DEAR FRIEND, You are amazing.
Now, you are probably asking yourself why I would open a letter with such a generous compliment. Well, I believe you are amazing because you have turned one of the most unpredictable and chaotic years in recent memory into an amazing year for the protection of unborn children. Through racial unrest, political unrest, and economic unrest — all against the backdrop of a global pandemic — your faithful and generous support of Care Net has led to one of our strongest years in our 46-year history. As our network of pregnancy enters faced shutdowns and lockdowns, and social unrest was creating an environment of fear and isolation for women and men at risk for abortion, you were there encouraging the people we serve through your generosity. You have grown and supported our network of affiliated pregnancy centers, which now numbers over 1,200. You have grown and supported our network of churches that are equipped with our Making Life Disciples program to serve women and men considering abortion. And you have made it possible for us to continue to educate and inspire the public about the Pro Abundant Life mission and vision that Care Net pursues for the defense of the unborn, the building of strong families, and the sharing of the gospel of Jesus Christ. And as the fiscal year closed out, we began hearing whispers of how the Supreme Court might finally have a real opportunity to overturn Roe v. Wade. This encouraging news has inspired us to redouble our efforts to ensure that our nation is “end of Roe ready”… that our centers, churches, and other partners are equipped to provide compassion, hope, and help to the many more women and men who will need a place to turn if abortion is no longer an option for them. I am prayerful and hopeful about what God has in store for us in the next year as we partner with you in this work. I am grateful to serve with you in this Pro Abundant Life mission. May God bless you daily as you serve Him faithfully,
Roland C. Warren President & CEO
OUR MISSION Acknowledging that every human life begins at conception and is worthy of protection, Care Net offers compassion, hope, and help to anyone considering abortion by presenting them with realistic alternatives and Christ-centered support through our life-affirming network of pregnancy centers, churches, organizations, and individuals.
1.946 Million
OUR VISION Care Net envisions a culture where women and men faced with pregnancy decisions are transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ and empowered to choose life for their unborn children and abundant life for their families.
BECAUSE the only source of true and lasting transformation is the Gospel, Care Net helps lead people into transformative relationships with Jesus Christ, breaking the cycle of repeat unintended pregnancies, and connecting pregnancy center clients to the local church for discipleship and long-term support.
BECAUSE 86% of abortions in the United States are among unmarried women, Care Net promotes healthy marriage as a critical factor in preventing abortions and as the optimal environment to raise children in accordance with God’s design for the family. The best way to ensure children thrive in life is when they are raised by their own, married parents.
BECAUSE the father of an unborn baby is the most influential factor in a mother’s decision to abort, we work to break the cycle of abortion by engaging the father. Positive father involvement prevents abortion, and post-birth, children with involved, responsible, and committed fathers fare far better in many important ways.
BECAUSE our culture-at-large no longer values the sanctity of human life and the sanctity of the family as God designed it, we seek to influence the culture by transforming hearts and minds so that regardless of what the laws are, abortion becomes unthinkable in our homes, churches, and communities.
BECAUSE those who have experienced the pain of abortion are often the best to minister to those currently considering abortion, Care Net seeks to equip the Church to facilitate forgiveness and healing through Christ to those suffering from past abortions. In turn, those who have experienced healthy recovery from abortion will be equipped and empowered to serve those who are currently making pregnancy decisions.
Strategic Initiative PREGNANCY DECISION LINE 1st
Pregnancy Decision Line was created to meet the “emergency need” of women and men making pregnancy decisions by offering immediate pregnancy decision coaching with trained staff. As the nation’s first national call center offering immediate assistance to those considering abortion, Pregnancy Decision Line is uniquely positioned to have a significant impact on the number of abortions in the U.S. Eight out of ten callers to PDL are actively seeking or considering abortions. Never has “emergency” care for those considering abortion been more needed than during the COVID-19 pandemic. With the shuttering of many healthcare facilities, including many pregnancy centers, Pregnancy Decision Line was inundated with calls from women and men facing unplanned pregnancies. Thankfully we were able to offer compassionate care with Christ-centered support to those reaching out for help.
Number of PDL Clients Making a Pregnancy Decision in FY21
Speaking Truth to Lies Care Net’s [printed] materials truly are life-saving! I sat with a couple last year - for 2 hours. From the moment she walked in, she made it very clear she wanted to abort. We talked, we cried, she left with the Before You Decide magazine. I went home, brokenhearted, and held my breath. A month and a half later, she called me to express gratitude for the “Great 6
Spiritual Conversations with Callers
Callers Referred to Their Local Pregnancy Center for Ongoing Conversation and Support
13% MEN 87% WOMEN
Gender of Mission Critical Clients
Those Considering Abortion Are Moved Toward a Decision for Life
Strategic Initiative
PREGNANCY CENTERS The global Covid-19 pandemic DEEPLY impacted pregnancy centers nationwide over the past year. More than 47% of Care Net affiliated pregnancy centers suspended in-person services for some time during the pandemic. Many turned to “phone only” counseling options. Those offering medical services - pregnancy testing, STD/STI testing, and ultrasounds - faced significant challenges in their services to their communities in 2021.
Clients Served in 2020
Affiliated Pregnancy Centers
Care Net has been in lock-step with our centers through it all: equipping them to meet new requirements to serve clients during a pandemic, helping them learn and implement new “telephone coaching” skills, and encouraging them to continue and increase their fundraising activities in uncertain economic times.
RESOURCES CARE NET PROVIDED TO AFFILIATES Care Net supports and equips a network of more than 1,200 life-affirming pregnancy centers across North America by providing them with the resources they need to provide compassionate care to women and men facing pregnancy decisions. From best-in-class training through our Centers of ExcellenceTM and our National Conference, to printed materials for clients visiting centers, to one-on-one consultation with Care Net staff and specialists, Care Net invests heavily in our affiliates to help them operate according to industry best practices.
magazine.” She said, “You were right, it’s not biased, it simply states facts. We even took the relationship test. I have decided not to get an abortion and just wanted to thank you.” Thank you, thank you, thank you for these beautiful, informative materials. God is using them powerfully
to speak truth to lies, and bring light to darkness. May He continue to bless the Care Net Staff and all those involved in Pro Life ministries. Executive Director at Pregnancy Care Center of New York 7
Strategic Initiative MAKING LIFE DISCIPLES 3rd
Care Net believes that “life decisions require life support,” and that the Church is God’s chosen instrument to provide long-term support and discipleship to women, men, and families. This support empowers them to choose life for their unborn children and ABUNDANT life for their families through a transformational relationship with Jesus Christ. The Making Life Disciples ministry resource was developed to equip the Church to specifically minister to those making pregnancy decisions, and to offer those in their congregations and communities the ongoing and long-term discipleship they need to realize an abundant life through Christ.
Who Coach Churches and Individuals on Implementation of Making Life Disciples Ministries
Building Bridges between Centers and Churches
2,606 ORGANIZATIONS (Churches & Pregnancy Centers) and Individuals (on Behalf of Local Churches) Have Accessed the Making Life Disciples Training Program Since 2016.
Actively Involved in Supporting and Working with Affiliated Pregnancy Centers in Their Communities
Addition People Have Viewed At Least One Making Life Disciples Training Video on Right Now Media (Subscription-Based Education Platform For Churches) 2018 - 2021
As a center director there is a lot of pressure to connect with, educate, and inspire many groups of people and church members are at the top of that list. However, this can be a daunting and time consuming task. The Making Life Disciples course works by seamlessly educating church members about abortion in their own environment alongside fellow church members. It allows for ample time for them to process and discuss the various topics 8
Strategic Initiative
INFLUENCING THE CULTURE Returning America to a culture of life will require more than simply changing laws….we must help people overturn Roe v. Wade in their hearts, making abortion unthinkable in our families, churches, and communities. Care Net is a voice of compassion and reason in the public square, advocating for the culture at large to consider the value of human life, the importance of marriage and strong families, the important role of fathers, the transformative power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and the need for long-term discipleship within the Church for those making pregnancy decisions.
Through Our Social Media Outreach
125,000 68,000
Visitors to Our Website Website Visitors Actively Engaged with Care Net by Downloading Ebooks, Taking Free, Online Courses, Using Devotions Materials, Signing a Pledge
Have Taken One of Care Net’s Free, Online Courses
in a familiar space. We recently had a local church use the curriculum and had excellent feedback from all involved! This program helped solidify a partnership with our center and the church, in addition to gaining more volunteers, monthly donors, abortion healings, and prayer partners. Following the completion of the course we were able to host the participants at
the center to show them what we do which allowed me to develop a relationship with them while knowing they had been more informed before they even set foot into our building. I am very grateful for this program and would recommend it to any church and pregnancy help center! Ashley Barhite, Nurse Manager Ohana Pregnancy Center of East Hawai’i 9
73% Contributions
87% Programs • Pregnancy Decision Line • Equipping and Serving 1,200+ affiliated pregnancy centers
13% Grants 5% Resource Sales
• Making Life Disciples church outreach and engagement • Public Education and outreach
4% Conference 2% Affiliation Fees
9% Fundraising
2% Miscellaneous
4% General and Management
Cash and cash equivalents Investments Accounts receivable Other Assets Inventory Property and equipment, net Digital media, net
$4,497,883 538,632 34,077 177,140 81,285 54,090 526,060
Total Assets
Accounts payable & accrued expenses Accrued payroll & vacation Deferred revenue Due to related organization Total Liabilities NET ASSETS
$241,569 289,817 589,431 1,750,000 2,870,817
Without donor restrictions With donor restrictions
$2,874,958 163,392
Total Liabilities & Net Assets
*From audited financial reports for fiscal year ending June 30, 2021. For full report go to
STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES* SUPPORT & REVENUE Contributions Grants Conferences Affiliation Fees Training Resource Sales Interest Royalties Investment Income Speaking honoraria Miscellaneous
$5,972,927 1,041,837 361,520 173,873 1,582 377,406 3,531 110,702 50,119 36,474
Total Support & Revenue
EXPENSES Program Services: Center Services Operation $771,841 Public Education 1,935,839 Public and center services outreach 1,531,894 Pregnancy Decision Line 334,642 Conference 528,317 Other Programs 1,841,616
Total Program Services
SUPPORTING ACTIVITIES General & Administrative Fundraising Total Supporting Activities Total Expenses Change in Net Assets Net Assets, Beginning of Year
$324,551 687,499 $1,012,050 $7,956,199 $173,772 $2,864,578
Net Assets, End of Year 10
ROLAND C. WARREN President and CEO Roland is an inspirational leader with a mind for business and a heart for Christ. His background in the corporate world, his extensive experience in nonprofit management, and his deep faith and understanding of scripture enable him to lead Care Net’s efforts to transform people with the Gospel, empowering them to choose life for their unborn children. Inspired by Roland’s vision and leadership, Care Net is leading the Pro Abundant Life movement, calling pregnancy centers, churches, organizations, and individuals to not just work to save babies, but to help families go beyond surviving to thriving. Prior to his tenure at Care Net, Roland served as president of the National Fatherhood Initiative (NFI), where he was dedicated to the mission of improving the well-being of children by increasing the proportion of children raised with involved, responsible, and committed fathers. Roland’s work at NFI uniquely prepared him to understand the dynamics of the contemporary American family, gender roles, and the tragic effects of father absence on families. His extensive work in this area led him to author Bad Dads of the Bible: 8 Mistakes Every Good Dad Can Avoid. Care Net has benefited from the strategic planning skills that Roland cultivated in his career prior to entering the nonprofit world. An alumnus of Princeton University, Roland received an MBA from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and went on to hold positions for more than two decades at IBM, PepsiCo, Goldman Sachs, and Princeton University. Roland is a sought-after national speaker at pro-life conferences and events, pregnancy center events, and church and pastoral events.
VINCENT DICARO Chief Outreach Officer
ERIN FORSYTHE Vice President of Strategic Programs
KATHRYN LOBUGLIO Vice President of Donor Relations
BOARD OF DIRECTORS TOM MASON Board Chair Retired GM & Focus on the Family Executive Atlanta, GA
KATHLEEN PATTERSON Co-Chair Professor, Regent University Norfolk, VA
Retired SVP and CMO, Interstate Batteries Plano, TX
SHAUNTI FELDHAHN Secretary Author and Speaker Atlanta, GA
BRUCE HELLEN Member Owner, Sagacity21 Derry, NH
Pastor, Greater Exodus Baptist Church; CEO People for People, Inc. Philadelphia, PA
Professor, Regent University Williamsburg, VA
DAVE MOJA Member CPA, Moja & Company, LLP Reidsville, GA
Senior Project Manager, Public Strategies, Inc. Ashburn, VA
KEVIN THERIOT Member Sr. Counsel, VP of Center for Life, Alliance Defending Freedom Phoenix, AZ
BONNIE WURZBACHER Member Forner Sr. VP The Coca-Cola Company; Former Chief Development Officer, World Vision International
Southern Pines, NC ROLAND WARREN Ex Officio
44180 Riverside Parkway, Suite 200, Lansdowne, VA 20176 800-518-7909