..........................................ER 08:00 .......Star Trek: Enterprise 09:00 .......................Blue Bloods 10:00 .......Star Trek: Enterprise 11:00................... Stargate SG-1 12:00 .......................Blue Bloods 13:00.................................. House 14:00 ..................................House 15:00 .......................Blue Bloods 16:00 .......Star Trek: Enterprise 17:00 ..........................................ER 18:00......................... House 19:00......................... House 20:00................... Making of Kingdom of Plants 21:00 ....................Mad Men 22:00 ....................Mad Men 23:00 .....................The Wire

12:00............... The Rugby Club 13:00.............. Barclays Premier League World 13:30 ..... Scottish Premiership 14:30 .....................................FL72 15:30 .............. Barclays Premier League World 16:00...... Scottish Premiership 17:00 .....................................FL72 18:00........ Barclays Premier League World 18:30................ The Fantasy Football Club 19:30...................... Football 22:00 ................ The Fantasy Football Club 23:30.........Barclays Premier League World

06:00.................... The Hot Desk 06:10........................ Emmerdale 07:00 ................Holiday Airport 08:00 ........................... The Cube 08:55......You’ve Been Framed! 09:25 ....................... Britain’s Got More Talent 10:25 ....................... Britain’s Got More Talent 11:25....................... Britain’s Got More Talent 12:30 ........................Emmerdale 13:30 .....You’ve Been Framed! 14:00...The Jeremy Kyle Show 16:10......You’ve Been Framed! 16:45...................................Junior 19:00......................... You’ve Been Framed! 20:00... Two and a Half Men 21:00 ................. GoldenEye 23:40... Two and a Half Men

20th December 2013 - 9th January 2014


Saturday 4th January 06:00............................ Breakfast 10:00............ Saturday Kitchen 11:30 ............... Food and Drink 12:00................. Football Focus 12:45 .......Saturday Sportsday 13:00 ..........................BBC News 13:10.......... BBC London News 13:15 ....................Bargain Hunt 13:45 ............................Escape to the Country 14:30 ................................... Darts 16:30 ........................ Final Score 17:10 ...................Frozen Planet 18:10................... BBC News 18:20..... BBC London News 18:30..................... Celebrity Mastermind 19:00 ....................Pointless Alexander Armstrong and Richard Osman present a special celebrity teachers edition of the quiz that rewards the answers that no-one else could think of. Featuring Gwyneth Powell and Michelle Gayle, Philip Martin Brown and Melanie Hill, Steve Spiers and Terrence Hardiman and Jonny Mitchell and Mike Steer.

19:50 .............. The National Lottery: Who Dares Wins 20:40..................... Casualty 21:30 ................... Catherine Tate’s Nan Comedy featuring Catherine Tate’s Nan character. While Jamie, Nan’s grandson, is away in Africa doing voluntary work, a young girl called Alice has been allocated to Nan by the Young and Old Buddy-Up Foundation to keep her company and cheer her up. Alice soon discovers that Nan’s kitchen tap is broken, and accompanies her to the council office to arrange to get it fixed. Unfortunately Nan, in her usual style, causes mayhem and upset at the offices, ending with her being given a community service order to work in the local hospital. Meanwhile Jamie, who is Skyping regularly from Africa, is concerned when he sees Nan in hospital, thinking she is seriously ill. At the same time, new neighbours have moved in across the corridor, and Nan gets involved in preparations for their family wedding party.

22:05 .................. BBC News 22:25 .............. Little Focker 23:55 .............Romance and Cigarettes

06:05................ My Fake Fiancé 07:30.................................. Stick It 09:10 ..................... Life on Earth 10:05 ..................... Life on Earth 11:00 ....................Fred Dibnah’s Made in Britain 11:30 ...................... Great British Railway Journeys 12:00 .............Paul Hollywood’s Pies and Puds 12:45............. Paul Hollywood’s Pies and Puds 13:30 ...........................The Horse Whisperer 16:10.................................... Coast 16:30 ....................................Darts World Championships. Live coverage from the opening day of the 2014 World Professional Darts Championships in Frimley Green. Dutchman Wesley Harms, a semifinalist in 2012 and 2013, faces England’s Paul Jennings, who fell at the quarter-final stage last year.

17:30 ...................... James May’s Toy Stories 18:30 ........................Flog It! 19:30................. Dad’s Army 20:00 ........ Morecambe and Wise in Pieces An in-depth look at all things Morecambe and Wise. Penelope Keith presents a celebration of Eric and Ernie and their stalwart band of funny women.

21:00 ...... Dave Allen: God’s Own Comedian Told by family and friends, with rare unseen archive, this documentary reflects on the career of Dave Allen, who became a TV star in Australia in his twenties, before returning home to dominate the schedules in Britain. Respected, admired and with unshakeable integrity, Dave Allen fought for what he wanted to say and how he wanted to say it. For the first time ever this rich and compelling career is celebrated on screen, giving a chance to reflect on his many achievements and on the private life that went alongside it. With contributions from Stephen Berkoff, Stephen Frears, and Dame Maggie Smith, among others.

22:00 .......... Dave Allen: the Immaculate Selection 23:00.............. Dave Allen In Search of the Great English Eccentric 23:55........................... Darts

20th December 2013 - 9th January 2014

06:00...................... Pat and Stan 06:10 ..................... Pat and Stan 06:15 ..................... Pat and Stan 06:25 ............................Dino Dan 06:40 ............................Dino Dan 06:50 ............................ Canimals 06:55............................ Canimals 07:05 ............................ Canimals 07:15 ...................................Sooty 07:25................................... Sooty 07:40................................. Almost Naked Animals 07:50 .................................Almost Naked Animals 08:05.................... Horrid Henry 08:15 .................... Horrid Henry 08:30 .......................... Victorious 09:00 ............Deadtime Stories 09:25 ............................ITV News 09:30 ...................... Dinner Date 10:25 ......... Murder, She Wrote 11:25............................ IITV News and Weather 11:35.......................... The Chase 12:40 ........ Midsomer Murders

06:00 .........The Treacle People 06:10 ....... Little Wolf’s Book of Badness 06:35 ..........................Arctic Tale 08:00 ...........The Morning Line 09:00 ...................The American Football Show 10:00 .......................... How I Met Your Mother 11:00 .....The Big Bang Theory 11:30 .....The Big Bang Theory 12:00.................. The Simpsons 12:30 ..... Jamie’s Festive Feast 13:30 ........... Channel 4 Racing 16:00 ...... Come Dine with Me 16:30 ...... Come Dine with Me 17:00 ...... Come Dine with Me 17:35 ...... Come Dine with Me 18:35 ........ Channel 4 News 19:00 .................Speed with Guy Martin 20:00............. Secrets of the Terracotta Warriors - Secret History 21:00 ............... Robin Hood 23:45 .......Charlie Brooker’s How Videogames Changed the World

06:00..................... Children’s TV

06:00 ................... Football Gold

08:20 ..........Angelina Ballerina

06:15.................... Football Gold

08:40...................... Rupert Bear

06:30.................... Goles y Goles y Goles

06:00 ..........Kingdom of Plants 07:00 ..........Football’s Funniest Moments 08:00........................ The Fantasy Football Club 09:00 ............. Sky Sports Game Changers 10:00........................ Soccer A.M. 12:00 ............... World Wrestling Entertainment Superstars 13:00 ................ Modern Family 14:00 ..........................Neverland 15:45 ..........................................Elf 17:35 ...................The Simpsons 18:05 .......................... David Attenborough’s Natural History 19:35 ............The Making of David Attenborough’s Galapagos 3D 20:35 ......................Godzilla 23:15 ................. All Aboard: East Coast Trains

06:00.................... The Mortified Sessions

08:55 ................ Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 09:10........................ Jelly Jamm 09:30 .......................... LazyTown 10:00 ................Power Rangers: Megaforce 10:35 ............................Slugterra 11:00 .................. Jungle Babies 11:30 .............................Celebrity Big Brother 13:20 ........................... Columbo 15:00 ....................... Columbo: A Case of Immunity 16:25.......... Diagnosis Murder 18:20... Mr and Mrs Murder 19:10 ........CSI: Crime Scene Investigation 20:00........................... NCIS 21:55........5 News Weekend 22:00 .................... Celebrity Big Brother 23:00 ..............Celebrity Big Brother’s Bit on the Psych

07:00 ............... Fl 72 Highlights 08:00 ........................The Fantasy Football Club 09:00 .............. Game Changers Darren Campbell and Di Dougherty host a fun show with games and challenges to help get children involved in sport. Top names including David Beckham will make regular appearances.

10:00....................... Soccer A.M. 12:00 .... Goles y Goles y Goles 12:30..... Scottish Premiership Motherwell v Inverness Caledonian Thistle. Motherwell take on Inverness Caledonian Thistle at Fir Park in the Scottish Premiership. Caley Thistle claimed the spoils when the sides met earlier in the season.

15:00 .................. Gillette Soccer Saturday 17:15 ................................ La Liga 19:00........................ La Liga 21:00............................. NFL

14:45 .......... Show Me the Telly 15:45 .....You’ve Been Framed! 16:15........... ITV News London 16:45 ..................... F.A. Cup Live 19:20........................ Splash! Vernon Kay and Gabby Logan return for a new series of Splash! as a new group of terrified celebrities prepare to jump in at the deep end, all under the guidance of Olympic diving medallist and Team GB superstar Tom Daley. Expect to see tight lycra and nail biting tension as the celebrities dive live for the viewer vote and attempt to impress the judges - comedienne Jo Brand and diving experts Andy Banks and Leon Taylor. After tonight’s show two will go through to the semifinal, but which two celebrities will need to secure their place by taking part in the Splash Off?

20:50 .............. Take Me Out 21:50 ............. The Jonathan Ross Show 22:50 ............. ITV News and Weather 23:05..... FA Cup Highlights

07:00 ......................... The British 08:00 .............................. Seinfeld 09:00 ......... Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations 10:00 ......... Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations 11:00 ............. Inside the Actors Studio 12:00 ..........................................ER 13:00 ..........................................ER 14:00...........................................ER 15:00 .......................Blue Bloods 16:00 .......................Blue Bloods 18:00.. Star Trek: Enterprise 20:00 ........................ Smash 21:00 .... Boardwalk Empire 22:15.............The Following 23:15 ............ The Sopranos

06:00 .....Beauty and the Geek 06:45 ........... Coronation Street Omnibus 09:10 ........................ Emmerdale Omnibus 12:05...... You’ve Been Framed! Funniest 100 13:10 .....................Dragonheart Fantasy adventure about a knight who is determined to rid the land of a tyrant king. Because it was dragon magic that brought the monarch to the throne, the knight is resolved to kill every dragon in the country. Finally, only one dragon remains - but instead of slaying him, the knight decides to team up with him in an effort to restore a code of truth and honour to the land.

15:20 ..................................Junior 17:30............. Beethoven’s 2nd 19:15..... Mr Bean’s Holiday 21:00................. The 40 Year Old Virgin

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20th December 2013 - 9th January 2014

Community News

DOUBLE-BUBBLE BUBLE! ON any entertainment circuit throughout the world, and especially within a holiday resort, The tribute act is ever present.

Over the years, it has often been joked that Tenerife once boasted more Elvis shows operating than anywhere outside Vegas. The popularity of an artiste, and the length of time he or she has been in the public eye,

decides whether a tribute show will work. Generally speaking, if the name of the artiste is recognised worldwide, then it’s worth a go. Michael Buble, a Canadian singer who has become a huge, world-

Stuart Beagley

Stuart arrived in Tenerife in 2011 and has been working the circuit ever since. After leaving his job behind in Edinburgh, entertainment has been his calling, so, the chill of Scotland was left behind and warmth of Tenerife became home. I mentioned earlier that although the Michael Buble name is synonymous with both acts, the performances are entirely different. Stuart is more of a vocal tribute to Buble, his show being advertised as The Buble Experience. He is obviously a big fan and this becomes apparent straight away as you notice the signature movements of Buble from the off. Also his attention to detail when it comes to mimicking Michael is second to none, and even the mic stand is held and used as a prop in the same way that the mighty Buble does. When an artiste is as passionate as Stuart, it will always pay off with an audience. His stage manner is warming and, though I have seen this show on a handful of occasions only, it is obvious that Stuart is a consistent performer. I’ve never seen him advertising, and I always see his posters on billboards, promoting his work. Like Pip, his humour is ever-present. When I asked what made his Buble show different, he said: “I’m a Scottish, ginger-haired Buble act; find me another one of them - I’m unique.”

wide, recording artiste, has sold millions of records. He has a unique singing style, has brilliant re-arrangements of classic songs and has produced some fabulous pop songs, making him worthy of a tribute

show. Here in Tenerife there have been a few Buble shows. Some have tried and failed; others have done well but, in recent months, have returned to the UK to pursue other projects. There are, however,

two artistes left here who have been treading the boards as Buble for the last few years. Although they are both paying tribute to the same artiste, the two shows are so different, yet equally as effective.

Pip Brown

Pip started here when Michael Buble was on the way to becoming the huge star he is today.

On a Tenerife scale, Pip’s rise to success has been as rapid. He has secured success at three consecutive Tenerife Entertainment Awards’ ceremonies, and has always maintained a professional profile, both online and on stage. His presence on stage is confident, and he is able to put an audience at ease quickly with his cheekychappy persona. Why this Buble show differs from others is the way Pip involves the audience, their participation really adding a little extra to a show that is already strong vocally. The real endearment from the audience comes when Pip makes fun out of the fact that he is of small build and vertically challenged - and uses this to his comedic advantage by choosing somebody, usually a lady, from the audience to serenade. I have seen this show on many occasions and have never seen it fail. Pip has a lot in his entertainment armoury and can draw on his experience and change direction within the show and ad-lib. Audiences love Pip, and he has worked hard on building himself as a strong enter-tainment commodity in Tenerife.

Michael Buble fans will enjoy both these shows for differing reasons. The dynamics are different, yet equally as entertaining. You can have double-bubble Buble in Tenerife and go away with a smile on your face with no thoughts of a comparison. This one’s a dead-heat!

THIS week I met a family from Darlington called the Andertons, who had been going to the Mega Rock Café during their stay in Tenerife.

In fact, after spending the first night of their holiday there, they didn’t go anywhere else. Friendly staff, good entertainment and well-priced food from the American diner, they said, were the factors which persuaded them to spend every night of their holiday in Mega Rock. Manageress Melissa even told me that the older children were never away in the daytime, too, taking advantage of the bowling deals that Mega Rock Café offer in conjunction with The Mega Bowl, housed in the same building. It really is a family bar in every sense. The entertainment programme and menus have been devised with families in mind, and it is really effective. The Mega Rock Café, right in the centre of Fanabe, is easy to find and there’s a new promotion for Monday nights. See the flyer to the right for details of “LOCO LUNES”.

20th December 2013 - 9th January 2014

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Health and Beauty

BE ‘FABULOUS, MY DARLING’ By Carl from Robot WHEN it comes to versatility and style, there’s no better example than the hair of Sharon Osbourne. She might not be everyone’s cup of tea, and she might be a little ott for some. But you cannot fault her hair for a woman of her age. There aren’t too many women these days who can flip their hair from one style to the next in a matter of days. This is all down to the cut of her hair – yes, I know she has an army of stylists to make her look this good. But even on her off-days she still looks glamorous. So my “Hair of the Year” vote goes to Mrs Osbourne for showing us that at this age, and with a little more daring, you can look “fabulous darling”, as she puts it. This year has been an up-and-down one for

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me. In these difficult times we all struggle. But one thing for sure is that my heart is still in my career of hairdressing. I still have the passion I began with over 33 years ago to create simple, easy-to-wear hair that you can recreate at home. We at Robot are now over seven years old an age I thought we might not reach sometimes - but we are still here and about to move into our next phase of beauty. Yes, we are creating a beauty room right here in our salon. I was a little tired of clients al-

ways asking me to recommend beauty salons as there are none near to us. So I thought, okay, why don’t we do this as the demand is there? And on 14th January, we are introducing our newest member of the team, Stella, who has had many years of experience and training in the UK. And she is bang up-todate on all your beauty needs, from an eyebrow to microdermabrasion, a pedicure to a five-star facial. I’ve used her for my treatments, and so have a few of my existing clients, and all I get is positive feedback. So I didn’t hesitate to ask her to join us here in our Los Cristianos salon. Finally, I’d like to thank all of you readers for listening to me this year, as well as your positive feedback and comments. May I wish you all a fantastic Christmas and a very Happy New 2014. See you next year. CARL.

The weighty festive problem can linger on for months... By Val Sainsbury NEXT time you reach for another chocolate or mince pie over the festive period, you might want to bear this in mind.

Many people take up to four months to lose the weight they pile on. And, reveals a survey, the average person will put on 4lbs between Christmas Eve and New Year’s Day after consuming twice his or her recommended calorie intake. And, believe it or not - unless you are a dedicated dieter for most of the year - it can take until Easter to repair the damage. Some 34% of those surveyed said it would take that length time to recover the shape they are in now! The results were revealed in a survey of

1,000 people for diet company Forza Supplements, which looked at excessive consumption over the Christmas and New Year holiday. The vast majority of people (94%) take a break from their normal eating habits as they relax with friends and family. For 18% of respondents, this holiday lasts from Christmas Eve to Boxing Day only, with healthy eating kicking back in on 27th December. However, 44% let themselves go completely throughout the holiday, while 32% party for more than a month. Half of those surveyed (52 per cent) admitted to eating twice their recommended calorie intake over the holiday - largely because of the increased alcohol intake. Christmas Day was by far the most fattening day of the festivities. Just under a third of those polled said they completely let themselves go on 25th December and had a “complete

blow-out”, consuming a staggering 8,530 calories. That is more than triple a man’s daily 2,500 calorie intake, and four times a woman’s 2,000 limit. Boxing Day was the second most fattening and New Year’s Eve was third. The survey found that just three 3% don’t over-indulge over the entire holiday. For nearly everyone else, it is bad news, with 24% putting on between 1-3lbs, and 39 expanding by more than half-astone. While it is easy to pile on the pounds, shifting it afterwards is a lot more difficult. New Year diets clearly have a positive effect for some because 31% have lost the extra padding by the end of January. A further 24% take 2-3 months to get back to normal, while 34% said it would take at least four months to get rid of the flab. Just 11 said they would either lose nothing, or even get heavier. Forza Supplements Managing Director Lee Smith said: “We all want to let our hair down at Christmas and enjoy ourselves. But it can take months to repair the damage if you really let yourself go. “Easter Sunday is on 20th April next year, and a lot of people will still be feeling the effects of Christmas even then.” He added: “The key to limiting your weight gain is to do simple things, like eat slowly and avoid over-filling. “And whatever you do, make sure you don’t over-indulge.”

20th December 2013 - 9th January 2014

Fashion & Lifestyle

Don’t make a meal of those chicken fillets

By Ruth Benson IT’S coming to the end of the year and in previous articles, I have talked about what is in fashion at the moment and what being fashionable is.

This week, we take a look at a selection of fashion statements nobody wants to see. We all tend to know our own style and what suits us. So the first nono is not to wear something simply because it is fashionable. Just because the magazines and designers are

saying it’s this year’s essential item it does not mean it is for everyone. Muffin tops and bottom cleavages no longer applies just to builders. When buying trousers, in particular jeans, make sure they fit. If they are too tight or the wrong size others will notice your builder’s bum when you bend over. And when you are stood up, the extra layers will be hanging over. Jogging or sweat pants are worn both by men and women. Designed originally for people to wear to partake in sport, people now have them as everyday clothes. They should either be worn down the gym or when sitting behind

20th December 2013 - 9th January 2014

your own closed doors. Ill-fitting clothes are another no-no, if you buy clothes too small they will make you look smaller. And if you are bigger and buy clothes to big, they will make you look bigger still. Well-fitted clothes will highlight those areas you want them to, and hide those ones you don’t. Choice of colours and patterns is difficult. There is nothing wrong with bright, vibrant colours or patterns, but no one wants to look like a collage or an experiment. The key thing with colours and patterns is pick one and stick with it, rather than all of them at once. Underwear has many problems, from VPL (visible panty line), bra straps showing, chicken fillets popping out and camel toe. At all costs, these must be avoided. The wrong shoes? Well, we’ve all done it ladies. How many times have we squeezed our feet into a pair of shoes that we must have, saying no pain no gain? However shoes which don’t fit properly are not only damaging to your feet but will look it as well. Accessories can make or break an outfit, but choosing the right one is also essential. Everyone approaches fashion in a different way, so avoid the above when buying or putting outfits together. And then, with your own individual style, feel fabulous.

Merry Christmas from Deco Nuevo

By Sue McDonald It`s Christmas, and probably too late to do much in the way of refurbishing or reorganising your home, so I would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone for reading my column all year. If you are the organised type, you will probably have all your presents bought, the tree decorated, and the turkey defrosting as you read this. Hopefully you will have bought your comfy sofa bed from Deco Nuevo earlier in the year, and have it all made up ready for your guests over Christmas! For those of you less organised, like me, there will be a mad flurry of present-buying, lastminute wrapping, and then the horror of realising that you haven’t got a present for one of your Christmas-Day guests and all of the shops are closed. But here, of course, you can always pretend you are giving presents on 6th January instead of 25th December, which will buy you a bit of time! In honour of the festive period, I’m offering you a few of my own personal housekeeping tips, which may help to make your festive period more bearable. Tip 1 – Burnt ovenware If you accidentally burn a pan while cooking the Christmas dinner, soak in a mixture of bicarbonate of soda and hot water. Then throw it away when no one is looking.

Tip 2 – Changing the duvet cover Duvets are the Devil’s work. If you need to change the duvet cover because someone is coming to stay, simply turn on to its fresh side. Tip 3 – Clean out the fruit bowl The fruit bowl, (underneath any fruit) will probably contain several topless pens, a collection of batteries (used or not, who would know) and a small piece of something decayed. Empty, wipe, and wonder where all this stuff comes from. Tip 4 – Get help Explain that you have a lot to do, and encourage your teenagers to help you around the house during the festive period, with a few simple jobs such as emptying the dishwasher and hanging out the washing. When they haven’t done it after the seventh time of asking, the washing is starting to smell, and you need the dishes again, do it yourself. Then bang your head repeatedly on the work surface and open a bottle of wine. Tip 5 – Ironing Collect items into separate piles, shirts, trousers, etc, ready for ironing. Then return it all to the cupboard on the grounds that it can probably wait another day. Have a glass of wine instead. Tip 6 – 30-minute suppers Ignore any celebrity advice that you can prepare an appetising and healthy three-course meal in 30 minutes. This does not take into account the shopping for 40 exotic ingredients, and four hours prepa-

ration for that final 30 minutes of cooking. Open a can or packet instead, and a bottle of wine while you are at it. Tip 7 – Men around the house It is true that more men nowadays contribute towards the housework. However, women often complain that they haven’t done it right. It could be said that women are making a rod for their own backs, but as one woman said: “When would I have time to make a rod for my own back? I am too busy cleaning out the fruit bowl.” Tip 8 – Leftovers Place any leftovers in a Tupperware container and put in the fridge. Leave for a week, then throw away. Alternatively, place in the freezer, and throw away after six months. Freeze any leftover wine to use as … wait a minute! Leftover wine? Tip 9 – Recycling Separate glass, cans and paper. Then watch as it is all loaded into the same truck. Tip 10 – Wok Buy a wok. Place it in the back of the cupboard and leave to rust. Throw away after six months. Tip 11 – Clutter Take a few minutes every day to tidy away any clutter from the lounge and hall areas. Most of it will return within 24 hours. Place any broken pens, used batteries or unrecognizable items in the fruit bowl. *By the way, we still sell furniture, from the warehouse instead of a shop, and we hope to see you all in the New Year for your furnishing and curtaining needs!

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Food and Drink

want to save money? FAR from over-spending at Christmas, lots of us now have to think more carefully about how much to fork out. According to Amex, the average savings on Christmas gifts this year will be £170. But when it comes to food cost-cutting, we are not so diligent. A Travelodge survey revealed that we expect to spend £118.31 on Christmas dinner, which is 16% more than last year.

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The most important ingredient in saving money on food is planning - boring but necessary! It’s a bit late now if you’ve already begun staggering home with bags full of veg and fruit. But you can still assess exactly how many meals you need, and then plan them accordingly. Okay, it is not much fun, and most people will probably give all that a miss for the “joy”

of wandering round the supermarket with an air of panic and an overflowing trolley. But it will pay off. You’ll need to plan your Christmas dinner, so work out exactly what everyone will eat, and then buy this amount, exactly down to the last sprout. The ‘food 52’ blog estimates that you’ll need 3/4lb of turkey per person and one potato. You’ll also need a third

of a carrot, a quarter of a parsnip, five sprouts, two pigs in blankets, and a ball of stuffing. For pudding you’ll need an eighth of a fullsize Christmas pudding each, and a splash of cream. There will be no leftovers and hungry people may be disappointed. On the other hand, there will be no waste. According to a GoCompare survey, 35% of us resent the wasted food at Christmas, table, so it should cheer up those people. The big bonus is that you will also avoid consuming the national average of 6,000 calories on the day itself, and keep your costs to

as little as £5 a head. If this sort of approach doesn’t suit, there’s a second alternative: you can plan for leftovers. The problem for most families is that they over-cater for Christmas, and then don’t make a plan for the leftovers. These just sit in the fridge until one day you give up and bin them. If, for example, you allow 1½lbs per person for the turkey, you will have enough white meat left for sandwiches on Boxing Day, and enough dark meat for a turkey curry. If you throw in extra vegetables, you’ll have vegetable soup for lunch on the 27th, and

with extra sprouts, pigs in blankets and potatoes, you can have bubble and squeak for tea as well! However, if your routine does change and you end up out and about at mealtimes, you don’t need to throw anything away. Just cook the soup and the curry and freeze them for later - and take your sandwiches out with you! The disadvantage of this approach is that there will be the temptation to over-eat on the day. However, you don’t run the risk of disappointing anyone with your portion control, and you can save money this way.

20th December 2013 - 9th January 2014

Food Review

Gourmetland’s Love India restaurant

You will love Love India THERE is nothing quite like going to a brand-new restaurant. Something unique, something different, somewhere you can tell your friends about.

And normally, you go in with an open mind. That was never going to be the case at Love India. Situated in the vibrant new Vulcano Gourmetland Centre behind the Safari Centre in Las Americas, Love India is the latest restaurant from Gourmetland. They have been one of the dining success stories of the decade, and Love India is their 14th restaurant. They are the team behind Embrujo, La Martina and Taurus so, instantly, you know how high the bar has been set. Love India is something a little different in their stable and, while in many ways the food and atmosphere is inspired by the popular Oriental Garden, Love India has already developed its own niche. There are all the traditional dishes you would expect in a variety of styles and flavours. You have nearly 30 starters to choose from and that’s before you have the mind-boggling amount of main courses to sample and enjoy. I always find Indian restaurants to be quite tribal. Once you have found one to suit your taste, you normally dine

there time and again. While I understand that philosophy, you are narrowing the mind because Indian dishes are so varied and open to creativity. And this is what you have at Love India. When we dined this week, we were encouraged to sample the Tandoori dishes as this is where the restaurant comes into its own. The Gourmentlandcreated Chicken Tikka and Cheese is an Island favourite now. While it’s served in other establishments, its originality lies here. The head chef was brought across from Oriental Garden and the quality shines through. The prawn puri is unique, as full king prawns are used and combined with the tasty secret special sauce. We enjoyed this with the onion baaji, which is a dish often mis-cooked. The onions need to

20th December 2013 - 9th January 2014

chopped just so, and the key is in the spice and texture. Too much and the spice overpowers the onion. Too dry and the dish needs sauce, which defeats the object. Suffice to say, Love India have it spot-on, as are their chicken samosas, which are moist and have this delicious,

light, curry twang. Electing to go down the Tandoori route, it made sense to try a range of the options rather than just one or two main dishes. Tandoori cooking is an art. It takes experience and know-how to get it just right. I’ve lost count of how many places either over-paste with the

sauce, which overpowers, or they keep the meat in the oven too long. Again, this leads to dryness and the need for extra sauce. That was never going to be a problem here! On our sampler we had lamb, duck, chicken breast and on the bone, along with a special king prawn tandoori. This is a rare dish in an Indian restaurant, and it has to be tried. The Tandoor oven gives the prawn a different texture and is a proper treat. To accompany the meat, we had the pilau rice and the house special vegetable rice, which was amazing. There were also a variety of different sauces, ranging from tangy and sweet to the slightly spicier and longer lasting. They all worked in their own way and it was great to mix the meats with the sauces and the different rices, all mopped up with the

must-have cheese nan. The Love India menu lends itself to sharing and exploring which, for me, is what an Indian restaurant is all about. It is a new establishment but already, all the teething snags seem to have been ironed out. The bathrooms are spotless and modern, and there is nothing to fault. The reviews on Trip Advisor are already excellent: “If you want fantastic authentic Indian food with unequalled service and value, look no further than love India in Las Americas. The ambiance is fantastic and the restaurant décor breathtaking. We were blown away by the quality, freshness and delicate flavours of the food.” “This place is fantastic. Great quality food and great flavours and very reasonable.” I couldn’t have said it better myself. For reservations, call 922 750 048

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20th December 2013 - 9th January 2014


It’s 3 cheers for Mazda! By Jav MAZDA’S outgoing 3 failed to make its mark on the fiercely-fought compact family hatchback market.

But the all-new thirdgeneration model, which looks more than good enough to rival the VW Golf, Ford Focus and Vauxhall Astra, has all the makings of taking the brand to the top of the class. Not only is it bigger and more efficient, the new Mazda3 - on sale officially next month alongside fastback (saloon) versions - also has an upmarket interior with a long list of standard kit. In addition, it offers sleek styling, and promises strong performance and engaging driving dynamics.

By Emma Swain

Altogether, the all-new Mazda3 line-up will feature 21 hatchbacks, including eight diesel models, and 15 fastbacks, five powered by diesel. Mazda’s excellent SkyActiv engines are one of the key selling points, and the range includes everything from a smooth 98bhp 1.5-litre petrol to the muscular 2.2-litre diesel. Buyers have a choice of SE, SE-L and Sport Nav trims, while, unusually for this class, there’s also the option of a four-door saloon alongside the fivedoor hatch. Mazda has a strong reputation for designing eye-catching cars, and this latest 3 is following suit. With its mix of swooping curves and sharp creases, it takes its cues from the sleek 6

saloon. Add the low roof and steeply-rising waistline, and it has the plainish VW Golf beaten for kerb appeal. All versions get alloy wheels and body-coloured door handles and mirrors, while the SE-L model is identified by its bi-xenon headlamps and LED running lights. Topspec Sport models benefit from 18-inch rims. The design flair continues inside, with an attractively styled dashboard which is packed with novel touches, including digital displays for the rev counter and fuel gauge. And all models are equipped with stop-start technology, automatic city braking and hillhold assist. The overall quality is excellent, with soft-touch materials in

the cabin and precise switchgear. Also, the metal-finished air-con controls are a stand-out addition. Every model also gets a 7in, tablet-style touchscreen for the infotainment, with USB/iPod connectivity, together with a £750 optional satnav. The set-up features clear graphics and can also be accessed using a rotary controller on the centre console. And while you must enter various sub-menus just to get to radio presets, you’ll soon stop the fiddling and get to grips with the system. From the moment you climb behind the wheel and settle into the lowslung seat, it’s clear that this machine has been designed with keen drivers in mind. The leather-trimmed steering wheel is light and direct, and the sixspeed gearbox has a precise action and short throw. The 3 is fast, as well, especially with the 148bhp 2.2-litre diesel. Its 8.2-

secs time from 0-60mph is impressive, and thanks to its muscular 380Nm torque output, it feels strong in-gear as well, with a top speed of at least 130mph. But what really impresses is the petrol-like throttle response and smoothness of this diesel family car – it encourages you to use all the available performance. The predicted bestseller is a 2.0-litre naturally-aspirated petrol with 118bhp, which takes some getting used to if you normally drive a turbo-charged family hatch. Most of the torque sits at the top of the rev range, rather than in the middle so you’ll probably have to be in a gear lower than you’d expect. Mazda has a good reputation for building durable cars, and the all-new 3 shares engines and components with the brilliant CX-5 SUV. The most economic for running costs will be the 148bhp 2.2-litre diesel, which manages 72.4mpg and 104g/km of CO2. There are also two pet-

rol choices, though, with a 1.5-litre and a 2.0-litre. The former manages 56.4mpg but feels a little slow, but the 118bhp 2.0-litre is not that far behind with 55mpg. There is also a 162bhp version of this engine, which lowers economy down to 50mpg. It’s unusual that Mazda have gone for relatively large, naturally-aspirated engines rather than the small turbo-charged units found in the Golf and the Focus. But the company say they’re more efficient for more of the time, and that means you’ll be able to get closer to the claimed economy figures in the real world. If you’re after a striking, small family car that looks good, is good to drive and has lots of hightech kit, the Mazda3 will be your cup of tea. With prices ranging from around £16,695 (19,788 euros) to £23,345 (27,661 euros), any hatchback launched next year to rival the Mazda3 will have to be something exceptionally special.

The relevant documentation can then be presented to Tráfico, via post to Tráfico’s PO Box in Madrid, or presented in your local post office, although I am unaware whether the post office will charge you for the presentation. The second situation is when then the car is not yours for any of the following reasons: *The car no longer exists because it has been

written off after an accident *It was lost or stolen and you do not know if it is still on the road *The owner is deceased *It was sold some time ago and you assume the new owner has transferred it *It was never owned by the person to whom the letter was addressed If any of these apply, you would have to fill in the appropriate, special baja form, and provide proof of identity, along with a copy of the letter you have received and present it all in Tráfico for the department to process the de-registration. If, however, you still have the car but wish to scrap it, the car would first need to be taken to a scrap yard and deregistered. The special baja form can again be obtained

from Tráfico’s website and would need to be filled in fully, also explaining why the Baja needs to take place. The options on the form are: *The car no longer exists *It is lost or stolen and there is no proof that it is still on the road *The owner is deceased *The vehicle was sold a while ago and the transfer was never carried out. *The vehicle was sold a while ago and the transfer was carried out. *The vehicle has never belonged to the person to whom the letter is addressed *Other reasons, please specify If you receive such letter and are confused or worried, call in to our offices or give me a ring and I will endeavour to help.

That Trafico letter – no need to panic!

LOTS of people have been receiving a letter from Tráfico over the last week or so.

It concerns cars which are over 10 years old and still registered to them officially. This is causing quite a bit of panic as owners assume they must do something about the letter. But that depends on the circumstances. The letter explains that you are shown on Trafico’s system as the registered keeper of a vehicle over 10 years old. It states the car details, along with your details and any relevant information it holds regarding to the current ITV and insurance, or the lack thereof. From here, there are

two approaches. If the car is, in fact, still yours, all you need to do is check that the following details shown are correct: *The expiry date of the current ITV *Technical details of the vehicle *Registered keepers notification address *Registered vehicle address If you notice any errors, the next step is to fill in the relevant de-

20th December 2013 - 9th January 2014

tails on the information update form, which can be obtained on Trafico’s website. You would also need to have proof of identity, a copy of the letter you have received and supporting documents to prove the change, or update of details. This would be a copy of the vehicle’s Ficha Técnica for the ITV, or a certificate of Empadronamiento for the address change.

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By Margaret Tully I AM staying with the Christmas theme this week and, hopefully, helping to get you in the Christmas mood, if you are not already there.

The Christmas tree has been around for a long, long time, traditionally being a spruce, or a pine tree. And here in the Canaries, we have our very own pine - the Pinus canariensis. It is a unique pine tree in that when it starts to grow, it puts roots deep into the ground to enable it to gather as much underground water as possible. But a Scot’s pine, for example, grows straight up, looking for light. Its roots are quite shallow and its trunk does not have any heaviness at the base, like the Canarian pine. Being a bright and warm climate here (well most of the time, excluding last week) “our” tree has adapted to deal with its conditions. The pine needles are particularly long, which is also a source of retaining moisture and gathering moisture from the air, in the form of condensation. Each drip then falls until, eventually, the water gathered goes into the soil below. The thought of having real Christmas trees net-wrapped and dragged towards the

The Canarian Christmas Tree

boots of our cars in a frenzy each year, which happens in the UK and US, fills me with dread. I don’t believe it would ever happen here, what with the amount of artificial options for sale, but who knows? This week column is more about the celebration of this tree, rather than you getting into your garden. And anyway, if yours is anything like mine, it will be drying out after last week’s deluge. Tip: Don’t water pots or plants until they have dried out because the roots will be waterlogged. This is not helpful to most of the plants we grow here because they are not used to it. If you push your finger into the soil and it comes out dry, then water the pot. Soak and drain, or water from the bottom using a tray under the pot. Just fill the tray and leave plant to soak up any water it needs,

removing any excess after an hour or two. Mind you, it is also possible to grow your own pine tree, but it takes a long time for it to get established and needs a neutral-toacidic soil. By all means give it a go because they are really tough and, in fact, the Pinus canariensis is the most fire-resistant pine in the world. You just have to go up the mountains after the terrible forest fires to see the regeneration and the survival of these amazing trees. If you are planting a seedling or small tree in a pot, place some ripped up newspapers, mixed with orchid soil (which is a soil-less compost) into a pot and grow your tree in this mix. Only water occasionally and don’t let it get water-logged. To keep it from bursting out of the pot size you choose, trim any roots which start to poke out of the bottom.

Some time ago a decision was taken to cut down part of the Canarian pine forests, by way of conserving water, as the Island was facing a shortage. But after last week’s rains, those trees were needed badly. Getting a balance in nature is difficult and sometimes it is best to leave it to Mother Nature. She knows best! When I go walking up the mountains, I always come back with a bag of pine cones. And when my family visit, they are amazed at the size of them. In each cone, you might be lucky enough to find the pine nuts, which get thrown from the cones, allowing this tree to self-propagate. It’s probably one of the main reasons the trees are so widespread. The pine nuts are edible, just like all nuts from pine trees, but they are too small to harvest as a food source. The pine leaves, or needles as they are known, are also edible, and the best way to enjoy them - and get the most nutrition from them - is to make an infusion. And here’s how: Pine Needle Infusion Pick a handful of young pine needles (the young ones are soft and a paler green). On your return home: *Wash the needles thoroughly to make sure there are no bugs or dust on them *Chop into small pieces

*Put into a warmed teapot *Pour water which has been boiled over the needles and leave to infuse for 10 minutes *Pour through a tea strainer into a cup, drink and enjoy This has more vitamin C in it than orange juice, and it also contains Vitamin A. At this time of year, with all the viruses about, this tea will give your immunity a boost. It is also a decongestant. You can also use the pine cones in barbecues, for decoration (maybe painted). An excellent gift idea for someone with a real fire is to break off each ear on the cone and dip in beeswax which has been melted in a bain marie (hot water bath), and infused with essential oil of lavender, or another oil. The cone ears are laid on greaseproof paper to dry and then bagged, a ribbon tied around and labelled. They can be thrown on the fire and will give off a lovely scent. And in an outdoor fire, the oil of lavender will help keep mosquitoes at bay. In mid-year I also gather pine resin, which is the liquid sap that oozes out of the pine trees and drips down the bark, gathering in pools at the bottom of the trunk. This is called amber, but it takes hundreds of years for this sticky resin to harden to amber.

The semi-hardened resin is a by-product of the tree and can also be burned, allowing the essential oil of the pine to escape into the air. It is just like Frankincense, which is also a resin from a plant, which has hardened. The woodpecker bird makes holes in the bark of the pine tree and the resin runs out of the holes. It is not harmful to the tree and really beneficial to the birds and other insects. However, as with most things, man gets greedy and wants more of this liquid gold. Thus, Frankincense is becoming more and more popular because of its health-giving properties, and in perfumes. So trees are sapped of their juice and drained greedily, which is not a sustainable method of harnessing this resin. I enjoy seeing these amazing trees in their natural habitat and I take a small amount of pine needles and resin (but only when it is excreted naturally). Right, I’m away to put up my very white, artificial Christmas tree. No need to decorate it as I put it away in a cupboard last year with everything still on it. I know it’s cheating … but hey ho! Merry Christmas to everyone. I am already looking forward to writing about our Canarian trees, plants and flowers in 2014.

SOW IT, GROW IT… THEN TASTE IT THIS week’s recipe is prepared especially at Christmas time as a treat for children and adults alike. Marzipan balls covered in pine nuts

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SIT BACK AND ENJOY THIS FESTIVE TREAT (Panallets de pinones) Ingredients *1 cup ground almonds *½ cup caster sugar or icing sugar *1¼ tbsp of water *1 egg white *2 cups pine nuts Method

*Blend almonds, caster sugar and water to make marzipan *Wrap in cling-film and put in fridge overnight, or buy ready-made marzipan *Heat oven to 200°C *Take marzipan out

of the fridge and roll (with the palms of your hands) into small balls *Dip the balls into lightly-whisked egg white *Roll the balls in pine nuts, ensuring they stick

*Put back into egg white and roll in hands again to make sure all are coated and ballshaped *Place balls on a baking tray lined with greaseproof paper *Bake in oven for

approx 10 minutes until slightly golden brown Pop them into petit four cases and place in a gift box as a present, or serve them after dinner with coffee. Either way, they will taste delicious!

20th December 2013 - 9th January 2014

Fun Sudoku

The rules of sudoku X are simple - just enter the numbers 1 - 9 once in each row, column and 3 x 3 square within the sudoku X puzzle grid. In addition to standard sudoku, the numbers must only occur once in each side of the ‘X’ that is marked on the grid.

1 4 5 2 7 3


Santa Trail

Santa is SAD when Christmas is over, but GLAD when Christmas comes around again! Cheer up Santa by making a path through the maze, ending with the glad Santa in the bottom right-hand corner. Alternate from SAD to GLAD by moving up and down, or side to side, but not diagonally. If you hit a SLEEPY Santa, you are going in the wrong direction!


2 1 6 9 3 7 4 9 6 3 8 7 3 6 7 9 3 9 6 8 5 And 2 normal sudokus for you aswell...

6 1 2 9

5 9 2 7 2 5 4 8 3 9 4 7 8 5 7 1 2 5 5 3 2 9 9

Christmas Crossword Elf - Toy - gift - bell - tree - star santa - comet - cupid - vixen - candY frosty - wreath - dasher - donner sleigh - dancer - chimney - blitzen rudoplh - prancer - snowman presents - reindeer

Tree Maze

Find your way from the bottom of the tree to the star at the top.


5 6 8 7 6 8 2 4 6 9 1 7 9 8 7 1 5 2



3 4 2 3 Last Issue's Answers: Brain Training: Beginner: 100 Intermediate: 16 Advanced: 9 Making you think:

The peasant said: ‘I shall be hanged!’ If the peasant was lying, he would be hanged. But that’s what the peasant was saying. So he speaks the truth. But if he speaks the truth, he would be beheaded, so then he was not speaking the truth. So it is impossible for the judge to determine whether the peasant speaks the truth or not. So therefore the judge cannot determine the penalty and sets the peasant free.

Sudoku X:


4 6 3 2 7 5 8 9 1

9 7 4 6 2 3 5 1 8

9 5 4 2 6 1 7 8 3

9 8 7 6 4 1 3 2 5

2 3 8 1 5 7 6 9 4

3 7 2 8 9 4 1 5 6

2 5 1 9 8 3 6 4 7

5 6 1 9 8 4 3 7 2

6 1 8 3 5 7 4 2 9

6 9 4 7 3 8 5 1 2

8 2 3 5 7 1 4 6 9

5 8 1 4 3 2 6 9 7

7 3 2 1 5 9 4 8 6

4 5 9 8 3 6 7 2 1

2 9 3 6 7 8 5 4 1

8 1 5 4 2 6 9 7 3

7 1 6 2 4 9 8 3 5

7 4 6 9 1 5 2 3 8

1 4 9 3 6 7 2 5 8

3 4 2 7 9 5 1 8 6

1 6 9 5 4 3 8 7 2

5 7 6 8 9 2 1 3 4

1 8 7 4 6 2 9 5 3

4 2 7 1 8 9 3 6 5

3 2 8 5 1 4 7 6 9

6 9 5 3 1 8 2 4 7

8 3 5 7 2 6 9 1 4

20th December 2013 - 9th January 2014

Page 47


How to submit your free adverts: PHONE 902 232 102 Email: Just pop in the office in Las Chafiras (next to the Golf Shop). Deadline for Free ads is Tuesdays at 4pm. Upto 500 euros only. 366 217

Property for rent (cont.)

Games chip for Nintendo Ds/Dsi/DsiXL +3Ds (in normal play mode), includes top 40 games, 20 euros. Tel: 695 808 394 Over 100 VHS video tapes (no pirates) all English films good titles and lots of Disney, free to a good home, must collect. Samsonite hard-shell case, green with combination locks, 10 euros. Samsung Smart phone choice of 2, unlocked. Hamster cage with toys, 10 euros. Good boys’ clothes, age 5-11, T-shirts, shorts, jeans, jackets, shoes. Also, good assortment ladies clothes, 10-12, 50 cents an item. Brother electric typewriter, 40 euros. Binatone big-button sim-free mobile phone, 10 euros. Modern china cabinet, quality wood with glass dome top and light, 55 euros. Playstation 1 with controller and memory card, 4 games 10 euros. Assorted suitcases, from 2-5 euros each. 4-wheel shopping bag/walking assist, 7 euros. Callao Salvaje Tel: 922 742 257 or 661 084 981 Ladies mountain bike, 21-speed, 75 euros. Gents lightweight Raleigh 21-speed mountain bike, 120 euros. Tel: 600 700 521. Matching set of 3 glass coffee tables, one rectangular and two square, 50 euros. Tel: 636 002 873 Arnova 8.4in touchscreen tablet (still boxed), 50 euros. Tel: 695 808 394

Twin 15-litre deep fat fryers. 150 euros. Tel: 642 965 747 Full butane gas bottle with regulator and security metal cupboard. 50 euros ono. Black Tasimo coffee machine with capsules, (milk, coffee, chocolate) used 3 times, 3 months old. 50 euros ono. Tel: 922 710 115 21in TV with remote control, good con. 35 euros. Silver microwave/grill, nearly new, English instructions, 40 euros. Tel 922 797 888 Ben Sayer M7 Fire, full set golf clubs plus bag, used once, 240 euros ono. Tel 922 166 104 Child’s bike, new, 5-6 year old with stabilisers, 40 euros. Large mirror, black suede frame, 20 euros. Batman crash helmet, 20 euros. Tel: 922 742 088 or 686 648 806 Campingaz hacienda gas BBQ grill and heating plate on wheels and two campingaz 907 (3kg) cylinders, one full, 80 euros. Silver gas cylinder, 35 euros. Wilson tennis racket with padded bag, hardly used, 20 euros. Wilson dual taper beam racket with padded bag, hardly used, 20 euros. Two new fishing rods 3.1m, two nets and a number of lead weights, 30 euros. Single and double blow-up bed, almost new with electric air pump, 35 euros. 5 compact plastic patio chairs, 25 euros. Beech wooden computer desk, 15 euros. Extending kitchen table, 30 euros. Surround sound system, 65 euros. Chico baby intercom, (boxed), 25 euros. Patio square table and three chairs, plastic with metal legs, 20 euros. Riding boots - sizes 31, 35 and 37, 5-7 euros a pair. Tel: 629 570 945 Single 2-drawer divan with mattress and headboard, 70 euros. Dining table, glass inset top and 6 chairs, 150 euros ono. Tel: 637 968 334 Beauty couch, vgc, ideal for a salon or someone working from home, not portable. 90 euros. Buyer to collect. Tel: 922 727 196. Ladies 7-speed bike in good condition, 70 euros. Clarke’s rotary scrubbing, polish, buffing machine, with base and 3 brushes, 280 euros. Mitsubishi heavy duty electric sewing machine, in good condition, 320 euros. Tel: 636 563 051 New 2-piece Triboard, 5mill neoprene wetsuit with carrying bag, med to large, 50 euros. Various other diving-related items like large dive knife, small bluntended knife, SMB DSMB wrist compass, open to offers. Buddy Commando stab jacket, 60 euros. Apex TX 40 regulator UK fitting with O Ring and octopus, needs servicing, 20 euros. Playa Paraiso Tel: 620 780 238 Fridge-freezer, good condition, 60 euros. Air rifle Webley tracker with telescopic sights, 100 euros. Tel: 922 785 868 or 606 343 246 Wine chiller storage cabinet. Holds up to 120 bottles, 200 euros. Wine glasses 17cl. Paris goblets, 60 available. 6 euros per dozen. Portable a/c unit, 50 euros. Tel: 922 738 445 Ipad 2 3g 16gb (boxed) mint condition, 350 euros. Samsung S3 mini (boxed) excellent phone, 175 euros. Child’s High School Musical scooter, new, pink 25.euros. Skech hand-tooled black leather case with bluetooth keyboard, 35 euros. Tel; 610 601 777 Trampoline 2.75m width, like new, 90 euros. Games for X Box: Fifa 14, 25 euros. Fifa 09, 3 euros. Fifa Street 10 euros. Assasins creed Revelations 10 euros. Gears of war 3, 10 euros. Homefront, 10 euros. Saints row 3, 10 euros. Medal of honour warfighter 10 euros. Black ops 1, 10 euros or all games bought together for 85 euros. hdmi cable for X box, 5 euros. Nintendo Wii games, X factor singalong game and microphone, 20 euros. High School Musical dance game, 3 euros. Sing star microphones for PS2 or PS3,15 euros. Playstation 2 games, High School Musical Sing it, 3 euros. Barbie Island Princess, Bratz Rock Angels and Bratz the movie, 5 euros each or 12 euros for all 3. Boy’s mountain bike to suit boy aged 8-12, 30 euros. Tel: 636 563 051

80cm satellite dish with L&B and bracket, plus Grundig Sky digi box 35 euros. Black and Decker jigsaw, 25 euros. Bosch angle grinder, 25 euros. Half-set golf clubs 5,7,9 plus wedge, including bag, 15 euros. 6 terracotta pots, large, 20 euros. De Walt drill and 3 batteries (may need replacing) 15 euros. Tel: 693 855 320 Children’s outdoor slide 50 euros. Girl’s line roller skates, adjustable, size 30-33, 15 euros. Little Einstein spaceship with 4 figures, lights and sounds, 15 euros. Mickey Mouse playhouse with figures and sounds, 20 euros. Tel: 676 812 864 2 airline approved dogs’ travelling boxes, for medium size dog, used once, 50 euros each. Tel: (0044) 779 903 5598 Lady’s bicycle, 26in wheels, 18 gears, ridden only once. 95 euros. Steam cleaner, hand-held, new (boxed), never used, with accessories. 15 euros. Tel: 652 514 951 Xbox360 guitar hero world tour disc, drums, 35 euros. Canon photo printer as new. 30 euros. 15in monitor, 10 euros. Tel: 687 362 641 Computer desk with pull-out keyboard shelf, 25 euros. Sky + box with remote, 20 euros. Tel: 661 039 095 Washing machine front & top loading 120 euros each, ironing board, 10 euros. Remote for Sky box 10 euros. Framed mirror, 20 euros. Office printer copier, scanner, 40 euros. Washing machine, 125 euros. Gas bottle, 35 euros. Small fridge, 70 euros. Playstation 2 with controller and 2 memory cards, 80 euros. Playstation 2 games, 5 euros each. Laptop charger, 10 euro. Tel: 632 483 344 Microwave and grill, 35 euros. TDT with remote, 15 euros. Ceiling fan with lamp, 25 euros. Camping gas, 20 euros. DVD player/video recorder combo remote, 45 euros. DVD player, 25 euros. VCR player, 20 euros, Butane gas bottles, 40 euros each, 3 for 110 euros. Two orange juicers, 10 euros each. Deep fat fryer, 20 euros, VCR player, 20 euros. Cordless home phone, 10 euros. Table lamp with shade, 10 euros. Computer monitor, 25 euros. Child’s car seat, 20 euros. Tel: 632 526 710 Under-counter fridge, 50 euros. Stainless-steel 4-ring electric hob, 50 euros. White microwave, 25 euros. 10 stainless-steel electric kettles, 12 euros each Chest freezer, 120 euros. 14in computer monitor, 10 euros. Mountain bike, 85 euros. Video recorders, 20 euros. Table fan, 15 euros. Computer tower, 70 euros, PC monitor, 30 euros. DVD player, 20 euros. VCR player, 25 euros. Foot bath massager, 20 euros. Playstation 2 with controller + two games, 45 euros. Microwave 25 euros. Microwave dishes, 8 euros each. Vacuum cleaner, (bagless), 20 euros. 21in TV, 30 euros. Mini oven, 20 euros. Tel: 686 336 904 Brand-new stainless-steel double sink and drainer, 350 euros. Bar stools and tall tables, 40 euros each. 8 cans and 2 stands stage lighting with controller, 495 euros. Stainless-steel hand-wash sink with foot control, 250 euros. Up to 40 stools for a bar or home, will sell in 4s, all colours, 50 euros each stool. Two electric planchers, 200 euros. Stainless-steel bottle dumps, 2m long, 495 euros. Tel: 686 828 953 Cream leather dining chairs, 200 euros for 4. Designer sofa-bed, 450 euros. Child’s single bed with mattress, wardrobe, desk and drawers, all-in-one unit, 250 euros. Tel: 648 848 185 Grey marl 3 piece suit, jacket and waistcoat, 40L and trousers, 34L, 20 euros. Timberland juumper, XL, 10 euros. Sonnetti combats, 34L, 10 euros. 18 x brand new glass candle holders and trays, 10 euros. Jane, pink and orange pregnancy sleeping/feeding cushion, also turns into cushion for baby to lay in, 20 euros. Second hand mens golf shoes, size 11, 20 euros ONO. Tel: 637 206 026 Events management level 3 course from, 300 euros including name change. Tel: 637 206 026

Front-loading washing machine, 135 euros. Top-loading washing machine, 130 euros. Can deliver. Tel: 635 911 337 Men’s leather jacket, never worn, 30 euros. 2 bedroom chairs, Queen Anne Style, 40 euros for both. 2 single beds with mattresses and covers, 30 euros each. Fluorescent strip light, 5 euros. Pro electric car polisher/buffer 15 euros. Brother electronic knitting machine KH910, ribbing attachment, table, manuals, loads of patterns, the whole package, 180 euros. Wooden framed floral upholstered chair/lounger, 20 euros. Earlex 4.5-litre steamer with many attachments, 25 euros. Buyer to collect. Tel: 665 934 280 or 662 354 391 Child’s bike from approx 5yrs, Mickey Mouse logo with training wheels. 25 euros. Genuine Panama hats, small & med, as new 25 euros each. Brass (trumpet) cornet in original case, 100 euros. Baby buggy layback type with shade, easyfold lightweight, navy blue, 25 euros. Lean mean grilling machine, large, 30 euros. Toddler’s 3-wheel pedal bike 8 euros. Baby bag, new con. with toys, 10 euros. Child/baby back carrier, with storage pockets, 20 euros. Wireless logic keyboard, as new, 10 euros. Large boiler ideal for apt or bar, wall-mounted, 20 euros. Small elec chip pan, 10 euros. Tel: 699 199 392 Black swivel office chair, 20 euros. Trama white cot with mattress, 60 euros. Prenatal baby car seat & carrier 0-13kg, 20 euros. Child’s pushchair, 5 euros. Tel: 680

Page 48

Cars wanted CARS BOUGHT FOR CASH - Offer made once seen, we will come to you. WANTED small cars to medium cars, 4 X 4’s, small vans, people carriers, runners and non runners, accident damaged, etc. ANYTHING CONSIDERED.

Call us now on 678 451 641

Cars/BIKES Audi TT 18t 2002 model ,95k,recent engine recon and new clutch. This model boasts porche brakes and drives like new 7995 euros. Tel: 639 913 349 2007 Mercedes 280SLK Silver, 3000cc V6 engine, Tiptronic gearbox, one owner from new only 50,000 Kms. Owner leaving the island. 22,000 euros, call 922 718 061

Property for SALE

4 car lock-up garage for sale Golf del Sur. Tel: 637 819 680 or 922 709 984 Property for rent 3 bed apartment in El Medano, quiet area, bathroom, lounge with balcony, kitchen, washing machine, pool, parking space, €540 monthly electric & water extra, 1 month deposit required. Call 607 371 034.

Year 2000 renault megane coupe,1.4 very good mechanically, ITV oct 2014, 1450 euros including change of ownership and taxes. Tel: 674 388 147

20th December 2013 - 9th January 2014

Classified / Service Point Blinds

Cars/BIKES (cont.)


Chiropodist Ann Malpass M.A.F.H.P. M.C.F.H.P. Qualified Chiropodist. All your foot care needs solved in the comfort of your own home/hotel. Tel 625 799 570 Elaine Watson Jones MSSCh MBChA - making happy feet between El Medano and Los Gigantes for 18 years. Tel: 608 029 790



Experienced and motivated English speaking Chef/Cook & Waitress needed for popular bar in La Caleta. N.I.E and social security number required as contracts will be given. For interview call 922 168 139

Elite Cleaning Services is an established cleaning company who can provide a professional cleaning service for Apartments, Villas and Offices. Call us today on 922 789 795 or 696 922 597.

Tenerife Island Rentals Property Management Company requires a Part Time Administrator, to deal with General Administration and Accounts duties. Candidate MUST be computer literate and be able to work on their own imitative and under pressure within a busy team environment. Spoken English & Spanish is preferred. Please send your CV to: sonya@tenerifeislandrentals. com

CLUBS & SOCIETIES An opportunity for residents & holidaymakers to meet & socialise at the Restaurante Castaùuelas, seafront, Los Cristianos near the Sunday market, 3 course meal with ½ bottle of wine for only 12 euros. To reserve call Nancy on 655 679 033. (closed after 18th December until 15th January).


Telephone: 922 736 728

A company is looking for an In House Manager, primarily for UK, but also for Scandinavian markets. Some knowledge of Fractional Sales would be an advantage. Please e-mail your CV and contact telephone number to: jobs@ Marketing Assistant required, to be involved in all aspects of Marketing Activities, assisting the Marketing Director with existing and new promotional campaigns across Europe. A background in setting up networks is preferable, and knowledge of Central/Eastern European/ Scandinavian languages is an advantage. Some travel within Europe may be involved. Please e-mail your cv and contact telephone number to:

20th December 2013 - 9th January 2014

E-mail: Computer Service Provider BT Authorised Dealer Dell Registered Partner



Antiques ALADDINS CAVE. Antiques & Vintage Goods bought & sold Tel: 922 720 493

Page 49

Service Point Construction (cont.) Garden Furniture


Health & Beauty Tel: 664 576 779


Patio Doors & Windows

Kitchens & bathrooms

Driving school Theory in English at home, collection from home for lessons. More information or email info@ SMS or Whats App on 629 135 005.


Colin Taylor – Renovations & Maintenance, Bathrooms, Kitchens, Tiling, Plumbing etc. (e.g. complete bathroom & kitchen refurbishments, including all materials & labour from under 2000 euros) Tel 661 081 843 for quotation.



Personal ServiceS Alejandra, a blond Latin girl in Los Cristianos, natural French, Greek, massages, kisses, 24 hour service, hotel-home visits, Avenida Sabandeños, behind the BP petrol station, call 650 442 665 Erika, an attractive, loving Brazilian girl in Los Cristianos, kisses, cuddles, massage, natural French, complete Greek, toys, hotel visits, in front of the Hotel Aguamar, call 655 784 373 or 654 111 670.

Patricia, a Venezuelan girl in Los Cristianos. 24 hour service for everything without limit! Hotel–Home visits. Avenida Sabandeños behind the BP garage. Call now on 610 127 223 Page 50

20th December 2013 - 9th January 2014

Service Point Personal ServiceS

Product Management


I am Natalia your professional masseurs. Every massage you need, relaxing, sensual, all on massage bed with oils & sea salts, also French, natural Greek, kisses, 24 hour service, in front of the hotel Aguamar in Los Cristianos, call 610 609 086

Removals UNIVERSAL EXPORTS S.L. PROFESSIONAL REMOVALS TO AND FROM THE U.K. Email: Transport Licence: No. 11572932 C.I.F. No. B38820395 Tel: 922 720 711

repairs Mar a Mexican girl in Los Cristianos, 24 hour service, kisses, cuddles, massage. Avenida Los Sabandeños in Los Cristianos behind the BP petrol station. Home-hotel visits. Call 660 983 631

I am a good looking girl called Patricia who is willing to give you enjoyment to the limit! You will find me in the Avenida Los Sabandeños in Los Cristianos behind the BP petrol station, 24 hour service, hotel-home visits available, call 610 127 223.

Translation Second-hand Shops

English model, showgirl, professional striptease, quality service, general entertainment. Stag night, dominatrix, fetish, luxury conditions, visits 24 hours, escort service available, 697 227 139. Eva, the girl you’ve been looking for in Las Galletas, all services, to fulfill your fantasies, call now on 669 738 298. Las Americas, natural French, Greek, massages, kisses, call 611 235 451. SISSY LOS CRISTIANOS SLIM, SEXY, DOMINATING GOODLOOKING, PRIVATE APARTMENT, CALL : 634 273 126


Furniture & Household Items bought for cash Immediate decisions

Phone Freddie 609 303 634

TENERIFE TRANSLATION SERVICES: Legally registered with over 25 years experience. Official, Medical, Notary, Wills, Utilities, Probate, Pensions, car paperwork and much more. Professionalism and confidentiality guaranteed. Transport available. Call Tracey on 666 857 991 or email on

TV and Satellite


Menny Fix, Satellite TV Tel 922 792 116 Avnd; Antonio Dominguez 18, Edif: MarOLa Local 2, Los Cristianos. EST 1994, Repairs, Maintenance and Sales.


Boiler King: All plumbing works undertaken including boiler replacements, drain clearance, swimming pool pump repair & maintenance. Tel: 680 278 579

Pool tables

20th December 2013 - 9th January 2014


Page 51


A fine year for Tenerife

By Roscoe CD TENERIFE started 2013 with an eight-match unbeaten run and until an unlucky loss at Cordoba on Sunday they were finishing with an eightmatch unbeaten run.

Cordoba’s 1-0 win may have checked their charge up the table, but it was another pleasing performance in what has been a solid year. The year’s end gives us the perfect chance to reflect on where we are, and there is no doubt that Alvaro Cervera has the side heading

Page 52

in the right direction. Aided by some shrewd Quique Medina purchases, the team remain a work in progress, who are improving and exciting. Only a handful of players who started the

goalless draw in Alcala in the final match of 2012 are still with us, let alone first-team regulars. Three of the backline will never pull on a Tenerife jersey again, while Raul Llorente

may join that club. The Alcala match did leave us with one juicy nugget for the future. I wonder how many of us really knew what was going to happen when a skinny young kid called Ayoze Perez came

on for the last 20 minutes. While Ayoze didn’t pull up any trees on his debut, 12 months on and he is, arguably, the Player of the Year. Inigo Ros, Moyano and Suso all deserve hattips, but it’s the 20-yearold striker who has stolen the hearts. Eight goals, including a double against Las Palmas, blasted him on to the national stage, and his destruction of Real Madrid’s B team changed his life. Suddenly, every scout worth his salt was watching the wonderkid. As we go to press, it looks as though a new three-year contract has been agreed and he will stay here … well, for the moment. He is not alone in making a mark this year. Javi Moyano is, perhaps, the best right-back in the league - and the kids are all right as well!

Quique Rivero, aged 21, and Bruno (23) have only missed one match, while 22-year-old keeper Roberto has hardly put a glove wrong. The senior signings have settled in. Carlos Ruiz and Aitor Sanz have been excellent, while Ricardo’s redemption after the double relegation is nearly complete. There is a belief around the clubs, and the fans are playing their part. Times are tough, but the crowds are creeping up again. There were over 17,000 for the Las Palmas victory and, if this side continue their current form, then who knows where we will be in a year? The P word is a tough ask, as the saying goes, but in a tight group, why not? The year 2014 holds hope and dreams. And the glow of a young, locally-born wonderkid to warm the cockles.

20th December 2013 - 9th January 2014


Top flight tightens up

WHILE Premier League leaders Bar 180 A have a comfortable lead, the chasing pack are embroiled in a right old ding-dong battle for some silverware. After last week’s round of fixtures, just eight points separate Palms in second place and Target Army in fifth. At La Caña Pirates, Mitch hit two maxi-

mums as Phoenix bar ran out 5-3 winners, while the Pub sent the Playboys home with a big fat zero on their score sheet. Target Army showed no mercy to Ensecan, whipping them 7-1, and Martin hit a 180 for Target Titans during a 6-2 success over Scruffy Macs. Still chasing hard towards the top of Divi-

PRemier division ResultS

sion on, are Gaffers B. They ground out a 5-3 victory over Bar 180 C via the last rubber. The match included a maximum from Gaffers player, Paul. Leaders Rood are showing no signs of letting up, however, and they duly crushed Summerlands 7-1. Naughty Nautas are doing just enough to avoid the relegation zone. They

enjoyed a welcome 6-2 win over Bar 180 B, while Barracuda Bytes also pulled away from the bottom with a 7-1 thrashing of Marilyns. Just a reminder that the highest check-out in each division is kindly being sponsored by Direct Telecom to the tune of one euro per point. That will come as music to the ears of Emerald Shamrocks’ Gary.

He smashed the previous high finish by firing in a stunning 150. Sadly, though, it came during a 6-2 defeat by Division 2 leaders Tenerife Sun. With La Caña Lancers having their free week, Picasso’s took advantage to go above them into a silverware spot by beating Pas O Nadas 6-2. Ourplace Playgirls almost recorded their

first victory of the campaign, at The Rebels. It would have been a fine result for them, only The Rebels took the trebles to tie the match at 4-4. Just round the corner, Phoenix Flights and Barracuda Hunters also enjoyed a tense battle, which ended with the hosts taking the trebles for a share of the spoils.

Division 1 ResultS

Division 2 ResultS

Amistad 1 0-8 Trap Door Barracuda Bytes 7-1 Marilyns Emerald Lounge 8-0 Chipeque Pool Bar Gaffers B 5-3 Bar 180 C Naughty Nautas 6-2 Bar 180 B Summerland 1-7 Rood

Phoenix Flights 4-4 Barracuda Hunters Picassos 6-2 Pas ‘O’ Nadas Sundowners Bar 8-0 Bar 180 D Tenerife Sun 6-2 Emerald Shamrocks The Rebels 4-4 Ourplace Playgirls

Premier Division Table

Division 1 Table

Table P W D L F A +- PTS 1 Bar 180 A 22 18 3 1 135 41 94 135 2 Palms Sports Bar 23 17 2 4 128 56 72 128 3 Phoenix Bar 23 15 6 2 122 62 60 122 4 The Pub 24 15 3 6 122 70 52 122 5 Target Army 23 14 4 5 120 64 56 120 6 Ourplace Naturals 23 8 4 11 86 98 -12 86 7 Target Titans 23 8 5 10 85 99 -14 85 8 La Caña Pirates 23 8 3 12 83 101 -18 83 9 Vikings Ensecan 23 5 5 13 77 107 -30 77 10 Gaffers A 23 3 5 15 56 128 -72 56 11 Scruffy Macs 23 1 5 17 46 138 -92 46 12 Ourplace Playboys 23 1 5 17 44 140 -96 44

Division 2 Table

Table 1 Rood 2 Gaffers B 3 Emerald Lounge 4 Chipeque Pool Bar 5 Bar 180 C 6 Trap Door 7 Bar 180 B 8 Naughty Nautas 9 Barracuda Bytes 10 Summerland 11 Marilyns 12 Amistad 1

Bar 180 A La Caña Pirates Ourplace Naturals Target Titans The Pub Vikings Ensecan

P-P 3-5 8-0 6-2 8-0 1-7

Palms Sports Bar Phoenix Bar Gaffers A Scruffy Macs Ourplace Playboys Target Army

P W D L F A +- PTS 24 18 5 1 129 63 66 129 24 15 5 4 117 75 42 117 23 13 3 7 111 73 38 111 24 12 3 9 108 84 24 108 24 8 7 9 99 93 6 99 24 7 10 7 97 95 2 97 23 9 6 8 91 93 -2 91 23 6 6 11 89 95 -6 89 23 9 6 8 87 97 -10 87 23 6 6 11 78 106 -28 78 23 4 3 16 67 117 -50 67 24 2 4 18 55 137 -82 55

Table P W D L F A +- PTS 1 Tenerife Sun 23 17 4 2 131 53 78 131 2 Emerald Shamrocks 23 16 2 5 117 67 50 117 3 Picassos 24 11 6 7 105 87 18 105 4 La Caña Lancers 23 12 6 5 104 80 24 104 5 Bar 180 D 24 10 6 8 97 95 2 97 6 Pas ‘O’ Nadas 24 11 2 11 95 97 -2 95 7 The Rebels 24 10 4 10 94 98 -4 94 8 Sundowners Bar 23 10 3 10 93 91 2 93 9 Barracuda Hunters 23 6 3 14 80 104 -24 80 10 Phoenix Flights 23 6 7 10 79 105 -26 79 11 Amistad 2 23 6 5 12 77 107 -30 77 12 Ourplace Playgirls 23 0 2 21 48 136 -88 48

Premier League preview Liverpool V Cardiff Well what a week Liverpool have had and if I was the Cardiff defence I would be playing the old hamstring injury card in training, because I wouldn’t fancy a lunchtime date with Luis Suarez. Anfield is a daunting place to go, and Liverpool could toy with the Welsh lads. Crystal Palace V Newcastle Palace have been going well under Tony Pulis who has got them organised and they are becoming difficult to play against. Newcastle are flying and they will have this marked down as three points. Fulham V Man City If this was a home tie, you would say City all the way but their away

form is patchy and Aguero is sidelined. This must give Fulham confidence. If City get their away form together they will win this league but will that start this weekend?

20th December 2013 - 9th January 2014

Man Utd V West Ham Games between these two teams have always been interesting affairs and the pressure is on for both teams. West Ham are just above the relegation places while

it’s a big festive period for Man Utd. They are 6 points off the Champions League places and the next few weeks give them a great opportunity to close the gap. Stoke V Aston Villa There is not much to choose between these two. On their day they are both good enough to take points off the big guns and a win for either would make life a little easier. But they may cancel each other out this week. Sunderland V Norwich Sunderland are still rooted to the bottom of the league however they will be full of confidence after their League Cup win over Chelsea. They looked sharp on Tuesday and while Norwich

have been quietly going about their business lately and have got themselves up into 14th place, their away form is dire. West Brom V Hull Players normally respond to the sacking of a manager, so Hull will have their work cut out in this game. West Brom’s main problem has been their inability to score goals . That must change. Hull are going along just fine and they will feel three points are achievable at the Hawthorns. Southampton V Spurs Southampton have the chance to move level on points with Spurs who have had a horror week. Tim Sherwood is in the dug out for the next few games and he has a

tough task in trying to get them back to winning ways. The Saints will feel Spurs are there for the taking. Swansea V Everton Swansea are sitting in mid table and their fans are happy with that. But they face the league’s form side and if Everton are to make the Champions League they must win here. Arsenal V Chelsea The game of the weekend and both will be looking to bounce back. Chelsea just don’t look like Chelsea and their forward line is a joke. Arsenal need to find that killer touch and finish sides off. That said they will be confident of avoiding defeat and being top of the league on Christmas Day.

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Terrace stun sad Potters

SOMETIMES, everything just comes together. That is what happened to The Suicide Squad, aka Terrace Bar A, in Amarilla Golf on Tuesday. The home side faced Phoenix Potters, who have been in decent form of late, in contrast to the Terrace boys. But before the Potters had realised what had happened, they were 11-0 down! Everything the Terrace lads hit went in, until the final frame. This was a clash of captains and Potters’ skipper Geoff nailed Adi to salvage a glimmer of pride. The Terrace team were not best pleased because the landlord had promised them a bottle of champagne if they completed the whitewash! League leaders Tenerife Hammers A got back to winning ways this week, against Palms A. These games are always tasty affairs, and this one was no different. But the Hammers were the better team on the night and saw off their rivals 9-3, with Palms captain Roscoe conceding that they were good value for the win. Gaffers A, who kept

up the pressure with a win over Exiles A in a closely-fought game, enter the festive break just a point off the lead. The gap down to third place is now 16 points, so everybody else is playing for the third spot. Phoenix Knights hold it at the minute, but they slipped up on Tuesday, losing 7-5 to in-form Inn The Pink A. It wasn’t a classic and both teams agreed a draw would have been fair. The rest of the division One matches were also close affairs, with Dreamers A beating Treehouse A and The Peacocks beating Tenerife Hammers C, both with 7-5 scorelines. In the remaining match, Toscales A secured a creditable point against Bar La Caña. Even more impressive was the fact that there were three 7-ball finishes. So hattip to La Caña’s John, plus Aidy and Steve M from Toscales. In Division Two, leaders Inn the Pink B were beaten for the first time in 2013. Palms Bar B took their proud record and the Torviscas lads are now just a point off the top spot, now occupied by James Place.

Division 2 results

Division 1 Results Exiles A Phoenix Knights Tenerife Hammers A Terrace Bar A The Peacocks The Treehouse A Toscales A

5-7 5-7 9-3 11-1 7-5 5-7 6-6

Bluebell B Exiles B Gaffers C Inn The Pink B James Place Tenerife Pool Tables Bluebell A

8-4 9-3 6-6 5-7 6-6 5-7 6-6

Toscales B Kandi 13 Terrace Bar B Palms Bar B Hoppys Bar 2JZ Gaffers B

Division 1 Table

Table P W D L F A +- PTS 1 Tenerife Hammers A 19 16 1 2 153 75 78 49 2 Gaffers A 19 15 3 1 151 77 74 48 3 Phoenix Knights 19 9 5 5 129 99 30 32 4 Bar La Cana A 19 9 3 7 112 116 -4 30 5 Phoenix Potters 18 8 5 5 106 110 -4 29 6 Exiles A 18 8 4 6 111 105 6 28 7 Dreamers A 18 7 4 7 109 107 2 25 8 Inn The Pink A 19 7 3 9 119 109 10 24 9 Palms Bar A 19 6 4 9 108 120 -12 22 10 The Peacocks 18 6 2 10 92 124 -32 20 11 Terrace Bar A 19 6 2 11 92 136 -44 20 12 The Treehouse A 17 5 4 8 97 107 -10 19 13 Tenerife Hammers C 19 5 2 12 103 125 -22 17 14 Toscales A 19 0 4 15 78 150 -72 4 They earned a battling point against Hoppys Bar and now lead, courtesy of frame difference. Hoppys were helped by a great performance from Kev, who won all three of his games. Bluebell B, fourth and not too far from the leaders, continued to put points on the board by beating Toscales B 8-4. They are being chased by Gaffers B, but their bar mates Bluebell A did them a favour by grabbing a point against Gaffers, which keeps them nicely in

JAVIER Alonso Bello is the pride of Adeje at the tender age of 15, and his star continues to rise. He has been playing for CD Tenerife juniors for the past three years, and has become the only Adeje footballer to be picked for the Canarian Under-16 squad. They are competing in a regional tournament in Madrid next weekend, and Javier is part of the 18-strong group. Javier began his fledgling career at the Adeje Municipal Football

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Gaffers A Inn The Pink A Palms Bar A Phoenix Potters Tenerife Hammers C Dreamers A Bar La Cana A

mid table. Exiles B recorded the biggest win of the night, beating Kandi 13, 9-3. Tenerife Pool Tables snatched defeat from the jaws of victory, crashing 7-5 after being 5-2 up against 2JZs. Gaffers C and Terrace Bar B drew in Las Americas. There were also a couple of preliminary matches in the Tenerife Pool Tables Cup. Next Door were too good for Shortys, while Treehouse B accounted for Dreamers B. Picasso’s and La Caña B have also made it into

Division 2 table

Table P W D L F A +- PTS 1 James Place 19 14 3 2 156 72 84 45 2 Inn The Pink B 18 14 3 1 144 72 72 45 3 Palms Bar B 18 14 2 2 151 65 86 44 4 Bluebell B 17 13 1 3 125 79 46 40 5 Gaffers B 16 12 3 1 132 60 72 39 6 Exiles B 18 11 3 4 139 77 62 36 7 2JZ 18 10 3 5 123 93 30 33 8 Kandi 13 19 10 3 6 125 103 22 33 9 Hoppys Bar 17 9 5 3 116 88 28 32 10 Bluebell A 18 8 5 5 122 94 28 29 11 Terrace Bar B 19 8 4 7 121 107 14 28 12 Tenerife Pool Tables 19 8 2 9 114 114 0 26 13 Gaffers C 19 6 6 7 119 109 10 24 14 Toscales B 19 7 2 10 106 122 -16 23 15 Bar La Cana B 17 5 1 11 86 118 -32 16 16 Treehouse B 17 5 0 12 84 120 -36 15 17 Next Door 17 4 2 11 87 117 -30 14 18 Cosy Corner A 15 4 1 10 62 118 -56 13 19 Shorty’s 17 2 1 14 77 127 -50 7 20 Dreamers B 17 2 1 14 65 139 -74 7 21 Picasso’s A 17 1 3 13 74 130 -56 6 22 Cosy Corner B 17 0 0 17 0 204 -204 0 the First Round, and the draw will be made on Sunday afternoon. The league is now on its festive break and doesn’t return to action until Tuesday, 7th January. However, don’t forget the Big Christmas Singles Tournament, sponsored by Tenerife Pool Tables this Sun-

day at the Palms Bar in Torviscas. It is open to all players registered with the league as of 1st December and is free to enter. There is a 1,000-euro prize fund with the winner scooping 500 euros. The tournament starts at 1pm sharp, so don’t be late!

Javier is on the way up

School and moved on to Club Águilas, before being spotted by Tenerife. Players from nine teams were selected by regional trainer David Sosa for the final squad to compete in the tournament. The first round of the

regional play-offs takes place in San Agustín de Guadalix, Madrid, between 27th-29th December, when the Canarian side will face teams from Madrid and Andalucía. Adeje Mayor José Miguel Rodríguez Fraga said: “We are really

proud of our young people who are achieving so much in the world of sport, as well in literature, music and science. “Young people like Javier show that dedication and commitment pay off in the end.”

20th December 2013 - 9th January 2014


20th December 2013 - 9th January 2014

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20th December 2013 - 9th January 2014

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