MORE THAN A VACATION A RENOVATION OF THE HEART by Sheryl Giesbrecht Turner To camp or not to camp? That is the question. I am not talking about 'going camping'; that is, pitching a tent, building a campfire and roasting hot dogs over an open fire. Oh yes, each of these might be something done at camp, but summer camp is much more than participating in these outdoor tasks. I am suggesting you and your family consider investing in the opportunity to send your child, junior higher, high school student or young adult to a week of summer camp. Oh, so there's no one in your family you might want to send to camp? Why not sponsor someone's child or teen? Or maybe a foster child through Royal Family Kids' Camp? Wikipedia defines summer camp as "a supervised program for children or teenagers conducted during the summer months in some countries. The traditional view of a summer camp is a woody place with hiking, canoeing, and campfires." Christian camps exist to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Their desire is that each person coming into contact through attending a week of summer camp will learn of the love and power of a life lived in Christ. A week or more at a summer camp can change someone's life for eternity. It happened to me. 12