2017 North Carolina Pregnancy Center Savings Report

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Unexpected pregnancy

can be


north carolina Pregnancy centers

$1,589,306 9,378 pursue their dreams

pr0vided services valued at

women, men, & families in 2017 so they can


Sexual Health Education valued at 13,451 students $67,257 Tia and Jay* came to the pregnancy center in a state of confusion. Tia wanted an abortion. Jay felt that abortion was the wrong choice but wanted to support Tia. When a free ultrasound revealed two babies, Tia knew she could not abort her babies. In Tia’s words: At the pregnancy center, I received plenty of information and resources that will help me along with my pregnancy. The nurse performed an ultrasound and I was able to see my babies! It was amazing! I was still worried about how I could manage such a big change, but they reassured me that I would not be alone. They would help me through this journey. I can’t thank everyone at the pregnancy center enough. If they didn’t do what they do for the community, I would not have had the support I needed. *Actual clients. Names have been changed; image for illustrative purposes only.

This report provided by

Data Notes: • The total savings are calculated based on estimate of free services and baby items given to our clients.* • Number of free pregnancy tests = Number of pregnancy tests provided X $6 (average cost for one pregnancy test). • Client sonograms = Number of sonograms performed X $250 (average cost of a sonogram). • Hours for Advocacy/social work = Number of total client visits X The mean hourly wage for social workers (according to OES May 2016 report from BLS).** * Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Employment and Wages, May 2017 (released March 30, 2018) https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes_stru.htm (The national mean hourly wage for Social Workers in local/state government is $26.52 per hour. BLS OES code 21-1029) (The national mean hourly wage for Registered Nurses is $30.08 per hour. OES code 29-1141) (The national mean hourly wage for Diagnostic Medical Sonographers is $31.62 per hour. OES code 29-2032) http://www.salvationarmyusa.org/usn/www_usn_2.nsf/vw-search/D477340FFA28755C8525 743D0049D1EF?opendocument

Helping Communities Flourish 2017 north carolina Service Report 6,455

9,378 clients

received pregnancy tests


4,519 received education

9,378 hours of casework

4,308 received supplies

118 abortion recovery

ultrasounds performed

support clients

3,046 registered nurse/

sonographer hours

north carolina Centers Saved Communities $913,468 in health services

Made Possible By


$236,915 in supplies



$119,845 in education

+ 16,392


in emotional/social support

Private Donors

* Based on data provided by 47 Care Net affiliates for the 2017 service year. Learn more at care-net.org.

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