Cannabis by the Sea Magazine, Fall 2021

Page 31

Cannabis U. . .

Last Look

Cannabis Education.. It’s Legit!

If you are an old-school cannabis consumer, you might jokingly say that you majored in cannabis in college. But now students really can major, minor, and research cannabis. At last count, over 20 U.S. colleges and universities were offering courses in subjects as diverse as Cannabis Horticulture, Cannabis Journalism, The Science of Cannabis, and Introduction to Medicinal Cannabis. In fact, Colorado State University-Pueblo now offers a Cannabis Science Major. And Stockton University in New Jersey offers a Minor in Cannabis Studies. The University of California, Los Angeles even has an entire research institute devoted to the study of cannabis. Led by Ziva D. Cooper PhD, the UCLA Cannabis Research Initiative (CRI) is a strategic initiative out of the UCLA Jane and Terry Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior. As one of the first university programs focused on the multidisciplinary study of cannabis, their aim is to bring together experts from diverse fields to advance the understanding of the plant’s impact on body, brain, and society. In addition, there are private “institutes” like Oaksterdam and Clover Leaf University that offer cannabis education and training, too. Any way you look at it, interest in cannabis education and cannabis jobs is keen, which means we will see more students happily majoring in cannabis studies inside the classroom. CS

Fall 2021 Cannabis by the Sea


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